Halloween Compilation! πŸŽƒ | PBS KIDS

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(spooky music) - It's a scary pumpkin blob! Wuah! (laughing) - Yuck! Look, my pumpkin's scary too. Uh, maybe too scary. Daddy, can you please make his mouth curve up at the ends, so he's smiling? He's happy because it's almost Halloween. - Sure. - [Pinkalicious] Look what happens when I put a candle inside. He looks even happier. - What do you think, Pinkalicious? A crown fit for Pinkagirl? - It's pinkatastic! Thank you so much, Mommy! Pinkagirl is going to scare away all the ghosts and ghouls with her happy pumpkin. Oh, I can't wait until tomorrow! - Me too! β™ͺ Halloween is coming β™ͺ β™ͺ We can't wait β™ͺ β™ͺ Halloween is coming β™ͺ β™ͺ It's going to be great β™ͺ β™ͺ Halloween is coming, woo hoo β™ͺ β™ͺ There'll be spooky decorations β™ͺ β™ͺ Ghosts and goblins too β™ͺ β™ͺ Pumpkins with scary faces glowing in the dark β™ͺ - Boo! - Ah! β™ͺ Halloween is coming β™ͺ β™ͺ And we're going to pink or treat β™ͺ - Pink or treat? β™ͺ Up and down the street β™ͺ β™ͺ You mean trick or treat β™ͺ β™ͺ Saying pink or treat, pink or treat β™ͺ β™ͺ Give us something pink to eat β™ͺ - Oh, I get it! β™ͺ Halloween is coming, celebrate β™ͺ β™ͺ Halloween is coming, don't be late β™ͺ β™ͺ Halloween is coming, we can't wait β™ͺ β™ͺ Woo hoo β™ͺ - [Both] Boo! (laughing) (playful music) - Ooh! (bright music) Uh, thanks bro. (laughing) Okay, yuk it up, but seriously, what are we gonna do for Halloween? - Hmm, trick or treating? - A Halloween party? - A creepy creature adventure? - How about a creepy creature adventure, that turns into trick or treating, on the way over to a Halloween party? (groaning) - Stop fooling around! (gasps) (shouting) - Well, whatever we go, we can do it in this. - Awesome! - Cool. - And, it's so orange! (laughing) - Wow, I'm definitely feeling the Halloween spirit now. - All right, we're gonna need costumes. - Way ahead of you, bros. (upbeat music) - What are they up to? - I don't know, something Halloween-y? (Cody barking) - I'm telling you, Lillian, anything could happen on Halloween night. - Like what? - Like last year, I saw a witch and her cat flying a broom across the Moon! - You did? - Photographic proof, Lillian. I'm telling you, Halloween is magical. Okay, back to business. What are we going to wear for costumes this year? - I was thinking, pirate, argh! Avast, matey! Deliver me lumber. How 'bout you? - Stuffy Bear. It's a tradition with me, but we also need to come up with a great new costume for Sunspot. - You mean, Jet's pet? I thought he was already in costume. (laughs) - Nope, definitely a normal Earth pet. (laughs nervously) And, he promised to come trick or treating with us. (whistles) Sunspot! Sunspot! (energetic music) Remember, act like a dog, Sunspot. Lillian's here. (Lillian laughs) - What a good doggy. (laughs) - Okay Sunspot, let's find you a costume. Uh, you're a cowboy. You're a pineapple. You're a pineapple cowboy. Oh, you're a magician! (playful music) See, Halloween is magical. - Um, Halloween is not magical. It's just a regular, ordinary holiday. (Mindy gasps) - Mitchell, how can you say that? Remember last Halloween when we saw a witch flying a broom across the Moon? - Well okay, we did, but I'm convinced that it must've been some kind of trick. There's no magic, just magic tricks. - Well, believe what you want, Mitchell, but I think Halloween is magical, and we're gonna see all kinds of amazing magical things on Halloween night. - Well, I don't think we'll see any-- (ringing) (Cody barking) Oh! Um, I have to go do something completely different from what we're talking about. Come on, Cody! - Well, I see with my super Troodon night vision that everyone has arrived. That means it's time for our spooky scavenger hunt! - [Group] Spooky scavenger hunt? - It's a game where you pretend to be nocturnal, and see what it would be like to use your senses at night. - You mean like our sense of smell? - Yes, and our hearing and our vision too. Now that we're out here in the dark, I can show you that eye shine I was talking about. - Whoa, look! - His eyes are shiny. - All right passengers, it's your turn to try to use your night senses to find things in the dark. First up, what can you find with your sense of smell? - Ooh, Buddy, remember the flowers that grow here at the big pond? - Yeah! - I bet you can help us find them. - Okay everyone, follow my nose. (sniffing) (playful music) - Uh, I just smell leaves and dirt. (sniffing) - Uh, my nose is kinda stuffed up tonight. Buddy, how 'bout you? (sniffing) - I smell flowers, this way! (sniffing) Ta-da! - You found them, hooray! - Nice job, Team Pteranodon, oh, and you too, Ned. - Thanks, let's tell the Conductor! (laughing evilly) - Oh, such a cute costume, Nature Cat. - Cute, really? I was going for scary. (laughs evilly) - Hi, Nature Cat! - Really, nothing? Not at all scary to you? - Scary? You mean like this? (shouts) But do you think it's scary enough to win scariest jack-o'-lantern at the Halloween party, Nature Cat? Nature Cat? Nature Cat? - Yes, it's scary. Really, really scary. (laughs nervously) Nice work, Hal. - Thank you kind sir. - Not everything about Halloween has to be scary, Nature Cat. Look at my fairy costume. Floating, floating, gently floating. Floating, floating, to the ground. Whoa, nice pumpkin, Daisy, - Oh, thanks! I'm going to enter it in the biggest and most beautiful pumpkin contest. Man, oh man, I just love this pumpkin so much. Just love ya, pumpkin. - I love it too, how it's so Halloweeny, and orangey, and pumpkininny. - It sure is a beaut. I just hope it's big enough to win. - I don't think I have to worry about that. Ta-da! - [Group] Whoa! - Now that's a pumpkin! - Oh, they certainly grow up fast. - [Group] Aw! - I've been raising this big guy since it was a tiny, tiny seed. β™ͺ I love my pretty pumpkin, just so orange and round β™ͺ β™ͺ Here lays my pretty pumpkin, no bigger can be found β™ͺ β™ͺ The fruit came from the flower β™ͺ β™ͺ That blooms so big and bright β™ͺ β™ͺ The vines grew by the hour β™ͺ β™ͺ The leaves grew overnight β™ͺ β™ͺ My pumpkin grew so very fast, faster than a weed β™ͺ β™ͺ It seems like only yesterday β™ͺ β™ͺ My pumpkin was a seed β™ͺ And now it's all grown up. (sniffles) I guess it's time. Oh, I can't do it, I just can't do it! - Oh Daisy, of course you can. Now the pumpkin's fully grown, healthy and beautiful, all thanks to you. - And now you can show everybody else how gorgeous it is. (bright instrumental music) (Daisy gasps) (grunting) - How about a picture to commemorate this occasion? Of pumpkin and friend. - Oh, I'd like that very much, Nature Cat. - [Nature Cat] Okay, say Halloween! - Halloween! - And okay, hold still, and oh, wait, whoops. Sorry, not sure how to work this. Uh, huh? Did it take a picture? No, I don't, what do I press? - Oh, Nature Cat. (chuckles) Here, I'll show you. Just press right here, the big red button, okay? Oh no, that's a selfie. Yeah, okay, press that, okay? - Uh-huh, gotcha. So, the big red button it is. (chuckles) Just stand back next to your, pumpkin! (gasps) Where'd it go? - Pumpkin! (playful music) - Meow meow, I'm not ready. I want to be a ballerina, and a firefighter, and a superhero. - Wow, you want to be a lot of things. - I do, I can't decide, meow meow. I can't pick one thing to dress up as, meow meow. So, I don't want to dress up anymore. - Oh, but Katerina, know what my mom told me? β™ͺ Dress up any way you choose β™ͺ β™ͺ Find a way that's right for you β™ͺ You don't have to pick just one costume, toots. - I don't? Meow meow, I don't. β™ͺ Dress up any way you choose β™ͺ β™ͺ Find a way that's right for you β™ͺ Oh, I know what to do now. Okay everybody, cover your eyes. - Uh-huh. - Okie dokie. - Keep them covered! - What do you think Katerina is going to be? I can't wait to see. - Open your eyes! Meow meow, ta-da! - I love it, but what are you? - I'm super firefighter ballerina Katerina! I fight fires and save the day, ta-da! And dance the whole time. - Oh wow! - Oh, and I'm a mommy too. β™ͺ Dress up any way you choose β™ͺ β™ͺ Find a way that's right for you β™ͺ And the way that's right for me is dressing up as everything! - I like it, toots. - [Narrator] Hey neighbor, today our friends are having a costume party. Let's see what's in the special box. (energetic dance music) Howdy, C.J. Look, he's a sheriff. What about Simon? He's dressed up as a, (gasps) rocket ship! Those are sparkly boots. Is she a butterfly? Chase is a lovely fairy. Let's see what Ally is wearing. A karate uniform! Looks great, Ally. Next up is Aaron, a cowboy! She's a monster! But she's a nice monster. There's Gus and his ninja costume. Ahoy mateys! Here comes pirate Noelle! There are so many ways to dress up. Thanks for playing dress up with us, neighbor. (light instrumental music) - Peter, could you pass me that red marker please? Peter? Peter? Where is he? - I don't know, and where's Frida? - [Both] Boo! - Ah! (laughing) - Hmm. - It's not as scary as I thought it would be. (playful music) - Uh, do you think it'll work? - It's a scarecrow. It's not supposed to scare us, it's supposed to scare the birds. I'm sure it'll work. One, two, three, push! - [All] Hooray! (birds chirping) (playful music) - Oh, they like it. - Okay, maybe our scarecrow does need to be a bit scarier. - It's so cheerful. I don't know how we're gonna make it scary. - Well, maybe we should start by thinking about what scares us? - Good idea! - Hmm, well. - Nothing scares me! - Me too! - Except, sometimes I get scared of things that are a lot bigger than me. - Okay, so let's make the scarecrow bigger! - We can use this for the body. - Great! - And I am not scared of flowers. - We're supposed to think about what scares us, not what doesn't scare us. - It's wearing a flowery shirt. I just mean I don't think that's very scary. - Oh, right. (bright music) - It's so smiley. That's not scary! - I can try and draw a scarier face. Hmm, how do we make his face look really scary? - One, two, three. - [Both] Boo! - Ah! - Eek! That's great. Stay like that! Okay, yes, a huge frown, of course! That's really scary. - Come on, let's go find more spooky stuff we can use. (bright music) - Here! Look, spooky twigs. - Ooh, we can use them for fingers! And maybe these pieces of bark could be... - Teeth? - Yeah! (giggling) - Oh. - It's a little scarier than I thought it would be. (spooky music) - I don't know about the birds, but it definitely scares me. - Is is a bit too scary? - No, it's-- - Awesome! - One, two, three, push! (laughing evilly) (birds squawking) (suspenseful music) - Thanks for helping us carve it out, Mom and Dad. - Wowza, that is one impressive Earth John-o'-lantern. - Um, it's jack-o'-lantern. (laughs) - Oh, cute nickname. - Now, what are we gonna do with all this pumpkin gloop? - Hmm, got it! (whistling) (squeaking) (energetic music) (slurping) - Okay, it's great that we hollowed out the pumpkin, but we still have to move it downtown, and it's late! - No problem! (grunting) And it still won't budge. (Sydney laughs) - Too bad the pumpkin can't just fly. (Jet gasps) - Or can it? (whistles) (Cody barks) Excellent, Bortronian engine parts! Did you bring the carbiffinator? Ha ha, then let's get busy! Excelsior! (lightning crashes) (cackling) - [Both] A witch! (giggling) - See? Just like last year. Halloween is so magical. Right, Mitchell? (Mitchell sighs) - Mindy, that witch is just a kid in a Halloween costume. Ah! Oh. (power tools whirring) - Okay, Bortronian thrusters are installed! I'm all set to fly this thing down into town. Everybody coming? - Of course! - Uh, are you sure you can fly this thing? - Of course not, but I can't wait to try. Hop in, Sean! - And bring our pumpkin, Sean. - And sandwiches! (groaning) - It's always me. - Downtown pumpkin contest, here we come. Ready Jet Go! (dramatic music) - [Both] Ah. - Let's try that again. - Maybe I'll walk, ugh. - Hang on, go! Whoa! Who knew that flying an Earth pumpkin would be so complicated? - I kinda did. - One more time! Wait, wait, I... (cheering) - [All] We're flying! (dramatic music) - Oh no, guys, watch out, the villains are here! They're trying to take over Halloween! (playful music) - [Both] Huh. - Dabio, I must have a jewel dazzled trick or treat bag. - Yes, Donita. It's so pretty! - Oh please! My bag is so much baggier. - That costume is so ridiculous. I never dress like that. - Wow, you totally got us. (laughing) - Those are great Halloween costumes. - Gracias. - It's going to be so fun to be the villains this year, and which one of you is going to be Gourmand? - And Paisley? - Uh, not me. - Me neither. I know what would make the best Halloween costumes ever. You thinking what I'm thinking, bro? - Oh yeah, we're thinking about Creature Power Suits. - No, this is the best Halloween costume ever, Dracula! (dramatic music) I vant to steal your technology! (laughing evilly) It's almost Halloween, the most important question, what's my scheme? Should I do something that makes me richer and more powerful? Of course, but what? (snaps fingers) Yes, I know what I'll do. I can have a haunted house and fill it with lots of scary things! Hmm, that might be just the ticket. Maybe the Wild Ratts can give me some ideas. Spy bots, infiltrate the Tortuga. (playful music) - Hmm? A spy bot? Well, a little Zach spy bot is not going to help the villains mess with this holiday. - Oh yeah? Think you can stop me? I've got a backup. (rustling) (playful music) (gasps) - Look, it's a huge dinosaur! (roaring) - Whoa. - Phew. - Oh Buddy, what an imagination. It's just a tree. (screams loudly) (dramatic music) - [Buddy] What is that? - Maybe it's the Conductor trying to spook us? - Not this time. - It's okay, we'll see who it is. (suspenseful music) - Hello, Son! (shouting) (laughing) - [All] It's the Conductor's mom! (whimpering) - I knew that. - Mom, what are you doing out here in the dark? - Oh, well, hunting for food of course. What are you all doing out here? - We're on a spooky scavenger hunt. - Oh, of course. You're on the night train adventure! Oh, what fun. Do you kids know what my favorite part of the night train ride is? - [Group] What? - The midnight breakfast in the dining car! Oh, let's go everyone! (cheering) - [Both] Hmm. - Hurry, Peg! - We're safe in the tree, but our trick or treat bags are down there! - [Both] No! - We'll never get them from the tiger. He's too quick, so we'll never get our treats, not a single bit! This Halloween is no treat, and all trick. I am totally freaking out! - Cat's right, you should count backwards from five to calm down. Did you say we're never gonna get our treats back? I better count backwards too. - Five. - Four. - Three. - Two. - One! That's it, you genius fire hydrant! - How is he a genius? He scratched his behind. - And I could get our bags if I run behind the tiger. - Great mind, great behind. - Now's my chance! - She's behind the tiger. - Go mailbox! - She's got one, two, three bags. (tiger growls) - Tiger! - Help me! - We'll help you. - If you help us. (tiger growls) - Hey, pipe down, big guy. - You know this tiger? - Been looking for him all night. Sorry if he scared ya. - Not scary at all. - Maybe a little. - Time to get back to the circus, big fella. (people shouting) - Everyone is spooked. Ugh, they're acting like a bunch of adults. - This is exciting. I might actually get to see a real live ghost. - Olympia, ghosts aren't real. - You sound just my microwave. (microwave beeps) - [Microwave] Ghosts aren't real. - But my microwave was wrong and so are you. I was downstairs getting food from the storage room, when all of a sudden, I felt a really cold breeze. Then, the lights started to flicker. - Sounds like there was a draft in there, which explains the breeze and those lights are really old, which explains the flickering. - It's like I'm talking to my microwave all over again. (microwave beeps) - [Microwave] Sounds like there was a draft in there, which explains the breeze and those lights are really old, which explains the flickering. - After the lights flickered, I saw three mayonnaise jars float right off a shelf. Then on the other side of the room, five more did the same. Then they came together into one group in the middle of the room, and that's when I heard this really weird like, ghostly moan. It was like... (moaning) - Well, it's settled. There's definitely a ghost in Headquarters! (people screaming) - If you guys don't mind, I'm also going to run away. - Olympia, Otis, find this ghost, or not ghost, so everyone can get back to work! - We should go to the lab. Oona probably has some ghost catching gadgets. - Olympia, I'm sure there's a reasonable explain... Okay, good chat. - Look, a broken gadget. The ghost must've spooked Oona too. - Or it's just a regular day where Oona accidentally drops a gadget, and leaves it on the floor. - Okay, I'll give you that one. But how do you explain the floating mayonnaise jars? - Easy. Olly said there five mayonnaise jars on one side of the room and three on the other, then they floated into one larger group, and if we add the two groups together to see how many jars there in all, it's five plus three, which equals six, seven, eight. Eight mayonnaise jars, and who loves the number eight more than anyone? - The ghost who loves mayonnaise! - The villain Crazy Eights, and I bet she was trying to spook everyone out of Headquarters. (lights buzzing) (Olympia gasps) - This is the ghost saying you're wrong! - Olympia, the maintenance department just ran away screaming. Of course Headquarters is gonna go dark. Come on, I bet Crazy Eights is headed towards door number eight. - I still think this gadget has something to do with... Okay, good chat. (spooky music) - Wait, back up. What do you mean there's a ghost here? - Did you really see it? - Kind of. - What did it look like? Oh man, you're so lucky. I want to see a ghost! - No, you don't. Anyway, I'm sure I want to talk about it. - Oh, come on! You can't just say you've seen a ghost and then not tell us about it. (Arthur sighs) - Okay. I guess it all started about a week ago. I had just told Mom I wanted to have a Halloween sleepover in the tree house. - I don't know, Arthur. I'm not sure it's safe to sleep up there. What if someone rolls over and-- - We're going to put a crate up there to block the opening. - Okay, but how are you gonna get your sleeping bags and stuff up there? - Already thought of that too. We hooked up a pulley. It's really cool. You can come out and see it later. - Did I hear someone say sleeping bags? Are we going camping? - [Jane] No, sweetie. Arthur just wants to have a Halloween party at the tree house. - I want to come too! - You can't, D.W. It'd be too scary for you. Here, looking for the cereal? - Too scary? Ha! The only thing that scares me are octopotties, and they're only at the beach, so-- (screams) (Arthur laughs) - I rest my case! - That was a dirty rotten trick! - Arthur. - Sorry, I was just trying to prepare her for Halloween. (panting) - Oh, we made it. - Phew! - Good evening and welcome to the Boxwood Terrace pumpkin contest. So many pumpkins to evaluate, so many categories for awards. So, let the judging begin! - Oh, there's the contest! - Great! I'll just put her right down the middle. - Wait, we can't let the crowd see us flying this thing. We need to sneak in from behind. - Yeah, you know, stealthy. - Ooh, okay. Stealthy low it is. Hang on! (playful music) - Well, the clear winner for biggest pumpkin is... (gasping) That giant pumpkin that appeared out of nowhere! (crowd gasps) It's humongous! The clear winner for biggest pumpkin goes to Jet Propulsion. (crowd applauding) - But, but, no! He, he, he flew it! - Oh sure, and it's raining candy. (chuckles) The ribbon for most creative pumpkin goes to, Sean Rafferty. (crowd applauding) - What, what, what? - And most adorable little pumpkin goes to, Mindy Melendez. (crowd applauding) (Mindy giggles) - What, what, what, what? - And the ribbon for pumpkin most like a pet goes to Sidney Skelley. (crowd applauding) Oh boy, that really does look like Sunspot. - What? - Wait, whose pumpkin is this? (Melinda giggles) - No silly, that is Sunspot! (laughing) - Fine, Sunspot, you get the ribbon for, uh, pet most like a pumpkin! - But, but, Jet's pumpkin can't be an Earth pumpkin, and he flew it here, it's-- - Magical? - Well, there's nothing in the rules about whether or not you can fly the pumpkin here, Peterson. I don't care how it got here, it's a perfectly good Earth pumpkin, and it's the biggest. (Mitchell sighs) Never fear, there's one last ribbon, most classically perfect pumpkin. Excellent gardening skills, Mitchell. (crowd applauding) Bravo! - Good job, Jet. It really is a magical pumpkin. - Thanks, isn't it? And all it took was air, water, soil, and sunlight. (crowd applauding) And a little Bortronian sunlight. - And magic! Happy Magical Halloween! (upbeat music) - Wow, look at everyone. I wonder who will win the costume contest? (Captain Huggy Face chitters) - Hey Becky, nice costume! (Fluffy meows) - Whoa, Violet, I didn't recognize you. - I know, isn't this costume amazing? Word up! - Where did you get it? I mean, look at her tool belt. She has all of the Word Girl rays and wands. - Actually Word Girl doesn't have a ray. What she uses-- (yells) (gasping) Toby, watch where you're landing. - Watch where I land? Watch where you're standing! Violet, I must say it sure is eerie how much you look like Word Girl. Are you Word Girl? - Me? Are you kidding? - Let's test your supernatural word powers. Quick, define doppelganger! - What? - A doppelganger is a twin or lookalike, someone who-- - I hope my fellow classmates are looking forward to being defeated in the costume contest, because I clearly have the best costume in the entire playground. I cut my victory speech down to 25 pages. - I like Eugene's costume. (Toby scoffs) - Are you supposed to be a robot or a garbage can? That's far from authentic, my friend. - Toby, to be fair, I don't think real samurai warriors wore legwarmers. - My mother has failed me once again. - Now they have a problem, get 'em! - I'm right behind you! - Come on, let's see if we can save the final 10 cyberwatts. (energetic music) - Watch out! - Move it! - Coming through! (laughing maniacally) Oh, we showed them! Smooth sailing from here. - Got it! Yeah! - This way, it's a shortcut. (energetic music) (panting) (laughing evilly) - What? - Oh, oh no! (laughing evilly) (panting) (dramatic music) (screaming) - Got it! - Yeah! - Oh perfect! Oh, would you look at that. (chuckles) (laughs) - Got it! Oh. - Yeah! - Hi there! - Huh? - Bye there! - Hey! - Hmm, so I guess we're lost now. - Almost there, neighbor. Ready for some big surprises everyone? Ta-da, the patch! - [Group] Wow! - I've never seen anything like this before. - Me neither, Buddy. - They're amazing! - You know, Larry, I'm impressed. They are amazing. - I know, aren't they? - So, what kind of gourds are they, Mr. Lambeosaurus? - Glad you asked, Tiny. I call 'em pumpkins. - [Group] Pumpkins? (giggling) - It's Larry's nickname for them. - Well, they're so big and orange and special, I thought these gourds deserved a special name. (giggling) - Well, there certainly are a lot of 'em. - Sure are, so what do you think, neighbors? Let's pick us some pumpkins! - [Group] Yeah! - And who will find the biggest, most orange pumpkin? I think I will, as usual. - Well, we'll see about that! - I think I'll find the biggest one. - I will! - No, I will! - [All] I will! - Okay, okay everybody, line up and on a count of three. - One, two, three, pumpkins! (laughing excitedly) (bright music) - Okay, on the count of three, line up and show us your best. One, two, three! - Look, together these sort of make a T-Rex. - Mine has a Hootin' Hadrosaur crest! - So does mine! (hooting) (laughing) - Nice one, honey. - Hoot hoot! - This is the shiniest one I could find. - And my pumpkin is really tiny. - Don and I found this really big one! (laughing) - Well, sorry. I didn't have much luck. (group gasps) I was kidding! Isn't it gorgeous? - Well, Mrs. P! You have found the biggest pumpkin of all. Very good work for a beginner, congratulations! (cheering) - Let's find those Creature Power Discs. - Yes, of a creepy cool creature like, thorny devil! Aye-aye, dragonfish, Gila monster, black jaguar! Little brown bat, Komodo dragon, Tasmanian devil, spider monkey, king cobra, howling wolf! (howls) - That's it! I could get all these scary animals and make a haunted house filled with them, then charge lots of money for kids to walk through and be scared silly! (laughs evilly) - And lots of other creepy cool animals like, ghost crab, ghost bat. There are Halloween animals we never met. - Or made Creature Power Discs of. Hey look, Halloween is still a day away. We still have time for a creepy creature adventure to meet new animal friends. - Oh, and then there's the vampire bat! Inspiration for one of the greatest Halloween legends of all time. - [All] Whoa! - Vampire bat, wow, that's good. That's who I want to be for Halloween. Where in the world do they live? - Right here in South America. Oh, and you know who else lives here? The Goliath tarantula! The world's biggest tarantula, and hairy too. Ooh, that's who I want to be for Halloween. - Let's go find them! - I'll look for the Goliath tarantula. - I'll try and find the vampire bat. (beeping) Huh? - Hey, if you find them, I'll program each of you a new Creature Power Suit for your Halloween costumes. - [Both] Yeah! - Good luck, Chris! - You too, Martin! (energetic music) (laughing evilly) - This is so perfect! While the bros are busy looking for new scary animals, I'll collect all the old scary animals. - You were right, Mommy. - Pinkville has no electric until further notice, so I'm afraid Halloween is canceled. (gasping) - [Both] Halloween is canceled? - It is not safe to trick or treat when there are no lights. - Halloween can't be canceled. - The mayor just wants to keep everyone safe, Pinkalicious. - You can still wear your costumes. - But what about saying pink or treat, pink or treat, give me something pink to eat? - Right, what about our candy? It's not fair! - There must be something we can do! - You heard the mayor. It's not our decision. - Then I'm going to put on my Pinkagirl costume and go talk to Mayor Martinez. Pinkagirl can save Halloween! Maybe. - And I'm going to put on my pirate costume and... Talk like a pirate while Pinkagirl saves the day, argh! - Oh, the lights came back on. - Oh, no. Town hall has a generator. It's the only place in Pinkville with power. Now, how can I help you? - We have to save Halloween, Mayor Martinez! - Argh! - It's the best, most pinkamazing holiday of the year. - Argh! - I understand, but it's my job to keep everyone safe. - Isn't there someplace safe in Pinkville where we could still have Halloween? - Hmm, well... (gasps) - We could have it right here in your office! You have electricity! - I don't think there's enough room. - Hmm, where else could we have it? (gasps) I know, what about the park? - Argh! - But there's no electricity in the park. - What if we used flashlights? Or pumpkins! Yeah, I put a battery candle in my jack-o'-lantern. It's really bright and it doesn't need electricity! - Huh, that might work, Pinkalicious. - Yo ho ho! - And Mayor Martinez, do you think you could announce the party on the radio so everyone in Pinkville hears about it? - I have a better idea. (clears throat) - Hello Pinkville, this is Pinkagirl. - And Pirate Peter, argh! - The mayor said we can have a Halloween party after dark in the park and everyone in Pinkville is invited. So please bring your jack-o'-lanterns to light it up! - Ooh, and your Halloween candy. I mean, argh! - Spread the word, see you there after dark. - Welcome to the Halloween pumpkin after party. Now you'll see how much fun and how many different things you can do with pumpkins after Halloween. Tally ho! - Yep, we're making yummy food like pumpkin pies and roasted pumpkin seeds, and pumpkin bread. Whoops! (slurping) So yummy! (bright music) - That's it, you guys. You'll have your own pumpkin bird feeder in no time, and the birds will thank you this winter, and did you know you can put the pumpkin insides into the compost pile, or separate out the seeds to roast and eat them? Yum yum! - And you guys, you can use pumpkins in the garden. It's really cool. They decompose and become a part of the garden. And get this, then in the spring, their seeds grow into pumpkins like this! - Come and get it! (bright music) (laughing evilly) - So, what are you gonna do with your pumpkin, Daisy? There are so many possibilities. - I'm not sure, but for now, I'd just like to sing to it. β™ͺ I love my pretty pumpkin just so orange and round β™ͺ β™ͺ Here lays my pretty pumpkin β™ͺ β™ͺ No bigger can be found β™ͺ β™ͺ So trick or treaters, I got something to say β™ͺ β™ͺ I've been scared enough tonight β™ͺ β™ͺ Oh, that's okay β™ͺ β™ͺ I was scared by a clanking β™ͺ β™ͺ I was scared by a roar β™ͺ β™ͺ Those things won't startle me anymore β™ͺ β™ͺ You tell it, Mailbox β™ͺ β™ͺ But one thing tonight still scares me β™ͺ - [Both] What? β™ͺ The treats might be given unfairly β™ͺ β™ͺ I hope not β™ͺ β™ͺ If we divide our treats up equally β™ͺ β™ͺ It will be the greatest ever Halloween night β™ͺ (doorbell rings) β™ͺ Trick or treat β™ͺ β™ͺ Trick or treat is so preteen β™ͺ β™ͺ We're so over Halloween β™ͺ β™ͺ No tiger suit scares us β™ͺ β™ͺ Or metal space drone β™ͺ β™ͺ Or mailbox β™ͺ β™ͺ Or hydrant β™ͺ β™ͺ Or ghost β™ͺ β™ͺ Just Ramon β™ͺ β™ͺ If we divide our treats up equally β™ͺ β™ͺ It will be the greatest ever Halloween night β™ͺ β™ͺ And there are β™ͺ β™ͺ One, two, three, four, five trick or treaters β™ͺ β™ͺ Sorted by treats five ways β™ͺ β™ͺ For all treat eaters β™ͺ β™ͺ One, two, three, four, five β™ͺ β™ͺ Six, seven, eight, nine, 10 β™ͺ β™ͺ 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 β™ͺ β™ͺ If we divide 15 by five, it's three β™ͺ β™ͺ That's three β™ͺ β™ͺ Or the monster whose can fits tight, me β™ͺ β™ͺ Or the ghost who's spooky and white β™ͺ β™ͺ Treat β™ͺ β™ͺ Or the tiger roaring worse than his bite β™ͺ β™ͺ Three β™ͺ β™ͺ Or the hydrant helping firefighters fight β™ͺ β™ͺ Three for the mailbox who delivers just right β™ͺ β™ͺ On the greatest ever Halloween night β™ͺ (howling) - Pumpkins, pumpkins do not stay. Pumpkins, pumpkins, go away! - Oh! - Uh-oh. - Oh no! - Oh my. - What happened? I need my pumpkins for the Halloween party. How can I get my pumpkins back? - I know, let's build a way! Alpha Pig to the rescue. (energetic music) With my amazing alphabet tools, I can find the letters in the word pumpkin and make the pumpkins come back. ABC sing with me! β™ͺ A, B, C, D, E, F, G β™ͺ β™ͺ H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P β™ͺ β™ͺ Q, R, S, and T, U, V β™ͺ β™ͺ W, X, Y, and Z β™ͺ β™ͺ Sing with me β™ͺ Amazing alphabet singing. First we need the letter P. Where's the P? - There! - There's the P. Now where's the letter U? - There! - There's the U. (spooky music) Now, do you see the letter M? - There! - There's the M. But, hmm, we need another P. Where is it? - There it is! - There's another P. (spooky music) Okay, where's the letter K? - There! - There's the K. Now, where's the I? - There! - I. And last, where's the N? - There! - N, nifty. (bright music) P-U-M-P-K-I-N, pumpkin! Whoa, whoa! Lookity letters. We made all the pumpkins come back. Let's give ourselves a big thumbs up! (panting) - No Goliath tarantula yet. Oh, ooh! But looks like I found some cows. (cow moos) But I don't want to be a moo cow for Halloween. Oh yeah, I know how you feel. I'm tired too. (yawns) Maybe I'll just rest here with you for a sec. (yawns) (spooky music) (dramatic music) (gasps) A vampire bat! (chuckles) Phew, you're not scary. More like a little creepy and totally cool. Oh, look at that nose. Specially designed for sensing heat, the heat of blood. Blood is what a vampire bat eats, and that's what he's searching for. Hey Aviva, you getting this? - I sure am! Let's break it down. - The vampire bat is drawn to the heat of the blood that flows near the surface of the cow's skin. When the bat finds the spot, cue razor sharp teeth. He nips the neck with his incisors. Blood flows, the bat licks up the blood. Blood is the vampire bat's number one food. Oh, and check it out, the vampire bat has a special grooved tongue that is really good at licking up blood. The special formula of the bat's spit or saliva, keeps the blood flowing. Oh, they can drink two tablespoons of blood in around 20 minutes. That's a full meal for the vampire bat. Not enough blood to harm the cow, who's still sleeping, by the way. But enough to give the vampire bat the meal it needs to survive. Uh oh, but with a full belly, the vampire bat has to rest awhile before it takes off. But he can still walk around, (chuckles) and run! You know, a vampire bat is the only bat in the world who can run and jump. Oh cool! Look at him go! Ooh, he looks really creepy cool. - Increible, that is amazing! Vampire bat powers are some unusual and interesting creature powers. - Oh yeah, they're gonna make a great Halloween Creature Power Suit for Chris. (Aviva gasps) - Let's surprise him! - He's going to love it! (upbeat music) - Oh, I would really love to find a vampire bat so I could have a vampire bat Power Suit for my Halloween costume. Nothing in there. (playful music) Hmm. (gasps) They might be inside that cave. Here batty, batty, batties. Hmm, you'd think there'd be some vampire bats hanging from the ceiling, but nothing. (rustling) (exclaims) Is someone there? (spooky music) (shouts) Who is that? Hmm. Huh? Why does my hair feel fuzzier? Oh, a Goliath tarantula! Terrific! You're not scary, you're just really creepy cool. Aviva, you've gotta see this spider! - Amazing! - Look at these fangs. They inject venom for hunting. Lucky for me, he's not hungry right now. And they have a great defense. When he's alarmed, the tarantula can rub his abdomen with his hind legs to release urticating hairs, which are irritating to the skin. - That's cool! - And check out this offense, eight strong legs. He's called the bird-eating spider because they have been seen eating and catching birds, also rodents and lizards. - Wow, that's some good stuff! (chuckles) - This is gonna make a great new Creature Power Suit for Halloween for my bro. - Yeah, let's surprise him! - Martin is going to love it. - The Goliath tarantula and the vampire bat, whee! They're both going to love their new Creature Power Suit surprises. - Here are two blank Creature Power discs. - And you've gotta program both of them into Halloween surprises. - Yeah, there's not much time. - One more thing, on Halloween if a full moon rises, a witch flies across it on a broom. - Really? - Yep, it's super spooky. But I'm not afraid 'cause I'll be with you guys tonight. - Wow, a witch is gonna fly across the Moon tonight? - Right, a witch is-- - I know what a witch is. I saw it in a movie one time, Wizard of something. No place like Earth, dressed all in black, huge pointy hat, green skin, right? But what's this flying Earth vehicle, this broom? Flying broom, what fascinating Earthy technology. Wonder what powers it? Anti gravitating fluxonators? I can't wait to see it when a witch flies on a broom across the Moon! - What? You guys, there's no witch on a broom flying across the Moon. That stuff is all made up. (Mindy gasps) - Mitchell! Of course there's witches on brooms flying across the Moon on Halloween. - Come on, have you ever seen one? - Well, no, but that's what Halloween is all about. Witches and brooms. - So, who's right? Mindy or Mitchell? Do witches really fly on brooms? - I'm afraid that Mitchell is right. - Yeah, it is actually made up, but it is a cool idea. (Jet chuckles) - Then how awesome would it be for Mindy to see a witch flying across the Moon on a broom tonight? (Sunspot chirping) Oh, very interesting plan, Sunspot. - Let's get into our sleeping bags. (ominous laughter) (gasping) Did you giggle? - I didn't giggle. You? - Uh-uh. - It wasn't me! - Maybe it was a frog? - Do frogs giggle? - I don't know! (ominous laughter) - Okay, that wasn't a frog! - [Mysterious Voice] This tree house is mine! (spooky music) (lightning crashes) (screaming) - Ready to carve faces in our pumpkins, Dad? - Ooh, thanks Lily, I almost forgot. Now comes the best part of all, we take the top off our pumpkin, then we scoop out all the seeds and stuff in the middle. - [All] Ew, gross! - Let's do it! (laughing) (bright music) - Great, then you carve a face into your pumpkin, like this. (squishing) - Wait, you carve a face in a gourd, which you call a pumpkin? Huh, I don't get it, why? - Because it's fun, Dad. - Then what are we waiting for? Let's get carving! - [All] Yeah! (cheering) (bright music) (purrs) - I know, what fantastic pumpkins. - Oh, and just in time too, look! - The autumn moon is rising. - Ooh, what color will it be? - [All] It's orange! - I was right, la la moon! - Everything is ready, pumpkin patchers. Now, watch this trick. (light instrumental music) - [All] Wow! - Whoa. - Happy Autumn Moon everybody. (cheering) - [All] Autumn Moon! (laughing) - Daddy, can we borrow a towel, please? Peter's going to be a superhero! (chuckles) - All right, you can't be a superhero without a cape, can you? - And I need a superhero name too. How about Scooter Boy? (laughing) - That's good. - Scooter Boy and his Super Scooter! - You know what else a good superhero needs? A sidekick! - I guess you'll be needing a cape too, Pinkalicious, huh? - Not Pinkalicious, make way for... Twirl-a-Whirl Girl! - Va-voosh! (giggling) (bright music) - I can twirl a whirl around the world. Twirl a whirl, twirl a whirl, twirl a... (giggling) (gasps) - Oh no! Twirl-a-whirl Girl needs help. (laughing) - This is the job for Scooter Boy! - It's okay, Scooter Boy. I can help myself. - Aw, I wanted to help you. Helping people is what a superhero does. - Daddy, can we go to the park and... - Save the world? Okay, just be back in time for dinner. - [Both] Yay! (chuckles) - Where's Inez? She's missing some serious trick or treat time. (energetic music) (gasps) - Inez, about time you got here. - I thought you were going to wear a different costume! - I thought you were. - So, two rock stars? Big deal. - Matt, wearing the same costume as one of your friends is a Halloween fashion no no. - Huh, what's this? - Dear Diary, I saw Jackie today. She is so mean. - Hey, that's my diary! - Your diary? And you wrote that I'm so mean? - No, you don't understand. - Oh, I understand, all right. You think I'm mean, that's exactly what you wrote. - First of all, whatever I wrote in here is for me and me only. You had no right to read it! - Time out, let's talk about this. - I have nothing to say. Inez thinks I'm mean and if that's the way she feels, fine! - Fine! - Not fine. (screaming) (energetic funky music) (doorbell rings) (crunching) - Bob, play with your swords outside. (doorbell rings) (triumphant music) - Word Girl, in person! - I've been getting that reaction a lot today. - Ready? - Yeah. Word up! (grumbles) - Painful. (footsteps thudding) (mechanical clanking) (crowd gasps) (dramatic music) (heavy footsteps thudding) (spooky music) (doorbell rings) (door creaks) (bright music) - Trick or treat. - Hey! (mechanical clanking) Isn't it eerie how much that impolite cowboy looked like a robot? (sighs) Oh. (sheep bleats) (gasps) - The Miniaturizer, that's it! All of these tiny animals would be scarier if they were bigger, and I can big size them with the Miniaturizer. I can turn all these teeny weeny animals into scary monsters! I'll just sneak in with my invisibility cloak, and snatch the Miniaturizer. They won't see me coming. (laughs evilly) - Surprise, a vampire bat power disc! - What, how? - Oh yeah, I found the vampire bat. Made the observations, and Aviva did the rest. (sighs) But I didn't have any luck with finding the biggest tarantula in the world. - But I did! Show him, Aviva. - A Goliath tarantula power disc. - Whoa, way to go, bro! - [Both] Let's activate! - But aren't you forgetting something? - Yeah, where are the animals? - Uh, you mean this vampire bat? - And this Goliath tarantula? Here you go. - Oh, you'll need this guy. - [Zach] Oh, this is great. They're so distracted by the animals that I'll grab the Miniaturizer and get away before they even notice. (playful music) - [Both] Insert Creature Power Disc. Touch creepy cool creatures. Activate Halloween powers! (futuristic music) Happy Halloween! - [Both] Whoa! - Those are really, really, really creepy cool. - Boring! - What? Uh, who said that? - [Zach] Me, the ghost. Boo! (screaming) (whimpering) (gasps) - What? Hey, my hairs are standing up. Something isn't right around here. I sense danger. I'm having a defensive reaction! Get down everybody, I can't stop it, because when I rub my hind legs over the back of my abdomen, my urticating hairs will shoot out to confront the danger, oh! - [Zach] Ow! - [All] Zach! - [Zach] What? How do you see me? - The urticating hairs of the tarantula are sticking all over your invisibility cloak. - Ow, and irritating, ow! They're sticking through my cloak. Prickly, ooh, tingly! Owie, ow, ow, ow! So, back at ya! Hair! - They're sharp, take cover! (laughing evilly) Everybody okay? - Yeah, fine. - But Zach's getting away! - [Martin] Uh-oh! (dramatic music) - Where'd he go? - I've got a creature power that can find him. Activate heat seeking vampire bat nose structure. Scanning. Aviva, Koki, Zach! Gotcha, by the Createrra! - I'll get him! Ha, gotcha! - Ugh. - Said the spider to the fly. (chuckles) - Zachbots, help! (Zachbots beeping) (energetic music) - More urticating hairs? - Oh, huh? Fly away, fly away! - But Zach, you're forgetting your invisibility cloak! - So? I've got one of your inventions. - What? - Consider it a trade. - But I don't want a trade. - I'll get him because vampire bat powers give me wings. (energetic music) (dramatic music) I'll fly in through the belly hatch. Whoa! Oh, bats are good flyers, except when they meet a jet engine. (dramatic music) - We need to find out what invention Zach took. - Check, check, uh-oh. - [Group] What? - The Miniaturizer, it's gone! - It's mine, the Miniaturizer's mine! (energetic music) - [Koki] Looks like he's on a course directly to, Pumpkin Town. - Oh, we gotta follow him. Jimmy! - On it! - Pumpkin Town? Huh, that sounds like the perfect place to trick or treat. - First we get our Miniaturizer back, and then we can trick or treat. - Plotting coordinates now. (dramatic music) (sighs) - Check, and the next item on my Halloween list, collect candy! - Let's do it! - One, two, three. - [All] Trick or treat! - Oh okay, we have a teddy bear, Commander Cressida. (Sunspot chirps) You dressed your pet up! Oh, hello Neil Armstrong, sir. And, uh... (dramatic music) Are you a cucumber? - Oh, I thought so too, but actually, I'm an alien. I'm from Bortron 7. Our house is actually a spaceship. Our van turns into a flying saucer, and Sunspot is my Bortronian pet. (Sunspot beeping) (laughing nervously) (chuckles) - Well, have some Earth candy, son of neighbors. (chuckles) Bye. - Wow, Jet, you really can get away with being an alien all night. (Jet laughs) - Yes! - Come on. (lightning crashes) Just a little further. Let's set it down over there. (groaning) Phew, let me get the lights. Pretty sweet, huh? - It smells like rotten eggs. (growling) Why is the creature doing that? - I'll call Ocean, he's the creature guy. I'm sure it's no big deal. - Dude, it's a big deal. You were supposed to be back at Headquarters by now, so I could feed it. - Our van is stuck in the mud. - You have to feed that creature. There's creatures locked in the van. - Can it wait 'til we get back? - Sure, if you want it to break out. - Okie dokie, getting creature slop. Thanks, Ocean. I hadn't even thought about joining the creature department. - Give me that! - I've got the slop. - You have to feed it exactly one quart or slop, no more, no less. Hurry! - Okay, got it. We need to find something to measure liquid. Quickly, quickly! - How 'bout this? - No, that's a balance scale, it's used to measure weight. - There has to be something here. This? - No, that's a ruler. It's used to measure how long something is. This is what we need! This says five quarts. This says three quarts. (creature growling) This says one quart! One quart exactly. (creature growling) Here you go, little guy. Hurry, hurry! (dramatic music) - Phew, close one. - Let's just take these raincoats off and settle in. (creature growling) (spooky music) - Good evening! (screaming) (laughing) Care to feel a bowlful of dinosaur eyeballs? - [All] Ew! - That's disgusting. - Eyeballs. - Dad, those aren't really eyeballs, are they? - Oh no, I wouldn't think so. - Nah, it's peeled berries and stuff. They're just supposed to feel like eyeballs. (squishing) - Well, they feel kind of like eyeballs I guess. I've never really felt eyeballs before. - Me neither, yuck! - Pretty spooky though, huh? (giggles) - It is spooky, but fun. - Excellent! (laughing evilly) - This is so great! It's the best haunted roundhouse ever. - Yeah, come on, you guys. Let's check out that next stall. I wonder what kind of spooky thing we'll find this time? (spooky moaning) - Okay, that is scary. Is it a ghost? - Is it, Dad? - Well, let's find out! (spooky moaning) (gasping) - [All] Tank? (burps) - Excuse me. Oh, hi guys. - That was you making the noise? - Yeah, my mom was right. I have a tummy ache. I think I ate too fast. - What did you eat? - I don't know. I guess it was supposed to be something spooky, but it was green and it looked really tasty. (giggles) - Oh, you had us going there for a second, Tank. We thought you were something really scary. - Me, scary? No, but isn't this haunted roundhouse the best? Okay, I'm feeling better now. Let's go check out the next stall. Maybe there'll be food! (laughing) (playful music) - Is that a spaceship? - Or a giant flying pumpkin? - No, it's the Tortuga. Wild Kratts! (spooky music) (gasping) - Oh no, the villains! - Get me their candy. - Yes, Donita. - I'm the smartest villain of all! - They've taken over the Tortuga. - We'll stop them! This'll be fun. - What are you doing? - Wait, we're in costumes, remember? - We're not real villains. It's me, Aviva! It's Halloween, remember? - We know! We were just playing a trick. - But that was a good one. - Yeah, you really fooled me. - Do you want to come trick or treating with us? - Yeah, sure. - Love trick or treating! - [Group] Yay! - Well, there's a house over there. Let's start with that one. - Let's go! (spooky music) - [Aviva] That's a pretty spooky house. - It sure is, but I'm showing that's where the tracking beacon of our Miniaturizer is coming from. Hmm, it's moving around. I can't get a lock on it. - Uh, I think I'll stay here. - Wait, that's not any house, it's a scary animal mansion. - Sounds kinda creepy cool. - You guys go check it out, and I'll stay with Jimmy and the Tortuga and monitor the situation. Jimmy, you still see the Miniaturizer? - [Jimmy] Yep, still there. - Bye! - See you later. - Woo, time for some creepy cool fun! - [Group] Yeah! - And because it's Halloween, and everyone's in costume, the real villains won't even know it's us. - Oh, so all the Halloween stuff I was afraid of is just pretend! That makes it not so scary. Come on, let's go back to my house. (spooky music) Okay, so this jack-o'-lantern, it's just a pumpkin. It's pretend? - Yep. - And Wyatt, your costume is just pretend? - You got it, Pig. - You know what? I'm not scared anymore! I'm ready to go trick or treating. (triumphant music) And I'm going to be a... Dragon! (roaring) Let's go! (cheering) (laughing) - Yeah! (bright music) Okay, okay, ready everyone? (knocking) - [All] Trick or treat! - A dragon, oh! - Don't worry, Papa Bear. I'm not a real dragon. It's just pretend. - What? (chuckling) You had me there. - Hip hip hooray! The super readers saved the day! - Thank you Scooter Boy and Twirl-a-Whirl Girl. I'm not thirsty anymore! - Our heroes! - [Both] Yay! - Hey, that was fun. Can I play? My dolly can pretend to need help too. Help, help, I'm stuck on this mountain! - Pretend to need help? You tricked me? - No, no. - That wasn't-- - We didn't mean to trick you. We just wanted to help you be a superhero. - Oh, but I'm supposed to help everyone else, not the other way around. - We didn't mean to hurt your feelings, Peter. I mean, Scooter Boy. - No, my name's Peter. I'm not Scooter Boy anymore. - Oh, this is all my fault! I better go and make sure he's okay. Hey Peter, I'm really sorry. I was having so much fun playing superheroes with you, I wanted to keep playing, but I should've told you we were pretending. - You like playing superheroes? - Sure, superheroes are great, but we can play something else if you like? - Let's go play on the swings! Hop on, Twirl-a-Whirl Girl. - [Both] Va-voosh! - Race you to the swings, Twirl-a-Whirl Girl! - Ha, you're on, Scooter Boy! Twirl a whirl, twirl a, ow! - Pinkalicious, are you okay? - Ow, ow! My ankle, I think I twisted it. Let me, ow! - Here, let me help you. Wait, is this for real? You're not trying to help me again? - No, I promise you, Peter. I really did hurt my ankle, ow! I would never pretend to be hurt. Maybe this is a job for Scooter Boy! (gasps) - Right! - We can use your Super Scooter to get me back home. Daddy will know what to do. If I balance on my good foot, it's not too bad actually. - Okay, hold tight, as fast as light! - Ow, stop, Scooter Boy! Maybe this time you could be slow and steady, so my foot doesn't get bumped? - Good thinking, Twirl-a-Whirl Girl. As slow and steady as a tortoise. (bright music) - Ow! - Pinkalicious, are you hurt? - A little, but Scooter Boy is saving me. (mechanical clanking) - Oh, my candy! (mechanical whirring) - Oh man, oh man, Halloween ruined. (crying) - Look, it's Word Girl! - What are you talking about, I'm not Word Girl! (laughs nervously) - They mean me, silly. (grumbles) - She's here to save us from the candy thief. - Guys, I'm not Word Girl. I'm just a little girl in a superhero costume. - [All] Word Girl, Word Girl, Word Girl! - All right, all right, I'm on top of it. Just give me a few moments. Becky, can I borrow your monkey pirate? I know he's no Captain Huggy Face, but frankly, neither is Fluffy. (Fluffy meows) - Violet, you shouldn't get mixed up in this trouble. You're in over your head. - But the entire town is relying on me. Listen to them chanting my name! - [Crowd] Word Girl, Word Girl, Word Girl! - They're chanting for Word Girl. She can defeat the robots because she has supernatural powers. - But I'm really into the supernatural. I eat all sorts of organic and super healthy food. - Oh actually, supernatural refers to something that would not happen in the natural world, for example, Word Girl's ability to fly is supernatural. - Oh well, I can't fly. (gasps) But I could tell Toby it's not nice to steal candy! - Yeah, that's not usually how it works. (mechanical clanking) - A robot, let's follow him! (sighs) - She's not gonna give up, is she? (mechanical whirring) - Now Becky, be careful. I don't want you to get hurt. - Of course. - Look at him gloating. (laughing maniacally) Why can't he enjoy Halloween like a normal samurai? We'll see who's laughing at the end of the night, after Word Girl shows up and busts him. (Fluffy meows) I'm going in. Call my parents if I don't come out within 10 minutes. - Violet, wait! Oh well, it's better if she's out of the way. (Captain Huggy Face chitters) Oh, I know, I'll get to it. Word-- - I almost forgot my sidekick. (Fluffy purrs) - Word Up! (triumphant music) (knocking) (lips smacking) - Trick or treat! - Word Girl, what are you doing here? - I'm here to save Halloween! - Wait, how do I know you're really Word Girl? - Uh, I know really big words like, Mississippi! - Mississippi? Everyone knows that word. What do you take me for, a fool? - Yes! And a silly goose. Poomba, kakow! (speaking gibberish) Oh! Huh? Wow, that's a lot of candy. - Yes, and it all longs to Samurai Toby! - Not if Word Girl has anything to say! (screams) - No! (bubbling) That's strange. Why aren't you using your supernatural powers to defeat me? - Uh... - You're not Word Girl, are you? - Oh, I, um, of course I am. - Then who is that? (dramatic music) (metallic clanking) - My robots, my candy! - Becky, did you see? Word Girl saved Halloween with her supernatural superpowers! - I know, isn't she amazing? - I need you to help bring Mitchell and Mindy to the tree house. Tell them there will be something extra special about the Moon tonight. (light music) - [All] Wow! - Whoa, it is red. The lunar eclipse is making the Moon red! - So amazing, a real red moon. - Oh, if only a witch would fly across the Moon. It would be perfect. - Oh Mindy, there's no way that a witch-- (cackling) - Look! It's really happening! A witch on a broom, wow! Told ya, Mitchell! Look, the witch even has her kitty cat with her. (cackling) - Halloween, my favorite Earthy holiday! Woo hoo! (cackling) Yup, that looks like a witch all right! (energetic music) - There he goes, follow that bat! While the kids are snoozing, the bats are cruising. (laughing) Oh yeah! Woo, I love bat power! - Good one! Hey, did you notice something about Bite-Size, Martin? He's not catching mosquitoes anymore. Hey, he must be full, because if insects are abundant, a little brown bat can fill his belly in the first two hours after the sun goes down. - Right you are, bro. A brown bat can eat as many as 3,000 mosquitoes each night, and almost all that happens right after the sun goes down. Speaking of going down, Bite-Size is heading straight for that pond! He's drinking on the fly. - [Both] Gotta try it! (playful music) (splashing) (gurgling) - Oh, not that thirsty! (laughing) - It's more like this, bro. (playful music) Little sips, like that. (gasps) Whoa! Woo hoo! (splashing) (snapping) β™ͺ Halloween, Halloween is here β™ͺ β™ͺ It's the kookiest time of the year β™ͺ β™ͺ Halloween, Halloween has come β™ͺ β™ͺ There'll be lots of frights before the night is done β™ͺ β™ͺ It's been a scare-tabulous day β™ͺ β™ͺ And now it's time to say β™ͺ β™ͺ Trick or treat, trick or treat β™ͺ β™ͺ To all our friends up and down the street β™ͺ β™ͺ Come little monsters in costumes galore β™ͺ β™ͺ Who go trick or treating from door to door β™ͺ (giggling) β™ͺ Fright-tastic houses decorated scarily β™ͺ β™ͺ Full of lots of frights and sights β™ͺ β™ͺ To shock us gleefully β™ͺ (doorbell rings) (gasping) (playful music) - Trick or treat! Trick or treat! - Treat or trick? (giggling) (slurping) (crunching) β™ͺ Halloween, Halloween is here β™ͺ β™ͺ It's the kookiest time of the year β™ͺ β™ͺ Halloween, Halloween is here β™ͺ β™ͺ The funnest night of the year β™ͺ β™ͺ Yeah β™ͺ
Channel: PBS KIDS
Views: 1,425,210
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pbs kids, education, educational shows, children shows, kids shows, kids, games, videos, cartoons, disney jr., nickelodeon, nick jr., cartoon network, full episodes, full kids shows, daniel tiger, daniel tiger's neighborhood, trolley, pinkalicious, arthur, halloween, scary stories for kids, halloween for kids, trick or treat, pink or treat, kids halloween song
Id: yo2sxZEFScw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 56sec (5036 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 13 2019
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