Stolen Powers! ⚡ 2021 Season 4 ⚡ PJ Masks Official

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gasping geckos we need to stop feral boy [Music] the power of the temple is mine [Music] that means draining our power too hey where are you going now that i've got control of this temple i'll take control of their water and sky chariots too we have to stop him we can't we're losing our power what do we do wow meow meow meow meow meow meow did that mean time to be a hero but he's just a cat he's catboy and he's a pj mask it's all we need [Music] we need to do something before we lose all our powers wow [Music] [Music] never mind you're just a cat now watch me claim the power from your pj masks pals by the power of rock hey meow [Music] good work catboy kitty not good enough no power bye pj masks [Music] he must have used the spell look for anything magical uh creepy old stuff everywhere how exactly do we find something magical maybe we checked the glowy thing over there [Music] who is this kid and what is he doing in my fortress um guys where's the sphinx don't worry there's more than one spell on this scroll just need to work out these hieroglyphics come on guys time to be heroes let's suit up gekko we'll need your super strength a lot of it gekko we're in position we're ready too you found the reverse spell don't worry i figured it out hieroglyphics are cool matsuki teleport birdie and kitty cat now [Applause] [Music] i am the almighty ruler this moon is just the first step i shall conquer other planets um do your plans for domination of all space cat and an alien insect what [Music] cat of wonder cat of stone time for you to fly back home [Music] hey mr j it's me your biggest fan well isn't that nice to hear romeo let me guess you're taking over the world let's just say i have my own plans for the concert i sent robot out to slip mind controlling masks on a few sleeping kids then i made those kids put controlling masks on other kids they put controlling masks on more kids they so it is about taking over the world my friends will stop you and here they come where have you been we needed you time to join the adoring crowd what have you done to them just turn them into [Music] leading you away from your pj pals with my fiendishly clever pretend to be jayden caper now the final part of my master plan what is that that my bamboozled feline is an antenna i can see that what for i'll send my mass controlling signal all over the world with this remote i'll control everyone [Music] applause please [Applause] [Music] one kitty against a whole romeo army no problem it's time for the final part of my master plan work my minions [Music] it's a very peaceful night [Music] you okay kevin are you hurt maybe a little i wanted to sing a different kind of song but romeo kicked me out of his band romeo's band like my cat's whiskers he must be planning to destroy stuff with their horrible singing he'll take out the whole city how can we stop it hey kevin you're working on your own song right yeah but maybe nice music can be powerful too give it a try um i'm furry i'm fuzzy do you like my toothy grip nice but not strong enough and the flying factory is only a few minutes away but a few minutes is all we need for what practice [Music] [Music] world tour stop one the pj pests hq introducing the yippie of heroes get ready to be blown away [Music] [Applause] [Music] here we go the battle of the fans [Music] oh just too much of it gekko-d i could really use your help right now [Music] i'm on it yeah we do these words just keep getting sillier and sillier [Music] [Music] might keep that one together as friends we calmed the mountain splat whoa it's still pretty mad the mountain wishes me to prove my friendship even more and i shall okay monkey goo time to hand over the power of monkey chatter but it's my favorite toy you pjs cannot undo the spell but i can by the power of the mountain [Music] there you are serious heroes once more and i am your loyal friend yeah you heroes are no fun [Music] you can hear ninja up their pajamas for bright pink [Music] teeny [Music] ninja fingers [Music] thanks for spotting the pjs doesn't that bring back happy ninja memories hmm yeah and with this you and i will make beautiful new memories you'll always be my gang teenie weenie you'll see [Music] don't feel bad we've all been tricked by night ninja he's tricky [Music] he's just teasing you he's mad cuz you're so awesome [Music] the ninjas are taking teeny splat through the magic portal [Music] pj robot we're heading to mystery mountain come on [Music] this way the stone is splat had my eye on it for a while it comes from that cave where teeny got turned into a monster remember hey pj robot what took you so long great job guys we didn't reveal any of our big secrets to romeo pj robot is something wrong what's happened to kevin robot okay didn't expect that whatever's going on we've got to stop it to the apple cider i'll take a shortcut [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey you big luck help me break this expensive vase my wait what are you doing learning something where am i change function full wolfie what's staring and get back to work please [Music] oh [Music] [Music] thanks pj robot you saved me [Music] guess things isn't enough for the little robot oh that's why you're upset we forgot to thank you for all your help pj robot i am so oh [Music] we've got a dragon to catch [Music] monkey dragon rider [Music] [Music] good dragon dragon will [Music] typical monkey have fun with the dragon and let everyone else clean up the mess [Music] thanks catboy what just happened pj masks i'm sorry to say it seems to have been cursed by dragon breath that ring of smoke will surround it for a thousand years perhaps only mountain magic can defeat this ancient curse the portal what we tried to leak the dragon to you you'd have the mountain power behind you it'd fill your staff and you'd be able to turn it back into a regular float let us try after all i have not solved the riddle time to be heroes you did it what would i do with all my fun pj pals oh so much magic at my fingertips let's see what's inside this drawer [Music] but didn't you tell us not to open drawers no matter what i certainly did what two and use by my cat's whiskers if she's the real and you then who's that don't look at me i'm just following the rules of monkey [Music] that statue is far too tricky for you night ninja oh you're no fun monkey goo monkey goo [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] i warn you night ninja rules are here to protect mystery mountain well it's my mountain now my mountain my rules [Music] you won't get away with this night ninja but i already have [Music] [Applause] who can blame you you just wanted to have some fun too bad and he was so serious do i really act like that yes you do now let's go celebrate my victory do your magic monkey oh no that's three times [Music] oh what did i do this is bad oh you're sweet and you're not going to be happy about this so i'll train you she won't mind then who says you're naughty okay try this cartwheel awesome you're hilarious [Music] maybe that's not such a good idea where are you running to now little monkey hey that looks familiar hey that sounded like gekko gekko did the statue return oh uh um no i was just uh practicing heroin jumps to keep busy well looks like you need the practice keep an eye out for that statue oh yeah of course let us resume our search that monkey is the cause of much trouble [Music] thanks monkey goo i didn't tell the truth but if i had and you might try to turn you back into stone we've got to get you trained so be okay about it then come on hey i need a banana tickles [Music] what is it an intruder [Music] that is the only way to travel don't lose that scroll teenie now if everything goes according to plan that pesky dragon girl won't be bothering us ever again [Music] sounds like thunder that's weird there's not a cloud in the sky [Music] that's not thunder that's armadillon rolling up to the summit uh oh and you doesn't like it when people show up here unexpectedly we better get up there before anything happens [Music] what kind of boulder rolls up a mountain who are you i was just wondering the same what are you doing on my mountain your mountain i don't think so now step aside not until you tell me why you're here i'm here to help my friends defeat some dragon person wait you're hurt aren't you you're the villain of this mountain i'm no villain i'm the protector of this place and you're intruding you're tangling with the wrong hero miss dragon don't say i didn't warn you [Music] huh you were saying you would not understand i must hurry just shout if we can do anything ah [Music] yay he found it [Music] oh no not again again i have tried this before [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh and once more i have failed [Music] the talisman knows the truth i am not a dragon master yet huh this storm's going to lift the pagoda clean off the mountain [Music] i can't control it [Music] look is that writing ancient dragon writing it says the strongest tree has many small branches you need a dragon master to solve a riddle like that your powers are no match for a storm of the ninja you're right but i also have super gekko muscles and you help us very well i shall [Music] nice work team now where were we with the impossible riddle the strongest tree has many small branches that is tough or maybe it is not the ninja storm you don't think night ninja's doing that do you i don't know but we can't wait around to see what happens next come on we'll leave the rovers here [Music] hey did you hear something huh super cat show splat geysers we've gotta get out of here come with me [Music] that was close night ninja almost had us i don't think night ninja did that yeah they just sort of sprung up something strange is happening here it's like the mountains in a bad mood or something nah it's gotta be night ninja what if bringing the dragon gong here is causing all this weird stuff to happen either way we've gotta stop it before it stops us look this guy's clearing maybe we should skip the path and go straight to the summit yeah we'll never get there with all those booby traps i'm on it super lizard [Music] i don't know about this don't worry i've got your back okay guys i can't hold this forever launching in three two one hey i think i'm getting the hang of it okay my turn guys wait up now prepare for landing no sweat cats always land on their feet wait cats don't fly how do i land don't worry [Music] so how'd you like flying i think i'll stick to running we've gotta find a way to turn them back into teeny weeny and fast what is it what do you mean our friends are in trouble [Music] i know we should help but i cannot return to the city i don't want them to be in danger either [Music] [Music] guys i could sure use a little help me too ninjalinos while the pjs are busy steal every scroll you can find from the museum thanks to my incredible splat monster nobody can stop me [Music] [Music] [Music] i wish and you was here to help i am because that's what heroes do oh hi pj pests and welcome to the angry armadillos show so tough guy didn't we do this last night at the playground pupil stay calm remember [Applause] [Music] oh yes big guy you're really controlling the fury [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] listen to the words of this ancient book you must be in the now now i'm angry stop that super cat strike [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh you ninjas [Music] nothing can stop wise master cat boy as he takes on all the ninjas protects his pupil and gets into the top of the mountain you think the mountain's gonna work and better i'm stressed [Music] we're here but i feel calm [Music] i don't think the mountain calmed him down catboy plan b oh did i upset you angry dylan i'll flatten you you it just launch giant splat [Music] by my cat's whiskers he's not stopping [Applause] that's it get off my mountain now you'll have to throw us off well [Applause] okay you guys break it up didn't you hear us the mountain's for sharing instead of fighting you should be enjoying the mountain together the ninjas know all about it they could show you around enough of you do-gooders ninja fingers [Music] that'll teach them to set foot on the mountain of ninjas what wolfy mountain you mean follow them do battle with them and brilliantly defeat them i sure will i'm thinking instead of fighting you should be enjoying the mountain together [Music] this is again don't worry i'm not going to make you go back in there again [Music] furry friends get back this place is ours of course everyone knows that all this is wolfy mountain now but it would be an honor to pass on my knowledge about how to get inside that wolfy palace now we've got it oh but it would be so much quicker this way i can't wait to see such magnificent furry beasts in the palace they deserve wolftast [Music] thousands of years i've been trapped in this gong only to become the plaything of a selfish ninja guys the dragon needs our help but how it's too bad we can't just silence the gong wait that's it it is time to be a hero follow me what leaving so soon whatever you've got up your sleeve it's not going to work see that ninjalinos i scared them off they finally realized they're no match for all powerful night ninja nice try pj pesks but the second i strike the gong you're done yeah that's not gonna happen [Music] [Music] did i time to say goodbye fiji's going going [Music] super gekko muscles [Music] i'll take that i'll let you do the honors there they are wind's too powerful can't fly [Music] i need your help old friends [Music] nice catch so good to see you again hang on i've got you huh rock i need your help pretty cool save hey thanks gekko easy little one i'm on my way [Music] give me your hand [Music] gotcha now hold on tight oh i am super lizard grip tight whoa i don't know who you are or how you did that what thanks [Music] look at that my dragon already opened the pagoda yes what a day the pjs are gone i have my own dragon and soon the secrets of the pagoda will be my [Music] [Music] belongs to me [Music] [Applause] who are you [Music] what was that [Music] meat and you part two who was that and where'd she come from [Music] oh it doesn't matter the pagodas open what do you say we go in a little treasure hunt teeny weeny after you just in case it's booby trapped [Music] [Music] i don't think we're making it to class tomorrow we were right about teacher he's not bad just tricked i knew it he really was the best teacher ever best teacher ever teacher he must have hurt us best teacher call to him remind him who he is hey teacher remember um the color changing chameleons hmm there are over 200 species of owl what about the gym moves you showed us like um the super sideways flip super sideways flip he did it he did hey teach do it again [Music] sideways flip super [Music] what do you mean he's gone find him super sideways flip what kind of ninja move was that here teeny weeny i'll get you doing ninja stuff again pj surprise time for you to go back to school night ninja give me that teddy never ninja attack [Music] yeah cats have been pets for thousands of years oh a group of owls is called a parliament [Applause] whoa that was slick please and you can i have just one teensy weensy turn i'll be really careful [Music] just one turn then but be careful [Music] huh i've got this yeah i did it the mountain chose to help you wait let me try something else i could be good at this [Music] wow oh yeah see that i'm the oh i told you it takes time you were fortunate only this went wrong one more turn no just let me try something please cat energy cat energy [Music] come on [Music] got it come back it's mine wait this isn't my staff where is it cat ears [Applause] ninjas [Music] oh i think i know who has your staff night ninja this is your fault and you i i don't understand how
Channel: PJ Masks Official
Views: 5,943,630
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cartoons, Cartoons for kids, Heroes, Kids cartoons, Kids videos for kids, PJ Mask, PJ Masks, PJ Masks Full Episodes, PJ Masks Live, Patrol, Pj masks song, Pj max, Rescue, catboy, disney jr, ninjalinos, pj masks ninjas, pj masks ring, pj masks season 4, superheroes, pj masks heroes vs villains, heroes vs villains, pj masks 2021 new episodes, learning how to be a hero, be a hero, pj masks stolen powers, pj masks lost powers, pj masks no, pj masks no more powers
Id: K1NX0c1QoZg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 21sec (2541 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 07 2021
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