Aer Lingus A321NEO Married Pilots cockpit flight to New York

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[Music] has changed we so we've got H good healthy load today no slot St 403 lemac h two wheelchair passengers we've checked at our top of clim temperatures we've uh checked our altitude capability and that's at flight level 320 band into New York we should be getting there I think it's a 2150 so the uh range for our weather coming in there 240 at8 six stat miles few 2000 25,000 ft um kic little bit of rain there but other than that temperature down to 3° it remain above freezing the time the wearing we're going to be there um Goose Bay that's the only one that has maybe just a chance of a little bit of snow so shs of snow forecast through there we've arrived at to the cockpit now we're in the Airbus 321 Neo long range a beautiful aircraft fly and we're just about to set ourselves up now for our departure for nework start with the Apu fire test all the lights and noises Master caution I checked here engine fire test coming up on one two this Tech log is for us lrb it is eops ammer caty jeel there's nothing outstanding in the ddrs at all which is great so the flight planners can automatically send the the fight plan in to to M we ask send off a request for the flight plan it uploads the um the flight from the planners that they've sent into ATC directly onto the mcdu so that the idea behind that is it's to simplify the copit setup but also it's to try uh as best it can't to mitigate any errors that in that may come in through um transcription errors or something like that we get the wrong way point nonetheless we will verify what we've Uplink is what we've planned just as a as a second check but it is a it's a really efficient way of getting the flight plan into the into the aircraft I all thank you for joining us on this uh return flight from Dublin Ireland to New York International and I'm back again with aerlingus a321 Leo long range the flight out from Dublin today was it will take us 7 hours and 20 minutes the weather is good both in Dublin and a little bit cloudy in nework a little bit overcast but hopefully you get some good views on the way in captain for the dis clo file she'd be Pilot Flying she'd be flying you into New York and hopefully landing on Runway 22 that you'll see some of the views from Manhattan on the the left hand side as we make our approach in I hope we enjoy the sh 1 M good afternoon q101 your portion start approved to Le Point Juliet uh release breakes please we'll start with push the Julia thank you thank you brakes released what a beautiful day ground the FL you are clear for engine one and two start when you're ready thanks em Milan starting engine one yeah clear for one go ahead you notice that the the engines take quite some time to light up so we're a sort of a stabilized um stabilized start at the minute the ET is just adjusting across the core when it's within a stabilized set of parameters the fuel flow will begin and the engine will start a cycle uh start a [Music] sequence so there's a fuel flow going in ignition and then light up it varies depending on the number of different um external parameters how long that sort of stabilized windmill lasts for mik taxi ride Fox 2 Fox 3 shink four two and three hold link 4 sham one Z mik that's pretty much as you expected straight ahead Fox two uh Fox two and fox three so straight ahead second [Music] right good afternoon your potions approved least Point Fox slowy you have full Up full down neutral full left full right neutal another thank you for left right yeah despite the fact we went for the wet figures cuz the surface was wet completely dry now yeah sure so temperat [Music] the Shamrock 1 mik the 2 minutes now wind 34 28 right clear take off clear takeoff 28 right chk one Z M thank you let's go great stabilized than M Flex 31 SRS all the thrust BL check thrust out B1 rotate pause CL GE up please GE Now check 21 one thank you sham 1 Z Mike 28009 0 0 departure sh 1 identified climb now FL level 120 no level restriction on departure thank you climb FL level 1 12 0 no se mark one Z M second a of light inter modelop 31k 1 Z Mike we've had T reports at all flight levels over the land of Ireland out to 15 West out to 15 okay that's copy thank you one Z okay direct to pickle with the bains checked so we have a second message in there Chloe great and the message says confirm the assigned Roots so the assigned route is destination of Newark and the way points are 5720 November check 5830 November 5740 November 555 Z November lumsy November 518 Alpha dafi K John the Hannah transition to flossy perfect uh the engines are drawing the fuel directly from the wing tanks and then the center tank is uh siphoning the fuel in as required either way and when it reaches a particular level that the a act which you spoke about earlier on gets um drawn into the center tank and that fuel then is used into the wings for the engines you can see nice since we've left up we've used all of the fuel in the a CT we're about Midway through the second one and then once that is exhausted we'll just continue with the fuel that we have on board and the conventional fuel tanks on board the aircraft uh as normal so if I just type it in uh would you like to climb to 330 yeah so flight level 33 0 I'll transfer this to the DCU and our request now is to climb to 330 checked send send okay so that message now has gone up to the uh satellite then onwards to um the controllers it'll take a little while for that to come they'll receive the message they'll give us an acknowledgement that they've received the message but we won't necessarily get an answer for maybe 3 or 4 minutes great let's see what they can do there is traffic ahead but the next one in line is about 78 miles ahead plus 4,000 ft so okay thinkers cross better for our fuel burn too okay it it will yeah ATC message and let just a stand by lovely okay so they've received that so you think we'll get um possibility The Climb that' be great and you believe we won't uh let's climb to reach flight level 320 by 58 north3 West report mending 320 willco willco send send okay makes entire sense so we pushed back from terminal two here and when we went to taxi out then there was a company aircraft here so we went straight ahead link 2 and we turned right onto fox 3 to hold short link four and then the taxi way splits Fox inner and fox outer and they're just paralleling 1634 we went up Fox outer and continued as far as November this is sort of danger area for us because uh you could actually access the active Runway which obviously is to be avoided at all costs we then turned right onto November and we'd already advised ATC that we would be requiring a full length departure today and uh we got our clearance to line up here unusually because normally with the runway you'd line up right at uh the beginning of the runway but this is the entry point to the runway and we taxied down here and departed to the West we had a headwind so it was just a a standard takeoff technique for us then the departure we took took us up in a northwesterly direction Dublin mountains are the only really area of terrain where we're operating in and they have a little higher MSA of 4,000 ft but in the sector we were operating in it was 2,400 ft due to the local housing and that there's very defined maneuvering limits during our departure so we're strict to follow the tracks and speeds H to comply with our restrictions so this is the routing it took just this black line here we followed it out to dud whiskey 12829 and then we headed off and when we were about here we got a direct routing in the direction of our Oceanic entry point yeah you were teasing me that I've been on the Airbus since what 1999 BL these since 1999 so since the last century the last century with the brief interlude on 330s uh they were great the they were great we used to fly together on the 3:30 regularly yeah as co-pilots I remember that uh we did that on the long the the augmented crew ones yeah when you're flying to LA or where else did we go actually we didn't go anywhere else in those days it's just La there was San Fran later on we were we were off then yeah yeah so what when we both started back after the the initial training you were on the 146 yeah iron steam dial that was all proper um Iron dial aircraft I was on the 737 but a year and a half each of us on those and I moved on to the the 330 sorry 320 CEOs and you moved on to the 330 yes and I followed you on to the 330 yeah so flying these since the last century we're flowing together on this maybe on one one occasion on on doubles I think and then this is the second time in 20 25 years wow but the reason for that is um we are on the Airbus 320 Fleet so 320 321 in ER Lingus it's we're very lucky we have a fixed pattern F fixed roster pattern so you'll do 5 days on 5 days on Duty 5 days work followed by three days off that's a repetitive pattern 5 days on 3 days off 5 days fabulous because you can predict ahead and plan the odd two years ahead if you're if you're clever enough to set your calendar up you can do it to for as long as you want to be on these airb like me from the last century but we being married we have one extra thing as well in that we have uh both take a part-time day so our roster is even better than that in that it's four days work and four days off and me both of that each so that means that we can intermingle the work and home life really really easily and with both of us being um captains on on this aircraft it means that we have no issues at all at home with child care so we have three kids at home they one of us are always at home and whereas the other person would always be uh in work fact people would always think with our job that we spend so much time away from home but the reality is there's always one of us at home which is fantastic for our kids you know it's just to be clear we are married may I don't think we formally said that at any time so we are husband and wife flying together um yeah joined the same time we progressed up through uh the company uh in tandem with each other since we started in the uh the end of the um the last century in in 19989 Boston on our left hand side from there overhead Albany and onwards then to Newark and we'll have a lovely view on our way in on our left hand side we'll be able to see Manhattan as uh we make our our approach into New York York one Z Mike we 7,000 ft of Clank 1 Z Mike New York Alpha current I 22 left Al 30 1 0 3 1 0 22 left chro 1 0 mik chamro 10 Mike S maintain 5,000 C maintain 5,000 ft 10 so we're within 25 miles of Tira that means our MSA is 2900 ft chamro 10 Mike increase rate of Dent go chamro 10 mik 1,000 now 1,000 Rock 10 m contact approach 1205 12015 M mik 5 heading 160 mik 5 Mike y approach 39 10 mik maintain 4,000 then send maintain 4,000 then red Speed 2 210 maintain 4,000 speed 210 United 620 set maintain 3,000 then R speed to 17 all right continue our descent to 3,000 further reduce 179 view isn't it yeah Mark 10 Mike 6 mil from gim maintain 3,000 EST local clearway left maintain 3,000 ft clear left two left mark one Mar look at all of those bridges for that visual approach we were looking at yeah 10 m you can maintain 2,500 to establish now 170 KN two Buzz contact nework 18.3 4500 ft until established and uh 118 3 thank you good day good day 2,500 blue check there's [Music] T atle take 1834 whiskey line up and wait 2 r at Whiskey line up weight added 1834 Glide slope blue catri juel autopilot one and two checked M left Mark Mike newk 22 left clear 22 left clear when did he say he wanted the 172 was dis okay 2,500 check that that's nice Light soap star three pairs and white go altitude set I'll take the gear down GE down a 163 flap three speed check flap three three blue he's on the RO okay stabilized the autopilot off autopilot off auto remaining in checked stabilized flock of birds but they're clear okay thanks land check 100 above continue 50 40 30 20 spoilers reverse diesel 100 70 Auto Brak off Med [Music] brakes per thank you for joining us on our flight from Dublin to New York today as you saw on the approach there we landed on the southerly runway 22 left a simple ILS approach with beautiful views of Manhattan out on our left hand side uh we loved having you with us and we look forward to seeing you for our return flight tomorrow evening so thanks once again for joining us on on that flight you'll see the opposite flight hopefully tomorrow in the dark when we'll leave here um possibly on the same uh orientation over Manhattan back into Ireland and we'll talk you through the flight then we'll see you then good afternoon ladies and gentlemen for those who are Trav FL du irel if you have check in online currently holding a mobile boarding class only please come to G 56 for pass [Music] verification okay so we are at our aerlingus Airbus a321 Neo long range aircraft just ready to do the walk around H it's a procedure we complete before every flight so uh we begin here at the front of the aircraft we have our static ports we have our angle of attack we have a Pito heater to check and also the total air temperature probe and everything is closed latched we're checking our probes continue down to the nose wheel area and we're checking the condition of the tires are not nice LED lights which are a feature of the Neo beautiful engines they look so different to the co engine and we check that everything looks normal there's no leaks and then we continue to inspect the wing of the aircraft welcome board our flight again uh from New York to Dublin I'll be pile flying this evening we have a flight time of just under 6 hours 15 minutes unusually uh this evening we are are not on the organized track system we're on a random route um the track system is showing um some turbulence on that so and we're actually taking a great circle route from uh New York to Dublin the um weather on Route looks pretty good Dublin weather is forecast to be nice some showers for our arrival and maybe a little bit Breezy from the southeast so Runway news at the minute we're planning on Runway 10 Z but it could possibly be the Western facing rway as well we'll let you know as we come along the way so hope you enjoy the flight V1 rotate POS it of clim check check New York depart good evening at Shamar 1 Tango Charli out of 1500 ft shark 1 Tango Char clim maintain 4,000 clim maintain 4 1 Tango sh 1 Tango Char turn setting 020 left 020 Shar 1 Tango so left turn and open 727 main 5000 Northeast southbound at 0 checked approaching two to go checked PS speed PS 1600 checked 727 the traffic's no Factor call and maintain 8,000 and it says land gear is up tractor packs on Apu off and the power sets have to take off check complete check one to go one check what a 1204 he said 1204 I have it up there [Applause] yet I still have Endeavor 50001 turn left heading 320 32 0 5 American 1187 departure 12.85 looks good that's 12.85 for American 1187 this evening our route as I said earlier on is going to be a great circle line so we have more or less a direct line between uh Newark and Dublin with some very strong Jets to the south of us just a little bit further on we have a depiction of the organized track system [Music] and our own routing here so the tracks all begin very close into New York in fact they would be these I believe would be within the New York OCA there's a few quite far to the South so the planners run through a number of different flight sequences for the route on the evening depending on the time we go at and actually despite there being some stronger jet stand beside of us I think the distance there would bring us too far off um the overall great circle route so it more beneficial for us to fly this evening's flight outside the organized track system is still within the NAT HLA it's just a completely random route other operators would use it going on unusual routes from for example from New York to uh long range Singapore or to the uh to the Middle East and things like that 100 above continue minimum 50 40 30 20 spoilers reverse green break brakes 7 first con I got the easier leg so we're on the red and white Center Line and we'll be on the solid Reds and then we cross over the runway stop so park break is set so good morning it looks like the middle of the night still um it's sort of in between 20 to 5 we've just landed back in Dublin about 30 minutes ahead of schedule after a smooth uneventful flight we hope you enjoyed flying with us and we look forward to seeing you again on on board soon yeah so thank you very much for joining us it was a pleasure to have you on board we uh had a great time showing you around some of the features of the aircraft and the route as well the journey we took um we hope to see you again on one of our flights sometime soon thank you
Channel: Just Planes
Views: 429,375
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cockpit, Flightdeck, Pilot, Pilots, Pilotlife, Pilotseye, Pilotsview, Aer Lingus, Married Life, Married Pilots, Female Pilot, Airbus, Airbus A321, A321, A321NEO, Dublin, Ireland, Dublin Airport, Newark Airport
Id: dmaMy01cVCM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 30sec (1590 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 20 2024
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