Pizza Margherita, Italian Recipe - Gianni's North Beach

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I lived on top of the hill but every day I go down to the village to buy the food that I'm gonna cook that night welcome to what's left of the italian-american neighborhood in San Francisco alley nothing I'm John and this is my North Beach so today we're making out beats that's Neapolitan for pizza down in Molinari I had to get some mozzarella di bufala so we're all set we got this we got some function - I'm gonna go back up the hill and make some pizza we're gonna make a Margherita so the only thing that we have for the Margherita is the dough the San Marzano tomatoes these over here from Italy these are grown around the area Salerno south of Naples we call them dope tomatoes that means these are organic and they're grown and packed in the traditional way so they get the government stamp over here we have the mozzarella this is mozzarella di bufala this comes from Campania it's packed in water and it's made from water buffalo milk delicious and then we got the buzz eating all of the basil so that's it so let me show you how to make the dough okay so we're going to start with with proofing the yeast so what I'm going to do over here I do a lot of bacon I make a lot of breads that make a lot of pizza so I got the yeast in the jar if not two and a half teaspoons is the same as a packet of yeast three four and five now this yeast has to go in warm water right I want a little bit a little bit hotter than my my own body temperature we need about we need about a cup of this see how it stains in color now T's has dissolved in the water now we want to give the yeast something to fight them on Joe it's got to eat something so I'm going to take a half a cup of our and you don't have to be that accurate with this because you could always adjust moisture if it's too dry so you get most of that flour dissolved in the water in the yeast we started with a cup of water this is going to sit in a dry place and it's going to rise up to twice its volume to two cups when it gets there we can continue but I'm going to show you how we're going to fix up the rest of the stuff now this recipe is calling for four cups of flour a half we put in there to feed the yeast the other half I put over here so I didn't forget now I'm adding three more cups so total four cups for this recipe so that's one two three you see how carefully I'm measuring usually I don't use this table salt but when I'm baking because it's a it's a finer grain I use it we're going to put a little salt in here it's probably not even a half a teaspoon and put it like that we're going to just mix the dry ingredients get that salt and flour mixed together we're going to just put this on the side because now we're going to come back and do this preparation so these are the some horizontal Tomatoes these are the DOP so these are government certified we're going to make a filete Oda pomodoro out this because I'm making the margarita pizza it's just the dough a little olive oil the tomatoes the basil and mozzarella de buffalo that's it very simple pie so I'm going to cut this in half the some horizontal and see you got a little bit of the stem over here get rid of that and there's some seeds if you want to take him out take him out then we're just going to make strips out of this see this look at that this is the filete toda Pomodoro so don't buy those American to me just make sure you get the some horizontal from Italy okay so this is the mozzarella di bufala so what I'm going to do is just slice this but even here you see the water dripping out we don't want moisture on top of the pizza so I'm going to show you what to do we're going to see the trs-80 order mozzarella okay so this mozzarella is a little wet and I don't want that because if you have moisture on top of the pizza then it's going to make those crust soggy so see what I'm doing here this is the which that I would the buffalo just putting on a little paper towel so I'm just going to put this like this dry it off a little bit getting a lot of moisture out and I'm going to just kind of set it over here now the other thing that goes on margarita is just look at this beautiful organic basil just some leaves of this so let's see how our first proof is going Wow this yeast is hungry look at that it already doubled in size so we started at one cup now we're at two cups we're going to put it in here so see the foaming this here that's what you want this is your first proof so double in volume first proof right in and now I'm just going to mix this so now I know see how this is it's still a lot of flour unincorperated see that so I know I'm going to need more water so I'm going to go back and now it's not that important that it's at one hundred hundred degree so I'm just going to grab some water because I want to wash this out about a quarter of a cup more slosh it around and we're going to throw it right in there so slosh this around get the rest of the yeast out throw it all in and we'll see how we are see now it's all starting to incorporate when I get to this point where I see there's not that much a dry dough see pretty much its incorporated then I'm going to start kneading it with my hand and all we want to do is make sure we get everything well incorporated see how it's coming together here and then I'll just use my hand of the script whatever's left on the bowl because we're going to use this bowl again this is where we're going to make it go into its second proof okay so see there's a little bit left on the bottom but the dough is wet enough so it's picking that I want to get one homogenious ball here see so I just take a little flower put it like this if we need more withdrawn more so when I start doing this if you're ambidextrous you can do it with two hands it's cute because look what happens on the board you make a little heart over here if you use in two hands so when I start with this this is going to feel very granular it's going to have a rough texture to it and you'll see some recipes for making dough they're going to tell you that you have to knead this for 10 minutes I don't I don't use a time because I'm going to feel in my hand when it goes from that granular it's a silky smooth when I get the silky smooth I'm done we'll put it in for the second proof so this is the right consistency see it's not sticking to the table I don't have to put more flour down this is perfect look at this so we continue kneading okay so now I'm feeling except for around the edges I got that silky feeling so I'm going to give it a few more turns and then we're done and put it back in the bowl over there but again I don't want to lose nothing we've got a clean board clean everything up here okay and see sticking a little bit to my hand but not to the board that's good if we was sticking to the board we throw more flour down okay and what you're doing is starting to build the gluten so that's why you're working this you could get into this is like a little bit of Zen cooking here you end the dough okay we're going to put this back in the bowl so we just want to cover the top of the bowl right be careful make sure that you've got no air going in you can cover it with a kitchen towel so I'm going to put it over here and let it rest a little bit okay so let's see how our dough's doing see if it doubled in size ooh look at that looks good don't double in size let's see how it's doing nice so sometimes it'll stick on the bottom so again just go with your fingers and pick that all up oh that looks good you don't want to mess with this too much because there's been gas developing in there so I'm going to put a little I know this is sticky to the touch so I'm going to put a little flour down here going to roll it up back into a bowl this could make four little pizzas or calzone if you want the calzone T so cut it in fours we're only going to use one of these so put these on the side we're going to bring this paper back put it back over it so they don't you don't want to dry or dry out so that's why we're covering them you don't want that dough to get a crust and we could put the towel back over them for protection don't take a rolling pin and roll this out because you're going to push all the gas out and use your fingers and then you could stretch it see how nice and pliable this is so you're really just using the weight of the dough to help you get the right consistency see and if it breaks so what you just put it down like that and fix it and don't let it all bunch up around the crust around the end okay a few adjustments here so we're going to again flour because we're going to throw this right in the oven off of here you want to be pretty quick when you put it on here and you want to make sure it's free to move around right don't move here it ain't going to move when I go to put in the oven it's a good quality oil and put a little bit of this on here I'm going to spread it out with my fingers this is going to help seal that base then we're going to take those filete those of tomato I'm just going to put those around like that see there's water in this dish I don't want that because the water going to make the pizza soggy but in Italy they don't put a lot of topping on so we're going to go a little gentle with this I'm going to use it although take some basil some people like to put the mozzarella down first and then the basil I like to do it this way because the basil ain't going to get old birthed up so I got a pizza stone in there we had the oven going at about 550 that's the whatever the hottest is your oven can go to put it up mine goes to 550 there's the pizza stone bottom shelf about a 20 degree angle let's see if we get lucky just slide it right off okay I think you know I'm looking in there it's got a nice little tan you to it I don't want it to stay in too long so let's go in and get it he's my peel oh look at this baby a nice little charring here so you got a little tint on that mozzarella it'll is just cool for a second or two you go down to one of the pizzerias they're using a wood oven they could be a thousand degrees in that oven we can't get that kind of temperature so what'd you make at home as a pizza is going to be different than what you get in a pizzeria but it's still good listen your that that means the dough is cooked all the way through you got that nice hollow sound so let's see what we got here I'll do this you get that sound that's the sound you want that the crust is cooked properly all the way through so just to give it a little bit of a fresh texture see what I'm doing this is the Sicilian sea salt in the grinder cuz I like that texture of the salt in your teeth okay let me taste this for you I think it's cool enough so I'm not going to burn the roof of my mouth but let's see we've got it see underneath there see how you got that blister down there nice and crusty that brown color that's what you want is going to give you a good charred flavor it's got good structure and see how the dough grows up here top delicious Cheers please in Naples like all these telephone lines that's a sign of a good pizza that means and what's a dehl is at the right temperature you
Channel: Gianni North Beach
Views: 171,122
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pizza, margherita, san francisco, north beach, gianni,, italian food, italian cooking, video, show, italian-american, naples, Napoli (City/Town/Village), gianni's north beach, California (US State), San Marzano Tomato (Organism Classification), tomato sauce, cooking, vegetarian, Italian Food (Cuisine)
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 44sec (884 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 08 2010
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