Peppa Pig Full Episodes | Peppa and George Play with a Cuckoo Clock | Cartoons for Kids

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[Music] it is burning mummy and daddy pig are still asleep it's much too early don't you know what time it is pepper no oh dear let's see if we can mend it ah the old there's a little wooden bird inside called a cuckoo I've never seen the cuckoo that's because we stopped winding it's a long time ago the cuckoo got a bit annoying alright daddy pig is winding up the cuckoo clock yeah daddy pig sets the clock to the right time it is nearly nine o clock you'll see the cuckoo soon daddy now let me think she moves her head like this and she flaps her wings like this and she says you missed the cuckoo the cuckoo is really really brilliant she went cuckoo and you missed it never mind George you can see kuku next time but you'll have to wait kuku only comes out once an hour waiting is boring come on George let's play outside George does not want to play outside he is waiting to see kuku it is nearly 10 o clock George has been waiting for kuku for almost an hour [Music] George has missed kuku again [Music] why don't you play in the garden I'll call you when it's time to seed cooking it is nearly 11 o clock is running faster than he has ever run before cookies it is nighttime peppa and George are very sleepy peppa and George are asleep no time to sleep very well she just needs to sleep like you and George can i it's good night my little piggies George I know how to make mommy and daddy are fast asleep what mummy daddy we've got something to show you we make huge physical today it is raining a little bit George put your rain clothes on when it rains peppa and George must wear their rain clothes [Music] George does not like wearing his rain hat George you must keep your hat on why because you must keep dry why because you might catch a cold why George do you want to play in the garden then keep your hat on going to jump in muddy puddles George does not want to wear his rain [Music] Oh George where's your hat George has caught a cold oh poor little George you don't sound well don't worry I ring dr. brown bear dr. brown bear speaking I see put George to bed and I'll be straight round thank you dr. brown bear goodbye Oh George be taken to hospital and give the medicine no George just has to go to bed disgusting poor George let's get you straight to bed George you have to stay in bed for a bit George does not want to stay in bed see George you have to stay in bed until you are better because you have to keep warm because dr. brown bear says so hello where's my patient open wide and say ah George is a little bit worried hmm pepper you're big and brave can you show George how to say ah hmm George has caught a cold does George need medicine no but he can have some nice warm milk at bedtime to help him sleep thank you dr. brown bear you're welcome goodbye [Music] George has been in bed all day now it is Peppa's bedtime George you better watch it George is not better George please don't sneeze so loudly this is impossible George here's some nice warm milk to help you sleep the warm milk makes George feel very very sleepy good [Music] morning George has slept very well George is better come on everyone it's a lovely sunny day George is wearing his rain hat he doesn't want to catch another cold Oh George you don't need to wear your hat why because it's hot and sunny why George can you stop saying why all the time why these better [Music] Piper pig is taking a pepper and her friends for a day out on his boat everyone on board friends all George you could wear my pirate hat today we are sailing to Pirate Island if we're lucky we might find buried treasure pirate island sounds like a great place pirate island what's that it's a metal detector it finds buried treasure grandpa pig is using the metal detector to find buried treasure has found something let's dig it up treasure let's find some more ah we found something else it sounds big my goodness this piece of treasure is quite heavy oh dear that is not very treasure that is a rusty old shopping trolley maybe that's enough treasure hunting who wants to help build a big sandcastle [Music] what a good idea granny pig now I'll just check on the boot granny pig is going to help the children's build up big sandcastle and grandpa pig is doing important float things ah this is nice Oh baby I'll just close my eyes they need lots and lots of sand they use buckets to make the castles turrets what a splendid castle grandpa pig is fast asleep and the boat is drifting away we have to wake grandpa up shout as loudly as you can oh no grandpa pig is still asleep wrappers too far away to hear us we're castaways we'll be here for a hundred years we'll have to eat wild fruit and berries and we'll have to eat insects and slugs the parents are here to collect the children hello everyone time yes uh actually I just left something behind back in the Cape [Music] welcome aboard me hearties naughty grandpa pig we thought you'd left us behind sorry about that granny pig next time I promise not to fall asleep of course we can Peppa granny Pig and Grandpa pig are making lunch but never a family I've dug up some more potatoes oh we've already got plenty of potatoes you can never have too many potatoes okay but get the potatoes in the oven the others will be here soon oh we've plenty of time it's only 11 o'clock [Music] peppa and her family are on their way I wish we'd set off sooner we're going to be late again don't worry mummy pig we've still got loads of time when we go to granny and Grandpa's not this time I found a new way that avoids all the trap oh I wasn't expecting that peppa and her family are stuck in a traffic jam look there's Danny dog and granddad dog Danny dog and granddad dog are in the traffic jam too we're going to my granny and Grandpa's for lunch we're going to be late it's one o'clock they're late as usual oh how your potatoes do they still need a bit more cooking granny pig speaking hello granny pig we're stuck in a traffic jam don't worry oh we're running late too grandpa's gone over the top with potatoes see you in a bit the poor dears are stuck in a traffic jam sounds like I've got time to get a few more potatoes grandpa pig we're moving so slowly we'll never get to granny and Grandpa's peppers right we have to try a different way but there aren't any other main loans I know a shortcut honey pig is taking a shortcut to get ahead of the traffic the shortcut is very lovely are you sure about this trust me hello we're taking a shortcut look there's the main road again but we're still behind Danny's lorry hey welcome back what oh dear mummy pig's shortcut has not worked very well [Music] good lunch is ready and most important of all the potatoes are done lunch is ready but peppa and her family are still not here grandpa pig speaking we're almost at your house but the traffic is still moving at the speed of a snail a very very slow they're almost here but they're still in the traffic jam poor dears oh the food is going to get cold I've got an idea I'll get my wheelbarrow what is grandpa pig doing granite is loaded lunch into the wheelbarrow hi grandpa pig if they can't come to the lunch we have to take the lunch to them Danny and granddad dog to have some too we've got enough for everyone good job you did lots lots of potatoes grandpa oh you can never have too many potatoes [Music] [Music] Susy and Danny George is a bit too little around about he is playing on the swing hop on Rebecca let's go really really fast Richard rabbit wants to go on the roundabout - OH if Richard gets on it means we can't go fast witches can play the gorge Richard would you like to play with George no George is the dinosaur just like yours let's go and see Richard rabbit is the same age as George Richard wants to see George's dinosaur George can Richard play with your dinosaur yeah Richard come George play with your dinosaur No George and Richard do not want to share their dinosaurs George it will be much more fun if you share that was really nice of George does not like sharing Richard let George hold the dinosaurs now Richard does not like sharing either what's all this crying about George and Richard always cry when they play together they're just too little to play properly can you two big girls teach them to play together of course we can help them make sandcastles good idea let's go to the sandpit we are going to make sandcastles now we lift the buckets Richard has made a sand castle and George has made a sand castle you see playing together is fun this game has not gone very well it was your brother's fault he broke George's sandcastle your brother broke my brother sandcastle first now no mutants big girls are meant to be teaching Richard and George to play nicely together that's right we're big girls and George enrichers are too little to play together properly hmm I've got an idea Oh George what's your most favorite thing in the whole playground seesaw George loves the seesaw [Music] [Laughter] [Music] it is a bit difficult to play on a seesaw on your own Richard wants to play on the seesaw daddy today is a special treat peppa and George are visiting daddy pig's office daddy do lots of fun things you'll see this is the building where daddy pig hello daddy pig come in my office is on the top floor we have to go up in the lift I think it's George's turn press the top button George the lift is taking Peppa George and daddy paid up to the very top floor top floor doors opening this is daddy pig's office hello everyone hello daddy pig hello daddy pig mr. rabbit and mrs. cat work with daddy pig I've brought two very special visitors with me today Oh peppa and George what an honor let's begin the tour mr. rabbit can we start at your desk we certainly can mm-hmm my job is all about numbers I take very important pieces of paper I take a rubber stamp and I stamp the paper wow what a great job mr. rabbit has can I do some stamping of course I'll just find you some paper maybe we should use some blank paper next up is mrs. cats desk yeah hello peppa and George my job is all about drawing sheeps on the computer oh then I print the shapes out Wow and here's another copy thank you what a nice job mrs. cat has maybe it's George's turn now that's right George it's your turn to do some work George is making blue triangles do you want to see my desk now this is daddy pig's desk my job is quite complicated I take big numbers transmute them and calculate their zode bearing tangents daddy pig's job sounds very important [Music] computer no but I do use coloring pens [Music] good idea pepper and George love drawing with coloring pens my goodness five o'clock already it is home time I say what a splendid picture of a house and what a fierce dinosaur George and I have made daddy's job and they've been doing it very well I like doing mr. Abbott's job and I like doing mrs. cats job but I like doing daddy's job the best [Music] never and Georgia going to the playground today should we drive to the playground no let's walk look it's just over there the playground is quite close okay where has the sky gone don't worry Peppa it's just fog oh what's folk fog is a cloud that is on the ground instead of in the sky oh it's very thick fog I can't see a thing hmm maybe we should go back home yes we'll go to the playground another day oh it is too foggy to find the playground so peppa and George have to go back home now which way is home oh we lost daddy pig don't worry I know exactly where we are this way who put that tree there daddy pig has walked into a tree are you okay daddy pig yes I find this way [Music] daddy pig do you know where you're going yes of course I do I don't think we'll ever find our house again I'm sure we will pepper only we're lost - we are not lost I know exactly where we are see you later ducks good luck finding your pond daddy pig has found the duck pond yes what a stroke of luck thank you you're most welcome mrs. duck now let's find our house I'm sure it's this way [Music] did you hear something yes I thought I heard someone say hello it's mummy rabbit with Rebecca and Richard hello Peppa will lost hello Rebecca we lost - we wanted to go to the playground so did we but it's too foggy to get there come on everyone back to our house until the fog clears daddy pig do you know where you're going yes of course I do this way I found a little he'll will soon be home a house should be just about yeah Oh daddy pig has found a ladder oh that's strange we don't have a ladder in our garden goodness me can you see where we are daddy pig yes I can daddy where are we why don't you have a look okay I can see everything again the fog is going away [Music] well that's lucky but I thought we were trying to get home so did I maybe we did get a bit lost after all [Laughter] [Music] it is the day of the school fete miss rabbit is running the raffle top prize is a ride in my hot air balloon can I have a ticket please blue ticket wins a toy car well done Danny can I have a ticket please Thank You Peppa what are you hurting to win ride wouldn't it be nicer to win the homemade chocolate cake daddy pig loves homemade chocolate cake the red ticket wins [Music] oh one it's Hedy and a dinosaur that makes six [Music] very impressive miss rabbit you must be an expert pilot not really this is the first time I'm gonna float a balloon ooh hold tight miss rabbit heats up the air in the balloon to make it rise into the sky would anyone like to do the map reading I will are you sure daddy pig I'm very good at map reading then this map is a bit difficult should we go higher the balloon is rising high into the sky just flying through a cloud flying really high pepper be careful you don't drop don't worry Peppa we'll rescue teddy whole tides everybody we're going down miss rabbit is making the balloon go down so that Teddy can be rescued I can't see Teddy anywhere I can use this anchor to rescue Teddy daddy pig has rescued Teddy oh dear no one is looking where they are going daddy pig do you know where we are Oh we're lost aren't we yes that's granny and Grandpa's house yes we must be in grandpa pig's garden as I thought goodness me oh hi there miss rabbit don't worry I've got a ladder everyone climbs down from the big balloon how very exciting I'm afraid the most exciting thing we can offer is a piece of my homemade chocolate cake Oh made chocolate cake that is exciting and that was the best chocolate cake ever jumble sale it is a rainy day and the school roof has a hole in it children we are going to have a jumble sale the money we raise will pay for a new school roof everyone has to bring something for the jumble sale what should we bring you can bring an old toy or something you don't use anymore the parents have arrived to pick up the children home time don't forget your old toys for the jumble sale tomorrow Peppa is choosing a toy for the jumble sale Peppa have you decided you only have to choose one toy yes and it will help pay for a new school roof okay I'm going to give mr. dinosaur mr. dinosaur is George's favorite toy Peppa you can't give away mr. dinosaur can't I know sorry George dinosaur why don't you give your old jack-in-the-box okay now it's your turn daddy what you must all give something to the jumble sale I'm giving this hat and George is giving this ball I know the television not the telly no it's too useful I know daddy smelly slippers I know daddy's old chair but that's an antique antique antique means it's very old and valuable you found it on a rubbish tip daddy pig it's worthless it'll be worth a lot of money when I mend it you've been saying that but ages daddy pig I know I'll give these lovely socks that granny pig made me good I've come to collect your things for the jumble sale heylia thank you and would you like this old chair you gave away daddy's chair shh don't tell him he'll never notice it is the day of the jumble sale hello hello miss rabbit Peppa how about this chair it's a bit rubbish but you can chop it up and use it for fun I would but it's an antique is it daddy said it's worth lots of money well I never I'd better put the price up what did you give Suzy I gave my nurses outfits I gave my parrot to balloon I gave my toy monkey oh I'll miss my box can i buy this jack-in-the-box please and I'd like this nurse's outfit the parrot balloon please look what I bought it's an antique chair Oh daddy pig that's not an antique chair it is miss rabbit just said so and it matches my old one yes what but miss rabbit has just charged me lots of money for it fantastic news everybody we have just raised all the money we need for a new school roof thank you daddy pig welcome the post restored mr. zebra the postman is delivering a letter to Peppa's house Zoe zebra is with her daddy today she has her own letters to deliver hmm Danny dog Suzy sheep Rebecca rabbit ah pepper and George just these ones left let's get them delivered peppa and George love it when the post arrives we've got two letters this one's for daddy pig how exciting dear mr. pig please pay your telephone bill ooh it sounds very boring bills are very boring no this one's for peppa and George Wow please come to my birthday party love Zoe zebra Zoe zebra has invited peppa and George to her birthday party you need to write a reply to Zoe to tell her you are coming to her party of course Heather and George are writing a reply deserving Oh what would you like to say Zoe dear Zoe I don't know say next how about we would love to come to your party kind regards peppa and George what color envelope shall we use Miss Zoe zebra at last of all to stamp the letter is ready to be posted this is the post box here at Danny Suzy bedroom Rebecca and Emily elephant they are all posting letters and here is pepper with her little hello everyone hello Peppa did you get my letter about my party yes and I've written you a reply oh goody my goodness so many letters today it is very very important for me now it is for you Zoe but it must be delivered before you can open it that's how the post works and with so many letters to deliver today I'd better make a start in Georgian I come along to hop a ball Peppa George see you later peppa and George are helping mr. separate deliver the post this is Zoe zebras house this letter is addressed to miss Zoey zebra miss Zoey zebra Zoe zebra Zoe zebra Zoe zebra oh oh the post is for Zoe mummy for me Oh mummy dear so II I would love to come to your party from Danny dog Suzy sheeps coming to your party too and Rebecca petrol Emily candy they're all coming to your party everyone arrived for Zoe's party Wow so many presents you'll be writing lots of thank you letters Zoey oh and who's going to deliver all those thank-you letters you are daddy and her friends are going I don't feel very well the bus is very bumpy oh dear Pedro pony is feeling a bit travel sick poor Pedro come and sit in the front with me is that better a little bit Madame gazelle oh do you feel sick - Zoey I might feel sick later can I sit at the front just in case can I sit front haha I'm sorry children you can't all sit at the front [Music] this is our campsite breathing the wonderful fresh air children excellent breathing now let's put up our tents each find a partner to share your tent I said I'd share it Larry oh sorry Susie I said I'll share with Rebecca Rebecca you said you'd share with me oh yes Emily who are you going to share a tent with um sewing okay okay no I need sticks to make a campfire we'll get sticks but me and Pedro wants get sticks ha ha oh it is nighttime peppa and her friends are sitting around the campfire children let's all sing a song yes the Bing bong song please oh I'm not sure all right we're playing our tune and we're singing a song with a bang and a bin [Music] oh how children I'm for bed good night children peppa and Suzy are in their sleeping bag no more giggling please what was that funny noise I don't know there it is again Susie where are you going Madame gazelle I'm a bit scared Oh would you like to come in yes I think I'm a bit scared too can I come in please of course I think I might get later I might be scared later too and me come in everyone can we have the Bing bong song please all right we're playing a tune and we're singing a song with a bang and and a bin [Music] tiny creatures in Georgia helping grandpa pig pick vegetables pepper here is a lettuce oh that's not a monster it's just a little snail oh where has he gone he's hiding in his shell is that yes it's his house look he's coming out again I'd have a bed and a table and a chair and a fridge and a television well mostly they eat my vegetables George and I want to pay cheeky snails these baskets can be your shells there now you look like [Music] [Music] [Laughter] friends are here hello Susie have you come to play with Peppa and George yes I don't know where they are it's just me and these two snails here [Music] we were pretending to be snails can we be smells - I don't think I have enough baskets for you all ah you could be something else though something exciting from the garden a carrot Rebecca rabbit likes carrots no Rebecca not carrots that's not a doll's house Peppa it's Abby's house it's called a hive look here's one now she's collecting nectar from the flower and then she flies back to behive to make it into honey I like honey let's pretend to be what busy bees my goodness me what do we have here granny busy bees buzz ah would you busy bees like some toast and what would you like on your toast that's lucky because that's what I've made toast and honey I like being the bee because they eat lots of lovely honey I like being a snail because they eat Oh grandpa's lastest cheeky rascal it is the end of another lovely day and George were playing with their friends Rebecca and Richard rabbit play some more mummy maybe tomorrow can pepper and George come to our house tomorrow yes why is what you crying he's a bit scared of going downstairs why we don't have stairs in our home what no stairs that's right you'll see you tomorrow bye bye bye bye [Music] it is morning and George are going to Rebecca rabbit's house today mummy pig can drive and I'll do the map reading are you sure daddy pig we always get lost when you do the map reading yeah we won't get lost okay is everybody ready yes then let's go peppa and George are very excited they have never been to Rebecca rabbit's house before the map says Rebecca's house is on the next field I don't understand this should be where Rebecca rabbit lives we must be lost there's just this garden of carrots we can Rebecca rabbit's house be play in my bedroom your bedroom but where is your house Peppa cannot see Rebecca's house anywhere I'll show you see you later [Music] we have tunnels Wow Rebecca's house is a bit different depends and a window and a toy box just like us of course I like your house I wish I was a rabbit I know shall I teach you both how to be rabbit yes please first you have to twit your nose and squeak like this rabbits like carrots [Music] George does not like carrots he won't even try them rabbits like hoppin come outside I'll show you [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] mummy and daddy rabbit has prepared lunch spring Rebecca has taught us how to be rabbits oh you will enjoy lunch then it's our favorite carrots George will not eat cats oh dear George I thought you were a rabbit rabbits love carrots Wow George is eating a carrot and this is our favorite cake carrot cake George is a proper rabbit now [Music] [Laughter] [Music] this is granddad dogs garage Shh here a pepper and her family in their car what can we do for you today we've got petrol air for tires and a new automatic car wash two ice lollies please Oh certainly granddad dogs garage sells lots of things even ice lollies loves us too don't you oh dear the car has stopped it's no good it won't start I know I'll ring granddad dog [Music] granddad dog speaking help our car has broken down Danny we've got some rescuing to do granddad dog knows everything about cars mmm is it serious no you've just run out of petrol what can we do there's plenty of petrol at my garage I'll tow you there granddad dog is towing Peppa's car back to his garage granddad dog is filling Peppa's car with petrol Thank You granddad dog here a Suzy sheep and her mummy in their car dog rescued us Wow that's exciting [Music] Oh No all the air has gone out of the tire well granddad don't have to rescue us I think so granddad dog speaking I see don't panic mummy sheep I'm on my way granddad dog is filling the tire with air Thank You granddad dog you're a granny Pig and Grandpa hello grandpa pig would you like some petrol oh yeah no thanks I want to try out your new car wash certainly it's run by a computer first soapy water [Music] finally oh dear the computer has broken and grandpa pigs car is stuck ah do something granddad dog oh I don't know how to mend computers my daddy mended our computer at home well I didn't really lend the computer I just caught then this is a job for daddy pig [Music] maybe if I just switch it off and then switch it on again daddy pig has mended the car wash [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Peppa and Friends
Views: 14,155,604
Rating: 3.6220996 out of 5
Keywords: peppa pig, peppa pig english episodes, peppa, peppa pig full episodes, #peppa, #peppapig, #peppapigenglish, pepa pig, peppa pig peppa pig, peppa pig english, peppa pig song, pig, pig peppa pig, peppa pig cartoon, papa pig, peppa pig in english, peppa george, pepper pig, peppa pig live, peppapig, pepp, peppa pig english episodes full, pepapig, funny peppa pig, peppa pig songs, peppa pig live stream, cartoon, peppa pig halloween, peppa pig toys, toys, peppa toys
Id: OVV-AHR-d28
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 6sec (3846 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 26 2019
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