PJ Masks Full Episodes | Easter Egg Hunt! | PJ Masks Official

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] these catboy [Applause] [Music] pj masks easter wolfies [Music] boy i can't believe there's only one day left until easter and the great easter egg hunt you know what would be really great if i didn't have to wait a whole day and eat my egg right now oh but that would totally ruin all the fun of waiting fun and waiting don't belong in the same sentence okay class i'll now collect your eggs to hide them ready for the morning hunt uh can i eat the whole thing now not a good idea greg chocolate's a special treat too much at once can be bad for you [Music] you know what's really bad for me all this waiting [Applause] [Music] frank that's cheating no it's not i'm just uh figuring out the fastest route from the hiding place to my tummy huh paw prints wolfies on the prowl they must be after my a i mean everyone's eggs pj masks we're on our way into the night to save the day night in the city and a brave band of heroes is ready to face fiendish villains to stop them messing with your day [Music] amaya becomes [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] connor becomes catboy [Music] i knew it wolfie alert rip howler and kevin guys why didn't you warn me about that no time we got chocolate [Music] get your paws off our eggs to the gekko-mobile [Music] [Laughter] [Music] if we hurry we might be able to get there before oh no oh hooray a chocolate egg [Music] um [Music] three [Music] meanwhile let's find the rest of the eggs and hide them from the wolfies yeah epic egg hunt ready set [Music] huh [Music] oh [Music] oh yeah printers are winners uh howler that doesn't look very eggy it looks like ah raw [Music] top of the sheet great found them all every single tasty mouth-watering treats just a little bite gekko nose [Music] [Applause] [Music] sorry i just couldn't wait quick catboy we'll distract them and i'll take the eggs inside the school through the back door and guard them guard not gobble right wait till morning and it'll be worth it i promise to serve and protect [Music] forecast chocolate wind now that's my kind of weather giant [Applause] [Music] don't worry eggs stay right where you are and you'll be safe i'm watching over all of you every single delicious chocolatey velvety one of you steady gecko you made a promise guard not gobble wait till morning [Music] oh mega egg [Applause] [Music] a potato [Music] guys look it's those pajama kids what are they doing here this whole thing was a wild wolf chaser [Music] accomplished [Music] just one more bite gekko you promised us what oh no guys i'm so sorry i don't know what came over me [Music] chocolate jackpot time for an all-night chocolate feast don't you know that too much chocolate is bad for you [Music] attack yes [Music] oh [Music] [Music] it can't be done yeah we'll huff and we'll puff we'll blow the school down i saw it in the book i ate let's huff and puff [Music] i can't believe it didn't work of course it didn't work you ninka pooch you thought of it yep [Music] nice [Music] [Applause] [Music] howl not cool for the school this is all my fault i gotta stop those wolfies it's okay gekko we got this [Applause] [Music] versus powerful [Applause] i've ruined the easter hunt for everyone all cause i couldn't wait it's time to be a hero really gekko it's no time for another midnight snack no time for a midnight sneak [Applause] [Music] dinner time [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay that's what i call fast food gekko you did it and gave up your chocolate to save everyone else's pj masks all shout hooray and the night we save the day super sized gecko come in greg this is connor over ah where's my walkie-talkie go [Music] yeah ew gross come in greg [Music] oh there it is thanks lionel hey connor oh wait i mean copy that connor over hey greg what are you doing cleaning my room it's a little messy and my mom won't let me go to the parade tomorrow if i don't clean it up the parade's gonna be awesome i bet you can't wait for the lizard float yeah it's my favorite you better get cleaning then i'm going to hq with amaya in case any nighttime villains trying to ruin the parade go to hq without me no way but what about your room don't worry i'll tidy up this mess later and i want to grab my camera for the parade it must be at hq i can't seem to find it here okay pj masks we're on our way into the night to save the day night in the city and a brave band of heroes is ready to face fiendish villains to stop them messing with your day [Music] amaya becomes [Applause] [Music] great becomes [Music] connor becomes [Music] [Applause] [Music] gekko it's as messy here as in your bedroom you said you were going to clean this up right i was going to do it later here's romeo's sniffle with and here's the small sizer you were supposed to put them away somewhere safe yeah i know but it's okay we'll keep an eye out for parade trouble while you clean up no playing with romeo's gadgets okay [Music] but it's not playing if i use the small sizer to clean up [Music] i'm romeo and once i've tidied my room i'm going to take over the world hmm i wonder what this button does oh [Music] slithering serpents now it's a super sizer awesome hi guys gekko who did this to you i might have kind of hit myself with romeo's small sizer but in reverse so now i'm big don't worry we'll get you back to normal no it's really cool being giant gecko i'll stop anyone messing with the parade i'm huge uh oh trouble at the parade ground luna girl to the cat car [Music] one step for gekko one giant leap for a super-sized gecko sword [Music] this parade will be mine moths we're going to steal these floats and make me the parade queen now cheer my lunar loveliness [Music] fluttering feathers what's happening i'll get you to the parade ground super fast [Music] nice entrance do-gooders what is that it's giant gecko here to stop you taking the floats especially the lizard one it's my favorite no way once i've got them all i'm taking my luna parade down main street and waking everyone up get it mom [Music] you just can't get good help these days luna bird [Music] moths get the other floats and follow me [Music] come on pick them up you're not putting your antenna into it we can't let her wake everyone up and see her but don't worry i've got a plan wait so do i and mine's big gekko what are you doing super sizing this bin if i make it just a bit bigger it'll be perfect to hold luna girl in her mouth oh yes hurry gekko shrink it don't worry i'll fix that later i just need to make the bin even bigger [Music] the big pj masks just made a big mistake wait who needs a luna board when i've got a super mom and one more thing see you later alligator [Music] oh but you're just an itty-bitty lizard now what are we gonna do now get the super sizer and make me big again no gekko first we have to clean up the giant moth mess you made okay owlette get the moss to chase you till we get the super sizer from luna girl then fly them past gekko and he'll shrink them [Music] good giant moth good hey moth bet you can't catch me no come back here super i'll take that thanks remember gekko when owlette flies by with the moss shrink them down got it catboy great i'm gonna check on luna girl whoa hey i just thought of a way to make catboy's plan even better [Music] huh not again [Music] the whole parade is mine oh my god gotta shrink those moths it's our only chance but i lost the super sizer again there it is [Applause] now what are we gonna do no this is all my fault i'm sorry i didn't clean up my messes when i made them huh wait it's time to be a hero come careful gekko don't do anything to get it excited oh that's exactly what i'm gonna do here catboy let's catch up with luna girl nice work gecko uh oh i should have cleaned up this mess too super gekko [Music] oh you think this is a game good bird huh catboy and i will let need my help and you've given me an idea [Music] catboy [Music] yes we've shrunk all the moths oh i can't have all the floats but i still take your favorite lizard boy we've got you now luna girl think a few cans can stop me i must have shrunk your brains too [Music] [Music] good job gekko but uh how are we going to get that giant bird back [Applause] [Music] okay no more super sizer time to put it back in hq and tidy up my other messes pj masks i'll shout array [Music] oh it looks great in here greg it took forever but now everything's put away and i'm ready for the parade get down oh at least lionel found my camera [Music] race up mystery mountain come on the scroll of mystery mountain it's right this way uh what's a scroll again an ancient piece of paper the people at the museum only just discovered it in their vaults legend says on top of mystery mountain there's a gold ring that gives whoever wears it the power of ultimate ninjability ninja what it means they become the most powerful ninja ever oh it's gone [Music] look ropes night ninja he wants to find the mountain and the ring we gotta stop him pj masks were on our way and tonight to save the day night in the city and a brave band of heroes is ready to face fiendish villains to stop them messing [Music] [Applause] greg becomes [Music] connor becomes catboy [Music] we can't let night ninja get to mystery mountain any sign of a pj robot [Music] he says he really wants to come along he can decode the scroll hey that's not a bad idea pj robot's coming along to the pj rovers promise me you'll stay out of trouble [Music] so according to the ancient scroll the mountain will appear if i open the portal right and the portal is supposed to be here right [Music] if you're so clever you open it [Music] are you seeing what i'm [Music] seeing you'd get to mystery mountain in your dreams only this ninja is going to get the ring of ninja villain see ya wouldn't want to be we need to get in there and get the ring first if he puts it on he'll be invincible get in how i don't know much about magic portals but this one looks closed yeah great job pj robot glad you came along come on [Music] if the ring's at the top why don't i just fly up and get it easy peasy [Music] plan b that was plan b back to plan a follow those ninjas [Music] it's almost like mud is mixed with night ninja's getting away we'll have to leave the rovers let's go owls i can see the edge of the forest just ahead [Music] a shortcut well if you're so sure why don't you go first who knows what kind of power night ninja will have if he gets to the ring first you bet i'll get the ring first and when i do i don't think you pj pests will be much of a match for me until then spot them is there another way around this place must be full of cool hidden passages [Music] you stay here and send them in the wrong direction don't give me that look we'll come back for you probably [Music] which way they go [Music] the ring of mitch ability will be hiss did i hear you say you're gonna get the ring cat boy well think again ah it's really sticky cat pj robot you're with me we'll be right behind you open sesame ah fine make yourself useful then [Applause] wow it's incredible the ring must be through those gates we can't let him get to it first come on out of my way this needs a ninja battering ram [Music] this ends here night ninja i stole that scroll fair and square if the ring of ultimate ninja ability is in there it's mine ninja [Music] cool very cool if you're a master ninja not a silly superhero if anyone is going to get the ring of ninja ability it's us it belongs in the hands of a hero uh-uh the ring is mine [Music] the ring it's gotta be in there hey i saw it first [Music] oh that can't be good [Music] dragon tongue spot [Music] going on and where's catboy we have to go in there i'm coming but i'm so close [Music] i gotcha oh great now what just hold on [Music] catboy boy am i glad to see you guys a little help [Music] so there was an easier way to get in huh why didn't you tell me pj russ bucket helped [Music] next time let's get out of here go go go [Music] hello [Music] [Music] you may have denied me the ring of ultimate ninjability this time but this isn't over pj pests come on ninjalinos [Music] how cool was that oh he said it was just a legend who knows what else might be up there secret powers powerful secrets well i'm sure we'll be back soon if nightman just got anything to do with it pj masks i'll shout her out tonight [Music] gekko saves christmas [Music] oh connor it's christmas tomorrow and it still hasn't snowed snow would be amazing but we'll still have a good time whoa i can't do this what's wrong greg it's the day before christmas aren't you excited not about ice skating i've never done it before and i'm not any good at it we'll help you come on just try it's all part of christmas like the trees yeah with all its lights and decorations what lights and decorations oh no where'd they all go where are all the ornaments and the tinsel even the star has disappeared they were so beautiful and there were so many they can't just be gone someone must have taken them last night but how did that someone get up there it's so high we're going to find out and we won't need ice skates to do it pj masks we're on our way into the night to save the day night in the city and a brave band of heroes is ready to face fiendish villains to stop them messing with your day connor becomes catboy [Music] amaya becomes [Music] great becomes [Music] whoever took those decorations went really high and we need to get up high too come on to the owl glider [Music] so [Music] alive oh look it's luna girl gasping gekko she's taking everyone's presents it's christmas day tomorrow no one will have anything to open luna girl give those presents back they don't belong to you forget it goody goodies they're mine christmas is all for me me hey if we could get her luna board she won't be able to reach the chimneys good idea gekko let's go [Music] i'll get her down to the ground [Music] fly the luna board away from luna girl but i've never ridden a luna board before i won't be able to do it [Music] huh so long [Music] are you okay yes i knew i wouldn't be able to fly the luna board sorry it's okay let's just go after her the owl glider's too big to chase her down there owlette you fly after her and we'll follow you from the ground let's go let's go [Applause] come on luna girl what why don't you just give those presents back because i don't want to come and get him if you think you can hey that's mine bird brain no no no no pj masks i need some extra weight to bring her down super cat jump the cat pain again [Music] well let's see if cats really do land on their feet [Music] no i'm coming gekko hop on the luna board and get it out of here get on it again but i'm no good go on gekko i bet you will be if you just give it a try slytherin serpents this is even harder than ice skating no way i can't do this gekko are you okay i'm no good at new things okay don't worry i'll let now take care of it let's catch up with luna girl [Music] that's it luna girl time to stop time to stop you [Music] did i ruffle your feathers owlette sorry superman [Music] oh get off my luna bar i will let what do we do [Music] i'm too dizzy to do anything right now never mind fly straight enough to help you need to jump on the luna board again to help catboy again but i'm no good at riding it you don't know if you're any good at it cause you keep jumping off you need to really try you can do it [Music] catboy you're right owlette i've got to at least try to save him it's time to be a hero super gekko camouflage where'd that loopy lizard disappear too [Music] [Applause] you can do this gekko i'm losing my grip pull me up whoa but if i bend over i lose my balance hang on i'll get you safe i promise i just have to stay on and try to fly this thing gekko look out whoa this is kind of cool [Music] but i've got to keep going watch out for the wall yeah we're doing reptiles [Music] i'll just bring it down slowly way to go i knew you'd get the hang of it see you just had to give it a try yeah let me go you pj pets it's over luna girl yeah we've got your luna board so you can't steal any more presents oh it's not fair i never get a real christmas i'm just here by myself what you mean you're all alone at christmas but that's really sad hey why don't you spend the rest of christmas eve with us with you yeah we've got to put all these presents and decorations back anyway you can help then we'll all have christmas together what do you say okay i guess then hop on we're going to save christmas [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and now for the last one excellent and you're getting so good at riding the luna board gekko thanks now that i have the hang of it i love it you really helped us out luna girl so you can have your board magnet back okay but i guess you have to go now so christmas is over for me don't worry we're not leaving yet there's one more stuff to make first [Music] whoa isn't it beautiful luna girl i guess but now christmas really is over and i didn't get any presents oh yes you did but i've never skated before that's okay neither have i but we'll get the hang of it come on let's just try [Music] pj masks all shout hooray [Music] hey what's happening it's snowing snow for christmas catch a snowflake on your tongue [Laughter] moonstruck race to the moon now can anyone tell me what this is oh easy it's the moon only it's way more orange because it's made of cheese nailed it not quite the moon is not made of cheese sorry cameron this is a harvest moon and it only happens once a year and guess what tonight when you look out your window you'll be able to see a real harvest moon the moon is so cool love it yeah you know who else loves it werewolves or is it the wolf man luna girl oh yeah there's no way she's gonna miss the harvest moon i bet she'll be up to no good tonight not if we can help it pj masks we're on our way in tonight night in the city and a brave band of heroes is ready to face fiendish villains to stop them messing with your day [Music] [Applause] [Music] greg becomes [Music] connor becomes catboy [Music] what is it buddy luna girl i knew it to the cat car [Applause] [Music] whoa huh so that's a harvest moon correction that's my harvest moon what do you mean your harvest moon just check out my luna magnets the harvest moon supercharged it now i could finally take myself to the moon and claim my kingdom and all its treasures kingdom treasures what are you talking about only the most powerful treasure ever i'm talking about the harvest moon crystal and once i get my hands on it my powers are going to be unstoppable yeah right fine don't believe me but the next time you see me this city will be mine mine bye-bye pj pets [Music] she's bluffing isn't she i don't know have you ever seen her do that before we can't chance it we're going after her wait like to the moon it's the only way we'll take hq in rocket mode yes i've always wanted to go to space [Music] to hq uh so we're really doing this like really really look if this moon crystal is real we've got to stop luna girl before she gets [Music] 30 seconds to blast off pj robot you know what to do [Music] stations everyone [Music] [Music] owlette gekko all set check and check okay pj robot in three two one blast off [Music] okay pj robot begin transformation punch it [Music] so [Music] next stop the moon let's see what this baby can do are you sure we really need to go i mean what if luna girl is bluffing we're leaving the whole city unprotected we can't risk it gekko come on where's your sense of adventure it'll be great who knows what's out there that's kind of the problem [Music] okay gekko have you plotted our course gekko huh oh yeah of course plotted we're all set [Music] things are going to be pretty different once i'm on the moon a new powers and nobody can stop me not even the pj masks oh look a totem pole rocket ship wait what oh no you don't this is my moment and you are not going to spoil it take that [Applause] what do you mean incoming luna girls trying to throw us off course we've got to dodge those bubbles owlette do your thing i'm on it hang on [Music] i see it but it's coming at us too fast hang on [Music] sorry guys i couldn't dodge that last one it's not your fault bj robot is the ship okay damage how bad i mean we can fix it right we can get back home [Music] guys i have to set the ship down hang on this is gonna get a little bumpy glad that's over with nice landing outlet how's the ship [Music] at last i'm finally here now where is that moon crystal what's luna girl doing i don't like the looks of this we're going after her uh maybe i should stay here and help pj robot with the repairs thanks gekko but i think we all need to go there's no telling what luna girl's up to you okay not exactly it's just that [Music] i've never been away from home before i'm scared we're gonna be stuck here i miss home i understand that's exactly how i felt on my first sleepover was your first sleepover on the moon a zillion miles from home nope tell you what why don't you stay here and guard the ship while pj robot fixes it you got it okay you're in command now good luck to the pj rovers good luck guys i'm here if you need me activating pj rovers [Music] switching to helmet communications activating helmet camera how electric gecko you getting this roger hey i can see everything you're seeing cool keep an eye out for us gekko [Music] there she is we better hurry [Music] for me i've been waiting for this moment my whole life finally not so fast luna girl super cat speed wait a second what i will wait wait huh [Music] sorry pj pests your powers don't work quite the same up here no if you'll excuse me i'm in the middle of something very [Laughter] [Music] big oh this can't be good whoa now let's see what else this crystal can do guys what's happening out there are you okay catboy [Music] shhh [Music] do you read [Music] oh no [Applause] [Music] blame it on the train oway [Music] let's go let's go let's go why are you so excited amaya because the fair's got an amazing new ride the fairground flyer train i saw them testing it yesterday it was so fast it's going to feel like flying you know i like going fast wow everyone wants to ride this thing because it's the fastest ride in the world come on you have to check it out we were here first get in line um amaya ladies and gentlemen boys and girls the fairground flyer train is now gone where's the train it can't be gone oh i was so looking forward to flying but how can a big train disappear ah trains run on tracks right well there are twists and loop-de-loops but this track is still a closed circle so how could it get off its track and keep going look it's like there are more train tracks but now they're gone train tracks that disappear it has to be a nighttime villain pj masks we're on our way into the night to save the day night in the city and a brave band of heroes is ready to face fiendish villains to stop them messing with your day greg becomes [Music] amaya becomes [Applause] [Music] come on come on come on to the owl glider wait owlette if we're going to follow that trail we need to be on the ground all right good point i just really want you guys to ride it okay so do that i know let's do it [Music] she's really impatient come on guys let's go [Applause] [Music] looking looking nothing here wait ow let's the marks from the missing train tracks are here remember so if we follow them we'll find the trains was that romeo's lab it looked like a gecko but it was all over the place maybe there's guys never mind romeo if he's in his lab he can't be driving that train and we need to find out who is go go go uh okay [Music] hmm no more tracks how do we find the train now how will i i see something up ahead something fast that's it the train see i told you it was fast now let's see who's driving well hello pj masks but we just saw you driving your lap that wasn't me no one's driving my lab something short circuited and took off by itself good thing i've got this super fast train to catch it with a but where did these train tracks come from easy huh thanks to my invention the tracker whackers it makes tracks anywhere wow that is pretty cool and what's even cooler is the other one at the back that picks the tracks up again but romeo you don't need this train we can catch your lap for you like i'm giving this train up once i get my lab no way with the tools for my lab i can make this train even faster i'll be the fastest villain in the world huh there you are my lab bye bye pj masks looks like you've missed this train we've got to stop him from catching his lab and making that train even more dangerous on it owlette here we come romeo [Music] auto pilot [Music] awesome and wow this train is pretty cool i've almost caught up with you you naughty lab huh those pj masks were never gonna catch me in that super slow cat car [Applause] come on pj masks let's stop romeo super owl wings owlette whoa i was almost bird thanks catboy no rush outlet we'll get there hey let's sneak up on him really really slowly why be those pj masks couldn't be on my train could they better make sure they're not sorry guys looks like romeo found it we're on the train it's okay new idea we all go after romeo at once he can't stop three of us okay on three we all run and jump one two come on guys [Music] [Applause] whoa [Music] oh why why why didn't i listen to catboy and gekko almost caught up with his lab because i was in such a rush are you all right yes but i'm sorry every time you made a plan i rushed ahead without you and then it didn't work it's okay you were just really excited about us running the train i'll take care of this robot arm [Music] but now i've got a plan and for it to work i'm going to have to wait it's time to be a hero yeah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i know you're all in there pj masks but not for long [Music] quick what's your plan owlette we're going to stop this train for good and we're going to do it together catboy you leap up and grab some tree branches gekko you crawl down next to the tracker whacker got it owlette then it's my turn i'll fly the branches to you and you can use them to jam the tracker whacker and stop the tracks without tracks this train won't ever catch romeo's lap great plan owlette i think it'll work as long as i wait for you guys to do your thing first go pj masks oops remember owlette don't rush your turn catboy i'll just you know wait okay my tracker more tracks [Music] super cats [Music] okay now it's my turn nice and easy [Music] nice one owlette what stuff you pj pets too late romeo gekko jam that tracker whacker [Music] [Music] me everyone [Music] i've got this super gekko muscles [Music] oh huh see romeo i told you we could catch your lab my lovely love yes yes yes [Music] i might have lost my train but i'll always have you my lovely lab now let's get this train back home everyone at the fair will be so happy next time pj masks he didn't even say thanks for helping don't worry gekko we saved the fairground flyer train pj masks i'll shout hooray tonight [Music] it's almost time i've been on this train once but i can't wait to ride it again yeah hey you guys go ahead really thanks amaya i'm happy to wait enjoy the ride it goes pretty fast pj power [Music] what does that even mean i think it means he thinks you're cool oh i think he's cool too he's our new pj mask it's great he's one of us but what exactly is he gonna do he's good at machine stuff and he does an awesome robo-moon spin what sticky splat night ninja that's never good pj masks we're on our way into the night to save the day [Music] night in the city and a brave band of heroes is ready to face fiendish villains to stop them messing with your day [Music] [Applause] [Music] greg becomes [Music] connor becomes catboy [Music] hey pj robot nice moves [Music] oh you can't drive the cat car that's kind of my job [Music] trying out some new stuff on a pixar player huh [Music] no problem little guys you'll get there [Music] [Applause] cool chameleons you turned my rocky into a video projector uh but we already got our comms sure do over yeah but great try keep at it [Music] hey look there's night ninja what are they up to let's find out to the cat car uh pj robot come on we'll take the owl glider [Music] i can't see them can you get pj robot on the walkie [Music] [Music] owl eyes we're going down [Music] [Music] you're getting better focused ninjalinos hey stop that whatever it is whatever it is it's the ancient art of ninja fingers we're working on our ninja powers we can levitate and steal any building we like and i want this one level what levitate gecko it means lift he's gonna lift the building and take it for himself gasping geckos that's bad news ah it's a piece of cake your silly ninja fingers are no match for our pj powers night ninja super cat speed [Music] what's that pj robot [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] the pjs are powerless which means i can do and take anything we've got to get back to hq after this help the rest of you take all the buildings the whole city pj robot called me he was doing something with the picture player there was some kind of crystal crystal never seen that before maybe that's why we've lost our powers because if something pj robot's done gee maybe he's not ready to be a pj mask [Music] what are you waiting for get them [Music] there's no way in it's lost power the doors don't work pj robot wait catboy he tried to call me remember whatever he was doing he was trying to help you think so [Music] he's always trying to help he tried to drive the cat car and he tried to make my walkie better too gasping geckos it didn't work we should have helped him he just wanted to be part of the mission poor pj robot it's not his fault yeah we don't always get stuff right either [Music] uh door quick he's a robot pj robot hello his energy is really low [Music] he ran his battery down to open the door he sacrificed himself to save us like a true pj mask would [Music] it's a robot that's whiskers what's that this is the crystal i saw earlier okay don't worry i got this careful whatever it is it seems to have something to do with our powers i can't do it let's try together we can do this we're still the pj masks all of us [Music] something's happening i feel my arms tingling me too gekko the harder i push the stronger it gets don't give up [Music] whoa what is that crystal i feel kinda amazing me too hey pj robot you proved yourself today [Music] pj masks how about we all go and show night ninja just whose boss [Music] [Music] what i got super cat stripes [Music] oh [Music] i'm invincible [Music] [Music] super owl feathers no way [Music] what just happened that crystal gave us new powers gekko and they're awesome and it's all thanks to pj robot i'll get you next time pj masks yeah pj robot [Music] oh gekko's nice ice plan [Music] huh what's this ice but it's the middle of summer icicles [Music] that was awesome there's ice all over the place [Applause] [Music] everyone's slipping and sliding but only to the end of the street then it just stops what's going on we'll find out tonight [Music] night in the city and a brave band of heroes is ready to face fiendish villains to stop them messing with your [Music] amaya becomes [Music] greatly comes [Music] [Applause] [Music] the gekko-mobile can stick to anything he'd be perfect for the ice what about the game let's take the owl glider we can check everything out from above good thinking owlette but i thought the gekko-mobile could no they're probably right come on gekko let's go save the day [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's even worse now almost half the city's frozen even the cats and dogs have made friends to stay warm whoa wow look over there romeo's lab this is so much fun i knew romeo was behind this what's that on the front that looks like an ice machine go after him outlet i wondered how long it would be before you pj do-gooders showed up what are you up to romeo isn't it obvious i'm making the city into an icy roller coaster for my new lab toboggans [Music] almost got it if you just want an amazing ride romeo i could use my super gekko muscles to push your lab around on its wheels it's not just about having fun even though it is fun well you daytime dodos are all slip sliding around i'll be taking over the homework romeo's taking over the whole world [Music] lettering feathers i can't fit through we'll have to land whoa we've got to stop him before he ices anything else up it's really slippery [Music] oh yeah thanks gekko whoa hey maybe i could chase romeo my feet are really sticky i've got a plan that'll definitely work but with my sticky plan we could but i'll need some help back to the yellow glider oh well i suppose i could wait we need your allies to find romeo then your flying skills to make sure he doesn't see me and gekko there he is okay gekko i'm going to sneak onto the lab from below you sneak on from above and then we'll take control of the lab before romeo ever knows we're there super cat jump [Music] must have been the wind [Applause] [Music] catboy leaps like a panther onto the icy pipe and climbs up with this super blue with a super nothing beats catboy what took you so long [Music] pussycat now get away from my lebron catboy watch out uh oh it's gold i can't move let me out of here romeo owlette i think i might be able to stop romeo look not now gekko come back here catboy what can we do don't worry about me romeo's getting away quick stop him can't keep up with the pace we may be superheroes but right now catboy's a super ice block so the two of us need a plan gekko and fast that's what i was trying to tell you i hey i know what we could do but i'll need your help but with my plan i could okay what do i do [Music] better okay i'll tie this to the lab then you use your super strength to stop it moving yeah but then we take control of the ice machine go gekko you think you can out with a genius like me bird brain [Music] wait i don't have super strength gekko feathers two little ice blocks lying on the road two little ice blocks oh so very cold gekko i've got a plan oh wait i've got a better plan slithering serpents if only i'd stuck up for my own plan and use my own superpower it's time to be a hero super lizard grip it's time for my plan you can help by smashing as much of romeo's icy ride as you can ready for some ice pinball hey maybe gekko's playing could work come on let's smash some ice [Music] now i'm going to show romeo how to move on the ice super lizard grit [Music] [Music] hello romeo with my super lizard grip i'm better on the ice than you nonsense my labogan was made by a genius me so there's no way one of you mini-minded muttonheads could let's see [Music] [Music] got you romeo time to get you de-iced pj masks [Music] oh yeah nice work gekko that plane was the cat's whiskers yeah we're really sorry we didn't listen to you before no it's my fault when i have a good idea i need to stick up for it where are you looks like romeo's really frozen on the spot you pesky pj masks you always have to spoil my fun i'll see you next time pj masks well there's still a lot of ice but if anyone can melt it by morning we can pj masks so shout out [Applause] [Music] no ice today how about we go to the park i think we should ride our bikes but it'd be much better actually i've got a plan let's go to the water park great idea let's go oops i must have missed a bit of ice [Music] you
Channel: PJ Masks Official
Views: 3,513,262
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cartoons, Cartoons for kids, Disney Jr, Heroes, Kids cartoons, Kids videos for kids, PJ Mask, PJ Masks, PJ Masks Full Episodes, PJ Masks Live, Patrol, Pj masks song, Pj masks toys, Pj max, Rescue, Tj maxx, catboy, superheroes, pj masks babies, pj masks babysitter gekko, pj masks babies full episodes, superhero kids, official friends, pj masks turn into babies, Easter Special, PJ Masks Easter Egg Hunt, pj masks easter wolfies
Id: uJfXT-OYl90
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 37sec (5377 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 14 2022
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