ANOTHER SECRETS DOORS ADD-ON but it's actually good in Minecraft Bedrock?

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so it looks like another secret doors add-on has been released this one is created by mod block this add-on is priced at 660 Minecraft coins that's £329 it's roughly $4 apparently this secret doors has 1,800 Secret Door options this currently has a 4.6 star rating out of five with 647 ratings so far 84% or giving it a five star this is technically the third secret doors add-on we have seen on the Minecraft Marketplace I always wonder why the Minecraft Marketplace Partners all want to make the same content why have we seen three secret doors add-on in my opinion if somebody's already created something why would you want to recreate it with that being said if you are going to recreate what is already available on the marketplace you have to do it bigger and better and in my opinion that is what this add-on actually does just like all the other add-ons we have checked out when you join for the first time you will be given a guide book but the creators of this have done something I have not seen and it is really really good because if you go to the next page and then come off this and go back onto it it stays on the exact page you were previously on now this can be really useful for crafting re recipes and honestly this is something I would like to see from more Marketplace Partners there is nothing more annoying then finding what you want right learning the recipe but then slightly forgetting it you go to this page you come off this you go back and then it changes the page so many add-ons have done this and it's so so annoying so the creates of this you guys did a good job starting with the secret doors there are two types you are able to make a 3X3 door and a five by five so make yourself a 3X3 it's going to be Stone all around the outside with redstone dust in the middle the exact same for the 5x5 apart from the middle is a redstone block instead of dust really easy to make it is also survival friendly as well as creative Adventure Etc so these go all around the outside this goes in the middle and then you end up with this and the same applies to these but all of the recipes are going to be inside of here along with inside of here really simple to use place it down a brand new menu will pop up and you have block type there are so many different options however slight issue here the more you scroll down you'll see that it's really hard to keep an eye on what blocks are up here it automatically kind of Scrolls you down and I found that as a slight issue with this along with a couple as we check this out so like I actually don't know what's going to be towards the bottom because I can't fully check them out I've got a brick block and then it kind of bugs out a little bit for me but we'll start off with the bookshelves for example so now that I've got this go ahead and tap on this and it's automatically going to open and close right pretty standard now if you crouch and then tap on this again you can go ahead and change the direction so let's say we wanted it to slide from the right go to the bottom hit submit and you can see it's going to slide there are so many different options with this and I kind of like it but again slight scrolling issue let's do like columns up for example hit submit I like this design back down again once you hit this and then if we change it again you've got vertical or horizontal so you can actually have these on the floor and to be honest they actually act as a block it doesn't seem to be like an entity this time I could be wrong but I'm actually able to interact and stand on these so if I was to grab myself some Oak for example here obviously it's going to be a compar ah oh there's definitely a slight issue there again a lot of the textures don't seem to line up which can be a very very big problem here it's very clear to see where the secret doors are going to be however you can see here if you I think it's this one how do I enter there you go Oh okay that's cool let's change it we'll change it to a different one let's do open up for example when this comes back let's try it again there you go standard one to open up like this and closes back down now more options are available here such as open by other players you can turn this off if you wanted to you do have show particles and all this means is in case you went ahead and forgot where your base is there are particles that you're able to enable so you can remember where you turned uh where you had your secret door but you can go ahead and just turn this off or on if you wanted to one more thing if you place this down by mistake go ahead and Crouch and tap on it and then click delete and the item is going to drop on the ground and you can pick this up this is the 3X3 and this is the 5x5 it's just on a bigger scale honestly I like that there's two options but I would love to see more like twos and ones and sevens and even bigger but this is better than the other ones we have seen however there is a slight negative with this if we go ahead and hit submit with this you can see that the textures are not the exact same so it's really really easy to figure out where the secret doors are and this has been a problem with all of them the shading hasn't been right so if I place this down tap on this we go to Stone and hit submit again it's very clear to see clear as day actually where the Secret Door door is going to be there's a couple of them that do look okay but most of them really don't it's just so easy to figure them out I think the obsidian one might have been one of the better ones so we'll click submit better than the other ones but it's not exactly perfect right and I was just messing around with a bunch of different designs let's go to like the oak log for example hit submit I mean that's not too bad as well but yeah unfortunately they don't blend very well I figured out if if you're using the scroll wheel this is how it bugs out so if you don't want this to happen don't use scroll just grab this and slide it down that's probably the best way to do it but I want to see if any other one might actually blend very well let's try like a block of iron I'm going to change this and we're going to go to like let's go uh diagonal for example we're going to do horizontal we're going to do submits let's try oh okay oh I pick block this and it classed as a barrier block let's try iron block so maybe it is still entities then this one seems to be Blended in a lot better than the other ones we've checked out so that's quite nice to see and when I was checking out the add-on one of the really good looking design ones was in fact lava so that's the best one we've seen that is a very very hard block to distinguish the differences between so that's good to see with this add-on you can also gain remote access using a remote control it's made with gold ingots you going to need five of these and the recipe is relatively easy to make three go in the middle going down and of course on the left hand side however a slight design floor here because if you activate this and you have too many secret bases together it's going to access all of the doors but honestly you're probably not going to have this many secret bases together although if your friend figures out how to craft this they could just start tapping control to figure out where other players secret bases are talking about secret bases you can actually craft these there are three different options available the small one is made with iron nuggets the medium is made with iron ingots meanwhile the larger one is made with iron blocks as mentioned by the book whether it's the small medium or the big one it automatically builds a large underground base perfect for hiding or your equipment in a large base be careful place it 5 to 10 blocks under the floor a really cool addition with this though if you place this down a warning will pop up saying you're about to summon an underground base structure which might replace important blocks such as chests or your house make sure you're at a safe distance from your belongings before proceeding but no worries you'll be able to undo it if needed now if I click continue it's generated a secret base you have 10 seconds to then cancel this I really really like this because some of the previous add-ons they don't have this and it can be a very very big problem especially if you start doing this in a pre-existing world now obviously we're just going to summon this not as they mentioned because as they did mention they don't recommend doing this at this level you have to dig down a couple of blocks after the under is done you cannot undo it you have 10 seconds to do it and that's all as it mentions go down one 2 3 4 5 or even 10 or even further place this down and hit submit and now we do have an underground base and this is where you can start adding the secret doors or you can cancel this and move it if you really wanted to I haven't seen this from any of the add-ons we've checked out yet elevator blocks this is a genius idea it's made with slime balls and a redstone block you need eight of these one of these really simple to make and credit to the developers here because the recipes all of the ones we've checked out are relatively easy to understand you place it down you stand on it and it would be as simple as jumping to go up or sneaking to go down and you can see no elevator has been found so I set this up here it's really useful if we go into third person here and jump and jump and we just keep jumping here so sometimes it does bug out and you can't do it as fast there you go there we go we Crouch we Crouch we Crouch we Crouch it's super useful and yes if you do build one undergrounds it will also work as well another Secret Door option is the cactus door but a slight problem here the cactus usually generates three tall this one is four tall but another problem we have here is that if I was to go ahead and place down sand here how on Earth do I get in and out of this because obviously it's going to a men to generate inside of a desert so a slight problem here because if we open this and we break this for example and close it back up you can actually see underneath so this one to me was a little bit confusing but this is the recipe you are going to need the final Secret Door comes in tree form I went ahead and placed down an original oak tree and a secret door if you were to pick which one is the real tree versus the fake one which one would you pick if you pick the left one being the real one you would be correct so this one's slightly darker in texture versus this one but another design floor you can see the slight shading around here verse this one but you can actually hover over the blocks here which I thought was pretty cool and you can can actually change the color of these as well now I actually thought in order to get yourself a different one so let's say you wanted to get yourself the Cherry one rather than the oak one the original recipe is the leaves then the logs and then Redstone right so I was like okay surely you have to go cherry and then Cherry this will just make the original one which will be an oak one you then place it and you can change the color which I thought was cool I want to try a jungle one cuz I'm curious on this one only problem with this one is it's not a giant door which is kind of sad but you can go ahead and Crouch and then change it again if you wanted to so we could go to the dark that one seems a little bit too light for me we'll go to let's go Mangrove you might get away with this one because it would be intertwined inside of a mangrove so you've seen the secret doors the secret bases elevators secret Cactus and secret tree this add-on has a little bit more your able to make yourself a super pick which is a digger and this is made using three Diamond Pickaxes put them in a crafting table like this and you'll end up with this so you're able to just dig a 3X3 area which I thought was a really cool addition and very unexpected for this so This has content that other ones do not more importantly the durability of this one does actually break which I thought was pretty cool what about if you do this one one oh that's a creeper can we do forward slash enchant and then we'll do let's do Fortune three you cannot enchant them unfortunately that's kind of sad the add-on also includes cameras but you are going to have to make yourself a laptop here are the recipes you are going to need but like I mentioned everything is inside of here also if you crouch it will take you back to the previous page by the way like like I said it stays on the page even if I throw this on the floor let's double check I throw this on the floor it still stays on the same page so when it comes to the camera go ahead and place down a laptop and then place down a camera you can change the design to your own satisfaction I'm going to look for one that I like let's go for a TNT one for example it's not really a big deal go to this and you can see here it will oh wait you can see me just chilling there anyway you can have secret cameras with this but is a slight bit laggy from my experience I'll be honest with you guys secret doors isn't really my thing however that being said I think the creators of this did do a very good job if they can fix the issue with the shading then honestly I think more people might be inclined to purchasing this that being said I think the elevators are brilliant on their own and I think these little things are just extra quirky additions overall it is the best secret doors add-on out there for the marketplace
Views: 15,477
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft marketplace secret doors add-on, minecraft bedrock secrets doors addon, minecraft secret doors, minecraft marketplace secret doors, secret doors addon, minecraft, minecraft mod, minecraft bedrock, minecraft bedrock add-on, minecraft add-on, minecraft bedrock edition, secrets doors, minecraft secrets, minecraft best add-on, minecraft bedrock secrets, minecraft secrets doors add-on, secrets doors add-on, add-on, addon, minecraft secret base, minecraft marketplace
Id: p2bOU-FHnH0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 3sec (903 seconds)
Published: Sun May 12 2024
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