Plan your Paris Itinerary to AVOID Over Scheduling Nightmares 😵‍💫

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when you're planning your first trip to Paris building an itinerary can be really daunting there's so much that you just don't know like what's close to what how long does it take to visit the Louvre or can I see Versailles in Sacramento in the same day we see it all the time people make ambitious and unrealistic plans because they're afraid of not seeing and doing everything there is to do in a once in a lifetime trip but the truth is with a little information you can build an amazing itinerary so in this video we'll cover the top attractions to see in Paris and we'll tell you how long you need to do each of those things including which ones are close to each other and all the basic information you need to build an amazing itinerary let's get started [Music] foreign before we start let me address a few things that you need to know before you build your itinerary the first thing is don't underestimate the effect of jet lag on you and it's hardly ever an issue on day one because it shows up on day two we've seen many people missing their early morning appointment on day two because they were sleeping it's 9 A.M in Paris but for your body it's just 3 A.M and it's sleepy time the second thing is many people underestimate how long it takes to go from one attraction to the next especially during peak hours when people are going to and from work so keep that in mind between 8 and 10 in the morning and 4 and 7 P.M in the afternoon the third thing is that most itinerary that we see are way too ambitious and it includes too many things in one day so limit your visit to one major attraction per day and maybe a couple of small things to see that don't require a ticket on the same day the fourth thing is it's fair to assume that many of you are overestimating your level of Fitness when it comes to Paris and especially how tired you'll be after visiting Lulu or Versailles an average day in Paris is about 15 to 20 000 steps so make sure to schedule some down time in a park or at a cafe to recover before you head out to the next thing and finally whatever you plan you'll probably end up just doing about half of it so be clear of what is a must-see and what isn't and in Paris most of the time less is more [Music] of course when you come to Paris you're going to go see the Eiffel Tower but the Eiffel Tower is on the west side of town and it's not always the easiest attraction to get to you don't have a metro station at the Eiffel Tower per se but you have a few that are nearby so you'll need to plan on about 15 to 20 minutes of travel time to get to the Eiffel Tower and an additional 10 minutes to get to the base of the tower our preferred station is a coal military because you arrive from behind the Sean's Demars and you get a really nice reveal walking up to it and another great reveal for the Eiffel Tower is on metro line six if you take it from the Arc de Triomphe to the Beer Hakim station the Metro runs above ground and you come across the river with a beautiful shot of the Eiffel Tower so besides the time to get there if all you want is a photo op then you need to dedicate at least one hour for the Eiffel Tower and if you bought time stamp tickets to climb the tower then dedicate at least two hours plus Transportation the Eiffel Tower is open seven days a week from 9 30am a.m to 10 45 pm and tickets are available up to 60 days in advance for a bite to eat or some shopping head towards rueclair which is about a 10 to 15 minute walk from the tower [Music] the Louvre museum is located in the heart of Paris and there is a metro station within five minutes of the big pyramid entrance now you absolutely need a Time ticket for Lulu this year and for the foreseeable future luluv is limiting up to 30 000 visitors per day so make sure to get your ticket as soon as you know which day in your visit will be best for you and if you have a timestamp ticket that also means that you and a thousand other visitors for the same time on their ticket or trying to get into the museum so you'll be waiting in line for a bit now it moves quickly but you need to account for that and I would allocate 30 minutes just to get in once inside it's hard to visit luluv in less than three hours even if all you want to see or a half a dozen pieces of art because you and everybody else is trying to do the same so for luluv I would allocate three to four hours to be on the safe side Lulu is as Central as it gets for Paris so you can pretty much get to any other attraction in 10 to 15 minutes like the Opera the treaty Gardens and the music of say which is across the river the Louvre is open from 9am to 6 p.m and open until 9 45 pm on Fridays and it's also important to note that luluva is always closed on Tuesdays from luluva head towards the Opera to find tons of restaurants and shops most everything on a rule Rivoli is very touristic and kind of expensive the next one is momart which includes sacrifice Deuter the I love you all or the Mirza tem and all of the village of momar and it's up on a hill on the northern part of Paris this is another place that isn't the easiest to get to it'll take about 10 to 15 minutes to get there from other spots in Paris and then you have to climb the hill to get to the top and depending on your level of Fitness that'll take from 15 to 30 minutes you can take the funicular but that's not a fast-moving train and you'll have to wait in line for that too once you're at the top you'll need at least an hour to take in the view and stroll through plas de terrid and walk down towards the nurse at 10 but if you want to take it all in I dedicate at least two to three hours from Walmart alone there's no need for tickets here it's free to visit the town but beware Walmart can get really crowded on top of the hill and this is a place to look out for pickpockets there are plenty of cafes and restaurants all around town but the ones on top are very touristic and for a better experience go down the hill towards rudimarters for a much better restaurant [Music] foreign [Music] so you can walk from one to the other in about 10 minutes and there is also an rer station at the base of the museum so that's super convenient since it's a much smaller Museum it's also a lot faster to get in than Lulu it took us about 10 minutes to get in with a Time ticket about two weeks ago once inside you can see the essentials in about 90 minutes but to give it justice and see it all you will need two to three hours the music is closed on Mondays and it's open Tuesday through Sunday from 9 30 a.m until 6 PM with late night closing at 9 45 pm on Thursdays now it's important to note that music or say is going to be very busy when Lulu is closed on Tuesday the Muse has a couple of very nice cafe inside if you get hungry and you're on the edge of Saint John where you have lots of restaurants and shop within a five to ten minute walk [Music] next is Versailles and Versailles on the southwest side of Paris and it takes about 45 minutes to an hour to get there on a good day I'd account for at least one hour to get there because once you get to the train station you still have a good 10 to 12 minute walk to the castle and then you're gonna have to wait in line to get in even if you have a time stamp ticket because you and a thousand other people have the same time stamped on your ticket personally I can't imagine being able to visit the castle in less than two to three hours and it's always very crowded so it's not like you could zip through the castle you'll have to follow a slow moving crowd anyway ideally Versailles is an all-day visit getting there visiting the castle walking through the gardens and coming back will take at least four to five hours and it's best to not schedule anything else besides dinner or a casual stroll in Paris at the end of that day and don't underestimate how tired you might be from the visit Versailles closed on Mondays and from Tuesday to Sunday it's open from 9 A.M to 5 30 p.m and for a bite to eat there are a couple of food outlets at the castle and down by the lake but they can all be super busy the Opera is a five minute ride from Lulu and paler so it's very easy to get to and fairly Central in Paris and there is a metro station right outside the Opera depending on the day and time you shouldn't have to wait too long to get in it recently took us five minutes to get inside you could see the inside of the Opera in about 30 minutes but ideally you would want to allocate one to two hours to visit now if all you want is a family picture outside then all you need is about 15 to 30 minutes the Galleria Lafayette shopping center and rooftop are just behind the Opera so I'd combine these two together now while we're on the subject if you want to go to the rooftop you will need 30 to 45 minutes to get in ride the escalator to the top take pictures and then come back down Opera gagne is open seven days a week from 10 a.m to 5 PM except for days with afternoon performances here you're surrounded by restaurants at shop and of course the gallery Lafayette amazing food court [Music] the Arc de Triomphe is on the west side of Paris and it's at the end of the chandelier and from the center of Paris it'll take you about 15 minutes to get there there's a metro station right at the base and a tunnel to take you into the center of the Ark if all you want to do is a photo op then 30 minutes is really all you need but if you want to climb to the top and get the view which is spectacular then you need a minimum of a solid hour to get to the top take pictures and get back down the Arctic Triumph is open seven days a week from 10 a.m to 10 30 p.m and of course there are plenty of restaurants and shops nearby they're fairly expensive and it's not called the Golden Triangle for nothing you're in the high-end luxury part of Paris and prices there will reflect that [Music] catacombs are located in the southern part of Paris and they are not near anything else so it takes about 20 minutes to get there from Central Paris and the Metro exit is right outside the entrance there is no quick in and out with the catacombs you'll get in from one end and exit the other end and that takes about an hour and that's pretty much it the catacombs are closed on Mondays and open Tuesday through Sunday from 9 45 a.m to 8 30 p.m and it's also a great idea to have a Time ticket for the catacombs and once you get out if you're hungry you can go nearby to rudiger to grab a bite before you go to your next destination [Music] a Sun River Cruise is a great way to see Paris the boats run seven days a week more or less from 10 a.m to 10 30 p.m depending on the time of year and regardless of which company you book plan on walking about 10 to 15 minutes from a metro station or drop-off point and depending on which Cruise you book The Ride will be between 60 and 90 minutes long and if your ticket is for 5 PM that means the boat will leave the dock at 5 pm and you need to already be on board and ready to go the boats are open seating so if you're looking to have a seat up front or an unobstructed view by the edge plan on getting to the boat between 15 and 20 minutes before takeoff unless you've specifically booked a lunch or dinner cruise don't expect to have food on board they will provide beverages even wine and champagne and they'll give you an audio tour of the important and iconic sites along the river but taking a Sun River Cruise will require some planning on your part to get the time right is located in the Sixth Avenue small just south of sanjana the easiest way to get there is via the rerb line with a stop just outside the gates of the park there is no ticket needed to get in and once inside the park you can stay as little as one hour but I'd recommend to make this a pit stop to relax and take it all in with at least a couple of hours there are plenty of chairs and little hidden Corners where you can read a book have a picnic or just people watch nearby is the pantheon San German the Latin quarter and you'll find plenty of great restaurants and food Stop nearby is open seven days a week from 8 A.M to 5 p.m in Winter and from 7 30 a.m to 8pm in the summer months [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Les Frenchies
Views: 306,506
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Keywords: paris travel itinerary, How to plan trip to paris, les frenchies travel, attractions in paris, top 10 paris attractions, Paris attractions, paris france travel guide, paris itinerary, les frenchies, paris travel guide, top 10 paris landmarks, paris travel, visit paris, things to do in paris, best places to visit in france, paris travel tips, paris vlog, paris tour, paris travel vlog, best things to do in paris, Best of paris, what to do in paris, paris tips
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 45sec (765 seconds)
Published: Sat May 06 2023
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