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in today's video we are going to be reviewing the ples pro add-on this is created by Arya Creations this add-on is priced at 1,170 Minecraft coins that's £579 this add-on is priced at $720 this is a very different kind of add-on on the Minecraft Marketplace so I am excited to check this out they're trying something new but is it going to be worth the price tag when you join in the world for the very first time you'll be given this which is the PLS Pro book can be placed down like some of the other add-ons we have checked out tap on the right to change page and also tap on the left to go back but this add-on has something I have never seen before and that is the ability to craft specific planes inside of a book don't worry about losing this book because you can craft a new one inside of a crafting table with this recipe right here you'll also be given a paint bucket this gives you the ability to change color of your plane let's craft the first plane available we are going to craft an airite and the features of this is speed one parachute Landing change camera small inventory and does not crash and these are going to be your needed materials so grab the materials also grab your paint buckets if you want to change the color on this yes inside of the book just hit autocrafting and it is automatically going to craft for you once it's done it's going to pop out on the floor and you are then able to pick this up I made myself a Runway to show you guys how cool this is I was super impressed with it you want to go ahead and place it down you can then tap on it to go ahead and change color you can get inside of this and then obviously you can change perspective like this I feel like I'm playing GTA with this all you do with this one is I'm just right clicking so it's just going to be like tapping but we'll start off in we'll we'll do this perspective first when you go there is a speed meter and you have to hit the speed meter in order to begin flying you can then also change your perspective I thought this was absolutely incredible now trust me it gets so much better than this and I was wondering why this add-on is priced quite expensive well it definitely offers something a little bit unique and this does not crash some of them actually do so you can actually like nose dive and things like that you can then get out of this go ahead and change it to a color that you wanted to if you then also Crouch and right click on it there is an inventory however there is a slight bug with this because if you then break this and pick this up and then place it back down you'll notice the color changes and also all of your diamonds have disappeared so so be very careful but I'll show you guys what happens if you don't have enough speed and momentum you'll see here take off cancelled because we don't actually have the speed to take off which I thought was a pretty cool idea it be really cool for someone to build like an airport Creation with this add-on but if you do get stuck you can then just go ahead and break this pick this up and put it back on the runway the next plane that we have is called The Dropper it has speed of two drop instant grow trees Auto reloads and change camera and these are going to be your needed materials now one thing I haven't tried is by autot tapping on this in survival with none of the items if you do do this in Creative by the way so if I go to/ game mode C you can automatically just tap on this and it will craft them so I really like that it is creative and survival friendly and you can see here it then spits this out but again the Mater materal as we go along you are going to need more and more I really liked the idea behind this one it kind of reminded me of like a Spitfire plane if you're into your planes you'll know what I'm talking about now obviously you can change color and after a certain amount of time you'll see that the trees are now ready to be planted get inside of this and as it says lock up and go forward this one's got good speed you can see here we're now taking off we can then change perspective if I then hit left you'll see tree is ready to be planted if we hit it again the trees are now being released and these are instantly going to grow giant trees trust me these guys are insane so you can see here they're now starting to be instantly built now they can get bigger and bigger than this as you can see here so we'll start planting down a couple of these and you'll see they are starting to grow but be careful because if you do hit something in this plane it will crash I want to show you guys this one more time when it crashes because it leaves a bunch of smoke particles on the floor and you can actually see these from a little bit of a distance and I just thought it was a nice touch to add to it so if you are doing this in survival be very very careful now let's say a tree did get set on fire by accident no problem the next plane can actually put this out the next one we have is Canada air speed is two collect plus drop water and extinguish fire you can also change camera and here is the needed materials so we'll grab all of these we'll grab that as well to change it you can see things do start to get expensive we'll change our game mode to survival here cuz I'm curious on how this is going to work we're then going to hit craft it's going to consume all of our items and then out is going to be a plane and this one's relatively big but you can clearly see we have a slight problem here because everything is now set on fire so we'll place this down we'll change the color of this I really like this one just like before you can change your perspective if you wanted to just go forward make sure you've got enough run uh Runway room and you can see we're now starting to fly I'm going to change perspective because with this one kind of reminds me of like an AC-130 but with this one you have to land on water so be very very careful don't go like full nose dive cuz cuz that will happen happen safely land this on the water and it will begin to fill up the water tank and then it will also have the ability to take off as well now like I said this one's a relatively big one so be careful and if you tap left it's going to start obviously letting go of the water which is why this is really good for something that has been recently set on fire like this but you're going to have to kind of like pinpoint this accurately but you'll notice that I've now run out of water and then we're then going to have to land on some water once again dude this one's really impressive it will take you a little bit of time to get used to the planes but if you're going to try and land it on water which is what I'm still trying to get used to you got to be really really careful here hold on are we Landing it we landed it hold on it's filling up it's filling up and then we got to make sure we got enough room on the water here to then take off again sometimes like the cameras do glitch out a little bit so probably first person would be a little bit better here but honestly you could just do this and then hit F5 not so much probably best off changing perspective here I want to see if we actually have oh I just realized that the water's actually pouring down the tree I didn't know it actually created like a water source but I guess that's one way to get rid of it right try it again though here we go emergencies this would be so useful for role play we actually have a stunt plane it is called cesna and it includes stunts looping roll dive looping upside down and even the cork screw so make sure you've got the needed materials I really love how this works craft your needed plane this one's on a much smaller scale so let me show you how this one works cuz it's slightly different so you want to tap on this feel free to change the color cuz I'm got to be honest pink isn't quite for me I'm going to go with o there I like this one to be fair so we're going to change perspective we're going to come on look up make sure we make it in time and then I think if you hit right again hold on sorry not right hit left you have looping and once it's on one of these you then attack so I'm going to wait I'm going to hit left again we're going to do looping this time we're going to go through it we're going to go roll we're going to change it one more time so we've done looping we've done roll we've done cork screw we haven't done this one be very careful with this one because your engine can actually cut out and then it will prompt you to look up but just like some of the other playes oh it actually leaves really cool particles I never actually noticed that one that one's super cool but yeah just like some of the other planes this one can crash I'm actually trying to show you guys like a a crash experience with this I'm trying to go a little bit faster I don't know if that's going to work but let's see what happens let's go no this one didn't actually crash I I am going to crash this plane though so let's try this one more time you need a flat surface for this to work here we go we're going we're going got to look up here changing perspective we're then going to nose dive straight down and yes there you go it didn't actually kill me though but my plane is completely done and we have the sna cut speed two particle Trails change camera and inventory 20 7 so we craft this one I'm also curious though cuz we're going to grab some food here if I was to craft this just like the one I showed you before and put things inside of it let's place it down here we go I'm going to crouch and put this inside there so all my food's inside of there and then I'm going to break this it didn't go inside of my inventory and something tells me it's not inside of here so that's really really frustrating with this um but the designs seem to be somewhat familiar yeah and with this one we're just going to back it up a little bit because I actually don't think I'm going to have enough room with this one we're just going to keep taking this back I like the animations that we have going on in here as well here we go I made the runway just about big enough so every plane can actually take off would have been nice if there was like reversing sounds as well all right let's give this a go so we're going to change to this this one's relatively fast here we go take off was successful this one has particle Trails can start them and stop them ah okay so it is very similar to the other one to be fair I think the other one's a little bit better though because it's a stunt plane I don't think these particle trails are as exciting as what the other ones had so in my honest opinion you probably didn't need two of these now we start to get into some of the cooler stuff we have the F22 Raptor which is the fastest one you can get with a speed of four it says match three speed look slightly down to increase speed you do not have any camera perspective so no way to change it but I am curious if we can change the color let's AutoCraft this one let's see what the design of this one looks like ah okay so they've done it from that side to that side okay let's place this one down this one doesn't need a big Runway like this one so we'll place you down can we change the color I think we can H okay oh I like the windows on that one but I like that that one a little bit better hold on let's cycle through all of these that one's really bright oh now I got to go with this one so you can't change perspective with this one but with this one you can take off really really fast and then you can kind of change the speed look down for Speed you can kind of match to look down again I believe this one will go even faster oh this one's really cool I really wish you could change perspective with this one look how much faster you get oh this is cool I think a lot of people like this one just sad that I couldn't change perspective you can if you hit F5 but there's no like builtin change perspective you know what I've not really done with this though try to actually land the planes properly be honest it it can be quite difficult to do yeah here we go take it off one more time yes I I really think they did good with this add-on it's very very different look slightly down we're then going to speed two you just got to watch out that you don't crash we then going to also look down again come on should change Speed come on I got to be careful there we go we changed and we're changing speed one more time if we look slightly down uh-oh I don't want to crash you're probably best off going really high because otherwise this is going to happen you're going to drown and I think you're playing my Dr ground too next to the F22 Raptor we have the Osprey this one is a speed of two it says take off plus folding animation transforms into a plane just by looking down slightly now I'm just going to craft this one because this is a really really awesome animation totally didn't crash one before well let's grab this one because this one can just be placed on the ground anywhere and then when you tap this you have to wait until the animation is done I know I kind of don't have the color changeing one here but you can go ahead and change this but when you get in this and you want to take off you have to attack if you then change your perspective you can see here it has like a charging ability I love this let's go back to this one cuz once this is done hold on nearly there here we go you then have to look up it's then going to take off and change perspective here bro I feel like I'm in something like Halo you look down slightly it then becomes like a plane mode but we got to be careful because you might crash this is why I say if you want to go into some of these specific modes you're probably best off flying high but now we're in plane mode we can then change it again right if I if we look down maybe I don't actually know how to change this from plane mode back to the helicopter mode but this is by far the coolest one now one thing I haven't actually showed you guys yet is if you do get out of this hold on on let's hit this you can hit interact a parachute I haven't actually figured out how to mess around with the parachutes just yet though there we go I figured it out you got to kind of jump and just interact slightly to do it also like I think everyone by default does just have a parachute that took way longer to figure out before I show you the steeran I want to show you the towing truck so the towing truck this is the recipe you're going to need and this can tow any of the planes that you have created really really cool and easy to do so what you want to do here is in front of a plane doesn't actually have to be in front of a plane but is place it down it interact and what this will do is this will take a plane with you so you can see here the plane is always going to follow you you can then put this in a hanger if you wanted to you tap again it's going to start doing that you can reverse again now this one does have the reversing sounds which I kind of liked so really cool addition and yes you can change the color of the towing truck so I've grabbed the steerman this one has a speed of two it says shoots fireworks turns leaves into wool I want to see how this one works just like the other one I showed you it has some really cool animations I think you can change the color of this one as well we'll go for let's go for this one a little bit of a darker one so we then want to let's change perspective go forward I think we do have enough Runway here this is going to be a close one guys we've taken off we've taken off and you can prepare fireworks here we go and then you can just uh-oh just shoot them apparently it turns leaves into walls so let's try on like I don't know this one maybe I managed to do it but I also crashed at the same time it converted all of these leaves into this I'm sorry be I'm ruining your home but yeah that that one's really really difficult to use another one we have have is the vortex 13 now I'm in a different world here because I had experimental settings on and the magnet wasn't actually working with it on I want to see if this is now going to work with this one hold on let's try this here we go so magnet should be on there we go yeah this wasn't actually working before but you can clearly see I'm able to pick up mobs that's the problem some of these experimental settings don't actually work very well but how low do I have to go in there we go all right let's try something a little bit more interesting here forward slash summon Let's do an iron golem oh oh oh I think I killed him I think I killed some of them let's interact with this can you pick up an iron golem these are the questions it's a really big mob come on Big Boy yes you can you can just let's go ahead and kidnap all of animal nap mob nap all of these I'm taking all of the chickens with me and the last one we have is the double XL rescuer which has the ability to drop off care packages let me show you this one I hope I've got enough space on the runway here so let's place you down we're going to change the color to you know what we'll go with this one again you have to wait for the packages to load on the top and once they are ready you're then able to go ahead and drop them off for your friends so it's not quite ready it'll be ready in like 3 2 1 come on there you go now it's ready now we're upside down I can then drop off this care package and trust me it is actually a proper care package I've been messing around with this so you can then get out or your friend can then get out you can check what's available we have ourselves a starter kit including the plan's book you have a furnace with some stuff inside of it so you can cook things a bed crafting tables and so much more I thought this was a really nice addition I hope this add-on has helped you decide whether you want to get this add-on or not it is a really really good add-on it's just very pricey the most expensive one I believe we have checked out so far but the creators of this definitely did a very good job for me it definitely gets some thumbs up
Views: 19,148
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: planes pro, minecraft planes pro addon, minecraft marketplace planes pro, minecraft addons, minecraft marketplace addons, eckosoldier minecraft addons, Minecraft, Minecraft mods, Minecraft update, Minecraft Bedrock, Minecraft Java, Minecraft Bedrock Edition, Minecraft Java Edition, Minecraft 1.19, Minecraft vehicles, new planes, console Minecraft, Minecraft planes, mobile Minecraft, playable planes, planes in minecraft bedrock, flyable planes in minecraft
Id: 6fKwEXOyR1k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 24sec (1164 seconds)
Published: Sat May 11 2024
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