80 Year Old Woman Lands Plane After Pilot Dies - Audio
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Channel: AIRBOYD
Views: 1,666,408
Rating: 4.7584729 out of 5
Keywords: Bay, landing, Florida, AOPA, Island, N53WT, Boeing, Land, pilot, luftfahrt, 414A, aviation, plane, Airport, Vuksanovic, cockpit, Sturgeon, #AVGEEK, boeing, Cessna, multi-engine, chemtrails, history, Collier, planes, aeroplane, airline, airport, County, yt:quality=high, Robert, Cherry, KSUE, SUE, Airbus, #airboyd, airplane, Collins, takeoff, prop, flying, airboyd, jet, Wisconsin, Marco, airbus, NTSB, FAA, Helen, Door, #avgeek
Id: rVAqiwnMNYo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 37sec (2737 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 05 2012
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Gone over this scenario with my wife several times. I also include a brief summary to any front seat passengers I fly with. Tell them how to key the mic. Give them the airspeed numbers. Donβt care about gear or flaps. Just smack that bitch into a field as smooth as possible.
I only took one pilots lesson, but the instructor was hands off the entire flight - let me taxi, take off, fly for 30 minutes, and land - of course she was giving me instructions but I feel like any flight experience would put you in a good place to pull off a landing.
What is an 80 something man piloting a plane? Just absurd