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what's up guys and welcome back to some more Five Nights at Freddy's killer in purple too as you guys know in the last video we bought our custom animatronic which is right here and uh we also expanded our Pizzeria we did a lot in here like a ton of customizing we added all these arcade machines in the middle this thing that thing I wish I could ride this thing imagine purple guy sitting on one of those things like getting you know thrown around but uh yeah we did a lot there's still a lot more to do though like why is ballora facing that way I don't know I'm gonna move her real quick uh let me just rotate her I don't know why she's facing that way okay there we go how'd that even happen all right we need an animatronic for here though as well um let me see who do we not have though there's still quite a bit of amitronics we don't have I have the twitch damage oh entered I don't think we have entered I don't have enough he's 15 000 yeah dang it well guess we're not gonna have internet anytime soon I did delete though wait how much do these guys the custom animatronics how much do they pay out I want to see uh it doesn't say do they not pay out at all that's such a scam going very simple if you're watching this why don't they pay and maybe they do it just doesn't say like to pay a hundred thousand dollars for an amateuring that doesn't pay out is like what I mean I guess it's like end game content I don't know but it feels like a scam dude I got scammed all right well anyways it's turning night time I do want to go customize animatronic but because it's turning nighttime we gotta survive the night shift first so I'm thinking we do that but we'll wait for that let's keep uh let's keep building the the pizzeria here which are these lined up they are so I could do another set of uh what you call arcade machines here but I need to put some we need tables so let's do that first um let's do just normal tables I don't know where to put these though because I need tables here to actually like bring the parents over here because right now they don't come over here at all so I'm thinking like let's do tables like this all the way down and try to make sure they connect well I'm gonna have to do it this way it's so hard to like see I'm like it's so dark over here actually I could put some lights down but let me just do this first I want to like line this up properly it is so hard to tell if those are lined up oh if I could stand on top of them I could tell but it doesn't let me okay hold on we're gonna we're just gonna try our best here to do this like that and then one more come on careful okay get out of the way there we go I mean it's good enough for what it is put another one here come on line this up properly there we go a little bit closer nope too close done and then we'll obviously we'll change the the tablecloths to make it look a little bit more natural all right so let's go ahead and put some chairs actually change the tablecloth first um I don't know which one really matte I like that one yeah I think this one's good it's a birthday party theme you know I think it fits in there we go and then we'll also put some chairs this will start bringing parents over here we do need one more table though it looks kind of weird with uh Missing the one here this will start bringing parents over here which I don't know how it'll work though because I think there's like a limit how many parents actually come inside the pizzeria but uh let's just hope for the best here oh no it's about to stop letting me do this all right we're gonna put all the chairs facing this way it's because I feel like it only makes sense because they're facing the animatronics like imagine how cool that'd be get to eat pizza and look at the animatronics dinner and a show like come on there's nothing better than that okay there we go I think I have like one more Table after this one yep there we go okay so for right now we're gonna leave it like that I do need some lights though wasn't there a light there's this one but I don't know if does that really do anything yeah I guess it does yeah okay sure why not I'll put a few of these then too it's like it's just very dark in this whole area here we go there we go I just feel like this is gonna start like lagging my game because like too many lights all right there we go that lights up this whole area oh my gosh yeah too bad all the lights turn off at like you know 12 o'clock or whatever but it looks good it's way brighter over here I I could change the walls back to like that you know brick wall thing but uh we'll leave it as it is for right now so there we go that's everything oh I gotta move these guys back and I gotta move like the floating animatronics but if we survive a night shift I think oh we're gonna get paid less now it's probably gonna be like 50 000 or maybe less than that where are you going goodbye you stayed here way past the closing so you know what into the dumpster oh it's 21 in there I had no idea um oh wait how much is the um the pizza thing I want to have this seven thousand okay hold on we're so close if I just delete some animatronics let's um let's delete some let's do it the smart way though I think I get paid more all right we'll delete like the extras that we have like Bonnie you can go in here oh no I can't because his ears are in the way come on I need to put them in there no it's not letting me it knows if I just delete them I don't think I get paid the same amount he's only worth like 2 500 so all I need to do is delete him all right let's just see how much I get for just deleting him it better pay back how much he's worth let's see okay yeah 1250 you can scam he was not that one I think he was 2 500 or more let me see how much is he he's 2 500 yeah so if I put him behind that you get paid the full amount what okay whatever buy this now we see what that thing looks like oh my oh my goodness holy it's shooting out pizzas where are they going though it's getting wasted all right well I mean we're definitely wasting pizza but it's fine you know you got to do what you got to do with the Freddy Fazbear establishment all right so let's go and survive this night let's wait it out let's get paid and then let's go and build our new animatronic during the next day guys we are at the end of the night just like usual sitting in a corner waiting it out and getting paid huge from uh you know surviving these animatronics now I'm thinking we're probably gonna get like I don't know 45 000. I would be happy with like 50 honestly okay or zero zero works too you know why not sure just pay me nothing not a single dime was paid today I think it did this last time I ended up getting paid like after it disappeared I'm assuming that you know let's just pretend it's at 40 000 right now fifty thousand sixty there it goes seventy eighty one hundred one million oh my God 2 million 10 million holy moly imagine that actually like this 10 million shows up that'd be incredible buy everything I wanted on this game all right let's go ahead and uh change the tablecloth while we're waiting here and that's all good let's see if the parents actually come over here I really hope they do come on fifty thousand it's at the end and how much I get paid oh 90 wait what huh does the custom animatron it has to be the custom animatronic it has to be it's got to be the customer I'm trying to pay out like 50 000. it doesn't even say that though what look it doesn't say that anywhere but it does okay I what okay well that's a that was a shocker to me I mean that's actually crazy all right let's leave let's go build another customer drop we need to we need another one fast like we did we need another one stat I need to I need to fly over there as soon as I can like right now I need another one okay yeah like that I could get like over 100K per day if I just have one more custom animatronic and then we can buy everything we want like there's nothing else which is kind of unfortunate there's nothing like that's like a million dollars you should be able to buy the giant golden Scot for like a million it just like roams around the pizzeria but he's like gigantic I don't know how he'd fit in there but that'd be kind of cool or like the giant uh version of Eleanor you know like the boss fight let me kind of quote by her and like she just roams around her Pizzeria at night I don't know like the outside of the pizzeria I don't know or like if you get it if you get chased by the police right the giant Eleanor shoots lasers at them and like defends you it's so random but it'd be kind of cool all right anyways uh custom animatronic got completely distracted and uh let's go ahead and build this thing okay so uh we need to do customization um wait where's the first one okay character select so we can either do default or endoskeleton I'm thinking let's do a default so we didn't end up I don't know they know Mango's so cool though but okay let's do this let's see what it looks like all right so in terms of the heads that we can choose we've got a lot here I got like a ton of them I'm thinking we do we do the puppet head that'd be kind of creepy whether Bonnie no so many to select and we do entered if we wanted to it sucks at like Eleanor and them aren't here I think that's like a huge missed opportunity but uh let's do where is the one I was on where is he uh we can do the puppet I'm thinking the puppet right oh yeah that's oh I like that I like that okay yeah that's cool uh torso toy chica no um oh I like that one I like that one too hold on I don't have as many options with the torso I really like either the Bonnie or wait what about toy Bonnie ooh I like either the Bonnie or the Freddy like the toy Freddy or the withered Bonnie I'm thinking we do toy Freddy for now we can always change it uh and then the upper arm I can do like oh we can build something just like crazy let's do that no let's do that right and then right upper arm we'll do that that's what matches uh left lower arm we could do I mean this one doesn't really matter let's just do that okay and then what's this pelvis uh oh wait how come I can only choose from Freddie or Funtime foxy that's random okay I guess we'll keep it as Freddy um upper leg I like the idea of like the entered Parts on it I don't know why I just think it looks cool uh let's do like full entered everything yeah there we go and then there's that left foot uh this one we can kind of have yeah let's do like mangle's foot why not left hand we'll do ooh foxy because then he has like the yeah that looks good okay we built literally a horrifying Abomination animatronic all right what else is there um Endo metal oh yeah the material okay we're not really gonna be able to see any of this so I might as well just like Max it out Endo joints might as well Max it out oh my God he is glistening never mind don't Max that out roughness Max that out uh let's just leave all the rest how it is default head what's this what oh what you can customize his cheeks that's interesting oh my gosh look at him now okay I don't want them like glowing that much though the tears you can even make the tears glow what uh that's kind of cool yeah that's kind of cool body color I don't know what they mean by this hello I don't know all right we're doing so much that I don't know what's happening all right save we need to save this one um no I wanna I wanna do a new one uh animatronic name okay uh this is that one save there we go so it's there now right yeah override now it's saved okay now if I want to load it uh that one and then that one okay yeah so load okay now if I load this one it should be yeah we could build another cool version of um a main goal though if we wanted to well let's go back okay so let's do a main goal let's just see what what can we do here so obviously we have the baby oh my that's horrifying okay that's horrifying these look awful they look so scary when you do the puppet on this thing too though which is kind of cool I don't think we need to though yeah I mean as cool as it is we can do a quick one real quick I mean let's see here so head uh Endo we could do oh what you can have two heads on it I didn't know that I did not know that we can do ennard and Freddy if we wanted to or I could do entered or uh I could do entered baby but now let's do this and then we can do wait right arm yeah we could do like the hands let's just change those like baby hands and then the other ones will do feet we'll do entered entered we'll do this one like quickly do all entered what what's happening plus as far as you can go I guess yeah all right I mean it's actually you can't well I guess it makes sense so you can't like put like stuff on those now the metal though we can do a lot with this right oh my I can make him what the heck okay that looks kind of like too random though it can make them rough looking we can make them glow if we wanted to but no that's kind of weird yeah the glowing and I don't know how I feel about that um what's this the the black I don't know what that is okay uh let's go ahead and save though this one will be that and there we go okay so we built another one it's kind of random you know threw some baby hands on there through some energy entered Parts entered head and then Freddy head and that's it okay let's go back to our Pizzeria we just have a lot of time left in the day too so if I wanted to I could keep customizing my uh Pizzeria but let's go ahead and uh get back first all right let's get out of here just crash my helicopter right at the front of Afton robotics holy almost crashed it again we should probably go pick up a little bit too but then again if we buy a little bit we won't be able to sit in the corner during the night because it's gonna show up like LOL and that might end up getting me killed so let's leave them for now we can always come back all right let's go and try to jump out perfectly why is there so many people outside uh do I have a five-star rating yet no what dude we have so much stuff in our Pizzeria like I'm surprised that we don't have a five star rating you would have thought for sure like I would have thought we had one oh what about the that's the super pizza maker ah it's doing it all right yeah it's super making those pizzas but do we have okay wait there's parents here no one's sitting over here what I don't know I don't get this like I think he has like a cap on how many parents he can come in which I don't know why because yeah I'm never gonna fill up this area I guess I could delete these I kind of have to right because they just refuse to leave this area oh I just leave the whole parent okay well we're deleting parents that's good kind of horrifying but okay goodbye I'm gonna remove all this so that they go over there I don't know what I'm gonna do with this whole section though now and they're where are they going they're going over here which I don't know why what's over here there's nothing over here why are they I don't okay I don't know I don't know we could just remove all of that and just like leave this area open I don't know what I'd put here though because right now we just have it as like an area to like run around with the animatronics but we really don't need that for this version of the game like if I play the update version then yeah we're gonna need that but for this version we really don't yeah look now they're sitting here but even even so they're Never Gonna Fill Up all these chairs okay I don't get that part like I don't know why you put a cap to this I feel like the parents should just come in and just sit down if there's a chair open you know that should out that should be how it is but maybe there's like a reason for that you get paid too much I don't know all right let's see what else we can buy though now that we have we basically have like infinite money uh the animatronics it sucks how they don't show up like what they look like like it tells you what they have but I wish it showed up like in this little picture right here of what they look like so I'm assuming this is the one that we built the last one this is the Freddy obviously which we're gonna definitely buy that one we're at 95 000 so if I just survive one night I can buy it um but we do need to buy some other stuff too we're missing some animatronics aren't we I think we have you guys fredbear's gone I guess let's buy another fredbear We're Not Gonna worry about having them on like the correct stage right now we'll fix that later on um bring money we have toy Freddy I don't think we have let me see okay we do have a toy Freddy uh Toy Bonnie do we have toy Bonnie no I have the hiccups of course watch they're gonna go away right now um it's gonna put you right here I always use the hiccups for like one second okay toy cheek I don't think we have toy chica either yeah we don't we're gonna put you right next to normal chica for right now no never mind I'm gonna put you back there uh who else do we not have I don't think we have JJ pretty sure we don't and it's so weird now we have so much money we went from being broke to having like big money I put this here I'm also be missing uh do we wait do we not have the puppet wind the music box to keep them in oh never mind let's not yeah let's not get him wait do we have withered Freddy I know we have withered chica withered Bonnie with Foxy's around here somewhere too we don't have withered Freddy where's withered foxy over here yeah let's buy a withered Freddy then might as well uh we can put you just like here why not sure um we do uploaded Bonnie with her cheek with her Fox we do Shadow Freddy is in the corner by the little area the price Corner same thing with you we have you circus baby we have um do we have Funtime foxy I don't think we do we do it's right there okay uh that's why you always gotta look Funtime Freddy we don't have right there's no oh my God we do holy when did I buy these ballora ennard no way we have entered right we do not have entered okay good you can buy him go ahead and put him right here I can't believe how much money we still have after buying all these animatronics okay uh we have twisteds we do Eleanor we have golden Freddy we don't have anymore we could buy him after though we buy our custom animatronic this is I mean we're gonna get paid what 94 000 or 90 000 for the surviving the night so we'll have quite a bit extra after we buy our custom animatronic but that's how it looks right now I mean I gotta get rid of all those posters I'm thinking we just put like these guys all over the wall because I feel like that looked better and I wish the the poster worked like this one the um this one the main celebrate poster for whatever reason is just gone which I don't understand it's just a golden Freddy Cinema poster he probably fixed that in like the newest version but um I don't know why that's how that is uh but regardless I'm gonna survive the night here and uh we'll go and start it after I survive it all right guys we have survived another night and by survived I mean sat here in this corner once again but also it's kind of weird did you guys notice there was only animatronics at that door there was none over here so I don't know what happened maybe they got they could have got stuck on something but let's see how much we get paid here so I have a feeling this is gonna be going up for quite some time if it's anything like last time I think we're going over no it can't be over a hundred thousand because I mean actually it could be we bought and I think we haven't we're gonna be really close I think it's gonna be like 97 99 hiccups once again it's gonna be like 97.99 000. it could it might be over 100 we'll see I'm hoping it is though come on over 100 over 100 keep going keep going keep going oh my we're making the big bucks now dude we are we are getting paid I think we beat the game to be honest because like making this much money it's like what else is there to do you can make custom animatronics but we can afford everything now maybe we stopped by Golden Freddy a little bit again but like it's gonna go over 100 oh my gosh go over 100 come on it's going over 100 over 100. oh my gosh 105 450 dollars holy dude imagine if the the original Night Guard like from FNAF one was getting paid 105 000 for a night people would be like okay you know what I can understand why he's there why he's working this night shift now yeah I get it now that's crazy all right let's go ahead and buy our animatronic Abomination creation here uh actually let's go ahead and save first I'm gonna go and do a new save uh 57 done okay just in case though because I always forget to save this time I'll know if I save though okay so let's go ahead and buy what is that oh my gosh what is this thing it's so horrifying looking oh my gosh that is scary I want to put them here hold on let's move these animatronics I want to put them like right here can I put him like oh no he has to be on a stage all right this stage is packed with animatronic can I fit him oh I can hold on hold on it showed it for like a second come on oh there we go what I just I just moved the whole stage whoops don't put that back okay so let's put our animatronic here oh my gosh it looks familiar like it looks like something from like a FNAF fan game but I can't place my finger on what game I'm thinking of but check that out that is our new version of the puppet it's the puppet entered Freddy Edition I don't know this is it though we did it he looks interesting that's the best way to put it I think he just looks interesting that is that's gonna call it on this video though guys I think we did it I mean we could survive a night with them but I don't know I I feel like we'll do that in the next video if you guys want to see it I don't know how long this video is going to be though because it looks like we recorded for like five minutes and then probably like 10 15. so probably like a 20 25 minute video so I think we did quite a bit though we still have a lot a lot to do though I mean like I said if you guys want to see one last video where we just you know make a bunch of custom animatronics and just get hunted by them throughout the night let me know and we'll do it but I'm in this video here I hope you guys enjoyed I'll see you guys in the next one thanks so much for watching peace out
Channel: FusionZGamer
Views: 471,103
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fnaf, fnaf killer in purple, fnaf killer in purple 2, fnaf killer in purple 2 update, five nights at freddy's, killer in purple, killer in purple 2, fnaf killer in purple fusionzgamer, fuzion z gamer, fusionzgamer
Id: Wsj5tJjvEd0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 24sec (1224 seconds)
Published: Mon May 29 2023
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