How To Pipe With Star Tips | Global Sugar Art

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[Music] hi I'm chef Alan Tatro with global sugar art and today we're going to continue our buttercream basics series and today's lesson is decorating with the stars and no I'm not referring to my wonderful staff back here videotaping this I'm referring to the star tips they're made by Wilton a Tico PME there are several companies that make the decorating tubes that we're going to be using today but today we're just going to work with star tips and we're gonna go from basic to more complicated borders and I'll finish the program by decorating a cake just with star tips so let's get started to begin the series on on decorating with the star tips I want to talk about the specific tips that we're going to be using there are different types of star tips for instance this is an open star tip and it comes in many sizes from size 13 to 22 and then you get closed star tips this is a 31 there are others called 501 and there's also like 24 233 there are many different tips that are closed and many that are open when I refer to this as being number 13 to 22 that means that there's a tip 13 14 15 16 et cetera and each one is slightly larger than the one before do you need all of them no you only just need a small sampling of each size a few small and a few large and maybe a medium tip to get all the work done that you need and then there are specialty tips for ribbons and borders that are parce partially starred and then the rest of it is flat there are many more than this today we're going to work on basics and in future videos we'll work on some of the more specific and and the more unusual star tips to fix an open star tip Wilton has this handy little gadget it's a tip saver and basically you put the tip in the end and then you just insert this and you push and that will open up the tines of the tip at the end so that it decorates really well now if you have a closed star tip you don't want to do that because then you're gonna open that those little tiny on the end straight out and you're gonna have an open star tip and that's not what you want so this is a great tool for the open star tips and they do get banged in just by falling in the sink and being dropped on the counter you'll see them close in so now let's get going with a decorating bag I recommend for all beginners always use a small decorating bag the biggest problem I see with beginning decorators is using a large 16 or 18 inch decorating bag and they don't have the strength in their hand to push all that icing through a very small opening and then their hand and their arms start shaking and they never develop any skill so if you're a beginner start with a small 8 or 10 inch decorating bag it can be a canvas bag or these are the Wilton featherweight or you can even use like a key seal or some sort of a disposable bag they work really well and parchment paper works as well too this is a coupler you don't have to use this this just makes decorating a lot easier the coupler goes inside this bag so the first thing you have to do when you buy a brand new bag is you have to cut part of the end off for this coupler to fit in now the trick is not cutting too much off because if the coupler goes all the way through you've basically ruined the bag so I usually size them up and I figure about halfway and I'll just cut that much off and then just slip that first part into the bottom of the bag it should just come out a little bit the the grooves the threads are still inside the plastic which is okay and then this ring will go right on the outside and it will screw right on what that allows me to do is I can put a tip on I can decorate and I can change this tip to any other tip that I want as long as they're the standard size tips I can keep changing the tips out without having to start a new decorating bag icings today we're using the the Allen Tate roll line of buttercream this is a premade buttercream icing that's great for decorating this is a vanilla icing when you if you purchase an icing for decorating like this just make sure you stir it up before you use it if you need a recipe for icing in our last basics video I did an entire YouTube on how to make different types of icing and the American buttercream recipe works very very well for decorating so I'm just gonna mix this up a little bit and that's ready to go if that decide I have some teal blue also ready to go and that's the color we're gonna decorate in today so hopefully you'll be able to see it better on the camera so I don't want to overfill this bag I don't want it more than half full [Music] okay and we're gonna start with a star and I'm gonna use a number 30 tip for that now when I mention the tips that we're using for a border it's all interchangeable if you want to use an 18 or a 22 or a 199 you can use whatever you'd like the ones that I'm choosing tend to give the best definition for that type of border so for a star border I like using a closed tip it's going to give you a nicer and a more detailed border always burp the bag after you put the icing in just squirt a little bit into the bowl of icing if you don't do that as you start decorating a cake that air bubble that's in there will start coming out and it just sort of makes a mess all over the side of the cake it just shoots icing out and it'll actually make an air hole right in the side of your cake so always expel the air grab the bag between your thumb and your first finger give it a twist and you're going to be pressing from these fingers this is where all the pressure comes from the palm of your hand and your fingers don't try to squeeze like this and let the icing go out the top you're gonna have a mess so keep that twisted and tight and then all the pressure comes from here so decorating in general is all about pressure control it's all about squeezing and releasing and how much pressure and when to pull that pressure back the other part that's very important is the angle that you approach the cake or the board or the side of the cake the angle that you come in at is also very important so we're gonna start with the easiest border of all and that's the star border and that is completely up and down 90 degrees straight up and down all I'm going to do is I'm going to squeeze I'm going to relax the pressure and then I'm gonna lift out so I'll just do one I'm going to squeeze relax the pressure and then lift up what a lot of people tend to do is they don't let go the pressure and they keep lifting up and then they get these points so squeeze relax the pressure and pull straight up I'm not twisting the bag I'm keeping it straight now pressure control will make or break a border or any border this one included if I don't put enough pressure I'm going to end up with little stars if I put too much pressure I'm gonna end up like this and you're gonna see really irregular shaped stars so the important thing again is try to keep the pressure even and steady and to release it before you pull the decorating bag up and that's the basic star border and that's all there is to that one it's very very easy and you can use that on the sides or the bottom of any cake the next border I'm going to do is a rosette and I'm going to use a number 18 for that I like using the open star tips for the rosette and I'm just going to take this off for the rosette you're gonna use a ninety degree angle and you're going to be going in a slight circle and you're going to be finishing in the middle of the circle so I began my pressure I'm going to go around in a circle and then up and I'm letting go of that pressure before I raise my pastry bag so go around in a circle finish in the center release the pressure and then up around in a circle into the center release the pressure and raise it up again just like the stars if you find that you're going in a circle and you're getting a point in the middle it's because you haven't stopped the pressure before you you you haven't released the pressure before you lifted the the bag up in the air and again you don't want them all different sizes you don't want to put too much pressure you want to keep them all the same so that you get a nice rosette border so that's the basic star and rosette borders next we're gonna do a little bit more complicated this is a zigzag border and I'm gonna choose a 16 and I just want to note that you have to have good eyes to see the numbers on these I just want to note that I'm using a Tico decorating tips today the Wilton are very good I personally think that the 'ti Co tips are better there they're finer cut and I think that they make a nicer decoration these have been my favorite decorating tips for a long time so the narrow zigzag I'm gonna make a straight border and I'm just going to go back and forth this time I'm coming in at a 45 degree angle not 90 45 degrees and you'll notice that I'm often using my other hand sometimes to support my wrist sometimes to support the other end of the bag whether you're standing over a cake or you're down on a board you can use both hands so that you get a nice even border and this one is just a simple I'm just keeping very even pressure and I'm going back and forth all the work is being done with my wrists in my hand on the right side this finger was not pushing the bag back and forth it was just there to steady my hand and that's a simple zigzag border you can do a wide border this looks good on the top of the cake or even along the bottom of a cake a wide one is the same thing except wider and I would just keep going with that so those are two very very basic borders this is a number 16 to I recommend using a small tube 14 15 16 for a border like this okay the next one we're going to do is a shell this is Papa probably the most popular border you see this all the time I'm going to use the number 20 an open star tip it's important when you're when you're decorating keep a damp towel next to you and always make sure that the tip is clean I also want to point out I've been decorating now for five minutes or more I've done several different borders and I've only used half of the icing in this 10 inch bag so unless you're decorating huge wedding cakes you don't need a pastry bag any larger than that one more tip while I'm at it the larger the bag if you have a warm hand the faster the icing in that bag will warm up and become very soft and it's very difficult to decorate with so particularly for those people who have hot hands always use a small decorating bag and if you find that the icing is getting warm squirt it out of the bag and put some fresh cooler icing in the bag so the shell is at a 45 degree angle this one you start by putting some pressure on pushing the icing out and let it build up and it will curl over itself and then I'm going to relax the pressure and I'm pulling down so again 45 degree angle I'm just pressing in that that shell is kind of rolling back on itself and then I'm relaxing the pressure as I pull away and that's how you get that thin little tail these take practice but once you get used to it and you learn how to do it you can do so many more decorations so again 45-degree angle just let the icing do the work for you one of them one of the things that most beginning decorators do is they try to make the little hump in there and they do this they'll lift and they try to lift it up and it doesn't work you want it you just want to keep the pastry bag nice and steady at the right angle and it will roll over on itself and then just pull it back and that's the basic shell border we're gonna do a lot of variations on this so when you're practicing decorating try to to get this border down really well and then the rest of them will come much easier for you okay we're gonna do a reverse shell and I'm going to switch back to a number 18 for this okay the reverse shell is also done out of 45 but you have to think about going right or clockwise and then counterclockwise this isn't a shell I'm just showing you the motion you're going to be going in a clockwise rotation and then in a counterclockwise rotation so I start with clockwise and then go counterclockwise they're just like little C's unlike a regular shell where I'm holding it in place and letting it fold over itself this time I'm not so I've done that way I have to go this way notice that the ends of the shell are getting thinner that's because I'm relaxing the pressure as I come away and that's a reverse shell border and that is a beautiful border on any cake it's one of my favorite it's not hard to do and it just has a nice I love the movement of it on a cake okay in this next section I want to show you how to do brush striping now I'm going to be using food coloring you can use a paste food coloring or you can use a gel food coloring either one will work well you can't use a liquid food coloring so it has to either be a paste or a gel I've used a parchment paper bag now it's important to note that when you're using decorating parchment there isn't a silicone lining on this paper so it allows me to brush some food coloring on here and it will adhere to it if you use a piece of silicone that's used as a baking liner or excuse me a parchment paper that has a silicone coating on it that you use as a baking liner and you make that into a pastry bag the the food coloring will not adhere to the paper it just drips right off and it doesn't work well so these actually are the Wilton triangles of parchment paper which work really well for cake decorating so I've made the bag I've dropped the number 13 tip in I've got a little paint brush and I'm dipping it into the aqua or teal food coloring and I'm gonna make two stripes usually two is all you need and all I've done is I've painted those right up the side of the bag and now I'm going to put teal food coloring or excuse me teal icing into that bag [Music] the brush striping gives you sort of a very bright and distinct marking on your icing and that's what I'm trying to get out of this okay so I'm gonna squeeze that bag until I start seeing the color come out and there you see it so now I have a two-toned icing this is great for all kinds of borders it just really adds a nice not a nice bling to the cake that I really like so the border that I'm gonna teach you now is a colonial scroll border and this is free handed so when you're learning how to do this if you want to you put a pencil marking down do it in pencil first and then pipe over it that will work so I'm going to begin by going I'm going to first make my design and then I'm going to embellish it so I start with just a sea scroll I'm gonna start from the bottom of this scroll and I'm gonna make another one think of sort of waves [Applause] I'm just gonna repeat that pattern that's the basic scroll now from here we embellish it I'm going to start in the very middle and I'm going to go in a very very tiny circular motion and I'm going to do the entire the entire design over I'm just doing a very very tiny circle with my tube and keeping a very even pressure and we'll get the last one after you've done that you can put little embellishments you remember the little reverse shells we did that's sort of what we're doing here I'm going to do a little shell there and a show up here [Applause] and that makes a beautiful side border on a cake so again it's this was a number 13 tip which is the smallest star tip that they make I made my design first and then I over piped it in a very small circular motion and then I added the little teeny shells the next one we're gonna do I'll use this side of the board is the reverse of this one so I'm going to start again by making the this the scroll shape this time instead of coming from the bottom and repeating the product this pattern I'm coming from the top down this time I go from the bottom and you don't have to worry about these little tails even on a cake if it's not a smooth pattern it doesn't matter because you're going to be piping over it and then we do the same exact thing we start in the middle and just go in a circular mat pattern these used to be really popular with wedding cakes and then again you're going to put your little your little shells on and there is the reverse scroll so you have the regular C skhul oniel scroll and then the reverse one that's a tip 13 and we've striped the bag with the the aqua or teal food coloring so that we get that two-tone effect so let's go on from here we're going to do another type of striping and this is called this is called a spatula striping last time we used a paintbrush and food coloring this time we're using icing that's already pre-made so I think this time we're going to stripe this bag with white and we're gonna add the teal to it this is a little bit more tricky let's see I'm going to be making a rope border next and I'm gonna use a tip 18 on the rope actually I'm gonna go down to a 17 so open the bag at least one-third of the way down so that you can get to the bottom of the bag and then use a spatula and don't put a lot of icing on it and you're gonna put it in the bag and just sort of smear it down one side think of the same thing you did with the with the brush except this time you're doing it with icing rather than food coloring so all I've done is I put two stripes of white icing in the bag what this is going to do is this is going to give me a two-tone decoration just like the last one did but this is gonna be a much softer effect it's not going to have the dark color in it and then take some green icing or teal and I'm going to put that right in the center [Applause] and just squeeze that until you see the colors come out and there I already have a two-toned icing so now we're going to do the Rope border the Rope border isn't as difficult as it looks so it's going to be a little S shape and I'm going to keep repeating the s so it's important to see where the pieces fit together on this I'm gonna start by making just an S now I'm gonna come in from this side I'm gonna go over the top and again I'm making a little S shape and I keep coming from from below and going over the tail of the piece of the decoration I just piped so come from below and over the tail so again all I'm doing is I'm making this little S shape over and over and over you have to envision a twisted rope and I want the rope to come from this piece underneath and go over it and you can also see the two-tone effect that the spatula striping did it's not really harsh but it gives a nice nice change in the in your decoration again this is a 45-degree angle I'm not going straight up and down and that's the rope border okay the next border we're going to do is a puff border and we'll turn this this way the puff border is also done on a 45 degree angle before I make this border I want to touch on one other element of cake-decorating that's very important and that's your consistency of your icing if you've noticed all the decorations I've made have held their shape the icing isn't running but I'm not pressing so hard that my hand or my arm shake to get that icing out of the out of the pastry bag it is the key element in decorating is making sure that your buttercream is the right consistency if you find that it's too soft you may have to add some more confectioner sugar or cool the icing down if you're if you're decorating in a hot climate if it's too hard you can add a little bit of corn syrup or sometimes a little bit of water okay so for the puff boarder I'm going to be starting with a very gentle pressure I'm going to be building up the pressure in the middle and then relaxing the pressure at the end so I'm going to start and I'm going in a little squiggle and then I've relaxed it so the the middle is fatter and the two ends are thinner and I'm just going in a little zigzag pattern back and forth each as I do this I really like the way the spatula striping has an effect on this when I get to the end I'm relaxing the pressure and then pulling away so that's the puffed border and that's done with the tube 18 but I want to show you the same border let's see with a 503 let's see if I can find that I had it right here no I took them out this one just is a this is a closed star tip and it's going to make a different a different look to it so again I'm going to start [Applause] you can see how the the little ridges are closer together and there's more of them so that's a puffed border with two different tips so you can see that just changing the star tip just slightly changes the what the decoration will look like there are a lot of embellishments that you can do in on a puff border and as we get into the more advanced borders in future lessons I'll be showing you how you can use string work to to accent these borders okay the next one we're going to do is we're gonna we're gonna start working on drop borders the type of board is that you would put on the side of the cake so when I come back I'll have a board set up so that you would actually be as if I were working on the side of a cake so that you can see how to apply decorations on the side of the cake everything we've done now works really well on the top of the cake are on the bottom border so now we're gonna start working on side decorations we'll be right back for the next decorations I'm going to be decorating on the side of this of this board this is actually a Wilton product this is a nice kit that you it's a practice board and it comes with patterns and templates that you can decorate on it's actually a very nice board so what I've done is I've put a piece of cardboard on the front of this so that I can decorate on it today for side decorations you have to start by either using a garland marker or the side of a cup as I showed in a previous decorating video or you can drop a string or some sort of a pattern so that you can follow that pattern so I'm using a number thirteen tip normally I would do this with like a number 3 tip which is a plain round tip but since I'm only using star tips today I wanted to show you that it can be done with the star tip so pretending that this is the top of my cake I'm just gonna attach a little bit of icing I'm going to pull straight out and then I'm gonna bring that over now that's not the decoration this is just the guide of what a for what I'm going to be piping over so in the next video we'll be going over string work and I'll talk a lot more about how to do this we will be using that exact decoration on a cake at the end of this video today so I guess I will be teaching it after all I'd forgotten so that was a number 13 I'm going to move on to a 16 tube and if you remember the zigzag border we did in the very beginning that's all this is except I'm gonna start with just a really light pressure and I'm just doing a zigzag motion and this is a drop crescent border and I'm just relaxing the pressure as I reached the tops so I'm going to start with a very light pressure but I'm never building to a heavy pressure start with a really light pressure just go back and forth in a little tight zigzag you have to think about moving your arm at an angle I find as I get to the end of the the end of the the Crescent I actually have to lift my elbow so that I get a nice even decoration there I got a little uneven on that one you'll have to forgive me sometimes I make mistakes too so that's a basic crescent boarder now again that's a border that I would absolutely augment with some string work on another cake um so there's the Crescent border the next one is going to be the circular border and again I'm gonna drop a couple strings here I attached it I pull back and then I bring it over if you notice when I do this I'm not going down with my tip I'm holding it straight out I'm pulling I'm letting the icing come way out and then I'm bringing it over if you try to go down like this you're gonna have very very uneven drop string work this time I'm going to use the same number 16 tip but I'm gonna go in a circular motion this is also called an e as in the letter e border so I'm just gonna go in a little tight circle just as you get to the top just relax the pressure a little bit so that your decorations are a little bit smaller and the last one so the string that I dropped with the number 13 tip gets completely covered with the decoration so those are two very basic drop borders I want to do one more with a different tip pull straight out and then over and this time I'm going to switch to a number 74 tip and you'll notice the 74 is rather unusual because there's one really large point in it and then the rest are smaller little cutouts so it looks like a star tip but it's it's just a little bit different and it makes sort of a fun border that I like so you're gonna take that wide that you can see the back of the tip has the regular little cutouts like a regular star tip but when you turn it over you'll see that one large cut out you want that to be facing up toward you and then this is going to be the zigzag so it's just like the top border except it's a different tip and if you notice I made these I made these drops larger this time because this is a much larger tip so I want it to be a larger decoration this works really well on large cakes there so that's a number 74 so those are the basic drop Garland's that you can make with star tips and I'm gonna take these off and when we come right back I'm going to show you how to make a crown border on the side of a cake okay for the crown border I'm using a 199 tip open star tips anywhere 18 19 20 21 22 all work very well for the crown border as well this is a shell but it's done on the side of the cake so you're gonna approach it at a 45 degree angle coming from below so if you pretend that this were the top of your cake you'd start here let the show go over itself like it would normally would and then pull down this is nothing but a shell except on the side of the cake so just to reiterate this I'm holding this steady at a 45-degree angle I'm letting it roll over itself and I'm relaxing the pressure and I'm coming back down make sure that you start relaxing that pressure as you pull back down or you won't get those nice thin tails on the end of the border these can be made in all different sizes you can use even some of the the really large commercial decorating tips I've done wedding cakes with large 18 or 20-inch bases where you use a really large tip and you make these big sort of really large crown shelves coming down now I can embellish those with a string on the bottom which we'll do at a future lesson or if we go back to the very beginning of this video you can just do a simple rosette a little circle finish in the middle and pull back make sure that you stop the pressure before you pull back and of course you could do these with accenting colors and that's a basic crown border for the last couple borders I want to show you we're going to do a lattice first and I'm going to be doing a lattice like I did on this cake after on another blank cake to show you how it's done on on on a cake to do a lattice you're just going to start with a straight line at an angle now the first thing you'll notice is I'm not dragging the tip I'm not holding it straight up and down about a 45 degree angle I'm touching it to the cake lift up and then pull back the only way you can get a perfectly straight line is by making sure your icing is right off the board or the cake and you can use any size tip you'd like for this this happens to be a number thirteen and then after you've done the pattern one direction then you change directions and just go in the opposite way again anchor it when I say anchor it I mean touch it to the cake so that it sticks in the frosting you have and then lift it and pull it back this just requires really steady pressure and that's a basic lattice the last thing we're going to do is a basket weave which is a really popular design on the side of a cake and for that I'm going to use a number 48 you can use a straight star tube a 48 is a is a flat tube it has the little notches like a regular star - except it's flat like a ribbon so to do the basket weave and this is typically done on the side of the cake I'm gonna start with two up-and-down strips same thing as before I'm anchoring it and I'm just lifting it off the off the cake a little bit then start in the middle and you're going to go right over there and end it now go down one width so I'm going down one width I'm leaving one with open I'm repeating that and now over this one the ends of this I'm just gonna really hide the tails I make another strip now from here I'm going to start in the middle and I'm going to repeat the process I'm just keeping the pressure really steady and then you make another one the trick is in making them even as you go across and you can start to see where the design is coming out you're getting a nice basket weave I'll do one more and just to show you really quickly I'm going to use a number eighteen or nineteen tip and I'm gonna do the same thing I'm gonna start with two rows I'm gonna put these a little closer together because the star tip is not as wide and I'm just gonna go right over that and just leave enough space in between them for the road to follow and then make another vertical line and yes you can make mistakes like this I want to take a quick second I'm gonna grab a tool and I'm gonna show you how to fix things like this I have a needle tool here there we go a simple needle tool or a cake tester you can grab the icing from below and you can actually take it right off the cake usually I keep a paper towel handy let me grab one you can get under the corner of the icing especially if it's not a large decoration and you can lift it right off the cake and when you go back and you put a new row on no one will see it so in between where I did the other ones and then I'm gonna drop into the row so it's the same thing I did with the tip 48 except you can see the different effect it has by using a star tip and you can't see where I corrected that mistake where that icing broke on me and that was because of a little air pocket and that will happen in decorating it just it always does so it's nice to know how to fix small mistakes like that I hope you've enjoyed learning these these borders I'm going to take a quick break and grab a cake that's all I stand ready to go and mix up some colors and use some of the borders that we that I taught you today and show you how to decorate a cake I'll be right back okay I'm back ready to decorate a cake as promised using some of the techniques that we learned today unconventional technique is using a cake pan as a marker on your cake when you look at the cake that I did earlier you'll see that I did a lattice top in a half moon in order to get that shape on the cake I have the front of the cake facing me so the front is right here so I'm just gonna set my cake pan on top and sort of Center it and then just gently push down and that is going to leave a nice mark on the top of my cake I'm going to turn the cake back around I've got some pale yellow icing and a number fourteen tip so just like I did the lattice on the board I'm gonna start on my my mark and then about maybe 3/8 of an inch wide I'm gonna make a set of stripes all the way across again attach it to the cake and then lift up and you're gonna go to the very end of the decoration or the pattern excuse me now what I find is when you get into an area like here where I'm gonna have longer and longer strings it's hard to figure out where to go up on that mark so I'm gonna start from the edge of the cake instead when I'm doing my longer strings and then wherever they land on my mark is fine because they're all going to be nice and even there now we're going to go in the opposite direction so start anywhere in the middle that you want and then just go in the opposite direction and then again I'm going to go from the edge of the cake to the inside this is just a nice sort of a contrast in texture and decorating to put on a cake I wouldn't do the whole cake top with it but a little bit of it adds a nice element to a decorated cake and then this side there we go so that's my lattice now before i decorate the edges of that lattice i'm going to do the side borders of my cake now when I showed you earlier how to make a mark I use the number thirteen tip and I dropped a string I have pre pre marked this using a number four tip and just a round string so that I'm ready to go with this decoration and I'm going to do the circular drape or the it's also known as the emotions rate so I'm going to start right here on the side and I'm just going to do a little emotion going right over that string again when you get to the top of the decorations because you have two decorations joining you want to just pull back the pressure a little bit we'll do a few more just keep a nice even pressure and try to make all the circles as even as you possibly can it basically comes with a lot of practice okay so we have we have the drop part of this decoration done first now you'll notice I didn't do my bottom border for a very specific reason if I'd already done my bottom border and one of these borders dropped or a piece of it broke off or I had an air bubble and it broke the decoration it would land on my bottom border and it's a little harder to pick up after it's stuck to another decoration you can you can take a decoration off a cake and sometimes you can even peel them off a shell border or something but it's just easier to work from the top down to the bottom and that way you never have to worry about cleaning up on top of another border I'm now going to do the same thing that I did when I drop the string using the number 13 tube I'm gonna do these in the middle so I'm gonna start inside this decoration pull out and I'm going to end it inside now to do this to show you the proper way to do this I want to make sure you realize that I should be pulling straight out and then over because I was doing it at an angle it's a little more difficult so I'm pulling straight out and then over that's the only way you can do this and get a nice even string drop design and that's going to be the inside of our border now for the bottom border I'm gonna do a puff border and I think I'm gonna use eenie meenie miney moe I have to pick one we're gonna do number 29 you can use any shell and I actually think that's too large now that I look at it so I'm gonna I'm gonna back off and I'm going to use a number 18 that's 18 sometimes until you press that icing through the tip and see how large a decoration you're going to get you're not quite sure so I'm going to do this on the bottom of the border I'm going to start with a light pressure pill to a heavier pressure and then pull back again that's a 45-degree angle I'm just doing a zigzag motion just a light zigzag motion build the pressure and then relax it a turntable really helps in decorating sometimes as when I'm doing a border like this you'll notice that the table is actually turning because the icing is actually pushing it it's a wonderful at eco turntable it spins beautifully but sometimes when you're doing a border like this you may have to to hold it so that it doesn't get out of control on you and we'll do one more okay so now we have the bottom border so now we're going to do our top borders I'm going to do I think we're going to do a white now we'll do a yellow border that way you can see it better I'm going to use the number 19 tip and I'm going to do a shell border a reverse shell border all the way around the top I'm going to go right over the ends of this lattice this is very similar to the other cake I have decorated ahead of time but I wanted to show you what the difference in adding different colors would do this is just a little see that I'm making going clockwise and then counterclockwise and then I'll use my number 13 and I'm going to make just a little shell on the inside of this border okay and I think the last thing I do I'm going to do is I'm going to drop like a like a string again on this bottom border make sure you go right up to the cake you want to get right up to the corners pull straight out and then go route makeups let's say good teachable moment again I'm going to use the the pic and I'm just going to lift that decoration right up so you can fix mistakes okay so right up to the cake pull straight out and then right up to the cake and just repeat that so you get a nice circular pattern it's important that you get right up to the cake otherwise it doesn't look like a complete decoration and then we'll do a little rosette just like we did on the bottom of the the Crescent excuse me the crown border okay and that pretty well finishes a cake except for possibly writing on it okay I've grabbed a writing tip and writing is something I'll do in a future video so I'll just write now but so that you can see the third the final cake I'm just going to write happy birthday on here some of it is just over piping and embellishing there and that is a complete decorated cake using the lattice the reverse shell a very small regular shell we did the drop circular or a border we did a drop string we did a puff border and another drop string and the rosette those are all fairly easy borders that you can learn just giving it some time don't put too much icing in the bag and just take your time practicing and make sure your icing is the right consistency I hope you've enjoyed this first series of basics of our buttercream decorating we'll be doing several more doing string work and flowers and more advance borders as we go along all our products are available at global sugar are calm and thank you for watching you [Music]
Channel: Global Sugar Art
Views: 1,641,081
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Alan Tetreault, Global Sugar Art, Buttercream (Food), Piping, piping with star tips, star tips, piping with buttercream, piping buttercream, working with buttercream, how to pipe buttercream, decorating with buttercream, cake decorating, piped cake decorations, piping cake decorations
Id: 2M5-960BMCA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 5sec (3545 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 27 2014
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