Pixar's Anti Villains

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in life the weirdest things that we love the most is villains characters that are on the bad side of life that prevents the Journey of our hero they are the charm that brings these films to life on another level especially that in the realm of Disney storytelling but for the case of Pixar their villains are a different kind of special in a mostly good way of course without the differentiate themselves as a studio where they just work regardless if they are featured or not and actually do something quite different than what Disney Animation doesn't actually do I mean this isn't to say that there aren't examples I can think of for that studio within the context of this video where I will talk about them separately but how Pixar has a unique case with their films that I particularly like and that of course has to do with the element of the anti-villain and an anti-villain if you're still asking is of course similar to how the anti-hero is being the opposite of what you expect by being an opposing Force to our heroes or something that is perceived overall good while actually having good traits or goals rather than something similar or darker that they are not outright evil characters in that sense that can be more sympathetic and actually become heroes in that case where if you think about the type of Storytelling that Pixar excels at where regarding a story or its message they actually do have a lot of them that work quite well and that's what this video is trying to dive into going back into characters that are still the main villains but actually have good intentions in some form becoming more of an anti-villain this is noticeable by who I'm featuring right now being Gabby Gabby from Toy Story 4 which I mentioned previously as not being a main villain in my book where she really does fit the bill of the well-intentioned noble villain in name only because it's so very clear from the start that she is the main antagonist of the film doing things from having her villainous looking bons capture forky and of course wanting Woody's voice box to have a chance of the child she wants opposing the main heroes in that part but still never shows traits that could be outright villainous similar in the case of Sid loto or Stinky Pete in some way and this works because it ties within the overall message of Toy Story with those who haven't experienced love from a child or felt neglected by that point where someone like her clearly does not want to hurt anyone and just feels desperate for a chance that the other toys like wood he has already experienced for most of their lives it's great because it matches what our hero is going through in in their very journey and the other characters of that very film you see this by how Woody and Gabby make a deal where she feels joyed at this Choice by helping her out not feeling any animosity or you know the typical backstepping that most normal villains would do at this point in time that she feels grateful for this chance she has been given and shows nothing a villain would normally do where at the end she of course actually finally decides to join our heroes when the path te closed up when Harmony rejected her once for the promise of Bonnie and then showcasing her heart for a lost child together by a group of Lost toys earning a form of atonement and satisfaction for still fulfilling her goal where in a way in these stories anti-villains are special class that are able to make their desires become reality because they are overall well-intentioned characters who just find themselves opposing the hero for the most part of the film until we realize it later where Gabby Gabby is of course the greatest example of this type of villain in modern times if people wanted to learn about such that is hardly ever seen to exist to the naked eye if you know what I mean because most of them don't come in Grand forms when you think about the bigger te details featuring various characters this is where a film usually involves two big opposing forces to a main character which is something that monsters in excelled at very well and then continued into Monsters University of course this is a fact that also includes Randall in his origin story being a rival to Sully in that film but more suited to the role of other characters like Johnny Worthington III who is the main villain of Monsters University where in this sense I'm actually referring to the fact of Dean hard scrapple In This Very story a character who isn't even really listed as an antagonist but has such traits against against our protagonist that we love where you understand her actions against Mike and Sully because they do endanger certain things that she upholds at the University dismissing both of them within the scare program because they failed their test and of course their previous actions while playing into the message of the film and the belief that our heroes like Mike cannot be a scarer and how Sully is reckless disregarding the importance of studying it's a brutal truth and a sign that her actions already do fit the anti-villain mode going against the hero in this case unless they can win the scare games to prove her otherwise that there are two opposing forces that go against each other and we must figure out if they can succeed which of course doesn't work at the end when the truth is unveiled and she has to expel Sully right then and there before Mike tries to prove himself later on yet again of course these events cause her to be shocked at what both of them could do with the canisters filling up and exploding where she still has to expel them at the end but also encouraging them to continue surprising people and allowing the rest of usma Kappa into the program that again like Gabby Gabby she still wins in a way upholding the university and not allowing can Sly back in while still relenting about their unique abilities and accepting part of the deal that they made earlier where it's just one simple thing that goes unnoticed in the way but it's still clear and present for what the story is presenting and the message that is being purveyed where an anti-villain does a really good job being a part of that and how this isn't the only example of its very type this is actually something that other Pixar films do outside the franchise with Ratatouille one that's obvious from the get-go if you know what I mean where I'm talking about Anton ego as the overarching antagonist of the film where you you really have to say that because the film's main and technically in my opinion only villain is of course Chef Skinner who I personally think is single-handedly the greatest villain to ever exist in the history of theater no question speaking in terms of ego is speaking of someone who's literally doing his job as a Critic a bitter critic who has a certain taste and view of life that most do accept and how that's affected the heart of gustau Remy's hero I mean even simply looking at his name you can clearly see that they do build him as a villain having the vanity as a Critic with his code exterior but with something more when you actually see him served Ratatouille later in the film his figure is something that contradicts those who like food but actually explained by how he loves food having the distinct knowledge and taste for what this world entails whether it be food or defined wine he is meant to challenge this notion that anyone can cook or that Gusto can produce great food with having a man like him that caused the restaurant to fail over the years where again he still isn't a traditional villain in the sense of what Skinner is providing in that regard but still has a personality that can contrast with the light a small rat could provide where once he does try to Dish it does take him way back to his roots in his mother's cooking the simple times of life that he enjoyed as a boy where with Remy he shows an ability of understanding and great change with something that actually impressed him not actually being defeated in any way with life but having a perspective change to who he really is where now he knows that not everyone can be an artist but how true Talent can be found in the most unusual of places where he loses that exterior as a villain by losing that job but also finding a new one being an investor in Remy's Beast show as a happy Patron redeemed in some way where it confirms he never really was an outright villain in that case but just one who took his line of work very seriously where it's just truly great that they can have stories like this with an actual villain while also having one that is semi sort of one with the anti-villain aspect that both him and the audience misunderstand each other in some sort of form for what the story is trying to tell with this message that anyone can cook and how art can come from anywhere in the world it they believe they have that ability but speaking in terms of jobs is where a familiar villain comes into play at that I put in other lists like Auto from W this applies to this list because he's simply trying to do his job and his directive the Baseline thing for a robot to do compared to your normal AI in a story that takes over the world like it's doing to our society at this very moment and we say something like that because he is clearly based on Hell 9000 but fits more within the overall message that this movie wants to portray with humans losing our way letting those like Auto take over like an autopilot would normally do what we understand about Auto is simply a non-human robot with functions to per formed like any other program and nothing more than that where there is no emotional presence conveyed within to do the acts that are evil in a way to deliberately harm Our Heroes unless it is out of necessity of the best possible solution or program or funny enough our good hero who is a robot in Wally chooses to follow his own path because he was alone while the main villain stays on a predetermined course where everyone is located but occupied with a complacent nature that allowed such a philosophy to take shape how is literally a product and reflection of everything that is on the Axiom made by the humans who decide to leave the Earth and trash it all up deciding that staying here and staying lazy is the best solution for their lives to live which we all know due to the definition of Captain McCrea is actually surviving rather than living where the real main dubious villain of Wally is just literally our own selves and auto is just the real product that results from it not knowing what exactly is bad or actually knowing what that is and just acting on what they put on at the time that was good to try and stay the course that they said do not change anything because they there's literally nothing nothing for them to return to unless this robot actually proves us otherwise where the way he gets defeated is also genius by just flipping him the manual mode as easy as is where he just becomes a simple wheel of the ship nothing really too complicated for the stories goes where he is a clear bad guy but also not a bad guy because he's just a robot who's doing his job he was programmed one that also can be applied to other characters like Bruce the shark as well being an anti-villain because he's also not just a bad guy either but just acts on his own VI biological instincts when he smells blood almost eating Marlin and Dory and preventing their Journey where that is just a very simple example of somebody who actually has good intentions or traits but still is ultimately a bad guy for the story's progress he never wanted to actually do that but his inhibitions just told him actually to do that and you could say something similar for that for dollar with being someone who is seen as a good kid in the eyes like her uncle Philip Sherman who is actually described as a secondary antagonist of the film also within the human regard because he did kidnap Nemo but only did that because he believed he would die on his own and wanted Dara to keep him as a pet to save him good intentions but bad goals against the story we're trying to learn and how Dara is just acting like any kid would do being a spoiled brat who isn't overly villainous at all but feels like it due to the size differences of fish and humans and of course how most of us adults actually think kids are spoiled brats and villains on their own and because of that you really don't feel like she is a major villain in that sense other than the circumstantial one in the point of view getting defeated by a pelican who who Causes Chaos with fish where the last thing I can apply in this situation for these types of villains is of course the unfortunate Lightyear film in this case because the villain of that film is literally the hero and the opposite version of what you expect from a clear Villain Like Zerg as he described in Toy Story being the evil emperor one that is exactly Buzz lier himself this one counts because of the fact we do mention he is the twist of older alternate Buzz rather than the expected evil emperor curk who conquers the planets against Star Command and their mission how this movie never really wanted to do anything that entailed the character of Buzz Lightyear and how we knew him and do something that honestly felt like it was for a different original movie and having a reflection of yourself where within the context of the film you understand why it counts as an anti-villain because of the mission to get everyone home and all that jazz where he seems happy to help his younger self and succeed in what both wanted at this very point and what they did during the beginning part of the film he clearly never wanted to be a villain in the first place or is just not aware of his actions because he didn't experience what herob Buzz did in this case and committed himself to doing what the mission he wanted him to do which made him cold to the fact that his friends had a family now where they all just grew up and settled on this new Colony that they call home or now we have to go against him because he would erase those people who are here today and thus justifying him as a villain in that way because Commander Burnside wanted to arrest him since he did that escape of course earli in the film and didn't think that would happen at all not aware of the consequences of his own actions so in that sense it does work really well as an anti-villain but it's not what this character and the story should expect knowing more as a regular villain who is named Zerg or sometimes how it's shaped beforehand anti-villains also can't work or just aren't good enough especially from Pixar that they can have both good and bad examples in certain situations but mostly good ones by the ones I could find something unique and different than what you normally expect or you know you already expected or you just didn't know existed until you searched the definition of an anti-villain which isn't predominately featured in our dictionary other than anti-heroes but should be now known appreciated by what such stories can do or you know ideas I mean I'm sure there's actually more from Pixar you could probably derive from and I'm open to see what others think but I really just thought about highlighting these ones as the good Prime examples of Pixar making good and bad antiv villain a subject I wanted to explore much more since its potential is truly great for storytelling and when I think Disney should try exploring more in that case especially for their own studio in the terms of their failure of villains in the last few years where if we can have more of that instead of the lackluster appeal of not featuring such or just halfheartedly actually deciding what is a villain then I think we would be in good hands with the future villains but that seems too optimistic and relying on heavy hopium where I guess I'm all done with this video now goodbye
Channel: Aldone
Views: 192,864
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: hCHI0d5Bygs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 40sec (760 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 03 2024
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