Play With Peppa Pig | New Compilation | Kids Videos

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[Music] digging up the road it is a lovely sunny day pepper and her family are driving to the playground is everybody ready yes daddy pig then let's go we're going to the playground we're going to the playground george love going to it's a traffic jam but we need to get to the playground don't worry george the traffic is moving again stop mr bull has stopped the traffic what's the problem mr bull oh we're digging up the road there's water coming out of the ground yes that's what we're here to fix is it going to take long it will take as long as it takes george likes diggers this way mr rhino okay boss mr bull is the boss mr bird where's all that water coming from it's coming from a broken water pipe underground how are you going to fix it we dig up the road wow we turn the water off [Music] george loves cranes crane crane we take the old pipe out and put the new one in thank you for showing us your work mr bull ooh no problem bye see you later oh dear george doesn't want to leave mr ball we're going to the playground george you can play diggers and cranes in the sandpit and we'll see mr bull again on our way home [Music] pepper and her family have arrived at the playground hello everyone hello peppa edmund elephant and richard rabbit are playing in the sand pit [Applause] let's play in the sand pit is it going to take long it will take as long as it will take we have to make a hole [Music] we fill it in [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's time to go home oh dear george doesn't want to go home yet on the way home george we can see mr bull digging up the road bye everyone bye peppa [Music] pepper and george are looking forward to seeing mr bull again here we are oh mr bull is not here mr ball must have finished and gone home oh is the water pipe broken again no pepper this time it's faulty electrical cables how do you mans o'clock we dig up the road pepper and george love it when mr bull digs up the road everyone loves it when mr bull digs up the road [Music] mr fox says it is a lovely sunny day peppa is playing with her friends it's freddy fox hello everyone hello everybody come on let's cycle through the big hills good morning mr fox it's afternoon mr pig afternoon already my watch must have stopped my shop sells watches and clocks let me see what i've got in the van one grandfather clock it's a bit big good isn't it it actually comes in a set of three oh [Music] who's got the loudest bell i haven't got a bale oh but my dad will have one in the back of his van three are much better than one dad have you got a bicycle bell please how many do you want son i only want one i do them in boxes of two freddy fox now has two bicycle bells brilliant thanks dad dad gave me two bells wow what else has your dad got in his van he's got everything [Music] what shall we play now let's have a bicycle race with a big shiny cup for the winner but where can we get a cup yes where can we get a cup i'll see what i can do the best thing about having your own cement mixer is dad have you got a big shiny winners cup for our bicycle race please how important a race is it it's very important will this do well thanks dad it's scout yes it's plastic gold one winners cup is made of plastic gold wow your daddy's van really has got everything yep yeah let's race to peppa's house ready steady press this button and it just disappears and if you push this button you can play cds the friends have all finished together everyone's a winner we've only got one cup my fan has a winner's cup for everyone mr fox is there anything you don't have in your van try me have you got a banjo four or five string you won't have a tree in your van apple or pear i bet you haven't got a rocket in there boxes of five what about a chicken one chicken mr fox's van is magic it's a supervan yes it is come on freddy we'd better get home good bye everyone bye have you got a bouncy castle yep a garden shed yep i've got everything oh i've got no petrol mr fox has everything in his van except petrol hmm i need to get to the petrol station i would tell you but i haven't got a tow rope oh i've got plenty of them i'll do them in packs of five can we come along too why not daddy pig is towing mr fox's van to the petrol station [Music] granny pig's chickens peppa and george are having a sleepover at granny and grandpa's house granny pig hello my little ones bye bye see you later bye bye mummy come and see where you're going to sleep tonight this was mummy pig's room when she was a little piggy in olden times and this is the bed mommy slept on you're just like your mummy when she was little did mommy bounce on the bed of course but mommy tells us not about on the beds when mommy was a little piggy she was cheeky just like you was she yes now let's go and see grandpa pig in the garden grandpa pig hello peppa hello george come and see my carrots grandpa pig is very proud of his vegetables and here are my peas oh but best of all are my lettuces oh no my lettuces i think the birds have eaten them grandpa yes birds why didn't mr scarecrow scare them away because the birds that ate my lettuces are very stupid what's the matter grandpa pig your friends have been eating my vegetables again which friends tom dick and harry those aren't their names granny pig has chickens say hello to jemima sarah and vanessa hello and here is neville is neville a boy chicken yes peppa he's a cockerel he's the worst scratching up my vegetables neville wouldn't hurt a fly i've seen him eat flies and he ate my lettuce you don't want to eat grandpa's lettuce do you not when there's lovely corn to eat come on this way peppa george would you like to feed corn to the chickens yes please granny [Music] here you are chickens eater you've got a wendy house that's the chicken coop it's where the chickens lay their eggs eggs i can't see any eggs not now but there will be eggs soon it is bedtime for pepper and george at granny and grandpa's house have a laid their eggs yet granny maybe in the morning peppa how will we know when it's morning neville will tell us now go to sleep night night it is morning [Music] thank you for waking us up neville good morning jemima sarah and vanessa do you have any eggs for us one two three four four eggs granny now we'll have eggs for breakfast thank you jemima sarah and vanessa boiled eggs for everyone delicious granny your chickens make yummy eggs yes it's all that lovely corn they eat and my lettuces [Laughter] [Music] the fire engine mummy pig is dressed as a fireman mummy why are you dressed like that i'm going to the mummy's fire engine practice it's just a good excuse for a cup of tea in a chat well what are you doing today daddy pig i've got a very important meeting with the daddy's football team that's just a lot of grown-up boys kicking a football around we're having a barbecue as well here are mr bull mr rabbit mr pony and mr zebra oh is steady pig coming out to play come on mummy can we see the fire engine yes oh goody this is miss rabbit's fire station hello pepper and george come and see the fire engine there's a ladder for climbing a hose for squirting water and a big bell to ring [Music] now let's go up the tower and look for fires hello everyone hello peppa hello george ah who's for a nice cup of tea and a chat that sounds nice oh a telephone peppa that is the fire phone it's only to be used when there's a fire ah fire fire fire station where's the fire where's the fire can i speak to mummy pig please oh it's daddy pig daddy pig you're not supposed to ring on this phone it's only for emergencies this is an emergency i can't find the tomato ketchup anywhere daddy pig shall i light the barbecue now yes please mr rabbit do be careful with the barbecue daddy pig trust me mummy pig we daddies know all about barbecues bye maybe it needs more charcoal give it a bit of a blow put a few more fire lighters on now we just have to wait for a fire how long do we have to wait oh it could be a long time i've been waiting ages how many files have you actually put out miss rabbit uh none not one fire but you've got to be ready it's the fire phone oh can you answer it peppa it'll probably be your daddy again okay hello fire station hello peppa oh daddy it is you you're very naughty this phone is for fires only can you put miss rabbit on please there's a good girl catty wants to speak to you hello daddy pig this phone is only to be used when there's a oh dear daddy pig's barbecue he's on fire [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's miss rabbit's fire engine stand back daddies mummy dog turn on the water aye aye mummy pig the fire is out thank you for saving us miss rabbit no problem it's all part of the service the mummy's fire engine service and now that miss rabbit has kindly flooded our garden we can all jump up and down in muddy puddles i love fire engines especially when they make muddy puddles [Music] hello daddy pig speaking come on oh something's wrong with the phone you see the phone's talking nonsense hello hello that was monsieur donkey he was speaking french ah i thought as much mommy what did miss your donkey say he asked if little delphine donkey could visit us oh goody delphine donkey is peppa's very special friend from france delphine's coming to practice talking english with us we better hurry delphine's train is arriving any minute [Applause] [Music] bonjour means hello in french [Music] bonjour mr donkey my goodness is that huge case for delphine yes delphin has brought a few little things for her visit things you do not have over here cheese bread tomatoes water oh they're finn i will be back to pick you up tomorrow night where shall i put delphine's luggage in my room at the very top of the house oh and this luggage is for one night stay oh yes that is why i only pack a little bag now delphine is here to practice talking english so we must all help her yes mommy first i must say sorry i do not speak english very well you don't speak too badly you are very kind mr pig but may i ask you a question about talking english of course i'm an expert at talking ask away are english split infinitives a form of irregular verb or past pronoun oh actually it's quite late shall we set up delphine's bed mummy mummy can delvin sleep in my bed with a pillow at each end good idea peppa pepper and delphine are sleeping at each end of the same bed now children try to go to sleep you've got a busy day tomorrow delphine is visiting your playgroup wow is french for sleep well i'm not sleepy at all let's sing a little song to make her sleepy yes [Music] pretty french song has sent everyone to sleep has come to visit peppa's playgroup madame gazelle this is my french friend delphine donkey bonjour ah bonjour delphine a pretty french song last night can we teach her an english song how about the bing bong song yes sing me this bing bong song it would be good for my english okay [Music] we're playing a tune and we're singing a song with a bing and a bong and a bingo [Music] good i have learned lots of new english [Music] words grandpa pig is taking pepper and george on a boat trip polly parrot is going to uh grandpa pig have you got your mobile phone yes granny pig don't drop it in the water no granny pig is it switched on yes granny pig bye bye here is granddad dog lovely day to go sailing i would go too but my boat needs a clean i don't know why you bother cleaning that rusty boat i'm surprised it's still a float this rusty boat will still be afloat long after your old tin boat has sunk to the bottom of the river [Music] granddad dog is grandpa pig's very best friend full steam ahead goodbye i am the captain of this boat and when the captain tells you to do something you must do it aye aye captain captain holly parrott copies everything that is said george raise the flag talk raise the flag can i be the captain please okay but as captain you must wear this hat now peppa is the captain and everyone must do what she says aye aye captain peppa jump up perhaps i should be the captain again we don't want to crash into anything steering the boat can be tricky luckily i'm good at steering oh dear grandpa pig's boat has crashed into a little island grandpa we're stuck i'll ring granny pig she can get help oh grandpa pig has dropped his phone in the water granny pig speaking hello hello hello somehow we need to get a message to granny ah message to granny fly to granny good idea peppa and i can teach polly what to say grandpa pig says grandpa pig says help help help help there you see easy peasy grandpa pig says easy peasy you silly old bird you silly old bert [Music] hello polly what are you doing here uh grandpa pig says what does grandpa pig say usually old bert oh help help goodness me grandpa must need help [Music] granddad dog hello granny pig grandpa pig needs help please could you rescue him madame i would be delighted hi there do you need rescuing captain um maybe would you like my rusty old boat to rescue you yes please grandad dog catch this captain aye aye skipper granddad dog is grandpa pig's very best friend granny did polly tell you we needed help yes polly is a very clever parrot say i'm a clever parrot i'm a clever pirate [Music] it is a lovely sunny morning daddy pig is driving to work in his car breakfast time goldie mummy pig is feeding goldie the fish mommy goldie isn't eating no maybe she's not feeling very well let's phone dr hamps to the vet dr hampstead a vet speaking hello dr hamster goldie the fish is not eating and she looks sad no you better bring goldie to see me right away oh daddy took the car how do we get to the vet we can take the bus oh goody this is the bus stop the timetable says the next bus will be here at ten o'clock what time is it now ten o'clock how many tickets one mommy ticket and two little piggies and one fish please the fish goes free hold tight mr bull is waiting for the bus oh one ticket to the music shop please [Music] hello mr ball we're taking goldie to the vet oh dear feeling poorly are we goldie she can't talk she's a fish of course uh maybe she'd like to hear a tune on my tuba [Applause] it sounds funny that's why i'm going to the music shop to get it mended mrs sheep mrs cat mr zebra and madame gazelle have got on the bus oh four tickets to the supermarkets please hello madame gazelle we're taking goldie to the vet oh is goldie not well she likes you the wheels on the bus go round and round [Music] [Music] music shop bye last stop the vet the vet helps sick pets get better oh is this the sad little fish that won't eat yes watch this [Music] goldie has eaten the food oh she didn't eat at home maybe goldie was bored at home the interesting journey has cheered her up ah you have a very healthy happy fish she's lovely thank you dr hamster mummy pig peppa and george are going home on the bus mr bull is going home with his bended tuber it's as good as new [Music] madame gazelle and her friends are going home with their shopping i see goldie the fish is happy again yes it was the bus ride that made her better the fish in the bowl swims round and round [Music] hello where have you been we took cody to the vet and now she's better oh dear goldie has a cough i think we should take goldie to the vet again tomorrow i can drive you in the car no daddy we want to go on the bus it's fun okay we'll go on the bus everyone loves going over us especially goldie the fish grumpy rabbit's boat yard peppa george and granny pig are going out for a day on grandpa pig's boat oh hi there peppa and george we're ready to go sailing i'll move the boat a bit nearer careful you don't need that big stick grandpa that's a mooring post i won't hit it oh grandpa there's a big hole in your boat it's just a scratch ooh grandpa's boat is sinking quick grandpa pig jump off a captain never leaves his sinking ship grandpa pig's boat has sunk to the bottom of the river it is granddad dog oh hi there grandpa pig lovely day for a sale um yes ahoy there i'm taking my boat to the boat yard today going to get a few repairs done uh would you mind taking my boat to the boatyard too please of course where is your boat um i'm standing on it oh has it sunk well a little bit i'm surprised your boat didn't sink a long time ago what it's a better boat than that rust bucket of yours granddad dog and grandpa pig our very best friends catch this captain aye aye skipper grandad dog's truck has lifted grandpa pig's boat out of the water wow next stop the boat yard [Music] yard pepper is where broken boats get mended [Music] this is grampy rabbit's boatyard there grumpy rabbits who did that to your boat grandpa pig um someone drove it into a mooring post it went crash and made a big hole you should never let other people steer your boat grandpa pig uh yes can you mend it of course i just need to size up the damage grumpy rabbit is measuring the hole in grandpa pig's boat now i need to find something to patchy top it must be good to know how to mend a boat oh it takes years to learn how to bend a boat how long have you been mending boats yes grumpy rabbit has collected lots of scrap metal to mend boats with now this is a gold mine it's a pile of rubbish but you can make things from piles of rubbish like what like submarines wow grumpy rabbit has made a submarine out of rubbish does it actually work watch this [Music] it fills up with water so it's very good at going down but not so good at coming back up now this is what i've been looking for it's a washing machine it's the fix for grandpa pig's boat is what it is you're going to mend my boots with a bit of washing machine yes [Music] that as good as you now we test it prepare for launch amazing it floats you sound surprised yes usually they sink on the first go now we can go for our day on the river what a splendid idea this is the life out on a boat with just the sea and the sky i know a song about the sea and the sky do you want to hear it no thank you yes please i got up this morning the sea was still there so was the sky [Music] it is springtime grandpa pig has made a chocolate egg hunt is everybody ready no grandpa freddie fox isn't here hello everyone hello freddy ah hello mr fox are you staying oh wish i could i loved egg hunts when i was a little lead see you later freddy now are we ready for the egg hunt there are lots of chocolate eggs hidden in my garden you must find them easy but be careful not to step on my little plants oh it's so exciting in springtime to see these baby plants starting to grow we promise to be careful grandpa very good off you go then grandpa pig's chocolate egg hunt has begun have you got time for a cup of tea grandpa pig oh yes it will take them ages to find my eggs i've hidden them very well here's an egg pepper has found a chocolate egg in a plant pot here's another egg rebecca rabbit has found a chocolate egg hiding under a leafy bush hooray an egg for me emily elephant has found a chocolate egg in the branches of a tree i think i can smell chocolate freddy fox has a very good sense of smell freddy fox has found a chocolate egg in the middle of the bird bath grandpa we found the chocolate eggs it was really fun but it was a bit easy it wasn't easy for the little ones george richard and edmund haven't found any [Music] i eggs where the other eggs are ah edmund i think there's something behind your ear everyone has found a chocolate egg what do we do now grandpa pig ha ha you eat them of course hello children granny granny we found all the chocolate eggs well where are they i can't see any eggs they're in our tummies and round your mouths did grandpa hide the eggs well no we big ones found them easily but the little ones needed helping hmm george richard and edmund don't like to be the littlest ones don't worry they'll soon be even littler ones in the garden oh yes the little babies it's so exciting grandpa already told us about the baby plants granny but it's not that exciting we're not talking about baby plants pepper oh what are you talking about let's go and see jemima vanessa sarah and neville they're chickens yes and they have eggs too can we eat them no freddy these eggs are about to hatch oh we're just in time the baby chicks are hatching now the chicks have hatched it really is springtime let's pretend to be baby chicks [Music] b a trip to the moon it is a lovely sunny day peppa is playing with her bouncy ball george and his friend edmund elephant are playing with their space toys [Music] george is pretending that the bouncy ball is the moon i was playing with that ball edmund space toy has landed on peppa's head this looks fun are you going to the moon it's just boring space stuff for babies daddy it's not real but space is real pepper and there are real rockets that go to the moon the museum has a show all about the moon should we go and see it yay we really have to go to the moon no peppa we're not going to the moon we're going to the museum okay here is the museum hello everyone have you come to see the moon show yes miss rabbit five tickets please there you are enjoy your trip to the moon oh we really are going to the moon no peppa it's just pretend this way for our trip to the moon mr rabbit is the tour guide prepare for takeoff it's just pretend isn't it that's right peppa it's just pretend five four three two one blast off we live on a planet does anyone know what it is called the earth that's right i'm a bit of an expert at space things there are seven other planets that go around our sun does anyone know what they are called uh mercury oh well done edmund venus mars jupiter saturn neptune uranus edmund knows all about space i'm a clever clogs does anyone know what these planets are made of they're made of cardboard these models are made of cardboard but the real planets are made of rock and ice and gas but of course the moon is made of cheese no the moon is made of rock and this is a serious tour so no jokes and no giggling here we are on the moon it's a pretend moon really isn't it yes if this was the real moon you could jump over my head does anyone know why we can jump so high on the moon oh that's right edmund gravity is what keeps us on the ground it is weaker on the moon so you can jump higher we can make you feel like you're jumping on the moon with the help of science that sounds impressive how do you do that with big rubber bands everyone is strapped into mr rabbit's anti-gravity rubber bands bouncing on the pretend moon is fun say moon cheese cheese and that is the end of the tour please walk this way are there trees on the moon no are there any cars on the moon no are there any moonshots no that would be silly welcome to the moon shop we've got moon maps moon books we've even got a picture of piggies on the moon with an elephant look there we are jumping on the moon we've got moon rock too it's got a picture of the moon all the way through the middle ooh how about some real moon cheese how much is it miss rabbit five pounds please five pounds it's all for a good cause i like the moon now because it's very interesting and very tasty [Music] pottery pepper and george are playing at zoe zebra's house little zuzu and zaza are making a jungle with play clay george has made a dinosaur out of play pepper and zoey are having a doll's picnic hello mr monkey would you like a cup of tea monkey says yes what's the magic word mr monkey that means please oh we haven't got a tea set we could make a tea set out of ply clay yes george can we use a play clay please no zuzu zaza we need to make a tea set for our tea party no you can help us make it [Music] oh this teapot is too soft real tea sets aren't soft my mummy makes real pots she does pottery [Music] mommy can you help us make a tea set please with teacups and a teapot that we can put real water in okay come with me this is where mrs zebra makes her pottery let's make this tea set what's that clay all pottery starts off like that but here's soft like play clay we need it to be soft so we can shape it but later it won't be soft mummy zebra is making a little cup on the potter's wheel there one cup wow that looks easy would you like to try yes please it's all slimy making a cup on a potter's wheel is not easy there is an easier way to make a cup first we roll the clay into a long worm like this it's a wriggly worm i'm a wiggly worm i'm a little worm i made a clay what shall i make today we wrap it round and round like this it's a bit bumpy now i smooth it out with my hands and i add a handle it's a cup now we have two cups yes but a tea set needs more than two cups we'll all make cups yes diesel george has made a dinosaur george always makes dinosaurs oh what a scary dinosaur now we need to bake the tea set in a king a kiln is an oven that cooks the clay and makes it hard the tea set should be ready hooray now we paint them the children are painting the tea set lovely bright colors the tea set is finished now we can have our tea party there's a cup for everyone oh we forgot to make a teapot i know george's dinosaur can be the teapot yes let's fill it with water this is the best tea set in the world everybody knows that all the finest tea sets have a dinosaur in them [Music] talent day it is the end of another day at peppa's playgroup children tomorrow is talent day what is a talent a talent is something you like doing and you're good at i like to watch television and i'm good at it think of something we might like to see you do my talent is playing the guitar [Applause] [Music] the parents have arrived to pick up the children don't forget to think of something to do for talent day tomorrow it is bedtime for peppa and george i can't go to bed yet i haven't got a talent to show tomorrow but you have lots of talents peppa yes i can skip i can sing twinkle twinkle little star i can dance it's hard to choose one talent i am good at lots of things don't worry you can decide tomorrow okay it is talent day my talents are skipping singing and dancing i practiced them all last night i was practicing watching television last night that's not a talent madame gazelle said so what can i do then who would like to show us their talent first daddy dog i can bang a drum i can bang it louder no that was lovely danny [Applause] hey pedro pony what is your talent magic tricks um here is a glass of water it is wet and see-through ah now i will make the water disappear [Music] please close your eyes open your eyes the water has gone thank you emily elephant i'm going to play the recorder [Applause] and what is your talent rebecca i can make a special noise it only works if i go up on my tiptoes that was very good yes but what can i do candy what is your talent skipping i was going to do skipping but i can still do dancing and singing my talent is singing twinkle twinkle little star i can still do dancing suzy sheep what is your talent dancing no you can't dance oh dear dancing was peppa's last [Music] talent [Music] it is so nice that everyone has chosen a different talent to perform now who do we have left peppa i was going to skip or sing or dance but they've all been done a talent can be anything peppa but not watching television think of something you really like to do i know i've got a talent that i'm really good at i wonder what peppa's talent can be my special talents the time the best stats in the whole world is jumping up and down [Music] everyone loves jumping up and down in muddy puddles [Music] daddy pig is making vegetable soup for lunch daddy can i help thank you peppa can you clear away all these vegetable peelings okay stop pepper vegetable peelings don't go in the normal bin they go in this brown bin that's right george it's a banana skin and there are onions and carrots and all sorts of fruit and vegetable leftovers in here granny and grandpa will like these do granny and grandpa pig eat potato peelings no pepper they're for grandpa's garden they help his plants grow oh we can take these around there after lunch oh goody mommy pig pepper and george are taking the vegetable peelings over to granny and grandpa pig's house [Music] grandpa pig egg we've got a special present for you ah vegetable peelings fantastic my garden will like these they sure got done eating vegetables oh no peppa these peelings are for my compost heap what's that i'll show you here it is it's a wooden box yes peppa but it's a very clever wooden box i put these peelings in the top and then out of the bottom comes lovely rich earth called compost how does it do that is it a magic box oh no peppa i've got some little friends that give it some help well in here look ah the worms turn all the fruit and vegetables into [Music] for your compost tape what a good idea come on george let's find some more wiggly ones a wiggly worm wiggle wiggle you're a wiggly worm you're a wiggly worm how do you do i love you you're the wiggly one ah well done be a good little worm and turn it all into comp course then i can use the compost to i know i know you put a seed in the ground cover it in compost and it grows into a tree oh yes peppa and talking of trees we'd better go and help granny pig she's collecting fruit in the orchard orchard it's where you find fruit trees we've had this orchard since i was a little piggy hello granny pig candy egg are you going to help me collect some apples yes granny no their apples are too high up don't worry peppa granny and grandpa have a little trick to collect the apples everybody hold on to the tree on the count of three shake the tree as much as you can one two three can we have an apple please of course peppa mmm delicious and can you guess what we do with the apple cause that's right the apple cores go into the compost for the worms clever george and cleveland [Music] the train ride today peppa and her friends are going on a train ride mr rabbit is the station master how many tickets one two three four five six seven eight nine ten ten child tickets and one teacher ticket please now children do not lose these tickets can i see your tickets please uh i've lost my tickets oh dear pedro you must be more careful there's your ticket oh try not to lose it again here comes the train miss rabbit is the train driver here are your activity sheets the children have to spot everything that is on the activity sheet boat a signal box and a tunnel i can see trees are trees on the list ah no i can see clouds our clouds on the list no i can see granddad dog oh hi there hello [Applause] his granddad dog on the list silly peppa my granddad won't be on the list but he is sailing a boat and a boat is on the list hey the children tick the boat on their activity sheets tickets please mr rabbit has come to check everyone's ticket uh i think i've lost my ticket oh dear oh dear you know there's your ticket pedro you were sitting on it now you try not to lose it again pedro the train is going slowly uphill [Music] the train is going quickly downhill madame gazelle i feel a bit sick can i go to the front please okay pedro you can go to the front of the train hello pedro not feeling very well would you like to drive the train for a bit yes please the train was on the tracks a signal box that's on our list the children tick the signal box on their activity sheets the signal has stopped the train so that someone important could cross [Music] oh we still haven't seen a tunnel oh it's gotten dark we're in a tunnel the tunnel is the last thing on the activity sheet last stop wall change everybody off now but madame gazelle how are we going to get home oh peppa we're back where we stopped it the train has gone in a big circle tickets please um lost his ticket again um pedro can i have my hat back please there's pedro's ticket oh that's where i put it
Channel: Kids TV and Stories
Views: 1,064,517
Rating: 3.5983362 out of 5
Id: _aSxAP5GCkE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 59sec (3839 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 19 2021
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