Pink Panther Travels the World! | 56 Min Compilation | Pink Panther and Pals

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(tires squealing) ♪ ♪ (whooshing) (screeching) (whizzing) (whooshing) (boing) (whizzing) (whooshing) (whizzing) (beeping) (mumbling) (barking) (beeping) (beeping) (whirring) (whizzing) (screeching) (squeaking) (whooshing) (jazzy music) ♪ ♪ (air horn blows) (whooshing) (smooches) (shoes screeching) (chickens clucking) (chickens squawk) (upbeat banjo music) (crows squawk) (cow moos) (man grunts) (alien groans) ♪ ♪ (boing) (whistling) (screeching) (train horn blowing) (screeching) (mumbling) (barking) (beeping) (boing) (whistling) (boing) (jazzy music) ♪ ♪ (spits) (whistling) (clanking) (pinball clanking) (mumbling) (whooshing) (giggling) (laughing wildly) (giggles) HYAH! (beeping) (upbeat note) (jackhammer pounding) (cracking) (whistling) (crashing) (mumbling) (barking) (beeping) (barking and mumbling continue) (birds tweeting) (alligators growling) (growling, chomping) D'OH! OW, OW! (chomp) WHEW! (beeping) (whirring) (whooshing) (squeaking) (mumbling) (barking) (squeaking) (pop) (whistling) (triumphant music) (whooshing) (jazzy music) ♪ ♪ (whirring) (tires screech) (mumbling) (barking) (phone beeps) HMM. MM. (chuckling) (beeping) (barking) (screaming) (triumphant music) ♪ ♪ (doorbell rings) (door creaks) (aristocratic music playing) ♪ ♪ (pops, sputters) (laughing) (chuckles) (curtains thud) (dance music playing) (humming) doink! (coughing) (straw rustles) HUH? (chuckling) (chuckling) AAH! (broom creaking) crash! (groaning) (light switch clicks) (spotlight buzzing) (banjo music playing) (humming to music) ♪ ♪ (light bulbs shattering) (fire crackling) (whimpering) (blowing) AAH! AAH HA! ding! (groaning) OH! (hook clanks) (straining) screech! (growling) (eyelid snaps) (laughing sinisterly) (paint sloshes) sscreech! HUH? UH... (bucket clanks) (muttering) AAH! crash! (groaning) clank! smack! (sobbing) (laughing sinisterly) (paint sloshes) (cackling) (shadow cackling) (snaps) (pulleys squeaking) screech! (sobbing) UH-OH. (straining) (canvas creaking) thud! AAH! (panting) (laughing) (humming taunting melody) (laughing) (squeaking) (squeaking) (squeaking) (squeaking) (paint gurgling) (gasps) RRR! smack! (shouts) thud! (growling) (toilet flushing) AAH! (woman screams) (chuckles) OHHH! OH! (birds tweeting) (growls) (hook clanks) (straining) (laughing) (paint hisses) (paint spraying) (cackling) AH! HA HA! WHOA! WHOA! (paint gurgling) (growling) OH OH! AAH! OHH! (straining) OOH! (crowd oohs and ahhs) (straining) (paint creaking) (straining) (muttering) (applause) (sobbing) (birds chirping) (thud) (thud) (horns honking) (grunts) (laughs) (screams) HMM? (humming) AH! HA-HA! (grunts) (yelps) (electricity crackles) (string trimmer engine turns) (doll cries) (grunts) (screams) (string trimmer engine turns) (lawnmower engine starts) (screaming) (chuckles) (humming) (laughs) (screams) (horns honking) (laughs) (chuckles) (giggling) (laughs) (rumbling) AH! (giggles) (screams) AH! AH! AH! (screams) (grunting) (thud) (coughs) (scoffs) (giggles) (grunts) (laughs) (metal clanging and machines whirring) (laughs) (screams) (crash) (grunts) (crying) (buzz sawing) (buzz sawing) (laughter) EARTH... MILLIONS OF YEARS AGO. PRIMORDIAL OOZE GIVES WAY TO PRIMITIVE CREATURE. LIFE IS A DAILY STRUGGLE TO SURVIVE. (roaring) (buzzing) (chomps) (slurps tongue) (buzzing) EVERYWHERE, PLANT LIFE AND CREATURES ALIKE EVOLVE. (roaring) AAH! BEHOLD, PRIMITIVE MAN, DESTINED TO RULE THE EARTH. AH, PRIMITIVE PANTHER, DESTINED FOR COOLNESS. AAH! THE FOOD CHAIN-- A CONSTANT BATTLE OF MAN OVER HIS ENVIRONMENT. HUH? AAH! (whistling) FOOD IS WHERE YOU FIND IT. (grumbling) AAH! (growling) ONCE HE'S FOUND FOOD, MAN'S QUEST IS TO GET IT BACK TO HIS CAVE. AAH! BEHOLD, MAN... PERIODICALLY CLEVER. AH, PRIMITIVE PANTHER... ALWAYS CLEVER. BEHOLD, THE WHEEL. LOOKS LIKE PANTHER HAS FOUND A WAY TO GET HIS FOOD HOME. WELL, WHAT DO YOU KNOW? THE WHEELBARROW HAS BEEN INVENTED. AH. LOOKS LIKE PRIMITIVE PANTHER HAS INVENTED THE FIRST POWERED CART. AAH! IT'S JUST LIKE MAN TO MAKE THINGS BIGGER... (laughing) YAH! NOT NECESSARILY BETTER. AAH! ANCIENT EARTH PROVIDES PRIMITIVE MAN WITH ALL THE FOOD HE CAN EAT... (gasps) (blows raspberry) AS LONG AS HE'S SMART ENOUGH TO CATCH IT. (grumbling) IN TIME, PREHISTORIC MAN BECAME A GREAT FISHERMAN. (roaring loudly) AAH! (shouting) WHAT'S THIS? PRIMITIVE PANTHER IS LEARNING HOW TO USE TOOLS. (roaring) (reel whirring) (whistling) (reel whirring) SUCCESS! (laughing) BEHOLD, THE DISCOVERY OF COMPASSION. (groans) AS USUAL, PRIMITIVE MAN IS NOT TO BE OUTDONE. BEHOLD, THE, UM-- I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT THAT IS. IT WORKED? I MEAN, IT WORKED! (chomps) THE BIGGER THE FISH... AAH! (shouting) THE BIGGER THE FIGHT. BEHOLD, THE ONE THAT GOT AWAY. GIVEN THE SIZE OF PRIMITIVE MAN'S BRAIN, IT WILL STILL BE THOUSANDS OF YEARS BEFORE HE DISCOVERS ART. WELL, LET'S HAVE A LOOK. (shrieking) WHAT'S THIS? AH... CLEARLY A HIGHER FORM OF ART. (groaning) PRIMITIVE CREATURES SIMPLY HAD TO DEAL WITH THEIR HARSH ENVIRONMENTS. A NICE COLD DRINK WOULD CERTAINLY HIT THE SPOT RIGHT ABOUT NOW. (slurping) LOOKS LIKE OTHER PRIMITIVE CREATURES HAVE LEARNED THE ART OF USING TOOLS. THE QUEST FOR FOOD IS ALSO THE QUEST FOR DRINK. AAH! THERE, ISN'T THAT REFRESHING? ALL YOU NEED NOW IS TO GET MORE. YES, PRIMITIVE MAN-- EVER SO... PRIMITIVE. LET'S SEE HOW PANTHER IS DOING. AH, BRILLIANT! THE DISCOVERY OF FLIGHT! ALL YOU HAVE IS A BONE. BEHOLD, INDUSTRIAL ESPIONAGE! WELL, LET'S SEE IT WORK. (animal shrieks) LOOKS SAFE ENOUGH. (gulps) BRAVO! MAN HAS VESTED FLIGHT! PRIMITIVE MAN WILL RULE THE EARTH... OR MAYBE NOT. EVEN THE FOOD CHAIN HAS A WEAKEST LINK. AAH! THAT'S USING YOUR HEAD. PRIMITIVE PANTHER WILL SURVIVE THE STONE AGE. I'M NOT SO SURE ABOUT PRIMITIVE MAN. (slurps tongue) (gulps) (jazzy Pink Panther theme song) ♪ ♪ (crowd cheering) (rock music) ♪ ♪ (crash) (strumming guitar) (alarm bell) (crash) THE CRUNCH! THE REIGNING AND UNDEFEATED CHAMPION OF THE WORLD IS OFFERING TO SURRENDER HIS BELT TO ANYONE WHO CAN REMAIN STANDING AFTER THREE ROUNDS OF HIS POWERFUL PUNITIVE PUNCHES. IS THERE ANYONE OUT THERE STRONG ENOUGH, COURAGEOUS ENOUGH, OR CRAZY ENOUGH TO ACCEPT THIS CHALLENGE? LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, BOYS AND GIRLS, WE HAVE A CHALLENGER. (roaring) (crowd cheering) HOW ABOUT A BIG WELCOME FOR THE FAST, THE FURIOUS PINKRAGEOUS! AND NOW, THE MINISTER OF MUSCLE. THE KING OF THE RING. THE ABSOLUTELY UNDEFEATED BARON OF BODY SLAMS, THE CRUNCH! AND A SPECIAL "WOOF WOOF" FOR DOG POUND! (grunting) (crowd laughing) GRR! HA HA HA HA! WHOA, LOOK OUT, CHAMP! (crash) HEH HEH, AND LOOK OUT SPORTS FANS. (chirping) AND THE ACTION IS UNDER WAY HERE IN ROUND ONE. (ding) (grunting) ALL ABOARD FOR THE CRUNCH TOWN EXPRESS. IT ALWAYS RUNS ON CRUNCH TIME. WOOT! WOOT! THIS CHALLENGER'S GOTTA BE THINKING, "WHY DID I EVER DO THIS, "AND HOW CAN I GET OUT OF HERE?" (grunting) PINKRAGEOUS IS STILL ON HIS FEET, BUT JUST BARELY. CAN HE WITHSTAND THE CRUNCH'S BLAST FROM HIS BREATH ASSAULT? FEW HAVE UNDERGONE THIS HURRICANE OF HOSTILITY AND REMAIN TO TELL THE TALE. 'RAGEOUS GOES FOR THE BEAR HUG. NOW IT'S A SUPLEX. AN ARM BAR. THE CHOMP! THIS IS WRESTLING YOU CAN REALLY SINK YOUR TEETH INTO. BUT THE CRUNCH HAS HAD ENOUGH. HE RESPONDS WITH A PAINFUL PANTHER PULL, A FELINE FRACTURE. 'RAGEOUS IS TAKING EVERYTHING THE CHAMP'S GOT AND IT LOOKS BAD--OOF! WHAT A MATCH! (ding ding) IT'S BEEN A TOUGH ROUND FOR PINKRAGEOUS. HE'S A MERE SHADOW OF THE FIGHTER WHO CAME HERE LOOKING FOR GLORY. BUT NOW, WE'RE GOING TO SEE WHAT HE'S REALLY MADE OF. (crowd cheering) ON TO ROUND TWO. (ding) (groaning) 'RAGEOUS IS UP AND READY WITH-- OH, NO! IT'S THE MATADOR! THE CHAMP IS SEEING RED NOW! I HOPE 'RAGEOUS KNOWS WHAT HE'S DOING. (growling) OH! NOW, THAT IS GOING TO LEAVE A MARK. COULD THIS BE? IS IT? YES, IT IS. IT'S THE FLYING CANNONBALL OF CHAOS! 'RAGEOUS SEEMS DISTRACTED. OR IS THIS SOME PART OF HIS MASTER PLAN? OH, THIS IS NOT GOING TO END GOOD, FOLKS. (alarm going off) WHAT A MOVE! 'RAGEOUS HAS COUNTERED THE CANNONBALL WITH A LEVER CHAOS BUSTER AND CRUNCH HAS FALLEN FOR IT. IT LOOKS LIKE THE CRUNCH IS DOWN, FOLKS-- WAY DOWN. ARE CRUNCH'S DAYS IN THE RING OVER? COULD THIS BE THE END? WAIT! THE CRUNCH IS UP! BUT WHAT IS THIS? TALK ABOUT A FINE DISPLAY OF SPORTSMANSHIP. 'RAGEOUS IS DOING EVERYTHING HE CAN TO MAKE SURE HIS OPPONENT IS ALL RIGHT. ISN'T THAT NICE? AWW! (smack) IT'S RUMBALICIOUS ROUND THREE, AND IT'S TIME FOR THE CRUNCH TO BUST OUT HIS BADEST MOVES OR HE'LL BE SAYING BYE-BYE TO THAT BIG OL' BELT. CRUNCH IS WASTING NO TIME KICKING IT IN WITH THE TERRIBLE TORPEDO TOES. BUT 'RAGEOUS IS READY AND COUNTERS WITH THE FLYING FINGER FLICK. OH, THE CORN CRUSHER! HOLD THE BUTTER, PLEASE! THE STEAMROLLER! OH, THE SOGGY BOTTOM! THE TRACTOR PULL! OH, IT'S THE SODA POP! (gulping) (cheers and applause) THE CHAMP SEEMS TO BE LOSING HIS FIZZ. HE'S ABOUT TO GO DOWN. HE'S DOWN, BUT WHAT'S THIS? IN A SURPRISE MOVE, THE CHAMP HAS TAGGED HIS FAITHFUL AND LOYAL MANAGER, WHO'S READY TO GO TO TOWN ON THE CHALLENGER. DOG TOWN, THAT IS. (crowd cheering) (whirling) HE'S SWINGING LIKE A SCHNAUZER, PUNCHING LIKE A POODLE, AND BOUNCING LIKE A BEAGLE. (boing) HOLD ON, THE CHAMP AND HIS MANAGER HAVE TAKEN A TIME OUT TO DISCUSS A LITTLE STRATEGY. (groaning and slapping) IT SEEMS LIKE THEY HAVE IT ALL WORKED OUT NOW. AND THE CRUNCH IS GETTING BACK INTO THE FRAME. LOOKS LIKE THE CHAMP IS FINALLY READY TO END THIS. WITH 'RAGEOUS BACKED INTO A CORNER, THERE SEEMS TO BE NO WAY FOR HIM TO AVOID THE CRUSHING, CRUNCHY BLOWS. HEH HEH. (laughing) GRR... ding! ding! ding! HUH? BUT WAIT, IT'S ALL OVER! 'RAGEOUS HAS DONE IT. HE'S MADE IT THREE ROUNDS, AND THAT MEANS THE CHAMPIONSHIP BELT IS ABOUT TO CHANGE HANDS. (stomping and crying) IT'S THE FIRST TIME THE CRUNCH HAS EVER LOST A MATCH. WHAT AN UPSET! PINKRAGEOUS WANTS THAT BELT. AND CRUNCH ISN'T VERY HAPPY ABOUT IT AT ALL. REALLY VERY UNHAPPY. HE IS NOT A GOOD LOSER. (screaming and crying) BUT THAT'S THE WAY THE BODY SLAMS AND THE CRUNCH CRUMBLES. AND ONE WAY OR ANOTHER, PINKRAGEOUS WILL BE WEARING THAT CHAMPIONSHIP BELT TONIGHT. (guitar music) (whimpering) HUH? UGH! (beeping) OOH. (chuckles) (beeps) (alarm blaring) (screaming) (laughing) (alert sounding) (giggles) (whirring) (birds singing) (ship rumbling) WHEW. (giggles) EEH. (beeping) (giggles) (terrified screams) (laughing) (screaming) (gasps) both: OH! AH! HM? (grumbles) HM? (struggles) (glass breaking) HUH? (growls) UH. UH. (giggles) HUH? (suction hissing) AGH! (chuckles) (beeping) (suction hissing) (metal clinks) (evil laugh) WAH-UGH! (stuttered screaming) (giggles) (alert beeping) (nervous chuckle) (screeching noise) (metal crunching) AH, OOH, AH. (cheers and applause) AGH, HM? (whimpers) (panting) (rockets hissing) (cheers and applause) (evil chuckle) YEAH. AH! (whimpers) (laser whirring) (beeping) (beeps) (cheers and applause) (beeps) (beeps) (beeps) (evil laughter) (clink) (laughing) HM? (beeping) HUH? (whimpers nervously) (electrical crackling) (angelic chorus) (cheers and applause) (moaning) (grumbles) (remote control beeping) (microwave pad beeping) (popcorn popping) (sucking) (sucking) (lightsaber whizzing) (objects shatter) (gulps) (sucking) (electricity crackling) (electricity crackling) (explosion) (cell phone beeps) (dial tone) (muttering) (shuts off cell phone) (doorbell rings) (engine revs, horn honks) (celestial tones) ♪ ♪ (squeaking and muttering) (monkey chatters) (flatulence) (chittering) (shrieks) (item rubbing against package) (triumphant tone) (remote control beeps) (beeping) (engine racing) (tires screech) (vacuum snarling) (vacuum sucking) (remote control beeps) (engine racing) (glass shatters) (remote control beeps) (garage door opening, closing) (crash) (airplane flying overhead) (remote control beeping) (engines blast) (remote control beeps) (plane swooshing) (bike bell rings) (remote control beeps) (growling) (howls) (remote control beeps) (remote control beeps) (werewolf snarls) (remote control beeping rapidly) (bike bell rings) (remote control beeps) (remote control beeps) (deep bass) (gentle breeze sound) (gale force wind sound) (system shuts off) (articles clattering) (remote control beeps) (monkey chattering) (chair crashes) (chair growling) (remote control beeps) (chair hollers) (remote control beeps) (remote control beeps) (remote control beeps) (pop) (boing) (remote control beeps) (remote control beeps) (remote control beeps) (remote control beeps) (remote control beeps) WHEW! (handle squeaks) (faucet running) (television playing) (handle squeaking) (channels changing) (water splashing) (handle squeaking) (channels changing) (lasers firing) (droid beeping) (lasers firing) (remote control beeps) (water pouring) (lasers firing) (sipping) (growling) (growling continues) (stomach growls) (indistinct chattering) AHEM. GRR! (bell ringing) (cheers and applause) (bell rings) (whimpers) (laughs) AAH! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! (cries) (man speaking indistinctly over cell phone) (bear growling) (maniacal laughter) (bear growling) AAH! (watch ticking) (engine revving) (laughs) (bell rings) (laughs) (laughing) (stomach growls) HMM. (cheers and applause) (screaming) (stomach growls)
Channel: Official Pink Panther
Views: 76,175,479
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pink panther, pink panther and pals, classic pink panther, cartoons for kids, animation for kids, peppa pig, shark and ziggo, full episodes, caillou, kids videos, compilation, funny, animated, animation, cartoons, cartoon network, nickelodeon, shopkins, talking tom, spongebob squarepants, 1 hr cartoons, pink panter, pantera rosa, pink hi-tops, the pink painter show, the mighty pinkwood tree, pinkozoic era, pink on the canvas, astro pink, remotely pink, shop pink spree
Id: YRe7_rgjRTg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 29sec (3389 seconds)
Published: Thu May 17 2018
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