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the most popular answer wins pick the answer you think everyone else will pick but be careful if your answer doesn't give you enough points you'll drown in lava you guys are used to be used to be popular because the most popular ads is gonna win you ready to be on that storm as long as I am not used to being in lava okay all right good good yeah okay the answer with the most points moves up okay what's the first question that's the first question okay I got this oh my God you should put that in definitely uh yeah got my answer um okay this [Music] [Applause] oh got it right right oh okay oh okay you stole my answer um well I mean there's a just like the movies there's a lot to pick from um I know there's so many oh I got one I got one I don't listen to music okay wait what what oh because you spelled it wrong are you kidding me okay I need better answers I need better answers um um [Music] we're gonna go with this um oh oh oh you feel like I just saw it in the face but I'm gonna try yeah come on think outside oh come on it was the most popular what's the most popular oh lava lava oh I put fire oh what you know technically since three of us put the same answer isn't that more popular [Music] um [Applause] what what oh okay what I got I got oh wow oh this is what's a golden retriever that's exactly what it is it's a good dog I put a Chihuahua the best best little laptop yes did you actually actually I absolutely smelled it right I know how to spell angry [Music] I need a good answer better focus [Music] you know what I'll tell you what I wish I had right now um uh sure bad to me that's not a power let's see I wish I was fireproof whoa got a good answer at that time I put flight time travel time oh so I can fly away from this lava wow okay all right hi short people how are you doing today oh this thing is rigged I don't want to hear you talk about being short sorry guys what'd you say she said you were a chihuahua [Music] Ratatouille is not no because it's not a cartoon it's computer generated better be a popular one I even think Ian would be specific about that but I guess he's so right when it comes to my media intake I am very picky who still hasn't put an answer oh that's right it's sorry I'm out you gotta play the game right I got it what oh oh see told you I know what I'm talking about let's wait Song Bob oh yeah about um you missed two letters who lives in an apple under the Lakes [Laughter] I'll meet you guys spell it right this time probably not to be specific I put in Ratatouille okay great I did not put it right now okay oh no one plays that honestly it seems overrated [Music] yeah oh she went under the lava oh my head was alive too well we're not gonna see uh anyone else's answers but uh okay up there she goes here she's alive oh hi Cam okay yeah yeah um should I put Chihuahua again all right I got it I got it everyone's got one of these hey mine was only a few oh I put dog two so I got six puppies oh it may not help me guys guys guys are you okay um Zayn Zayn I think we do okay I think we're tied up [Music] oh this is a nice area yeah I think that'll ever happen here right the Shark in the Water yeah [Music] I might have to think simple because I want to say something else but I think we uh I think we all know the right answer I said but oh wow everyone said but uh yeah it seems like you made the right choice [Applause] all the water's Rising already yeah oh boy that was fine I like that shark and there's a real big fish waiting for us you just [Music] snowball [Music] okay okay [Music] um [Music] [Laughter] guys I don't I don't think she's gonna do well this game swim in Frozen oh wait a minute you swim in summer you no don't in winter [Music] was a popular answer how many people okay I guess it made this survey who took this survey something says here guys swim was tied for the top answer the biggest Berry sauce okay next question oh this one's easy oh you know it's okay it doesn't matter what it was supposed what's your favorite ice cream I forgot how to spell all right Tim I can't believe this it's spelled c-h-i-h-a oh oh there we go okay I remember husband oh of course it is oh wow vanilla was popular than chocolate oh that's a lie absolutely treason Zayn we play vanilla Minecraft again overrated I I am I'm this close to just jumping in the water guys guys what if Ratatouille is the best flavor oh no oh no oh um [Music] give me another answer it's okay Dan you can watch okay [Music] vanilla ice cream oh ew that would hurt someone a rat um you're not supposed to see the answer oh sorry this isn't what happened Family Feud what what oh you said oh ah you messed up you know what you know what that's deserved because of the whole uh swimming thing wow wow shark [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] um okay going by the dish it's made of vegetables all right you know you know how come you both are helping her and not me oh okay you know maybe it's just like um intuition that's a fruit no he oh he's actually right I mean wait no it's not potato is not a vegetable potatoes pop it's been there this whole time after you didn't notice I was busy thinking about running to me bro I was like no we noticed potatoes not a vegetable and yes tomato is a fruit it has seeds on the inside of it it's a fruit and as everyone knows fruit goes on pizza and the vegetables don't have food inside of them what you I got it I got it I have I got the best answer so quickly because I'm amazing listen if there's anyone who knows how to get rich it's me just put gold I bet you just put gold I did not just put gold can't put YouTube put YouTube put YouTube I put mine gold okay I'll Trust I don't know if you should but YouTube I said YouTube so I win boys you go to the mountain you take your pickaxe you get the gold you put it in the pants too much for you yeah you're right oh no I don't like this right yay [Music] guys bad news the area where you respawn is underwater thank you I want to go on a ride we're gonna go on a ride on the most popular answer oh okay oh oh tomato oh wait I can't say that vegetables lock it in all right got it out oh wow wait what what did you say yeah I said Apple but it's a golden apple oh at least you got one point it's still an apple didn't need to be that specific Ian it should be at least as good as Zayn's if not better I honestly like Honey Chris more to be honest [Music] let's see um wait a dog in your crush a word you could use for both of them uh uh got it I got it can I say wait can I change my answer oh no ah loyal [Laughter] he's loyal and yet bacon has more points boy yo I'm out clowns oh no no no oh okay at least some I'm up here now go down there they're little clowns I didn't want to play that game anyway I was done I was done at that point you can do around two okay all right oh okay you okay hey hey I have an idea why did you put loyal yeah yeah oh gee I wonder what would be a top answer try Facebook [Laughter] [Music] just waiting I'm waiting what oh it's okay she found a better answer anyway [Laughter] oh man those clowns are getting close and for a better View oh yeah me too I'll help you hey Alpha how's it going how's it going I am trying to stop I'm trying to help her driving riding a good answer am I blocking your arrows come on blocking sport most popular um sports ball uh Ian ball no not evil uh answer you know what I'm gonna help you out here I'm gonna help you out here over there okay okay okay I got it oh you're gonna put a bad answer okay no that's not what oh okay yeah all right once you put what is wait the attitude that is how you spell it out you don't literally put two e's in Ratatouille [Applause] you want oh my God guys I don't think she won okay all right all right um it's the best time because the carnival Splinter and the clouds are hungry it's great yeah I don't want to see the clouds again okay where where it's gonna start oh okay um [Music] um highly favored at least it's an answer I'm trying to keep it simple what was it I got a good one what did you do I said washing the dishes oh okay okay [Music] I want to say something that's probably easier okay okay feel a little bit better now oh oh plain I thought about that as well I went for the not obvious answer thank you I'm smart good for you yeah you're pretty close to be honest [Music] um uh Song Bob um don't either of you shoot me with an arrow I'm not gonna shoot you with an arrow and I got I got something okay okay well at least I could fly around now I can oh that works I mean pepperoni is shaped in holes yes I'm confused [Music] okay okay all right got it okay um yeah sure [Applause] oh unanimous no no I I'm I'm I'm going my answer oh terrifying okay guys we're getting more arrows oh yeah oh great um you know what uh I I I want to say clowns because these are terrifying that's definitely on the mind right now um um let's see I could have easily said the ones that I want to say but I'm Banning myself from saying it because it doesn't it's not there oh it's so mature of you what what were you gonna say what what what what Avengers ghost vampire and Batman what's the difference right guys I feel like we're getting real close are we all tied I think so seems pretty even a type of weather okay I don't know I don't know whether to answer your weather or to answer uh other weather uh you think let me think [Music] let me die uh okay I got one I got one I got one and this better be a good one come on uh I guess that's the weather hey we're living here yes wait but aphmau you'll you may also notice the um the roof is getting closer oh no oh no I don't want to get squished I'm Gonna Be Stopped one way or another oh wow hang on let me see if I can get her close
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 1,329,627
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau, Minecraft, Minecraft funny, Minecraft mods, Minecraft Aphmau, Aphmau pranks, Aphmau Minecraft Pranks, Aphmau Gaming, Aphmau Games, Aphmau Pranks Friends, Aphmau Playing As, Aphmau Aaron
Id: aQWYe5Ch32U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 49sec (1189 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 06 2023
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