Plagiarism in the 41st Millennium | a Warhammer 40k story

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well class I hope you remember to finish your vehicle that is also a guide projects for the science fair today that was today you snooze you lose poter my lord of skulls is sure to take home the grand prize oh come on let me copy it just so I have something to show teacher well all right but make sure to change it up a little so it isn't obvious you copy oh what the hell what he bold it's a whole different thing gasp wops Smith builda Baris engine SE meta blocks what is the meaning of this plagiarism in my classroom are you to out of your minds it's like you want some soy boy new tuber to feature us in a drama video I can explain this nerd copied me n he copied me why you odious mous acrimonious in great Lord of skulls get his up cerron kill him kill him now oh you dits some of us is trying to learn Quant right take your bickering elsewhere now Mech what have you got here well basically I sealed a gr inside a big metal tube there's not a lot of oxygen in here PR Innovative first prize this isn't over Mega Bloks after school you me in front of the Jungle Gym there we shall fight to the death in the new no in real life come on Lord of skulls we'll see this full later oh what am I going to do builda Baris is going to rip me a new one he's going to clean my clock he's going to fry my circuits oh I don't know about all that he's probably just going to shoot you in the head and kill you have you considered fling like a coward that's what I do no you don't want to flee too many altercations Mega Bloks my older brother once ran away from a mandatory Marines malevolent wallage inspection and my parents were so ashamed they sent him to a boarding school on planet fidus by the on Messiah what became of him in the end oh a fight worse than death hey can I borrow a pencil thanks well I've got no choice we'll have to come up with a coming plan of action the likes of which the war Smiths shall never see coming we'll stay up all night if we have to Fells bring out the cof Torx kill me you know Mega Blocks I'm beginning to think the cof toic is unethical oh you say that every time now plot plot for your [Music] lives [Music] he'll never see this coming what no that that's reductive there's much more to it your primitive mind couldn't possibly understand the intri is of my ingenious plan gentlemen it's time to the Jungle Jim so basically I was just going to say hey what's that over there and then shoot him in the head and kill him his back is turned any suggestions no I think you child good job well well Mega Bloks I didn't think you would actually show I guess your coward Processing Unit isn't quite as overclocked as I thought oh yeah well it looks like your board is running pretty well big J for someone still running wimpos F well you're about to find your wimpos minimized a TI of this py back and forth I am here fight me if you dare oh you'll regret those words build a Baris for you see I have a gun foolish Tech priest I too have a gun oh guys why didn't you tell me he had a gun he carries it everywhere we thought you would have noticed yeah well clearly I didn't it seems you've been out withed Gearhead any last word [Music] [Applause] anyway that's the story of how I defeated the legendary wsmith Builder Baris the thrilling tale ends here well we know we were there it happened like 20 minutes ago also how are you going to pay these medical bills like the school mandated you to you spent the last of your student loan in the cof toic yep the thrilling tale ends [Music] here
Channel: DreadAnon
Views: 50,497
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: tO6XvCMaxmE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 32sec (332 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 29 2023
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