10 Secret Shops in Paris Tourists Don't Know About

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there is no shortage of places to shop in Paris from souvenir shops to iconic department stores luxury Brands and small boutiques but some of these hidden gems have special Collections and little unique things that make them stand out so in this video we'll take you to 10 secret spots around Paris that you need to know about where you can find special Treasures to bring home from your trip to Paris Al [Music] oniva this is the cabinet D porcelain on rud Nuru if I'm saying that right and it is stunning I've walked by here so many times when they weren't open and I'm delighted that they are today because I get to see all of the treasures in here they have the most delicate beautiful porcelain flowers ceramic flowers and you know is with bronze leaves bronze branches just this is a place where you're going to find a treasure for a lifetime that you can use as a centerpiece on your table just a decoration on a mantle or anywhere around the house like that is an Exquisite gift like to bring that home as a memory of your trip every time you look at it you'll remember walking through San so those leaves I mean they look natural as can be those are metal I just I mean everything in the store is fabulous it's all porcelain and the like these right here these pears porcelain pears on a bronze tree it's extraordinary this is a mugay which is a special little flower that everybody gives you on May 1st so Mayday flowers and I think it's probably rude if you don't give them our neighbors our friends everybody here has brought us a mugay and I know my mom would have loved that [Music] Orchid there are so many cute things in this place so today we're in the shop of Louise Carmen which is inside the grand surf passage the covered passage and we're looking at some fine leather and some really amazing stuff I can't wait to see what they're going to tell us about it it's a wallet with a notebook inside so you have the notebook here you can slide your passport or a second notebook right here paper card we have a small pen that HS here between the card and money and so you always have paper and the pen with you and the passport is safe we're going to personalize it also we have to choose the color which might be the most difficult because the most you use the notebook the most thetion this one turned like this after a year this one was like this it was the same level got it okay so but you can engrave it like this yes of course I have many colors of Engraving and you choose as well the color of the card you can add some jewelry on it to really have something unique and personalized that will inspire you I'm going to get a passport cover too cuz I have one and mine is uh the problem with it is it it slides the cover in the thing so it's always a pain so I like the idea that you have a cover and then you can take it out super quick and then give it to the agent cuz every time and colie and I travel a lot yeah yeah exactly uh your passport is just very quick to take it off and cuz if you give them that they're like they don't want that they just want the passport itself this red one that's I knew you like this one yes but I think I want to change the the cord course so we get to add jewelry here on the on the cord if we want want to yes exactly and on the side as well like like I did here I have a few flower it's like a butterfly flower I like that yes this one comes from my grandparents Garden a I do the flower you did that yourself yeah what what would you pick for me what do you think I would have chose this one for you since you're French I think some blue and she has some red it's but it's the color of the United States and of France okay great then then I must have it now once you go through all the steps of choosing which item you want what color you want what cord what paper what Insignia like what what signatures and stuff you want she's going to go and make it she can make it on the spot and you wait depending on how busy they are but that's me the thing with friends is the Chic Simplicity it's just very simple it's just really great and it's like a I love it the machine is warming the the pieces and thanks to the warm I can apply the color okay got it I always do six time so I'm sure it will stay forever look at that my passport my passport says I don't that makes complete sense this is awesome I love it look at that you have even if have a little pouch to put in your uh in your backpack or your purse well I have a purse but or my sling [Music] this is Melody graphics and they have amazing stuff like check out these windows super cool puzzles you got feather quill pens all kinds of little stuff they got French style tarot cards and special papers and things so let's go inside and look yeah once upon a time I got my daughter uh some little wax stamps that she could do on her on her little secret letters and stuff so you buy the little wax and then you do the stamp like that it's well like this look at these stamps little ink Stampers you can get all that kind of stuff all the different little uh wax stamps with different colors too these little boxes like that this is where French people keep their files so you put them on the bookshelf and it looks fabulous I think the last time I was here they had a whole scene of Paris like that the little prints and all of it [Music] this I'm not good at this I'm not good at it you're excellent all well than youon we're right close to the hotel DeVille right across the street from the center of pompo and this place has little stuff I just I mean look at this bowl that's your watermelon bowl with watermelon I have a kiwi bowl with kiwi it's just silly little inventive things that are Charming you know like whatever you put in it there's a little cabbage leaf so this store is owned by a mother and son and they go all around the Mediterranean looking for artists and special little things so you'll find things from you know from France from Spain Portugal and Morocco and Tunisia and there's no question this place is full of little gifts and little things to dress up your table at home for parties for every day it's just a wonderful spot that's a nutcracker right just put your nut there you crack it and then you just pour whatever's there whatever mess you made I remember I had that when I was a kid that's a oldfashioned nutcracker one of the things I love in France is these little things where you get very special salts from all around the country they have them with wine they have them with Smoky flavors and all different kinds of flavors but I love salt here and then you use these little things to stir them out this is the classic summer shoe from France they have the the espad we call them in the US espad but you can find those where they're not all that great these you can feel the quality this is another store where I walk by the window and I just have to go in check out this kitchen stuff like for serious cooks for decorators I got to go inour this is the little Heaven slice of store where you can buy anything for special decorations I mean the professionals come here to buy stuff to make their chocolates and peser things the little meline cookie you have all the different uh shapes that all the stuff that you see in the bakeries here you can get the mol and do them at home I don't know what you do with this thing you going see right through it but I like it and I might need it I don't know so this little thing right here is a croissant roller so once you get your dough all rolled out and and smooth you run this thing over it so that you get a triangle like that and then you roll your triangle angle and bake it so that is to cut croissants I found some more things that I might need like I don't even know what I want to do with those but I want to cook with those your individual mashed potatoes come on something if all that chopping is making you hungry we've put together an online guide with all the sweet stuff macarons ice cream chocolate and pastries there's a link in the description below just check it out and see if it's a good fit for you and this little place right here was made famous by Julia Charles cuz apparently she used to come over here to buy stuff to cook with cuz it's an amazing little shop for kitchens but it's mostly like really professional stuff now when you walk through the narrow aisles of this store you won't find charming and sexy stuff because this is a place for professional chefs but if you're serious about cooking this is definitely a place you'll want to know about now the vibe here is brisk and professional if borderline chaotic if you need help the staff is behind the counter not roaming the aisle and don't come here in a hurry or hungry you'll need time to calm down and take it all in and note that this store is always closed on Sundays so weekdays or on Saturdays is your only option look how cute I might need those I'm a sucker for kids stuff and these little stuffed animals are extraordinary check this guy out I mean seriously this one looks like he's with owl feathers oh do you like this one better let me see I mean oh look at that well yeah well they're not cheap it's like 50 bucks for most of them the most expensive one is of course um one of the ones that I like is 97 but pretty much between 50 and 90 and 50 and 100 they have tons of little stuff in here that's just to set on your table at your bar just little Treasures I mean like who has leather mittens at home seriously I've watched so many of your videos well thank you like you buy the three pieces and you turn it into a trivet or not wait a minute this way you just have to have the angle at the right thing or not there you go yeah had a little turtle we have a little turtle in here you see that's very creative you could put some beer in there or coffee yeah or tequila with cactus [Music] is L that's lamb skin different that's Casmir inside it's like the winter the winter glass I have warmer but for oh almost everybody oh now you say no the it's it's warm inside but like the the the softness of the glove like I have to touch your hand let me see touch my hand like that you see I don't know that I would want to go black with something that's that refined but like something in a in a deep red Mero and I'd have to get a new jacket to go with it and shoes and a belt and a you were thinking of this oh yeah it's not something I would normally uh wear just put your elbow all the way all the way all the way yeah and now we're going to the Opera right well I have long gloves like this you need a WR dress I need a a new dress I need tickets I need a lot of things rabbit fur in lining fur inside is the warmest leather that stops can you open for me oh she found the the color I was just talking about a moment ago burgundy yeah I was saying like a good dark Mero or right so you say burgundy and we say this one might be my favorite yeah yeah this is really fun this one with a rabbit fur yeah this is f um H it's inside here 110 110 okay so I'm worth every penny worth every penny absolutely need the dress and it's going to have to be sleeveless the length is Opera you know why yeah why well to go to the to theera course but the idea is that the length is going up to the top of your dress ah because my dress is here stay with us oh yeah oh yeah this is a very it you know what this is this is Montreal right here this is Toronto okay yeah like yeah you don't want to take him off oh this is so soft yeah really this yeah no that is uh that is fine [Music] so another store that you need to know about is called lav and that is inside the schaz covered passage this is the most amazing store for art supplies art products it's deceptively large because it looks like a small storefront but it has a an upstairs it's deep it's a it's a nice store where you're going to find anything you want for Earth and we're here today they're supposed to be open but there's a sign on the door that says they're exceptionally closed today like unusually closed just today as luck would have it but you ought to know about that too cuz sometimes it happens I'm used to like a little kid paint set like you would have little pallets in it but this one has different shades of gold and silver and bronze you've got little rolled up things you've got drawing books you've got ink that goes with the ink pens with bottles of ink you just have amazing things in here enormous boxes of colored pen and pets of pastels sculpting things painting things large brush painting just all kinds of little specialty stuff I'm in love with this store store right here in the schisel passage is basnar and basnar is one of my favorites it is a stationary type store they have puzzles and fountain pens and ink and they have stationary items like the leatherbound journals including Louise Carmen though it's not going to be personalized and in addition to the stationary stuff like the generalized stationary they have amazing cards Christmas cards birthday cards any kind of purpose cards but this is a great spot to stop and get some tiny little Treasures that you'll remember Paris forever or to send home to people you love and as luck would have it they're closed today too but we're going to take some shots from the window and show you some of the stuff we've seen inside on other vide so check this out the passage jofa is already decorated for Christmas so this store is Paris at Tu Paris Paris is always Paris but the really cool thing about this place is it's all souvenirs from around Europe top quality they have stuff like you can find in a souvenir shop but it's this stuff is not made in China it's not a lesser quality and you can find really adorable things I know that my kids loved getting their little private sets and stuff when they were young with their own little tiny cups and plates and silly things and for the little chef in your life The Little Prince Little [Music] Chef I mean seriously this is 30 bucks you bring that to a a kid these cards are all puzzles like look at that you want to know what each part of Paris is uh known for or what areas there are it's right here real French espad drills they're 49 a PO but you can see like the what are they 49 wow yeah they're not cheap but no but they're they're real wool yeah but if you're just wearing a beret just to be silly while you're traveling that's one thing but if you want a quality Beret that's a quality Beret we're going to go in this door it's called Lau which is the toy box now if you're looking for unique toys that you won't find anywhere this is the BR they have all those tiny little things so you can build a dollhouse custom dollhouse and they have all kinds of furniture and you know from Modern Furniture to fancy to I mean little beds and everything the complete house look it's this extraordinary store it's a great unique toy store that sells all kinds of all kinds of miniature things and little uh little characters and everything it's really a great store oh yeah yeah the little bicycle even when I was a kid actually we used to play with that you know the way we played with that we had a a marble and then you would flick the marble with your thumb and then as far as the marble would go that's where you would put your bike and then the next person would play and then they would move their bike like that and we used to make things in the sand and and stuff and uh yeah we used to collect that made out of lead then cuz lead was safe then if you're into uh tin they have all the little figurine all the characters from the from the cartoons from lots of cartoons Yeah Yeah from all yeah you have Daffy Doug Bugs Bunny the French singer sh G joh Eddie Mel J that doesn't say anything to you but those are famous French singers if you like what you saw here next I would watch this video on 10 souvenirs and gifts to buy in Paris
Channel: Les Frenchies
Views: 158,677
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Keywords: visit paris, things to do in paris, france places to visit, best places to visit in france, les frenchies, les frenchies travel, best food in paris, paris travel tips, paris food tour, paris street food, paris vlog, paris tour, french food, paris travel, best food paris, paris travel guide, paris travel vlog, paris shopping, paris shopping guide, paris shopping street, paris shopping tips, paris shopping tour
Id: XPc5e7d2Guw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 23sec (1163 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 18 2023
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