How to Hydrangea~

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hey there everybody jack barnwell here on the island it is fall it's a beautiful beautiful chilly day and we are specifically going to dive in and talk about hydrangeas today about cutting them back which ones and when and just a little bit more detail to kind of demystify hydrangeas for you we're here at beautiful crossroads cottage which is an unbelievably beautiful landscape and garden that my team and i have been working on for quite some time we're nearly finished today we're not going to do a full garden tour and show you through all of this but that'll be coming soon however we are going to talk about hydrangeas it's going to be really really great so let's check it out okay so like i said today we're going to talk hydrangeas specifically the three types of hydrangeas i break it down into arborescens macrophyllas and paniculatas now each of those three types there's a lot of hydrangeas that kind of fall within those three types but those are really your different types of hydrangeas the arborescens hydrangeas as we have here these are annabelle hydrangeas these can be cut right back to the ground we like to chop them right back down pretty hard we'll take these back down to you know six inches a foot it really doesn't matter because these come up and bloom on all new wood so all this growth happened just this season they bloom and everything they do their thing on all new wood this particular mass right here underneath the cottage we trim these right back really really hard because i know that this winter this becomes a big big snow drift here and oftentimes when the caretakers are shoveling snow off of the porch and everything like that it really gets thick right here so there's no point in leaving these whatsoever until spring we cut them right back clean and then in the springtime this entire thing is full of these really tall beautiful white narcissus like paper whites so it's a beautiful display of some spring white color and that fragrance is awesome and then the hydrangeas come up and do their thing from mid-summer all the way till fall like they are now so that's your arborescence hydrangeas keeping on the hydrangea train the next ones that we're going to check out over here in this other garden are the macrophyllas and again i know these gardens and this landscape are really magical we will dive into a lot more detail and stuff at a later date however today we are talking hydrangeas this is a macrophylla this is a tough stuff hydrangea some people call them leather leaf or big leaf hydrangeas they've got that darker stronger thicker leaf on them sometimes they'll be a lace cap hydrangea like this one other times they'll be a more solid mop head like hydrangea these are the hydrangeas that you can manipulate with some aluminum sulfate get them to be more blue or more pink depending on the ph of the soil but these guys who don't really want to trim back until really the ideal time is late spring when you see on the stems and everything like that which stems have died back and you can trim those back and which ones are setting buds you'll start to see some new buds on them and everything but these guys the time to trim them back is not now you let them sit let them be don't touch them in the late spring you can give it a little shape you'll see where you've got some really good healthy growth they will bloom on new and old wood but it's best to let these be back here in the back of this garden you'll see a couple more of those arborescence hydrangeas so those will get cut right back this fall along with these estillbees the ferns aurelia all the herbaceous perennials will be cut back but these macrophyllas will remain as is so the third type of hydrangea that we're going to check out are the panicle hydrangeas or paniculatas we'll wrap around the cottage here again we'll get into a lot more detail of all these beautiful spaces later i know you're like oh my gosh it's so freaking gorgeous and it is it's a really magical space here just look at this gate so cool however so back here we've got our panicle hydrangeas a big hedge around this deck of quick fire hydrangeas these are your panicle type hydrangeas and these we really can trim back now or in the spring with all of our panicles here on the island we leave them let them over winter they get some beautiful late fall foliage anyway and the heads you know hold and look really pretty through the winter so for winter interest we leave these be or they're really great to bring in now for bouquets and stuff like that or drying them out and having them through the winter a lot of fun especially with some of the other panicles that have a bigger fluffier head on them but this is your quick fire hydrangea in the springtime when we do trim these back we trim them back to just below last year's cuts so inside here you can see all this is new growth that just came up this year and you can see where we cut these back last year that's that's a cut from last year and then it shot up new growth below it here's a cut here's a cut so there's our cut so last spring we cut this entire thing back to about a you know foot and a half to two foot shrub and it sends out all this incredible growth blooms on all new wood on that really really woody stem the reason that we cut it back just below last year's cuts is we want to maintain the the look of this quickfire hedge to look just like this if we only cut off the tops they would split and it would get really really dense in top and underneath there wouldn't be any light or anything getting into the underside of that shrub so you get sort of that helmet you know look to it it's not going to bloom nearly as much and when it does bloom it's going to send up blooms that are going to be really big on extended stems really far from the lower trunk of the hydrangea and give it a tendency to kind of splay open and everything like that so cutting them back hard a lot harder than you may think and they'll do absolutely great and that's the that's really what we do for all of our limelight hydrangeas quickfire hydrangeas any of the panicles we cut them back real hard but we wait until spring so that's really the three types of hydrangeas you got your arborescens macrophyllas and your panicles the panicles that includes your oak leaf hydrangeas and the macrophyllas i know there's a lot of different types of hydra or you know varieties of hydrangea that fall within those but that's really the simple ways to take care of all three of those you're going to have big beautiful awesome blooms on your hydrangeas and love them let us know in the comments and everything like that if if you have any tips and tricks or anything else you want us to talk about or dive into with a little bit more detail we're happy to do that in the gardens here on the island or in the gardens and landscapes down in naples florida too if all you southern gardeners want to see a little bit of that southern thing we do down there but anyway happy fall y'all have a great great rest your day we'll see you in the next video [Music] cheers [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Jack Barnwell Design
Views: 38,966
Rating: 4.9738407 out of 5
Id: brzWwLQq9SY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 1sec (541 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 03 2020
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