Amazon Affiliate Marketing Tutorial (Step-by-Step Amazon Associates)

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hey everyone welcome back to the channel so in today's video i'm going to share everything that you need to know about amazon affiliate marketing we're going to go from getting started setting your goals and expectations all the way to making your first dollar setting up your website and going through the full process and then making thousands of dollars per month with amazon affiliate marketing now a couple of quick things to note here look we're not selling you any online courses you don't have to worry about this being like some big sales pitch you don't have to pay someone to learn how to do this this is all free so the only thing we ask is that you hit the subscribe button there we would really appreciate it okay so let's go ahead and get started with this uh we've been making money with amazon affiliate marketing for almost a decade now it's starting to make me feel old we've been doing this for a long time and we make over ten thousand dollars per month with amazon affiliate marketing on a number of our different websites and blogs that we run now there's seven parts to this video here uh i'll list them all out here right now uh i recommend sitting through this full video taking out a pen taking out a piece of paper treating this like a class you can really understand everything there is to know about amazon affiliate marketing but if you want to skip around i'll leave some time stamps down below as well so let's go ahead and get started with this video now uh there's seven parts of this right and so the first one we're talking about is setting your goals and expectations basically how much money can you make where can you do this from some other things that you should know uh when getting started with affiliate marketing like what is it um and then in section number two we're talking about picking a niche uh how do you determine a category of products to promote how does this whole thing work right that's in section number two uh then in section number three i'm going to show you how to build a website uh the best place to build a website so that you can start to generate traffic and start to make money as an affiliate marketer then in section number four after you've built your website i'll show you how to actually sign up for amazon affiliate marketing so they have a site's amazon associates you'll see me using those two terms interchangeably amazon associates and amazon affiliate marketing it's all the same thing then in section number five i'm going to share the rules that amazon has set forth this is really important you don't want to skip this part because if you mess up and you do something wrong you can end up getting kicked out of the amazon associate program and not making any money or even losing money so you don't want to end up in that position definitely don't skip number five then in section number six we're talking about getting clicks and conversions basically just how to increase your profits how to make more money and how to get more traffic to your blog and then in section number seven i'm going to share some tactics for search engine optimization seo and basically just helping to grow the business and expanding beyond just amazon affiliate marketing to make as much money as possible okay so let's start with the first section here which is setting your goals and expectations now as i said look we're not selling a course here this is all free um so i love affiliate marketing especially amazon affiliate marketing for the number one reason and that's because it's free to get started you don't have to pay for products it's not like you're opening a store uh on on the street somewhere and you need to pay for rent and all these other things for the store and pay for products and everything with affiliate marketing what you're doing is you're just marketing for products for other businesses so basically the way that affiliate marketing works and i'm going to assume that you maybe already understand it so we'll keep this part very short here but you're just marketing products for other people and for bringing them a customer you get a little tiny piece of the pie and the way that we track this with affiliate marketing is through something called affiliate links so we'll show you how to make an affiliate link for amazon but basically if somebody clicks on your amazon affiliate link it's your specific link if they click on that and they buy something on amazon within the next 24 hours regardless of what they buy you end up making a percentage of that sale anywhere from one percent to 10 of that sale so if someone spends a thousand dollars on amazon after they clicked on your amazon affiliate link they spent a thousand dollars you could make anywhere between 10 and 100 for that person's purchase for just bringing them to amazon's website so it's a pretty awesome thing to have and that's why i love affiliate marketing because you can get started for free there's really no cost to it now let's talk about how much money you can make with amazon affiliate marketing so when i first got into affiliate marketing my first six months i probably made about two or three hundred dollars uh and being honest this is probably the realistic thing that's going to happen to most people watching this video you'll make a few hundred dollars in the first six months then after a year after two years after three years then it starts to really scale up and you can be making 10 or 20 000 a month look affiliate marketing it takes time now there are cases where people can make 20 or 30 000 next month or two months or three months from now but it's a little bit unlikely so being realistic i would set a goal of maybe uh by this time next year you want to be making five thousand dollars a month with amazon affiliate marketing i think that's a really realistic goal it's it's a bit tough to get to but it's definitely possible to make a few thousand dollars per month uh you know at six months or eight months or twelve months from now but it's definitely one that takes time to build up um and like i said made a few hundred dollars in my first six months now we're making tens of thousands of dollars per month with affiliate marketing so it just takes time you know i've been doing this for almost a decade now but i want to inspire you a little bit because uh in 2019 i went to a conference and i met some bloggers these were finance bloggers um and i was talking to them and you know i kind of used to think that blogs were dead and this was 2019 i thought blogs are dead who creates a blog that just sounds kind of stupid like can you make any money with that and i'm telling you you're not going to believe this but i'll show you the articles here i'm telling you people make millions of dollars from blogs with affiliate marketing it blew my mind when i found this out but i was talking to a guy from uh the penny hoarder uh he owned it and you know i thought oh the penny holder sounds like a cute little blog you know maybe he pays his bills with it and then i go in and see it three months later in the news he sold this blog this affiliate marketing blog for 102 million dollars so there's a lot of money in affiliate marketing and the general public doesn't really know this they don't really look at this i don't know why but it's just not really a known fact of how much money you can make with affiliate marketing so really the sky's the limit on how much money you can make but just keep in mind have some patience that's my word of caution there have some patience if you're only making fifty dollars a month three months from now don't worry okay because you can scale it up it takes time and once you build out your blog once you build out your website it's all passive from there so for example we have uh websites that are making us you know two thousand dollars a month and they've been doing that for years and we don't really have to do anything we sleep and we make money off of it and i'm not saying that to brag it's just to kind of hopefully inspire you to show you how much money you can make with this and how passive it can be so one other thing for this section is what countries can you do this from do you have to be in the united states the answer is no you can do this in a lot of other countries not just the u.s with amazon affiliate marketing so if you're watching this video from india or um somewhere in south america or in africa or europe uh or asia just know that most countries you can access the amazon associates program and start making money by promoting products um so that's a really cool thing okay now let's get into section number two here which is picking a niche essentially how do we determine which products to promote on amazon so uh i want to take you over to amazon's fee schedule i'll leave a link to this down below it's the amazon affiliate program uh fee schedule here and you'll see the product categories now this is for um right now this is how it is they just lowered some of these fees you used to get actually a lot more for them but they lowered it a little bit but they're still pretty attractive so if you're trying to pick a niche and you're trying to find a certain product that you should promote this is what i would actually start off with is looking at this fee schedule now it's important to know that when you are doing amazon affiliate marketing you don't want to be all over the place okay you want to pick a niche and stick to it and just be the best in that niche so for this video i think we'll just use like say kitchen appliances for example so let's say that you see the kitchen appliances you make four and a half percent uh basically if someone spends uh a hundred dollars uh on kitchen appliances you'll make four dollars and fifty cents but you know if you scale that and maybe you have a blog article that gets a thousand uh clicks per per week and of those thousand maybe you're getting ten people to go and buy uh a blender for a hundred dollars and whatever you know you're making forty 45 a week from this one specific article and then you just multiply that by hundreds of different articles thousands of different articles uh all throughout you know so best blenders and uh best best um smoothie makers like you just make tons of different articles about that but basically you want to pick a specific niche so that you're not spread out all over the place imagine you go to a website and you see articles about kitchen appliances and you also see articles about like beauty products and then you see articles about you know the best computers you're like what the hell is this website why are the all these are like articles and reviews all over the place and it gets a little bit confusing so i recommend especially when first starting off you want to pick one specific niche and there's room for everyone in all these different niches so looking at all of these i can't tell you what's going to be the best niche for you i would honestly just suggest a niche that you already sort of like and understand like maybe you are really good with cameras uh then maybe you can create a blog about cameras you get four percent of the sales on that right and so if someone is spending a hundred dollars you make four dollars for basically just getting them to click on your link and then go buy the camera on amazon within the next 24 hours but now imagine if you get tons of people to buy things through your link right if you're getting four percent and every month you know people are spending ten thousand dollars a month through your link you're making four hundred dollars a month if people are spending ten thousand dollars a month through your link and for spending a hundred thousand dollars a month through your link you're making four thousand dollars a month just with amazon affiliate marketing so pick a niche that you really like ones that you think you have a pretty good understanding of so you can write articles about it because in the beginning you're probably going to be doing this yourself you're going to be writing articles you could outsource that i'll show you how to do that um but yeah that's the amazon fee schedule it goes anywhere from one percent which is going to be things like you know physical video games game consoles groceries uh at one percent all the way up to 20 for amazon games um but really you know most of these are going to be in like the three to four and a half percent to five percent category for affiliate marketing so pick your niche there then we'll move on to the next step here all right now we're in section number three which is building some type of base essentially creating a website uh so that you can gain access to the amazon affiliate program so if you go to amazon associates they're going to ask you what's your website where are you promoting products on so you need to have a blog you need to have a website in order to get access to the amazon associates program so i recommend doing this on something like squarespace i'll leave a link to the best deal on squarespace down below it's just a super easy way to build your website you can do this probably in you know 30 minutes you can create your website uh with something like squarespace the other options besides squarespace you could use something like wordpress we have some tutorials on both of those for squarespace and wordpress i'll just leave all those details down below in the description if you want to check them out but you're going to need a website to get onto amazon associates okay so this is kind of the one area where it might cost a little bit of money right you might have to sign up for something that might cost you anywhere from five to twenty dollars a month for the website but once you have the website created then you can go and apply for amazon associates now for the website you want to build this out a bit like you don't want to have an empty website when you apply for the program so i recommend writing about 10 to 20 different affiliate review articles uh for the blog and so they can start ranking uh for google and so they can start getting traffic okay so the way to do this is let's say that uh for this example what we'll say that you pick a kitchen niche right so kitchen products and so what we're gonna do is we're gonna go through and we're gonna write uh 10 to 20 different articles about the best and the worst kitchen products so maybe perhaps the best blenders in the united states you want to find things that are pretty specific so that you're not making like really broad general articles because you're going to have a lot of competition so i recommend niching down and thinking of things that you know like for example go to google okay open up an incognito window go to google and type in uh best blenders and see what pops up after that best blenders 2022 right and then you go down to the bottom of the page and you see what are the other recommend recommendations and then you can make articles based off of that best blender for thick smoothies best blender wire cutter best professional blenders right so you can make some articles about this but write 10 to 20 articles this is going to take you some time this might take you a couple of weeks to really build out this website and then once you've done that then you can go and play and apply for amazon associates now i think that the best way to promote products is through a website uh like i said i have friends who make millions of dollars tens of millions of dollars from their blogs so even in 2022 2023 you can make a lot of money with a blog and i think it's better than things like tick tock or instagram reels or other different social media platforms as an affiliate marketer because with blogs once you create an article that article can be around for five years 10 years 15 years i know people who have articles that have been around for 20 years and they're still making money off of them we have articles that we put on some of our blogs five years ago that maybe they're only making us 20 a month but for five years you can do the math on that it ends up making you a lot of money even if it's just like a slow trickle whereas say you're doing affiliate marketing on tick tock we'll use the blender example here and you make a tick tock about the best blenders and you have your amazon associates link in your bio maybe you can make a lot of money for a day or two but eventually that tick tock dies off um but your blog article's still doing well right so this is why i really like websites and i think it's the best way to do affiliate marketing all right and the other reason why i really like blogs for affiliate marketing for amazon is because links get embedded into blog articles so let's say for example like let's go and look at some of the best mattresses right and we can click on some of these links here and we can see all of these different things here where they say shop now these are all affiliate links you don't even really realize this but these are all affiliate links every time you click on one of these links this company or this blog is making money okay so that's just something to note there and it's a lot harder to do that on something like tick tock for example where you have to like go through and like find their bio and then click on their link tree and then get to their affiliate link and there's a lot of drop off there compared to blogs okay so that's something really important to note and also to save you some time here you can just go check out that squarespace tutorial the video if you want to figure out like exactly how to make a squarespace website i also have a video that shows you how to make an affiliate marketing website so those are more like full tutorials on the website specifically so i'll just leave links to those down below but if you just want to you know create your squarespace account and make a website in the next hour uh i'll leave that link down below for the squarespace resources i think you get 10 off there's a special code if i can find it i'll leave it down below for you okay so let's get into section number four here which is applying for the amazon associates program okay so let me show you how to sign up for amazon associates so let's go ahead and let's click on sign up and now we're going to have to basically create a new amazon account so maybe you already have an amazon account you can just sign in here with that but let's go ahead and let's create one here so i can just kind of walk you through showing you how to do this right all right so let me just fill out this information here and we'll move on to create our amazon account and then go through the process of signing up for amazon associates all right and then we also have to go through and uh add and verify a phone number so let's just do that now okay so just to note here going through this process here right now we're on step one of four of creating this account but if you mess up one of these different things it can end up kind of screwing you over so some of this stuff is pretty straightforward like your name and your address and everything else if you have a business if you have an llc then i recommend using your llc for this if you don't have a business and it's just you and your name and your bank account that's totally okay as well although setting up an llc is definitely a recommended option but go ahead fill this information out then we'll move on to uh the second step which is filling out your website your mobile app list um so yeah okay let me just fill this out really quick all right and now we are adding our website and anywhere else that we're planning on promoting amazon products on so for this you know let's just say it's like add that oh but we need to have the https and we can add it like that and maybe any other websites that we might have right like let's say you know a couple of others if you have them you just add them all here onto that and maybe for your mobile app url if you have one of those as well you add that on then we click on next or any of these websites or mobile apps uh related to children under the age of 13 no they're not if you are promoting like toys and other children's products you're gonna have to jump through more hoops it's still possible but it's you know like if if it's a website that is meant for younger kids then it's harder to market to them because you know kids shouldn't be marketed to so much and so the government protects them on that okay so no i'm not marketing to children let's confirm that and then we fill out our profile here so what's our preferred associates id maybe we want this to be like you know my preferred id of central right um and here's my website uh what our our website's about so fill this out as much as possible because people do read this there are people who run the amazon associates program they look this over and say you know okay like did they fill this out what did they write about it it doesn't have to be a full book you don't have to write a full book about this just write a quick brief and concise paragraph or a few sentences about what your website does and you can just say i write articles about kitchen products and i intend to promote products with amazon associates in the united states and maybe in canada and some other countries throughout the world then we have to go and uh click which of the following topics best describes your websites or mobile apps so for this you know maybe we are going to be in the space of food and kitchens let's see if we have that retail general merchandise perhaps a secondary topic if you don't see something in here that fits perfect that's okay it doesn't have to be absolutely you know spot on you can definitely change this afterwards so don't get too worried about that um then what other types of amazon products do we intend to list on our website well we want to do kitchen and products along the lines of that if you don't see it in here that's okay as well you don't have to click any of these if you don't want to this just helps them to figure that out although actually in the section you do i haven't signed up for amazon associates in like a couple of years now uh because we do everything under one house but let's say you know computers health beauty electronics right go through select ones that you will plan on promoting products in where are you going to be doing this on right a blog a comparison shopping engine content or niche website coupons right well we're going to be using a blog and secondary maybe perhaps something like a content or niche website and we can add another one as well if we want to and then talk about traffic right how do we drive traffic to our website see how they have websites here specifically so yeah amazon expects you to have a blog okay so how do we intend to drive traffic to our website don't select paid search they don't like that i'm just telling you that right now i would suggest saying seo blogs maybe perhaps not forums they don't really like that either but seo blogs not email they might not accept you if you say email because they don't like that so for this yeah i think we're just going to stick with seo and blogs and we're just going to leave it like that how do we utilize our websites and apps to generate income typically you know a lot of websites might use google adsense or an affiliate program on other different things but amazon associates could be the only way that you monetize your website how do we usually build our links um so just the blog editor is probably going to be the way that we're going to be doing that um how many totally unique visitors do your websites and apps get per month now i don't want to tell you to lie about this but i think if you say less than 500 it's less likely to get into the program than if you said 500 to a thousand so this is just what i did i don't know like but you know even when i started off i said hey you know i get 500 visitors a month because i wanted them to take me a little bit seriously yes it was a little white lie i don't know maybe you should be very honest and just say that you get less than 500 uh people per month that's what like about 15 to 20 people per day that go on to your website so if you're able to get that then great um if not then you know whatever but uh i i seem to remember this is what i saw selected here 500 to 5000 and then what is your primary reason for joining the amazon associates program uh to monetize my site is probably going to be the answer for that and then how did you hear about us well from nato brian but no there's there's nowhere to type that so let's just say uh from online search perhaps you learned it from there and then fill this out and then we can go and finish setting up our amazon associates account so that's how you do that i'm not going to click on finish because i don't want to create another amazon associate account we already have so many of them so that's how you do it you just click on finish and you would be set up for amazon associates then within a few days you will get an email that will tell you whether or not you have been accepted to the amazon associates program if you get denied for whatever reason maybe someone looked at your website they didn't think it was good enough they didn't think it was legitimate if you get denied don't be discouraged you can go and you can reapply later on down the road in a few weeks or a few months once your website builds up bigger at some point eventually though they will accept you to the program my first time that i applied i got in but that was also yeah almost 10 years ago so perhaps things have changed slightly so that's how you set up an amazon associates account okay now we're in section number five which is understanding some rules that amazon sets forth for you and this is a really important section here okay so first of all as an affiliate marketer you need to make disclosures this is actually not an amazon rule this is the ftc the federal trade commission uh which basically says that look if you're marketing a product you need to tell people that you're getting paid for this that you're marketing for this product so this is why uh let's say let's go to nerd wallet and i'll show you kind of how they do it but you need to basically just have a quick disclaimer on your website that says hey you know we might make some money uh for promoting these products right so let's look at like best rewards credit cards for nerd wallet um you'll see in this font right here that some of their products featured are from their partners who compensate them okay so create something like that a quick little blurb uh for your articles that you can put at the top they don't have to be super bold big font but they have to be readable they have to be there okay this is really important you can't put this at the end you need to put this at the beginning of the article maybe sort of just like right before you get into it you say hey you know we're making some money from this this is basically you know being promoted okay and that is a federal thing you can get in trouble for not doing that okay so that's rule number one for affiliate marketing you need to have those disclaimers uh another thing with amazon specifically is that you can't run ads for your amazon link so uh for example you can't use your amazon link to say like do google ads for blenders you can't do that okay um so keep that in mind now most affiliate programs don't allow you to do that some some do but most don't okay so don't run ads with your affiliate link uh to get more people to click on it um so like if somebody types in best blunders and they see an ad there that that that can't be you okay because you'll get booted you'll get kicked out of the amazon affiliate program pretty quickly they'll be able to see that you're running ads uh for your link okay the other thing you need to know the third thing you need to know is that you can't cloak your links for amazon so link cloaking basically is like let's say that um and we do this for a lot of our different things like let's say robinhood if you go to that it'll take you to my robin hood affiliate link where they pay me to promote their financial products um so i cloaked the link i basically made the link look prettier you can't do that with amazon associates so whatever link they give you you just have to take that and you have to use that as the link it looks kind of janky it doesn't look great but you have to use this you can't cloak it and hide it behind another domain or some other type of thing okay so that's something really important to know so another thing you can't do is uh email marketing with your amazon links okay now for some affiliate programs you can do that like i'm part of ones where we have email lists and we can send out you know different emails to our subscribers and you know we'll promote products there we'll do affiliate marketing through email but with amazon affiliate marketing you can't do that okay it's again some terms of service there so you need to keep that in mind as well um that you you can't have your amazon link in an email that you're sending to anyone um it's just against the rules okay uh and another thing also very important look don't purchase things from your own amazon affiliate link people are tempted to do this but they know they can see like your ip address for example or they can see your name and be like hey you know uh nate you're buying amazon products after clicking on your amazon link and they'll kick you out of the program okay so you don't want to get kicked out of the program i suggest reading through the terms of service line by line to make sure that you don't get on their bad side i've actually gotten kicked out of the program it was really hard to get back in but for most people if you get kicked out you probably won't get back in i just got really lucky that um i was able to email a lot of people and somebody let me back into the program i said look i'm sorry i didn't know that i was doing this against the terms of service i forget what it was that i was doing but they didn't like it and they canceled me they said no no more and suddenly my income went to zero kind of scary but luckily i got back in so make sure you read those terms of service really important okay so now we're getting into the last section here which is six and seven we're talking about essentially how to get more clicks how to get more conversions how to create blog articles and most importantly figure out search engine optimization or seo basically uh how do we write articles that are gonna get a lot of people reading them right like if i write an article about uh you know just titled best blenders in 2022 i mean there's so much competition on that like let's just google it right best blenders in 2022 look how much competition there is there's all these ads there's all these different articles from big things like tech radar so each one of these articles uh is probably making thousands of dollars per month because it's such a searched for term like best blenders it's getting so many people searching that on google every month um and so all these different articles all these different websites it's really hard to rank for this like look at just these these websites these are really big websites that all make millions of dollars so what google does and you need to understand search engine optimization here google says how much can we trust this website how legitimate is this website um and so if they're thinking about which results to show first for a term like this they say well you know we know tech radar we know it's reputable they've been around for a long time and a lot of people go to their site so therefore they are reputable we need to put them at the top versus maybe you which is like nate's uh well who the hell is nate right they don't know who i am google doesn't know me they don't trust me and so they're going to say all right well should we promote nate's article or should we put tech radar at the top of this search result and nine times out of ten they're going to pick tech radar or these big companies and these big websites over some small little affiliate blog that you just created yesterday see how that works and why they wanted it to have those reputable ones at the top so it's hard to break into it if you just create a blog it's hard to rank and you know you might be ranking on page like number 11 or page number 12 for a term like this and it's kind of discouraging but you can fight your way through and get your way up to the point where you're able to rank number one for some of these search terms so how do we do that um i recommend using something called semrush or scm rush i'll leave a link to that down below but basically here i'll show you how to use it um it helps you to determine uh how you're going to rank uh for certain articles and then also just help you like figure out titles and different topics to write about uh that maybe are underserved and are easier to rank for on something like google alright so this tool is really great it is expensive so you don't have to get it right away although i will leave a link to it down below if you want to check it out and look at the pricing but you can really do a lot with semrush okay so let's say for example that you find a blog that you want to better understand and you want to kind of see like where they're getting their traffic from you can really peel back the layers here and figure this out so let's say that let's go over to um best blenders for protein shakes right and we'll find a website that is ranking pretty high here and then we can actually just kind of like see what they're doing all right so here's one don't waste write the best blenders for protein shakes 2022 right they have all these different reviews for all these different products right so here's what i suggest doing on something like semrush we can go and we can look at don't waste we can type this in to semrush here so just copy the domain paste it here in semrush and search for the domain and now what they're going to do is and this is why this tool is expensive and you know like i said you don't have to get it right away but as you grow your your blogs and your websites and your affiliate marketing career you'll probably want to spend money on it because it's really great um so this website right here this basically estimates how well that site is doing right so we found a potential competitor right for someone who's writing about blenders and now we're kind of peeling back the layers and seeing okay they're getting about 1.3 million organic search traffic hits per month and they have 1.2 million backlinks backlinks are kind of confusing i won't get into that now for you you can see how their website has been growing right it's been growing really well over the past couple of years here but then the coolest thing here is looking at their keywords right here's things that they rank for on their keywords like bento box and black light and deep fryer they rank really high for a lot of these different things but go through something like this i believe there's a free trial for semrush if there is i'll let you know down below in the description as well of course you can see who their main competitors are the competitive positioning map i mean there's just so many features here that are really going to help you take your website to the next level but let's say that we want to do something like keyword research right and this is really important so we can click on keyword overview here and we can enter a keyword and let's say for this let's say best blenders we can search for that and we will get a good look at different keywords for blenders right so here we are we can see that the volume on that is 9.9 000 searches for best blenders now this is all estimated obviously semrush does not have the data from google but they're pretty accurate from what i've found on this so when somebody searches for best blenders right there's 9.9 000 people per month searching for that uh in the us globally there's 25.4 000 people searching for that monthly we can see the trend we can see how much people spend on average for ads for it the amount of results that show up here 54 million right but then we can look at keyword variations and this is where it really gets good keyword variations and related keywords so let's go and look at all of the related keywords here and this can help give us some ideas for other potential article titles to be a little more creative maybe ones that have less competition on them because if we just make an article about best blenders it's going to be really really competitive right so we want to find something that has a low keyword difficulty so in the red here we see keyword difficulty 72 this means you need a lot of high quality referring domains optimized content it's going to be hard we can see that the keyword difficulty gets easier as we go down here and i suggest finding ones that have a keyword difficulty uh that are maybe 50 or below it's going to be easier to rank for those on google and you'll be able to rank a lot faster on them on google okay now if you don't want to use something like semrush you can also use the good old trusty google to figure things out here as well so if we just go to google and we can see what they fill in the blanks after we type something in right so let's say for example we're thinking about the next articles to write or how to title an article best blenders and then instead of hitting enter and search you just click space and you see what recommended things pop up next this is a fl this is just like a timeless way to figure out uh different keywords uh for something like that best blenders um for smoothies and shakes and ice and soups and juices right so the key here for creating your blog trust me on this your first 10 to 20 articles you want them to be pretty specific make them as like specific as possible so that it's not just like one big broad best blenders you want to be best blenders for smoothies and soups and juices for women for men you want to be pretty specific so that you can rank and there's not a lot of competition here like let's say best blenders and uh right here for smoothies and juices now you're going to see the quality of websites on here are not going to be as crazy as as the ones that we saw before so that's a great way just to get started with creating those articles and then set a a schedule a calendar basically uh for creating new articles look they take time to rank they might take three or four or five months to rank but they will start ranking eventually and that's when you'll start making your money so i suggest setting a calendar where maybe you're able to write two articles per week and by the time next year rolls around this time next year you're gonna have 104 articles written if you write two articles per week imagine 104 affiliate articles stuffed with amazon affiliate links all throughout uh how much money that could be potentially bringing you at this time next year so that's really what i hope you can do it's something really exciting we have lots of videos on this channel that help you with building websites help you with different types of affiliate marketing outside of amazon affiliate marketing if that's something that you're interested in so we will leave links to all of those below as well of course so thanks for watching this video i hope you found it to be somewhat valuable go ahead follow me on instagram follow me on twitter feel free to shoot me a message i'll try to get back to you as soon as possible and i really do wish everyone the best of luck
Channel: Santrel Media
Views: 1,032,271
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nate o'brien, mike o'brien, santrel media, affiliate marketing, affiliate marketing for beginners, amazon affiliate marketing, amazon affiliate marketing tutorial, amazon affiliate marketing for beginners, amazon associates
Id: EG2-zfed_rg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 7sec (2167 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 07 2022
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