Peppa Pig Full Episodes 🎄Christmas Special ❄️Cold Winter Day ❄️ Cartoons for Children

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[Music] coal's wind today it is very cold today peppa and George are wearing their cigars coats mittens and boots in the wintertime the trees lose their leaves peppa and George have found a muddy puddle pepper and George love jumping up and down in muddy puddles it is so cold the puddle has turned to ice it is very slippery here a mummy pig and Daddy pig oh good a muddy puddle daddy pig loves jumping in muddy puddles stop that was close lucky I've got such a good sense of balance I see today we can't jump in then never mind let's beat some bread to the Ducks the Ducks like bread it is so cold the pond has frozen to ice the ice is very slippery [Music] it is starting to snow George has caught a snowflake has caught a snowflake here is Suzy sheep on her toboggan shall we climb up the big hill and watch the tobogganing oh dear George has slipped on the hinge or does not think it is funny it's quite easy to slip on the hill maybe I should carry all right just be careful you don't slip over daddy pig don't worry mommy pig remember I've got an excellent sense of balance [Music] all right yes Ready Steady [Music] here we are the top of the big hill do be careful you don't slip daddy pig I'm not going to sleep [Applause] [Music] peppa and George are the winners my daddy makes a very good toboggan it's not funny it is a bit funny daddy pig hmm I suppose it is quite funny [Music] this is granddad dogs garage here a peppa and her family in their car what can we do for you today we've got petrol air for tires and a new automatic car wash two ice lollies please Oh certainly granddad dogs garage sells lots of things even ice lollies loves us too don't you oh dear the car has stopped it's no good it won't start I know I'll ring granddad dog [Music] granddad dog speaking help our car has broken down daddy we've got some rescuing to do granddad dog knows everything about cars hmm is it serious no you've just run out of petrol what can we do there's plenty of petrol and my garage I'll tow you there granddad dog is towing Peppa's car back to his garage [Music] granddad dog is filling Peppa's car with petrol Thank You granddad dog here is Suzy sheep and her mummy in their car dog rescued us wow that's exciting all the air has gone out of the tire well granddad dog have to rescue us I think so granddad dog speaking I see don't panic mummy sheep I'm on my way [Music] granddad dog is filling the tire with air Thank You granddad dog you're a granny Pig and Grandpa hello grandpa pig would you like some petrol oh yeah no thanks I want to try out your new car wash certainly it's run by a computer first soapy water [Music] function oh dear the computer has broken and grandpa pigs car is stuck do something granddad dog oh I don't know how to mend computers my daddy mended our computer at home well I didn't really lend the computer I just cords then this is a job for daddy pig maybe if I just switch it off and then switch it on again daddy pig has mended the car wash today it is raining a little bit George put your rain clothes on when it rains peppa and George must wear their rain clothes George does not like wearing his rain hat George you must keep your hat on why because you must keep dry why because you might catch a cold why George do you want to play in the garden then keep your hat on going to jump in muddy puddles George does not want to wear his rain [Music] come inside the rains to heavy to play Oh George where's your hat George has caught a cold oh poor little George you don't sound well don't worry I ring dr. brown bear dr. brown bear speaking I see put George to bed and I'll be straight round thank you dr. brown bear goodbye Oh George be taken to hospital and give the medicine no judge just has to go to bed poor George let's get you straight to bed George you have to stay in bed for a bit George does not want to stay in bed see George you have to stay in bed until you are better why because you have to keep warm because dr. brown bear says so hello where's my patient open wide and say ah George is a little bit worried hmm pepper you're big and brave can you show George how to save ah hmm George has caught a cold does George need medicine no but he can have some nice warm milk at bedtime to help him sleep thank you dr. brown bear you're welcome goodbye [Music] George has been in bed all day now it is Peppa's bedtime George you better watch it George is not better George please don't sneeze so loudly this is impossible George here's some nice warm milk to help you sleep the warm milk makes George feel very very sleepy good morning George has slept very well George is better come on everyone it's a lovely sunny day George is wearing his rain hat he doesn't want to catch another cold Oh George you don't need to wear your hat why because it's hot and sunny why George can you stop saying why all the time why [Music] [Music] the long grass have enjoyed a plank in the garden the grass has not been cut for a while it has grown very long pepper and George cannot see each other George loved playing in the long grass [Music] daddy pig is going to read his newspaper what a nice day for doing nothing daddy pig loves doing nothing oh goodness me daddy pig we've let the garden get a bit out of control what do you mean mummy pig the grass it's cutting the ball is lost in the long grass now we'll never find it hmmm maybe it is time to cut the grass yes daddy pig I'll get the lawnmower I'm sure it's here somewhere here it is daddy pig has found the lawnmower it's a bit old and rusty nonsense it'll have the grass cut in no time rusty maybe I should phone grandpa pig and ask if we can borrow his lawnmower there's no need to phone grandpa I just need to push a bit harder daddy pig's lawnmower is not very good I know let's phone grandpa hello grandpa pig speaking hello grandpa pig could you help us cut some very long grass oh ha ha certainly I'll be over right away bye I think this is a job for Betsey grandpa pig is driving his motor mower over to Peppa's house hello everyone I hear there's some grass that needs cutting and it's just a bit too long for my lawnmower don't worry Betsy we'll have it done in no time [Music] she certainly is can we ride on Betsy of course you can hop aboard [Music] we'll have this grass cut in no time no tight here we go let's see is very good at cutting grass and thank you for cutting the grass cutting grass is easy Betsy now we can play with our spotty ball the ball bounces very well on the short grass to you George and George are painting today we need some old newspaper to put on the table yes daddy pig is reading his newspaper you can have my newspaper when I finished reading he loves painting his hands can I have a potato mummy pig they aren't cooked yet daddy pig are you hungry daddy I'm not going to eat it watch this what is daddy pig doing now who can tell me what this is I loved painting when I was a young biggy now where are my old painting this is my bear eh it puts me in the mood for painting pictures now what shall I paint well chosen George I'll paint the old cherry tree it's an easel pepper it holds my canvas it's a bit like paper for very social paintings no pepper these are special paints for grownup artists there what color shall we begin with red pepper but first we need to paint the sky look what color is it now for the cherry tree we need green for the leaves never mind if we mix blue paint with yellow paint we can make group mixing blue and yellow makes green [Music] we can make brown we'll mix the green and the red mixing green and red-faced brown daddy pig paints the tree trunk and the branches yes Peppa put your finger in the paint and dab it onto the tree well done now it's George's turn [Music] George the painting is finished Oh No the Ducks have made paint footprints all over the painting oh dear what was all that noise let me see the Ducks are making pink footprints in the garden just like the ones on the painting daddy's painting isn't spoiled pepper it's perfect oh yes I am a bit of an expert at painting [Music] [Music] and Georgia going to the playground today should we drive to the playground no let's walk look it's just over there the playground is quite close okay where has the sky gone don't worry Peppa it's just fog oh what's folk fog is a cloud that is on the ground instead of in the sky oh it's very thick fog I can't see a thing hmm maybe we should go back home yes we'll go to the playground another day oh it is too foggy to find the playground so peppa and George have to go back home no which way is home oh we lost daddy pig don't worry I know exactly where we are oh this way who put that tree there daddy pig has walked into a tree are you okay daddy pig yes I find this way [Music] daddy pig do you know where you're going yes of course I do I don't think we'll ever find our house again I'm sure we will pepper we're lost too we are not lost I know exactly where we are see you later ducks good luck finding your pond daddy pig has found the duck pond yes what a stroke of luck mrs. duck says thank you you're most welcome mrs. duck now let's find our house I'm sure it's this way did you hear something yes I thought I heard someone say hello it's mummy rabbit with Rebecca and Richard hello Peppa will lost hello Rebecca we lost too we wanted to go to the playground so did we but it's too foggy to get there come on everyone back to our house until the fog clears daddy pig do you know where you're going yes of course I do this way [Music] I found our little Hill will soon be home Oh house should be just about yeah Oh daddy pig has found a ladder oh that's strange we don't have a ladder in our garden goodness me can you see where we are daddy pig yes I can daddy where are we why don't you have a look okay I can see everything again the fog is going away well that's lucky but I thought we were trying to get home so did I maybe we did get a bit lost after all [Laughter] [Music] peppa and her family are going ice-skating today George has never been ice skating before you won't be very good at ice skating so just do what I do ha ha I'm sure we'll all be very good yes first we need some skates at the ice rink everyone wears skates hello miss rabbit hello mummy pig we'd like to hire some skates please there you go thank you happy skating here are Suzy sheep mr. rabbit Danny dog Zoe zebra candy cat Emily elephants and Pedro Super's friends can I skate very well Peppa once twice Kate - I'm sure I can I don't you are skating anymore don't worry Peppa everyone falls over when they ice skate even I fall over watch this George would you like to skate no George never ice skated before and he is a bit worried I'll look after George while you teach Peppa how to skate skating is easy pepper just push with your feet and glide push push slide [Music] [Music] pepper is doing really well yes I'm a very good teacher slow down pepper you'll bump into someone [Music] oh dear I forgot to teach pepper how to stop mummy pig taught you how to skate but I told you how to fall over yes I'm very good at falling over do you skate too none Oh George it's fun I'll teach you a surprise George can skate beautiful [Music] [Music] well done George you're fantastic George yes come on they're going to play in their treehouse and George loves their treehouse here a pepper in George's friends Zoe Suzy [Music] here at petrol and dad can we come in sorry Danny only girls can come in to the treehouse boys are a bit noisy they always spoil the tea parties but George Richard a boy George oh I think I can help come over here yeah now you boys have your very own den with it's very own no this is the boys then for boys only but I love castles castles aren't as good as tree houses home girls I'm the king of the castle every castle you don't need a silly flag there is granny pig hello girls can I get you anything I'll see what I can do in the king of the castle Oh Oh every Castle needs a telephone hold this keep this string nice and tight and you can talk to the boys we don't want to talk to the boys we don't want to talk to the girls granny pig has found a flag for the girls den this dress will make a pretty flag I would live in a tree house [Music] only if you say the castle is the best oh dear it is raining and the castle has no roof no I'll never leave my castle Georgia's found and I'll look after your treehouse pepper pepper and Danny loves jumping up and down in muddy puddles everyone loves jumping up and down in muddy puddles whether they're girls boys in Georgia helping grandpa pig pick vegetables pepper here is a lettuce oh that's not a monster it's just a little snail oh [Music] where has he gone he's hiding in his shell yes it's his house look he's coming out again and a table and a chair and a fridge and a television well mostly the vegetables George and I want to pay cheeky snails oh these baskets can be your shells there now you look like - hello Suzie have you come to play with Peppa and George yes I don't know where they are it's just me and these two snails here we were pretending to be snails can we be smells - I don't think I have enough baskets for you all ah you could be something else though something exciting from the garden a carrot Rebecca rabbit likes carrots no Rebecca not carrots come over here why is that doll's house making of funny oh that's not a doll's house Peppa it's Abby's house it's called a hive look here's one now she's collecting nectar from the flower and then she flies back to behive to make it into honey I like honey let's pretend to be busy bees what do we have here Rani busy bees buzz ah would you busy bees like some toast yes and what would you like on your toast that's lucky because that's what I've made toast and honey I like being the bee because they eat lots of lovely honey I like being a snail because they eat Oh grandpa's lattice cheeky rascal [Music] recycle mr. bull the bin man is collecting the rubbish it is early morning so mr. bull tries to be as quiet as he can but mr. bull is not very good at being quiet peppa and George are finishing their breakfast its mr. bull the bin man everyone must be awful mr. Paul has emptied the rubbish bin for us good let's clear up the breakfast things can we help mummy yes you can let's fry this empty bottle Peppa stop what we don't put bottles in the rubbish bin they can be recycled what does that mean all the things we can't use again we put in the rubbish bin for mr. bull but all the things that can be used again are put in these recycle boxes the red one is for newspapers the blue one is for tin cans and the green one is for bargains Oh pepper you have a bottle so which box does it go in the green one yes this is fun now it's George's turn oh can you find a newspaper for the red box George wants to recycle daddy pig's newspaper oh I haven't finished with my newspaper just yet George you can have it in a minute oh all right here you are George newspapers go in the red box George now that we have collected enough things we can go to the recycle center all right thanks mummy pig has the bottles Peppa has the tin cans and George has the newspapers is everybody ready [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] this is miss rabbit's recycle center have you come to do some recycling yes we have jolly good carry on she's recycling all the rusty old cars you can tell me which bin the bottles go in that's right well done Peppa George [Music] wants to recycle the newspapers okay George you can do the newspapers that's enough recycling for one day yes let's go home Peppa's car has disappeared stand back miss rabbit is recycling Peppa's car really yes silly me I just love recycling yes so do we but we also love our listen car yes and our little car loves us too peppa and her family are at the swimming pool daddy pig is wearing his swimming costume mummy pig is wearing her swimming costume Peppa is wearing her swimming costume George everyone's waiting George is wearing his swimming costume George let Daddy put on your armbands [Music] there George your armbands make you look very grown-up now we can go in the water it is George's first time at the swimming pool why don't you put just one foot into the water maybe you should try the other foot now Georgia try both feet at the same time good idea but you don't need to splash quite sober here is Rebecca rabbit with her little brother Richard rabbit Richard hold on to this float and you can practice kicking your legs George would you like to try kicking your legs [Laughter] as a toy watering oh dear richard has dropped his watering can into the pool [Music] sorry Richard I can't reach it's too far down mommy I can't swim underwater even I can't swim underwater please hold my glasses let me peek [Music] [Music] there you go well done daddy pig I am rather good at swimming underwater babies jump off the diving boards now sorry pepper diving boards are only for grown-ups Oh cheer up you two you can watch me sir nonsense I won trophies for my diving when I was younger that was quite a long time ago daddy pig its lucky I've kept myself so fit and strong please hold my glasses mummy pig you'll get a better view if you watch me from the side of course I won't splash you pepper I think I need a higher bowl please be careful daddy pig yes don't worry Peppa I told you I wouldn't splash well dug daddy pig no need for my towel I've got a special way of drying myself daddy pig has splashed everyone with water daddy pig sorry everyone [Laughter] [Music] today is the school sports day peppa and her friends are all here run as fast as they can [Music] I can run it's a million miles Peppa Suzy stop talking and run Rebecca rabbit is in the lead and Suzy I would have won if you hadn't been talking to me Suzy no no pepper remember it's not winning that matters but taking part yes Richard have to see who can jump the farthest George George has jumped as far as he can it's Richard if she doesn't run he won't jump very far Richard the rabbit ready which rabbit has jumped further than George and the winner is regular Abbott [Applause] George remember it's not the winning that matters but taking part to pick a parent to race with you're not very good at running I was very good when I was a little baby but now you have a big tummies but I can still touch my toes all right but you must run very fast the mummies and daddies will run the first part of the race and then hand the battens to the children don't worry Peppa there's still one more event of the day the tug-of-war boys against girls you must put a rope with all your strength the girls will win well no my boys the boys were waiting [Music] everyone is pulling so hard the Rope is breaking teams win I love the school sports thing expecially when I win prize Chloe Sarah the poster distorted mr. zebra the postman is delivering a letter to Peppa's house Zoe zebra is with her daddy today she has her own letters to deliver hmm Danny dog Suzy sheep Rebecca rabbit ah pepper and George just these ones left let's get them peppa and George love it when the post arrives we've got two letters this one's for daddy pig how exciting dear mr. pig please pay your telephone bill it sounds very boring Oh bills are very boring no this one's for peppa and George Wow please come to my birthday party love Zoe zebra Zoe zebra has invited peppa and George to her birthday party you need to write a reply to Zoe to tell her you are coming to her party of course peppa and George are writing a reply deserving what would you like to say dear Zoe dear Zoe I don't know say next how about we would love to come to your party kind regards peppa and George what color envelope shall we use Miss Zoe zebra that last of all to stamp the letter is ready to be posted this is the post box here at Danny Suzy bedroom Rebecca and Emily elephant they are holding letters and here is pepper with her hello everyone hello Peppa did you get my letter about my party yes and I've written you a reply oh goody my goodness so many letters tonight it is very very important for me it is for you Zoe but it must be delivered before you can open it that's how the post works and with so many letters to deliver today I'd better make a start I'm George and I come along to hop a ball pedal exhaust see you later peppa and George are helping mr. separate delivered a post this is Zoe zebras house this letter is addressed to miss Zoey zebra miss Zoey zebra Zoey zebra Zoey zebra Zoey zebra oh oh the post is for Zoey that's all these for me Oh amazing can you read it mummy dear Zoey I would love to come to your party from Danny dog Susie sheeps coming to your party too and Rebecca petrol Emily candy they're all coming to your party so many presents you'll be writing lots of thank you letters Zoey oh and who's going to deliver all those thank-you letters you are daddy but I can help [Music] it is early morning mommy and daddy pig are still asleep it's much too early don't you know what time it is pepper no daddy oh dear let's see if we can mend it the old there's a little wooden bird inside called a cuckoo I've never seen the cuckoo that's because we stopped winding it a long time ago the cuckoo got a bit annoying right daddy pig is winding up the cuckoo clock yeah daddy pig sets the clock to the right time it is nearly nine o clock you'll see the cuckoo soon daddy now let me think she moves her head like this and she flaps her wings like this and she says you missed the cuckoo the cuckoo is really really brilliant she went cuckoo and you missed it never mind George you can see kuku next time but you'll have to wait kuku only comes out once an hour waiting is boring come on George let's play outside George does not want to play outside he is waiting to see kuku it is nearly 10 o clock George has been waiting for kuku for almost an hour [Music] George has missed kuku again [Music] why don't you play in the garden I'll call you when it's time to see it cooking it is nearly 11 o clock is running faster than he has ever run before it is nighttime ever and George are very sleepy peppa and George are asleep no time to sleep very well she just needs to sleep like you and George good night my little piggies huge I know how to make mommy and daddy are fast asleep what mummy daddy we've got something to show you we've made cuckoo better [Laughter] [Music]
Channel: Peppa Pig Asia
Views: 7,388,033
Rating: 3.5810108 out of 5
Keywords: peppa pig, peppa pig english episodes, peppa, peppa pig full episodes, #peppa, #peppapig, #peppapigenglish, pepa pig, peppa pig peppa pig, peppa pig english, peppa pig song, pig, pig peppa pig, peppa pig cartoon, papa pig, peppa pig in english, peppa george, pepper pig, peppa pig live, peppapig, pepp, peppa pig english episodes full, pepapig, funny peppa pig, peppa pig songs, peppa pig live stream, cartoon, peppa pig halloween, peppa pig toys, toys, peppa toy
Id: 4zUUFoIOr8U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 51sec (3831 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 26 2019
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