Randomizing Pikmin 2 was a Mistake...

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a lot of people out there they ask me Don what is so bad about randomizing Pikmin 2 Pikmin 2 randomizer in one word suffering in two words suffering and pain I tell them it's their usual randomized Affair you know all the enemies are in different places all the treasures are scrambled even the caves are even more randomized than usual but this randomizers a little different I'm talking like you go down to the bottom floor of a cave and there's just bosses flying all over the place but before we get into any of that crazy nonsense let's start from the beginning the whistful Wild what an interesting place to start our Pikmin two Journey so right off the bat we're Landing in the whistful wild which is typically the last place you go to in a regular journey to PNF 404 and we start with the blue Pikmin instead of the regular Red Pikmin we only have a few blue Pikmin to our name and I decideed to go to the left where we find an egg oh my God that well that's that's not okay but get this the contents of the eggs are also randomized can we not leave me alone so we basically spend most of the day exploring getting more troops until we have a sizable Army sizable enough to take on our first cave oh look starting cave that's right we're going splunking baby Donnie boy in the caves look out starting cave sub level one we're back now caves are new since our last trip the PNF 44 they're just little dungeons that were already like procedurally generated in the original you know non-randomized experience oh wow it is dark in here this is not a very inviting starting cave Jesus the floor would always have the same enemies and the same aesthetic but every time you reload it they'd be in different spots and there be a different layout we're in [ __ ] gool goo right now next to Jellyfish Fields this is neat but obviously in this randomizer the randomness is just kicked up a ton oh hello Mr Bull bear I didn't see you there I I definitely just saw one little guy fall but that's fine now granted it's the starting cave and things aren't completely randomized there's still like a level of difficulty here all right that's all the treasure on this floor I heard the noise we can move on and the next floor is a rest area these are also not completely randomized they're in a lot of caves they're very peaceful it's just Candy Pop Buds and treasures and here is actually where we find the next troop type that we can add to our arm me it's white pickies we got him now cuz you know this is a very prestigious military Explorer operation I like to use code names for the troops so the white Pikmin we dub egg team cuz I mean look at their complexion bro they're white as hell they're whiter than me final floor let's see if there's an epic boss battle for me and my gamer Pikmin to fight and the final floor of this cave is the boss area which again that's always consistent in every cave final floor it equals a boss and usually it's not too hard of a fight like all right watch this yeah what's upo what's up you ain't got nothing but we take him out in the matter of seconds oh my God he really had nothing oh my god what have you guys been eating Is that real like even the troops don't even know why they're so yolked maybe picky strength is random yeah maybe it's clear we have a mystery on our hand but for now we just move on This Is War okay no time to ask questions that's that's a terrible quote actually so after killing the Raging long legs I had to reward my troops I went on the ship's computer went on to zenar market.com to buy some exclusive merch straight from Japan also there's documentary is brought to you by Z Market it's an online marketplace where you can buy stuff straight from Japan you know the people that made all of your hyper fixations yeah those guys look if you're not sold already watch this all right I'm going to type I'm going to type Pikmin up here boom look at this there you go this site has all the retro gaming consoles in Nintendo merch all right you can even buy the Japanese exclusive Panasonic GameCube no wonder why you're still single you don't even have one of these bad boys in your living room come on they also got figures games con even drip and let's be serious here Zen Market's trusted by like 2 million plus users all right this is no joke in addition to that they host over 10,000 Japanese stores does that many stores even exist they got Japanese Amazon they also have these stores that I'm not going to pronounce cuz I don't want to sound like an idiot plus registering an accounts free and if you use my code Don snack you get 1,000 Zen points off of international shipping so what are you waiting for click the link in the description or the pin comment and go buy some stuff kind of like how I'm actually going to go buy some chicken nuggets for my true since they did such a good job killing the Raging long legs we want McDonald's we will get McDonald's on the way home okay and it was a clean and easy day one right but it's the next day where things get a little spicy so upon starting day two we made another massive Discovery they're they're all unlocked from the start every single area is unlocked right off the bat I don't know why we have access to everywhere is that is that supposed to happen but I mean we don't really take advantage of this we kind of just go back to the first area cuz I'm trying to find the Red Pikmin is that the yellow onion with a a [ __ ] Pikmin next to it oh did I say red I meant yellow my bad so you know we head towards the yellow onion we find some Treasures along the way let's grab the Jacko Lantern real quick we reunite with the yellow Pikmin and i' had already named them banana team since our last journey come here my precious little Gumdrop Darlings we got some work to do and a little fun fact about the banana team they're really stupid like this has been like a this is like a thing why does this [ __ ] fuel taste so yummy that's disgusting get that [ __ ] out of your mouth so I remember I grabbed my bundle of bananas and start walking back I noticed so the troops they're acting a little weird over there hey what are you guys doing down there it's stuck under a twig oh no okay well it's just one twig I can snap that [ __ ] we tried a bunch of different ways to navigate the situation but it nothing nothing worked but I've been in these problems before you know and there's a lot of time left we just decide to move on and carry on with our day and moving forward we find a nice jar of Skippy's peanut butter and I was like damn peanut butter you dip some celery in there that's good in a [ __ ] so we went and grabbed with no issues right better better wh out the jelly and we're leaving we're simply leaving I don't what are no what is his intentions it's day two it's day two and this guy's a jerk he rolls around he crashes into walls which Reveals His weak point and when he does so giant rocks fall from the sky what the [ __ ] were are these rocks coming from there's not the rock the clouds the clouds I got celebrity is trying to convince me the World is Flat but no one wants to acknowledge the Rocks coming from the sky but we were given a moment to think and I realized that you know I've been through a lot since my last time through PNF 404 and I've handled a lot so maybe maybe I can take this on we can take him we can take him move move all right beautiful beautiful get him get him get him what a what I think we even gift it with like God Pikmin let's go let's go epic epic I'm gaming I'm gaming this is it this is it he's dead he's so dead that's right and I'm very happy that we won but I am very suspicious of our troops like that just doesn't happen in nature the segment of crops are dying that quickly give my [ __ ] peanut butter baby oh peanut butter no jelly I'm like that y I guess we take those but like so we retrieve the peanut butter and thankfully the path that it takes is you know different than the one the pumpkin dicks I'm not trying to have that stuck too I want my celery sticks and while we were following the peanut butter we also found a little seashell how neat how quaint and that kind of all took up the whole day so we just kind of sat there spend our last few moments and you Mr pumpkin trying to figure out what to do with this stupid pumpkin I just think it doesn't fit I think it's just chalked I think it's just done all right the squad's all here what a day what a day so now that we have banana team added to our ranks we go to the perplexing pool on our search to find the Red Pikmin so what about blue Pikmin what did you name them oh you want to know the the blue Pikmin team what we named them um so so last time we were here we named them [ __ ] team named after the after school program you know the Bloods and the Crips someone on the last documentary notified me that [ __ ] is a slur and you know obviously I didn't mean it that way I didn't know that but I Googled it and they're kind of right uh so so they're now canceled team that and like they they also made some off color tweets since the last documentary The Fame you know it does that to people you better watch out we're here in the perplexing pool we immediately check the map to try to find the Red Pikmin okay well that was kind of a waste so they're not there whatever we're not going to waste the day we use this as an opportunity to explore let's go about some caves and we started with this pond that's like right next to spawn what come on and we one cycle the poor [ __ ] they're doing what what is happening gamer like maybe the troops power is randomized maybe the maybe the cancel teams just cranked out of their mind uh the crab idiot drops a spring we bring that back to the ship and we have to go explore more of the pond our mission is to try to drain it and doing so you can just Explore More and you get access to a new cave bada bing bada and here's where I also noticed that the naming conventions of the cave are a little different it just says hard cave and a non-randomized PNF 404 all the caves they have little goofy names to describe what's going on in there right you got places like the submerged Castle the Subterranean complex woodro Wilson's magical Funtime land that last cave is so sick it's my favorite but this randomizer just shows the difficulty which is kind of goofy but actually helps me out the hard cave H maybe I should enter it nope we're waiting bro so I decided to [ __ ] off we're not ready for a hard cave yet we don't have all of our guys we don't have all the hazards you know control ready and this all leaves us with enough time for just one more puzzle to complete it's another simple puzzle using the cooperation of both banana and cancel team of course the treasure is a claw what is the obsession with crabs crabs everything is great but the Army is still not complete I still need to find Red Pikmin where are they at have you seen them did you check behind the couch are they are they in the living [Music] room this place makes my wood awake there I said it are you [ __ ] happy so we fly to the Awakening boy cuz we have to find Red Pikmin there I mean process of elimination right and this is where the dond Dory truly begins dandor is a popular term that arose pretty recently in the space Explorer Community this is a fancy little technique or term for multitasking and we try to rip it this day so have the bat we split up our captains cancel team drains the Little Pond right next to spawn and this allows any type of Pikmin to pass through while that's happening we take banana team to go simultaneously break another wall I'm dond doring out of my mind right now this is crazy which you know allows us to explore the rest of the map so once the pond is dream around that time banana team has broke down their wall and we can progress through that's how you know I'm simply like that shiitake mushroom oh so tasty holy shii I found this room then once the mushy is brought back to the ship we reunite everybody to break down that wall that was in the drain pool break this wall make progress D dory's life R up this little slope found another treasure grab this [ __ ] how sh it's this little cute teddy bear looking John thing I am doing task levels doring as we speak then we make our way back to where we found the mushroom to start like you know trying to rescue the Red Pikmin on our way there we found a Burling snagger oh well look who it is if if it isn't Dr dipi you don't scare me you got nothing on my boys it was the fastest we killed anyone imagine being born just to die and we break down another wall covered in Poison using egg team you guys get to work over here excellent excellent that's that's egg team specialty by the way they're they're immune to poison that's like a that's like a thing oh wait chat Bean check and at the end of the day we are finally reunited with Red Pikmin and there they are we're [ __ ] shooing baby introducing Alpha Team to the squad we got our most reli able and trustworthy troops back on the team oh yeah Alp the team's back oh look at them go look at but at this point I remember we're still missing one more troop type day five is when things get a little crazy to start things off it was my birthday and all I want for my birthday is to beat day five yep cats out of the bag I was born on day five such a Virgo and we drop in the [ __ ] pool to find the purple Pikmin that is a wild and here a very special troop is added to our ranks you should have the the fix begin cash code on you you made this broccoli man is the creator of the randomizer what if God was one of us well guess what he is and this will come into play very soon but right now what I want for my birthday is a big booty hoe and by that I mean purple Pikmin finding purples that sounds like a good time to me I don't know about y'all you see the only way to find purple and egg Pikmin is to find their colored candy poop buds in caves they don't have their own onions yet even though they've been lobbying for years it's kind of sad actually and because we have Alpha banana canel and egg we can handle any Hazard that comes our way which allows us to take on the first hard caves in the perplexing pool day five let's go spelunking this is a hard cave I don't know what the caves look like I don't think we've been in like a difficult cave yet I'm spelunking all over the place bro I spunked on your girl last night I didn't actually do that guys I'm sorry I was really rude so what makes these caves hard I don't know Viagra but for our first hard cave it was honestly not like difficult at all you know we're going to throw pickies we're just going to throw pickies that's what you do picking right you just throw them all over the place and pre like we were kind of clocking through there weren't even that many floors we're doing a okay huh taking it ECE things kind of ramped up in I believe the fourth floor where we introduced to the cannon Lara and we enact in a first STP where we try using them to our advantage you see their Boulders can kill obstacles enemies thank you Canon larva he's our friend we got to keep them alive now I was thinking at that point canara is not so bad oh what the [ __ ] I will not sleep until they're all deceased all right that's fine that's fine we only got we only got six canceled team members that's uh that's a bit rough but it's fine we shook it off and journey forward finding a bunch of new Treasures a potato oh we're eating good tonight boys hash browns on me baby until we reach the final floor final floor I wonder what boss we're going to kill in 3 seconds today and the boss here was the Raging blister and this guy's a pretty cool boss he's not that difficult by any means you see his tail has a color that coordinates the watch it didn't even matter he was annihilated in seconds like was Pikmin or bullets you decide like but overall for a heart Cate the splunking was crazy and we still have time left in the day so I decid you know mess around and keep things moving we travel around the side to like the the outer banks of the area or is it like the middle Banks Special Agent Cody Banks and getting there's kind of a headache there's like this like lever thing you got throw a Pikmin on I wasn't about it but lucky for us if you go to the center you can build a bridge that connects spawn in this area wow these boys are all looking like Carpenter team right now like Jesus H Christ and the bridge is super helpful for just optimizing our path we don't got to take that dumb elevator anymore like I'm not no thanks we're a bridge household personally and the end the day off we find a nice pocket watch right where you know banana team is supposed to spawn near this little tree I I look back on day five fondly and before that things were optimistic it was funny was crazy but then uh those memories are now tainted after what we found out next so that night I was talking to brocky man our Lord and savior and I found out that the troops were so strong cuz they've been they've been using taken roids is a Blood and Glory Play bro just ask half the MLB you know certain gamer fuel supplements if you know if you're catching my DFT and so Brockley man sent me a code that reverted our troops back to normal and this is where the Breezy times come to a complete hold hey is that deathless I'm getting stun locked okay we're back but it was worth it you know it's honest worth no more pick roids you guys are cut off don't you get it it's bad your balls will shrink come on man think about your testicles man and the troops were definitely not happy about going cold turkey Don not father that's true I'm not your dead as much as you think I would be a great father figure that's not the case bro it took entire days to demolish walls again all right well you guys can spend the rest of the day doing doing this enemies were not getting one-shotted come on see we don't need roids the power of friendship is stronger than any drug except for crocodile but it wasn't all negative like I tried convincing the troops that there was a drug even more powerful than what they were taking and that's a little thing called cooperation and teamwork I feel stronger now without my meth I feel good I feel like a purple Pikmin see ashra gets it and that's all fine and dandy but it did kind of suck that that's all we did all day was break two walls yeah let's go to The Awakening wood man [ __ ] it I don't know I don't know anymore so Mor's at All Time Low I'm still looking for the purple pickies the troops are pretty mad at me especially cancel team they did not like when I took the drugs away so I decided to stop thinking and start doing we hit up the Awakening wood and we start splunking enough playing around we got to we got to make that guap bro the first cave we go to is a moderate one so it should be easier than the hard cave that we just went to however this is the first cave that we go to where you know our boys aren't drugged up so it's a little dicey I Believe in Us I Believe in Us I believe in us we've been through thick and thin mostly thin but there was a lot of thick that we were through through like those cheeks that we clapped the other night those things were bad as hell first floor wasn't so bad we're able to find our Treasures egg team's grabbing the egg this is beautiful this is poetry go through pretty easily not too many deaths today you die thank you oh hello but we get through we get the four three and we are finally rewarded for our efforts this cave is a little there she is I think our army is finally completed we have dumpy team added to the squad oh yeah oh yeah look at him with the boys back in town we go deeper into the cave to the next Su level I still think I still think about this one a little bit was like the swooping [ __ ] bug our our purest rival yeah it was just it was just rough like wait are they can we get them are they lost I don't I don't I don't like talking I don't like talking about this floor that much it's just like I don't no no no there's got to be a way there's got to be a way there's got to be a way there got to be a way out of there right like can't they can't just be trapped out there is whatever whatever like I don't I don't feel comfortable with this one we're just going to Let's pour one out for disappointment flipper cynthy and uh and pick it you guys are dead get me out of here disappointment I'm sorry of course it's the swooping snitch shits that are that that cause such trauma save them oh that's a good idea [ __ ] where is my kind Dawn and the troop they just want me to stay and but it's like what we going to do what is there to do sometimes you got you got to just move you got to just move sometimes it pains me to do this like what was I supposed to do I'll tell you what I did make sure they didn't die in vain we go down to the final floor and here we find the the red snagit you know spicy chicken win guy I I don't know what his name is is there like a strat to kill in this guy or do we just go and we manage to do things pretty okay let's go attack attack oh we're going him oh my God he stunned Lo he doesn't even know how to react I mean we're losing people but I think that's part for the course to fight this guy like it it just has to happen we don't even need the roids we have strength and honor those are the most powerful drugs in the universe it's a valiant effort that he thinks he can still fight on all right that was beautiful that was beautiful banana team I got to say you went above to beyond all my bananas here right now I salute you and after that cave I was thinking after the horrors we witnessed maybe we can make it after all wait we got the weed see that right there you right there zoom in that not good and the glue up there too the decorative glue I don't want you snorting that we are good boys and girls and non-binary Palace today okay whatever you do do not smoke weed I would never all right fine we can get high we get back on the [ __ ] but the next morning y'all better be in top condition you hear I don't want n that oh my brain feel cloudy type of [ __ ] okay so keeping the positive momentum going the troops and I take on another cave hey time out time out time out out who gives you the right who gives you no get me out of here disappointment I'm sorry no I'm not letting the uniring happened again you got to come back you got to come back we're not leaving anym behind I can't do it again I will be the C-section that saves them stay with us wait wait wait I'm different I'm different I'm different welcome back to the squad I I I can't tell which one it was now but he's back and that's all that matters baby and in this cave two is where dumpy team starts to shine all right it's time it's time Dum dumpy team help me yeah buddy if you throw them and they make direct contact with an enemy does 10 times damage don't want to [ __ ] with these idiots wait wait wait I do want to [ __ ] with these idiots you a booom it has a chance to stun them give my juice oh you want more Bo and they can carry 10 times their weight they are the truth time out it's dumpy o' clock bro on our chest board they're the queen they can move anywhere and anything guys you all understand the dop me Rush that hits me once I see this purple flower cuz I just know the artillery and things were going flawlessly until they come through a screeching hold guys like smash or pass cuz honestly I don't know bro if I'm a little drunk and she's a little drunk I would never this thing's disgusting and I will kill her it's this beautiful sweet mistress known as the empress bull blackx Good Ship boys Good Ship Good Ship Good Ship love to see I love to see it yeah it's the easy ver what the hell where were you what banana team leads the charge to run underneath the emperor's bble oh that's why they just fall under no no get the [ __ ] that I you see that I'm not letting you guys die you are letting you guys die well banana team leads that charge cancel team leads the charge to to start coming at me D understand understand gravity understand gravity I understand hey if there's a giant guy walking around maybe I shouldn't walk right underneath him and die you know that's cool they all BL look at the footage look at the footage give me lit when you guys are running to your death real interesting you betray y'all going to feel so crazy when this video when I show you the banana picking running underneath that's insane I know a lot of people at the Academy say my captain techniques are a bit unconventional I'm a little out there right but I know this is not me it's not me God they they blame me for so long for this 40% of debt recover we did lose half an Army in there uh which is a bummer but the worst part was we didn't even complete the cave we accidentally forgot a treasure are you [ __ ] serious are you for real that took a billion years this is the longest day seven of my life so I got to go back in there with these douchebags this happened a couple times during this journey and we had a specific strategy in order to handle this we would hit a floor look at the radar if it's beeping we go find the treasure if it's not we just make a be line for the exit and the Su L 2 had the treasure but I was a little stressed there was Treasure on the floor I I totally forgot that I'm an inbred chat I got a confession time so I ended up missing it and I had to leave the cave and you can do that from the pause menu can we just leave the cave a ban your treasure yeah that makes sense right but then my troops try to tell me there's a problem with doing that don't what I what what I wait wait do they not come with us it gets rid of all the items you collected they were telling me if you leave the cave all the treasure all all the progress you found will be Zapped from it I already I already went though and I believed them so many of them were saying that was the case I was like oh maybe they're right now we got to do that all over again you fools it's 8 out of 10 you guys made me think you you they they were wrong they were just outright wrong you have my back Happ first of all you do steroids weird don't you know that makes your ball shrink second you run underneath the empress bbls and you tell me that I'm the bad captain and then third uh I'm Gast lit they didn't apologize they no no they didn't even apologize we go back to the cave for the third time we find the treasure on the second floor and in the subsequent floors we just keep finding the holes to keep going deeper until we finally escape the cave you know the real way so that's all done and we just end the day I this they pissed me off man like let's get it let's spring into action cuz this place is based on the the season of spring yeah I'm kind of smart we decided to check out the two caves that we had left that are located on like the opposite side of the map that we've already like explored the one area is completely blocked off by a poisonous wall so we try to use eggy team in order to demolish it is this going to take these guys all day to break down this mother frocking wall and near this wall there's another cave already made available to us and I remember thinking to myself hm if only we had more eggs and where do you find more eggs all right Cape number three lucky for us in in this cave I found The Hideout of the enemy oh now I know what I what they meant by hard it's snitch buug Sanctuary I found them they're Hideout is this my time to exact my revenge the uniring these guys are some sick demented [ __ ] they need to die all the snitches have gathered here with all their secrets look at all the 69 bro time out time out we up we up we up the snitch shits the snitch shits they're dying they're all going to pay you know how All Dogs Go to Heaven All snitch bugs literally burn in hell I did not make this up it says so in the Bible one by one they all fell my favorite quote from the Bible is Watch Me Whip now watch me name that but the next floor was The Hideout of the cousins of the snitch bugs the bumbling snitch bugs [ __ ] these guys no Oliver I'm back so they're launching my boys off the side of cliffs until finally one grabs Lou and all my years I've never had a captain die on me Grant he's not dead he's just out a commission okay we got we got pretty good life and playing so like he's covered LS actually died from that oh no and it was just Alamar left and this told me that in this randomizer it's not only about you know preserving my troops but also preserving myself that's ludicrous Luda but that's actually tragedy of course there's snitch buug a Jon too can we talk about that besides those two initial sub levels the rest was pretty simple we were able to clear things out with dumpy team pretty easily let's go it's dumpy time baby until we reach the final floor and we have to run it back with the emperor bubl another fat lady bro I'm tired of this I'm tired of killing pregnant birthing women and this time I make it explicitly clear for no one to run under to their death get back here everyone get back here now everyone get back here now no one's getting crushed today and at a certain point we just download the cycle yes kill your children beautiful you're so mother of the year right there go Pikman hit the head call the off watch her roll all right with the Rocks kill these dumb bozos I am strapped in baby I promise we make it out here alive we all get McDonald's wax on wax on all right get back here I know I know some of y'all went underneath I know some of y'all went underneath let's get it let's get it no deaths no deaths baby we're almost halfway there I can feel it the rush of the battlefield oh yeah oh yeah it's over the kill boom I'm like that I'm like that baby until she's finally dead and her babies I killed a whole generation in there pregnant women be beware you're in for a scare we killed her she's dead around the world around around the world this is the first hard cave correct and we did pretty well oh we lost half the Army where was I going with this get in the van we're going to Mickey D's we're keeping it simple though just nuggies I'm not trying to not trying to get no big Maxs none that cuz then the fast food people so this cave was a little difficult but I thought to myself you know what it's done and over with at least we don't have to do it again are you [ __ ] kidding me why why sometimes the ADHD kicks in and it's just a [ __ ] what do you want me to do like we go back in the cave look for the treasure bing bada boom you know the drill but now but re-entering this cave was a little special because we found the secret six member to our Battalion hello what do we have here these are Boldman they don't have any special attributes besides the fact that they're immune to all hazards what should we name them look at these little guys however you can only find them in caves and they cannot exit with you so they're always trapped down there and since for codeen names I already used up a through e we had to think of an F name for this new team should they be [ __ ] Team fake team the supers funky team and because of the the unique circumstances we found these guys your parents are dead and in them fatherless team so we got the treasure cave complete 60% of the debt recovered I'm freaking doing it yada yada yada mazl whatever we also got a bunch of new egg guys from that Journey so we were able to like break down that wall a lot faster and just explore a little bit more but we ran out of time so there wasn't that much to do Lou there you are you old bastard taking his little taking his little snoozy poo bro good have you back I actually needed you 21 can you do some for me uh pickies Day N the objection remain the same I'm finishing the Awakening wood I don't like it so we go to the area that we didn't explore yet build some bridges do all that construction [ __ ] and we were right outside the last cave but there's one boss that was blocking our path usually it's a burrowing snagit oh we finally got one it's not a burrowing snag rip wait time out where's I selected the dumpies hello okay okay well they're all gone and this little idiot starts shixing me okay well they're all [ __ ] gone what the [ __ ] see but I'll admit that's on me my bad that [ __ ] sucks whenever we get a bunch of dumpies they just die so we kill them we get to the last cave and I remember thinking you know hopefully that b BLX isn't like a sign of what's to come oh no no what the [ __ ] just happened there oh okay oh what the [ __ ] was that no that's [ __ ] break the egg I will do as you wish our God broccoli man uh told us to break this egg and you know what I am a born follower okay well that's that's I just got stun locked oh no that's fine that's fine and Lou's dead let alone have one Captain pass I have never like lost because they both you know you smell that smells like a training [Music] Arc oh my God we actually ran out of bananas there seems to be a trend with them and and being run out of you know this is a grinding day we have one egg one dumpy a few of the others and a dream so our army is just looking Stellar right now I got to say this is the ultimate L not only we have to redo all the progress in that cave Don I hate you all right that's fair well you know maybe that's kind of deserved we have to like regrind our entire Battalion they all died as well like they all were trap down there and look we got one treasure today so it wasn't a complete loss guys unlike last day which was like it just sucked dude it was it was [ __ ] lame look at all I accomplished in one day does literally nothing but like and that was that was the day that's like all we did we lost a boy we're fine thanks what the [ __ ] what no no no no there went half our army that's fun I I didn't W progress I hate I hate progressing in life actually I I love being stationary and moving backward gressing is my favorite you got to look good for sheto whatever man whatever [Music] [ __ ] all right let's go to the value of repose cuz I don't have any other idea maybe this is cuz I work a lot nothing's worse than just the feeling of being static like no progress is happening and the pumpkin's still there another another reminder of our constant failures the feeling of just like I'm going backwards is is the worst to me oh this is great stun lock me please harder it's my king how you no so I try to get one point across to the Troops maybe where are my other egg brothers and sisters listen we are here now and all that's left to do is finish what we started cuz we can't live together and we're going to die alone yeah I got that last monologue from Lost you ever watch lost it gets so bad after the first like four seasons but I for I forget where I was going with this hopefully we can get this bridge done by the end of the day we're making slow but steady progress you ever heard a little story called The Tortoise in the hair if this is the tortoise in the hair I'm the [ __ ] T-Rex I'm extinct I'm dying now end our day what do we learn today something what do we do today [Music] something so I've come to terms that even though they're harder the only way to make real progress is exploring caves please there's got to be some caves that just don't require all types of Pikmin you know that'd be lovely that'd be so I head back to the valley of repose take all the troops that we have and head towards the back of the map to try to explore the two caves there so we build a bridge get to our first cave all right is this the okay and we went down there we went to the final cave we were so ready is what I would say if I had a crack pipe in my hand so we opt to check out the other cave and it's blocked off by a poisonous wall now that sucked cuz we only had one eggy picky left but luckily for me it was one of my most loyal and trustworthy troops a higher ranked one come on Sean you got this Bud go to work you you okay let's try guys again I got to respect it he listened to his captain come on Sean you got this and it was a dumb order he probably should have listened to me but didn't make me proud all right well this day was another bust cuz like he was making no progress he was trying as hard out I felt bad I rectified my mistakes told him to come back and we just you know save it for later until we have more egg guys so there wasn't that much time left we decided to try to get like one treasure that was remaining we can't get one treasure today nothing today was not for nothing uh it was a coin surrounded by fire across a pond you have to throw some Alpha guys over and we couldn't get him back in time so literally all the progress we made that day was moving a coin like 12 ft all right perplexing pool you have two hard caves please just give me one that is easy we start off day 13 in the perplexing pool I just want any cave that's like not going to you know rail me so we go towards one of the caves that we haven't even touched yet and I find a flying egg you thought the rocks from the sky was bad don't even get me start on the flying eggs please please For the Love of All that's good and pickies I need dumpy team I need to be reunited with dumpy team for once in this whole thing the sweet randomizer gods have bestowed mercy upon [Music] me this was especially huge because I lost our last dumpy Pikmin to the one crab that we the fight like 2 days back so this was big the big booty Warriors are back baby and if that wasn't good enough the cave that we were near moderate cave that [ __ ] looking moderate as [ __ ] bro damn that girl bad bro she moderate as hell like you ever get that feeling like when a John is just so 5 to S like damn an easy one an easy one chicken nuggets on me and the quest here was simple make progress buy more Eggies cuz Shawn he needs his family we need to protect Shawn at all cost the last egg Pikmin I think maybe the troops were kind of motivated by Shawn's efforts cuzz like beautiful stuff there boys things were starting to work out oh yeah oh yeah we're moving back we're coming back baby we were flanking enemies appropriately let's go beautiful job bana team yes the bond between me and my Pikmin it's so real the communication was so tapped we were expressing feelings to one another let's get to work bro I'm kind of like Eggman IRL if you think about it like you might have saw two little shrimply white guys and a bunch of vegetable people get underneath them and strike I saw one giant Voltron esque able just killing a bunch of insects 102 entities fighting as one is there anything more beautiful in the world [ __ ] can make a Renaissance painting out of that [ __ ] all right Sean get digging go Sean go Sean go Sean go Sean listen if you ever try to improve that CIS team Chapel hit me up I got ideas nice try Sean we found your family we're a building we're a building yeah look at them see these are your boys I don't want to sound fa but this is the best spunking I've ever done in my life it was going so well so groovy we're epic well well well now we've had our issues with the segmented cropster before but before go for the kill come on boys yeah you know our our troops had the supplements can I burp them oh we're so back baby this time we don't have that are we not doing any damage we can't do any damage that's insane that's that's news and this is where this is where it was so bad it was so bad that is news alar is dead is he re we've done we've done zero damage pick and two randomizer in one word suffering in two words suffering in pain you saw that [Music] you and that all the [ __ ] all the stupid [ __ ] [ __ ] that we've already like been through it's like more what what was I it did no damage he did no damage more please you're at the cafeteria like what's on the menu can I get more [ __ ] do I have no pickies I can't do I don't want to do this [ __ ] I'm [ __ ] I'm [ __ ] done I don't want to I don't want to [ __ ] do this [ __ ] we few we great few what we lack in numbers we make f for in spirit and courage and strength and courage you know as as a soldier I always try to do the best I can not just for me but for for all my comrades do you guys trust me can we make this work we got to be on the same team here we got to be on the same team everyone's gone like no one made it out of their alive we will rebuild the team stronger better yo that crab [ __ ] really [ __ ] [ __ ] up them crabs ain't even real like that bro they took everything from me we will make them pay we will make them pay I don't care if revenge is good or not we're getting our [ __ ] Revenge cuz I'm tired of being a fool I'm tired of getting [ __ ] bro I'm going keep it the fatest St you this kid da is a fraud bro there ain't no way he let this crab [ __ ] happen bro where was he at and the sun sets and our numbers go from 3 to 13 Yeah so basically the caving happened and everyone died it was really sad uh can I go eat now let's kiss everyone good night [Music] but I'm going use tongue with [Music] blue the crabing I have to say it really tested me take them all out one punch baby yeah one down I don't really blame da like what was anyone supposed to do in that situation the enemy just the enemy just wouldn't die all right all right there we go I don't know how this works but we rock out with the baby Don on fat right now that kid a bro and then purple Pikmin [ __ ] ass purple Pikmin bro all I do is just sit there head empty we kill everyone here and bring it all back to the ship simple I wasn't sure if I could give it my all I'm not sure if it was worth giving my all honestly the numbers are going up the power is growing what is this feeling the feeling of not being down catastrophically bad why are you in Minecraft right [Music] now Minecraft is really cool let's get this team [ __ ] amped bro let's Get Hype let's get some [ __ ] hype yeah but I think we can come back from this we still have a solid team and a good Captain commanding us kill him kill him let's go that's Piggy's baby we're goinging back we're coming back we're coming back y'all see that yach though yall like that y oh yeah oh yeah yeah I I I all I do is I scam people bro for real I really scam people bro I live by this scam life oh my God that's so many pickies wow For The First Time in Forever we're making progress I feel really bad for da uh he worked really hard but sometimes he's silly so he kind of had it coming we're so back we're so back have to try harder had to believe in myself and my comrades but most of all in my Captain it's good to be the dawn [Music] baby okay so I'm sorry for freaking out like that it's just the craping bro you don't even know like it gets worse it gets so much worse later on like just you wait just you just you wait I I I took a long break from the the Expedition I uh I needed time to reflect a little bit just just cool down to just I needed something so we go back to day 17 in the perplexing pool to conquer what I thought was the a cave that we never touched before well that's that's annoying that it's poison do anyone want to take a guess anyone in the room want to take a guess what cave that is yeah don't don't all shout at [Music] once let's get it going so this time around we accidentally get him trapped in the little you know linear hallway area see yes that's the idea that's the idea oh no what just happened [ __ ] oh no oh no he figured it out all right we're back to 1/4 I'm getting [ __ ] red out here come on come on stop what are you doing get back get back please what the no no [ __ ] way so trapping the crab didn't work we did a new strategy to redeem ourselves it's a strategy that every person that's ever touched Pikmin 2 should be very familiar with not doing that [ __ ] not doing that [ __ ] [ __ ] no [ __ ] way let's be honest here you play Pikmin 2 yo you restart when all you guys die let's be real let's be real oh so you went through PNF 404 and you never reset good for you you want a medal I want my medal the troops were along with it too so I thought hey fine we run it back it's gaming time we are tapped in strap in Boys in every relationship whether it be like you and your spouse you and your friend for the endless cycle of suffering I will kill every [ __ ] crab in existence you with 100 vegetable creatures all right let's just go with these guys right we have a new strategy and New State of Mind things are bound to happen and things are bound to go wrong right we've been through a lot together but this is our final Triumph it's not even our final Triumph we still have so much more thing to do but sometimes it's not about who did what wrong but I trust you it's really just about like how you overcome it you know let's go please we I we have to do this I I'm going to cry and piss if I don't so let's [ __ ] Captain where my troops a bunch of [ __ ] [ __ ] it let's get it come at me come at me you [ __ ] dirty animal please In the Heat of conflict all that's lost all that happened it doesn't matter beautiful Rock spawns okay okay get the jellies get the jellies all right it's you two locked in a chamber one guy's walking out no way was that 1/4th in one cycle I'm the goat and preferably the one that has a 100 others with him come on fight me fight me fight me come aggression aggression I am the god of autism all right get on there get on there please please please chip chip chip get him back down get him back down are making progress that's a little bit more than a a little bit more than a fourth the crabing the crabing it will be over I I am locked out of this time Paradox oh this is money this is it right here boom boom halfway point we love to see it we love things we love to see this things I hate to see this thing [ __ ] alive and breathing get in there get in there oh that's beautiful that's beautiful look at that look at these Maneuvers look at this gaming no way no way we're in the red right now no way we're in the red right now this is it this is it the final killing [Music] my hair looks atrocious time out I did a pretty good job huh Gamers Alpha Team you're getting so many nuggies when we get back on the ship it's insane you guys be drown into nuggies bro you can like Scrooge McDuck that [ __ ] just like Jump Right In and that uh that concluded the crab ining we finally we're out of our crab Ark every good hero needs to leave the crab Arc and it's time with our next step we leave it behind I just realized how tired I look Jesus hey crabs the crab in takes a lot out of a guy let me tell you let me tell you no no no does this guy got Shooters calling him on the phone telling him where I'm at at all times where does he keep how hi ready for the crabing too today's the day crabs fries this just like imagine like right after 9/11 happens another plane just crashes somewhere else like oh well that's just a bit obnoxious how you got to jump over the freaking they hit the Pentagon guys a [ __ ] wait I think I found the cheese it doesn't matter I boss up I get him trapped on the other side of the wall in this Arena look at this look at these 30 billion IQ plays Bo this guy's an idiot he's a fool and at that point is GG's bro we hav't crab tonight he's so dead so after crabing part two Electric Boogaloo the [ __ ] took up like the entire day which makes sense he's such a primadonna bro he's so needy but we did manage to squeeze out one last moderate cave so that you know we didn't dedicate another whole day to a [ __ ] crab you know most most philosophers agrees it t it takes one crab ining to change a man Aristotle the most famous line bro I remember the second floor I was pretty proud of this one there a bunch of small enemies all over the place and you know I didn't want them picking off my troops one by one so I decided take my two captains and you know take matters into our own hands got to protect the squad one down yo you should see Louis left hook it's nasty two down wait can I punch these guys oh my God that's so much better time out are they worth it they deserve it probably except for cancel team I hate those guys father We crave nectar please I'll find your [ __ ] nectar you guys are a little whiny bro I'll be honest we go through the rest of the cave things are pretty normal Lou touch it touch it Lou I don't want to touch it you touch it oh big baby head he touched it then we get to the final floor the boss here not bad he just annoying all right hopefully we kill this guy and then big bread bug Bazinga sees him on his way around all right I think I think we're fine we just got to be love there little bread bugs everywhere and the one that we have to kill is the giant red bug and now we wait and any any second now he's he's coming man I swear to God I missed like 16 Olympics while I was down there any second it's go time it's go time yeah yeah what's up bro look look at this massive damage Bo if you guys ever want to make a nature documentary spin-off I actually witnessed uh The Mating ritual of the bread bugs down there [Music] there he's like oh [ __ ] oh witnessing such a beautiful ritual it gave us the strength and the honor to destroy the giant bread bug th completing the cake oh it's well for the books man I swear to [ __ ] is as fun as it looks man we got the freaking Mario key we can now go to world six day 19 we keep the momentum pushing forward I wanted to finish off the wistful Wilds sort of like how that one bread bug finished off the other one we could have finished the Awakening wood even though that one bread bug was Awakening the other one so I decid we got to get some dubs in right hopefully this isn't like please be like a moderate cave and it's pretty chill nothing like too crazy or eventful happening doc can we do the Pikman Shuffle okay just this one I remember in the first floor the cancel team they they were really acting up who's dying stop stop get him get him get him okay oh that helped yeah just what are you two doing but I'm telling you bro if you look at any blue pikmin's Twitter is not a good site now that dumpy volleyball is done we can get back to work they actually only tweet in slurs I swear you can't make this up final floor hits uh the boss there I think was the B blackx we make sure it is not a repeat of last time we take this one a lot slower Alpha Team Bro Look at big Alpha Team making a name for themselves out here no no did we kill him in time we did not kill in time but you know what that's fine that's fine we got him we got him we need a reward us red been killing all the bosses no Alpha Team don't worry you will get so much suck in the documentary you'll get paid in glory which is like the conversion rate on that is insane at this point too I thought we had gathered enough treasure to finally you know pay off the the last documentary in the debt that we were in wait we didn't pay off the debt and we missed it by just a little bit just a little bit just does anyone have like 30 bucks laying around that we can just like cough up real quick no 90% in the death all the whisper wild caves are gone DB me up yo DB me up DB me up uh yeah but it's no issue once we get above ground we immediately find an Apple hey yo Shout Out New York cuz that's a big apple right there yummy yummy yummy and that will pay off the debt problem with that is though in order to get it back to the ship we got to break down another poisonous wall and eggy team I'm trying to break a wall you're doing the best we we are all cheering for you wio YouTube you know they were not able to get the job done in time morale is down but the money is up yo this man Sean bro confused wishes but it's fine you know we weren't in a rush it's not like the IRS actually you know goes after people right like a system made by the federal government wouldn't be that predatory right [Music] like day 20 we got the apple back to the ship and repaid the [Music] debt uh so after paying off the debt the whole crew celebrated we had a massive party it was a great time but the problem is uh our boy Louie he got into it with this uh this Miss he thought she was so bad me I I don't know I might be I might be oldfashioned but I prefer my women to have less than three legs but apparently that species of of creature uh you don't just date them you got to fuse with them so uh the the mission now became clear the debt was paid off but now we got to save our boy Lou but Donnie boy can't do this alone so a new captain joined the ranks is serving a be look into my eyes tell the things you loving about behind my there he is look at them one of the most dest characters out there we're so back so now with the SHA inator joining our ranks we head to the perplexing pool because [ __ ] the whisle Wilds we found another cave that doesn't have too many Treasures in it hard cave all the boys this is our first hard cave in a while am I nervous no and we start off guns of blaz okay I'm enacting in all these like this truly is the best video game of all time super high IQ and very tense strategies I love hitting the a button so much games that where you hit the a button my favorite but besides that the following sub levels were super easy Bro Look at that mamuda big chilling over there look at that man he's like he's like man I lost my lottery ticket now I have to think about the potential win that I could have had as far as tragedies go on this floor there wasn't like too many five more dumpies for the road four more dumpies we even linked up with father team at one point I just want my face knee deep in some ass God damn can a gamer dream hey look at my boys look at my little jibles what's up guys it's been a while how you been yeah sorry about that oh then we got to the final floor and we were greeted by the lovely the wonderful uh man at legs there he is we have not fought this guy yet the way you fight this guy is pretty simple if he's shooting run run get down if he's not attack all right he's got to charge he's got to charge come on boys get him get him get him get him oh he's he's loading up he's loading up man get out of the way oh God oh God get down get down get down and I'm able to stick to that plan until the very end where you just had to make a game time decision do I just F do I just go for it I'm going for it I'm going for it I'm going for it let's go baby let's go baby we're like that we're like that man at legs more like boy at legs more like [ __ ] at legs more like I'mma [ __ ] cut your legs off and suck you dick I am so proud of all of you especially you Sean and that's a tough end okay he's no slouch so I'm thinking are we back look at this look at this bow look at all these caves after all this time are we finally like you know moving Sho we're like shut your [ __ ] ass up and we just end the day going back to home base and trying to retrieve a kiwi that's in the pond right behind it all right maybe we can move this a little bit right that's like some progress I don't [ __ ] know uh but because it's cancel team you know we didn't get it done in time we got him boys where are you going what kind of bum ass way are you traveling bro can team there's there's a bunch of bunch of guys man bunch of lovely folks there at canceled HQ on the bright side at the end of the day we got acquainted with uh with shatow Shorty bro oh who is this fine piece of ass damn shatow damn they just don't make them like they used to bro I I swear oh hello Mr pumpkin it's been a while now we're back to the valley of repose I want to clear out all the caves the mission is clear save Louis and you know make as much Guapo as we can this is obnoxious now I know now I know why I don't come here that much anymore part my language here but darn it oh we also find a marble treasure that's on this little snowman all right grab this at least move this off its Podium right so you know marble fans relax okay don't get on me it's included you're represent it and finally Shawn and his many brothers can tear down the poisonous wall is what I would say if that at that point we weren't running out of time that literally cost the whole day which is nuts to me but you know what we can still take all one cave that sounds pretty good to me huh guys what's that no [ __ ] you uh so we just went into the other cave it's like the first one that you see in the valley of repose and it's got a lot of treasures which means that [ __ ] is long but we had to do it we got right into it man you know things start off a little rocky let's clear out the little bingus boys what the [ __ ] we find a lot of eggs all right how many eggs do we have 19 are we going to reach an alltime high for eggs this is kind of cool we also lose a lot of eggs oh God oh God oh God I forgot they [ __ ] follow this is ridiculous big Humpty Dumpty moment right there oh sub level s uh destroyed my sense of hearing you know the other day I was just thinking my hearing is too good someone needs to De in me this is the worst day of my life that was awesome that was so cool I I really hope banana team recovered from that as uh you know with the that was that was rough yeah so my favorite game Sonic uh I I would like to Sega Genesis and in this cave we found one of the most notorious Treasures in PNF 404 no way guys we found a very important item it's a [ __ ] shake weight now typically the weight of this object requires 1,000 pickies which means you need a 100 dumpies in order to lift it cuz you know each dumpy lifts up 10 of their weight you know through the math oh it's only 100 oh that's much more manageable thank you but once again thank God or should I say thank bronley man uh it was only 100 and we had some dumpies on us so we can carry it back to the ship no problem and what's nice is as we keep going through this giant cave uh Alpha Team you know they decided to give me some nice words the enemy camp is no more and we may Advance you are inspiration to us all General D hey you know what frog boy I do what I best baby where you at let me give you a smooch it was nice it was I need the positive reinforcement you know uh and the final floor was the pated snagit oh no not this guy and I already fought that guy dog I don't I think like five died we got it we got it tendies on me baby this is a high tensity situation but has been well handled oh thanks man that means that means a lot I usually get paraded for any loss sometimes I need positive affirmation as well you know how do you feel General Don I feel like it could be a lot worse I feel it could be it definitely could be a lot worse so our mission became clear and our cause was just all we had left was a hard cave in valley of repose one Awakening wood the final cave and a spooky mystery cave in the perplexing pool now that our Hit List is cemented we first make our stop in the valley of reposed to take on one of the caves um and on our way [Music] there yes so on our way [Music] there we're being pickies oh [ __ ] no no now before I was talking about like oh it doesn't matter whose fault things were you know it matters about how you fix it um I well that's not absolute sometimes it does matter and this time it was uh it was definitely my fault I thought I seen it all but I was wrong and now I have no eggs that is so embarrassing how do we get trolled by a piece of wood I thought it was completed I thought the bridge was done it looked like it but it it was optical illusion I still hear them drowning in my sleep all right what do we have on the field right now what do we have to replace the egg team being lost is such a dagger it truly is they're the hardest workers and they have the most debts it's I they don't deserve that they don't deserve that but we regroup we get to the hard cave that we were you know trying to go to and we get splunking as you know one does I'm good and I'm doing just fine I'm going to have the the second best night of my life but probably not the first best cuz my first best was my Holy Communion and of course naturally morale was pretty low uh some groups it was lower than the others and why do you starve us I'm not starving anybody I'm tired of these allegation I want to point out too that the canel teams were the only ones that didn't even suffer during the bridging and they were the most vocal stop feeding the purples I know it makes them Big And Chunky so you can use them but please feed us blues for once and I'm like oh so we're activists now okay where was that energy a few months back huh we were posting up on twitter.com I don't I don't remember that do you and the worst part is too Shao you know he's kind of new to this stuff and this is not the best first impression big Shao moment massive shatow moment I think things took a little toll on his on his mental health a little bit so we get to the end final boss there is the be long legs oh well that's not too bad we faced this guy before you should know how this one ends feeling good like I should oh let me see that fireworks baby come on no that's a robot and deliver with the sweetest sense of irony of course uh we didn't actually finish the cave we forgot something again damn not here let's finish when we [ __ ] start it now we finished the cave and we're done with that day whatever Keep On Moving three more caves to go last cave in the [ __ ] stinky ass wood so now was Back to The Awakening wood where our little God friend revisits us and let us know that this cave enjoy the hardest hard cave yep I can tell by the treasure count you know this is definitely going to be the hardest hard cave for sure 19 Treasures so I po down in this joint and I'm thinking maybe this broccoli man guy is a little full of it yo what's up Among Us I don't want to play Among Us [ __ ] off like we're cruising we are pulling up to this place more dumpies bro we're getting dumpies on I'm getting so much ass right now this is awesome it's like a regular night for me at the club you might think this is a cave me oh we're so back we're so back I'm seeing a strip club bro this is like the Tomb of the dumpies right now we're in dumpy Caverns I'm going to be honest I don't even like going to strip clubs I just feel like I don't know it's just not some into that I don't know so this place is even better than the strip joint time out time out time out you'll love to see it Bros you'll love to see it bro but the next sub level things get a little intense is Cannon larvas all over the place and these really narrow corridors I don't want to bring my troops there cuz that just like smells like death you know here stay with chacho he left you he has juice boxes okay you guys love juice boxes I got some Capri on here you guys will be good Papa alar got to take care of bsiness real quick what what kind of hellish landscape is this bro yes yes you will all kill your own come on Cannon boys yes sir yes sir I love me some cannons baby and I'm thinking like the troops might get the hint like hey I'm working with you guys no Death Zone they do no better you think they would I'm putting myself on the line we're in this together all right should go on strike if we don't get our Apple Juice I just gave you [ __ ] apple juice you [ __ ] of course cancel team you know they have a hard time seeing the vision here I do one thing and then everyone starts Uprising they just didn't register with them that's fine that's fine I don't we get to the last floor and this one's a little different this isn't our usual spiderweb as you probably noticed the randomizer usually favors this like spiderweb circular arena for the bosses but this one has this like quicksand pit which means this is probably the snagret domain yes a veteran Explorer s myself recognizes these things the snagret pit the snagret den all right you walk around and they just start bro I eat these guys for breakfast you kidding me you know popping up all over the place and one snagger is fine I can handle that all right there's two do I have to fight all of them oh well that's that's obnoxious these two being next to each other but I think we could do this I think this is not a problem okay well now there's a lot of them all right well that's so I decide to get the treasure and dip using our radar we walk around to find which snag has the treasure inside of them he's almost there he's almost there get him get him get him only focus our efforts into killing him all right one down is that the one that has the treasure I think it is all right so hypothetically if we take this back without killing any more I think we can just like make it out of here right you know the whole retreating tactics it's not too smiled upon but like you got to do what you got to do it go go go and I thought I thought it was pretty neat run a worthy sacrifice I'm sorry I'm sorry that one banana man that's rough mindless killing has its place it's fun and all but sometimes I like to use my brain a little bit oh yeah oh yeah all right you guys wait here I'm leaving this joint sometimes the morning cross wordss just aren't enough you know was that the Juke of 87 I think it might have been I think it might have been he say to me Don you could never be de Awakening wood I awaken their wood I jerked them off and it worked out so [ __ ] you if you think it's stupid suck my balls all I'm sorry I'm just a little defensive you know cancel team they get me they get me a little amped up sometimes so uh my apologies my apologies after our sweet SCH moves against the sagits I'm the alliteration King look at that do and what sucks is there's still one more above ground treasure that's like right next to spawn that we just didn't have enough time to get but uh what are you got to do you know we'll just get l so comes day 25 live and here on this day we go back to the Awakening wood and we finally get the last treasure what is it is it a [ __ ] shell oh boy that that's it that's the [Music] day and now it is time to train go perplexing pool get our cancel team up and take down the submerged Castle good luck my blue Pigman homies all right cancel team I know we haven't had the greatest history together but we have to put all that aside now or there is one challenge that's even greater than our beef and the beef that you have with the American public it is kind of poetic that like one of the hardest caves is right here the place where we struggled the most last time wait what worser submerged Castle I think it's improper grammar such a such a beautiful name for such a horrible Place everything's blue why this place is terrible uh first off you can only go in with canceled team which lovely folks the the greatest right uh second I have this is completely blind I have no idea what happens in the Worster submerge Castle oh that's a uh there's a little guy called the water race oh who's that who's that familiar sounding fellow he's this big liquid guy that just uh Flinstones rolls over your entire Army you can't kill him no amount of crabs can prepare me for this oh there's this dense fog so sometimes you can't even see when when things are coming I don't know where the treasure is oh and enemies enemies falling from the sky is anyone to hide from this demon and the worst part is sometimes it can just generate floors that are impossible well that's just a bit rude like you'll be in a scenario where there's an electric fence blocking the exit to the next Su level this isn't real this is not happening this is not happening but you don't have any bananas on you you only have to reset like that's the only way that could be Ave yeah so on Day 26 I decided I got my taste you know we did we scoped out the thing we we we looked and saw things everywhere and now I thought we were mentally prepared for what we were going up against well that was a fun taste we get the ball rolling a little bit more this day there were like a few deaths you know well that was just a bit you're going to throw 10 that's such an Unholy Co no time out do find an eggy Candy Pop Bud which should help right that just allows us to not have to reset cuz we can break down more obstacles all right we got egg team back on our side baby let's go just kidding I lied things are [ __ ] terrible no kill him kill kill him please one down one down what just why we're down the first floor and half of our team is gone and I was like wow this really sucks if only more people were complaining about it why must you let us die it's a bit early for the guilt tripping laring right it's like you're in this torture chamber and all your nonvital orans are just getting gouged out and you're just like damn I wish someone was bitching in my ear right now that'd be awesome now let's look out for an electric fence oh Pikman pick is that an electrical gate [ __ ] and it just sucked reset after reset these obstacles that I there were some cracks of light in this dark tunnel on one floor the The Wraith just didn't spawn wait did he not drop in where did he drop in the answer is nowhere that just happens sometimes dude doesn't want to leave his house I get it he dropped that a bounds oh um but then we reach floor five and it's a rest area which is like dude wait there's an [Music] exit this is a it's like I was in the desert for like 3 months then I come back and I see like 8 gallons of danani I'm I'm gulping but here there's an exit to the cave and I figure we do not have many troops left at all there's no way we can get all the way through so we decision to make what I could do here is we could leave now and in one last attempt I try to work with the cancel team I give them the decision cuz when you go out the geyser you keep the treasure that you got right that's that's how it works I've never prematurely left the cave and thus if we come back here getting through the earlier floors should be a lot easier but I let them decide I'm tired of being that guy they they need to work it out leaving is for cowards dog I got 36 [ __ ] left and damn [ __ ] can't even get along with themselves they were going at it I literally did a poll it was very democracy democracy democracy they're usually united front in their dickheaded but they kept going oh damn oh my God it's tough we are divided oh [ __ ] however at the end of this political turmoil the faction that voted to go deeper ended up winning but let it be known that I listen I listened so all you [ __ ] with your dad like Father wears our wears our nuggies and [ __ ] or father how could you do this you blame the other half I washed my hands from this sin I did I did I'm I'm tired I can't be making all the decisions it's stressful not [ __ ] a CL I'm not [ __ ] a [ __ ] a oh wait I [Music] left I I accidentally went to the exit like unknowingly I I swear I swear on all my medals on all my positions and all my glory which I guess isn't much that that that I actually unthinkingly unknowingly went into the exit like that wasn't IMM doing a ruse I there was an actual mess up well I mean now that we're out here should probably crying up the troops a little bit huh this is how democracy dies man all you guys be bitching bro you guys just find something to [ __ ] about that's crazy I'm playing that was pretty I'm a [ __ ] for that I'll be honest I'm a [ __ ] for that I'll take it Don thoughts on uh Worster submerged Castle oh it's awesome dude I love it it's like you took cancer and chyia and put them in a [ __ ] blender and had me just choke on it it was great so I spend the rest of the day grinding up cancel team again and we take another crack at the Worster submerged Castle [Music] on wait this is okay this is okay no it's not okay uh-oh looks like we got a reset am I doing this is this real I'm different I'm gaming I'm moving so different oh this [ __ ] [ __ ] oh would I like to go into Progressive mode absolutely [ __ ] puffy blow hog bro not doable because there's an electric fence okay cool cool very cool no more Progressive mode it was a bad luck charm it was a bad idea to begin with all right break the thing yes so we're having a fun time here all right let's go let's go go come on so after resetting 10 times we get back to the chill floor on Su level 5 there's actually Alpha and banana team Candy Pop buds banana Team Alpha Team how you guys been which is great as long as we can preserve them no obstacles should cause us to reset and on top of that I have people that I actually enjoy I bet you guys been Oho in your little [ __ ] plants what have I been doing getting Raad we got all the tools that we need it's time to venture forward let's keep it going baby wor is submer Castle some level six they didn't think I'd make it it oh it's red theme that's cute it's cotton candy flavored this room excellent there's a lot of resets it's kind of like what is what is for a lot of varying reasons D killing us deliberately get the [ __ ] out of here with your fraud allegation ass deliberately Deli deliberately you people are [ __ ] sick you know that you know at this point I'm preserving Piggies if a lot died stop with this there is no way we're getting through cuz too many just just keep on dying Progressive mode baby sub level 9 sub level 9 sometimes the water rate killed pickies not this guy sometimes it was some random [ __ ] that killed the pigies do we serly have no yellows I'm going to [ __ ] cry you know just like the dinosaurs and floor 10 kind of reach my breaking point I think we might have to restart I think we might have to [ __ ] restart cuz there's always these electric gates and I can't break them at all we reset again cuz there's an electric fence can't break that I think we're [ __ ] all right guys let's talk let's talk do we leave the cave and start over but I'm afraid of doing this cuz if I leave what if all the Pikmin die don't we lose all our Piggies too if we uh if we give up regardless right no okay and one of my troops assures me that that's not going to happen if I just leave from the pause menu you guys are saying no wait I don't know I can't trust you people you guys are always wrong just trust the guy with the Pikmin Avatar and after last time listening to troops I wasn't too keen on taking their advice all right like I don't think they know what they think they know so we put a little wager on it that is true yo if you're wrong Blue Yoshi you're banned okay we we about to we about to put us up we about to pull up all right but thankfully he ended up being right oh we do keep our pickies I'm wrong all right I'm Banning myself you can trust me you know BL Yoshi I can trust you you're a reliable source you've proven yourself to your country and your people it will give you a medal of honor and it was a nice reminder too that there are troops that I enjoy and that like want to see success which was good I I think I I think I needed that for a bit I will sacrifice myself for the pman cause you're an honorable Soldier that's that's a strength and honor play I don't know I'm the type of guy I'm the type of person where if I'm working with someone I want them to like me I kind of just like everybody so it it was a little it was it was tough for me dealing with a lot of the the stuff but now that we're above ground we gr up the boys you know the drill let's just keep things moving you already know what comes [Music] next now we're ready to take on the cave I'm dressed as knuckles if there's anyone like me out there that's just kind of sensitive or like wants people to like them oh no just know that you don't need that it's not worth it I think we're okay so there be people in life that bring you down and kind of suck oh no how many died and you're in no obligation to keep them around you got people that want to see you succeed out there now I'm of the opinion that the douchebags are not in the majority but it's called selfworth for a reason okay it's not dictated by other people we've seen many deaths in many different lifetimes but we still move forward when people are [ __ ] cuz he can Crush my Pikmin but he can't Crush my spirits well that's just fine that's fine that is okay I don't know [ __ ] love seeing a Rea people love seeing a reaction I feel like acknowledging hate only makes it worse and you know maybe I've been doing that this whole documentary D you need therapy I could use some therapy I could use some therapy for sure I think everyone could use a little therapy right and there's a difference between feedback and just being an [ __ ] right it's the way deliver it listen to the feedback no oh we might just have to eat that we might just have to eat that honestly [ __ ] the dondor issues [ __ ] Oh Captain you let us die [ __ ] all that [ __ ] we lit I don't want this to come off like I'm just bashing on my Army right cuz that's not the case a ton of the troops I got a lot of love for worth it [ __ ] yeah boor Kim Let's Go and they support me I wouldn't be the captain I am without them this map looks like [ __ ] Gus what is this but if I'm not getting that respect and someone's just trying to bring things down no no deaths I'm so epic [ __ ] if I [Music] care I hope whoever's watching this whoever feels a need to satisfy people yes use the test just know that you're good we've done it we've done it oh my God we got the treasure back floor 10 is it finally Time come on come on come on go go go go go go go go so after 30 something resets and like 10 sub levels we finally get to sub level 11 it's real we've done it after X amount of retries I have no oh it's even redder cave cool cool why if you thought this [ __ ] was crazy gets kicked up several notches all right so many notches they made a bunch of Minecraft pool water rates all right well that's that's one down two man at legs oh hello well okay I I guess these guys would be a lot more threatening if like two water rates weren't here to just kill them all the treasure here is a marble that we have to a tree without anyone getting squished and what we witness here is a hero get it get it get it run run oh my God defying All Odds he's him he's him look at him go look at him go no [ __ ] oh he died that's pretty upsetting he sadly passed during that in but we will all carry forward his Tale the legend of he maybe one day when he reaches Valhalla up there in the afterlife he'll be reincarnated as a Nintendo variety streamer at youtube.com/ Hef wouldn't that wouldn't that be a pleasant ending for him oh no no no no no wait wait wait wait okay there's two that's two who are the two-piece let we go through some more [ __ ] just that what is this nonsense until we finally reach the ending this is the ultimate test of both our strength and honor hello dumpy team oh my goodness after so many resets the Mist is gone we're no longer trapped in the Persona 5 opening there's so much pain Sho kiss all of them I'm about to [ __ ] up this little water [ __ ] [ __ ] you know how much he's killed I promise you Revenge let's run it remember all that we've lost you know how many times I've heard the Pikmin death sound effect come on we must work harder give it your all all that [ __ ] I don't even know how many times we cancel this look at we got the plucka phone it's like the best item in the freaking game right there bring that [ __ ] back to the ship nuggies on me what kind of dipping sauces come on list them I got champagne back at the crib and you know what just for you guys I'm going to call over some Wing Pikmin you know what I'm saying get them [ __ ] on the pole you know what I'm saying we're going to have a good time glue that's crazy sorry fatherless team yo shout out to fatherless team we were we were roast they they they came around in the to be honest I don't even remember when we got fatherless team like I can't even and you know what they're no longer fatherless team why they my sons in this [ __ ] bro they're now father team and I adopted them but I'm not paying for their college bro they got to work they're getting full scholarships or else they're not going I'm sorry I don't not have that much money bro so that was the biggest hurdle finally overcome took I don't even know how long but you know what the worst part of this all is that's not even the last C [Music] uh but there was like a Calum before the storm I guess if you want to include this part I think day 30 through 32 all right never mind we're good whistful Wild's now done completely oh we just got the rest of the above ground Treasures got more [Music] troops yo shatel grab that ice bro put it on my wrist damn it was pretty chill like nothing nothing too crazy there he looking trippy as hell bro put this on my girl's finger oh my gosh where'd you get this the perplexing pool [Music] just kind of you know getting ourselves in the field in the view what was the last time you raffled guys is your house a home your questions I ask but that out of the way now we can really get to final cave time final cave time now for this cave we obviously bring all of our troops but we bring 40 bananas and less of the rest that's because using my Captain's intellect I'm aware that the final boss the Titan dweevil it's a lot easier to kill with banana theme and we'll get into why when we get there father we want to murder I know I know I'm aware and that's good I like banana team you they're a little stupid but I can chill I can Vibe with them let's get to work uhoh Bros I'm egg Manning this ain't got [ __ ] on the Worster submerged Castle bro this is nothing maybe this is how the final cave gets us it lures Us in with very easy enemies like the little spiders and the jellyfish and then the crabing is every enemy we keep things moving going down floor by floor with no problem little cute stop happened like on floor 7 I thought I found some beans oh [ __ ] is that beans I [ __ ] love beans oh chest nuts we could pretend they're beans I'm not a fan of chestnuts but I am a fan of nuts on my chest say that you remember but floor 9 is where things change is this like a mid boss is this not where the we F this guy like a billion time and I didn't think it was too bad you you know it was better than like two crabs or something crazy like that but I thought it was manageable initially I was like we can lure over the blister and try to knock him out before take it on BD longlegs Mr B longlegs is uh oh oh he's had it he he had he wants attention right now however that stupid spider that giant meatball he just he just kept on getting in the way man he's regenerating Health isn't he so then I was like all right let's just try to take out Bey first no no [ __ ] and then we reset the cave this time around it was the man at legs in the bloyer and ironically enough you would think it'd be harder we just go for it it's going to cost us a lot of lives but if we just keep doing this quick before anyone dies hurry is this guy really like that like is he really that that broken I feel like I'm I'm having a really easy time with this dude all right come on boys please please please please please I deserve this I've been such a good Captain ignore the the last two deaths all right we're good must be all my general expertise and War experience or his aim might suck ass I don't know and then once Mana legs is taken out the blers you know we taking this guy out before one time for the one time bab it's nothing I will kill everyone every single person I see they will die this is who I am yar's getting a little weird bro he's going through a shadow of the Hedgehog phase we all go through that I'm currently going through my Eggman phase no way floor 13 you'll never guess who shows up just in the nick of time all right all right all right all right all right okay [Music] now not today nope nope miss me with that miss me with that at this point I'm just tired of the guy all right we've been through enough crab Tings to the point where you can make a whole Saga about it I'm I'm done we will F I'm not doing it I am not doing it I will end the run right here if I have to it is not happening we got rules we got rules we got [ __ ] rules go to work [Applause] that's hold up hold on there's only one way through we can't keep running what are no what is his intentions all all right we can do this we can do this we we can conquer our fears the crabing will not get the best of us the crabing the crabbing it will be over I am I am locked out of this time Paradox is there we to make a turn around no he has to die one way in one way out little did I know though the stupid [ __ ] he was more afraid he was more afraid of me than I was of him come on you son of a [ __ ] I'm taking that I don't know about y'all I'm taking that one oh yeah oh my God oh my God the gods with the crab out of the way sub level 14 is also out of the way I'm considering that as us Conquering the crabing I don't care who you are I don't care what you say I did it all right I face my fears he's the one that left he needs his own character AR all right I I came to terms with mine I came to terms with mine all right only five more floors to go oh no that didn't work that didn't work that didn't work when I yes oh it's another [ __ ] bread blood floor baby bread combos baby one time for the one time yo can we stop missing I can hear I can hear bro I love death GPS level 100 gex well that right there might be the biggest bler I ever done funny funny yes we're we're back in blister City baby yo is that pami is that salami and finally floor 19 was a rest floor that just had a bunch of eggs scattered all over the place they're like little mystery boxes that the temptation right but I learned my lesson with those we ignore them we get the last treasure the shadow all right this is this the last thing before the final floor we finally head the final boss I'm kind of scared I'm not going to lie like I'm actually I hope it's just the vanilla final boss like if it's two I can't even do two 33 long days a lot of hours a lot of resets a lot of pain so there we were we were with Louis and his uh his new wife get the download get the it's it's just not the Shao and the boys bro Shao and the banana pack she's great man real keeper I love her fucing so the Dil works as so he's got four different appendages that all attack with a different element poison Fire Water and Electric they're going ape on the flamethrower right now beautiful beautiful no get up and because electric is the most fatal and also because he's so high up we only go in with banana Team all we're fine we're F we're fine we have we have the Whistle the whistle of truth will be our guide let's go let's go go for the water first so our other guys don't die this should do it you fool come on banana team come on hey you know banana team yes oh we're so back in this [ __ ] they did not let me down pray to our father for the last time I am not your dad actually I guess I am I I think I I admitted that way like I've already submitted myself to the meme after like a billion floors how many resets how how many crabing oh we made it we won this is over this is over I did it and now he's just naked right he can't do anything hold up banana you want this okay all right banana team they want it they want them all right let's get it today's the day Louis fries I did I am banana Pikmin all right guys kisses for everyone the thing is though when I came here I wanted to collect all the treasure I wanted to completely you know beat it take everything from PNF 404 but we missed [Music] one I forgot and is it possible to get but honestly after all that it didn't even matter to me it's kind of poetic how this is ending exactly where it started what even is a victory you know so we didn't get everything I feel like I conquered something I feel like I won and at the end of the day I'm still the dawn so how can I lose and look Sonic Speed conquered his drug addiction everyone won I think in the end I learned whose opinion I cared about and who's I can just toss aside you're a terrible father and you're a terrible viewer what what do you want from me I'm good I'm good [Music]
Channel: Don Shnack
Views: 68,515
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pikmin 2, pikmin 2 randomizer, randomizer pikmin 2, pikmin 2 switch, pikmin, pikmin is a fun relaxing game, pikmin 2 hd, pikmin 4, pikmin 3, pikmin randomizer, pikmin 1, randomizer pikmin, pikmin randomiser, pikmin 1 randomizer, pikmin rando, minty meeo pikmin randomizer, pikmin randomizer gameplay, let's play pikmin randomizer, pikmin great value randomizer challenge, pikmin 3 deluxe, pikmin hd, pikmin challenge, pikmin 4 demo, pikmin switch
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 19sec (5179 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 30 2024
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