How to Buy Metro Tickets in Paris (2024 UPDATE)

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in this video we're going to show you how to buy a Metro ticket which daily or weekly pass is best for you how to navigate the metro and the costly mistakes you should avoid now this is going to be a step-by-step tutorial we're going to show you how to use the machines to buy your pass and how to use your phone as the pass itself and stay tuned until the end because we're going to answer some of your questions at the end on now the Paris Metro is all within the Paris city limit with the exception of a few line that extends Beyond but that is the Paris Metro and that is Zone one now let's move to the big map so you'll see the whole extended Paris region now on this map you can see that zone one is the city of Paris and this is where the Paris Metro is located everything that is beyond that is the trains or the are R and you will take the train in the r to go to and from the airport like Charles the gal Disney right here or Versa and of course Orly which is all the way at the bottom now if you plan on having a pass that will give you access to all of this you're going to need to have Zone one 2 3 4 and five you'll need all five of the zone so you can navigate in and out of the Paris Metro including going to the airports and to the other attractions that you want to go to but the thing you have to be really careful is you could hop on an R here with a Metro ticket and go all the way to Disney there's nothing stopping you from it but if you're controlled on your way to Disney with a Metro ticket you're going to get a hefty fine so it's really important that you get the proper pass if you go on the website to check out your Metro options it's easy to get confused because it can be really complicated but let's break down the four main options for when you're buying tickets to ride the Metro first you can buy a single trip on a paper ticket you can get a navigo easy pass for multiple one-off trips within the city limits or you can get the navigo decouvert weekly pass for unlimited rides around Paris to Disney Versailles and the airports or the daily visit Paris pass which also includes Paris Disney Versailles and the airports now let me show you the types of ticket machines that you will find at a Metro and a train station in Paris in all the Metro stations in Paris you're going to find these machines the purple one here that you have on the left and those one right here where you can buy the ticket in a major train station you'll see these ticket machines that are blue red and yellow but these are strictly for Longline train tickets the one that are going to take you away from Paris like Normandy the south of France now in a train station or the airport you're going to see those machines right there with the blue the white or the pink bar now the one with the pink bar at the top is the one you can use to buy your navigo p and load it with your tickets all in one transaction which means that you don't need to speak to an attendant and we'll show you that step by step later in the video now the machines with the blue bar or the white bar do not sell the physical navigo card you can only ref fill a card but you cannot buy the actual physical card so it's important that you find one that has the pink bar and if you're using your navigo pass or your phone as a navigo pass you just tap it right here on this little purple Dot and go right through as an Insider tip we recommend that you try and get your passes and your tickets away from a major station like gor or Gardon because the lines here will be pretty long and if you just walk over to the next station over you'll probably have no lines at the booth or at the machines it'll be a lot easier and you got less chances of being pickpocketed now let's start by buying a single ride paper ticket we're going to tap here so we it'll speak English I don't have a navigo pass so I'm going to tap here I want a t+ ticket I'm not buying the whole all day pass I just want a single ride so I'm going to buy the single ticket I want to ride a Metro a tram a bus that's what I want a t+ and I just want one ticket so here for €25 I'm going to tap on the number one that's the price I'm going to validate that and insert my bank card and since I already have the pass I'm not going to buy it today but it's really simple just like any other place where you would put in your credit card to buy something and then your ticket would fall right here and then you'll get a little paper ticket just like that let me show you how to use that in the Turn Style machine at the Metro it's a little bit tricky because not all of them have it so here and it pops right back up on this side simple as that and this isn't the best option because they're actively phasing those tickets out and encouraging people to use the navigo cards or their phones so some stations may not even have a Turn Style where you can use the paper ticket so while this is still available in 2024 we don't really recommend it the second option is the navigo Easy Pass and our preferred option if you're staying within the Paris city limits on Zone one now you can buy this multiple ways one of them is to go to a booth like this one with an attendant just step up say bonjour ask them if they speak English and then tell them that you want to buy a navigo Easy Pass loaded with 10 trips now the physical navigo card is € and the 10 tickets or trips on it or €1 1735 and note that each person in your group needs to have their own card you cannot just buy one card and tap for each person as you're going through each person needs to have their own individual card to get in now the second option to buy your navigo easy card is to go to a machine where you can buy the navigo card and have it loaded with the trips in this machine let me show you how follow me now the advantage of this one is you don't have to speak to a human you just can buy the card right there and have it loaded with trips let me show you how Okay so first you have to tap on the screen obviously pick the language I'm going to pick English it's going to make it easy for me all right so buy navigo pass with tickets or you can buy buy cardboard tickets or you can uh tap which basically top it up right so we're going to do that we're going to pick one now the next screen that I have is is asking me how many cards do I want to buy so I'm just going you can buy one two three you can see all up to nine card so I'm going to buy one it's €2 and then it says what do you want to do on there do you want to add a daily pass uh navig Goan weekend whoops let me go back navig Goen weekend that's just for the weekend and that's Jun means youth the daily pass or I'm just going to add 10 trips so that's tickets t+ and then full fair and reduced fair so be careful with the reduced Fair because we've heard of some people buying the reduce Fair thinking that they were eligible for a discount but that's for 4 to 10 years old right so full fair and then you can buy one for 215 you know up to up to eight or you can buy a booklet or of 10 uh rides for 1735 so let me click on that and then I have 1935 which is 1735 Plus my2 for the card so I'm good to go so this is what it's telling me uh that I'm going to do so I'm going to click on pay and now I can insert my card so I'm going to put my card in I'm going to buy my card telling me please wait approved I remove my card don't forget your card it's actually reminding you to take the card my navigo pass is going to be created and is going to drop right there there you go I just bought myself a navigo pass loaded with 10 trips I could have bought 1 2 3 4 up to 9 and I don't have to go to the attendant and talk to them so that's a great way to do it if you already have a navigo card and you just want to add more rides to it you come to a machine like this any of them that say recharg Mon and you touch the screen and follow the instructions so we're going to do it in English I'm going to put my card right here in the little cup it tells me I I only have one ride left so I'm GNA buy some single Journey tickets I'm just going to add a book of 10 it's 1735 for the 10 pack I'm going to validate that I'll put in my bank card and the pass is now loaded I just take my card and go over here and there's a little window that'll tell you how many rides you have left now the third option to buy the navig pass is to buy it on your phone now unfortunately that's not available with iPhone they said that it would be ready to buy it with an iPhone as of 2024 but we've asked a couple of employees here and it's still not working so bottom line is if you have an iPhone it's probably not going to work this is only good for people with Androids so now let me show you how to do it on your phone this is my Paris screen where I have all the apps that are actually great but the one that you want is this app which is IDF Mobility I'm going to put a link in the description so you can go directly to it and download that app I'm going to click on it and it's going to open up I'm going to click on the little button at the bottom here that says purchase and then I can buy tickets on my phone or I can actually top up my navigo pass so if you buy a navigo pass you can actually top it up with your phone but I'm just going to buy a ticket here right and then you can see all the options that I have I have the the monthly the weekly the daily or the the young people but this is the caret of 10 tickets this is what it translate to the difference is that you don't have to buy the2 physical card now your phone is the card by itself so basically it's you can buy one or two I'm just going to buy show you how to buy one I'm just clicking on this it's just asking you to accept the terms and then it's just clicking on buy and now it's bringing you to a credit card now I'm not going to buy the ticket today but it's basically you put your credit card information and now you will have the passes on your phone and you'll use your phone by the machine to get in the Metro and you do not need a physical card this becomes your navigo easy card one of the questions we get asked all the time is how do I keep safe and how do I keep my stuff safe when I'm traveling on the Paris Metro or in train stations so we put a link in the description below to some of the travel gear that we love that can help keep you in your stuff safe check it out see if it's for you the third option is the weekly navigo deou pass and that includes all zones which is perfect if you're planning on going to Versailles or Disney and to and from the airports now this is a great pass except that it starts on Monday and ends on Sunday regardless of when you buy it so if you buy it on a Wednesday or a Thursday it's really not worth it and you'll also need a passport photo unless you're using it on your phone because this physical card is strictly personal and there are steps to buying the navigo deou you can buy the physical card at a booth with an attendant first by saying bonjour and ask them if they speak English then ask for the navigo deou card loaded with a weekly pass the physical card will cost you €5 the daily pass for all zones is €260 and the weekly pass is $30.75 you'll also need to sign the card and add your picture to the card and don't forget to do that because we've heard from people who got tickets because they didn't have a picture on their card and you only have 24 hours to get that done or you get a ticket for €35 and the good news is you'll find photo booths just like this at just about any Metro station now let me show you how to buy your weekly or your daily pass using your phone it's the same thing it's the IDF Mobility pass and then you go at the bottom here with purchase and you can buy a ticket on your phone and you can see here that you have all the the things so mine is actually in French but Cen is weekly it says one week so it's called Cen in French but it's a week or daily so you'll pick the weekly pass and right here is automatically for all the zones and it's 0.75 and you just click on that and then I have to accept the term I got to say I buy it and now that's the same thing you're just going to put your credit card into it and now your phone is going to become your pass you don't have to buy the 5e deou pass now let me say something about using your phone as the pass whether it's the navigo easy or the deou what we've heard from the staff here in the Metro system is that it definitely works very poorly with an iPhone and it's kind of like not 100% reliable with an Android but significantly better ultimately what I recommend is unless you're very Savvy with your phone and you're willing to deal with sometime the machine may work or not work is to buy the deou card or the easy that will make your life a lot easier than having it with your phone the other thing that you will need is you'll either have to have an eem or data on your phone so you can actually use it on your phone so ultimately if you're here as a visitor I would recommend to buy the navigo easy or the deou or the daily pass and that'll be the best way to go now that being said you can recharge your card using your phone you do not have to go to an attendant or machine so for example if your card is empty in the morning you can recharge your card using your phone and that's awesome now the fourth one that you can buy is the Paris visit pass which is a daily pass for all the zones unlimited that pass is perfect for people that want to use the transportation system just for one day and don't want to bother with buying the physical navigo card or load the app on their phone the cost of the daily unlimited pass paper ticket is $ 2925 for all five zones now you can buy that daily pass at one of those machines or at a booth with an attendant this paper ticket is also strictly personal and you need to put your first name and last name and of course have one ticket per person in addition to the IDF Mobility app that we love here is what we use when we're in Paris now the first one of course is Google Map and what I can do here is I can search for example uh where I want to go I want to go to the eiff tower I'm going to look for search and I'm going to ask for directions and I'm going to say I want to take the train but look underneath here it's giving me the public transportation option I can take two buses or I can take the metro line 4 to bus number 86 or this one uh Metro number line4 to number 98 it's telling me it's going to take me 38 minutes it's going to cost me $2.15 and it's giving me all the details here so that's really an easy app to use it'll give you all the detail you can even add it to your calendar that's uh uh an app that I recommend if you don't want to download anything fancy and beyond that now the second app that I use a lot is the bonjour ratp app of course I'm going to put a link in the description this is the app for the Metro System so this is the same thing here uh you're just going to say where are you going let's just say I want to go to the tracadero this is where I went last time it already knows my current location and it's going to tell me how I can get there it's giving me the first option for 31 minutes which is metro line 4 to O A to Metro 6 one too many change in my opinion so I'm going to go with the second option this one which is metro line 4 to metro line 9 it's going to take me 31 minutes but what I like about this is it's telling you right here in the middle which wagon you should get in uh which is the middle and then when you switch you switch at stasbor Sun it's giving you the direction you should go in and then this second line you should sit in the back because that's where the exit is so that's a little bit you know A step above the standard Google Map the other thing that it has which I look at all the time is the map the metro map right and it has all the map at the bottom so for example if you say I am near the Opera you can actually look really close as to which station is near you and it also has the bus map and it has other kinds of map it has the the the train maps I mean it has everything now the noan that's the um after hours so this is after midnight like the the overnight buses that you can actually take in Paris but the next app that you want to download if you're going to be SP spending some time in Paris and taking the train is the sncf connect so this is if you want to take the train to go to J Shan V if you want to go to Normandy L Valley if you want to go to the South here is how you going to do it you're going to see I want to go to Jer and I'm going to be leaving from uh Paris like I don't know I'm just going to say I'm in Paris how do I get there and it's going to give you the transportation option it's going to tell you this is where you go you go from Paris s laar you take this train to Vero Shan ke and it will take you an hour and 2 minutes and it will have three stops it even says which are the stops so this is and you can actually book the ticket right there buy that ticket and use your phone as the ticket with the sncf so that make it super easy again if you use the sncf connect and you put your credit card into it you don't have to speak to an attendant you don't have to buy a physical ticket I do this all the time we get questions all the time and it's not easy to answer all of them and a lot of them are repeats here's some examples we're a family of five planning our first trip to Paris Disney included for about 6 days total before we head down to Italy can I just buy one navigo card and use it over and over to tap through the gates for the whole family one ticket or one phone tap per person you cannot buy one and tap it for the whole family quick question when I have an itinerary and it'll take me two Metro and one bus does that mean I'll pay for three tickets and is there a time frame allocated for transfers you'll only need one ticket to ride on two metros and a bus as long as it's only 90 minutes from the first time you scan your Turn Style until you're riding on the bus the next question we're going to Paris during the Olympic Games and I have heard that the navigo weekly pass will be suspended during that time and that the prices will increase is that true yes that's correct you won't be able to buy the navigo weekly pass from July 20th until September 8th however you will be able to buy the Paris 24 daily pass for all zones for €16 per person per day or get the 5-day pass for €80 per person for all zones the last question hi can I purchase the navigo weekly at the airport Charles deal yes you can in the train station at Charles deal you can buy the navigo pass at a booth with an attendant during normal business hours if the booth is closed because you're too early or too late in the day just buy a one-way paper ticket to Paris and buy your pass once you get into town now that you know how to buy the right Metro pass next I would watch this video on how to avoid pickpockets and keep [Music] safe
Channel: Les Frenchies
Views: 158,391
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: visit paris, les frenchies, les frenchies travel, paris travel tips, paris vlog, paris tour, paris travel, paris travel guide, paris travel vlog, how to use paris metro, using the paris metro ticket machines, how to use the paris metro, how to buy metro tickets in paris, how to use the metro in paris, paris metro tickets, how to buy metro tickets
Id: _aHzrKnutAU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 22sec (1282 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 09 2024
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