Morph into ANY Minecraft Mob with this INSANE Gauntlet Add-On

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we are going to be reviewing the morph Gauntlet add-on this is created by Kubo Studios this add-on will set you back 830 Minecraft coins that's £419 it's roughly $5 this morph add-on allows you to morph into all Minecraft Mobs which you can use in any worlds you are also able to hide name tags to play hide and seek this would be really useful for pranking and trolling your friends and they've also out mind at the bottom that the add-on is constantly going to be getting updates I just wanted to let you all know that my official skin pack Elemental Echo is now available on the Minecraft Marketplace it will cost 490 Minecraft coins for 10 very high quality skins if anyone purchases please let me know this is available on iOS Android Windows Xbox switch and Playstation let me know which one's your favorite when you join the world for the very first time you'll be given the morph Gauntlet add-on guide and this is just a basic understanding of how this works on the first page it says morph Gauntlet to avoid being affected by some of the morph fov disabled the fov can be aled by gameplay in video settings to do this go to your options and then settings and scroll down until you see video scroll down even more and it will be the last one here disable this one otherwise some povs of these mobs won't look great the next page says welcome experience the world as any mob you want using the morph Gauntlet the first time you join the world you will be given the item but in case you lose it simply follow the crafting recipe below to craft it back now I don't think you should be giv this straight away in a brand new world or pre-existing I think players should make it a mission in order to go and craft it the recipe isn't too difficult you are going to need 1 2 3 four and five iron ingots and a diamond in the middle and the outcome will be this which does look pretty cool now this will cost you $5 and one of the best free add-ons out there is a morph Gauntlet add-on so I'm curious to see how this is going to compare to that one the next part of this book just explains how this works how to use to unlock a mob morph you need to hold the morph gauntlets and simply approach any mob without needing to interact or attack them so instead of physically having to kill a mob in order to obtain their morph you only have to tap on them in case you do lose your guide book here is the recipe to make yourself a brand new one then we have all of the mobs that are available and they all come with special abilities so if you became a cow clears any active effects from the player so let's say that you had poison you then morph into a cow because this is known for its milk bucket all of the effects are gone once you have your morph bracelets you want to crouch and interact and this is going to open up a brand new morph Gauntlet menu starting off with the settings you have custom camera and you have show name tag obviously disabling this means that you control and mess around with your friends by pretending to be a different kind of mob I'm just going to leave this on for now but you do have the custom camera I'm also going to turn that one on as well now this is going to show you all of the possible mobs that you are able to become I currently haven't unlocked any so the only one that we currently have right now is going to be a human so we need to get started Ed by trying to find ourselves some mobs now because it's weird the closer you get to mobs it just automatically unlocks so I've managed to unlock dolphin squid cards and I also think drown as well which I'm not going to lie I think it's a good idea but I would like to kill them in order to kind of consume their souls which is kind of how I thought this was going to be maybe Mojang and Minecraft thought this would be a little bit too brutal to test how close I need to be until you obtain a morph let's see how long it takes until we get the cow one so we got the cow one and the Sheep one so I'm going to save from this one so 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 n so it's it's around about 10 blocks you only have to be 10 blocks in order to obtain a morph now as you know drowns on land are going to burn so I am curious if this is going to be the exact same for us if I then Crouch I then become a drowned we're going to go to forward SL game mode s here and one thing I have noticed is number one I can attack like a drown which is pretty cool but number two I end up with infinite water breathing and invisibility so the way an actual drown is going to burn during daylight it doesn't actually happen for the player I also don't seem to have access to a hand you can see my hand like this but I don't actually have a hand when I change inventory slot which is a little bit sad I'll be honest with you but still one thing I have noticed is that the drowns didn't actually interact or attack me so if I was to then go back to a human for example they are interested in attacking me kind of let's change and go to a drown they then be become not interested so I kind of like that considering I'm a drowned drowns have Trident now if you go ahead and hold your Gauntlet and hold it down you can actually end up with a trident now I want to know if this is an active Trident there is a charge ability so I'm curious if this is going to injure it it does it does injure it so you can actually act as a drown and we all know how deadly Trident are so some mobs have special abilities such as the drown I want to give myself poison I then want to go ahead and change myself into a cow and use the cow's special ability because this will get rid of any effects because you're practically eating SL drinking some milk so that's actually pretty cool and what I will say is the morph abilities do look pretty cool here I kind of like how these work the special particles that pop up if you are changing between each mob and each player let's try a Cod now with this one it's fun because you can see here it says Air Supply after a certain amount of time it's going to run out um but with this one I still have a human hand instead of like I don't know what a fin for a fish but he seems to be interested in me which is very very unusual and it also looks like dolphins can somewhat interact with you however with this one you are going to have infinite amount of uh water breathing what I have noticed though is that drowns will attack you if you are a dolphin or if you are something like a Cod that doesn't make any sense because usually they would only attack players but as you can see on land the Air Supply will run out but yeah the drown attacking players when they're fish or Dolphins H don't like that so if you find yourself an LA you activate this the LA will actually t Port blocks to a specific player so we're just going to activate all of these so we manag to unlock these really really simple to do so you don't actually have to kill all of your livestock and we've got ourselves a camel as well so let's go with the laay and we now drop all of these on the floor we're currently the laay we then activate our special ability hold on let's try it again got a cool down so this one has a much longer cool down here so those blocks should be teleported to us if this has been done correctly but it doesn't look like it's teleported any of the blocks to me dude the mobs killing all the mobs is like super annoying the the biggest disappointment with this I'm going to try this one more time maybe I need to be a little bit closer all my days right let's try it again there you go okay so you do need to be in range for this to work I wasn't too far away though but boy is that blade is annoying so I dude a blaze killing a blaze I'm curious though will the blaze attack a blaze are you going to do it he is that's that's got to change that needs to be fixed regardless though uh special ability with this one aha okay now we're in charge now we get to set things on fire you want instantly cooked cow or instantly cooked mutton you're able to do that that's actually a pretty cool feature I'm going to summon a villager here apparently if you are a bee and you attack another mob let's say we attacked a villager there is a chance to inflict poison there you go so that's actually pretty cool and just like the LA this can also fly as well not every mob does have an attack like a squid doesn't have the ability to let out ink which is actually a big Miss I thought that could have been pretty cool let's see how the creeper works so if we right click we scroll down to a creeper and then I think we have to hold for an explosion the player doesn't actually take any damage and it does have a small cool down here okay so the next one I noticed that is available is let's go an Elder Guardian okay we do need to kind of get into the water here cuz I actually don't have any change and I can't change perspective but apparently this one has like a beam I I think I'm going to have to get into the water for this okay so we made it into the water I can't change perspective but I need to know how the beam works on this one mob ability is charged wish I could change perspective this one's quite difficult to use let's try an Enderman so this guy can teleport really really fast I like how it's showing the mobs on my Gauntlet that we've actually managed to catch it so that's actually pretty cool so we go to hold this oh this one just teleports can you teleport to like a specific location then is it the way you're facing so let's say I'm facing over there and then let's say I'm going back over there oh yeah so it's the location that you're looking at that's actually pretty cool I guess that's a nice addition how about an evoca so we become the aoka and this does summon those effects now I'm curious if I did forward slash summon Iron Golem does the iron golem attack me he doesn't but we know if we do forward SL summon evoker iller you'll see here that he does attack him and also he tried to attack me okay so let's see if we try to attack him as he's still not interested in me what I do like though is it does symbolize the correct amount of hearts and when you do switch you can see here that it is starting to heal me up and with the iron golem if it has taken damage you you can actually see it being replenished so I thought that was a pretty good one let's summon this trying to attack him quite slow come on get him get him get him Iron Golem yes he is pretty strong too nice holding charge on your Gauntlet will summon a fireball if you are a gas sadly though Villages haven't been split into separate categories if you become a villager you are just going to be a villager without any kind of profession which I'm kind of saddened by also the texture has a little bit of Z fighting going on um when you're crouching and stuff I've got no clothes on and then I do have clothes on and it changes back so we do have a Wither if I go to for/ Game Mode s it does want to fight me it does want to fight me so you can have a battle as a Wither against a Wither to see who is the better wither but it's it's quite a slow cool down with this I think this one should definitely be sped up considering the amount that they can f at me this is not a fair fight we just keep going up right now let's see if we can get a shot on it though there you go so it does inflict a little bit of pain but once again Iron Golems are not interested in you so unfortunately Hostile Mobs if you do become one it doesn't mean you're going to be attacked by things like Iron Golems you can become a warden as well and you will be very very fast so let's see if it comes with the special Sonic Boom it does and now oh okay okay for the first time he's interested in me okay so this has a pretty long cool down compared to some of the other stuff but dude you are so fast with this let's try it there we go and it cracks him as well nice let's summon an ender dragon and see what life as an ender dragon is going to be like so we Crouch and we tap and we scroll down until we become the Ender Dragon oh dude you can fire explosion too the only downside I have is things just feel a lot slower the cool down on this takes a little bit of time as well let's fire this I mean yeah everyone's wanted to be an Ender Dragon at once in their their Minecraft life so I think the morph mod is actually pretty cool I just wish the movement was a little bit better cuz it's like I'm just flying in creative mode which actually brings me on to if I was to grab some eltra and then grab myself some fireworks am I actually in Creative here or no yeah I am so yeah it literally just puts you in like a creative mode with invisibility and stuff so things start to look a little bit weird like this I just think the movement of some mobs isn't great the sniffer works the panda works but armadillos don't the armadillo is not there it be nice if you could roll up in a ball but I think the panda can actually roll I love the animations though like being out to switch between each one so let's go to a panda for example that's that's a power Deco let's try that again let's go to the panda where are you this can have a Roll Effect apparently hold on let's try this let's try it there you go there you go you can roll so some of the effects are really really cool let's try it again wa there we go and if you become a sniffer I think the sniffer itself can sniff up seeds let's try this let's try this it's it's is it oh oh there you go it's doing the uh the digging animation oh I like that so it actually produced a seed which seed was it did we manage to get ourselves the torch flowers no complaints with this add-on other than the things that I have mentioned throughout today's video I think the creators did a relatively good job and it's the best morphing add-on you're going to get on the marketplace right now I give this one a thumbs up
Views: 52,347
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft morph gauntlet, minecraft mob morph, morph gauntlet, minecraft bedrock morph mod, Minecraft, Minecraft mods, Minecraft mod, Minecraft addon, Minecraft gameplay, Minecraft addons, Minecraft gauntlet addon, Minecraft mobs, Minecraft gauntlet mob, Minecraft gauntlet gameplay., Minecraft mob, Minecraft gauntlet, Minecraft gauntlets, Minecraft morphs, Minecraft gauntlet morph, Minecraft gauntlet transformation, Minecraft gauntlet mod, Minecraft morph
Id: jP974FmFjek
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 51sec (951 seconds)
Published: Sun May 05 2024
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