PAW Patrol Mega Robot Rescues! w/ Chase, Skye & Robo-Dog | 1 Hour Compilation | Nick Jr.

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[Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] who is [Music] time to knock down City Hall Marshall I'm fired up water cannons Skye you're up this puppies thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] meow meow my robot kitty now meow meow follows orders like a good robot cat should too bad I made him so small I just need to build something to make him bigger and better like super mayor Minnie Meister would do [Laughter] [Music] ah here it is by Transformer zapper machine meow meow go stand under the zap emitter [Music] Wow meow bigger and better by pulling this lever just a little bit [Music] oh I just meant to make you a bigger cat not a tiger I'm hungry yeah you can talk aluminum [Music] what cat what did you expect me to eat pizza [Music] metal makes me strong I'm going to eat all the metal and be the strongest mightiest cat in the whole world [Music] [Applause] for my next spectacular stunt I daring Danny X we'll ride my rocket-powered bike around and around and upside down in this steel globe or should I say hello to your new mayor and his head I'm in the mood stop that cat at once stop him I can barely hang on to him I'm calling Ryder just would I mayor Harold need to make my town super fun foreign [Music] I know what would be really fun taking those PewDie pups tower that would make Harold fill the Muddy's town act Riders Harold's robot is flying so fast my buddy speed can't keep up with it and he's heading for the lookout Mighty pups Harold's robot is flying super fast towards the lookout to take him down we're gonna have to charge up Skye try to slow him down with your charged up weather powers [Music] great job Skye Rocky use your X-ray vision to disable his rocket thrusters on it [Music] energy pliers hey [Music] replicates just for that prepare to be teleported Chase charge up and use your Sonic mark [Music] how did they get all these coolness superpowers I mean just okay new superpowers I gotta get out of here Marshall time for a charged up super jump [Music] wipers Marshall's slowing him down great the robot is powered by a meteor piece in its backpack now is our chance to pull it out and shut him down put your vehicles in Hover mode [Applause] oh everyone get away from town hall watch out duck Rocky hold down that Bell Rebel help me stop that fruit from falling on anyone on it extinguisher ah sprayer [Music] home run [Music] Nifty stacking Rubble thanks [Music] baby we'll save her mere good way [Music] all these buttons look the same oops hit the wrong button again [Applause] [Music] sure now it goes but it's still not the way to Foggy Bottom Marshall are you okay kind of dizzy but I'm good now where did gigantos or go Rider you go after it we'll be right behind you great [Music] stop popping uh-oh did I do that okay not so fast wait for me hey drums wanna play water tank water cannons what I thought I got rid of you pups we back for a game of Dodge Bowie put those pups in the lookout with the others those drones can't catch us and neither can you in that slow flying car can too LED stay here and guard the relocator I'm going after them great plan foreign [Music] [Music] thank you Rocky bring back the buildings then meet us at the waterfront Robo dog as soon as it's safe drive the citizens back to town [Applause] I'm setting the relocator to reverse clocks [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] back up Zuma I need you to catch a bus let's dive in we have to find which color goes in the blank squares if these squares are red and yellow this one must be green we can't figure out all these puzzles in time we'll never get out not to panic inspector we can do it panicking who's panicking let's do a red and green then the missing color must be Jello nice one [Music] we have an incoming bus no sir watch out for the Runaway Bus stop the trailer I've got the bus we have to pick the correct shapes and place them in the two empty spots is puzzles tricky but you're The Puzzle Master if you can't figure it out we're in trouble big big trouble [Music] get ready and go okay YouTube ride's over [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] follow that mod [Music] whoa so this is what it's been doing with all the plates [Music] we'll need to get them down but first we've got to figure out how to stop that bot if I could just catch up to it I could open the control panel and turn it off [Music] I've got an idea the waiter bot wants to clean things so if you get dirty the butt will come to you that's a great idea Ryder there's a mud puddle right over there it looks awfully wet what do you say rocky anything for rescue I sure hope this works thank you clean up clean up it worked screwdriver [Music] thank you freedom great job Rocky now let's get those dishes back to their owners come here [Music] thank you pups you got my plate back and not a moment too soon just in time for lunch here we go that was the last of them pups thanks for stopping my robot Paw Patrol and for fixing all the trouble it caused you're welcome whenever your waiter bot goes Haywire just Yelp for help I guess you'll want to send that devious bot back actually Rocky and I made some adjustments and I've decided to keep it welcome to Porter's Cafe please seek yourself welcome to Potter's Cafe please seek yourself Ryder the treadmill didn't work and now he's headed for the mountain yes Ryder we lost the mirror in the woods I'll find him Knuckles he's headed for a cake that belongs to a really big bear Chase use her net to stop him [Music] we barely avoided a disaster good job Scott still see more humblinger Roger that I can see his shiny metal pants metal that gives me an idea Rubble on a junior electromagnetic stop a runaway mare Rubble on the double we'll meet you at the top of the mountain come on Chase headed straight no problem please [Music] [Applause] foreign are you okay mayor Humdinger yes thanks for saving me from those horrible Auto pants no problem whenever your parents are out of control just Yelp for help [Music] here I'm caught up to the Robo Dino the board then find its off switch Roger that injector seat [Music] huh Ryder I found out what's making the Robo Dino go Haywire there's Gophers inside it and they're eating the wires joyriding Gophers will be right there oh thanks pops just in time for my favorite TV show [Music] one rescue down one to go uh-oh Ryder we're on our way Chase Rocky follow me better hurry Ryder looks like we're headed for a fall in a way deep kid hang on Chase we're gonna lower those Gophers out Rocky get your peanut launcher [Music] peanut launcher loaded fire away Rocky [Music] bye now see ya Ryder it worked so far ah gotta find the off switch hurry Chase [Music] cut it close Chase but great job [Music] [Applause] to see ya buddy it's even better to see you honey thanks Ryder thanks pups we're just happy to see everybody back where they belong whenever you're in trouble just Yelp for help you deserve a special [Music] treats and if you promise to stay out of my Robo Dino I'll whip you fellas up some special peanut burgers [Music] hahaha hey doesn't anyone want to see my stunts playing with my food Jenny's in trouble [Applause] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] that was awesome can I do it again [Music] Skye get meow meow away from that Globe Jason Wilde yet ready to catch that robot cat the rest of you pups provide back up Roger Ryder shiny metal copter coming through [Music] thank you over here I got it [Music] oh no now we can fly whoa close one we need to trap meow meow my turn to help hey big guy check this out this cat always lands on his paws [Music] is that what I think Ryder your robot is out here heading for me can you get him to fly towards Rocky's truck I'll do my best his puppy's gotta fly [Music] ready Rocky almost if we can launch this magnet close enough to Robo pup it'll stick to his metal body and Skye can hook the magnet and bring Robo dog down here any second now ready Rocky [Music] now perfect shot Rocky okay Skye you're on you got it Ryder lower hook OH Close coming in for a second try got it hang on Ryder Robo dog is coming home [Music] sorry buddy turning off Robo dog now [Music] Robo dog sure was great I guess it's back to the drawing board oh hold on I have an old antenna for you I think it'll work good idea Rocky [Music] it works thanks Rocky and thanks to all you pups too I couldn't have fixed it or even caught Robo dog without you well you know Ryder if you're ever in trouble just yell for help [Music] foreign [Music] soon oh my goodness it's almost fully charged and mommy said to the Moon let's see some cat pops [Music] strength of a lion sorry to burst your bubble Cody but your demolishing days are done [Music] we stopped the code Demolisher pups but we have to help Cody now relocator is fully charged you can successfully send the townspeople to the moon great if I can have Adventure Bay no one can uh-oh the relocator has successfully relocated us to the Moon LED bring in my plans for building a spaceship Adventure Bay hasn't seen the last of Cody gizmodi no lion roar oh yeah slow down another [Music] word [Music] hey everybody I'm leaving meow meow out to the desert Flats away from town meet me there [Music] gotta get through there to get to the desert flashes coming at you Raider [Applause] you ready Rory follow me [Music] Ryder maybe we can get meow meow into that old mine cats love dark and cozy places that's right and you ran around so much chasing us he must be low on power he'll want a nap it's worth a try [Music] your pants [Music] I need to eat but that looks so comfy and cozy comfy wins great idea Rory everybody likes a good cat nap we can catch up to gigantos orb but how are we gonna stop it we're gonna have to shut it down then we can fix it look do you still have that antenna you know me Riders I keep everything Skye what's happening I see smoke again and gigantosaur where is it near the Lookouts Paw Patrol to the lookout what about easy for you to say help stop this ride I wanna get off be brave little one we need to figure out how to shut down the monster but first we rescue chickaletta mayor homdinger good Wham okay I'm gonna pull up close then Rubble use the fire rescue claw to pick up the mayor I can do this hey watch the soup oh [Music] it's gonna shoot another Fireball now to save chicken Zuma Rocky come with me my cap can reach up there but I'll need to crawl on the monster's head you guys control the ultimate fire truck [Music] down hold still chickaletta hi Marshall it's blue so much [Music] spuds Chase time to use night vision infrared goggles [Music] [Music] and he's still Towing Mrs Wingnut let's catch a robotosaurus [Music] Rubble dig our Dino catching pit here I can dig it shut up the Rope right here I'm on it Ryder hammer [Music] just a little tighter [Music] hurry guys Earl's almost here stand back everybody [Music] [Applause] laughs oh it's not working [Music] chase keep an eye on the runaway dinosaur while we rescue Mrs Wingnut yes sir Ryder 's Wingnut if you can get on the roof we'll get you out of here okey-dokey Skye I need you to airlift Mrs Wingnut off the roof of her trailer we'll do [Music] rescue Target in sight nice blowing Sky now lower your harness whoopsie [Music] brother I'll secure it [Music] Ryder I reconfigured the Transformer zapper it'll act as a shrinkery now we can get that big cat back down to size awesome work shade let's get meow meow into position phone meow meows please move to the center of the bridge I'm almost at full strength why don't you make me nice and wet down here Robo dude it's pretty damp this way too oh cat don't let her zap you you're no good to me small just eat the zapper don't mind if I do if meow meow eats the zapper we'll never be able to turn him back [Music] no tail sweets [Music] I just had that fixed for free [Music] hey meow meow how about your favorite snack I'm getting dizzy ing [Music] [Music] trick or treat you you whoever you are inside that naughty spider costume now [Music] hmm must be my kitten allergy kittens Marshall use your X-ray screen to look inside that spider you got it oh X a it's mayor huntinger and his Kitty catastrophe crew of course who else would be so sneaky greedy mare spider Dinger trick-or-treating is for children only no grown-ups uh oh let's get out of here kittens [Music] [Music] we're stuck no more tricks mayor humzier return the treats what's the eagle doing here Eagles like to eat spiders and I think he sees a big one don't worry Cinderella chickaletta you're fairy god mayor will protect you [Music] get back here you kittens Skye I need you to get into your scarecrow costume bought a town square and scare away the eagle [Music] hustle over with your crane we need you to unstick a giant spider from a marshmallow web a giant spider those are the worst kind okay Rubble on the double hit it Robo dog [Music] Ryder I'll look around and see if I can spot the Mayors wait Everest I see the wolves in the crevice just keep going straight [Music] I found the wolves the Mayors must be close by be right there [Music] Chase let's move those wolves sure thing stop launcher great now to get the Mayors out Rubble fly into the crevice and bring the Mayors up one at a time two Mayors coming up let's get you guys out of here oh thank goodness you're here my little chicky boo was very worried me first [Music] Everest follow those mayors Gerard the controller's broken please slow down it's not my fault I can't do anything on an empty stomach Ryder they landed on the shore and they came down really hard did you hear that we better get back on Solid Ground and fast okay but not without every last one of my hamburgers one two three four oh no I'm missing one oh wait phew there you are my precious stop thinking about your lunch we have to get off of this oh thank goodness you were safe my little chickies the train has a big head start on us robot take the patroller up to maximum speed [Music] there it is ready score ready Ryder Paw Patrol [Music] there are no surprises [Music] is something wrong why didn't you stop at the station Rocky use your X-ray scanner to look inside the locomotive sure string Rider Ryder I don't see engineer at a board oh no what happened to him no wonder the train is racing out of control no one's driving it but Ryder where did engineer Ed go robodog reduce speed Rocky skin the whole train got it right missing too no one's on board dude where did they all go maybe the Dizzy dusters got him Ryder the tracks curve sharply ahead train is going so fast ball we have to stop that train now Rubble use your electromagnet to slow the express down rubble on the double Rocky you and I will get aboard and pull the brake bring your tools and cases the controls are broken green means well this time green means stop trouble Rocky pups the copycat is somewhere on top of the Dome it's time to go into hover mode [Music] where'd he go I bet he went inside there must be a hidden door somewhere I found another Wayne Rider Zuma Marshall it's time to get charged up [Music] we're still live from inside the Dome hairball attention sit inside this energy Dome of energy I can do whatever I want and no one can get in or out not even your precious Mighty pups I'm inside the Dome Rider and I've got eyes on the copycat [Music] stay on him Zuma Chase Rubble keep your eyes peeled when we chase them back out he'll show us where the door is I'm on his furry tape time to make my grandest thing here he is and there's the door and that's our cue let's get charged up [Music] all this remote looks complicated maybe if I push this button foreign not a sitting movie how's it doing that I'm not even holding the remote where is the remote how does this thing work no no no not in the water if robots get wet they'll break oh how do I make a turn around [Music] stop mayor humdinger uh-oh come on kitties [Music] oh what does this button do wait why is it turning around these buttons make no sense [Music] hit the wrong button I got this water cannon great job putting out that umbrella Marshalls thanks it's important to cool down anything that's burnt or another fire could start Monster's running away if it destroyed this umbrella so easily what is it going to do to Adventure Bay Marshall is an amazing firefighter but he's only one pup that is true mayor but no monster is too big no puff is too small it's time for an ultimate rescue lights camera [Music] looks like we're all wrapped up whoa he sure can dig where'd he go huh whoa where did you come from sorry Zuma I see you've met Robo dog yeah he totally woke me up let's try flying Robo dog wow Heights [Music] wow it sure can fly huh what else can it do it should run super fast ah no robot cannot run me that totally sounds like a challenge challenge huh I'll do it I'll race the robot I'll start it megaphone Runners to the starting line on your book get set oh [Music] come on [Applause] [Music] I'm stuck time to try Turbo Power [Music] Ryder the robo dog look Santana is all bent and broken [Music] [Music] where did it go I don't know that broken antenna means I can't control it Robo pup Chase distract the eagle until Sky gets here 10 fall launcher wanna play fetch big eagle [Music] it didn't work okay you're not so scared of me how about this time to play a little trip now [Music] [Music] good work Skye Rubble Europe whoa good thing that's not a real spider hurry to be super creepy [Applause] my candy corn I must have it oh yay [Music] oh look at that it's raining on Halloween this is my kind of rain mmm yummy oh thank you Ryder you and the pups worked yourselves to the Bone to save our Halloween party you're welcome whenever you're out of treats the trick is to Yelp for help [Music] you're welcome and what else happy Halloween yes that'll do now stand back kitties it's time to test the auto pants [Music] they work things will make me run faster and jump higher than any of those Adventure Bay weaklings can't race without my hat okay everybody time to start the competition we'll be running two contestants at a time our first pair will be frost war and me and when you all see how fast I am you can go home because that trophy is mine is the best runner win thank you I plan to All Right contestants on your marks get set [Music] all right easy peasy [Music] how did he do that Francois are you okay no I am baffled how can he be so fast I'm so fast I've even got time for a little refresh one fruit smoothie please [Music] no no it's my dream down King what's happening [Music] [Music] thank you Marshall hops we stopped the Robot [Applause] Chicken on my heart this robot's gonna need some fixing if we're gonna finish the movie I don't think gigantosaur could be any more Ultra extremely scary than what we just saw too bad we didn't get any of that on video uh Danny is the camera on your helmet still on yeah wait good thing I always forget to turn this off been to a big movie premiere before oh it's so exciting and glamorous who even likes movies anyway the only reason I'm here is because I'm the star Thank You Adventure Bay for helping me with my movie and thanks Danny from the camera on that's daring Danny X but most of all thanks to the PAW Patrol for giving me a new movie hero you're welcome remember whenever you have a movie problem just roar for help okay let's start the film wait you can't watch a movie without popcorn fresh from farmer yumies if anyone deserves popcorn it's me gigantosaur it's after me not again [Music] and roll it I'm fired up [Applause] [Music] you that's all of them Katie thanks Paw Patrol now the cat show can go on assistant [Music] unleash the yarn balls [Music] oh yes good job time for some kitten star power [Music] [Applause] wow awesome wow nice trick [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] ER we've got an Airborne Kitty here's what I need you to do [Music] [Applause] [Music] hang on [Music] no I can't control meow meow robots guy Cali needs you and fast I'll get her [Music] yes nice job Skye that was some fancy flying thank you Ryder Skye and pups you're welcome whenever you have a problem just meow for help and thanks little fella great job pubs that's two zip liners rescued and one to go don't worry chickaletta Mommy's coming I'll get you down we don't want to wake the big kitty cat whoa it sounds like a big cat maybe it's a tiger or a panther and a chicken it must be chickaletta dudes Ryder we found chicoetta that's great news Sumo maybe not that great she sounds super close to a big jungle cat okay all the pops report to the Paw patroller [Music] [Applause] we need to rescue Mayor Goodway without waking the big cat robotox activates stealth mode wow super quiet [Music] don't look down don't look down I'm coming chicky boo wow hi mayor don't worry we're here to save you guys my heart that's good [Music] that's good oh robot on we have to distract the panther play some animal sounds through the megaphone [Music] quick maximum speed nice to you too to drop in you can ask your parents to subscribe to the Nick Jr YouTube channel for new videos every day and find more of your favorite shows on TV on Nickelodeon and the Nick Jr Channel
Channel: Nick Jr.
Views: 10,179,919
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: animation, cartoons, kids, nickelodeon, nick junior, entertainment, watch on nick jr., fun for kids, nick jr. friends, nick jr. shows, preschool videos, kids games, kids entertainment, nick jr. cartoons, nick jr animation, preschool, learn, youtubekids, full episode, new episode, kidstv, all paws on deck, paw patrol all paws on deck, paw patrol, paw patrol chase, paw patrol rescues, compilation, cat pack, mighty pups, robot, paw patrol rescue, paw patrol save, 30 min, ytao_paw
Id: 5E37yTg3UDY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 58sec (3598 seconds)
Published: Sat May 13 2023
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