PilotsEYE.tv - MD-11F - QUITO, Day off | Lay over "Rose farm"

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It's always something special coming to Quito Shall we get a cab? -Let's go! 5 tickets thank you This view makes me realize how amazing this city really is The distance it spreads out... You have to see 40km to believe it Shouldn't we be able to see the airport from here? In a moment... It's further north Our hotel should be on the north end of that park over there I got it! Directly above there's an incoming plane How nice! -Beautiful! A sunny approach -Aerogal... ...probably Can you see the bright spot in the distance? -Yes That's Quito's new airport I can already see the terminal One thing you can tell immediately the runway is significantly longer than on Quito's old airport With 4100m it's almost 1000m longer There will be approach aids on both runways so we'll be able to directly approach both sides What's the elevation of the new airport? Will it be lower? About 1400ft lower (7,874 ft) The combination of lower elevation and longer runway means for us higher payload What a view! -That's a good spot right? Yeah wonderful! -A good view of the city Looking from the Pichincha volcano on the city! Wonderful! There's the Plaza de San Francisco And further to the right there's Plaza Grande Let's check out that cathedral! Seems like Pope John Paul II has also been here in 1985 Let's have a peek A very simple church Lots of lancet arches Little decorations and no gold But absolutely stunning nevertheless What a great view! Definitely worth the hike It's astonishing how the houses are basically built into the mountain A sea of houses that seems to never end It's getting cloudy again At some point it'll start raining Looks like rain -Absolutely That's it The real life equator What does the GPS say? The GPS says we're at 2750m and now we'll see if the sign is right Let's walk along it and see if it's right Anne-Katrin,this line gave the country its name The equator Equator Ecuador What's the GPS saying? We're right on it This is the proof Over here... ...we're in the northern hemisphere and over here we're... in the southern hemisphere! That's how it's supposed to be! Excuse me sir? Where's the 'Sisapamba' farm? Well Rodriguez thank you for letting us have a glance at your production Thank you! How many greenhouses do you have here? We have 2 more places besides this one We carry here 120 varieties of roses for the entire world So this is one of them? -Yes this is a variety It is oriented to the Russian market Long stems and a big button and that's what the market wants Why is it special for the Russian market? They want to give one single special stem It has to be more than 80cm-1m Sometimes even 1.20m How long does it take for the rose to grow? Normally it takes around 60 to 65 days From when you cut them until it grows again As you can see here when the center is opened the rose is ready to be cut But it has to be opened at least a bit? Yes it has to be! You can not cut the button too early otherwise it would never open! This is the cutting stage at which you can cut each variety For example for the Russian market people love a very open flower as far as the cutting stage is concerned The German market loves orange, yellow and white roses This is for the German market as you can see When you touch it like this you see if it's fresh or not See how intense the yellow color is? Yet it also has red edges It is very intense This is why we we're growing them in Ecuador I see -It's so nice! Do they smell? No, they don't smell too much because the variety that smell don't last too long They blow open too fast The smell is not our business Okay -So what is your favourite rose? My favourite rose is the Mondial for example It's white and green It's beautiful! It lasts for a long time in the vase I love it because it's a pure white rose it has a very nice opening It's beautiful! When was the last time you gave a rose to your wife? Yesterday, I give her one rose everyday or one variety Everyday! -Everyday yes What a lucky wife! After we cut them we put them in these nets It comes to this area pretreating against Botrytis (gray mold) That has to be done And then we go inside Hi there! -Good day So the variety arrives in those nets and gets categorized depending on the market This is for the Russian market It indicates the size of the button and the length of the stem Here are short lengths and long lengths For the European market? -Yes What's that color called? This one is 'Red Paris' This is 'Freedom' and this is the way we pack Come and see Perfect! How many roses are in there? In this one? Twenty 20 roses? -20 roses! In one package -It fits perfectly Yes Here you can see all varieties Cherry Brandy, this is Carousel this is Cinnamon Huh, it's cold in here! -Yes! What is the temperature in here? -It's 2°C/36°F Is this the best temperature for the roses? -Yes it's the best It's in order to keep the roses closed That's the best temperature for them Good to know because usually we keep a temperature of 7°C/45°F in the freighter that's very interesting information for us so we can change the rules and cool them down Yes 2-6°C/36-43°F -Between 2 and 6° would be the best? Not less than 2°C though? -No, because they would freeze! So that's the final packaging These are the kind of boxes we know from the freighter How many roses do you harvest every day? Around 90,000 stems all together per day 90,000 stems a day! This is for you "High and Yellow Magic" to take to Germany as a present So nice! Thank you very much! You're welcome -Thank you! Thank you for letting us come here it was a unique experience Being here always feels like a dream
Channel: PilotsEYE.tv
Views: 844,570
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: PilotsEYE.tv, Pilotseye, Pilots, eye, Thomas, Aigner, HDC, AME, wolfgang raebiger, anne katrin kramm, sisapamba, Pichincha Volcano (Mountain), basilica del voto nacional, equatorial line, Equator (Name Source), Quito (City/Town/Village), uio, sequ, quito airport, McDonnell Douglas MD-11 (Aircraft Model)
Id: _wvvFMYbdKw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 19sec (619 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 28 2014
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