An Interview with a Serial Killer (1/4) | Piers Morgan | @TrueCrimeCentral

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[Music] how you do sir sir P moving good to see I'm I'm hard hear you got to speak realiz okay in both ears or both ears are okay you can hear me okay yes okay I don't know how how we were going to do it I'm just going to go through everything that's happened to you and I just want you to be as honest as you want to be you know that's what I'd like to get the truth out that's what I want yeah I've been granted a rare interview with a serial killer Mark reeby confessed to murdering 13 women he later retracted those confessions detectives believe he is a serial killer even though he's only been convicted of a single murder is this man one of America's most prolific Killers Mark will try to control you he'll try to manipulate you and control your interview he's going to paint himself out to be the victim he's going to make himself to be the most misunderstood person in the world when you tell a lie and it's so convincing and you have the ability to believe the lie you told makes for a very dangerous person you've been obsessively trying to nail this guy for a quarter of a century now it's become a personal thing for you isn't it comes personal to me is these people these people are important to me when I see Mark rebi what would you like me to say to him it's time it's time to give it up Mark it's time to bring this all to an end okay to you it's time to give their family some sort of answers and if there's any decency in you this is a time to do it One Night in August 1989 Mark reeby and his brother Alex pulled into this convenience store behind the cter was Donna Callahan a young mother pregnant with her second child when she looked up and saw him he pulled the gun out and he grabbed her by the arm come straight out the door then she started crying she asked why was we doing it and what had she done to us said she was pregnant and that she had uh a little girl she didn't want to be hurt this confession led to the arrest of Mark Reby Alex had pinned the murder on his brother Mark did you kill Donald [Music] Callahan after callaham went missing her father launched a tireless three-year campaign to find her he petitioned the US president and eventually a team of special agents were signed to the case one of them Dennis Haley has now been engaged in a battle of wills with Mark Reby for almost 25 years a Dennis we are about an hour from where Donna Callahan was taken yes we are and it took 7 years to find her body and eventually you managed to locate what was then the remains of her body just up here right just in this actually it's it's right in this area right here and uh about 20 ft about right in there and and this used to be a clay road here this wasn't a black top and all the clay dirt ran off in here which made the grave quite deep of all the places to put a body can you offer some rationale for why they would choose somewhere like this when I've talked to the profilers they tend to believe that that this is something every time he drives by he can think about this was convenient it was in it was in sight of their home their home's just right up the road here uh it's someplace they can drive by every day and know where that body's at he can think about that night he can think about the thrill of the kill it's something they can check on almost daily he confessed to killing 13 women do you believe that the bodies of the other women might be somewhere in this area buried away in these kind of trees Pierce that's what's always been so frustrating because I do believe that we have evidence that at at least four other dig sites that there was human decomposition there uh and and and we know that Donna Callahan's body was never moved I mean it was here since 1989 so who was at these other sites and and and mark often talked about their being a graveyard out here with four to five bodies in it so I yes I I I truly believe that there's more bodies out here Med Partners at the News Herald Bay County Sheriff's Office investigators say they're getting closer to charging someone in the murder of 18-year-old Jacqueline Brandt investigators say 46-year-old Mark ree is a person of interest in Brandt's murder ree is currently serving a life sentence for the 1989 murder of Donna Callahan Beach police along with FDLE agents have Mark re's confession Reby confessed to killing Pamela Ray and burying her on this land investigators along with Cav dogs will been reports the Reby is also responsible than many others but investigators won't confirm that information if Mark Reby finally tells the truth about these murders it would make him one of America's worst serial killers how long have you been in prison 21 years 21 years because you took part in the brutal murder of a young woman called Donna Callahan Don count here yes sir that's why you're here yes sir with special agent Haley right you confessed to him over a period of time that you killed 13 women this is what detective Haley has put out he believes that you killed eight yeah and I I just want to go through why he thinks you killed them and I want to give you the chance to respond to each of these cases and explain why he's wrong the first uh lady is this woman here I don't even know who that lady is this is Bonnie ryther she was found buried after missing for a week in uh 1978 the reason that in what year 1978 1978 I was 17 years old right special asent Haley believes this was your first victim and absolutely not uh Lindsay s uh she was a 35-year-old woman I don't even know who that is um you don't dispute at the time you confess to special agent Haley I did confess it you did confess to her this is Andrea Durham she was I don't know who that girl and I did not confess to that one you You' never met Andre darham no sir Andre darham was 14 I know and I never confess to that Crown I'm just going to finish she went missing in 1990 abducted from her home now both of your stepchildren knew Andrea they were friends they may have been friends but I didn't know all my kids friends they didn't hang around my she didn't hang around my house I'll put it this way she may they have may a new her but she didn't come to my house never been to my house you told special agent Haley I like to drink he going with special agent Haley well I'm just going to go through what they claim no you're back in his story this is wait a second wait don't stop this right here no Mark Mark let me explain to you no no mark this was supposed to be I understand nothing like this I see where you've been and got all your information we do here no Mark let me expl Mark Mark let me explain can I explain to you let me explain let me try again let me try again I'm not judging you at all no you yes you are because the way you keep saying why have no all I'm doing all I'm doing you you don't deny that you admitted at one stage let me finish go on either you could keep want to go back to this understand me give you the chance to respond to each of these cases there's no there's no responding I didn't do those cases you're not listening you keep saying but yes you did then I will show you more respect and I will listen properly to what you're saying now let's go go through because I want to get to the port where I have I'll tell you how I shut this down and this office is still good today this is Donna K I know who Donna K is she she's the woman that you're in prison for she's the woman that you are accused with your brother of killing brutally killing she was pregnant she was a young mother but when you look at that picture what do you feel sir when you look at her picture what do you feel I don't I don't know what to tell you yeah my heart goes out to her her daughter her mom and dad her family and to her yeah I just blurted it out yeah you know what I was there that night but but nobody Mark no innocent person is going to admit to being party to the murder of a pregnant mother there's been a lot of people who made mistakes and committed said they committed crimes they didn't and got out of prison who who actually killed Donna Kellan my brother killed Don Kell so you drive along and and all of a sudden Mark climbs over the back seat gets on top of Donna and starts to strangle her what' you hear I heard her saying no and don't do this to me at first and then I don't know how to describe the sound it was like a sound like to me it sound like he cut her throat or something I didn't know it just sound like a real fleshy sound cuz then when I heard that I turned around and in her mouth how long did that go it took a while before she quit Mark Reby went to trial and was convicted of this crime he could have gotten the death penalty with this morning's agreement his life is spared rby admitted that both he and Alex Wells kidnapped and killed Donna Callahan after robbing the convenience store where she worked in Gulf Breeze reie pleaded guilty to what he had done I am pleased and my daughter is pleased Donna who's going to rest in peace now [Music] yes Mark if you could just do me one favor you keep tapping your foot okay I'm sorry uh it's just it's making a bit of a noise so if you could try and keep your feet uh just be helpful for the for the recording okay Mark Reby is serving life here in Florida's Blackwater River Correctional Facility he was just months into his sentence when he started to make a series of extraordinary confessions raise your right hand for me you somly swear or affirm the statement you're about to give will be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the TRU you got okay over a period of four years he told detectives gruesome details of how he killed 13 women let me ask you this point but did you have duct and kill no doubt in your mind [Music] whatsoever many of these women went missing not far from a sleepy Railway town in Northern Florida Mark reeby spent his teenage years here this is the house he lived in with his mother sisters and [Music] brother Donna Callahan's body was discovered in Woodland just 350 yards from here so we had an indirect personality assessment questionnaire completed by some family members on Mark rebe and one of the things we noted was he had know life goals or Ambitions and you could see him going from job to job to job I mean he was just a an insignificant man who didn't really amount to much in his life and I think he was very self-aware in terms of that if you're a serial killer you like power and control manipulation they're plain looking they're average looking people and they're a charmer uh I'm not saying that Mark has a Magnetic Personality but I have seen him do the charmer thing with with women Mark do you do you like women do you like women yes I'm not a rapist nothing like that you know I respect I don't I se nothing they're my equal I didn't ever when I was into a relationship I didn't want somebody Suburban to me I want somebody who was my partner who live life I wanted somebody to enjoy life you you've been married four times or five four times why do you think the marriages never really worked oh well that's that was easy the first three it was always me uh far as being faithful that word didn't enter in the picture with me there wasn't the ladies all three my first wives were very good ladies loved them to death afterwards not while we was together cuz I was too busy I was partyer I was drinking you know one big party and you you cheated on all of your wives always yeah always had another lady on the side that's the way it went then my fourth wife that one paid me back for everything that I did in what way how by cheating and she's the one I stayed with the longest and I stayed with her for years do you respect women yes I believe I did I'm not going to put my hands on a lady physically you know beat her didn't believe in that so so you don't think you're a violent person I'm not a violent person I don't if if I was confronted the wrong way yes I could be I think that's anybody to defend herself but as far as go looking to cause problems for somebody no I've seen him got really angry one time and because he had been drinking he was at a a bar up in Deer Illinois I'm up there interviewing him and he got really really angry at his wife and he he instantly went from zero to like ready to kill somebody something just complet completely trivial yes and it shocked me that he got so angry so quick I thought he was going to attack her that night and the only reason I don't thing he did attack her that night is because she was in a public place in terms of motivation for Mark Reby to be a serial killer what do you think it is power overpowering somebody control I don't think it's sexually motivated and all his victims are young women between the ages of 13 and 35 36 I mean it's a very specific category and they're all small petite not more than 110 lbs at the most any of them they're all small small ladies even all his wives were that [Music] way Pamela Ray fitted Mark re's victim profile [Music] perfectly in the spring of 1999 one year into his life sentence reu made an astonishing phone call he spoke to pamar R's father who was still searching for his daughter almost s years after she'd gone missing Reby told him that he had killed her [Music] Front Beach Road wasn't anything like this on that early morning in August when Pamela Ray pulled up to this Motel parking lot and tried to check in I went out there to begin with thinking oh we're going to cover a news story about a lady who took a walk on the beach she's going to return she you know by the end of the night by 10:00 we'll find out what really happened and we didn't and that's when I realized when I went out there this isn't just a story about a missing person Pamela Ray had taken her two children on holiday leaving them asleep in her car she went to check into a motel the one stood on this site this is Pamela Ray's vehicle ased she had parked it 25 years ago we know that a police officer with the Pamela City Beach Police Department saw Pamela R and she was talking to an unknown individual that was standing between the motel office and this pool fence after that time we have no visual loveed her ever again I slipped my knife out of my pocket and popped it open real quick and I grabbed her she made I wasn't what you call it real loud scream but she made some noise I told her shut up she made another sound I kill her right then and there around 8:30 the following morning the office Motel calls in reference to the two children being in the car crying the daughter was very very young and cheerful and that's why I knew she didn't understand what had just taken place with her mom and her son you of course he started crying you know please come home mama bring my mom home mark try to think of something tell us something that we can that we can go back with that leaves no doubt in anyone's mind that this this only thing I can think of is a single key that I picked up where did that key come from out of her could he be a complete fantasist could he be making the whole thing up I don't think so I I I struggled with that at one time I thought could just all be a bunch of Croc of crap as we say um but uh no there's there's just there's just too many details about certain murders he had information that only the killer would have had give me some examples of the detail of killings where only the killer could have known that information Jackie Brandt this girl right here she went missing in April of 1986 out of Panama City Beach Florida when she she went missing nobody really even reported her missing I get Reby out of prison and I take him over to Panama City he takes me to a a a bar over there called The Playground that was a place she used to frequent how would he known that when the playground he says that he met her there in the bar they came out the parking lot they smoked a joint together and he got mad at her and he strangled her death and killed her inside his car and then he drove from there and he wanted to get rid of her body he then takes it up the road and he was within 100 ft of where he dumped the body how would he know that and sh this what he listed as a a homicide I just I don't believe in coincidence I believe that he killed her and uh and uh it's just sad that we don't have the evidence to support that Reby confessed to killing Pamela Ray and burying her on this land investigators along with cadaver dogs will be spending at least a week combing through the thick brush and woods for Pam's remains or any evidence that could link Reby to her Pamela Ray's disappearance has been continually investigated since 1992 her children who were 5 and 12 years old at the time may never have the comfort of knowing what happened to their mother her sister Ronda has helped look after them for much of their lives Pamela was your oldest sister she was my oldest sister she 5 years older than you 5 years older she loved me we used to do everything together everything with our children wherever she went I was there your father died believing that Mark rby had killed his sister he told me that Mark had confessed to him and at that time you know I thought very well sure he could have done it but if it's the case that he lied to your father about killing your sister what kind of person would do that the worst of the worst I don't even understand how you could do something like that to another person your father side died a few months later as it turned out he fell out of his bed had a heart attack and he was dead just like that do you think that the the strain of what happened to Pamela contributed to his death absolutely I absolutely do you think he he may have died of a broken heart yeah I know he did it breaks my heart now Pamela Ray was 36 years old and she I know the story she was Brut do you know what happened to her no I do not know what happened to her do you know she was abducted murdered she was abducted you confessed to killing her I did I said I did yes but when you made the confession confession you've now retracted you gave them no information along with the confession yeah I told them I think I stay think I stabbed her what I told him I think I stabbed her I think I said that I'm not sure that's what I told him how I'm not sure but you also and this is unique in this case you also spoke on the telephone to Pamela Ray's father do you remember that conversation Mr I remember talking to that man what do you remember telling him I don't remember remember exactly what I told him I told I told him I was responsible that was it you told him you killed his daughter I think I did and and I what really bothered me was I never got the chance to tell that man you that I wasn't the one responsible he he died soon after I have to live with this stuff right and and I it's not easy you know I don't want to be unfair on you mark but at the same time I I do want to try and understand the mentality of a man who would tell a grieving father who's lost his daughter if I could tell these people them understand that it wasn't done out of malice towards you how much more malicious could you have been than to tell a grieving father I wasn't thinking at the time that wasn't I put their feelings aside that when you heard that he died did you feel what did you feel did you feel anything died because of me I don't feel like he died before I don't know how how the man died but no but he died believing that you had told him and I I just told you I never that's what a thing that really eats at me I never got the chance to tell this man the truth here's what I don't understand Mark I want you to explain to me in 1998 you confessed to special agent Haley that you killed 13 women why he me into to gave me the information for these confessions because he wanted to make his career off of me so an investigating agent gives you all this information and now he now he says you gave it to him I've been saying it for a while why would you I was trying to get some help from my son at the time I call it the deal with the Devil [Music] I found this place I stopped the TRU I get her out her knees up under my left arm right arm around her waist her head sort of laid back against my shoulder something like a romantic [Music] car the confession you have just heard is a lie that's what Mark reeby is now telling me he made a deal he says with Special Agent Dennis Haley in return for Haley protecting his son from what he felt was a threatening situation Reby would admit to multiple [Music] murders Haley broke this agreement according to Reby so in return He withdrew all his confessions you see why you see why I would be skeptical I'm not asking you to believe me I don't care because I'm looking at a man I'm looking at a man that is admitted to me telling a special agent and his colleague you killed you let let me finish I'm not it's not about what I believe I had to maintain that I could not come out of that character you were you were prepared to admit you were one of the worst killers K killing all these women in the most heinous way you were prepared to admit that just to try and help yourself what they did with me they could have put me on death row at the time I told him if that's what they wanted to do I would go that route I would maintain that thing until the end what doesn't stack up to me in your position is if you admit you confess to all these murders to special agent Haley why he would then feel the need to invent all this detail that he say he says you gave him he wanted to make his career he wanted his limel he doesn't need to make a career out of you he's just a special agent investigating crime all day every day he told me what I had to do if Mark Reby is claiming that he was confessing to a number of crimes in order to protect his son I my advice would be to view it the way his family members would view it in that he claims to be the protector father very engaged with his children when in fact their perception of him is he has nothing to do with them he is not engaged with them he is an absentee father um and didn't really care about them and that's their words not ours I'm struggling to get much in the way of truth from Mark Reby but at least the victim's families can now judge for themselves for Dennis Haley trying to bring them closure has been his life's work we have a we have a subject confessing to uh several abductions and murders it's hard to judge because at times I I sit here and I'll be honest with you I believe him but then nothing checks out Dennis has worked on a lot of these death cases for 20 years if not more he thinks dreams sleeps eats these cases because he cares a lot about the victim and their families they become so important to him that makes him even more so wanting to solve the case and so he never gives [Music] up Reby insists he was given all the details in his Confessions by Dennis Haley but in the case of Ronda Taylor a 23-year-old brutally stabbed to death in 1990 this could not have been possible Reby talks about an African-American man being present in the car when he killed Ronda this detail could not have been known by detectives until years later when DNA testing became widely used an evidence from the car was examined Mark describes killing Ronda with with two black guys there we have blood in in Rhonda's car that comes back to a black male um I mean how would he had known that he had information that only the killer would have [Music] had this is Ronda Taylor she was found naked and stabbed to death at the back of a car that's one of the ones Dennis you told the police at the time that you believed that she had had sex with an African-American man and DNA was found which confirmed she had had sex with an African-American never rap I'm not a rapist no not you that somebody else another man an African-American had had sex with her that night no sir you never told police that no sir why would you confess to killing Ronda Taylor if you didn't kill I told you why I confess I felt I had to this was one of the cases he led me to you also confessed to your sister that you killed her who you also told your sister I told my when when it started and I had to go to rle I couldn't tell one thing and then be telling somebody else something why would you tell your own sister that you had killed a young because they come to the prison and ask me about it I had Dennis had me I was already doing work trying to get my son's thing I can't I had to do it I felt like I had to tell him so you had to maintain the lie I maintain the LIE basically that's that's even to your own family to anybody even my kids you don't think that hurt that killed me but you told your children that my children were sitting there in the BP when it was said when you missing killing these women yes my my mom and my sister was talking about it they always talking about it so your mother and your sister and your children all heard you confess to killing 13 women well they were not all just confession but they would ask me know they didn't ask me details like that they said did you say you did that yeah I mean how did your family react to hearing you say that you were a serial killer it wasn't good I really don't have a lot of contact with any of them but here's what I would say to you m you weren't just hurting your family when you made these confessions you were obviously causing hard for excuse me well you were causing enormous hurt to the families of women like Ronda Taylor I that yes I thought about them families but I put my son before them families what do what do you say to the family of Ronda Taylor who sir what would you say to the family of R the I'm sorry that I I've made those confessions now last why X why she made comment about what I had done prior to these other people and brought up precisely Ronda Taylor for one and she asked me how could I do something like that you know I told her I I had nothing I was proud of I couldn't it was it's hard to live with it tears you out a little bit every day yeah but like I said I'm not asking for no pity for nobody what I did I'm not proud of what I did I did it I didn't intend to do it but I did do it this potential seral killer Mark Reby by not telling the truth has really caused so much more hurt to so many people like yourself by just not telling the truth that you know the police believe he's is guilty right he just refuses to come clean about exactly what he did what would you think of that refusal to be honest to me if you never admit it never regret it ner never sorry never ask forgiveness then you're really worse off than we [Music] are this is the scene of the only murder Mark Reby has been convicted of almost 30 years ago Donna Callahan was working here she was a young mother expecting her second child what is so horrifying to me about all this is the utterly random nature of these killings this woman Donna Callahan was minding her own business just working hard L at night she could have been anybody they're random victims but they're also victims of convenience they tried to make it that he was coming back to rob the store but no he came back just to get her they never got in the cash register they never took any money they never took one thing out of the store but her has Mt Reby ever shown a shred of remorse for anything not to me hasn't he's to me he's never shown he he claims he feels bad about it but he you don't see it in him you don't really see him you don't see the emotions you know he he'll say that but but there's no emotions there you've been working on the serial killer for 25 years are you any nearer to really understanding him than you were at the start I don't in one way I don't want to understand him I don't want to be that um no I don't believe I ever will understand why somebody wants to kill someone special agent Haley's position about this is that in the eight cases that I went through in detail keep going with special agent Haley done explain to you you mentioned him too so no it's not just me mentioning him you keep bringing you keep talking about him as well here's what I want to say to you he believes in the eight Cas I wouldn't care what D belce he don't believe it he knows I didn't do I understand that I understand your position but you keep mentioning him too and I'm just saying he believes of the 13 confessions that you made which would have made you one of the worst serial killers in the history of the United States of America you were placing yourself up with Ted Bundy and the others I didn't care where I was placed myself at that time my main objective and main goal was my son you see Mark I don't believe you I don't believe you I don't care I think you are a serial killer you're wrong I think you did kill these women no sir I think these families of these women they need is over they need Justice gam we're done why why can't you answer these questions I answered your question you want to get this off why why are you running away why are you running away I answered your question why don't you sit here like a man and answer these questions there was something about this to begin with why don't you sit here like a man sitting here nothing I know I'm not 110 woman that you can kill huh you did kill them didn't you you killed them all [Music] we may never know whether Mark Reby did Kill the women special agent Haley and others suspect him of for the victim's families the not knowing is like an extra dagger in their hearts and in the end their loved ones may have died for no other reason than simply The Thrill of the [Music] kill the case is now closed in court this morning Mark Reby pleaded guilty to the murder of Donna [Music] Callahan Donna Callahan's daughter Angie regularly visits her [Music] mother she was two at the time of the [Music] Murder She has no memories of [Music] her why me why my mother why that night why did it have to happen what did my mother do so wrong to deserve something so cruel they took everything from us when we go to visit Donna we go to a grave site they sit in prison get letters phone calls they get visits if say be not us not us we don't get phone calls we don't get letters we go to a grave site and talk to a [Music] [Music] headstone that I wish she was here to see me grow as a person and to see things that I have [Music] [Music] accomplished [Music]
Channel: True Crime Central
Views: 735,291
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Australian Crime, Crime Stories, Jeffrey Dahmer, Serial Killers, Ted Bundy, True Crime, True Crime Central, asmr, cases, cold cases, community, crim, crime, crime recaps, doco, documentary, full episodes, gangsters, murder, murder mystery, podcast, podcasts, recap, treu crime, true crime, true crime addict, true crime asmr, true crime podcast, true crime recaps, piers morgan, piers, piers morgan interview, piers morgan serial killer, interview, serial killer
Id: Z2zGoftG1Ak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 23sec (2723 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 23 2024
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