PJ Masks Full Episodes Season 3 ⭐️ New Compilation 48 ⭐️ PJ Masks New Episodes 2019

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Romeo coaster I had it yesterday anyone seen the class tablet hey where's my music player mine's gone to my tweeter um did you borrow my tablet and charger no everything here's gone too I know someone who likes messing with technology Froyo I bet my feathers on it catchy masks we're on our way [Music] night in the city and a brave band of Heroes is ready to face fiendish villains to stop them messing with your day Amaya becomes [Music] Greg becomes [Music] Connor becomes [Music] what is it PJ robot the elevators broke into other vehicles look the HQ crystal it's losing power but you get power powers from it yours are fuzzy my lips gone pink I'm hearing something outside am I [Music] connection working faster double the speed I want all the power oh I knew it was you Romeo you took everyone's electronic stuff to steal our power give it back throw that let's go genius plan on pause [Music] my speed it's gone we were getting that power back God needs qpj robot [Music] [Music] by PJ powers and what do we do now we could try to win them back at the games and have a fun time at the fair what fun wait a minute if you're not as silly as you look thank you master the PJs and the other villains might be able to get the power or at least they might want to try robot I've got a new plan where is he I've never searched the whole city without full power before it's hard [Applause] three bags there glowy lights well PJ pests luma what are you up to what are those pesky powers what's up Luna they're our powers yeah where are they training on mystery Mountain who cares I'm the one who should get the extra power no hiding whoever's worthy of the power gets the power gotta be fair at the fair you stole our powers [Music] [Applause] [Applause] who needs moths wait until you see my amazing ninja gonna throw up this is horrible everyone wants our power well they're not getting it we are I can feel my powers coming back take them back to HQ that way we all get them power the crystal PJ robot I'll be back with the rest soon that's more like it whoa silly hoops don't you know you're being phoned by the greatest of all time right into my hands robot now it's time for the real fun to begin [Music] [Music] hi my cat stripes are back guys great where is everyone that's a bit tight safety first I guess I still don't get where everyone went are we going faster [Music] you tricked us the fear to win the power [Music] you don't want the power whoa there's no one to stop me no one to stop you what about the ninjalino nothing without night ninja I'm a Dylan you forgot about him hey how come nobody told me about the fair my eater friend how could we have fallen for this we're so focused on getting our power back we didn't see what was going on around us I know that they tried to take our powers too but maybe if we help them they'll help us we've still got some of our powers time to beat [Music] Hey The Pajama kids helped us [Music] yes master nobody tricks on ya get me that remote okay okay okay here it is regular roller coaster speed time for some real fun at the fair [Music] nice work team thanks for the help help sure we did I'm a total hero well you did set us free better than my MA everything's ruined anyway okay PJ power we're going home welcome back super Gekko muscles now that's what I call fun of the bear PJ masks all shout hooray Gekko in the opposite way [Music] [Music] not so fast without your super cat speed and wings what's that looks like a note huh who leaves a note on a slide Romeo dear PJ pals I hereby wish to propose a truce a truce wait when what's truce it means he doesn't want to be our enemy anymore sounds fishy it says he wants to meet us tonight for a friendly chat hmm let's investigate night in the city and a brave band of Heroes is ready to face fiendish villains to stop them messing with your day Amaya becomes [Music] [Applause] [Music] Grigsby comes [Music] Connor becomes [Music] [Music] so Romeo wants to be our friend now I've heard everything maybe he's changed I bet he's got some fiendish new plan to defeat us let's find out to the cat-car [Music] faster the PJ masks are on their way they found my note don't come any closer Romeo but you got my heartfelt note didn't you friends oh we got it alright so what's the catch there is no catch I thought it was about time we stopped all this city bickering wouldn't it be better if we were all on the same side for once my side that is what's that do I'm glad you asked I call it the opposite brave it switches people's personalities for example bad guys become good and good guys become bad wait so you don't really want to be friends after all well no no [Music] are you alright there is no cat-boy here you can't escape yet go join us camouflage looks like the PJ passed got away don't worry he'll be back [Music] [Music] give me eyes on Romeo my best friends have been turned into bad guys what am I gonna do [Music] let's see how bad our new villains movie are dark out if I said I was going to take over the world would you try and stop me now I'd help wonderful in that case let's take over the world but first I have to show me you're a true villain I make I will help as well master these two on my side I might never need again [Applause] [Music] the problem [Music] [Music] the museum PG robot Guard HQ while I serve our country doing something back [Music] they are so breaking into the museum master is wrong he will need robot again he is always defeated by the PJ masks now my evil besties once we're in your test is to steal that world-famous Delta diamond but I'll warn you it's impossible it won't be a problem cap what are you doing you're supposed to be heroes I saw him first I want to get him what are you doing quit bickering and just get him must I do everything myself [Music] I've never seen cowboy and I will let work against each other must have something to do with being villains I'm unbeatable I don't think so straight now I've got you where I want you wait what are you doing come on guys it's me we're friends remember friends more like super enemies huh just the opposite we're super friends well it seems my opposite way is beginning to wear off maybe you all need a little refresher hooray for master [Music] come on officer Bray Wow thanks captain smartypants but I think we're fine now really but those best cold night Panther and dark owl are still on the loose this is getting really weird huh okay super buddy let's take these villains down um okay why not hey Panther we've got company let's get him [Music] [Music] thanks to captain okay what just happened I don't remember anything oh thank goodness you're back to normal I'll explain later for now let's just say yes [Music] [Music] [Music] now say hello to the evil lizard just kidding [Music] pj mass versus bad guys united look there's a new exhibit come on whoa some mega moonstone oh boy let's hope lunar girl doesn't find out too late we can't let lunar girl near that moon stone PJ masks were on our way [Music] night in the city and a brave band of Heroes is ready to face fiendish villains to stop them messing with your day Amaya becomes [Music] Greg becomes [Music] Connor becomes [Music] [Music] quick to the owl-glider [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Oh Oh No army Dylan's got the mega moonstone her my Dylan soul it looks like it and I'm doing what are you doing I'm helping what does it look like uh it kind of looks like you sold a mega moonstone yeah he broke into the museum and swiped it I saw the whole thing what no that's not true so you didn't steal it uh technically I guess I did but not in a bad way I was protecting it protecting it ha oh you gave up being a good guy no I'm a hero just like you except heroes don't steal stuff it's not like that honest night ninja lunar girl are working together and they really want this moonstone so I I figured I'd take it I don't know something's fishy look if you don't believe me you take it now wait till you see what I do with it Luna girl told you we have to stop her a thunder from Boyle piss ninjalinos don't oh great all the bad guys got away I tried telling ya then we're working together but no you didn't believe me okay Armen Dylan if we hurry we can catch them won't be taking the owl-glider that was an accident I was just trying to get unstuck so why'd you steal the moonstone in the first place I didn't why don't you believe me what's the use I'm out of here how am i doing wait guys Luna girls getting away we can't let her have that moonstone we'll catch our Matt Dillon later come on you want a piggyback yeah hang on super capture me [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] maybe this time you will win faster of course we'll win it's my plan let's just hope Luna girl and night ninja don't mess it up I heard that PJ masks are on the way into our trap so we can play [Music] you get a sniff a whiff and your Cisco truck and bring you night ninja my go slow ray be careful it's sensitive cat-boy won't know it hit him ok ninjalinos follow me did I do that [Music] robot take him back to the lab until the rain wears off yes master Romeo's in on it too I knew something was up this is my chance to show the PJs I can be a good guy our Matt Dillon style [Music] let's try Romeo sniffle whip how will it warm like that make sure it's winning the right way [Music] hey where's that [Music] [Music] [Applause] my turn you mean we finally defeated the PJ pests now I can finally get my crystal back and go to moon and I'll unlock the power of mystery mountain and I'll take their HQ reprogram PJ robot and take just wait'll I get out of here [Music] I'm afraid nobody can help you now lizard lips I wouldn't be so sure about that I'll distract him Luna girl I'll need a mega moon bubble night ninja ready the ice machine well if it isn't my old friend arm Attilan I was just saying we could freely use you on our team not a chance I'm no villain oh but you did seal the mega moon stone from the museum the only reason I stole it was to keep Luna girl from getting her mitts on it but thanks to you we use the mega moon stone to defeat the PJ's so you can join us or you're next yeah just to be sure [Music] wait master I'm outta here [Music] still think I'm a bad guy Oh free Gekko you save cat boy on it [Music] okay here's the reverse switch I'll get you out of there super buddy oh thanks Dharma Dylan we're sorry for thinking you stole the moonstone I knew I must owe it bad but I would try to help hornist well you were a hero when it counted PJ masks all shout hooray [Music] now if you excuse me I got a rule [Music] Halloween tricksters here we come whoa check out all the masks wonder who will go s the Apple in the cat meow oh you didn't burn and burn there there hey what are you supposed to be drag worth king of the mighty lizard aliens so cool right gardener nice mess what are you check oh yeah wait I mean no whatevs just wait till you guys see my costume it's Spacey this is gonna be so great huh that Cameron is such a show-off don't worry about him you've got a big night ahead of us Halloween night is the bad guys favorite time of year hey watch out for the little kids in the leotards you're playing tricks on us little kids and sparkly leotards ninjalinos that means night ninjas already causing trouble good thing the trick-or-treaters have some superheroes to protect them he's a nap let's go as a team night in the city and a brave band of Heroes is ready to face fiendish villains to stop them messing with your [Music] break because [Music] neat costume pj pumpkin any sign of night ninja and his posse very think they're up to something keep in contact pj robot who knows what tricks he's got in store for us but we've got some treats for that trickster and i'm not talking to sweet licorice variety right guys just act casual and blended why are you talking like i'm disguising my voice superhero rule number one never let your classmates know who you really are hello fellow trick-or-treaters whoa not as cool as my cameron interplanetary hero from Outer Banks now come on time is candy [Music] [Music] what's going on how do we save them without letting them know we have superpowers I've got an idea super Gekko camouflage I see that I got us out with my interplanetary space muscles captain camera but I used my super Gekko muscles to free them I'm the real hero we know you are Gekko what's important is that you helped hmm you okay guys do you have a cold oh I get it deep superhero voice huh funny it's all under control I saved us from those tiny tricksters Hey mine too oh I mean um hmm they won't get away with this I'm going after them [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] the coast is clear you're on now let's [Music] cotton your own whip I'll take those but where's night ninja I just love Halloween are we having fun yet taking goody bags isn't fun night ninja the saying goes trick-or-treat welcome to the trick part the goody bags disappear one by one until you have none good luck with that we just got them back Oh sounds like your friends are in trouble better go save them chop-chop [Music] [Music] okay captain Cameron its headlights be cannot DOS [Music] [Music] and she's going after the rest of the goody bags cover me I've got this [Music] [Music] [Applause] time for some trickery of our own doors finders keepers and now I have them oh well not all of them we have much better treats at HQ dare you to come knocking I don't do trick-or-treat I hear it can take okay get ready guys operation scared air is a go well give me something good to eat [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I don't even know Milan powers I can't even ask Luca goes [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right everyone's got their goody bags back and how we can relax and have some Halloween fun with you yet oh yeah you and what army [Music] they're ginormous they grow up so fast I saved my Halloween mood power for the perfect moment [Music] [Music] Oh one time the Halloween fun has just begun [Music] [Applause] gasping geckos they're going into the cootie bags [Music] this will be the greatest Halloween hold ever if those wannabe werewolves can pull it off don't worry I told them that the Halloween whoopee moon gives them extra powers things are going just as planned [Music] just as planned Halloween belongs to us villains it's the fat guys are working together it's like three nine years in one humming pj robot [Music] [Applause] [Music] what I call a great idea they're still not letting this go got an idea on my mom one two three [Music] thanks outlet and thanks to PJ robot [Music] [Music] dog scribed all of our treats Halloween [Music] captain cavernous year if I can break out of a sticky web and scary ghosts then I can get back hard goody bags you're the ones running around doing all the work Cameron only thinks he's a hero well no one's going to be a hero if we don't stop those night villains we've got to focus the wolfy's sounds like they're somewhere in the park come on come on we've gotta find somewhere to stash the goody bags already done guys I put them in a super secret hiding place cool where is it I uh it's so secret I forgot where it is come on thank heaven well I made up a rhyme to remind me now I just need to remember what it is whoo sounds like root so the treats must be under the tree was never melt with our super smell ruler found the hiding place better [Music] good thing we checked on your Super Bowl fees I knew those scruffy mutts for mess-ups lead over here the PJ masks but I got rid of them my entire Halloween schemes falling apart don't be so dramatic we need a plan of attack it's just hang back KO's PJ pests will help them find the goodies for us see that's not so complicated hey wolfy lose something you know if you don't tell us where you put all the goody bags no one's going to get any trees Oh dogs are my favorite treats oh honey bags goody bags I hate you with my hot dogs that doesn't even rhyme so where do you keep your hot dogs in the shed we've got all the training dates guys i red-handed it's not what it looks like are the rings of Saturn those treats intergalactic just make sure these get returned to their rightful trick-or-treaters tisk tisk and you guys had the nerve to dress up us superheroes save whoops do you even know give yourself away deco he keeps sending credit for everything we do and now he thinks we took the treats this is so unfair ooh so many cootie bags I could just keep them all for myself not blaring feathers why don't we do now hiren can't see us in action stand by and wait for my signal what do you think you're doing with our goody bags well they're just costumes you can do this you're captain Cameron huh don't make me unleash my super tornado space kick on you you're a new superhero yeah I'm captain Cameron intergalactic Supergirl from outer space no autographs I'm on a mission Oh have you been to the moon not yet yeah it's been a busy night now if you'll excuse me I've got a speed dash out of here Chicka Chicka choo choo Chicka Chicka Chicka Chicka choo choo he's no hero [Music] [Music] oh whoa I do that I'm never taking this costume off real heroes stepping what are you ninjalinos waiting for Christmas oh my powers really bloom away along with all the treats [Music] now which one oh I poop suck they're all meeting under the city underground Jim come on let's crash the party [Music] I chose this place appeared layer it's damn and dark pants our wolfy powers are getting weaker but have the light of the Halloween movie moon there is no Halloween wolfy moon you four balls will believe anything you mean we're not super wool fleece and not whimpering we're here to celebrate the greatest Halloween eyes ever yeah let's divide the kiddies I can't believe they managed to pull this off why don't we do broke number we've managed to keep those st PJs running in circles thanks to my brilliant plan what do you mean your flame it wasn't my idea what about us awesome oh goody bags oh goody bag it doesn't rhyme Wow be care more about who gets credit than working together can you believe that yeah it kind of sounds like me I've been more worried about who gets credit and actually saving Halloween but what if we use that against them the villains might be strong together but a little trick might pull them apart I like where you're going with this 10 for me and two for each of you fair and square where'd she learn to count oh not they're more square she's tried to trick us again and take our hoodies I'm not but my moon power is amazing I do deserve more nonsense my ninja tricks were the best so ah I should get the most both we stolen stash the loot we should get the mostest how about getting none these belong to the trick-or-treaters it's lizard boy [Music] [Applause] UPG czar spoiling the fun fun so only my goodie bag for you happy Halloween [Music] those guys will never learn it's that space boy he's come back to get us it's captain Cameron and I have you surrounded give up the goody bags well better follow the captain's orders I said come out Wow you should have seen me I ran home underground what would you guys do without a super brave hero save it it's a good thing there was a hero make that three so you don't mind they'll never know that we're the real heroes yeah cuz when it's time to be a hero all that matters is doing the right thing now let's check out our drinks PJ masks make a super team [Music]
Channel: PJ Masks Season 3
Views: 13,723,703
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pj masks, pj masks full episodes, pj mask, pj, pj masks season 3, tj maxx, pj max, pj masks english episodes, pjmask, catboy, pj masks toys, cartoons for kids, cartoons for children, pj masks full episodes Disney junior, pj masks full episodes in English, pj masks full episodes 2018, pj masks new episodes 2018, pj masks wolfy kids, pj masks vs bad guys united, pj masks easter wolfies, pj masks luna and the wolfies, easter wolfies, luna and the wolfies, pj masks easter eggs
Id: oiilBcGxcFI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 7sec (3307 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 07 2019
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