Pinterest Affiliate Marketing Masterclass (Step-By-Step Tutorial for BEGINNERS)! No Blog Needed!

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welcome to the money with Mickey YouTube channel today's video is going to be about creating a steady and significant income stream pairing the power of Pinterest with affiliate marketing Pinterest is a phenomenal place to start as an affiliate marketer for three reasons it doesn't require any sort of social media following it doesn't require you to show your face and it is extremely low cost to get started today I'm going to walk you step by step through the process that literally anyone from the very beginning can start in order to start making money with affiliate marketing on Pinterest today's going to be really good so grab a pen and a notebook to take notes and let's get into it [Music] Pinterest is an exceptionally powerful tool for affiliate marketers because it works as a search engine oftentimes when affiliate marketers try and use platforms like Facebook or Instagram they end up having to use ads because they're trying to cast such a very wide net to just coincidentally find someone who's interested in what they're selling but Pinterest is similar to Google in that people are going to the platform in order to search for something specific with usually the intent to buy that means your results are much more targeted on Pinterest and you can get more steady and reliable results today in this video we are going to cover why Pinterest is a great platform for affiliate marketers how to find the absolutely best products to promote on Pinterest how to optimize your Pinterest account for maximum exposure and eyes on your products what free and easy to use app you can use to create scroll stopping pins in literally just minutes that actually convert customers and finally how to convert those leads using a landing page and an email autoresponder before we go any further I would like to ask that if you learn anything from today's video please subscribe to my channel and like this video it really helps me out and it will also benefit you you learn everything you need to know today but there's gonna be future videos digging even deeper into some of these specifics also I have a free ebook on how to get started with affiliate marketing and you can pick that up in the link in the description down below so first off why Pinterest why is Pinterest such a great platform for affiliate marketers as I mentioned before Pinterest works as a search engine and therefore you don't have to spend any money on ads and you can still get a huge amount of reach and exposure to potential customers additionally Pinterest has a huge audience they have over 440 million active users each and every month also Pinterest users have the intent to buy 85 of weekly users have made a purchase from Pinterest pins and 80 of Pinterest users are women I'd like you to keep that in mind because that is going to feed into how we choose what to sell on Pinterest next and how we promote it additionally not only do Pinterest users have the intent to buy they have the means to buy what do I mean over 50 percent of users on Pinterest have an annual income over one hundred thousand dollars and finally Pinterest is continuing to grow Pinterest is one of those quiet platforms but it has continued to grow 7.5 percent year over year for the past few years and it's anticipated to do so in the future so your efforts here will have a very long shelf life okay so now let's talk about how to find what products to actually promote on Pinterest there's a lot of factors to consider when becoming an affiliate part program with any product and Pinterest is no different how much the affiliate product pays your interest in knowledge in the subject as well as how much support is given by the parent company are all things that you want to consider when deciding what to sell there are literally so many ways to find amazing affiliate products but if you truly don't have any idea where to start I would suggest an affiliate Marketplace so here we are and these are eight of the best affiliate networks that you can promote in 2023 so if you've never heard of these before you can check all of them out a few of the most popular ones are digistore24 and then the one that we're going to be using today which is ClickBank again don't feel Limited do these but they are a great place to start also just a little plug for my brand new itsy bitsy Instagram account it's by the same name money with Mickey I'll leave the link down below and if you follow me there every Monday we are going to highlight a new profitable and highly converting affiliate program that you can consider so one thing that's really nice about these marketplaces is that you get to actually learn some additional information up front about these programs before you start just promoting them whether they're reoccurring how other users are rating them and things like that there are generally three main categories which you want to promote in which is health wealth and relationships and then I personally like to add a fourth category which is Pets I feel like it's very underrated and people are willing to spend a lot of money on their pets these days so I think it's one that gets overlooked a lot but you should highly consider also one other thing you want to consider when deciding is how much support any individual affiliate program gives you and I'm going to show you an example of what I mean by that here so let's go back over to my share screen and I'm going to show you my exact process how to find a great and highly converting product to promote on Pinterest you have an account on ClickBank it will just bring you through step by step to sign up you're going to come over here on the left and you're going to select right here where it says affiliate marketplace now that it's loaded you can see right away right up here on the top you can see you can search by top offers new offers and then as I was mentioning earlier you can search by different niches so if that's how you want to do it you can go ahead and go that way today I'm going to choose something that has high audience interest specifically on Pinterest which is the health and fitness and more specifically the weight loss category one other side note I'm choosing the weight loss fitness health realm because those things oftentimes go hand in hand what customers are looking for and on Pinterest with your account you really want it to be pretty Niche down but this way it's slightly broad enough that I can choose multiple products to promote because at the end of the day I personally don't want to be promoting only one product on my Pinterest once I have eyes coming into my boards and my account I want to be able to retarget the same audience over and over again so that's why I'm choosing this keto product today because you can easily add other very similar affiliate products and it will all be cohesive on your Pinterest account and so what I'm going to do is I'm going to come up here in the search bar and I'm going to type in keto down here I'm going to scroll down and one thing that I like to do is filter up here by what's called gravity score high to low down here so we'll do that and then I'm going to explain what that means so gravity score is how highly it's converting how other users are rating it and then how many other users are currently promoting that offer as well which I can make a side note here you don't have to be afraid of popular products that means that there's demand for them and so saturation isn't really something you have to worry about right now as long as we're doing our keyword research well which I'm going to show you a little bit later in the video this first offer right here is the one that I'm going to choose for our example today it's called the custom keto diet and then it has a gravity score 56.95 what I like over here is the average earnings per conversion which is 184.95 if you look right down here in this light gray box it's going to tell you some key information about the offer whether there's upsells available whether it's a one-time or reoccurring whether they they being the parent company offer you affiliate tools to use in your promotions so this is just kind of a nice visual right away that you can check out so it's a good place to start okay so once you have logged in with your ClickBank ID this is the page it's going to bring you to and I'm going to show you all of the resources that this company has and why I'm showing this is because this is the sort of thing you want to look for when evaluating an affiliate offer to remote so you can see right away here they have a Facebook group that you can join which is really cool it's a perfect place to ask questions and what's working with other Affiliates ask questions directly to the company so automatically you have this open communication line which is wonderful okay so you're going to scroll down and this right here is where you're going to actually generate your affiliate link so this is really important this is how you actually tie what you're promoting back to you so that you actually earn the money they make it really easy right at the top you go ahead and click generate click Bank hop links and here you're going to put in your ClickBank account name let's just pretend it's one two three four and then if you are promoting multiple or like different products within the same affiliate offer you can use a tracking ID for this I'm not going to and then down here you're just going to generate hop link this is fake obviously this isn't my actual account nickname but that's how you would do it that's why you can't find it but it's going to generate your hop link and then copy and paste that into a Word document and stand by with that and I'm going to show you where we're going to put that okay so back to the resource page we're going to keep going and see what else they have here so right away they're going to show us their upsell flow which is really cool so when you first get someone into your funnel it's going to be the digital project which is a seven day free trial into something that they can upgrade to 29 rebuild and then you get 45 of the reoccurring commission and so on and so forth you can see down the line all the possible upsells that they can have which is really awesome it's not just one product right once we target this audience there's a lot of potential things that we can sell to this audience so that's also a really awesome green flag also you're going to want to go ahead and read through these promotional guidelines and it is important to take the time to actually do this I think the most important one for Pinterest that I'm going to Hound on a lot is that Affiliates cannot directly link to the checkout to their page and so I'm going to show you how we're going to build our landing page that's pretty much standard across the board is that they're not going to let you link directly to that company's checkout page which is the first reason why you need a landing page but the more important reason why you need a landing page is that you can capture these customers into your email list so you can retarget them over and over again that's how you have an actual business of your own and not just funneling to someone else's business is that landing page that in between we're going to show you that later in this video okay customer demographics this also tells us who's most interested in these products and again 80 of their customers are women and earlier when I told you 80 of the users on Pinterest are women this aligns perfectly with the demographic already on the platform we're choosing to use so it's great that it's showing us this information it's showing up us their age range it's showing us where in the world they buy from this is all great information we know they're largely English speaking right so these are all things we want to be considering and factoring in when we build our pins here they have landing pages that looks like they'll provide for you but today I'm going to show you how to build one of your own I think that's a really vital part of having your affiliate business and so I'm going to show you that portion step by step today okay lead magnet so A Lead Me is something that you can deliver to a customer in order to get them to give you their name and their email address and so they are vital and it's really nice they already have a lead magnet for you you don't have to create your own although of course you can but in this case there'll be something like a 19 free keto meals or something like that and so it's awesome so we're already going to go ahead and download that and I'll show you this is what it looks like I've already downloaded it and so that is going to be our lead magnet that we are going to use today wonderful that they provide that okay Now keywords this is going to be very vital in Pinterest too because as I was mentioning it's a search engine we need to use the exact words and phrases that people are searching for so the fact that this company has already done that heavy lifting and has given you the keywords that you can use to put in your titles tags and descriptions is amazing I'm going to show you another free way that you can do a little research on Pinterest yourself but we're also going to refer back to the spreadsheet and this here is what the spreadsheet looks like and they already gave you like close to 100 different keywords that you can use finally email swipes so I was mentioning this earlier but this is a vital vital you're going to want these email swipes in order to have your email autoresponder retarget the same audience once they give you your email address and so to have the emails already written for you is amazing especially for a beginner and if you don't feel comfortable writing emails you're like how would I even do that don't worry to Simply get started you can just go ahead and download their email swipes just a few other resources that they have just because it's so awesome is little videos and these are ones that you could repurpose to actually create pins today I'm going to show you how to create a static pin or just a picture or an infographic but video is becoming more and more popular on Pinterest and so these are different videos that you could use just abundance of supporting resources that you can use so that's why we know that this is a really great product to promote so now we have our product we know it's great we have all of our resources it's time to hop into Pinterest so I've already gone ahead and created an account it's pretty explanatory you're going to need email and password but the vital thing to know here is that you need to create a business account you can see up here how it says business account this is really important because it's going to give you insight into your analytics later on as you start creating pins you know what's working so you can really Target your efforts to be most effective if we come on down here to edit profile this is where you can go ahead and put your photo and if you don't want it to be your face that's the whole point of this you can find free photos on canva which I'm going to show you in a minute which is also the program that you can use to create your pins and then down here under name I'm going to show you how to choose the keywords for this first off you can go to the Excel spreadsheet that I was just showing you or if you come here to your home page you can type in keto right we know it's going to be keto and automatically it's going to populate a bunch of words that are being highly searched right now so keto recipes keto diet for beginners keto dinner recipes so on and so forth you can read down the list and these are keywords that we want to Target in our names our titles of our pins and our descriptions as well as the actual words that we're going to use in the visuals or the infographics of the actual pins that we're going to create so that's a free way to do it and you can also refer back to the list of keywords given by the company so back over here it's also industry best practice right now on Pinterest to kind of use those vertical lines to separate your keywords so here I just said keto weight loss Journey keto recipes weight loss and self-love if I wanted to kind of go a little bit further I could probably do something about Fitness and then here we're also going to want to use keywords to fill in about us right now I want to be clear you don't want to keyword stuff meaning you don't want to just put random keywords you need to make it flow and sound Pinterest the company themselves say Do not keyword stuff so don't just put random keywords in there write a sentence write a story so that it makes sense and this is also going to stand for the descriptions of our boards and our pins and then for website this is where you can put your landing page to whatever product you're promoting right now and later on when you have multiple products you can do like your stand store and things like that where you can do multiple links but it's really important you want to put that there because that's going to also tell Pinterest that you're a legit company um and it's a website that's your own and it that helps you rank higher in their search results okay any other information that you want to put in here you can just realize that it's going to be public so be aware of that okay and then we just save so here we are it looks good we have our our name we have our little profile picture I put a little banner up there as well you can just edit that right here this all just makes it look more professional and we obviously don't have anything here yet I'm going to show you how to pin things but first we need to go and actually create the pin so for that we are going to come over to cans and this is a pin that I literally created in like five seconds and I'm going to show you how I did that and do it on like double speed so but in the meantime just understand that things that have numbers in them perform really well and things that have very easy to read bold font right you want it to be easy at a glance and that's how you're going to get someone to stop scrolling and actually click on your PIN here we are in canva like I said there is a completely free version of canva and you can use that for your pins I happen to have the pro version because for my other digital Etsy store I use canva all the time and I need the pro version but the free version works great for Pins so what you're going to do is come in here and type in Pinterest in here we are in canva and we're going to go over to create design and we're going to type in Pinterest pins and you can see all the different templates ready to go for you but the one we want is Pinterest pin you can do 1000 by 1500 or 1080 even 1920. you can play around with them and see which one you like I kind of like this more rectangular or wider one but you can play around and see which ones convert better for you once it populates you can see they have beautiful temples right here this is one I used earlier I'm going to show you how easy it was to do so I'm just going to change this to 19 for this background image we can just come over here to elements and type in healthy meal and go down to photos see all and this is the photo I chose earlier literally gonna drag and drop I want to just personally zoom in a little bit okay and boom I mean pretty quick and easy you saw how easy that was how simple that was and as you go to create multiple pins especially for the same offer I would like to note that it is very important that every pin has significantly different either photos or verbiage so if you do things that are too similar the photos are too similar the words are too similar Pinterest is going to see that as spam and limit the reach of your account or potentially even suspended so obviously stay away from that either change up the verbiage change up the font change up the photos everything like that but you saw how easy that was you can just churn and burn so many of these very quickly I wanted to make one of their side note if you feel like you need more photos to use than what's available on Pinterest you can go to this website called pixels they have free for stock photography that you can use and download there so if you feel like you need more variety you can check this out pixels is free I also really like to use creative Fabrica this is paid though so you can start with the free ones but again if you feel like you need more options and this comes with so many different Graphics I use this across all my different businesses you can use creative Fabrica as well so just another resource to choose from now we have our graphic ready to go we have our hop link ready to go we are going to create our first pin so we're going to go up here to create and we're going to hit create pin also just a side note because you can see it here it says create idea pin I want everyone to understand that there's a huge change coming to Pinterest and they're getting rid of their idea pins there used to be three different types of pins I'm not going to get into that now because it doesn't matter because um it's going to only be one type of pin so don't worry about learning the difference that is brand new change just rolling out it's going to be hitting different accounts over the next month or so so just go ahead to create pin okay so now you're up and running on Pinterest you have a business account your boards are set up and let me know also down in the comments if you want me to do a more specific optimization video otherwise this video is gonna be like five hours long about like how many boards are optimal what how different your board should be in order to stay cohesive so let me down let me know if that's is going to be beneficial or not I only want to make videos on things that are going to help you guys we need to create a landing page so I just want to say in order to actually have an affiliate marketing business you need a landing page sometimes called a squeeze page and an email autoresponder the most popular recommendations for those is Click funnels and aweber but the problem with these is that clickfunnels is only a landing page and it's pretty wildly expensive and aweber is the email autoresponder so click funnels alone is going to run you 127 a month which for me starting out that's just not something I could swing so I'm going to show you guys two other options that are like significantly cheaper I think once your business is quite large this is a wonderful option for you and that's why everyone recommends it but for me I just couldn't swing that just starting out and you might be in the same boat so I want to show you a different company that might be a better option for you there are two companies that I use I use them both for different products and things like that the first one is called systemio o and the second one is called flow desk and literally no one in the affiliate marketing World talks about flow desk and I don't know why because I absolutely love it but I'm just going to show you the pricing for these so you guys can factor that in as I show you guys so flow desk is 35 a month if you Bill it annually or 38 if you do it month by month but if you use my discount code down below you get 50 off of that so 19 a month to use flotesque which is your squeeze page and your email autoresponder I personally haven't found anything cheaper that's both the landing page and the email autoresponder in one if you find something go for it but I love this it's the cheapest option and it's also so beautiful and user-friendly more user friendly than the other more expensive options I've shown you so anyway just something to consider then the other one that I also use is called system IO and their their plan is 27 a month and if you do it annually you get 30 off I don't have a code or anything for this company but I do use them and I like that I use the system IO for some of my other digital products but I like to use a flow desk specifically for Pinterest because Pinterest is in the kind of an Aesthetics driven platform and this just like seems to match that so well it's clean but still visual it has at least some graphics whereas a lot of the other more traditional affiliate marketing autoresponders and landing pages are just really basic in text and kind of cold and so you can find success with that using other traffic driving platforms but for Pinterest I specifically I like to use floaters once you're in flow desk your landing page in FLOTUS is actually called a form so you're going to come here to forms everywhere else is called a landing page or a squeeze page but on photos they call it a form and you're going to create new form and here they have really beautiful examples and you can just plug and play with any of these and that's what I've done in order to create this beautiful looking landing page right here I literally just plugged in place I got that photo free from canva and I just put in you know a matching title to what our Pin said and then I asked for their first name and their email address and so that is how you again collect that email to have an actual business and create a business out of this and not just kind of a one-time thing so if you go down here to get free recipes down here on this button now we have our beautiful landing page it literally took me five seconds to create I just put in my words my picture made it all match and look nice that's why I love flow desk too this took me like a tenth of the time as like click funnels or even system oil and you can see what it's going to look like on phone and you can see what's gonna all go on desktop and then okay so once we have the landing page exactly how we want it we are going to go to next and then you can select double opt-in here this is actually I'm pretty sure it's a legal requirement in the EU double check that so I mean a lot of Pinterest users are from the US but if you just want to be safe I like to be safe you can do the dough often and then you can choose to get an email or not and then finally this is really important this is where you redirect to a URL and this is where we put that hop link that the apparent company gave us once they go to the pin they come to our landing page from our landing page they go to the follow-on webpage of the parent company and we go ahead and press continue now this gives us URL that we're going to put into our pin so again be sure to copy this so that you have it when we go to create our pin now that we've created our landing page we need to go ahead and do the email autoresponder portion that comes after that so that's called the workflow here in flow desk and you go to new workflow and again just like the other one you can go ahead and choose from some beautiful pre-existing templates so I've already created one just to help us save time so in this new workflow it's going to be initiated when someone opts into that landing page that we're going to put in our pin which I just titled here keto example which is done on segments so if you want a flow dust tutorial please let me know I'll do a whole other video on that okay so then automatically immediately when someone puts their email in simultaneously as they're going on to the parent company's website um they're going to get an email with a freebie and so this is what that email looks like for me I just went ahead and uploaded another little photo to match the one from earlier and right here under click download is where you're going to actually load that lead magnet that we talked about so if you come here to link I put mine in a Google Drive and then put that Google Drive Link here I did that because almost every single email autoresponder that I've come across has a pretty small file size limit to actually be at patch so it's just easier if you have a Google Drive that you can just upload your lead make it there boom they get it download it easy but so I just wanted to point that out it's really important to put the link to the your lead Magnet or you scroll down here you can actually attach the file itself if your file is not too big okay so we're finished with that portion of the workflow these are the steps that's why I love flow desk it just really makes sense in my mind so they first come to that landing page which is from the pin on Pinterest then that page redirects them to the parent companies page to hopefully help them get up sold where we actually make the money but in the meantime to their email is delivered our freebie now is when the email autoresponder portion comes in and we get to follow up with the customer and so earlier when I was telling you it's really important for them to have email swipe files this is where it comes in so what I love about this is we get to add into our segment into our workflow and we're going to choose time delay and I already have it down here because I was prepping this but you can choose any amount of time to wait before you send a reminder email to your customer so I chose to wait one day I'm going to send them an email every day for the next four days then I'm going to wait five days and send another or you can choose any amount of time in between those emails that you would like but this is how you follow up right I forget exactly the number of touch points that is the average before someone buys but I think it's like you know six or eight or something like that it's a lot so that's why we're gonna keep touch touching base with the customer okay so we're gonna wait one day and then this is called send an email now I just primed this email I went to edit I just chose from one of those super easy Plug and Play emails again I uploaded a free photo from canva and where did I get the verbiage you of course can write it yourself but I got mine from those email swipe files that I told you were important to download earlier these are the email swipe files that I mentioned earlier that came as part of being an affiliate for this program and if we just scroll down you can see here they have subject line they have the body of the email everything like that so I literally just copied this from the first one and put it into there so right pretend I was copying it and then I pasted it in here in flotesque if you want to have their first name that they put into the form you hit this at symbol and then you can personalize using first name and then if they didn't put a first name you can just choose to put like friend or something like that so I just like the way it looks easy and then the other important thing is I've already done it in here but anywhere in here that says go here or click here or whatever anything that makes sense you need to put the Hop link that you got from the parent company and you can just do that by highlighting it and then pressing link and this is where you put your hop link so anywhere in the email you need to replace those with your hop link so that you get credit for sending the person so same grab it now I put the Hop link so on so forth and then also down here in the button start the quiz now over here the link is on the right side over here same hop link be sure to go and put your hop link that's like the most important part of this step we're finished with that email that email is going to send you know one day after the original and then we're gonna wait a day and we're gonna do it again here I've prepped the second email ready to go and then you would keep going so on and so forth until you ran out of those email swipe files or you could continue to write your own after that but this is how we actually get someone to buy is we continue to remind them why this is so great and as you can see I just love the way that these emails look in flow desk they're cute they're fun to actually open they're engaging but they're not busy to the point where we are not giving the customer the one next step that they can take so again just a reminder here anything in blue is where I've switched out my hoplink so that I'm getting credit for it and you know sends them directly to the next step our landing page and our email autoresponder are all set up and we are ready to create our first pin so we're going to go down here into create pin and here on the left is where we're going to upload the pin that we created earlier in canva in here I've typed in things that are going to match what our visual is saying so that it's coherent for the customer also using our keywords and then same within the description I'm trying to make it sound natural not keyword stuff but get that some of those more of those keywords in there so that ranks high on optimization and then here in the destination link is where we're going to put our flow desk link or your system i o link or your ClickBank link your landing page or link not your hop link right we want to be the middleman between the pin and the final destination where they're going to purchase something first off so we don't get banned from Pinterest and second off so we can capture that email and actually have a business right so this is where we're going to put the link to our landing page now we're going to go ahead and press publish I already created a board but if you didn't have a board already created you could go down here to create board and we would call it something like keto recipes for weight loss for beginners something like that and then we're going to go ahead and publish and we can go ahead and see our pin if we want looks beautiful looks beautiful and then one thing you want to do is go back to your profile scroll down here to your board and you're going to want to edit it because it's very important to add a description to your board this is going to help with SEO and then you're also going to want to add up here a board cover so again choose just maybe a free image from somewhere and then down here we can just type in something that makes sense for keywords I've just written something that sounds normal it's not just keyword stuffing again but kind of getting keto snacks in their keto dinners keto breakfast keto recipes for losing weight these were all keywords that we either got from that Excel spreadsheet given to us by the parent company or when we're doing a keyword research on the Pinterest homepage now we're good to go with that board the board is good the pin is good and we are set up okay we made it we're all the way through so I just want to say if you guys are still a little bit lost I know it can get a little bit technical I want to show you the training that I took which is everything that I learned on how to properly do affiliate marketing in an actually profitable way the course is called the 15 day business Builder challenge it costs seven dollars and it's 15 days they walk you through it each and every day it took me about one hour each day and I learned so much value from this course it's probably the best seven dollars I've ever spent yes you can learn a lot from YouTube I tried doing that at the beginning too and it was great to get started hopefully this video has been a help to you but if you need something a little bit extra to help you get going and launch your affiliate marketing business I would definitely check out this training if you're interested in the 15 day business Builder challenge go ahead and click the link down in my description it's going to first take you to the page where you can get my free ebook on how to get started with affiliate marketing and then it's going to go on and take you to that 15-day business Builder challenge I hope that today's video was of value to you and really helped you get started with your affiliate marketing business on Pinterest and I will see you guys in the next video thank you [Music]
Channel: Money With Mickey
Views: 44,538
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pinterest affiliate marketing, pinterest affiliate marketing 2023, affiliate marketing for beginners, affiliate marketing 2023, affiliate marketing course, affiliate marketing for beginners 2023, pinterest affiliate marketing for beginners, pinterest affiliate marketing for beginners 2023, make money on pinterest, make money on pinterest 2023, how to make money on pinterest, how to make money on pinterest 2023, monetize pinterest, monetize pinterest without a blog
Id: i0wh8lpzQL8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 4sec (1924 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 05 2023
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