Pinterest Affiliate Marketing full BEGINNERS Guide [Make Money On Pinterest]

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in this video i'm going to be showing you how to make money with pinterest affiliate marketing this is going to be a beginner step-by-step guide that's going to walk you through three different strategies that i've tried the pros and cons of those strategies and also walk through real examples of my successes and failures that i've done along this journey hopefully this will be a video that is very valuable very valuable to anybody who is beginning their pinterest affiliate marketing or people that are on that journey already and looking for tips to accelerate their growth we're going to cut all the fluff and just jump right into this video from here so hopefully you find value in this let's jump in so we're going to come over here and the first thing that i do want to answer just if you are completely new to affiliate marketing and wondering what the heck this is affiliate marketing is basically promoting other people's products in return for a small commission now basically these steps or what that ends up looking like let me go over there there we go here are the steps of affiliate marketing there are four different steps when it comes to affiliate marketing to bring it down to simple simple terms basically the first step is to join an affiliate program the second step is to create content for products that you love and the third one is to add your unique affiliate affiliate link to those products and the third is if the user clicks then you get paid now when it comes to step number one joining affiliate program there are lots of different affiliate programs that you can join one of the most common one is common ones is the amazon associates program and yes that is amazon basically you can promote any of the products you see inside of amazon is one of the easiest programs to join and very beginner friendly and that's why if you're just getting started i do recommend starting with amazon we'll talk about some of the pros and cons of the amazon affiliate program and why some people love it hate it essentially but there are thousands of programs that you can join if you wanted to join the amazon associates program all you need to do is come here over here to amazon to click in amazon affiliate and you come here to the amazon associate central from here you can go through and sign up it's a very simple process as you can see sign up recommend earn and essentially what that does is it allows you to then go through and create specific links for products and we're going to be going over how to do that in a little bit later but other other affiliate programs that you can join that are very popular is share a cell is a very really good one as well for lots of different merchants and connecting people there is impact as well another kind of middleman that connects you to lots of different stores and brands for you to promote their product is another place where you can go and then also uh just simply googling your favorite product or service and seeing if they have an affiliate program for instance if we come over here say that you really like shoes and you wanted to create content-related shoes you could type in nike affiliate program right here and then you can see okay what is the nike affiliate program as you see i did my homework here to make sure that they had one but you can scroll down and you see okay here's the nike affiliate program here's a button for me to apply common faqs as you see this is awesome you can earn up to 11 day commission a 30-day cookie period what this means is if somebody clicks on your link and buys anything on nike over the next 30 days you will get the credit for that which is awesome it doesn't it means that if they click one day and then bounce but then come back 29 days later you're going to get a sale and then all sorts of other things that you can learn about the nike affiliate program but you can do that for basically any big products or services chances are they do have an affiliate program that you can join now back to the amazon associates program why i do recommend it is because one as i mentioned um they have a very low barrier to entry if you wanted to go and join the nike affiliate program chances are they're gonna want to see a track record that you have like an established brand and that you can actually push traffic and revenue to their website the chance the reason why is because they're so big they just don't want to waste time with like littler players um another example is like wayfair they actually have an application you have to go through and do but i want to talk about the advantages of like going through a wayfarer as opposed to as opposed to amazon now for amazon that's what i started off with and as you can see if we come over here to amazon a lot of things in my pinterest account that i promote is home improvement and home as you can see here i get a 3 commission they have a promotion right now that allows me to get seven but most the time i get a three percent commission um but a lot of those same products or things similar products were in wayfarer as well so if i i went through and joined the wayfarer affiliate program and as you can see i get there a five to seven percent commission rate so overnight after i hadn't established traffic and actually links that were getting sales to amazon i decided that i wanted to switch a lot of those links over to wayfair and all of a sudden overnight my blog started making double the money from those affiliate commissions so those are things to think about as you start to build your affiliate program but starting with the amazon associates is is the best way and something that i definitely recommend but now that we've talked about different options for you to join affiliate programs and actually start creating your links let's talk about how to the content the actual pinterest side of affiliate marketing now before i start talking about this i do want to make this question or i do want to frame how you should be thinking about creating content when you're on pinterest and doing any sort of affiliate marketing when you're creating content you should always be asking yourself how can i provide value to the end user because a lot of people approach affiliate marketing with the mindset of how can i make the most money possible and ultimately it doesn't it's not as successful when you approach it that way when you approach it in the way of how can i provide as much value to the end user as possible the money just starts coming in naturally because users are starting to trust your content you're actually providing value on like this thing is better than this or these are products that i actually enjoy and use and as a result long term you start to build a really sustainable and passive income source so always whenever you're creating content for on pinterest or blogs or whether it be especially for affiliate marketing always promote products that you love yourself and also ones that you you can actually provide value to the end user when talking about that now as i mentioned at the beginning of the video there are three different strategies that you can use inside of pinterest to start promoting your affiliate links now if we come over here to pinterest the very first strategy is putting your affiliate links directly into the pins so what that means is basically just creating a pinterest pin and inside of the pin linking that leaking the actual product inside of that pin so for instance if we come over here and we go to create and we want to create a pin you're going to notice here that there is a destination link right here you know we can come in here we could go and add our image that we wanted to promote this little plant uh decor thing obviously this is not the greatest pen so just ignore this or whatever it may be but then we wanted to go through and add our destination link we could come over here to amazon once you sign up for the amazon associates program you'll see this little thing up here so the amazon associates site stripe and what it allows you to do is get uh text text links basically for all the products so we're gonna go plant vase we're gonna find this product here and there it is one of the best sellers we can click on this and then from here you'll notice up at this top we can get an image link a text and image link or just the text we're going to grab this we're going to click text as you see it has my store id here we're going to copy this guy you can do a short link which is what i almost always recommend or a full link usually when i get the link i like to test it so we'll go click there and add that yep it goes to the right place it has all of this stuff attached to it so now we can go back over to pinterest and add our url now inside of here is we're going to want to add your title and then also talk about the product or add value in any way that you can now when a lot of people are wanting to start off with pinterest marketing or they hear pensions marketing this is the strategy that they first think of and i want to basically tell you that this is the this is the fastest way to get started with a pinterest with pinterest affiliate marketing but in my opinion it's probably the worst strategy the reason being is that it's hard to provide value for a user just off of one image typically and chances are most people don't really trust going straight from an affiliate link from your pinterest pin also whenever you are doing this strategy you're going to want to read the the affiliate marketing program that you join their roles and regulations very very carefully because some allow you to directly link affiliate links into the pin like this one and some uh require you to actually send them to a blog or somewhere else first so that's something to keep in mind when you are doing uh when you are adding those affiliate links and that's strategy number one and to be honest i now almost never use this as the strategy just because there is better ways to go about doing it which brings me to strategy number two because i know that as a lot of you are hearing this you're thinking oh man this means corbin's gonna tell me i need to go build a website or go build up this massive strategy go through and do all these different things to get my foot links in there no that's not necessarily true strategy number two is we're actually going to exit out of this we're going to come back over here and i'm going to talk to you about the this strategy so now let's talk about strategy number two now strategy number two involves using idea pins and sending those idea pins to a link tree builder that allows you to basically link out a bunch of different affiliate link products in a very easy to read format now what i mean by that or now before we jump into that i need you to understand the difference between normal pins and pinterest idea pins we just created a normal pin if you come over here to create pin that was a normal pin it allows you to add a link directly in that pin so if the user clicks on that and actually scrolls down they can go to that link directly now idea pins are different because they don't allow you to add a link in the actual idea pin and you'll see what i mean if we come in here into create idea pin these typically involve lots of images or different videos where people can scroll through as you see you can add up to 20 images or videos we're going to hit okay there open and we're just going to grab our same thing we're going to hit next as you can see it gives you lots of different options for text background i'm not going to go over on how to create idea pins i've done lots of different videos you can check out the link down below if you want to learn more about this process but inside of here you can see that it gives us an option for a title we can add it to a board we can give it to specific topics but there is nowhere in here that we can actually go through and add a link you as you can see we can maybe go through and add a link into the description here but it's not going to be clickable so people can't go directly to your link in bio you can supplies notes and then even in the advanced option there's nowhere here where i can add a direct link so that is where this strategy comes into play and i want to show you a real life example in my account on how i use this strategy so we're going to exit out of this and then we're going to scroll down i'm going to show you an example of how i use this strategy so as you see here i have this little video for cool home gadgets you're going to notice that this is basically an affiliate program uh video that i'm running as you see i took this directly from tiktok don't do this when you post videos now uh remove the tiktok watermark this is when i first learning it and starting this process out but throughout this video i'm not going to play the whole sound but i just talk about this cool new gadget that allows me to open and close my curtains and as you can see inside of here on this right hand side there's nowhere where somebody can go through and click a link to actually find this product so here's where the next important part comes at the end of this video you'll notice here that i put in this little description or at the end here link in bio which tells the person if you want to get this this product go check out the link in my bio if you come over here and go back now that i've educated the person on the benefits of these with this quick little video this little amazon find if you will you can come back over here and then if you click this link in my bio you'll notice it'll take you to this little spot where you can create a really quickly this isn't even a website this is something that's you can put together really quickly that has my youtube channel the diy blog my bachelor blog and then you'll notice here a bunch of different product links which leads them to this switchbox smart curtain if you click that there it takes them to the product that they were looking for now this is a strategy that you can quickly put together that allows you to have the best of both worlds where you're basically creating pins and then sending people to something where you don't have to have a full website built out there are a lot of different products that you can use to create a link trees like this links free being one of them that is completely free i use one called as you can see right here it costs like six dollars a month for this one i use it for the analytics and i have a couple different accounts that i use it for so that's why i use but there's lots of different ways that you can create a uh a link tree kind of product and just to give you one more example for you to study and learn on someone who is doing this really well you can check out this account right here this is rachel she goes through and actually reviews a bunch of different amazon fines she'll find things on amazon create quick videos about them that are really simple that explain the the product or service and then in the description so say linkedin bio if you go over here to her bio and click on this you'll notice that it takes you to an amazon basically her amazon store where she can go through and find all the different products for specific things inside of here and if you click on these then she's getting a commission and i can guarantee she is making very good money off of this strategy right here so now let's move on to strategy number three over here and i'm going to show you an example of what strategy number three looks like now strategy number three is creating pins and then actually linking those pins back to your website or to a blog that talks about that so i'm going to scroll down i'm going to show you a couple of different examples of what this looks like so as you can see here up top these are idea pins if i click on any of these you're going to notice that there is no link as i mentioned on this left-hand corner but if i come over here to the regular pins if you will you'll see here we have this one six-pack power tools for diy if i click inside of here you're gonna notice it's gonna have a link that leads directly back to my website if you click on this website it will take you to a page that talks about the top six power tools for beginners and if you scroll through here i write a paragraph about the tools that you need and then you'll notice this first one right here a cordless drill in this link if you click this right here it will take you to amazon where it has a link to the one that i recommend in that article now in my opinion this is one of the best ways to do affiliate marketing yes i know it's harder because you have to create a blog and you have to go through all the processes of that but in the end it is the way to scale up and really control the traffic that's coming from your affiliate page that and the linkedin link in bio strategy are both really helpful and as you can see just looking at my pinterest account i utilize both of those strategies but at the end of the day i think that getting the your goal when you're starting affiliate marketing should be to ultimately have a blog and just give you a couple of other examples of um ways that i've utilized this as you see six power tools for diy beginners if we scroll down even further you'll notice basically all of these lead back to my blog where there are affiliate links somewhere inside of there so um for instance if we go to i'm just trying to think of a good one to go to we'll go to this one this easy diy kitchen if you click inside of here click on this affiliate and then you'll notice it has a link back to my website if you click on this it goes this one is actually how to build um a something basically inside of your kitchen you'll scroll down and you'll notice as you come through here there are a bunch of different uh links to the supplies and the tools that i use in this in this blog post and if of course if you go through and click on one of these it will lead you to back to the amazon affiliate program where somebody can go through and purchase one of these tools and once again in order to get this link if you wanted to add your blog or anywhere else from the amazon associates program it's as easy as grabbing the text up here and plopping that into your blog or whatever it may be and essentially once you start seeing clicks come in or once you start seeing clicks in sales what that will look like inside of amazon associates if we come over here as i mentioned it will tell you exactly what's being sold the product clicks that things are coming from the items shipped and the actual revenue where it's coming from and the income you've generated so as you can see here on the amazon affiliates amazon associates program it's kind of a bummer sometimes looking at this to be honest because you can see i generated four thousand dollars of revenue for amazon but they only paid me basically 160 and as i mentioned a lot of my links now are migrated over to other affiliate programs that pay out higher amounts some of my website still has lots of affiliate links spread out every here and there and everywhere and you'll notice as you start doing affiliate marketing it becomes kind of tedious to keep track of some of the links there but um this will break down the exact product title product clicks and then item ship to commission and whatnot so you get a really good idea on what's working and what isn't essentially so now if we scroll back over here we have now talked about how to add your affiliate links to the products how to create products or how to create content that actually gives people value and the three different strategies that you can use and then last of course is if the user buys you a commission and then you just repeat that process all the way through and you iterate and you test just remember when you're doing affiliate marketing nothing has to be perfect just don't let that stop you just start doing things start promoting content and trying things out now to wrap things up i do i do want to give my honest take on the pros and cons of affiliate marketing the pros of affiliate marketing is one you don't have to have a product and maybe i should do this at the beginning but you have the end of it but you don't have to have a product you don't have to worry about fulfillment or customer service you it can be very passive if you set things up in the right way and it also can be very easy it can be an easy way to monetize content that you already have it's low cost and the sky is essentially the limit as your content grows and you get more clicks to your website blogs or to your linkedin or views on your pinterest idea pins essentially the sky's the limit now the cons of affiliate marketing is one it's very competitive because of the passive nature and the low barrier to entry there are lots of people that are getting into affiliate marketing the second thing is you don't control the affiliate marketing programs i think it was last year last year amazon came out and they actually cut their affiliate their affiliate commissions they went basically overnight all the money that i was making from from amazon got cut in half almost almost immediately right so you don't have control over those commissions and sometimes these programs can change things at the drop of a pin the third is if you're doing affiliate marketing right and you're actually adding value chances are it's going to take you some time to actually get your first sell don't let that discourage you it's part of the process uh every time i set up a new affiliate flow or program making the first penny or even the first dollar is just so much fun it's uh so it's very addicting feeling once you start seeing that passive money coming in it becomes very fun but just know it can be a longer journey and then also uh the last thing is of course it's a lower cut of the revenue compared to if you were selling your own product obviously if you're selling your own product you get 100 of the the revenue if you're selling if you're doing affiliate marketing you're getting anywhere from you know three to fifty if you're really doing some good programs uh of of the revenue but that is pretty much everything that i had to go over for pinterest affiliate marketing now if you want to learn more about pinterest marketing in general i recommend checking out more of my channel i have lots of different ways on how to utilize idea pins and how to actually scale your pinterest mark your pinterest account to get more sales from affiliate marketing things like that so check out one of the two videos that google or that youtube recommends up above and we'll see you in the next one
Channel: ZoCo Marketing
Views: 97,152
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pinterest affilate marketing, affilate marketing with pinterest, pinterest affilate marketing tips and tricks, amzone affilate marketing on pinterest, affilate marketing pinterest, affilate marketing through pinterest, affilate marketing on pinterest, how to start a affilate marketing on pinterest 2022, how to start a affilate marketing on pinterest 2020, pinterest affiliate marketing 2022, Pinterest affiliate marketing, How to make money on Pinterest
Id: _Es8nSykxi8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 30sec (1110 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 27 2022
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