Piloting the ETIHAD AIRBUS A380 into Paris | Cockpit Views

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so here i'm going to do i'm going to set the ptv let's break to a v8 for runway zero eight alright randomizer is 2700 meter which is here in this navigation spray meter so normally we vacate up to the wet line so captain sophie agree with getting victory 7 yep so this is set to vector seven ptv set and let's explain here in the nd runway array 2700 exit v7 distance and the time okay now i finished the preparation for arrival and i'm gonna brief uh katana sophie uh about the decent preparation and all type of approaches that we're gonna do so aircraft status is checked we don't have anything special so whether it is checked and charged nothing especially the airport some taxi closure but it's not going to affect our taxi routes for today as you're expecting to taxiing 08 to right so we start to from the arrival zero zero [Applause] so from there from the arrival we signed the initial approach for runway uh zero right so from puna we're gonna papa golf five zero one one five and then we'll start to the approach [Applause] i'm just preparing the chart in my site so i list the right way zero try to chart number 21-2 effect 31 of january it's localized one zero eight five five delta sierra eco and the [Applause] airport elevation is 392 minimum say about this is 3200 so 15 miles from the ilis we should be 5 000 and then from there we continue to send to the three short in case of go around we come straight ahead five thousand and then [Applause] [Applause] and approaching to the approaching close to the airport we can answer it to the vr here will be decelerated approach full flap and fully stable 2000 above the air drum division after we land as we discussed earlier we expect to vacate using ptv by a victor seven and then we followed yeah i don't know pakistan terminal two yeah we expecting charlie fox echo so vector is seven and then we cross the other runway as we instructed romeo to take it uh i think did i forget atlantic performance is done yep yeah you're fine whether it's okay all is good and yeah that's fine okay i just yeah i want to precise some point because i'm quite used to paris just be careful uh this waypoint has nothing to see with it's called by the ils but it has nothing to see with the the dmi yeah so it's seven this is the dm it's seventeen seven fifty so don't believe that when you're gonna if you get directed to this point you're gonna be too high or something yes it's nothing to see you still have a lot of sixteen uh twenty twenty one hemi before so that's one point second point uh diversion fuel is 12 turns oh yeah this is the master early yeah but we cannot continue towards destination until we get broken at 700 because we need 500 feet per company minimum minimum above the decision altitude which is 200 plus 587 so by 100 officially we cannot go and the runway is wet so be careful full reverse 2 600 meters full hello hi everyone hope you're enjoying the flight with us today my name is shayman i've been flying 380 for more than two years and before that i was flying 320 for four years and a half eventually flying 380 is something very nice completely different i love it so much it's a very nice aircraft of course this different destination too and as i said earlier i've been working uh edith for more than eight years it's really lovely to work with etihad airways a very nice environment obviously i couldn't have done it without it had they sponsored me they helped me from the beginning and uh and now i'm flying this amazing aircraft the biggest aircraft on the way 380 and i hope you enjoy the flight with us today and see you later hey guys um just to let you know where we are which phase of flight uh now we did the old descent and approach and landing preparation uh just gave me a briefing in 10 minutes from now we're gonna do a pa just to advise the passenger that decent will start soon the service we stop to give them the latest weather in paris and if any turbulence expected and something and then in 20 minutes from there we're going to start slowly our descent according to atc to paris so far everything's fine the weather is okay in paris it's a bit rainy and uh cloudy uh 10 degrees we'll see if the approach will be good and see you on the ground then climb fire three nine zero three nine nine speed selected three hundred check apparently seven kilos super maintaining three one zero straight on four seven kilo super bowl reduced eight echo arrival site level two eight [Applause] can you take three one zero or more i had the first seven kilo decent as well one six zero and we take quicker one six zero descent and speed three one zero [Applause] okay here the 4 7 kilo proceed to take indirectly [Applause] though [Applause] [Applause] if you had four seven kilo decent fly level eight zero then radius speed two three zero decent level eight zero and reduce speed to three zero that's it yeah zero eight five altitude six thousand feet canadian one zero one three six thousand one 6700 now checked heading 180 let's say 5 [Applause] ten knots one was the right right curtain for seven kilos charlie hello behind the tree eighteen ahead from tango tree line up and wait one way right left behind behind the line uh two thousand five hundred meter life check the flux three it's gonna be a speed check flaps three checked and plug speed check flaps full neck checklist anytime kevin ready checked cabin crew advised auto thrust mode on speed auto brake ptv landing checklist complete workshop degrees 11 knots when i see right right clear to length great to land vietnam largest one two win zero two zero degrees 11 knots one right there right left here for takeoff therefore take off uh checked and runner inside checked check 100 above check checked minimum continue 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 river spoilers zero two zero degrees 10.08 left here particles left without i have zero you have it manual break checked uh um touchdown [Music] [Music] checked five hundred check [Music] minimum 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 river spoilers do you have it checked check so clear on the left so exactly on the line okay play them okay that's the end of our flight we finished all our checklist captain sofia saying goodbye to the passenger it was a nice good landing i i feel great about it and yeah we look forward to see you tomorrow thank you so much they're really happy about the flight yeah the congratulations for the lending that's right they told me i said that was not me that was my colleague so thank you thank you you
Channel: Just Planes
Views: 1,103,923
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cockpit, Flightdeck, Pilot, Pilots, Pilotlife, Pilotseye, Pilotsview, Etihad, Etihad Airways, Cockpit Etihad, Cockpit Etihad Airways, Flight Deck Etihad, Flight Deck Etihad Airways, Cockpit A380, Cockpit Airbus A380, A380, Airbus A380, Flight Deck A380, Flight Deck Airbus A380, Trip Report Etihad, Trip Report Etihad Airways, Trip Report A380, Trip Report Airbus A380, Etihad A380, Etihad Airways A380, Etihad Airbus A380, Etihad Pilot, Etihad A380 Pilot, A380 Pilot, Just Planes
Id: 1PfCU34gDVg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 43sec (1363 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 16 2020
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