Planting Day on Mackinac Island

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hey there everybody i'm jack barnwell up here on mackinac island it's a beautiful day in late may and it is planting day day one our annual flower deliveries are coming in today we always start with the iroquois hotel right here on the water we've got a tremendous amount i mean hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of flats of flowers to plant into all these pots boxes beds make it look all absolutely gorgeous and we plan to get the entire thing planted today and take you guys on the ride let's get after it [Music] [Applause] all right so we are patiently awaiting all of the plants and flowers our first big semi load is on its way across right now on the freight boat literally on the water right now coming across so the team is getting a lot of the beds and stuff prepped a lot of the tulips pulled out and the beds turned over all of the pots and boxes are all prepped with our potting mix there's slow release fertilizers and things in here so everything is all fluffy and ready to go so that we can plant quickly and effectively and efficiently as soon as everything arrives so we're patiently waiting and watching the water so as soon as that boat rolls in the whole team and i'll be hitting the dock and getting everything down here so we can get going on this one here this morning so before we get jamming on the annual flower install here at the iroquois hotel i wanted to show you guys this really cool bed that this is brand new last year this whole entire planting this used to be a big annual bed and it's a very very flashy showy place here you know we're surrounded by all this outdoor dining right on the lake but we had to change it over to this you know really hardcore kind of heavy duty rock garden because the lake level being so high especially last year the waves would roll in and just wipe this bed right out i mean completely clear it of soil plants everything and it was a real mess so we totally changed the style of the bed put in um a lot of really really heavy duty you know hearty shrubs and perennials and and rock so some larger boulders and the soil itself is a really really rocky soil so that as the waves do crash over in a big east wind the bed holds up really well and really there's no problems or no mess and we just planted this all last year and it's really looking awesome so in the springtime here we've got this creeping plox and you know it's really quite nice with these millennium alliums and some beautiful daisy made daisies some nice little dwarf catone aster hearty geranium so it was designed to have a lot of different texture and style and a lot of things flowering at different times throughout the year good successional planting but most importantly really really tough and i just love the way it's filling in it's a nice creeping time mosses little sedums and such just a beautiful beautiful little planting and made it through the winter really well and looks like it's going to fill out and be awesome for the long run here [Music] all right everybody i'm down here on the dock with julia she is my right hand we are going through this uh load here that just came in and making sure that everything looks good which it looks great and just kind of divvying up and making sure that everything's labeled and marked to where it needs to go so that we can make sure this installation goes smoothly we're starting to get some drays some horses and stuff rolling in or we'll start loading these up and shipping them out first job this morning is the iroquois hotel so we've got one two what was it three four more five four four more racks or something that have to go there and then we'll get it all laid out and start planting here shortly [Music] um [Music] all right so this is um kind of layout time taking all the plant material with julia my right hand there and we're getting ahead of the crew we let the crew take lunch break we're laying out this whole walkway as soon as they're done with lunch break and we'll take a quick bite and move on ahead of them that allows us to get ahead of them they'll be planting and everything exactly where we lay them out so i like to i'm laying out some of these sure-fire begonias right now and um i put some of this spike drastina in that guy real small i'll just plant them in by hand there um but i like to lay them out on their side and the crew knows that that plant goes right where the crown of the plant is laid so they'll sink it right there as soon as they come around and start doing so i put a couple of surefires there and i'm gonna sweep in through here with some adrem and some lemon coral um there's no design for this garden or anything we just feel it lay it out make it magical make it different and i think this year is going to be the best yeah this plant right here is verbena bonariensis it's a sterile verbena bonariensis known as meteor showers and it only gets about two feet tall or so but it's a complete butterfly magnet they just go absolutely crazy for these things so i like to dot some little bouquets through the sunny side of the walkway here and then when you're walking down through here the butterflies are just like [Music] flying all over the place it's awesome [Music] all right hey guys we are jamming crew is doing an incredible incredible job here today and we got the infamous iroquois hotel walkway already planted just sinking the last few plants right now these are plectranthus cerveza and lime a very very fragrant plant that i really love here's one right here these guys kind of furry in texture and really really fragrant love this little plant and i tuck them in little spots like this because they bush out really nice and people swing through here and kick this a little bit with their foot when they're reading the menu and things like that it's like oh it smells so good yeah and they're like oh let's have a cerveza yes but anyway let's check in on on the progress here walkway is all planted looking really good just have a little bit of dressing up and clean up to do and yeah looking absolutely stunning nice and full we still have to do all the pots that go here at this entry to the dining room and back here looks like the crew is jamming along got all these beds planted the back is all shrub and perennial and then a nice big apron of annuals there [Music] and these back beds are getting all laid out and everything right now julie is finishing out these beds that go in front of the boxwood on the back lawn here it looks like kirsten and jessica are crushing it on boxes over here all these are looking really good all these boxes that we looked at earlier today look really good nice and full geranium based here for that classic i love doing all these beautiful white boxes in dark red white and blue kind of purple really but they look really good and they'll fill out and just explode in no time [Music] and the old wilfred sykes heavily loaded you can see how low he is to the ground there uh cruising through the straits of mackinac here perfect day for planting it's now about three o'clock in the afternoon we should be able to get the rest of these beds planted easily and probably wrap up the entire iroquois today in one day which was the goal so we'll see how it goes [Music] all right well we finished up planting of the hotel iroquois it went really well i'm super proud of the team the next planting that we always do right after the hotel is my grandma's house as many of you know this is a very very special spot for me and um so it gets planted next i know where she likes all the the different colors and everything we've got red geraniums that go in certain pots and pink geraniums that go in certain places and so i've got the plant material laid out here and ready to go to get grandma's house planted up tomorrow for now i need to eat some dinner and take a shower get some sleep but please do stay tuned we got a lot more awesome videos coming your way uh be sure to subscribe click that bell so you get notified every time we have a video of all this awesome planting we're going to be doing up here on the island from full-scale landscapes all the way down to little annual plantings and all kinds of tips and tricks and all sorts of cool stuff this summer so stay tuned and we'll see you guys in the next video cheers
Channel: Jack Barnwell Design
Views: 8,529
Rating: 4.9886684 out of 5
Id: 604myFzhAvI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 52sec (712 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 17 2021
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