Easter Pies: Pizza Rustica and Pastiera Napoletana, Italian Recipes - Gianni's North Beach

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[Music] I'm Johnny and this is my North Beach [Music] we're gonna make the two traditional Easter pies one is a pasta which is a ricotta filling in a sweet pie and the second one is a pizza do sticky' and it's a savory pie it's gonna prosciutto and sopressata some other things in it but let me show you how to make the crust it's a pretty universal crust recipe I've made one over here before they're basically the same recipes except that in this one and you'll see it in the text recipe I've added some grated lemon rind for the sweet pie and also a little bit of sugar I mean here I've got four cups of flour and about maybe a half a teaspoon of salt so I'm just gonna aerate these a little bit just lighten that up a little bit seven tablespoons of butter we're gonna put this in here just break it up because we're gonna want after I process this a little bit we want to get this to be like a little grainy sandy texture so we're just going to pulse this a little bit to try to get that butter and incorporate it a little bit see how we're doing see that so the butter is broken down and in very small pieces and we're gonna add these that's gonna be most of our wet ingredient but just in case if it's not wet enough I'm gonna add a little water but let's see where we are here again little longer pulse here get those eggs mixed into the flour so you start get a little better texture it's coming together it's holding together but I'm gonna add just a little few drops of water here at a time because I want this to be a little bit more moist check it one more time so again I'll show you the texture we want to achieve with this that's what I'm adding a water let this mix a little bit so I just took this out of the bowl of the food processor and you can see it's pretty moist it's gonna hold together nice look at this and needed just a little bit to make sure everything's will incorporate it and then we're gonna form it into a disc wrap it up and it's gonna sit for a little while here's the crust the dough for the crust of the pasta dieta the sweet pie the Easter pie what I did was take about a third or so off of this I'm gonna use this to roll out make lattice for the top so using your rolling pin and turning 90 degrees you can just kind of start rolling this out we want to end up with a crust that's about 16 inches in diameter and this is a very forgiving dough so even when we put this in the pan if it breaks we're going to be able to patch it but as you can see it's working it's working pretty well here so I've rolled the crust up on my rolling pin so it's easier for me to transfer it to the to the baking pan I've already buttered it and I'm just going to flour it a little bit and then we're gonna be good to put the put the crust right in there and then we're just gonna pick this up and lay it over the top unroll it and then we're gonna form it down into the into the pan and gently I start moving this down into the corner of the pan so see they're broke I don't care because this is a very forgiving dough just want to make sure you get it well into the corners of the pan just break off some dough and just form it into place here and just press it into it to place up here just break it off okay you don't want it overhanging in the snow that's left over I may need it for some of that lattice work roll it out at the other piece this the piece of dough that I cut off to safer to make a lattice so I just rolled it out I want it thin I don't want too much crust up on the top just making some maybe 1-inch strips here and we'll use this to top the pasta and the Pizza Rustica we're making the filling for the pasta this is the sweet Easter pie only made it Easter time so let me show you what we got going on here I drained two pounds of whole milk ricotta I want to get all the way out of it we don't want this to be very wet so these are a candied lemon peel and these are candied orange peel I've had a hard time here in San Francisco finding this other ingredient it's this light green this is citron it's a very big citrus fruit you see it a lot in campania Sorrento along the Amalfi Coast this too is candied so what I've done here is I've got some chopped up citron and candied orange and lemon peel this is winter wheat and this is something that has to be soaked overnight or you can cook it in boiled water and this is a traditional ingredient if you get this you can use barley these are all sweet so I'm not using that much sugar for the two pounds of ricotta and I got a couple eggs so we're gonna see how much we need to get this to a good consistency and help bind it together as it bakes putting the sugar here put in our eggs and I'm going to mix these ingredients together along with a little bit of the orange flavoring this is orange oil again you can use orange water if you'd like not too much of it is pretty powerful and then after I get this going I'll they add the wheat berries and the candied lemon orange and citrus rind and once I get the consistency that I'm looking for I'm just going to have those other ingredients so one goes the candied citron and goes to candied lemon and orange rind in goes the wheat berries and we're gonna fill our pastry shell they're very nice look at that so you get that all those ingredients mixed well in here I'll use my spatula to fill this up two pounds should give us a pretty good base here and after I get it all in I'll even it out so we're just gonna this will puff up a little bit as it's baking so you don't want it all the way up to the top and just pinch the the end of the lattice into the edge of the crust break it here and again attach it on the side and I think we're done I'm going to turn it down it's the other pie that I always make it Easter the pasta the sweet pie for at the end of the meal and I make the Pizza Rustica this pie is savory pie for the start of the Easter dinner so let me show you what we're gonna put into this filling we got two pounds of recode up again I drain that to get rid of the way and here are savory fillings I got some fresh mozzarella over here I've got some sopressata salami from Ola naughty that I've just done in a small dice this is some par me some prosciutto and I just kind of had him slice it a little bit thicker than normal and then I just cut that up and then here we got some pecorino romano two eggs to bind it and a little black pepper and that's it so that should do it here we're gonna add the let's hit the eggs next and get this going and then we'll add the rest of the ingredients so again I think two guys are gonna find it well for us we'll see if I have to add more I'll add more and again you want to avoid any lumps in the Dakota and you just want to get that egg mixed in here well that's gonna be your binder for the filling that's what you want you know any big curds of the ricotta that's nice and dry cuz I drained it and made sure all the way was out so that looks good so some of this I did like you would great to put on top of the pasta but because this is a flavoring I also did some shapes like that and they'll break up a little bit as I'm finished finished mixing this and then all this just goes in another filling that takes me like two minutes to make smells delicious I didn't have raw eggs in here I'd be digging in right here and then let's get this in nice a nice again just get this evenly distributed make sure you don't have any air bubbles let me see what I got left for lattice attach it to the crust on the outside and just break it off where you don't need it but one more here it's springtime I love Easter really fat one we'll put it in the middle nice and nice they're very rustic look this Pizza Rustica another favorite traditional Easter dish from Campania okay it was a pasta I've been waiting for a year to taste this right I only make it at Easter time so traditional into an Easter meal a sweet pie look at this though they coat is so moist you've got our little wheat berries in there and our candied citrus let me taste it for you [Music] very subtle taste not too sweet clusters delicious get those little bites of the citron and the candied orange peel and the candied lemon peel spring is here is the Pizza Rustica is the savory pie for Easter this normally starts our meal and the Pasadena the sweet pie ends the meal let me taste this for you the pecorino prosciutto the salami the black pepper the ricotta is not dried out until creamy absolutely delicious I'll start any meal this way thank God for Easter [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Gianni North Beach
Views: 64,005
Rating: 4.8967299 out of 5
Keywords: spring, Italian Food (Cuisine), cooking, italy, italian, san francisco, north beach, california, italian-american, Pastiera (Dish), Pizza (Dish), vegetarian, gianni, gianni's north beach, gianni.tv, Easter (Holiday Period), holiday, feast, pie, food, video, cooking video, entree, seasonal cooking, local food
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 2sec (722 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 14 2011
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