Pinkalicious & Peteriffic FULL EPISODE | Princess Pinkalicious / Switcheridoo | PBS KIDS

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- [Announcer] This episode was made possible in part by Ikea and Kiddie Academy. ♪ Pink is the fun of twirling around ♪ ♪ And scooting and honking the happiest sound ♪ ♪ Or climbing on blocks to the moon up above ♪ ♪ Pink is a feeling of joy and love ♪ ♪ Pink is imagining what we can be ♪ ♪ A dancer ♪ ♪ A robot ♪ ♪ A pirate at sea ♪ ♪ Pink is a giggle that wiggles your toes ♪ ♪ Pink is a sparkle that glows and glows ♪ ♪ It's a pinkatastic feeling ♪ ♪ In a pinkamazing way ♪ ♪ It's a pinkatastic feeling ♪ ♪ On a pinkaperfect day ♪ ♪ Anything can happen as we play the day away ♪ ♪ It's a Pinkalicious feeling ♪ ♪ Peterrific you might say ♪ ♪ Pinkalicious and Peterrific ♪ ♪ Pinkalicious pink, pink hooray! ♪ Pink, pink hooray! PINKALICIOUS: "Princess Pinkalicious"! I am Princess Pinkalicious! Oh. (chuckles) (roars) Eek! I'm Firebreath the Dragon, and I eat princesses! Eek! (roars) (laughter) (roars) Hey, who turned out the lights? (grunts) Oof... Ow! I repeat, ow! Huh? I never noticed a door there before. Me, neither. I wonder what's behind it. A gazillion kazoos? A magical frog? A new scooter? (giggles) There's only one way to find out what really is behind the door. Vaporize it with my mighty flame! (pants) (roars) (giggles) It didn't work? I don't believe it. (knocks) Please open up, in the name of Princess Pinkalicious of Pinkville and... (door handle rattles) ♪ ♪ I say, a princess! A knight? Cool! (yelps) A dragon! Don't worry, your highness, I will defend you from this extremely scary and terrifyingly bloodcurdling dragon. What? I'm not a dragon. See? (yelps) A dragon that can turn into a boy! (shudders) Uh-oh. (thud) Thank you so much. I am so sorry for making such a fuss. (groans) The one day a princess turns up and I faint. So embarrassing. Oh, Sir Knight, I'm not a princess. I'm just pretending. Nonsense, Sir Percy the Pink knows a princess when he sees one. And you are a true princess. Would you... would you like to come and be a princess in the castle? Wait, that's what's behind the door? A castle? A real castle? ♪ ♪ (gasps) Wow! (gasps) It's completely pinkamazing! Of course I want to come and be a princess. Just let me go ask Mommy. Mommy, Mommy! We just met a real knight in a real castle and he says we can come in and I can be a real princess just for a day. Is that okay? Please say yes-- please, please, please! You mean Sir Percy at Castle Pinkburgh? That's fine. BOTH: Yay! (gasps) Dragon! (both giggle) Still just me. And Mommy says we can stay. I'm so pleased about both of those things. Your highness. Your Highness, Castle Pinkburgh is yours to command. (both cheering) Yay! (echoing): Ooh! ♪ ♪ (gasps) ♪ ♪ Wow. SIR PERCY: This is the Grand Hall. We used to hold feasts and balls here. Ooh, I'd love to dance at a ball. I'd love to feast at a feast. (laughter) I wonder how real princesses dance. Oh, this should help. "The Complete Princesses Handbook." Ah... (mumbling) No, no, no-- ah, here, page 12. PINKALICIOUS: Bow... step... hop... turn. Okay! Come on, Peter, and Sir Percy. Oh, I can't. The armor, you know. Far too heavy for prancing about. You carry on. (giggles) Okay. Bow, step, hop, turn... bow, step, hop, turn. And turn, and turn. I love princess dancing! SIR PERCY: Oh, uh... (clears throat) sorry, Princess Pinkalicious, but full twirling is not part of the Princess Dance. The Princess Dance must be danced correctly with only those specific steps. Otherwise, it's not the Princess Dance. Oh... but I love twirling! Oh, well-- okay! Bow, step, hop, turn. Bow, step... Sir Percy? What are the rules about dragons dancing? Um... I... I don't think there are any. Awesome! ♪ ♪ Turn-- (gasps) Ooh... You're very welcome to try it on. Really? Wow, thank you! It's so beautiful. And also so heavy. Princesses must have really strong necks. And now, I, Princess Pinkalicious, of Castle Pinkburgh, declare that I am... (stomach gurgles) Wow. Really hungry. Sir Percy? Please, may we have... A snack? Of course, your most royal highness. Wow, those cupcakes look yummy. Thank you. Oh... (chuckles) It's nothing. My own recipe. I'd really like to do more baking, but with all the jousting practice and armor polishing, it's just hard to find the time. Thanks, Sir Percy. (bell tolling) Ooh. Okay, according to this, it's time to go to the top of the tallest tower and wave to your adoring people. Peter, would you mind staying here and being an adoring person? Slight turn of the wrist, and... perfect, you're a natural. (chewing): Mm. Yoo-hoo! Oh, hey, Peter! I can see you. Hello! Hi! Hi! Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no. That's far too big and wavy for a princess. Oh, sorry, I was just excited. (laughs): Ha, ha, ha. Uh, sorry. Page 85 says, "Princesses don't say 'ha-ha-ha,' they say 'hee-hee.'" (bell tolls) Ah-ha, time for Princess Painting. Yes! I love painting. Huh? Why are there only two colors? These are the official princess colors. The book is very clear. Majestic Magenta and Royal Rose. (bell tolls) Whoa! This is too hard with the crown on. I might just... The crown has to stay on. I mean, that's page one stuff. But I can't play soccer with it on. Well, actually... about that. Let me guess. Princesses can't play soccer? Racquetball is the one approved royal sport for princesses. Oh... (bell tolls) Oh, okay, time for more waving. More waving? Oh, Sir Percy, being a princess is a lot harder than I thought it would be. I can't twirl, I can't paint what I want, I can't laugh the way I want, I can't play soccer! All I'm allowed to do is wave. Well, only at the proper times. Thank you for everything. But... I don't think I want to be a princess anymore. (gasps) You don't? Really? According to that book, I can't do anything I want to do. This isn't at all what I thought being a princess would be. (sighs) I think I'm ready to go home. Are you sure? I mean, I... well, I do understand. (sighs) I find being a knight terribly hard at times. I'm awful at jousting and-- don't tell anyone, but I don't really care if my armor is shiny. I'd much rather do topiary. What's topiary? Turning bushes and trees into sculptures. I did those. PETER: Whoa, they're amazing! Not very knightly, though. Who says? Well, there's a book for knights, too. A whole chapter on armor. Nothing on gardening. Well, I think... we should stop reading these books. (exclaims) I think we should write a new book! ♪ Be who you want to be ♪ ♪ Nothing else will do ♪ ♪ Be who you want to be ♪ ♪ And let yourself be you ♪ ♪ My kind of princess gets to twirl ♪ ♪ 'Cause I'm a twirly kind of girl ♪ ♪ A princess who can kick a ball ♪ ♪ Score a goal, do it all! ♪ ♪ Paint with lots of colors ♪ ♪ Not just two or three ♪ ♪ Wave with both my hands ♪ ♪ So everyone can see ♪ BOTH: ♪ Be who you want to be ♪ ♪ Nothing else will do ♪ ♪ Be who you want to be ♪ ♪ And let yourself be you ♪ SIR PERCY: ♪ My kind of knight ♪ ♪ Has time to bake ♪ ♪ And decorate the yummiest cake! ♪ ♪ A knight who loves to trim a tree ♪ ♪ Into a cat or a bumble bee ♪ ♪ I'm friends with every dragon ♪ ♪ We never have a fight ♪ ♪ I like to treat them kindly ♪ ♪ I'm a kindly kind of knight! ♪ BOTH: ♪ Be who you want to be ♪ ♪ Nothing else will do ♪ ♪ Be who you want to be ♪ ♪ And let yourself be you ♪ ♪ Let yourself ♪ ♪ Be you ♪ And you, Peter, can be a dragon who break dances. Don't let anyone tell you differently. Actually, now I want to be a skateboarding rocket. Oh, good luck with that. You're a pinkamazing knight, Sir Percy. And you are a true princess. Oh, well done, your highness. (laughter) PINKALICIOUS: "Switcheridoo." ♪ ♪ Peter's dirty T-shirt-- (grunts) Peter's smelly sock. (groans) Pee-yew! Uh, Peter, a little help tidying up? Could you give me a hand with the chores, please? (gasps) (Pinkalicious and Peter laughing outside) 994 Peter jumps, 995 Peter jumps... And it's Pinkalicious on the ball... she beats one teddy... two teddies... Kids, please, could you both come inside and clean up a little? Oh, please, can I play for just five more minutes? I'm in the middle of a really important game. And I'm about to break my all-time record for Peter jumps. Ooh, why don't you bounce with me, Daddy? DADDY: Oh. (laughs) Well, I think I'm a little too big for your trampoline. Besides, I'm also a little too busy right now to play. Chores, anyone? (Rosie meows) (Rusty barking) Huh? (grunts) (Rosie meowing and Rusty barking) And why is Rusty here? We're looking after him while Rafael and Frida are away, remember? (laughs) (Pinkalicious and Peter giggling) Right-- so, chores? Who wants to see my brand new invention? PINKALICIOUS: A new invention? PETER: Awesome! (sighs) Presenting... The Switcheridoo! Ooh. Cool. What does The Switcheridoo do? Ooh, can I pull the lever? Oh, careful, Peter. Only grown-ups should work it. The Switcheridoo makes things switch places when they are placed under these gates. First, I pull the lever... then... I put the things I want to switch on the pads. (Rusty barking) (Rosie meows) Rusty, stop! Rosie, wait! (machine whirring) Phew, it didn't work. They didn't switch places. (Rusty meows) (all gasp) Rusty? (Rosie barks) Rosie? (Rusty meows) They've switched bodies. I didn't think it would work on animals. Sorry, you two. (Rusty purrs) (Peter laughs) Uh, you can switch them back, right? I should be able to. If I just pull the lever to charge the Switcheridoo up again, then get them back. (machine rattling) ♪ ♪ (Rosie barks) (Rusty meows) Rosie! Rusty, stop! (Rosie barking) (Rusty meowing) MOMMY: Careful! Oh! Oof. (groans) Come here, come on. No, no, over here! (Rosie barking and Rusty meowing) Oh, dear. Come on, come on, yes. Come on, boy! Rosie! Rusty! Uh-oh. PETER: Wait, why can I see the top of my own head? DADDY: Huh, why am I wearing shorts? MOMMY: And why have I got pigtails? Just like Pinkali... cious. (all gasp) We've been Switcheridoo'd! I'm in your body! And I'm in your body. We switched bodies, too, Mommy. (gasps) (Peter and Pinkalicious cheer) PETER Yeah, let's go! PINKALICIOUS: Yes! Pinkalicious, we're grown-ups. Do you know what this means? I know, think of all the pinkamazing things we can do now! PINKALICIOUS: We can drive a car. (horn honking) (laughs) PETER: And instead of going to school... we can get cool jobs. I could be a lever-puller. (horn blares) PINKALICIOUS: I could be... (gasps) Mayor of Pinkville! And make all the rules. I hereby declare that there'll be no more homework in Pinkville! PETER: (cheering) Yeah! And best of all? We can stay up all night. Mommy, Daddy, can we please be grown-ups just for one day? Please, please, please, please? (laughs) I guess it could be fun to be a kid for a little while. Sure feels good to be able to touch my toes again. (grunting) Well... okay. (Peter and Pinkalicious cheering) But, just for one day. And if you want to be grown-ups, you have to promise to do all of the grown-up tasks... BOTH: We promise! Oh, well, in that case, it's been a long time since I've been able to do... this. (laughter) (Mommy and Daddy cheering) I haven't had this much energy for years! (sighs) Slow down, you two. (giggles) (panting) I sound like a real grown-up! (out of breath): Yes, we're in charge... now. Whew. ♪ ♪ Whee! Whoo! (laughs) Again! (grunting) PINKALICIOUS: (laughs) Hey, Jasmine! Um... hi, Mrs. Pinkerton. Come on, let's play. (gasps) I can fit inside the playhouse! Hey, your voice sounds funny. Oh, yes, I forgot about that, (changes voice): We have sore throats, right, Dad... I mean, Peter? Yeah. (clears throat) (in a higher pitched voice): Yeah. Uh, that is right, Pinkalicious. Phew. I don't sound like that. And we're missing out on all the fun. Then we have to make our own fun. Hmm... what do grown-ups do for fun at the park? COFFEE VENDOR: Coffee here! Fresh, delicious coffee here. That's what they do. Mommy and Daddy are always excited to get their coffee at the park. PINKALICIOUS: (clears throat) (in a deeper voice): Two coffees, please. (in a deeper voice): Good day, sir. Cream and six sugars in mine, please. ♪ ♪ (both slurping) Blech! Blech! Coffee tastes horrible. Why do grown-ups drink this stuff? I have no idea. (Peter sighs) Now there's nothing for us to do. Let's just go home. Kids, time to go home! MOMMY: Aww, but we only just got here. Five more minutes? MOMMY AND DADDY: Please, please, please, please. What do we do? I know how much we love playing in the park. But do you know what's also fun for kids? Ice cream! Ice cream? I'm gonna get every flavor! See? Being a grown-up is easy. ♪ ♪ All righty, here you go. You two can try out my latest kid's special. Thank you! I love being a kid! And a couple of regular cones for your folks. BOTH (sadly): Thank you. ♪ ♪ Whoa... (gasps) My ice cream! Aww... It's okay, kids. You can have ours. What? (sighs) Okay. I guess that's the grown-up thing to do. Thanks, Mommy and Daddy! (laughter) Okay, kids, it's time for bed. (yawning) But I'm not tired. Me either. Too much ice cream! (both groan) PINKALICIOUS: And they all lived happily ever after... again. Okay, she's finally asleep. Him, too. (snoring) Eh, good enough. (snoring) Getting kids to go to sleep is hard. But now, we get to stay up super late! (yawns) PINKALICIOUS: But first we have to do our grown-up chores. ♪ ♪ Done. (yawns) Grown-ups sure have a lot of chores. Do you still want to stay up late? Peter? Peter? (snoring) (yawns) Being an adult is exhausting. Come on, Pinkalicious, get up! Oh... You and Peter need to make us breakfast. You're the grown-ups. (gasps) How did you... When did you... Oh, we've been up for hours playing. We just have so much energy. I-- I can't keep up with them. We need to switch back. Ooh, can we switch back after we go to the park again? BOTH: No! PETER: Wait... only grown-ups can pull the lever. ♪ ♪ (machine whirring) DADDY: Did it work? PETER: I can't see the top of my head anymore. But I can see up your nose, Daddy. (giggles) PINKALICIOUS: And I've got my pigtails again! We've been Switcheridoo'd back! MOMMY: So, did you kids enjoy being grown-ups? I think I prefer being a kid. It's much more fun. Did you enjoy being kids again? I did, but... I kind of missed being Mommy. And I missed being Daddy. Aww. Well, I'm just glad everything is back to normal. (Rusty meowing and Rosie barking) Rusty! Rosie! (laughter) ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
Channel: PBS KIDS
Views: 246,206
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: PBS KIDS, children, kids, games, videos, educational, cartoons, Disney Jr., Nickelodeon, Nick Jr., Cartoon Network, Games, Videos, Full Episodes, Full Episode, life lessons, educational media, safe, streaming, pinkalicious and peterrific full episode, princess, knight, castle, fantasy, royalty, pinkalicious princess, growing up, switching bodies, being a grownup, kids cartoons, pink, Princess Pinkalicious, Switcheridoo, pinkalicious full episode, pinkalicious season 4
Id: cqeWeEgtCAs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 48sec (1428 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 26 2022
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