Piers Morgan Interviews Notorious Killer Women | True Crime Central

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imagine a little boy sitting on the stand in open court that's troubling enough but now imagine that the story he has to tell is one that could Rob him of his mother forever how old are you seven who is this or what is this my mama and what is she doing killing my sister [Music] I'm going to ask you this mhm cuz I want to see your reaction mhm but did you kill Adriana no I did not did you dunk her in that pool until she'd drown no there are only two possible penalties that can be imposed for the crime of first-degree felony murder they are either death or life imprisonment and I just empty I just empty the gun and I ran I ran I ran the decomposing body of Jimmy Jo was found in southwest Austin with 10 gunshot wounds I've been a police officer for 25 years I've been a detective for for 17 and no I have not seen anyone plan it to this detail do you still love him yes we have a child think you'll always love Jimmy yes [Music] 911 I need an ambulance what's wrong ma'am my daughter filling the pool and she's not breathing where at ma'am uh in esto and she's not breathing how old is she she's 7 years old oh God just a second ma'am her lips are purple what do I do holes County sheriff's deputies are investigating their second tragic water incident involving a child in just 3 days this latest happened about 3:00 this afternoon in the community of esto authorities say a seven-year-old girl drowned while playing a swimming pool I was on my way to meet a Amanda Lewis the mother of AJ and Adriana who died when she was seven Amanda has spent the last 8 years in prison tell me in your own words exactly what happened on the day that Adriana died we had when outside the kids were playing and I had to step back inside and when I set back inside um somewhere along the point she had went and got the wagon and she had pulled the wagon beside the pool and she had gotten in the wagon her footprint was in the wagon and somewhere along the line she fell in with a dish pan so AJ comes in and tells you what that Adriana was playing in the pool I thought he meant she was standing beside the pool splashing in the water um I looked out the back door and that's when I could barely see her floating in the pool you run outside mhm and you get her out of the pool mhm how dides she look to you she was slightly purple um I put on the ground and tried to get the water to drain out and started doing CPR did you realize that she had died before they even got there no um when they got there and EMT the fireworks the fire people was doing CPR they had slightly got her back and they were going to airlift her to Panama City when you get to the hospital what happened the doctor come in and said that adrenal was gone what impact did those words have on me it was like part of me was gone and it was part that I'd never be able to get back to me my kids they made my world they made me a stronger person they made me feel like I was everything that I was supposed to [Music] be good morning we're going to present the testimony of a seven-year-old little boy in a big courtroom such as this with people he's going to come in here and you're going to be total strangers to him uh but he's going to try to do his best when he gets up here I'm not asking you to believe him just because he comes in here I'm asking to you just to be patient and listen to his testimony and then give it the credibility that you determine that it deserves you will hear how AJ saw his mother dunk his sister into the pool that's what led to the death of Adriana Elaine hutter thank you for your [Music] attention Sheriff just tell me exactly the scene that you encountered when you got here where the pool was where Amanda was where Adriana was when I got here there was fire trucks here ambulances and other patrol cars from the sheriff's department the pool was right out there you see the pile of wood M it was in front of it coming this way several feet but it was right out in that area now when I got here they had Adriana they was working on her there Amanda had got back in the house and was in the living room in the floor in the house whenever I got here what was your gut feeling about what had happened here your fuss feeling we treated it as an accid accidental drowning uh the little boy AJ was here and his grandparents had got here and we let them take AJ and take care of him after we got the mother in the car and got her gone well we had left and I had got back to the Sheriff's Department whenever the grandmother called me and said Sheriff I need to bring AJ down there and let him tell you what he's told me [Music] pick a she a seat to sit in which one you going to sit in is it in that one what you got what is that sherff a sherff I was sitting at that desk right there when I got that phone call okay and I remember Dennis Lee saying I need you to look at this case and I'm like Dennis I'm swamped down here you know and he said no really I I want you to look just just look at this interview of this little boy and they brought it down a couple of days later uh another prosecutor we were working on another case and she was in here and we watched that and we were like wow you know is he telling the truth you know who threw her in the pool my mama M Mama threw who in the pool my sister adri and then what happened when she threw her in the pool she started holding her face so Adrian started screaming so I went pow pow pow with my gun okay so Mom said stop it so I didn't stop it so she so AJ screamed AJ AJ call the police you said your mom held her face how did she hold her face yeah an Esther woman is in the homes County jail tonight charged with killing her own daughter at least one witness says they saw Lewis pushing the little girl underwater Lewis has reportedly denied she killed her own child she is due in court tomorrow morning for a bond hearing Amanda was a single mom a care worker on night shifts she was just 20 seven when Adriana died I thought I had a good life I had a good job two beautiful children you know even though my parents were divorced I still had a good family life what was your relationship like with your two kids I had a good relationship with them Adriana's it was a little bit tougher just because she was dealing with what she was dealing with but I never had a bad relationship with them they were always happy we always did things together you know McDonald's Adriana had apparently ADHD was that medically diagnosed mhm what did that do to her as a young girl how did it make her behave sometimes she was real rambunctious always want to go and do could rarely sit down rarely watch a movie but other than that she was just on the go all the time you loved her oh of course very much she was just a miniature version of me in what way every way what' you mean um physically she was identical to me her demeanors her manorisms down to the way she walked was just like me and temperamentally was she like you she was quick to throw a fit but she was still a good child she was still a good little [Music] girl I told you uh briefly what AJ had said I don't know how to put this but he he seems to believe that you drowned at her well I don't know why he would think that I mean I wasn't even out there I was in the house house why would he accuse you of drowning your daughter he does like to tell stories I mean he's got a I don't know if I'd say weird but he does have a very big imagination mhm how would you feel about taking a poyra I'd be fine with it you think that might be beneficial well evidently because I know you know everybody's looking at me the only way the state could present a homicide case was to rely on the testimony of in my opinion an incompetent witness I've been doing this for a long time AJ told us the truth he told us what he seen that day AJ if you'll come right over here and just have a seat in that chair right over there okay I found him to be a credible witness if I did not believe he was a credible witness I never would have put him on the stand in the first place now this is a microphone right here all right when he walks through the door into the courtroom MH and you see him for the first time since all this has happened what is your reaction I miss him and I wish that I could pick him up and hug him um I was very upset because I couldn't believe they were doing this because he's only a child but just disbelief AJ didn't recognize you at first he hadn't seen you for a while and then he does MH and he bursts into tears MH and you burst into tears I wanted to get up and go to him um and I even asked my attorney just please stop just make him stop but I couldn't can you tell me what a lie is it's not the truth can you tell me what the truth is it's not a lie um if I told you your mother was in the courtroom here today would that be the truth no sir that would not be the truth why is that cuz she's not in the courtroom no soul where is your mother jail she's in jail that woman sitting right there between them have you ever seen her before yes sir who is that my mother now you recognize your mother yes sir hey James hey J yes so give me your hand all right he me this case could never have come to court were it not for the testimony of 7-year-old AJ when the police asked Amanda to take that lie detector test she passed in your career have you had a case that's incensed you quite like this one I mean this is is probably the worst of the worst uh when when the when the when the factual complexion of the case is so clearly pointing in One Direction uh that indicates that this was a tragic accident what do you think happened just talk me through what you think happened I believe the children planned on swimming in the pool but that they had to get the bugs out of the pool I I think Adriana stood in the Red Wagon next to the pool was leaning over the pool with the metal pan that was found floating in the pool and was in the process of scooping up bugs from the pool when she fell head first into the pool causing the water to come over the side of the pool and fill the Little Red Wagon it was found by the emergency responder who immediately surmised that this was a case of accidental drowning this is a case that we believe she maliciously punished her daughter Adriana and she just went too far she was under a lot of stress she was tired she had tried various other forms of discipline that appeared not to be working at least to Amanda Lewis and uh that is what we think happened why are you so sure why is there no element of doubt in your mind as you will recall the pool was anywhere from 32 in to 35 in high Adriana was 47 in tall if she had have just simply fell into the pool as an accident all she would have had to do was stand up as she had done before when she was in that pool and she would not have been [Music] drowned it had a very strong the whole house smelled of urine and man feces it had a stench of urine you could hardly stay in that room I mean you'd had to get a breath and go in there and then come right back out okay you may be seated Amanda Lewis how do you know her man she's my daughter Adriana hutta how did you know her she was my granddaughter did she seem to have your daughter seemed to have a short temper with Adriana yes sir she she did have a short temper with her at times how about AJ did she have a short temper with AJ not as much some people have said you want a good mother and they put that down to when the police went in they smelt urum the the younger kids' room they didn't see any toys they felt from what they were picking up from people that you were pretty tough lost your temper as far as the smell of urine she wet the bed quite a bit um but there was also a dog in the house that urinated on everything did you physically punish the kids Adriana and AJ no for the most part they got timeout um what do that mean timeout benches or the corner um there was only one time that I really did spank adrana and she had little marks on her little backside cheeks but why did you do that I can't even remember what she did that um yes I do she wrote throughout my car with a permanent marker what is she write loser and I don't even know where she got the word from one of your colleagues at the Care Center remembered you saying you was so annoyed about Adriana's Behavior one day he said ah I want to kill her now given what happened people could put two and two together and think well there there we are I did not say I wanted to kill her I said oh my goodness I could have just killed her about the car about the car she came in and she was very upset very I rate and we said what's wrong Amanda she said I'm just going to kill him and kill her and I was like don't say that she was just like at the end of her rope that morning like she just couldn't take it anymore what did you mean when you said I could have killed her that it just FR it frustrated me to the point of being angry H up right here I think you're going to have to kneel down right there kneel down okay I want to show you this Photograph here 1B let's just move that one out of the way one B now whose Red Wagon is that mine how did that wagon get there my mom pulled it all the way from there all the way back okay to here all right now did you draw a picture yes sir tell me AJ what is this right here who is this or what is this my mama okay and what is she doing killing my sister how is she doing that AJ putting her hand of her face what is this right here my mother's arm your mother's arm yes sir okay what does this mean right here she did what she died she died okay you mean your sister died okay what this too bad what does that mean that means it's scary it was scary so the jury had to decide did they believe AJ or was this just another TR tragic case of the most common cause of accidental child death in Florida drowning I've got four kids and when they were all of that age of AJ's age I'm not sure how reliable they would have been in recollecting what had happened given the trauma of what went on just a few yards away why are you so confident that AJ was telling the truth in the statement AJ gave us the first when he gave us he said that his mama done that to his sister's face he told us his sister had got in trouble that morning because she had took BL blue spray which he called Windex later on sprayed the TV we got the search War we went in and got the Windex out from under the kitchen sink s into the lab and they put Adriana's fingerprint on there it was a positive match he told us that he had seen a man cutting down trees on a tractor we confirmed that West Florida electric was out here mowing the rideway for the electric lines that morning he told us that he seen the army men flying over we contacted Fort Rooker they confirmed that this was in the flight pattern that day for their helicopters you know we confirmed everything he told us basically which added legitimacy to his story but it is also true that as he recounted his story a number of further times he was inconsistent I mean his story did change it was wasn't always completely the same the consistency of what we were able to confirm stayed the same but it's such an exceptional circumstance for such a young child to in the end be the pivotal reason why somebody is found guilty of first-degree murder but you know he's a young child who didn't know to do anything but to tell us what he saw that day AJ said that he saw you do it is everything that boy said a complete fabrication he just misremembered everything he'd watched I mean pretty extraordinary for a young boy to invent a story about his mom murdering his sister isn't it everything he said was not true but everything wasn't alive I believe what happened he took a series of events and put them all in one day um she had gotten in trouble for spraying something week prior and he put it that it happened that morning so everything he said was not a lie I just believe he fabricated a series of events into one day there was one piece of evidence the prosecution argued proved a AJ's version of events on that day were you present when an autopsy was performed on Adriana Hut yes it was Did You observe any injuries to her body man yes tell us what you observed the most significant were the two on the midline of the forehead um also noted are two smaller bruises to the right side of the forehead over here I placed my hand over the bruises and um as you can see on the side of the cheek here um lined up perfectly with the side of my left thumb this would be the index finger where it lined up and if you would ma'am just use your left hand as you would on your face demonstrating to the jury how that would have been okay thank you man no F [Music] questions can you go to the very beginning where it says resume or whatever [Music] who was in the pool did your mama get in the pool nuh ad was just in the pool with Mom but Adrian was playing like this and Mama hold her hand on so she went scream today lewi under Florida law there are only two possible penalties that can be imposed for the crime of first-degree felony murder they are either death or life imprisonment this court a judges you to be guilty of that crime and sentences you to imprisonment in the Florida Department of Corrections for the remainder of your life do you still hope to get out here every day how do you hope to achieve that through the courts proven that I'm innocent proven that what they said I did I didn't do and I fight every day to prove it and I'll continue until I do what do you feel about AJ he's now 15 you've not seen him for seven eight years since he was in that courtroom testifying against you mhm if you had the chance to speak to him what would you say to him that I love you and no matter what I will always love him and that in no way do I blame him for what's [Music] happened as AJ waved to his mother that day in court it would be the last time she would see him AJ now has a new family he's been adopted but in 3 years time he will be old enough to decide for himself whether he wants to see his mother again [Music] [Music] thank you very much and welcome to the 1990 Miss Texas USA pageant and what fun it is to be back here she surprised him came out of the attic area and she just started shooting and unloaded the Glock in his body I believe 10 times according to the FBI women who commit murder are three times more likely than men to kill someone they love in 2004 in southern Texas a former beauty queen committed a brutal and Infamous Murder She shot her millionaire lover 10 times as you're even going in through the garage door which was open you you could just smell uh a decomposition odor coming from inside and it just got stronger and stronger as we continued to enter in how bad was the scene that you discovered well the actual scene itself was pretty bad I mean the victim had been there for enough time to where he was decomposing and it was confusing when we were looking at it at first is how someone in their own house could be shot in the location in the manner like he was an intruder almost to a point based on uh how it looked in his own house from where you saw all the bullets and where they had flown and where they' landed talk me through what you think happened it looked like he was walking down the hall two bullets went one went into the door that he was by and then one went into the wall and it tore up his right right side and into his torso area as well um and then and then you found we found some showc casings right near him that's someone who wanted to kill somebody that someone is Ronda Glover she has been in Texas state prison for the last 10 years good to meet you tears nice to see you R her victim was a wealthy oilman Jimmy Joost Ronda has always claimed it was in self-defense there's this guy that you had this great passionate love for and he for you there have been good times and bad there have been all sorts of stuff that's gone down and there's a moment when you have a gun in your hand and you shoot him dead and you stand over him and you empty the the magazine I never stood over him and that's a lie too there were 10 bullets discharged do you dispute that or yes there weren't there were there were 10 discharged but six were to his elbow trying to stop him okay yeah I was never trying to kill him you didn't want to kill him no no what did you want to do to him well when he started see here we are talking about it and I can't but I but I can't because I wish I could Ronda let me let me explain to you why is this important people just think of you as this monster murderous who blazed bullets into the man she loved right and it was uh horrific coldblooded premeditated murder that's what you they think you did MH and I'm only asking you one thing about it is in that moment how did you feel I just went into like a complete State of Shock just standing there just like oh my God it was in my worst nightmare realized if you had your time again Ronda in that moment what would you do knowing what happened I don't know I don't know what I could have done differently honestly don't know I don't know I just know that I'm very lucky to be alive I do know that I almost died that day Jimmy's body lay undiscovered for 4 [Music] days Ronda went on the Run taking their 9-year-old son but the police caught her 600 mil away in [Music] Kansas these are so tight they everything my wall the the feds Marsh I just don't know what's going on I was on vacation with my son and so I'm just what you do we went to I was going to go on audition for a um a Nashville show I'm a singer and so I had my guitar and my piano with me and I chickened out when we got there you been I didn't did you did I go shoot at Red that day yes yes I did in the years before the murder Ronda and Jimmy were part of the oil Rich Elite in Texas they were together off and on for over a decade was devoted to her he worshiped her she controlled him and he just loved her and worshiped every second of every day when did you first meet Ronda and what was your first impression I met Ronda back during the uh the late 7s early 80s during the Disco days everybody was hanging out of the discos and hanging out the bars and and she was just one of the girls that hung out everywhere and one of the beautiful Texas blonds that you saw out all the time was the Big Catch for women like Ronda an oil guy it was a total prize I mean if you were to to write a story about the art of the deal for um for women back in those days they latch you on to an oil man they go from an apartment to a million-dollar house in River Oaks I think that she saw a different world that she wanted access to she grew up with Cowboys rodeo and Jimmy came from a different world a world of more sophistication and I think that's what she was looking [Music] for Jimmy first set eyes on Ronda or watching the 1990 Miss Texas beauty pageant on television when he saw me he said I'm going to marry that girl and he became determined to meet me and to seek me out people thought you made a great couple when you first got together is that is that how you felt in the end I mean you find him attractive yes I did and he yeah and he was funny he was very funny and he could cook he introduced me to you know a lifestyle that I um I had never experienced before with having a lot of people over and big parties and you loved him yes yes like proper passionate love um you said deeply that yes I I did but I'm trying to explain to you pierce that it didn't last very long I understand that but I want you just to try and remember the good times there must have been between you a real draw a real love yes and then when we had our son that kept me hoping that we could have a normal life but his obsession with me um Jimmy had a p a person a Persona that he put on in public and one very dark one in private so it's really hard to sit here and talk about the great times when there were very few in the beginning I it just it turned bad it turned bad rather quickly pierce it did I've been a police officer for 25 years I've been a detective for 17 all of its inv vient crimes and no I have not seen anyone plan it to this detail I did do it I did he came after me I did [Music] that's the decomposing body of Jimmy Jo was found in southwest Austin with 10 gunshot wounds Glover said she shot him because he beat her and she thought he was going to kill her she couldn't ever get rid of him until finally when he ran out of money then she decided to kill him he came at me and we struggled and I got to my brief face and I got the gun and he he hit me and he was screaming you [ __ ] [ __ ] I'll kill you in this demonic voice just like Satan was and I just emptied I just emptied the G and I ran I ran ran he just fell what exactly happened on that final fateful day of Jimmy's life well the evidence shows that she went to a shooting range here in Austin called Reds she had been there before she practiced with the gun that she used to kill Jimmy she went about 10 minutes away to Jimmy's house after having called him and our belief was to lure him to the house and she went up into the um upstairs area where there was an attic attached to a bedroom and she waited our belief was that Jimmy would have done just about anything for Rhonda was probably very excited that she had called him and she surprised him came out of the attic area and she just started shooting and he turned and then fell and that the evidence from the medical examiner was that the wounds were consistent with her having shot him as he lay dying or dead she fled and was eventually arrested in Kansas Ronda still claims Jimmy violently abused her but there is no compelling evidence to prove that there is though compelling evidence it was premeditated a month before the murder she practiced killing Jimmy at a gum range the first time that you go to the gum range is about a month or so before Jimmy dies obviously from the outside you look at that and you think well that's a bit weird why is Ronda going to a gun range for the first time so soon to Jimmy's death mhm why did you go that first time first of all the owners of Top Gun are the saragusa and that's Rocky's Uncle so if I'm going to murder somebody I certainly wouldn't have gone to a gun range where the people know me what are you really thinking about what what's concerning you enough to want to go and learn how to fire a gun suddenly well he came to my apartment 12 times trying to get in to get to me so you've gone to the range because you want to protect yourself I I really I really felt that if he just knew that I had a gun like because the saragusa knew us or even if he saw that I had one then he would stop stalking me because I lived in a paranoid life of when is he going to to when is my day coming when is he going to be when is he going to finish me off because he was so serious that if he could not have me no one would why should I believe you why should you believe me because the facts are there peers if you look hard enough the facts are there and I want you to look I'm begging you to look at the case from a different perspective and not not just listen to what these other people are saying she planned this she ran through a scenario bought a gun ran through a scenario on how to use the gun in a scenario that's the scenario she used to kill Jimmy and then she ran she didn't go to the police she didn't call anybody and say Hey you know he just tried to do this to me or that to me and I killed him and I I'm worried they will blame me for it she she ran she didn't reach out to anybody she ran and she was trying to hide from the police until we caught her she's a calculated cold-hearted murderer only Ronda knows why she took the life of Jimmy Joost that day she surely must have known that by doing so she would ruin her own life too first off I missed my buddy he was a good guy all right and you look back hell I'm 64 now Jimmy would have been 66 or 67 when we were doing all of going nuts and chasing women and having a blast we were in our early 30s in our 40s and you look back on it you you you you miss him he just he was fun to be around there's always something going on and when we look at Ronda and I kind of feel sorry for R she just made a serious big ass mistake I'll sell out her I'll sit down and have lunch with her I don't you know I'm not going to hate her you you forgive a lot when you get older you don't have time to hate anymore we the jury having found the defendant Ronda Glover guilty the offensive murder assess her punishment at confinement in the institutional division of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice for a term of 46 [Music] [Music] years on a human level this is excruciatingly difficult to talk to somebody who's incarcerated in prison for as long as you have to be and have already been right living with the consequences of what happened that day if Jimmy was here now what would you say to him I haven't thought that far I haven't thought that far what would I would say to him if you had the chance to speak to him one more time what would you say would you why why would he why would he want to hurt us if he loved us so much why would he do all those things to us why would he hurt us would you apologize to him for killing him yeah and I would tell him that I didn't mean to kill him I really believed I shot him in the elbow six times do you Ronda do you do you still love him yes we have a child think you'll always love Jimmy yes Ronda thank you for your time thank you Ronda Glover will serve at least another 11 years in prison for killing the man she loved [Music]
Channel: True Crime Central
Views: 1,133,148
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Crime Stories, Serial Killers, True Crime, True Crime Central, community, crim, crime, crime recaps, documentary, murder, treu crime, true crime, true crime addict, true crime asmr, true crime podcast, piers morgan serial killer, piers morgan killer, piers morgan feminism, piers morgan women killers, killer women with piers morgan, female murderers, serial killer documentary, true crime daily, piers morgan serial killer episodes, piers morgan andrew tate, piers morgan prison
Id: Q1GbS7BW2mk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 28sec (2788 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 19 2024
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