67 Cursed Minecraft Things

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from broken items to Illegal blocks mobs and mechanics here are the most cursed things you can see in Minecraft Like These illegal sand blocks that when placed fall up instead of down Cactus and sugar cane can even still be planted on them and will start to grow downwards not only that but stone blocks absolutely refuse to be placed properly while if you craft four wood blocks together you'd get these all sides logs which is bad enough but then there's the poor sniffer they now have such a hard time breathing with their ancient lungs that they'll need an oxygen tank just to survive they can't even eat properly as feeding them food like a nice juicy steak gives them indigestion making them bloat up and if you keep feeding them they won't stop growing oh also be careful because if they're attacked while they're wearing an oxygen tank they'll explode much safer to scoop them up in a bucket instead while it's normally restricted to fish and such with the bucket a mod players can now rightclick any mob to capture them from villagers and camels to creepers and even Enderman I thought they hated W that's not all though no matter the size any mob can be bucketed even the Ender Dragon huh well that was easy there's only one thing to do now all right and you go oh yeah everyone needs a good dance once in a while so it's good to see Minecraft's mobs getting into it with the every ex dance mod whenever a hostile mob kills something a villager survives a raid or passive mobs breed they'll bust a move in celebration woo oh yeah although I think we still need to dial up the cursed levels even more oh that that that is pretty cursed this is the work of the cursed Edition resource pack that not only makes every single one of Minecraft's mobs look well incredibly C first but also randomizes their textures for even more horrific variety so that no two mobs look the same oh thankfully though you could always craft yourself some string tools as ridiculous as it sounds these tools are actually pretty useful as each one contains the power of silk touch better yet you can also craft string boots that allow the wearer to walk through cobwebs unhindered these items are amazing amazing and they're unbreakable oh they actually break very quickly good thing I have a full stack of 65 string wait what 65 now it's a stack of 100 now 1,000 oh this must be the work of the stacker mod it allows players to adjust the stack sizes of their items higher or lower than the standard 64 though what's even more cursed is that it can be raised to go up to 1 billion I'll never run out of inventory space again huh who's there oh that must be the cursed Rascal ooh he's got an awfully bad posture probably not taking care of himself after losing that mob vote let's fix that once a chiropractic bed is placed the Rascal will come out of hiding and lie down then you just got to jump on his back a bit and there he hey now you're back in shape just like this Spruce sphere it's it's one of many Cur shapes we can build with thanks to the YouTuber eight-sided Square you got skull screws bone cones pumpkin pyramids and even a diamond diamond but just don't craft using that totally normal crafting table it still works the same as the original I just think you'd rather craft with this door cutter block because this curs looking stone cutter variant allows players to cut doors in half to create half doors coming in every variety of doors these short kings are great for a normalized door that you only want half open or a smaller door that you can crawl through no way the mobs are getting through there you can also craft yourself a door launcher to use these smaller doors as projectiles that deal massive damage back back you Savages now I bet you're all wondering why doesn't he just sleep through the night well that's because I'm stuck with this reverse bed while you can technically still sleep on it it really isn't comfortable and instead of letting you sleep through the night it's used to sleep through the day which you know is what every player wants to do I was being sarcastic what the what the zombies are breaking in I got to get out of here wait what the they can build now yep they can build now the brain upgrades mod adds some extra cursed behaviors to make mobs more difficult skeletons will quickly back away from the player and Dodge arrows while spiders shoot webs to slow you down it can quickly get overwhelming so players should prepare with one of these cursed glares they'll let players know when monsters are nearby or when a place is too dark by shaking with anger until eventually whipping out an air horn stop and if you don't place any lights in time then they'll pull out symbols and start clashing them together still if you continue to ignore them well then it's all over for you I'm sorry so it's a good thing they stick to the caves while you explore the high seas in one of many new boats even a door boat well shift right clicking on boats will allow you to add any block as a passenger and most have their unique functions like crafting tables ender chests and redstone blocks like dispensers and TNT it doesn't stop some of these from looking any less cursed though and that flat pig isn't helping things either another good way to curse any Minecraft world this mod makes all living entities render as flat moving images which can get especially trippy when walking around a lively Village or fighting any mobs especially the Ender Dragon originally inspired by Minecraft's 2019 April Fool's joke I think it probably should have stayed a joke can't say the same for these villagers though as now whenever a player holds out an item they desire nearby villagers heads will rise out of their chests in intense interest ooh I'll trade you a diamond oh okay well I'll trade you two diamonds well two is more than one so no I'll trade you this block of dirt I'll take the two diamonds oh but what if you actually wanted to take all their diamonds Well normally raids are reserved for the pillagers however now you can join them by placing an ominous Banner on your head immediately you'll call a ridable ravager and pillagers to your Aid then it's time to start stealing killing and blowing stuff up just don't think the villagers are going to hide as they'll start pulling out swords to defend themselves defend the [Applause] village though with the help of this cursed La you can take pillaging to the next level see like your standard La these guys can collect items for you and dance to some tbes but unlike normal La if given a lead these guys will fly around and begin capturing any mob they can find which can get pretty ridiculous pretty quickly at least those chickens can fly cuzz if it was another mob oof still they might be able to help you find one of the many new curs tools or you could just craft some yourself with an upside down recipe players can gain access to gear like the cursed diamond sword which levitates any creature you hit or the cursed diamond pickaxe that can break multiple blocks at the same time just don't mess around with the cursed TNT cuz when this TNT explodes it causes es a burning effect to nearby entities too which can quickly get out of hand ah a cow head yeah one more for my collection see the more heads mod adds in heads for every mob that didn't already have one each being fully placeable and wearable I'm a villager oh that is disgusting though you can even wear the small ones like cats chickens and axel gives you another thing to collect especially as every head can be combined with another to make them bigger and you can just keep on collecting and combining until you have the biggest head of them all fear me and I thought we had big noses send in the Golem golum oh it's just a cursed copper golum they love to press buttons no matter what or if you wanted to distract them longer you can always craft yourself a copper keyboard they'll rush to it and just start pushing buttons randomly typing gibberish into the game chat which can get pretty spammy but what's more cursed is you can give them pickaxes and they'll start to go crazy randomly breaking any blocks they can find even they could never destroy this crooked house though thanks to the new wrench tool players can tilt move and rotate blocks in any direction you can also copy or paste blocks even this house which is technically just this one block meaning I can walk through it move it and rotate it to get a crooked house but then there's the pump crafted with a poor puffer fish it allows players to inflate a block size in any direction even straight up and you can really stretch them out or if you crouch you can shrink any Block in instead H I wonder how this will work with the house oh oh no well thank goodness none of those new baby mobs were inside a aren't you guys just adorable no baby zombies and villagers have been around for a while now so it's only fair that the rest of Minecraft's mobs get baby versions too and they can be really tricky to fight though some just don't look right I think I'd rather just grow my own mobs that's right with the prop seeds found throughout the world anyone can grow their own mobs whether land animals or sea creatures you'll never waste precious resources on breeding ever again because given enough time you can easily have any mob at your disposal and then turn them into one of many stupid weapons like this chicken strapped to a stick that launches eggs this spider stick that shoots webbing or this Anvil catapult that catapults anvils though by far the stupidest of all these weapons is the Villager rocket craft and combine all three parts for a rocket that can be programmed to launch anywhere hey do you ever think about the Roman Empire yeah what poor pillagers though I think they have enough outposts with the many more structures mod players can change just how many structures will spawn in their worlds which can give some pretty cursed looking results where is my house not only in the Overworld but in the Nether and the end as well and with so many end cities flying around with an elytra is nearly impossible now but why fly when you can walk uh this mod brings back the original Derpy walking animation used in early Minecraft causing you and your friend's arms to Flame nail around like mad though while it looks really goofy it's still not as cursed as this big Steve found randomly throughout the Overworld this incredibly buff Steve Can Be Tamed with some diamonds to help protect you from any mob that dares attack not only that but if you right click him you can even ride on his chest this looks weird regardless you can control him almost like a Mech as he'll move wherever you want while attacking whenever you and just look at all those hearts I love buff Steve so much in fact that I drew him with this new cray item great for customizing your builds these items can be crafted from honeycomb paper and a glow sack to draw on any surface they can even be dyed with different combinations to get the exact colors you want enough to even draw this fake diamond on a dirt block O dirt I know diamonds shouldn't be dirt but netherite shouldn't be baked into a cake either and look where that's got us now while a nether ore filled cake might sound unappetizing and even dangerous well that's because it is once crafted these cakes can be eaten to provide players with a random status effect which can be literally anything from swiftness or poison to even making you glow yum metal poisoning actually it might be safer to just hand it over to this cursed tough Golem like this original mob vote incarnations these guys can hold and display items for you but unlike those Originals these ones hate item frames stop look I understand you feel threatened by them but I'm not going to replace you with an item frame I promise okay that's it I'm using my stone cutter yeah that's right they should be terrified because while Stone Cutters are great for letting us customize are Stone they don't actually break stone blocks well until now cuz when paired with a piston these World Cutters could be pushed around to destroy any Block in its path like a drill even if pushed sideways or downwards if paired with a flying machine they'll just start carving through anything in their path time for a nap wait what's that sound he'll be fine now this cow on the other hand sorry pal need the the leather you are not a looker it's better than killing you though right while sheep can be sheared they shouldn't have all the fun and shearing cows there's a great way to get resources without a sword the only problem is the leather isn't going to grow back but as long as they stay out of the cold they should be fine just be careful with those shears as the phrase don't run with scissors applies here too if held you'll take sustained damage when sprinting swimming or falling you even get custom death messages if you're not careful which is especially hard with the everything infinite ice mod it turns every block in Minecraft into an infinitely slippery surface not just for you but for other Mobs and items too gotcha well guess I'm not getting that because your velocity constantly increases too you can find yourself practically flying on flatter surfaces a still better than dealing with a Ghast cow though a mini boss of sorts it's summoned into existence when a ghast kills a renamed cow what did you do to my Bessie that once spawned it's a battle to the death much like fighting a gast but dialed up to 11 a clash with this terrible Titan is tough that is unless you have one of nar's many new Dumb potions like the potion of Titan that makes the player that can consumes [Applause] it then there's the potion of shape shifting allowing players to transform themselves into any random mob or there's the potion of 17 that gives the player like every effect Under the Sun I don't know whether to be happy or worried just do not drink the potion of a th000 blocks because if you do you'll quickly find yourself launched into the sky ah a and the return trip isn't going to be pretty though once your inventory is filled with empty Potion bottles make sure to finish them off yum eating bottles is a great way to prevent your inventory from getting all clogged up plus even if it deals a little damage it still restores one whole hunger point though it doesn't hurt as much as is looking at those Stone Sals these cursed looking inverted slabs come with a host of other weird blocks and building mechanics that'll make your head spin like these vertically placed fences completely useless for keeping animals in just be careful when cutting Stone as they can now be cut into quarter chunks which can then be cut into smaller Stone fragments and you can just keep on Crafting them down and down until you get this smallest Stone bit it's so so small though if ruining friendships is more intriguing why not throw a lead on a player when they're not looking since leads are normally reserved for animal mobs they'll be confused when they start getting yanked around thanks to the leasable players mod if you're in creative mode you can even pick them up and drag them around yoink it's especially easy to snag them if you hide in plain sight and with the Box trop mod players can just just put a barrel on their head to disguise themselves from mobs and players alike then they can walk around all sneaky like only hiding inside the block once they're standing still did I just hear someone laugh the barrel will even open up when a player interacts with it too to fool them further huh must be going crazy you're not going crazy Ned that's a ceiling torch and while it is pretty cursed to see torches placed like this it is a great way to make sure they never break from an unexpected flood in the mines plus it works with all torches so that's something what the where did all the cubes go oh no it's all smooth quite the sight to behold the no cubes mod completely overhauls the look of Minecraft by smoothing over most natural blocks creating some insane Landscapes this might just be the most cursed thing yet caves look way creepier the nether is just gross and the end it actually doesn't look that much different thankfully though building blocks are safe from the smoothening so structures and player bases will still look the same unless you use these diagonal glass panes look at this madness well maybe that's a bit of an exaggeration I actually kind of like these ooh it even works with fences you can never leave and it works with walls ziggity zaggy ah what the heck dude sorry I just got this cool air horn from the loud horns mod it's okay just don't do that again really it's a clown horn you know these things lure in nearby mobs right I do now cut to the next one it's the nether but flooded the flooded nether is a mod that replaces every air pocket in the hellish fiery nether with water you know that thing that usually gets burnt up in a second seeing the nether like this is honestly pretty insane as long as you've got a water breathing potion to keep you alive long enough to admire it o poor blazes never stood a chance though kind of like me as I stand here watching that Anvil come falling right towards me that smarts but now I'm tiny see what the hell help of the squished mod players that find themselves under a gravity affected block like sand or anvils will get squished Down based on its weight really funny to walk around all short likee while the server serves up dad jokes this mod adds in a large collection of the most cheesy punny corny grown worthy but sometimes funny jokes that'll pop up in the chat whenever you join the world or server though you can also spam them with a command to annoy the heck out of your friends a I can't take this anymore huh well it's a good thing Ned left because the chaos is starting entropy is a mod that starts a countdown timer as soon as you enter your world and once it reaches the end a random event will occur every 30 seconds these events can be just about anything and will be combined with each other to make your Minecraft experience progressively more and more cursed and with more than 100 20 events for the game to choose from you'll never know what to expect like this random video I should probably click it uh just to be safe uh
Channel: Dr. Bonks
Views: 434,147
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Minecraft Story, Minecraft Mob, Minecraft Mod
Id: 1mWqHL4nqzo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 10sec (1330 seconds)
Published: Fri May 24 2024
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