How To Drip the Perfect Drip-Cake - Full Icing Recipe & Technique! | Cupcake Jemma

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[Music] hello and welcome to crumbs and doilies HQ now today I am gonna show you guys something really cool that you've been asking for for a really long time and I'm really sorry it's taken me this long to get around to it it is how to do the perfect drip cake and is an absolute smash of a technique so drip cakes have been around for a few years now and I don't think they're losing any popularity soon we do so many drip cake syrup crumbs and doilies almost all of our cakes have a drip on them and they look fantastic but some of you guys have experienced a little bit of difficulty because there is a bit of a knack to getting it just right and over the years we've kind of tweaked our recipes and methods for the perfect dripping action so I'm going to share with you all the secrets so I'm going to show you how to do a drip with dark chocolate ganache and also with white chocolate which you can then color so we're going to start with the dark chocolate one and it's really important to remember with this ganache that you're going to be using equal weights of chocolate and cream this is definitely not a recipe you want to cup so please don't ask me for cup measurements I'm not going to give them to you I don't even know them because it's the weight that's important here because we're going to be using a 50/50 ratio so I'm gonna be using 60 grams of dark chocolate and 60 grams of double cream and that just will not equate to cup C equal cups so vanish those cups guys all so the chocolate that I'm using is important I'm not going to be using a 70% cocoa solids dark chocolate I'm going to look for something in between 50 and 60% it'll be a little bit less bitter and actually drips a bit easier and with the cream I'm using double cream or heavy cream so anything that's a 30% fat all over is just right so what do we do first well I'm going to add my cream to my chocolate the easiest way to make ganache is in the microwave but don't worry if you don't have one you can do this on a hob so you would just bring your cream just to the boil and then pour over the chocolate let it sit for a couple of minutes and then stir it and then you've got ganache but we're gonna do it in the microwave because this is quite a small amount I'm going to start by doing it for 20 seconds then I'm gonna stir afterwards and then I'm going to do 5 or 10 second bursts stirring after each one until it's just melted now the consistency of ganache is pretty important which means that if you overheat your cream and chocolate it can go a little bit thick so you don't want to get it too hot which is why you do it very short bursts and the dripping consistency is also very important you want it to be dripping enough that it runs down and stops not so thick that you have a big bulbous blob at the end of your drip and not say thin that it just kind of all disappears and into a pool at the bottom of your cake board we definitely don't want that and so you might find that you need to just wait a minute before you use it and for your ganache to kind of cool down a little bit I find that one good way of testing it is against the side of the bowl actually before you put it in a piping bag so you just pick up a bit with your spatula and just dribble it down the side and see how it moves [Music] and I think that is just right so the easiest way of piping drips onto a cake is using a piping bag or even a squeezy bottle if you're doing quite a lot or a large cake you don't need to use a nozzle in your batch piping bag at all just pack it straight in and this amount that I've given you with 60 grams of both chocolate and cream is enough to completely drip an 8-inch cake and if you're making a smaller cake or a larger cake just adjust the quantities up or down because this is an equal 50/50 recipe it's really easy to do that and then you just want you take off a small amount off the end definitely don't make your hole too big otherwise it's just going to come gushing out so if you guys want to practice first before you go nuts on your actual cake then I would recommend doing in the bowl you can do it around the side that way you can always put it back into your piping bag when you finish so you're not wasting anything I'm gonna do this straight onto my cake because I've done it a few times before so there's a couple of things to remember one is that don't forget about gravity gravity is going to help with your drip so you don't want to just keep on squeezing thinking that that amount of ganache is going to be plenty because you might find that in a minute or two it is just all pulled down at the bottom of your board there's another thing you need to think about and that is the spacing of your drips if you like it to be even then obviously make it even but also applied it an even amount of pressure on your bag if you like it a bit more regular like I do then just do it a little bit more haphazardly like a little squeeze here and a longer squeeze there and I quite like that look so and I'm also using a turntable just because it makes it easier to turn my cake and work around it rather than kind of having to move my entire body around and I'm going to start on one side doesn't really matter and start squeezing gently [Music] and when you start just do a small section at a time and then move your cake around so that you're sort of sure what's happening also if you are kind of practicing for the first time on your cake and you get these first ones slightly wrong and that's just going to be the back of your cake don't worry too much about it just adjust your squeeze accordingly all right so that is the drip all around the outside and you might want to leave it at that because you've got some kind of other plans for the top but if you want to fill the top you just want to pour some ganache on top obviously and spread it around but I would say don't put all of it on at first just in case there's a bit too much and it kind of ruins the edges and then to cover it I'm going to be using a cranked pallet knife which is going to spread it all around neatly and that is it done so looking lovely and neat and drippy and gorgeous and ganache will want to be set a little bit in the fridge so they just pop that in the fridge for half an hour but that's your cake drip now the white chocolate drip now we're not going to be using a ganache for this because white chocolate ganache has a very very different consistency to regular chocolate ganache and it doesn't drip quite the same so instead we're just going to be using white chocolate but to keep it drippy I'm going to be adding a little bit of cocoa butter which is going to help it to be a little bit more runny and I'm also going to add a bit of super white powder that's this stuff and that is because white chocolate really isn't white at all it's actually a more kind of creamy yellow color which isn't always what you want especially when you've got an amazing cake like this that's got all the colors on it and you want it to really pop and then you want to put like murky yellow drips on it you want a white drip so that is why I'm using super white powder but if you don't want to do that that's absolutely fine so I've got 110 grams of white chocolate and I'm gonna add 5 grams of cocoa butter which I've chopped up into little pieces and about an eighth of a teaspoon of a superboy and you can either see for white after you've melted the white chocolate but because it's kind of grainy and lumpy it can be quite difficult to mix in so I like to put it in at this stage just to make sure it's all mixing and then just like before with a dark chocolate ganache you want to do this in the microwave start off with a 20-second blast give it a good stir and then do it for five or ten second blast after that stirring after each one now it might seem like nothing's really happening at this point and all the way along with white chocolate because it does take a little bit longer to melt as does the cocoa butter but it feel really important to do it gently and in short bursts just so that it does it evenly [Music] so this is the perfect consistency but with white chocolate it does set a lot quicker than the ganache so while you'll want to look for a similar consistency as you were with the chocolate ganache you need to work a bit quicker with it because it does set a lot quicker so pop it straight into your piping bag so it's the same obviously the same technique as what we did earlier with the regular chocolate ganache but because white chocolate is going to be setting all the time and because you're probably going to be working on a cool cake you want to work quickly do a little bit at a time and you might find that you need to squeeze a little bit more out to get the perfect drip length [Music] you might be wondering what there's awesome cake is and I guarantee you it looks awesome now it's gonna look amazing when it's finished this is actually our pick a mix cake that we do here at crumbs and doilies and we've actually done it behind the scenes on this cake so I'll put the link to that in the description box below so you can check that out and also if you're in London and you need a cape we do sell these on our website so please go and check that out as well I think that is pretty much done so as you can see that was super easy this is already setting nicely so it doesn't need to be put in the fridge as I said white chocolate just kind of set and next I'm going to show you how to color your white chocolate so for coloring white chocolate it's really simple but you do have to use the right kind of food coloring gel paste and stuff like that aren't quite right and they tend not to mix very well what I always use is an oil-based color and americolor is a good brand that does a lot of them or you can use powder colors as well but I find the oil-based colors mix in a lot better and another thing to remember with coloring white chocolate is some of the colors will make it stiffen up a bit the pink which I'm about to use is really nice and doesn't have too much of an effect but the red for example makes its puffing up really quickly so you do have to sort of experiment a little bit with the amounts of coloring that you're going to put in and also this stuff is SuperDuper perfectly concentrated so a little goes a long way I've already melted my white chocolate with some cocoa butter and some white super white as well the reason I'm using super white is just to get it back to a paler base color before I add the color so that the yellow doesn't kind of murky it up so it's all lovely and melted it's just the right consistency and I'm gonna start by adding a couple of drops and seeing what my colors light now if you do find that by adding color you've stiffened up your white chocolate a little bit too much then I would recommend having a little bit of melted cocoa butter on hand just to add a couple of drifts to it just to loosen it up again this one's looking fine so I'm going to go ahead and do it my cake if you find that your white chocolate is seizing up a little bit before you've had a chance to spread it out neatly then you can just heat your palate knife up just get it nice and hot but make sure it's dry so I normally have like a cup of boiling water but just make sure you don't use a wet palette knife and that will keep it nice and smooth but this one's turned out pretty well so now that you have mastered the drip cake there's lots of things you could do you could even try doing like a rainbow drink which would look brilliant even do a painted gold drip which I've actually done on my channel so I'll put the link to that in the description box below it is from Christmas but don't let that put you off it's good for all year round guys and if you do take if you do take pictures of your work then please do put them on instagram using the hashtag cupcake jenner so that i can check them out and check out your dripping work as I hope that's been helpful for you if you have any questions put them in the comments box below I'll do my best to answer them the crumbs and doilies team and I will be back on Tuesday with a Tuesday tip for you and also I'll be back at the regular time and today with a cupcake recipe so I'll see you then and the meantime head over to Columbus enjoy these website to check out more of our awesome cakes and if you like my apron and you want one of your own then please do go to you cupcake Jemma con where there is this apron and lots of other cool stuff so go and get yourself and treat go and make yourself a drip cake and I'll seize it back
Channel: CupcakeJemma
Views: 2,819,312
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cupcake, cupcake jemma, jemma, gemma, cupcakes, bake, baking, how to make, recipe, crumbs & doilies, baker, buttercream, cake, cakes, vanilla, chocolate, caramel, behind the scenes, dessert, desserts, pudding, treat, treats, london, jemma wilson, drip cake, drip-cake, perfect drip, ganache, white chocolate, dark chocolate, couverture, cake decorating, decoration, big cakes
Id: 55w65rj0pJQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 53sec (833 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 14 2019
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