Watch this BEFORE you sign up to the Amazon Affiliate Program | Amazon Affiliate Tutorial 2023

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in this video I'm going to give you an Amazon affiliate program tutorial that will literally show you exactly how to use it and how to start making money from it today now I did a video on this a year ago and it did really well but I still had a couple of questions that weren't covered in it like do you need a website why did I get kicked out of the program and I will say the audio for that video was horrendous so I'm gonna do a refresh and if you guys stick around until the end I want to talk about how my friend is making four to five thousand dollars a month from Amazon affiliate commissions you guys ready let's go so Amazon Associates was the first program where I made money with my blog and I made a whopping 59 cents now I know that's nothing but that was all the motivation I needed to say okay I can make money online now I just need a strategy so I can make more and just after a ton of trial and error I figured out how to use affiliate marketing and I made six figures the very next year now that was four years ago and I've been making six figures every year ever since with my strategy now it's completely on autopilot and only a small portion of that income is from Amazon so if you are interested to see how I do it just down to my email list and I'll put the link in the description below so you guys can sign up and get my six figure blog blueprint but in this video we are going to focus on the Amazon affiliate marketing program and I'm gonna show you guys why it's so cool so the Amazon affiliate program is where you can promote products from Amazon which we know they sell pretty much everything and you can get a commission if anyone makes a purchase after using your unique referral link so it's Amazon's way of saying thank you for bringing this customer to my website to make a purchase here's some money for doing that so you're like a sales person forever Amazon but that only lasts for a very short time I'm going to explain what that means in a minute but let me first show you an example of how I use this to make money now the way that I blog is by finding out what questions people are searching for on Google so I can answer their questions through my blog articles because when you're looking for things on Google what shows up in the search results it's blog articles so that's how I get traffic to my website so I found out that people were searching for on Google gift ideas for entrepreneurs so I wrote an article on the best gift ideas for entrepreneurs in 2022 so if you Google that let's see what we find best gifts for entrepreneurs in 2022 now I wrote this article a couple of months ago and it takes time to go show up in the search results but you can see that this is my website right here so anyone searching for this online and it's going to creep up to the higher up in the search results as time goes but it's right here so this is how people are finding my article because this person is searching on Google for gift ideas for entrepreneurs they are probably at the stage where they are ready to make a purchase they just need to know what to buy so I have a list of really good gifts ideas for entrepreneurs that they can get from Amazon now why did I do this because most people have an Amazon account and let me be specific over a 197 million people have Amazon accounts and 74 million of those people are Prime members which means that you can get stuff sometimes the same day or the very next day and most people they also already have their credit cards linked so that making the purchase is like too quick too easy now the other thing is that people trust Amazon they know that if they want to purchase something from Amazon they're gonna get what they purchase now the best part of the Amazon affiliate program is saying like Sally or something Sally is getting a gift for her friend starting a new business but she also needs some new pants a notebook some clothes or whatever whatever she asked to her cart after clicking on my unique referral link I earn a commission on whatever she added to her card so the higher the price the higher the commission that is the best part about the Amazon affiliate program because as many of you know you can get almost anything on Amazon and people usually like to order whatever they need in one session so let me show you how I actually get my unique referral links from Amazon all right so this right here this is a desk calendar that I'm promoting in this article so if you click on this right here I want to show you how I got my unique referral link so there's something called site stripe that you want to get and it's all in the Amazon program so when you sign up you're going to be able to get this this is how you're going to easily be able to get your unique referral links for whatever products that Amazon sells let me show you how it works so for example this desk calendar that I have in my article what I did I went to go to text right here I'm using the site stripe link I go to text and just I've copied this right here and this is the link that I have my article so if I copy this right here I go to My article and then I scroll down and whenever I'm mentioning this desk calendar right here my article I'm going to hyperlink it and add my unique referral link so edit it right here and I'm going to put my referral link right there and then I'm going to use it like that and then I mentioned this again here so I put it whenever I'm mentioning this I'm going to add my unique referral link I want to give them as many chances as possible to click on my unique referral link without it looking all spammy and stuff like that so that's how you get your unique referral links and that is how you get credit for whenever you are promoting a product or service you want to use that link so you can get credit for it it's all linked up to your account now it's important to know that that referral link only works for 24 hours and yes the time from when they clicked on my referral link and make a purchase it has to be within 24 hours from when they clicked on my link from me to get credit now I know that is the most bogus thing that I have ever heard but that's Amazon's rules you got to play by their rules if you want to play their game and it's also the last click so let me explain so for example somebody added this desk calendar to their um cart on Amazon but if they went to another blogger's website and clicked on another Amazon referral link from whatever they had on their site that blogger will get credit for this desk calendar and whatever else they add to their cart because it's the last click before they make a purchase that gets the credit so these are some of the cons of the Amazon affiliate marketing program and Amazon also offers one of the lowest commission rates out there for products but even with all of that you still want to be a part of their program because everyone uses Amazon and it's not about what I want or think about their program I want to make money so I need to use the company that most people are likely to purchase from so to get started you want to First apply and I'll put the link in the description below so you guys can go through the process of signing up now the One requirement you need to set up your Amazon Associates account with is that you need to have a functional website but I have heard that putting in your Instagram or your Tic Tac profile it has worked for others so if you do not have a website you can go that route or if you want to create one you can use my free guide that I'll put in the description below that will help you figure out on how to uh build your website but make sure that you link both your website and the social media accounts that you're going to use when you sign up that you will be promoting your Amazon affiliate links on that is very important now once you're signed up you are in the program for a trial period until you have three qualified sales now qualified sales means that you need to have at least three people to purchase from one of your affiliate links within the first 180 days so once you apply the clock starts ticking and the race is on to get people to buy from your links now if you don't get enough sales by 180 days you will get rejected but you can always apply again and try again the only thing is that my understanding is that you'll have a new referral link so wherever you use those old links for your old account you're gonna have to update those so that's the only thing and let me tell you guys something trying to get your friends and family to click on your unique referral link so to make a purchase so you can get credit for it it does not work ask me how I know no I have no idea how Amazon knows who your friends and family are but they are Amazon and it is crazy but don't even waste your time because they actually know who they are somehow and you will not get credit for any of your friends or family making a purchase from your unique referral link and getting a commission out of that so I those are the rules that I have no idea how it's kind of scary how they know that but that's that's what it is so don't even try going that route you basically need strangers to click on your links so if you use social media you should promote different products on your stories and use the link in BIO or link on the actual Instagram story to try and drive sales that way but remember you need to give them a reason to make a purchase so if you do a review on a product you bought from Amazon that would be a perfect time to add your unique our link to that post to try and get some affiliate commissions and become qualified now if you blog how I blog I have strangers coming to my website all the time who search on Google so getting my referral links even though it does take time to rank on Google that is definitely a raw that you can use to get uh qualified to the Amazon affiliate program very easily once you officially get in the program Amazon will ask you for your social security number for tax purposes but I don't like giving my social security number to anyone and you shouldn't either so to avoid this you should get a EIN number from the IRS which is completely free it has to be done during their office hours but this is what you should do so I'm going to show you really quickly if you go to the and then you go to apply for employee ID EIN number and then you just go ahead and go apply online now you're gonna go through the process of getting started and then you are going to be a sober priority unless you have like an LLC or your own other company you can just sign up for a sole proprietor so that's just a little get around instead of using your social security number now for everyone who is not in the US I'm sorry guys I do not know the rules on how it works in other countries so this is only for the US that I can give the step eyes for okay now that you know how to apply and insert your links you need to make sure you don't make these mistakes so you won't get kicked out of the program so you have to use proper disclosures whenever you use your Amazon affiliate links now I'm going to put this article that I was talking about earlier that's on Google in the description below so you guys can look it at it and actually see the disclosure that I use in the article and just you can use it on yours if you block too but if you use social media you just need to make sure that you use proper hashtags on the post like these right here you can also get kicked out of the program if you use Amazon links in places other than your blog or social media accounts like emails ebooks courses or clothes Facebook groups it has to be in a place where Amazon can actually crawl those links and see where they came from they can't do that in the places I just mentioned so you also you aren't allowed to share prices in your blog post for those Amazon products that you're promoting so the way that I get around this is by saying it's under 20 or something like that now my friend Debbie Gardner she makes four to five thousand dollars per month using a similar approach to mine but her strategy is much much more effective and she has a course that shows you how to make more affiliate commissions now I always say to you guys if you accomplish anything that can help others earn more money make a course out of it what you have is valuable and it's worth money that's what Debbie did you know she makes a lot of money on Amazon and so many people were asking her how do you do this so she created a course on it to show you how so she's running a limit time offer from my viewers so if this is something that you're interested in you'll want to act now so you won't have to pay full price and if you thought this video gave you a lot of information she goes way more in detail to help set you guys up for Success okay so was this video helpful I want you guys to say yup with in the comment section below just so I'll know that someone actually stood around to the very end of this video and to know that you actually found this helpful you know I want to make sure that what I'm providing is valuable so just let me know that in the comment section below and I do talk about how I would build a brand new website today and turn into a six figure website so I did a video on that and if you guys can watch that one right now just to learn more about how this all works alright thanks for watching guys and have a great day
Channel: Whitney Bonds
Views: 237,263
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: affiliate marketing amazon, affiliate marketing for beginners, amazon affiliate marketing, amazon affiliate marketing for beginners, amazon affiliate marketing guide, amazon affiliate program, amazon associates, amazon associates account create, amazon associates how to make money, how to use amazon associates, whitney bonds
Id: SGTgz3gybHQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 27sec (747 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 07 2022
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