$300 Per Day Affiliate Marketing for FREE on Pinterest | Full Tutorial For Beginners | FREE Bonuses!

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in this video i'm going to show you how you can create a 300 per day completely passive income stream by affiliate marketing for free using pinterest i'm going to show you how to do that using five simple steps but before i continue make sure you hit the subscribe button and turn on the notifications because i'm going to be creating even more videos just like this showing you how to make money online and you're not going to want to miss them now let's get started [Music] okay so here's the quick overview of what i'm going to be showing you in today's video number one the best type of affiliate product to promote on pinterest number two what free app to use to create scroll stopping pin images in seconds number three how to make money affiliate marketing on pinterest without a blog number four how to increase your affiliate commissions using simple emails you don't even have to write and number five how to create money making pins and get free traffic to your affiliate links and you're going to want to stay to the end of this video because i'm going to give you an entire pinterest affiliate marketing business completely for free all you need to do is click a few buttons and you could be making money affiliate marketing on pinterest as early as today but you gotta stay to the end of the video to find out how to get it but before we continue on i want to give you a quick breakdown of why you should be using pinterest to promote your affiliate products today when i say search engine most people immediately think google but what most people don't realize is that pinterest is actually a search engine as well but it's a visual search engine so when people search for what they want to know in pinterest they're given visual results like images and videos currently on pinterest there are over 335 million active users every single month and this is a huge opportunity for anyone to grow an online business and we're going to use the visual aspect of pinterest to maximize our profits with affiliate marketing and i'm going to show you exactly how to do it now let's get started with step number one i'm going to share my screen for the rest of the video and walk you through exactly how to do this so step number one is to pick an affiliate product to promote for this example i'm going to use the affiliate platform called digistore24 i'm using digistore24 in this video because in my previous videos i've already shown you how to use clickbank so i wanted to give an example of a different affiliate program for this video but you can use whichever affiliate program you like the information is transferable to any product now after doing some research on pinterest users i found that over 71 percent of their active monthly users are adult females and most were moms so we're going to pick a product that is more targeted towards that demographic so the product i picked for this example is called the baby sleep miracle which you can see on my screen right now it's a digital product that will help you get your baby to sleep at night and in my opinion would be a great product for new moms searching on pinterest which fits our target demographic very well the affiliate commission for this product is about twenty five dollars per sale so if you wanna make three hundred dollars per day with this affiliate product you only need to achieve 12 sales per day to reach that goal which is completely doable on pinterest and another great thing about this specific affiliate product is that they also have an affiliate support page which is really important why it is important is because the support page will give us tools to maximize our profits like a pre-written email sequence which i'm going to show you in a few minutes okay so now that we've picked our affiliate product it's time to move on to step number two which is to create the pins that people are going to see when they search on pinterest now to do that i used an online tool called canva canva is the perfect tool for this because it's free and they already have pinterest pin templates that we can use to create scroll stopping pins in just a few seconds so here you can see i created these two pins right here using the canva tool i actually have a canva pro account that is only 16 per month and gives you access to their premium templates and tools but you can create pins just like this for free as well if anyone is interested in testing out canva pro i added a link in the description below now you can see with these pins i've used bright bold text with a title that every mom searches for at least once in their life you also want to include imagery that will stop people from scrolling i used royalty-free images right from canva for this one and a video from prexels for this one here now to make this process as easy as possible for you i actually made canva templates that you can import into your own canva account that way all you have to do is switch out the images and then you're ready to go with your pins you can do this within seconds so if you want to grab my templates the link for each one is in the description below now once you either created your own pinterest pins or used my templates you want to go ahead and download them onto your computer by clicking right here then we're going to move on to the next step now at the beginning of the video i told you we were going to be doing affiliate marketing on pinterest without a blog the traditional way to do affiliate marketing is to drive traffic to a blog page and then from there send people to our affiliate link but i'm going to show you a way to do that without having to create a blog which is much simpler for people who are just getting started with affiliate marketing because you don't have to spend time writing long blog posts at all here's how we're going to do it our strategy is going to be to use a funnel builder to create a simple landing page in a follow-up email sequence the reason why we need a landing page is because pinterest doesn't always like when you link directly to an affiliate link so we're creating a landing page between pinterest and our affiliate product page to keep our pins from getting deleted and our account in good standing now to create your landing page you're going to need a funnel builder and an email autoresponder to do this the one that i chose is builderall because it includes a funnel builder and an email autoresponder all in one most affiliate marketers are familiar with the funnel builder click funnels but i always choose builderall for one specific reason here's why click funnels is a great funnel builder but it does not include an email autoresponder so you have to pay extra for that on top of what you pay for click funnels builderall on the other hand includes a funnel builder and your email autoresponder all in one for the same price click funnels is also 97 a month plus the cost of your email autoresponder where builderall is only 69 and includes your email autoresponder in that price both are great apps but if you want to save money i always choose builderall now if you want to follow along with the video and give builderall a try i've included a free two-week trial down in the description all you have to do is click the link to set up your account okay so once you've created your builderall account you can get to the funnel builder by clicking here on the cheetah builder now i've already created a landing page for this video but if i wanted to edit it in any way i would click on it right here then click on edit here you can see a simple landing page that i created for our affiliate product i created this right inside builderall using their drag and drop funnel builder i used some of the information from the affiliate support page that you can see right here from digistore24 now it's important that you switch out the image for a different one that i have in this example because if everyone were to use the exact same image your funnel would not convert as well okay now on this landing page there are a few key points that i want you to take note of that are very important first i created a headline at the top that adds curiosity and a eye-catching image that will stop them from scrolling now underneath i've added a clear call to action we also want to have an email capture box on our landing page the email capture box is what is going to allow us to maximize our profits with our affiliate product i'll explain how to do that next so make sure you stay with me now once you have your landing page created you need to add your affiliate link to the button of the opt-in box this is the most important step because if you miss this you won't earn any affiliate commissions to do that click on the button right here then select the link icon then you're going to copy your affiliate link from digistore24 like this then paste it right here in the box then click save now we're gonna move on to the next step which is to create our email autoresponder sequence now step four is to create our simple email follow-up sequence but don't worry i'm gonna show you how to do this without ever having to write a single email yourself the email sequence is really important because it will automatically follow up with our traffic for us reminding them about our affiliate product which will drastically increase our affiliate commissions now remember at the beginning of the video i said it was really important that you select an affiliate product that provides an affiliate support page well here's why with the baby sleep miracle product that we picked for this video they actually provide pre-written emails that you can use in your own email autoresponder sequence this is how we're going to create our email sequence without ever having to write an email ourselves all you have to do is copy and paste the emails that they have pre-written right into your email autoresponder so that's exactly what i did to get to the email autoresponder within builderall from the main menu you click on mailing boss and it will take you right to the email autoresponder once you navigate to the mailing boss you first need to create your email list by clicking here then you need to create a campaign by clicking right here next you need to add your emails into your campaign so they'll be sent to anyone who enters their email on our landing page here you can see i've already done that in this campaign but here's what i did to complete this step first you need to open the affiliate support page from digistore24 like this click on the emails and then just copy and paste the emails into the box here the last step is to just enter your own affiliate links to the email copy i did this by adding a line of text at the bottom so make sure you don't forget to add your affiliate link here or you won't get credit for any affiliate commissions that come through your emails this is very important once you've done this for all of the emails click done and just select a time that you want them to be sent over on the left i suggest sending one email per day like you can see i have set up right here okay so let's just stop for one second for anyone who's thinking this is getting a bit complicated i have another free bonus for you that is going to make this process super easy for you to use today in the beginning of the video i told you that if you stayed to the end i would show you how you could have an entire affiliate marketing business completely for free so what i'm going to do is give you this entire pre-built funnel and email autoresponder sequence completely for free for you to copy into your own builderall account you already saw the completed landing page that i created and i've added the first few emails into the email campaign for you so they're ready to go for you to use today so when you copy my funnel you're gonna get the entire automated email sequence campaign already linked to a list that is ready to go you won't have to create the list or campaign yourself or write any of the emails i've done it all for you all you have to do is click a button and it will be imported right into your own builderall account and ready for you to use right now i'm doing this for you because i want to help as many people as possible learn how to make money online and get started as soon as possible but if you want to use this funnel you got to stay to the end of the video because at the end i'll show you exactly how to get it now let's get right back into the training once we've created our email campaign we have to go back to our landing page and link our email list to our email opt-in box so here we are back in the cheetah builder you're going to click on the opt-in button at the bottom of your landing page and click the settings icon then you're just going to click on the list you created and imported from my clone funnel or the list that you created yourself i named it baby sleep miracle so that you would know exactly where to find it just select it and then click save now your funnel is done and your emails will automatically be sent out to anyone who enters their email in your opt-in box on the landing page now one optional step that i want to suggest that you do is to buy a custom domain for your funnel i suggest this because it adds trust to your business but it's not necessary so if you want to get a domain at the lowest price possible i've added a link in the description to namecheap which is where i get all of my domains you can get domains for your business for as low as two dollars so if you want to check them out just click the link down in the description now again this is an optional step builder all gives you standard urls that you can use for your business which i'm going to use for this video to show you how to do it okay now that we have our eye catching pins our landing page in our email autoresponder sequence all created we can move on to step number five which is the final step and that's to create our pins on pinterest okay now you can see here i'm inside my own pinterest account i'm not going to show you how to create a pinterest account on this video because it's fairly straightforward i think you can do it without a tutorial but just make sure you create your account as a business account so that you can track your analytics now first you want to create a board for your niche to do that just click the plus sign right here and click create your board and then give it a name i'm calling this board new mom and baby tips the next step is to create the actual pins to do that click up here where it says create then select pin next we want to add our image that we created and downloaded from canva right here in this box then create the description in your description you want to make sure you use specific keywords that are relating to your affiliate product on our affiliate support page they actually have a list of keywords that we can use right here adding as many keywords as possible to your pinterest description title and alt text will allow your pin to be seen by the most amount of people when they're searching on pinterest the last step that we need to do is add our url from our landing page to our pin in this spot right here if you linked your domain you can use that in this box but if you didn't i'll show you how to use the default builderall url from your account for your funnel to find your builderall url you want to go to your landing page in the cheetah builder and then click on the three dots then select preview website your free url will be found up here in the url box copy this and then go back to pinterest and paste it into the url box okay now once you've added your url you need to select the board that we just created so that your pin will be pinned to that board then you're going to click on publish now you're going to repeat that process with the second image that we created from canva now this is the last step in the process and to really maximize the results of this free traffic strategy you want to create as many pins as possible pointing to your affiliate offer you can even find other affiliate offers within the same niche and create more pins pointing to those affiliate products as well now that brings us to the end of this training now i mentioned earlier in the video that if you were really serious about testing out this method and you wanted to try the affiliate product that i selected for this video i would give you my exact pre-built funnel in email autoresponder sequence completely for free i also said that i would give you a free two-week trial of builderall so you could test it out for yourself and i'm also going to give you the exact canva templates that i created in this video completely for free cloning my funnel emails and pins will save you a ton of time versus creating this all by yourself but it's completely up to you if you want to take it since i'm doing this all for free for you i'm only asking that you do three simple things please like this video subscribe to my channel and turn on the notifications since i'm not charging doing these three simple things will show a lot of support for my channel and it will also make sure that you don't miss out on any of my future videos showing you different ways on how to make money online now here are the exact steps to get all of my freebies first you need to sign up for your own builderall account by clicking on the link below to get your two-week free trial if you don't have your own builderall account you won't be able to copy my landing page or my email sequence if you already have a builderall account you can skip this step step number two you need to click on the link that says copy my pinterest business it will bring you to a screen that will allow you to click a button and import the landing page and email sequence right into your builderall account the third step is to remember to add your affiliate links to the landing page in the email sequence like i showed you in the video if you need to rewind and watch it again make sure you do that so you know exactly how to add your links this will make sure that you get your affiliate commissions when people buy your affiliate product in step number four to get the canva pinterest pin templates click on the link below that says copy my canva pinterest pins and that's it now the last thing that i want to say is if you're brand new to affiliate marketing and this all sounds really confusing that's okay because that was me not that long ago too the best thing you can do if you want to learn how to make money online with affiliate marketing is to invest your time in learning how to do this skill the right way i did that by taking a in-depth training called the 15 day business builder challenge the best thing about the 15 day business builder challenge is that it only cost seven dollars to enroll the 15 day challenge taught me everything that i need to know and allowed me to start my business and take it from zero to forty thousand dollars in less than three months now i can't guarantee any results but that training taught me all of the skills that i know now that allowed me to profitably do affiliate marketing online today so if you think the 15 day business builder challenge is right for you or you just want to learn more about it i've added a link down in the description now that brings us to the end of this video if you learned something today please make sure you like this video and subscribe and turn on the notifications because you're not going to want to miss any of my upcoming videos showing you how to make money online thanks for watching see you on the next video [Music]
Channel: Make Money with Stacy La
Views: 200,258
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to make money online, affiliate marketing, affiliate marketing tutorial, affiliate marketing for beginners, make money online, affiliate marketing training
Id: kg7DccviAio
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 35sec (1115 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 16 2021
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