10 OVERRATED Things To Do in Paris (and Tourist Traps)

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we love Paris Paris is an amazing City with beautiful architecture and Beauty everywhere and it has its fair share of tourist strap and overrated things so in this video we're going to tell you the 10 things to avoid in Paris so you can make the most out of your trip Ali on now the first one may be controversial with a lot of you but I personally find the mono in Lou to be underwhelming and always super crowded with hundreds of people packed together to get a selfie with Lon here's a review from someone that was there the picture itself can be viewed better on the internet you can hardly get close enough and above all you have no peace and quiet for viewing the irony is that in the same room or just around the corner are amazing paintings that get a lot less attention but are far more interesting the most monisa is also located in the most crowded room in Lou and it's not a particularly pleasant experience honestly take a selfie if you have to but go around the corner and enjoy beautiful art pieces with a lot less [Music] people another overrated place in Paris is the chatau de Versa I get it seeing Louis the 14th's palace is a must do for many people and the palace is stunning but it's also o a nightmare to visit this review captures it perfectly I would not recommend going here overcrowded not enjoyable experience rooms were so full that you can't even move with your own will one will move only when the crowd will move suffocating experience the gardens were enjoyable if it would have been a nice day it was hot bring an umbrella and a water bottle I've been there four times and each time it was a relief to find the exit sign honestly there are many palaces in Paris and the surrounding area that deserve your attention and are much less crowded for instance Napoleon's apartments at the Lou or vola Von which is the Chateau that inspired the design and Decor of Versailles these are much more satisfying to visit we did a video with five castles to see around Paris I definitely recommend checking those out especially in high season next are those large Cafe Terrace restaurants that are nearby a major attraction like this one behind me they are famous for charging exorbitant prices for mediocre food and awful service here is a review from one of the restaurant behind me tourist trap alert easily the worst restaurant or bar I've ever sat down in we paid $47.50 for two upper roll sprits and when the check arrived the waiter shoved the card machine in my face and then added 20% both of those cafes near the Apple Tower right behind me have a two star rating on Google and they deserve it they are ripoff artists and some cafes near notredam and on PL Melle are not any better again all you have to do is walk one block away and you'll have a much better experience you may not have the view but those establishment don't deserve your business and in case of Doubt look at the recent negative reviews before you commit to a place we can all tell the difference between a Karen that's having a bad day and a legitimate complaint [Music] when you're coming to Paris make sure to check out our online guides we have one on some of the best restaurants in Paris best bakeries best streets food even one of the best places to stay there's a link in the description below and just check it out and see if it's a good fit for you now back to the [Music] video another overrated thing that people do in Paris is put locks on fences and bridges please don't even though you'll find lots of people selling them and you'll come across a lot of locks by saur and on bridges over the send the truth is that the weight of the locks causes structural damage and they're going to be removed on a regular basis like here check out these reviews they've cut down all of the locks there's no more locks the city removed them if you want to profess your Undying Love save your money and find another way there is no shortage of romantic opportunities in this city next on our list is Maat and we love Maat it has a lot of meaningful memories for us and I know that it's probably on your list of places to visit in Paris but the worst meal we've ever had in Paris in all of my life was on top of the hill on plaz dutel so here is a review from the same restaurant that we ate on PL dutel absolutely awful you pay €1 per pint and or not even cold and $850 for some Coca-Cola absolutely would not recommend would rather kill myself than be at this place again you're probably much better off walking sometime just a few blocks away M mou can get very crowded and it's where you'll encounter pick pockets and many scammers and the Main Street going up to the SRI from the on metro station is a big tourist trap filled with scammers you're better off going to the blanch or ABS metro station to avoid this whole mess another overrated thing in Paris is climbing up the Eiffel Tower I know there's no symbol of Paris more iconic than the Eiffel Tower of course you want to go see it and photograph it we enjoy having picnics right here on the lawn and seeing it from a bridge or a boat it's a joy to see in the skyline but climbing up the tower has been a big disappointment for many people check out this review one of the most overrated tourist attractions there's a que to get in for a que to get get into the elevator and then there's one more cue to get to the summit trust me it's not worth the time and effort the Eiffel Tower is visible from almost all parts of Paris it's highly overrated and not recommended yes the view from the top is beautiful but as Antoine says the thing you can't see from the Eiffel Tower is the Eiffel Tower and the experience of climbing it can kill a lot of precious time that you could spend doing other amazing stuff and it can leave you exhausted and in a bad mood instead check out the view from the top of the Arctic Triumph from the central pompo or the top of the mount peros Tower those are stunning next on my list are the Instagram famous places like Angelina Bou or last defal on rud de Rosier Angelina was an amazing coffee shop 40 years ago and it's now officially an overpriced tourist trap where you'll wait in line for 30 minutes then to be cram like like a sardine to drink a subpar hot chocolate here is a review about the place I was pretty excited to visit this much hype establishment to enjoy their famous hot chocolate and pastries and then it goes on to say overall would not recommend this place I am sure there are other establishment in Paris that would be worth your time and money and I agree with that assessment it's just not worth the wait we found they are hot chocolate to be average there are plenty of other better options all over Paris and the same applies to last def fallo on rud de rier you'll find a better and cheaper place right around the corner another overrated thing to do in Paris is shopping or dining on the Sha as a teenager I dreamed of shopping here and it seemed So Glamorous like an Audrey heern kind of thing to do and I thought maybe one day that would be me but on my first trip to Paris long before I met Antoine that dream died in a pit of disappointment not only is it overpriced it's really underwhelming and you can tell from this review I'm not the only one it's not as spectacular as expected it's only a street for designer clothes expensive cafes and so on and it was pretty dirty and this place is swarming with pickpockets it's nice to see it all doled up with Christmas lights but really this place doesn't deserve more than a quick walk by and there's so many other places that are beautiful and better for shopping even if what you're looking for is an overpriced beverage next on my list are those giant dinner Crews that you'll see along the saint as a Parisian I've always known them to be tourist trap here's a review from one of those giant dinner Crews the most awful boat tour experience I went with nine other people and we all hated it save your money and either do another boat tour or do an open bus tour or just walk around the be beautiful city if what you have in mind is a romantic experience to celebrate something I'd look into a much smaller dinner cruise than those giant banquet halls on water on these giant boats the food is average at best service is adequate but not great and overall it probably won't meet your expectation we recently did a video on our experience on a much smaller boat so check it out before you commit the next overrated thing is the Paris Flea Market at Sunan I'm pretty sure when people ask about the Paris Flea Market they're expecting something like the local markets we covered in this video you'll find those all around but the flea market at San Juan is on the outskirts of town you'll find lots of homeless people and sketchy stuff and not the bargains or unique things that you may be expecting this review captures it all the environment left a lot to be desired I guess I'd hope for more based on the hype the items were much too expensive for what they were and there were quite a number of counterfeit designer Goods being passed off as authentic if you're going to make the trip be sure to do your research first rather than going through all that check out the covered passages or the Thursday Market at plaz De La Bor the street market behind the Allegra Marketplace we found lots of good Antiques and little items for the dinner table and stuff that we love in those places if you want to go there do your research first so you know what to expect if you like what you saw here next I would watch this video on the 25 biggest mistakes tourists make in [Music] [Applause] Paris
Channel: Les Frenchies
Views: 159,799
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: visit paris, things to do in paris, france places to visit, best places to visit in france, les frenchies, les frenchies travel, paris travel tips, paris vlog, paris tour, paris travel, paris travel guide, paris travel vlog, things to avoid in paris, what to avoid in paris, things to not do in paris, overrated things to do in paris, restaurant scam paris, tourist trap in paris
Id: Vd09uJUhFEw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 53sec (653 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 14 2023
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