Pinkalicious & Peterrific | Pinkminster Dog Show / Do Over Ray | PBS KIDS

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- [Announcer] This episode was made possible in part by Ikea and Kiddie Academy. ♪ Pink is the fun of twirling around ♪ ♪ And scooting and honking the happiest sound ♪ ♪ Or climbing on blocks to the moon up above ♪ ♪ Pink is a feeling of joy and love ♪ ♪ Pink is imagining what we can be ♪ ♪ A dancer ♪ ♪ A robot ♪ ♪ A pirate at sea ♪ ♪ Pink is a giggle that wiggles your toes ♪ ♪ Pink is a sparkle that glows and glows ♪ ♪ It's a pinkatastic feeling ♪ ♪ In a pinkamazing way ♪ ♪ It's a pinkatastic feeling ♪ ♪ On a pinkaperfect day ♪ ♪ Anything can happen as we play the day away ♪ ♪ It's a Pinkalicious feeling ♪ ♪ Peterrific you might say ♪ ♪ Pinkalicious and Peterrific ♪ ♪ Pinkalicious pink, pink hooray! ♪ Pink, pink hooray! PINKALICIOUS: "Pinkminster Dog Show." Fetch, Rusty! (barking) Go get it, boy! ♪ ♪ That-a boy, Rusty. Way to go! (pants, barks) Great catch, Rusty. Hey, Rafael. Hey, Pinkalicious. (both giggling) You're such a good dog, Rusty. He sure is. That's why he's going to be the next... Top Dog at the Pinkminster Dog Show! The Pinkminster Dog Show? The show where dogs compete to see who's the best at doing tricks? Yes, Rusty is such a good dog, I'm sure he can win. ♪ ♪ RAFAEL: Hmm... But Rusty's never been in a dog show before. That's okay. According to this, a dog only needs to know three simple tricks: sit, paw, and roll over. RAFAEL: I'm not sure he knows those tricks. Rusty is such an amazing dog, it'll be easy to teach him. What do you think, Rusty? Do you want to be in the Pinkminster Dog Show? (barks) I think that's a yes! PINKALICIOUS: Okay, Top Dog, sit. (squirrel squeaks) ♪ ♪ (barking) RAFAEL AND PINKALICIOUS: Rusty! Come back! Over here, boy! It's okay, let's try again. Rusty, sit. ♪ ♪ Wait a minute, I know what we're doing wrong! We need to give Rusty a treat. Of course, no wonder Rusty isn't listening to us. (barks) Now, sit, Rusty. No, Rusty. (gasps) (groans) This is frustrating. Did you see that? Rusty balanced that treat on his head! Oh, he always does that. But he won't sit. Let's try a different trick, then. Rusty, give me your paw. Shake. Like this. C'mon, your turn, Rusty. Shake Pinkalicious's hand. (panting) He's doing the shake! Paw-tastic! (children giggling) He's getting distracted. Rusty, you have to pay attention if you want to be Top Dog. Now, shake. (children laughing) (barks) (laughter) (sighs) Rusty will never be Top Dog at Pinkminster. He can't even stay focused to do one simple trick! It's okay, Rafael, Rusty will get it. We just have to be patient. (playing kazoo) Huh? Rusty's... dancing? I know. He always dances when he hears a kazoo. (playing kazoo) Yeah, Rusty's a great dancer. And he can sing, too. (plays kazoo) (howling to the music) Unbelievable! (laughs) Next thing you know, Rusty will start playing the keyboard. (howling) (playing keyboard) He can play the keyboard? Rusty is a dog of many talents. (applauding) Wow, I had no idea Rusty was so musical. Oh, yes. He can sing and dance and play the keyboard. (sighs) He just can't sit, or shake, or roll over. Rusty's not like other dogs. He's got some unique talents, all right. Just like how kids can be good at different things. Is there anything else... special that Rusty can do? Not really. Unless you count the teacup. The teacup? (playing kazoo) ♪ ♪ Pinkamazing! Wait till the judge sees this! Rusty's sure to win Top Dog at the Pinkminster Dog Show! Do you really think so? Definitely! He might not be able to sit, or roll over, or give us his paw, but no other dog can do what Rusty can. Maybe you're right. Rusty, I'm starting to think you might just win Top Dog. ♪ There may be other doggies ♪ ♪ Who learn tricks so easily ♪ ♪ But none of them can sing like you ♪ ♪ You're a Top Dog to me ♪ (barking) ♪ You don't shake paws like some dogs do ♪ ♪ Or sit obediently ♪ ♪ But you can dance to a kazoo ♪ ♪ Oh, you're Top Dog to me ♪ ♪ You're my Rusty, you're my friend ♪ ♪ True and trusty to the end ♪ ♪ Even when you're chasing squirrels ♪ ♪ You're the best dog in the world ♪ (howling) ♪ ♪ ♪ You don't roll over when I say ♪ ♪ Or do things perfectly ♪ ♪ But I love you in every way ♪ BOTH: ♪ You're Top Dog to me ♪ ♪ You're Top Dog ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ Yes, you're Top Dog to me ♪ Come on, Rusty, let's show the judge what you can do! (barks) Ladies, gentlemen, and furry friends, welcome to the 50th Annual Pinkminster Dog Show! (applause) C'mon, Rusty! Go Rusty! Yeah! You can do it! (both giggling) For our first pooch performer of the evening, please give a grand Pinkville welcome to our five-time defending champion, Pawnelope! In her spare time, Pawnelope enjoys getting her fur shampooed, bubble baths, and walks on the beach. ♪ ♪ (crowd "ooh"s, applauds) (crowd "ahh"s, applauds) Did you see that? She's really good. But can she dance? (crowd applauds) ♪ ♪ (panting) MAYOR MARTINEZ: And last but not least, allow me to introduce Rusty, who also happens to be our very own Martinez family dog! In his spare time, Rusty likes eating, chasing squirrels, and playing with his beloved squeaky toy. ♪ ♪ (crowd gasps) (crowd gasps, applauds) Oh, atta boy, Rusty! (applause continues) Uh... (clears throat) I mean, I have never seen such an unusual performance here at Pinkminster. (applause, crowd gasping) MAYOR MARTINEZ: The crowd loves Rusty, but how will the judge feel? (howling, playing notes) (crowd gasps) ♪ ♪ Uh-oh. MAYOR MARTINEZ: It looks like the judge wants to see Rusty do the regular tricks. Just like the other dogs did. Those are the rules. ♪ ♪ Uh, Rusty, sit. Shake, Rusty. Give me your paw. ♪ ♪ (crowd groans) Come on, boy, sit. I can't watch. (Rusty panting) ♪ ♪ (Rusty barks, crowd chuckles) Oh, no, this is not good! Okay, Pinkville. The moment you've all been waiting for! It's time to announce our winners. Third place goes to... Queen Elizabark the First. (applause) Second place goes to... Woofgang. (applause) And the prize of Top Dog goes to... ♪ ♪ (gasps) Pawnelope! ALL: Oh, no. (applause) ♪ ♪ We didn't win. It's okay, Rafael. Rusty still did a great job. Rafael, I am so sorry. This was all my fault. It was my idea to have Rusty be in the show. I feel so bad. I was sure the judge would see how amazing he is. It's okay, Pinkalicious. He's Top Dog to me. Me, too. ♪ You're my Rusty ♪ ♪ You're our friend ♪ BOTH: ♪ True and trusty to the end ♪ ♪ Even when you're chasing squirrels ♪ ♪ You're still the best dog in the world ♪ ♪ It doesn't matter if you lose ♪ ♪ Or win for all to see ♪ ♪ I love you either way ♪ ♪ Because you're Top Dog to me ♪ ♪ Yes, you're Top Dog ♪ ♪ Oh, you're Top Dog to me ♪ (barking, howling) CROWD (chanting): Rusty! Rusty! Rusty! What is everyone saying? It sounds like they're saying "Rusty!" (cheers and applause) (whispers inaudibly) Oh, okay. (clears throat) Ladies and gentlemen, For the first time in the history of the Pinkminster Dog Show, we will be giving a new award. The winner of the Fan Favorite Award goes to... Rusty! (cheers and applause) (all cheering) (barking) Rusty says, "That's fur-tastic!" (all laugh) I'm so proud of you, Rusty. You're the best dog ever. ♪ ♪ CHILDREN: That's artalicious! SHIREEN: I'm going to be making a picture with pieces of fabric. AUGIE: An animal themed collage collaboration. SHIREEN: It means working together. AUGIE: Shireen is making her collage at her house, and I'm making my collage at my house. I think if you work together on something, it makes it even better, so we're gonna give each other our collages... SHIREEN: And I'm going to work on his collage, and he's gonna work on my collage. Wow. This is amazing. I think I'll do a flower. I wanted each of the petals to be different. It is wild. AUGIE: Shireen made a turtle. I think I want to do the fins first, and I'm adding a little fish. I think it looks great. ♪ ♪ Wow! It's so cool with all the different colors. I really liked the fish. (gasps) I love how you added the flowers. They're all, like, different colors. And I love the wings. And the backgrounds are similar because... You made them both. Yeah, I did. SHIREEN: You can work together with your friend and you end up with a completely different result than what you were expecting. PINKALICIOUS: "The Do-Over Ray." ♪ ♪ (giggling) ♪ ♪ Ooh, hold on, Daddy, I just had a pinkterrific idea! ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ There. Now my painting has real grass in it. Just like our garden! That is very cool. Oh, no. Hey, Pinkalicious, catch! Peter, my painting! ♪ ♪ Aww... I'll go get the ladder. MOM: That's okay, I got this. ♪ ♪ (video rewind sound) Whoa... What just happened? It's like everything went backwards to where it was before. Looks like my new invention really works. What is it, Mommy? I call it the Do-Over Ray. It gives you a chance to do over a mistake you made. Like throwing my flying disc on the roof? Exactly like that. Or... like this. Pinkamazing! Imagine if we could do over any mistake we made! ♪ ♪ Whoa... Whoa, oh! (both groaning) Ah! (giggles) Do over! Whoa! BOTH: Woo-hoo! ♪ ♪ (blowing) ♪ ♪ (gasps) Do over! (video rewind sound) (both blowing) Woo-hoo! Yay! ♪ ♪ Oops. Do over! (video rewind sound) ♪ ♪ BOTH: Mmm! Can Peter and I take the Do-Over Ray to show our friends? Maybe even give them a do-over! I think that would be okay. But don't be gone too long, Pinkalicious. You've got soccer practice soon. Okay. Come on, Peter! ♪ ♪ JASMINE: 12, 13, 14... 15, 16, 17... Hi, Jasmine! Whoa! Jasmine, are you okay? I'm fine, but I was trying for a new jump rope record. Guess I'll have to start over. Or... how would you like a do-over? So you can try it again. (chuckles) Sure, why not? One do-over coming up. (video rewind sound) 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20! I did it! But how did I do it? With the Do-Over Ray. It's Mommy's new invention. That's amazing, thanks! You're welcome. Come on, Peter. Let's go see who else needs a do-over. (giggles) ♪ ♪ Hi, Mr. Crunk! (muttering) (both gasp) Mr. Crunk, what happened to your mustache? I went in for a little trim, but they trimmed too much. Without my mustache, I just don't feel like me. ♪ ♪ What you need is a do-over! A what now? A do-over. To fix a mistake. So you can get your mustache back. Huh, wouldn't that be nice. (sighs) Guess I'll have to wait for it to grow back. (video rewind sound) ♪ ♪ My mustache, it's back! Mustache-errific! I don't know how you did it, but I'm so happy you did! We used Mommy's invention. Well, thank you! And thank your mom! I love the Do-Over Ray. It's like having a superpower! I know! And helping people feels really good! Let's go help some more! Okay! Only, I need to go to soccer practice. But, we can do more Do Overs later. All right! ♪ ♪ Go, Pinksters! Good luck getting past me. Go for the goal, Rafael! ♪ ♪ Oops! Oh, no! That's a goner. Aww, that was our only ball. Now we can't keep playing. Sorry, everybody. You don't have to be sorry, Rafael. Just do it over again. But how? We can use Mommy's invention, the Do-Over Ray. Watch this. (video rewind sound) Whoa! (giggles) That's what I said. Now, go for the goal! ♪ ♪ (all cheering) Goal! ♪ ♪ The Do-Over Ray! Oh, no. Too bad you can't use the Do-Over Ray on the Do-Over Ray. We better bring it home and show Mommy. ♪ ♪ Hey, kids! How did it go with the Do-Over Ray? Well, we did a do-over for Jasmine so she could keep jumping rope after she fell. Then we helped Mr. Crunk get his mustache back. Sounds like you put the Do-Over Ray to good use. That's terrific. It was terrific... until this happened. ♪ ♪ Oh... I was cheering for Rafael and I dropped it. I'm really sorry. That's okay, Peter, accidents happen. And I think I can fix it. Might take a little time, though. I'll help you, Mommy. Since I'm the one that broke it. Thanks, Peter. Guess I'll go back and finish my painting. ♪ ♪ (wind whipping) Ooh, these are perfect! ♪ ♪ Pinkalicious, look, we fixed the Do-Over Ray! That's fantastic! And just in time, too. The wind blew a bunch of grass and leaves on your painting. (giggles) It wasn't the wind... I'll just give you a do-over! Peter, wait! (video rewind sound) Peter, make it stop! I put the grass and leaves there on purpose! You did? ♪ ♪ It's not stopping! Peter! (grunts) Oh, no. (gasps) My painting. I'm really sorry, Pinkalicious. It took me so long to paint, and now you ruined it! Hey, what's going on? Is everybody okay? ♪ ♪ Uh-oh. (sniffles) I was just trying to help. Aww, honey, I'm really sorry about your painting. But you know it was an accident, right? Peter would never do anything to make you feel bad on purpose. (sniffles) I know. (sighs) I feel bad about what I said to him. Peter did something he wishes he didn't do, and you said something you wish you hadn't said. Sounds like you could both use a do-over. I can use the Do-Over Ray to undo what I said to Peter. You could, only... it might take me days to fix it this time. Hmm... maybe longer. Wait... I don't need the Do-Over Ray to fix this. I can do it myself. ♪ ♪ (knocking) Oh, hi, Pinkalicious. Peter... I'm really sorry I said you ruined my painting. I know you were just trying to help. Thanks, but I really did ruin it. I loved my painting, but now I can paint a whole new one. And maybe it will be even more pinkamazing than the first one. Really? Want to come outside and help me decide what to paint? Yes! I really like the way this new painting is coming out. But... it's missing something. ♪ ♪ How about these? Yes! ♪ ♪ Floweriffic! Thanks, Peter. I'll get you some more. Huh? Did Mommy fix the Do-Over Ray? No, it's just really fun to go backwards. (both giggle) ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
Channel: PBS KIDS
Views: 268,668
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: PBS KIDS, education, children, kids, games, videos, educational, cartoons, Disney Jr., Nickelodeon, Nick Jr., Cartoon Network, Games, Videos, Full Episodes, Full Episode, life lessons, educational media, safe, streaming, Pinkalicious & Peterrific, Pinkminster Dog Show, Rafael train, Rusty's tricks, DogShow, paintings, Pinkalicious, Peterrific, Mommy's new invention, Do Over Ray, pinkalicious & peterrific sing along, pbs kids sing along, sing along pbs kids, Full episodes on PBS
Id: h02D1xZGsp0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 18sec (1518 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 23 2023
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