Cuckold Couple interview-Sarai and Dakota

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I’m an atheist but there must be a God considering she hasn’t gotten pregnant yet. There was just something so unsettling about this one.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 39 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/coldestclouds πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 04 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

i cannot stand her. her extreme fetishization of black men is annoying and unhelpful. to the point where she wants dakota to raise her child who better be mixed? she treats people like props for her own benefit. whether that applies to dakota is up to him to realize.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 21 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/angelazsz πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 04 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

Sarai made me uneasy and I felt bad for Dakota...that said, I hope they are both happy with the arrangement they have. The Youtube comments are pretty brutal on this one

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 14 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/PhotojournalistLast4 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 04 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

The way she keeps laughing the entire interview tells me she knows exactly what she’s doing to him on multiple levels and enjoys it. This is one of the most uncomfortable one i’ve seen (for different reasons obviously) and that’s saying a lot.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 14 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/224BigStepper πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 04 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

I feel horrible for him… I hope he rediscovers he is worthy of a partner who wants him, cherishes him, and gives him love. I’m also slightly relieved that Sarai cannot get pregnant, for the fact she want a fetish baby,

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 40 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/stimulatings πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 03 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

As always, to each their own.

In good faith, I am going to assume that he is genuinely happy with this arrangement and that he is not being gaslit, though it is entirely possible that he is. This is a fetish that I will never understand, and the thing that doesn't make it easier is that humiliation accompanies pleasure, so how the cuckold feels isn't so black-and-white. He could genuinely enjoy this kink and not simply be doing this to please his partner. However, the way they discuss compromise and motorcycles makes me question how much choice he had in all of this.

However, the bit about them having a kid as a result of this kink is bizarre and I don't think that is okay.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/IamHere-4U πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 04 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

I felt sick when she admitted to making him suck the guys dick. He said it bothered him immensely at first but now it's "just fun" 🀒

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 10 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/DanceTilWeDrop πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 08 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

He bought one too many motorcycles and the role reversed

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Minimum-Sky-845 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 04 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

Amazed anyone wants to fuck her at all tbh.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 40 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/LYFE0DFYA πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 04 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies
all right sarah and dakota sarah dakota where are you guys from originally sarah you're from where memphis city memphis in dakota you grew up where oklahoma how would you describe your childhood sarah pretty good for the most part uh my parents were always together but my dad struggled with drugs and um when i was a four or five no five or six my grandfather like molested me which drove my dad into drugs which yeah it was rocky a little bit my mom was an amazing person and she like kept everything together it's pretty cool you finished high school uh technically no i made it all the way to senior year and then i turned 18 and dropped out and then went to summer school and then i moved away to oklahoma and quit and then when i came back to memphis i or he helped me get my ged and i got my ged dakota helped you yes well he pushed me to get it got it what kind of kid were you like in your high school years as a teenager uh very shy withdrawn bookworm teacher's pet really good at like science uh reading and all that good stuff sucked at math but it was a very quiet kid good kid kept my head down in dakota what was your childhood like my mom had me when she was 15 and she originally didn't want me and try to have an abortion and when that didn't work she gave me for adoption when i was 11 years old and my step-grandmother and grandfather who my grandfather he was a truck driver and rode motorcycles and stuff his whole life was kind of a manly man and all he had was daughters and never got to raise a son and so he took the opportunity to raise his son and him and my grandmother adopted me and they were broken poor for the most part we kind of came up for different me and her on different spectrums and you grew up wealthy there uh upper middle class my dad was a a pretty good airplane mechanic at fedex for a while until his downfall and he got kicked out because he filled a drug test oh i see so dakota you graduated high school no no no uh actually it was me my grandma grandma and grandfather and my grandfather got cancer when i was younger and passed away when i was 14 and so it was me and my grandma and i started working part-time and so i was going to school like three or four days a week and working the rest and i just i was working for 20 an hour building fence on a farm and you know off the table and everything and i just got to thinking as a young guy that if i worked you know five or six days a week and didn't go to school that i'd make a lot more money and so i quit school in eighth grade and started working full time how was how was your childhood with your grandparents uh it was good it wasn't bad my environment was the most loving person in the world our entire town called her grandma and she she basically raised every child that she came across or tried to that's great she was a loving person and my grandfather he was just like i said a man's man didn't nearly take anything or you know he didn't back talk to him or anything like that but i wasn't really beaten or anything like that i just knew not to you know not to get loud or not to say anything wrong or just be respectful basically he was you know a former marine truck driver biker just kind of a no-nonsense guy that you just showed respect to and you and sarah met how off uh at the time it was my yearbook as an online site and it was intended for like people to stay in contact after they quit school and we just started i uh i was in oklahoma and i got back in contact when i uh at 17 with my real mother and then moved to west memphis to move in with her to try to have a relationship with her and then i met her when i was uh just online talking to girls you guys have been together how long 12 years 12 years it's almost like you're married yeah pretty much we said we weren't supposed to get married so we've been uh together 12 years been living together at least 11. no kids no no kids and how old are you guys i'm 29 i'm 30. so you guys have an interesting aspect to your relationship most will say yes how did this come about it's called uh cockholding tell me how that came about was your relationship always this way or did it not always it didn't start out that way but it developed that way how did that come about well uh do you want me to tell you how we started yeah tell me you started out as a vanilla relationship no not at all we were never vanilla we uh started out actually in the bdsm i was really into the bdsm and like uh slavery and sub sub stuff and all that fun stuff and so we started out as he was my master like we went that like they were that level and uh my mom found out because she looked through my phone because she was very nosy even though i was 18 at the time she was one of those very controlling moms at the time and she freaked out because she saw me call on him master and she's like you can't be together anymore no no no you're never going to be together so at 18 i left and moved into oklahoma where we did that for a while and then we got invited from one of our one of his master friends to a big swingers party and we was a lot of fun so then we just started doing swinging and then when we moved back to tennessee it was just easier to do the swinging and because there was a bigger there was a bigger swingers community here than there was in oklahoma so it developed into something different than dakota being your master yes uh slowly we uh stopped those swinging and then started doing like threesomes and all that stuff and then it turned into me pretty much telling him i'm sleeping with whomever i want and you're just going to sit in the corner and watch so you became the master kind of i did i am and dakota how does that sit with you i like it i enjoy it you enjoy it so what does this look like i mean sarah will bring home men or tell me what happens yes she'll bring home guys or we'll go meet guys at like hotel rooms or stuff but normally she just brings them home yep i like the comfort of my own home these are just random guys you meet well i have a black only preference so all of them are black but yes and they're i've made them on websites or i've given my number out to people and random and just invited them over like a guy through a drive-through i thought it was cute so i gave him my number and he showed up that night and this happens how often um i try to do it at least once or twice a week but work you know it's really hard you guys are both working yes we work full-time yeah but i do it every opportunity i can when i get free time twice the past week yeah twice so far and dakota you you'll sit in the in the room and watch the watch and record and stuff like that yeah or whatever the guys want me if they want me to do stuff so what is your experience of this is it humiliating is it uh tantalizing is it exciting is it what is it um it is humiliating but it's also sexy to watch a guy basically perform better than i can it's almost like watching porn do you think porn is what kind of led you into this not really being a voyeur no not not really so i think it went from i was doing like threesomes and swinging and to us both realizing that it was more fun if i was just watching and she was playing with the guys and you'll pick up different guys each time well i've got my regulars that i like but yeah i cycle through guys and sometimes unless i find a library that i really really like and then i'll play with him quite a bit but you're more closely bonded with dakota than these all these other guys i assume right oh yes yes most definitely you're not gonna leave dakota for somebody you never never i will laugh at them and tell them no sorry not gonna happen it's you're gonna take me and and then he's gonna be there whether you like it or not and you have a sex life that continues with dakota no so you guys don't have sex no not in the traditional sense no not in the traditional sense at all oh really so dakota do you have sex of any sort with anyone not anymore not anymore where do you see this progressing this is this unusual unusual relationship i would say i guess i have become possessive it's mine he's mine i control what he does when it comes to sex and is that your personality to be so dominant be the boss no it didn't used to be it's because of him i used to be very shy and not confident at all he's given me a lot of confidence over the years and she's submissive to the other guys as well oh yeah i am submissive to my partnership but dominant to him it's interesting so dakota you and you enjoy being the the sub as they call it yeah it's quite a bit of fun it's because my whole life and jobs and everything i've always been into power or like the supervisor or something and it's nice for somebody else to have the power of me not to have to worry about everything that's going to happen and just kind of go with it oh so outside of your home life you're you're the boss typically at work yeah yeah we own our own business so i'm the boss of our little company he likes driving a lot more than i do and but but at home she's the boss yes and you used to be the boss right yeah how is it different now for you [Music] well she controls every at the every aspect basically now and has the same control that i had and i just pretty much asked ask permission before i really do anything have you ever had like interactions with with guys that just went bad or are they always pretty much what they're what you have planned what do you mean by i mean like you know does a guy ever have expectations that like why is there a guy in the room or anything like that no well if i have guys like that we'll uh i'll normally just have him like sit outside the door and watch that way he's still watching and everything but the guy can be like not being watched i can't really see but he's just just outside the door is this a rousing for you dakota it is good because i know they're more more physically fit or they're bigger or stuff like that they can perform better basically i guess in a physical aspect yeah so sarah so your all the partners you bring in the african-american men how do they compare to dakota as a sexual partner let me answer yeah you can answer there's a lot better than i am honestly like several times bigger the the black men are much more well endowed than you are yeah they're much much better than i am and it's just a an aspect of she seems to have more fun with them she's louder she seems to enjoy it more so there's a reason i like doing it in my bedroom and not in hotel rooms doing in the comfort of my own home and not in a hotel room where there's walls on either side it's interesting because obviously dakota has evolved to a point where your happiness is more important than his pride yes a lot of men won't do that and that's probably how i would say probably 1.9 of them won't do that that's a lot of problems with the world men need to be a little bit more humble and listen to their women dakota you're you're you're not feeling i mean there's humiliation you mentioned that yeah there's humiliation and i guess in some aspects it kind of makes me feel like less of a man sometimes but in all honesty it's not it doesn't bother me that bad at all because it's just it's what she wants and she's happier once you open your mind it makes you more of a man actually you're great you're a great partner to her she's she's free to do whatever she wants her happiness is more important to to you than your pride yeah and i get away with a lot of stuff that most people or guys wouldn't get away with like buying motorcycles or buying stupid cars or spending money on stupid guns and cars and stupid stuff like that a happy wife if you make your woman happy you get so many more things [Laughter] and meeting african-american men is not a problem for you you just do it online or how do you do it mostly online but uh sometimes i do it in person that's what this whole tattoo means it's supposed to symbolize i uh i'm exclusive to black guys it's a queen of spades and what it means is that i am only exclusive to black guys it's pretty much uh hey i wanna [Β __Β ] you i wanna have sex with you come all you gotta do is come and ask and i will be more than willing to so that's with that tattoo yes that's what the tattoo means really yes i have it on my chest so everybody can see it i would almost say that like even if we're together in public and a guy sees it it's almost like a permission yeah it's like everybody's like come come say hi you've had permission to talk to her like that in a way are you guys thinking of having kids we've tried having kids uh since year five of this 12-year relationship but over the years of just not using protection i'll safely mind you uh i just realized that i just wouldn't get pregnant and we've even tried like doing the whole planning stuff and having intercourse and stuff like that when you're ovulating and just never never happened ever never even had a scare not a once in our entire 12 years are you using condoms with all your partners no no i don't and you're not worried about getting pregnant no i'm not it seems like you're not going to get we'd like to i would like to but i've just never been able to be okay if it was one of your other partners rather than dakota that's what we've tried to oh you're that's what you're aiming for yes it is if i have kids i want it to be mixed will you tell the father uh if i know who the father is [Laughter] yeah i mean i'm just like we're not going to ask for child support or anything and we wouldn't want to still be his but yeah be very open about that as well i don't want them to have any responsibilities it'll still be our kid we wouldn't want to take anything away from them if they wanted anything like that that's true in all fairness i wouldn't ask for child support though any of that stuff right because in the years we've been together and with stuff i've done with other girls i've never had any scares and never almost got to grow pregnant and going to the doctor they attributed it to you know my size and everything and not being able to perform right or well and uh then with her and the other guys so it was just because we didn't at first we didn't know if it was me not able to you know get her pregnant her able to get pregnant and then with the other guys and everything is both of us i guess guys we both have problems but that's okay we did what we horribly called a breeding party and did like a gang bang where you know we checked all the guy had papers and everything for like you know tests and everything but the whole point of it was was to have you know like six or seven guys come over and all of them attempt to get her pregnant increase the chances pretty much and it never worked i guess if you don't get pregnant after that you don't really and we've the we've done the tests and everything they all came back that she can get pregnant so we just we haven't went and got the more extensive tests and stuff like that but it costs a lot all the initial testing all came back perfect but it is what it is we're happy at this point if it happens it happens if it doesn't then it doesn't it's not something we're going to try or not try for i guess i would assume that this kind of relationship requires really great communication and trust oh yes between the two of you you feel closer since this started the relationship changed i don't think so then we've all we've always been i don't feel any different from the first couple years we've been together until 12 years from now and after you have an interaction with some guy you met who comes by and just does his business and leaves you guys will talk about it afterwards or you'll yeah he uh helps clean up does all that fun stuff uh then we just pretty much like it's puppy dog we cuddle watch movies play games just we're in a really good mood yeah shower and go back to hanging out or whatever's going whatever we got going on and it's a normal other than the the the other sexual partners it's a fairly normal relationship it sounds like for the most part yeah people would think it's weird that sometimes i'll have him just like wearing panties and stuff around the house or uh i've gotten lots of people who've been like you're cheating on him you don't really love him and all this and it's just like you just don't understand you think that's it just people just are too close-minded yeah i don't know how many times you don't really love her or she doesn't really love you you should leave her blah blah blah blah blah so you just don't understand yeah in the past when i talked to girls it would always turn to this weird aspect we're going to save you from her and show you how a woman should treat you and all this i'm an abusive horrible person you're not interested you're faithful to sarah yep even though she's unfaithful to you yep my grandmother who's now passed away used to tell everybody that she's the only reason i'm still alive because i was into a bunch of like dealing drugs hanging out with the wrong people getting in trouble when i was 16 17 18 and then i met her and i quit drinking quit smoking quit doing everything basically and just went straight to be with her and then changed my life for the better to be with her and uh you didn't have a license until he got with me so sarah's influence on your life has been um yeah i've had several vehicles and no license just been doing everything young and dumb basically until i got with her and she was like look we gotta like you get in trouble with the law and things like that you had two vehicles that were impounded and taken in oklahoma because i was driving with you know no license and they just impounded the vehicles are drugs are part of your life or lives a little bit yeah yeah does that help with the sexual appetite um sometimes i mostly uh for like the anxiety depression and stuff like that and then a lot of weeks yeah nothing nothing hard no none of the hearty drugs because of my childhood or whatever i've never ever wanted to do anything hard never even thought about it i was 12 years old and i found my dad's crack pipe in the yard one day and that i don't know it left a lasting impression that i'd never ever want to do anything like that we do we'll do eggs or mdma every once in a while and i really like shrooms but that's the hardest we've ever done sarah do you think there was something in your upbringing your childhood that made this you know work for you or maybe make you give you this desire to have all these multiple partners and do it you know outside of your relationship with your with your part with your main partner um i don't think when it comes to the swinging and stuff but the more like darker like the [Music] the more uh sadistic and that kind of bdsm stuff i would attribute to what happened when i was younger yeah because i don't know what else like when when i remember when i was younger i was like this isn't normal so i guess that's the only thing that really stands out to me that could change or sway my opinions or whatever i can even imagine it but do you think if the sexual abuse abuse had not happened that maybe this this kind of relationship wouldn't be existing in your life maybe or it wouldn't be to the extreme that it is now but um i'm happy with the way it is you guys are happy and you're happy you're happy with your relationship oh very you seem to be yeah and dakota do you do you see yourself becoming more active sexually or do you long for that or do you just no longer have an appetite for it the desire i'm not sure honestly because it's it's still going down basically because you know because it was a lot and then it's kind of just gruntled down to not really anything and you're still a young man so you should have a 30 a strong sex drive yeah but you have none at all i do but no it's not to say he doesn't do anything sexual he just doesn't have intercourse i don't allow him to do that like he's still like i'll make him edge and do all that stuff but other like he just doesn't intercourse and no other females like i'm very possessive he's mine so he's not allowed to have other partners not unless i specifically say so when i'm there but he's made to watch you have all that kind of partners you want yes you feel like that's fair you know normal relationship probably not yes in a normal relationship no but in my relationship yes because it's my relationship and i'm in charge and it's what i want to do and dakota is cool with that also talk to other girls like text messages and stuff like that but i don't do anything with them and this just is fun for me i enjoy it i like the communication and the talking and the stuff like that what do you guys learn from from this lifestyle that you've gotten into do you have any do you have any insights into relationships and love and because you guys you guys seem very committed to each other oh yeah always be open try new things talk about stuff like if something's bothering you or you want to try something don't be afraid to talk to your partner about it if you are afraid to talk to him you might not should be yeah if you are afraid to talk to him about it then you should probably rethink your uh think your relationship with somebody you can't talk to about it do you guys tell each other everything yes there's no secrets there's nothing that you're no yeah if we want to try something we try it even if it's the most weird thing ever like that i remember having a dream when uh we first got together about him uh peeing on me in the shower and i was like it turned me onto my dream and it sounded like a lot of fun so it was like i felt comfortable enough to go to him be like hey i want to try this it sounds like fun and then we tried it and i realized yeah i like some aspects of it but others not so much she's in and we just learned and she literally came to me like i had a dream like this and it seemed kind of fun you want to try sure it was kind of like the the master slave stuff originally when i first got together i was kind of into it it seemed fun but when you have a you know young woman say you can do whatever you want to me you can be in sharks like all right that sounds fun be like here is it more fun being the submissive rather than the the dominant in the relationship honestly it's the actions themselves like where i would explain whether it's choking somebody or being choked it's just the aspect of it like just an added aspect it's not really me doing it or somebody else doing it if that makes sense like he really likes he really likes sex like the aspect of everything whether he's doing it or he's watching it being done so it's like here if that makes sense you're a connoisseur of pretty much sex it sounds like and your wife is the canvas basically how many partners have you had outside of this relationship i mean outside of me and how many guys have you roughly brought in brought into my relationship oh yeah hmm i'd say what two three hundred plus yeah he's been doing this a really long time if it's two a week like it depends if you count just the cuckold type stuff or if you count everything we've done over the years the two a week was two guys each time so that would be four this week oh there's two two guys at a time yeah yeah multiple i've had [Music] sometimes on our anniversary before covid we would have a gang bangs for our anniversary and now we'd have four five six guys in a hotel room or at the house and he would watch and film and that was our anniversary gift to each other it was an eight or nine year anniversary we had eight or nine guys like the number of europe we've been together so many guys came over and these are all african-american men yes and you and you're always in the corner watching yes it's funny because at first doing it or soon online you would think like they're kind of they look down upon you but they all like act like i'm cool this year you you're so cool man you're cool as [Β __Β ] you're not like everybody else most partners who get very jealous be uneasy with the whole thing a lot of men do like before the pandemic we would go to like parties it would be like swingers but be all white girls and black guys and then it'd be me and her and it would be like 30 black guys i'd just be walking around talking to everybody and just dreaming cool as [Β __Β ] and just how cool it was that we were there that i brought her there stuff like that [Laughter] what do you think most people that have vanilla relationships don't understand about but what what's out there what they could be experiencing it seems like you guys may maybe have discovered something i think people take sex way too serious yeah religion and uh has made you think that sex is taboo and bad and it's really not it's just fun and when you stop thinking of it as something to you have to do and just think of it as fun there's a lot more you're open to do and it's not so much about controlling your partner as it is about just enjoying your partner yep and what they enjoy yep well it's like because i consider myself a straight guy and i don't look at other men and think they're you know attractive or sexy but if a guy comes over and wants me to do something with him and her i will like doesn't bother me to do stuff with guys it used to bother me quite a bit but it's just fun it's just sex it's not like uh i don't know and when your dom is telling you to suck ticky i'm sorry say it again please that's then when you're dominant it tells you to do something you do it to another guy to anybody so so sometimes dakota is in getting involved with the other guys if they're okay with it yeah we just have to have open minds i guess right yes pretty much what they're okay with yeah like i get a mixed bag it's like 50 50. some guys are okay with it and some guys aren't but we just we do whatever so whatever the guy is comfortable with it was what we do we try to accommodate him and i don't really understand it but some of the guys don't want me to watch but they're fine with me recording it's like they're fine with me looking at them with the phone between us but they don't want me looking at them without the phone between us so me recording makes a lot of the guys more comfortable because it's something other than me just being there i guess instead of me enjoying them being there it's like i'm recording and stuff all guys are different and have weird quirks you realize and we joke that she gets other guys and i get motorcycles like i've got two bikes that's my passion my life is motorcycles you guys are both satisfied yep compromise compromises that's very important is compromises too you got to be willing to compromise or meet halfway you can't be stubborn and i don't know if it had a lot to do with the changing from me being dominant to her but i had a motorcycle accident in 2015 and was told there was a great chance i might never walk again like i broke my back neck ate ribs collapsed my left lung broke my collarbone was sticking out broke my shoulder my uh pelvis ripped my left thumb off they had to surgically repair it like the only thing that kept it attached was the motorcycle gloves i had on i was escorting a funeral and i was standing there with you know the sirens on the flashers on telling people to stop and this lady decided she was going to stop and i spent what two weeks in the hospital a week in the hospital a little over a week and this was 2015 and so i was 22 and being told you may never walk again at 22 was it was terrifying and [Music] i don't know if i'd have made it through it without her because there for a few years i was very depressed and couldn't do anything it was like a year of me you know not being you know not being in a walker being able to do stuff and then a year of me walking in a cane and then a year of me walking you know normally until now oh see we lost everything because of that rifle i moved in with my parents and everything it took us a while to get back up but we did it that's when a lot of her playing with guys came in because i physically was unable to for years and we've always been so sexual it didn't seem you know it wasn't her fault to have the accident and didn't seem fair her not to be able to do anything or have fun or enjoy stuff just because i was you know hurting everything and i never saw it as oh i'm hurting you're outgoing you know doing this stuff it was just seemed fair but you're fully functional now yeah yeah yeah she's the one because they the doctor told me i'd never be able to ride a motorcycle again so i wouldn't be able to hold it up and three four years three four years after the wreck she pushed me to get another bike because i was moping around the house one day and she was like look let's go to the harlow dealership and i was like why we went down there and i sat on one just started crying and then we bought it a week later and it's just been about another one like six months later and that one time we had three bikes and now we just have two yes yeah it seems like you guys have a great relationship yeah because like the the other girls like said that they'll be like well we're gonna save you from her and give you what you deserve i'm like this someone wiped my ass for years i couldn't you know physically turn around i was like you don't get much much more loving or devoted than that it seems like it's obvious that you guys love each other oh yeah but you're just you're just very open-minded compared to most people come yeah as they compare to most people nowadays very yes all right sarah and dakota thank you so much for sharing your stories thank you thank you for letting us you
Channel: Soft White Underbelly
Views: 795,165
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: soft white underbelly, swu
Id: Gi4zwxB9Rds
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 30sec (2010 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 30 2022
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