Kids TV and Stories | Paper Aeroplanes ✈️ Peppa Pig Full Episodes

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[Music] daddy pig is getting ready to go to work good that's all the papers i need bye daddy [Music] mommy can we make something yes what would you like to make dinosaur oh george you always say dinosaur for everything let's make an aeroplane george likes aeroplanes can we make an aeroplane that flies yes all we need is some paper we know where there's paper there is lots of old paper in the work room here's some paper perfect mummy pig is going to make a paper airplane fold the paper down the middle now fold the corners in at one end fold those corners in again to make a point then fold the sides back like this paper airplanes [Music] let's see if they can fly ready steady go mummy pigs airplane has flown into a tree my turn peppa's aeroplane has landed in a flower pot your turn george [Music] george's airplane is doing a loop the loop and has landed in the duck pond let's make a big airplane we'll need a really big piece of paper here's a big piece of blue paper [Music] pepper and george have made a big blue aeroplane hello everyone shouldn't you be at work yes but i've forgotten some important papers daddy we're making aeroplanes we made a really big one wow fantastic you need someone big and strong to throw it ready steady the big blue aeroplane is flying very high and very far it just keeps on going bye-bye aeroplane oh oh bye bye now i need to find my important work papers has anyone seen any pieces of paper um uh maybe you should follow me is this one of your important papers yes that's one of them is this one of your important papers daddy yes thank you peppa uh why are we at the duck pond oh i see thank you mrs duck the only paper i'm missing now is a big blueprint hmm is it big and blue like the aeroplane you flew a long way away daddy oh um the one that we said bye bye to yes maybe i should ring the office this is daddy pig's office hello daddy pig did you find the papers i found some of them the only one we need is the big blueprint that might be a problem daddy threw it away threw it away and it flew and flew forever ah it's here it just landed on my desk hey what a great idea to make it into a paper airplane and throw it to us oh yes well i am a bit of an expert at throwing things thank you daddy pig now the blueprint is delivered daddy pig can take the rest of the day off work ah that's nice daddy we need your newspaper what for making paper airplanes [Music] [Laughter] [Music] richard rabbit comes to play peppa and george are playing in their bedroom this will be the best house ever george richard rabbit is here bye-bye richard i'll be back to pick you up later george and richard are best [Laughter] richard you've knocked my house down please play something not bouncy george has made the toy basket into a volcano richard is using toy trees to make a jungle george has used the building blocks to make a river george and richard have turned the bedroom into dinosaur land i'm leaving it's too noisy i say potato and i say potato potato potato the good thing about rainy days is we get to watch important tv programs potato potato mommy george and richard have made the bedroom into dinosaur land and dinosaur land is very noisy george has his best friend here but i've got no one to play with you could ask susie sheep to come over susie sheep is peppa's best friend can susie really come over now let's ring her [Music] hello susie sheep speaking susie it's me can you come to my house now yes peppa can i wear my nurses costume yes but come quickly [Music] [Laughter] bye bye susie i'll be back too pick you up later george richard nurse susie is here and now susie says this is not dinosaur land it's a hospital and a hospital must be clean and tidy the bedroom is not dinosaur land anymore it is a hospital i'm the important doctor [Applause] dinosaur looks sick i agree doctor he's a very greeny ill color he must go to bed and this dinosaur looks a very purpley yellow color yes doctor he must go into bed too shush quiet in the hospital the bedroom is not a hospital anymore now it is a railway station there aren't any trains and fairyland oh now the bedroom is fairyland only pretty things are allowed in fairyland what's all this crying about george and richard want to play dinosaurs and trains and we want to play hospitals and fairies hmm i see the rain has stopped outside so so maybe you could all play outside but they like little boys games and we like grown-up girls games but after it's been raining in the garden what do you normally find muddy and what [Music] whether they are big girls or little boys [Music] bubbles [Music] pepper and george are drinking orange juice what noisy little piggies george look at all the tiny bubbles [Music] i can make bigger bubbles [Music] peppa is blowing bubbles george wants to blow bubbles too [Music] george you really shouldn't play with your food sorry daddy peppa if you like bubbles why don't you play with your bubble mixture yes my bubble mixture george let's blow bubbles in the garden peppa is showing george how to blow bubbles first dip the stick in the mixture then take a big breath and blow bubble george now it's your turn dip the stick in the mixture hold it up take big breath and blow george is trying really hard but he is running out of breath george you didn't blow hard enough i know a way george can make bubbles dip the stick in the mixture then lift it up and wave it around it's even better if you run along [Laughter] pepper is having fun popping them i love bubbles [Music] oh dear the bubble mixture is all used up [Music] there's no more bubble mixture don't worry peppa i have an idea mummy pig bring me a bucket please yes daddy pig bring me some soap yes daddy pig george bring me my old tennis racket a bucket some soap a tennis racket what is daddy pig doing first i need some water then the soup and now the tennis racket please thank you now watch this [Music] wow daddy pig has made his own bubble mixture come on everyone [Music] be careful daddy pig don't slip and fall i'll be fine [Music] are you okay daddy pig yes i'm fine wow daddy pig has made the biggest bubble ever [Music] oh dear i've spilled all my bubble mixture now we can't make any more bubbles but we can play jumping in muddy puddles look daddy pig's bubble mixture has made a big muddy puddle peppa loves jumping up and down in muddy puddles look the bubble mixture has made the puddle all bubbly peppa loves jumping up and down in muddy bubbly puddles everyone loves jumping up and down in muddy bubbly puddles [Music] george's friend [Music] then let's go [Music] george is a bit too little for the roundabout he is playing on the swing [Music] [Music] can i come on the roundabout too hop on rebecca let's go really really fast richard rabbit wants to go on the roundabout too oh if richard gets on it means we can't go fast richard can play with george richard would you like to play with george no george has a dinosaur just like yours let's go and see [Music] richard rabbit is the same age as george richard wanted to see george's dinosaur dinosaur george can richard play with your dinosaur no richard can george play with your dinosaur no george and richard do not want to share their dinosaurs george it will be much more fun if you share that was really nice of george george does not like sharing richard let george hold the dinosaurs now richard does not like sharing either what's all this crying about george and richard always cry when they play together they're just too little to play properly can you two big girls teach them to play together of course we can help them make sans castles good idea let's go to the sandpit [Music] george george richard today we are going to make sandcastles first we fill the buckets with sand [Music] we turn the buckets over and give them a little tap [Music] now we lift the buckets richard has made a sandcastle hey pesto and george has made a sandcastle you see playing together is fun [Music] oh dear this game has not gone very well it was your brother's fault he broke george's sand castle your brother broke my brother's sand castle first now now you two big girls are meant to be teaching richard and george to play nicely together that's right we're big girls and george and richard's are too little to play together properly hmm i've got an idea george what's your most favorite thing in the whole playground see-saw george loves the seesaw [Laughter] [Music] it is a bit difficult to play on a seesaw on your own richard wants to play on the seesaw [Music] look george and richard are playing together [Music] george likes richard richard likes george george and richard like playing together [Music] santa's visit it is very early on christmas morning peppa and her family are staying at granny and grandpa pig's house george wake up santa's bean bubble mix and tangerines mommy daddy it's christmas hey what it's too early peppa go and say happy christmas to granny and grandpa granny grandpa all hands on deck it's christmas it's three o'clock in the morning that's santa's bean can we see if he's still here no santa's not here look the carrot drink and mince pie have gone he's only left crumbs yes santa likes a good mince pie and there are big presents under the tree i are santa fe doll can we open them now we will open the big presents after christmas lunch oh goody pepper and her family are having christmas lunch let's pull the crackers there are paper hats inside and party trumpets and jokes what wubbles in the sky i don't know a jelly copter this christmas pudding is delicious pepper and george helped me make it we did the stirring did you make a wish pepper yes i wished for don't tell us let's open the presents this one is for joe [Music] it is a racing car seat this looks a bit complicated let me see this goes here and that goes there and this goes there let's race ready steady go daddy and grandpa are enjoying playing racing cars isn't that george's present i think george is quite happy playing with the box this is your present daddy pig ah socks and i've got socks shots socks sucks so the last present must be for a doll that full and talks and closes its eyes when it goes to sleep oh birdseed that's it that present is for polly parrot but it was the last one santa has forgotten me hello can i talk to peppa please peppa it's susie sheep hello susie did you get your doll no i got mine it cries and laughs and closes its eyes and everything santa's giving you my doll no the label says for susie sheep and santa has forgotten me [Music] santa is on his way home that's the last of this year's toys delivered oh what's this at the bottom of my sack santa can't have forgotten you i have been a good piggy haven't i oh santa uh hello he came down our chimney of course he did granny here's your present peppa sorry it's a bit late my dog thank you santa would you like some christmas pudding george and i stirred it and made wishes mmm yummy and i wish that santa would visit us on christmas day and you did [Music] princess peppa it is bedtime for peppa and george good night my little piggies granny and grandpa pig have come for dinner hello hello where are peppa and george they're asleep oh but i so wanted to see them can i take a peek okay granny pig but be very quiet hello my little darlings you should be asleep tell us a story okay but only if you promise to go straight back to sleep we'll go to sleep after the story all right once upon a time there was a little boy called pedro pony and he found some magic beans oh yes now pedro planted that bean and it grew into an enormous beanstalk that went high into the sky that's right pedro climbed to the top of that beanstalk and found a horrible big giant but i don't want that i want a princess oh yes there he found a beautiful princess pepper and sir george a brave knight and a cook who makes the most delicious food ever mummy pig daddy pig and grandpa pig are waiting to eat dinner i'll go and see what's keeping granny pig what's next in the story naughty granny pig you woke the little ones we promised to sleep when the story ends grandpa i'm good at ending stories granny pig you go downstairs i won't be long there's a boy a beanstalk a beautiful princess a brave knight and a cookie makes a lovely dinner well after they ate the lovely dinner everyone fell asleep the end then they all woke up and along came a wizard a wizard yes a wizard who's going to do a big magic show ah but then granny pig mummy pig and daddy pig are still waiting to eat dinner that bedtime story doesn't seem to be working i'm the expert at telling bedtime stories i'll have them asleep in no time george back to bed the grandpa hasn't finished the story yet daddy i'll finish the story i'll be down in a minute okay there's a boy a beanstalk a castle a beautiful princess a brave knight a cook a lizard and a scary dragon and a very hungry king so they all had a big dinner and lived happily ever after the end then right i think i'd better sort this out daddy pig they're almost asleep thank you i'll take over now you have to finish the story mummy all right quickly now tell me what's happened once upon a time in olden days a long time ago mummy pig's been up there for a long time i can hear snoring at last pepper and george are asleep and then they all lived happily ever after the end peppa george shush it looks like princess pepper is the best at telling bedtime stories that's right i am [Music] [Music] is looking after pepper and george today now grandpa i will tell you how everything works this is the slide you climb up here and you slide down there and everyone takes it in turns i know what a slide is peppa i used to play on one myself when i was a little piggy did you have swings too in the olden days we had swings and climbing frames and roundabouts but my favorite was the slide it is my favorite too everyone takes it in turns to have a go on the slide [Music] naughty richard you know you have to wait your turn richard rabbit finds it hard to wait his turn oh dear it's not easy being small is it richard because richard is little i don't think he should have to wait i wouldn't change the rules if i were you grandpa pig nonsense the children understand don't you george is little and he has to wait his turn yes george is little so he shouldn't have to wait either [Music] oh dear richard and george are taking all the turns on the slide grandpa when don't we get to go on the slide don't worry peppa they won't be on it for long i'm bored of waiting me too let's play on the swing here is pedro pony on the swing hey petro can i have a go now i just want to swing a bit more but you've been on the swing for ages grandpa pig can you push me a little bit please i think it is someone else's turn now pedro but i have to go home soon oh i see that's different let me push you then but grandpa i'm bored of waiting me too and me let's play on the roundabout everyone wants to get on the roundabout too many children on the roundabout everybody off but grandpa pig i was actually here first ah then you can get back on the roundabout i need to get on too oh why is that rebecca um because it's my birthday soon oh okay all right is everybody ready yes stop there are no boys on the roundabout um now is everybody ready i'm wearing glasses can i go on please the children are making up their own rules i need to get them because i like carrots now are you all ready to go no i have to get on because i can do this [Music] here is mummy pig how are you getting on grandpa pig i'm confused these playground rules are too complicated there is only one rule grandpa pig and that is everyone waits their turn what even the little ones even the little ones what about the very old ones like grandpa even the very old ones like grandpa at the playground everyone has their turn [Music] it is a lovely sunny morning daddy pig is driving to work in his car breakfast time goldie mummy pig is feeding goldie the fish mommy goldie isn't eating no maybe she's not feeling very well let's phone dr hamster the vet dr hamster the vet speaking hello dr hamster goldie the fish is not eating and she looks sad no you better bring goldie to see me right away oh daddy took the car how do we get to that we can take the bus [Music] this is the bus stop the timetable says the next bus will be here at 10 o'clock what time is it now 10 o'clock how many tickets one mommy ticket and two little piggies and one fish please the fish goes free [Music] hold tight mr bull is waiting for the bus oh one ticket to the music shop please hello mr ball we're taking goldie to the vet oh dear feeling poorly are we goldie she can't talk she's a fish of course uh maybe she'd like to hear a tune on my tuba [Music] [Applause] it sounds funny that's why i'm going to the music shop to get it mended mrs sheep mrs cat mr zebra and madame gazelle have got on the bus for tickets to the supermarkets please hello madame gazelle we're taking goldie to the vet oh is goldie not well she likes you the wheels on the bus go round the wheels on the bus go round and round all day long supermarkets [Music] the vet helps sick pets get better oh is this the sad little fish that won't eat yes watch this [Music] goldie has eaten the food oh she didn't eat at home maybe goldie was bad at home the interesting journey has cheered her up ah you have a very healthy happy fish she's lovely thank you dr hamster mummy pig peppa and george are going home on the bus mr bull is going home with his bended tuber it's as good as new [Music] madame gazelle and her friends are going home with their shopping i see goldie the fish is happy again yes it was the bus ride that made her better the fish in the bowl swims [Music] hello where have you been we took cody to the vet and now she's better oh dear goldie has a cough i think we should take goldie to the vet again tomorrow i can drive you in the car no daddy we want to go on the bus it's fun okay we'll go on the bus everyone loves going on the bus especially goldie the fish [Music] swimming peppa and her family are at the swimming pool [Music] daddy pig is wearing his swimming costume mummy pig is wearing her swimming costume peppa is wearing her swimming costume hurry up george everyone's waiting george is wearing his swimming costume peppa george let daddy put on your armbands [Music] there george your armbands make you look very grown up now me good now we can go in the water it is george's first time at the swimming pool why don't you put just one foot into the water maybe you should try the other foot maybe george should try both feet at the same time oh good idea [Laughter] but you don't need to splash quite so much here is rebecca rabbit with her little brother richard rabbit hello rebecca hello everyone richard hold on to this float and you can practice kicking your legs george would you like to try kicking your legs very good but try not to splash big children don't splash we're very good at swimming when george and richard are older they'll be able to swim like us won't they rebecca yes oh richard has a toy watering can stop it richard oh dear richard has dropped his watering can into the pool [Music] sorry richard i can't reach it's too far down mommy i can't swim underwater even i can't swim underwater hmm please hold my glasses mommy pig [Music] hooray there you go well done daddy pig i am rather good at swimming underwater the watering can is for babies can we jump off the diving boards now sorry peppa diving boards are only for grown-ups oh cheer up you two you can watch me die silly daddy your tummy is too big nonsense i won trophies for my diving when i was younger that was quite a long time ago daddy pig it's lucky i've kept myself so fit and strong please hold my glasses mummy pig you'll get a better view if you watch me from the side please don't splash us with water daddy of course i won't splash you peppa i think i need a higher board please be careful daddy pig yes don't splash us daddy don't worry peppa [Music] don't splash us with water daddy [Music] i told you i wouldn't splash well done daddy pig no need for my towel i've got a special way of drying myself daddy pig has splashed everyone with water daddy pig sorry everyone [Laughter] [Music] mr scarecrow [Music] peppa and george are playing at granny and grandpa pig's house today [Laughter] [Music] hello grandpa pig papa hello peppa hello george grandpa what are you doing i'm making a flower garden oh these seeds will grow into beautiful flowers i drop the seeds on the ground then i cover the seeds with earth oh where have they gone the seeds have disappeared that's strange i'm sure i put some seeds here yes grandpa we saw you well they're not here now oh well i'll just have to use some more as i was saying i simply dropped the seeds on the ground a little bird is eating grandpa pig's flower seeds hi get off my seeds so that's where all my seeds went into the little bird's tummy two more little birds are eating grandpa pig's seeds oh look ah what's all this noise granny pig the birds are eating all my flower seeds so we're chasing the birds away there's no point chasing them they'll just come back again look we need a scarecrow what's a scarecrow a scarecrow is a straw man that scares birds away what a good idea granny pig i'll make one come on everyone bye bye little birds we're going to make a scarecrow this is grandpa pig's garden shed there'll be plenty of things in here to make a scarecrow first we need two sticks and some string we'll find them [Music] peppa has found some sticks george has found some string good i'll tie the sticks together to make the body granny pig has found some straw and an old sack lovely i'll put the straw in the sack to make the head now the scarecrow needs something to wear here's a bag of old clothes [Music] george has found a dress silly george mr scarecrow doesn't want to wear a dress pepper has found a coat very good [Music] george has found a hat very good george mr scarecrow needs a face that's right would you and george like to paint a face yes please [Music] george paints the eyes and nose pepper paints the mouth fantastic mr scarecrow is ready the little birds are looking for grandpa pig's flower seeds look the little birds are back don't worry peppa mr scarecrow will scare them off [Music] it worked mr scarecrow has scared the little birds away hooray good now my flower seeds will not be eaten oh grandpa the birds look very sad yes they must be hungry that's why i've brought this what's that granny it's a bird feeder grandpa may i have some seeds please come on birdies lunch time now the birdies have their own seeds to eat peppa is glad that grandpa pig's seeds will not be eaten but she is even more glad that the little birds will not be hungry [Music] rock pools [Music] peppa and george are going to the seaside with granny and grandpa pig [Music] peppa and george love the seaside oh where's the sand there isn't any sand on this beach pepper no sand but we wanted to make sand castles peppa and george love making sandcastles no no george don't be upset there are lots of exciting things to do on this rocky beach like what when the sea goes out it leaves little pools of water in amongst the rocks they're called rock pools and in every rock pool there's something special that the sea is left behind oh i can see something glittering it's a coin wow maybe it's a pirate's treasure [Music] let's make a collection of all the things we find yes we'll put them in george's bucket what surprise is waking in this pool there's nothing special in this one oh there's always something peppa look closer there is something yes it's a crab ah the crab is pinching grandpa pig's finger oh watch naughty mr crab [Music] look george mr crab is walking sideways george is pretending to be a crab pepper wants to be a crap too we're naughty crabs pinch pinch pinch pinch pinch pink there are two naughty crabs trying to pinch me [Music] you naughty crabs go back to your little rock pools yes let's look in more rock pools what can you see a sea shell can you hear the sea in it what do you mean if you put a shell to your ear you can hear the sea [Music] wow i can hear the sea i loved my seashell george can you find a seashell too that's not a shell oh peppa's right that's not a shell george has found a fossil what's a fossil a fossil is the remains of an animal that lived long ago when there were dinosaurs dinosaur [Music] rock pools are such fun yes they're fun for us but not for this little fish a fish where oh poor little fish she's trapped oh oh the little fish says she wants to go back to the sea maybe you could use your bucket to rescue her yes peppa is rescuing the little fish in her bucket don't worry mrs fish you'll soon be back with your friends bye bye mrs fish bye bye [Music] i love rock pools [Music] the biggest muddy puddle in the world it is bedtime for peppa and george there's so much rain that means there will be puddles to jump in tomorrow oh goody you can never have too much rain it is morning [Music] oh hello mrs duck what are you doing here wow the rain has made a flood our house is a desert island who put all this water here how will we get our food daddy we'll have to swim to the shops uh grandpa pig has arrived on his boat ahoy there wonderful boating weather um yes we're sailing to the shops do you need anything yes please can you get us some tomatoes and spaghetti and spaghetti polly parrot copies everything that is said polly can be our shopping list who's a clever parrot who's a clever parrot can we come too please hop aboard [Music] look there's susie sheep's house we're going to the shops do you need anything mommy do we need anything from the shops yes we need food for dinner chocolate please chocolate [Applause] hello danny hello peppa i'm helping my grandad we're rescuing people great weather for it do you need anything from the shops uh maybe a newspaper and a comic newspaper call me grandpa what's that stick thing in the water ah submarine action stations ahoy there me hearties it's grumpy rabbit in his submarine lovely day to go sailing with just the sea and the sky the stories i could tell do you need any shopping oh yes uh cheese please cheers grandpa pig's boat has arrived at the supermarket hello it's very quiet today you're my first customers maybe it's because of the flood silly isn't it a little bit of rain and everyone stays at home what can i get you polly has a list who's a clever parrot who's a clever parrot oh dear polly has forgotten the list luckily i remember what everyone wants cheese thank you pepper you're a good newspaper and comic thanks it was lucky peppa was going to the shops or we'd have nothing for dinner here's your chocolates now we can have our dinner mummy [Music] peppa and george have arrived back home it is their bedtime it is morning the water has gone but left a big muddy puddle [Music] this is the biggest muddy puddle in the world [Music] who wants to go and see father christmas are we going to the north pole not quite that far peppa but father christmas lives at the north pole lucky for us he's got a grotto at the christmas fair peppa and george have come to visit santa's grotto hello everyone hello all aboard the elf train susie what are you asking father christmas for i don't know what are you asking for i would like a dog that walks and talks and closes its eyes when it goes to sleep i'll ask for that too how does father christmas remember what toys everybody wants he makes a list his sleigh must be very fast to go around the whole world in one night it's a super sleigh father christmas is really old he's hundreds of years old even older than my daddy santa's grotto oh have you all been good yes have you all kept your bedrooms tidy yes have you oh of course now come and tell me what you'd like for christmas can i have a football please a xylophone tiddlywinks a magic sets please racing car bouncy ball boing boing a twain please a toy train not a toy train a real train one i can drive with real passengers oh i'll see what i can do is that everyone we haven't seen you yet i am sorry what is your name i'm peppa pig we've met before oh yes nice to see you again peppa what would you like for christmas i would like a doll that walks and talks and closes its eyes when it goes to sleep please um the same for me please very good you do know where i live don't you oh yes how old are you i'm hundreds of years old i told you goodbye for christmas don't forget to leave me a minced pie i need a drink we know and a carrot for the reindeer pepper and her family are driving back from the christmas fair daddy why have we got our bags in the car we're spending christmas a granny and grandpa's house but father christmas won't know where we are don't worry peppa father christmas knows everything [Music] granny pig it's merely christmas yes and i've got a very important job for you stir the christmas pudding and make a wish pepper and george are making a wish racing car oh don't tell me what it is here's the mince pie and a drink for father christmas who can that be at this time of night we're not buying anything [Music] oh merry christmas it is bedtime for peppa and george this used to be my bedroom when i was a little piggy father christmas knows where granny and grandpa live doesn't he oh yes he's been here many times before good night peppa good night george peppa and george have fallen asleep when they wake up it will be christmas day [Music] donkey [Music] hello daddy pig speaking come on oh something's wrong with the phone you see he was speaking french i thought as much mommy what did miss your donkey say he asked if little delphine donkey could visit us oh goody delphine donkey is peppa's very special friend from france delphine's coming to practice talking english with us we better hurry delphine's train is arriving any minute [Music] my goodness is that huge case for delphine yes delphine has brought a few little things for her visit things you do not have over here cheese bread tomatoes water oh i will be back to pick you up tomorrow night where shall i put delphine's luggage in my room at the very top of the house and this luggage is for one night stay oh yes that is why i only pack a little bag now delphine is here to practice talking english so we must all help her yes mommy first i must say sorry i do not speak english very well you don't speak too badly you are very kind mr pig but may i ask you a question about talking english of course i'm an expert at talking ask away are english split infinitives a form of irregular verb or past pronoun oh actually it's quite late shall we set up delphine's bed mummy mummy can delvin sleep in my bed with a pillow at each end good idea peppa peppa and delphine are sleeping at each end of the same bed now children try to go to sleep you've got a busy day tomorrow delphine is visiting your play group wow is french for sleep well i'm not sleepy at all let's sing a little song to make her sleepy yes [Music] pretty french song has sent everyone to sleep [Music] delphine has come to visit peppa's playgroup madame gazelle this is my french friend delphine donkey bonjour ah bonjour delphine delphine sang a pretty french song last night can we teach her an english song how about the bing bong song yes sing me this bing bong song it would be good for my english okay [Music] we're playing our tune and we're singing a song [Music] ping pong [Music] good i have learned lots of new english words bing bong bingley bangla boom [Music] [Music]
Channel: Playtime With Peppa
Views: 7,535,610
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pig cartoon episodes, cartoons, peppas, peppa pig clips, Peppa's, clips, funny, Mandy Mouse, cartoon, familyÊ, fun, peppa pig, peppa pig compilations, adventure, clip, peppa full episodes, peppa, peppa pig full episode, compilation, peppa pig toys
Id: bN7TOk-K_Ys
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 59sec (3839 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 03 2019
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