Piers Morgan is 'Sickened' in this interview with Serial Killer Alex Henriquez | (3/4)

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[Applause] R first thing I'd like to say is that I am innocent of these killings I did not commit any of these murders that I was found guilty of I feel that nothing here has been proven has been a lot of lies a lot of deceptions deceiving the people of the Bronx I'm innocent of these crimes thank you how do you think good to see come on sit down uh if you just sit here to start with please thank [Music] you look at the camera or yes please this man is one of America's most notorious serial killers he was convicted of three murders and suspected of more but he proclaims he's innocent Alex and reque grew up like hundreds of thousands of other people did in the Bronx but they didn't turn into serial killers he is a psychopath first before he's anything else Enriquez admits he did know all the victims one was just 10 years old all I know is that I just wish my friend was here I have not killed anybody in my life and I don't think I'll ever will but there was no hard evidence I thought maybe they had the wrong person cuz the person to do this type of crimes really didn't fit the person that was sitting there Alejandro Enriquez a serial killer Alex Enriquez Enriquez aleandro Enriquez I remember feeling that I wanted to spit on him that I wanted to attack him my heart bled black having refused interviews for almost 30 years Alex Enriquez is now ready to tell his side of the story he comes at you from every angle and you must take your time and you must let him talk cuz the more he talks the more mistakes he may make Jessica Guzman was just 10 years old when one afternoon in October 1990 she headed down to her local supermarket and never came home Jessica was the youngest of three girls murdered in a tight-knit community in the Bronx suspicion fell on Alex Enriquez the last person to have seen Jessica alive the last time I seen her she was headed in that direction man so rest in peace most highly publicized case involving little Jessica disappeared near her home and was found a week later by the side of the Bronx River Parkway suffocated 2,000 mourners turned out for services in the Bronx including mayor dinkin and other top officials it was the death of this 10-year-old girl that captured the nation's attention her coffin was covered in a flag sent by the president a serial killer had terrorized his neighborhood for 2 years but now the police were under huge pressure to catch [Music] him so what do we know about Jessica she's a normal regular little girl 10-year-old girl when she wasn't found in a few days we knew we were defeated before we even got started cuz she was already not with us any longer but at the very least her death stopped this Maniac from killing more her death caused a big huge investigation to be pursued and in so doing other other homicides victims came into play and then it turned out that Alex was the common denominator of all these unfortunate homicides when you have a conscience and you it's tough to live if you have a conscience he he's lived a long time without a conscience hopefully he'll never dare or never be able to get out and do this to anybody else nearly there sorry for the delay no takes takes a world time in the world yeah exactly yeah all I've been able to find out about Enriquez is that no one in his community ever thought he could be a serial killer he grew up in the Bronx was married had children and ran a cab company since his time in prison he's married again Alex you've been incarcerated for 28 years for crimes that you adamantly insist you did not commit what kind of person were you before you were convicted well I was a father I was a a son I was a brother and I was a husband was I perfect far from it uh was I an angel far from it what were your imperfections it's sad and and embarrassing to say um I was married and I had a lot of girlfriends that was my my biggest I guess problem but it was just that I guess as a man I did things I wasn't supposed to do I was with this girl that girl that girl and you lived the lifestyle I lived you know you have a nice car you dress nice clothing women attract to that it's a it's like a magnet and I don't like guys I like women so it was you know it went with the the women found you magnetic um I guess so if I had them I I didn't you know pay anybody or Force anybody so I guess they must have liked me most people who are convicted of killing children get targeted in prison have you had that um no you hear comments he that there's a lot of worse crimes in here well Alex I mean you you were convicted of killing three very young people one was 10 one was 14 one was 21 what could be what could be worse to me there's nothing worse than taking a child's life an innocent child's life when I see something on TV that something happened to a child I always sort of like get emotional I always get watery cuz I say wow that's what they're accusing me of so it's um it's not a nice thing two kids went missing in the Bronx and that's when I first heard the name Alejandra Enriquez because he was the last person seen with them shortly after that there was another missing person this was just Jessica Gman when she went missing was said well who was with the what one of the housing detectives say yeah there was a guy Alexandro Enriquez despite his Declaration of Innocence suspicion has squirrel around Alex Enriquez for some time but until now not enough evidence there seems to be the impression at least that people who know you especially if they're young don't live long well um you say that but I must be a magician then I can't be in two places at one time when he was arrested I was very scared that were blaming the wrong guy everything I was hearing of what he did to each girl to me it it was just had to be a monster and this is not what I was seeing I remember meeting him I dropped off Jesse to her friend house he was cleaning the car in front of the house and Jesse told me Mom this is Christin is there are you capable of hurting a child am I capable of hurting a child uh no why would I want to hurt a child cuz I have children and how many do you have I have two girls ironically my second daughter was called Jessica it's the same exact name as the girl one of the girls they accused me of killing and um I really can't express the pain I feel when I hear that let me just get some pictures of the so that our viewers know what we're talking about here these are the the three girls so Shamira was the first to die then Lisa and then Jessica did you kill these people no I didn't I never listen to me carefully I've never taken anyone's life not even an animal never [Music] what the police told me about this interview cuz I said you know what do you think will will happen how will it play out cuz I don't know you and they said he will have an answer for everything he will bamboozle you with all sorts of information he'll try and manipulate you he'll lie to you he'll play you he'll try try and play you he'll try and out witht you he's a smart guy that's their job right their job is to make you believe that I am the killer most Psychopaths have very positive self-images they look at their reflection and in the mirror in the in a sheet of glass and they really like what they see and they're convinced that their stuff doesn't stink and they'll go out and tell anybody what they want to hear as long as in the long run it benefits the person him or herself enria says the police facing a public outcry desperately needed a scapegoat and he was it Mr Mrs Rodriguez I have no anger for the families for what they're saying or what they think of me because they have been misled and they have been deceived I could never understand why they come here lied against Li she's Li everybody lies with you right everybody with you I'm inoc I have no anger for the family there have been suggestions and you can perhaps clarify this that you may have suffered some form of abuse sexual abuse or otherwise when you were younger is that true no nothing like that never my parents took care of me I went to the best schools I had everything neither of your parents are alive is that right they passed away yes while you were in prison my dad passed away first and my dear mother passed away March 11th 2017 what was your relationship like with your mother beautiful did she ever ask you if you did the killings um no she never asked me did she believe in you to the end oh yes yeah do you accept that whoever killed these these girls is a despicable human being yes sir somebody who would take three young lies and snuff them out without without a question ruin every dream for them for their families of course Lisa's case her parents have never altered the room that she was last in 30 years ago they go and sleep in there sometimes for Comfort their lives are ruined too how can you ever recover from a tra a tragedy like that an ugly tragedy there's no [Music] recovery this is Lisa's room almost exactly the way she left it gives me a lot of comfort to to just be in her room and sleep in her room I feel like I have her still in my heart and that she's with us here and I could just hear her now saying Mama I love you you know we had just got a new medical examiner he came up with something that we had never used before as a cause of death homicidal fix here uh we use strangulation or Suffocation and things like that but it appears that he held them so tight that they couldn't breathe that's a slow way to [Music] [Music] go Lisa was 21 and the oldest of the three girls Alex Enriquez was convicted of [Music] killing but the police had little to link him to the murder a pair of his wife's pink sweatpants recovered at the crime scene and crucially a witness who could Place Alex and Lisa together at the time he was living here with his wife one day Alex and Lisa were standing out front they were basically sitting like or leaning against a car I guess it was his car and he introduced Lisa as his niece and we we talked for a bit and he said he called her a cab and I found that kind of ironic because he is a cab driver but and anyhow he waited and they were waiting for a very long time and the cab never came she wanted to go home obviously but he wasn't taking her she looked very young I had no reason to believe that that wasn't his niece in Lisa's case you say that you had a sexual relationship with her yes I did please understand I don't want to offend the victim's families and that's the key because they've been hurt enough um we were just go out she'll call me I'll call her and we'll go out she wasn't per se my girlfriend cuz she had a boyfriend how many times did you have sex with her do you think I don't remember I wasn't be exact I I couldn't tell you I wasn't keeping notes of this one of the key pieces of evidence in that in that instance was that she was found wearing your wife's pink sweatpants how do you explain that well I remember when we came from the beach that she was uh her clothes were had sand and oil and she do I have any do I have anything to wear I says I don't have anything that'll fit you and then I gave her a pair of sweatpants that where I found in a drawer your wife I this is the the crate I'm assuming they're hers she was found dead in those pants I gave her a pair of pants were those those pants Alex she was found dead wearing those pants that's why I understand what you're saying I heard you so if you now concede you gave them to her and she's found dead in them quite obviously people are going to think well what happened okay I said let's say I gave her the pants let's say she was found dead in the pants why would that say that I killed her did someone see me kill her did they find physical evidence to say that you know I perpetrated the crime of murder no it was a Witch Hunt it was okay we have this here and we have this here and we have this here we put it all together we make him look like the murderer the defense tried to build a picture of this man having some kind of relationship with Lisa did you believe any of that no not not that he had he was you know that they were having having any kind of of relationship no you know she would have told us she would have you know mentioned him which she never did and uh were you aware of him at all no no maybe what happened was that she called him because he was a cap service she knew him but only as as a cap service and it's not like they were dating or anything like that but the fact that he appears to have given Lisa some sweatpants which came from his own wife seem such a strange detail in those have you ever been able to think about how that could have happened the only thing we can figure out is that he killed her at that moment and he undressed her and and that's how she ended up with his clothes but otherwise no the truth is we don't know what to believe with this guy no no no and Chicky what are your feelings towards Alex Enriquez I can't even begining to tell you how much I hate that he took our daughter for months I understand I understand it's heartbreaking to talk to you and to see the pictures and to have to relive this with you I'm so sorry for what you both have had to go [Music] through Lisa like all the murder victims lived within 2 miles of Enrique's home his cab service operated right in the heart of a neighborhood it was a common occurrence for those kids to be walking on the street and the parents said yeah sometimes uh he takes them home if he's driving PED in the car or something they didn't have any suspicion about him at all police believed he killed more than three girls but couldn't prove it the community has lost six young people during the past 4 years and many believe a single killer is to blame children are disappearing from all over the place ni still got to find the person that did this if we don't find him they're going to do it again and again and again bodies are being dumped in our neighborhood and it doesn't seem like City Hall is getting off their rear ends they say no more all the victims had a link to a man who has lived and operated right in the middle of the area where the bodies have been found everybody that comes here that knows and because he did it he did and everybody all the drivers that know because that guy's uh he's sick [Music] the police say there were no similar deaths once you had been imprisoned in that area of the Bronx that's what they say there were no more girls snatched off the street I have8 otherwise no okay you remember I don't know if probably you don't remember there was a girl they called Baby hope mhm I know that story very similar um please say bore no relation to the death here I know it very different motor operand but what I'm saying there a particular motor's operand for all these deaths like which one can you explain all three of them was taken off these particular streets in a two mile radius and killed in the same manner and how did um baby hope die the police say it was different circumstances no it was a fixation like they were killed according to what the police said so in a side of the road let me ask you this Alex even if you had killed them you wouldn't tell me would you if I would had killed him I would have played guilty from day one would you yes you'd have admitted to being a a triple Char killer it would obviously there would be something wrong with me I needed help do you think there is something wrong with you uh yeah I'm innocent and innocent from day one I listen I'm here because first of all you're not paying me for right any in the interview I'm not here because I want to meet you I'm here because I need to present the evidence um because again let's go back to the fact that I con liar cheat whatever you want to call me fine that has nothing to do with taking taking three innocent lives it's now what it does it's like here's what it does here's the problem for you it makes it very hard to believe you about anything but I need you to a body language to me I'm not an expert but every time you've got overly defensive your arms go like this and it's no that's that's another thing I'm relaxed like this I'm relaxed I get tired of keep my hands so I put him here it's a very defensive thing to do is it I don't know nothing about body language I would say it is I've only noticed it in the time I've been with you okay well let's take it another step we just I think we got a slight tape sorry just running out of battery okay Alex just give us one moment thank you very much for the last 2 hours I've been struggling to get under the skin of Alex Enriquez oh I have my hands crossed he's not here I want to know what lurks beneath his cool calm exterior one of the first days that I I met him my partner made a remark to him and out of a clear blue sky he Alex got so insulted he lost his school and he jumped at my partner and he said you're a liar and at that point I saw with Alex like you pressed the button and he went off we showed my interview to James Fitzgerald an FBI Legend he caught the infamous unibomber ending a 20-year Manhunt said kazinski injured 24 people and killed three others for decades he was one of the most wanted criminals in the US are you capable of hurting a child am I capable of hurting a child uh no why would I want to P job most people would say no of course not he hesitated for actually a few seconds then his first reply was am I capable of hurting a child he puts the question back to peers and so many words and then of course he sort of denies it and plays off that whole scenario from there but why I just come out and say no I would never do that even with a psychopath the lying syntaxes have to get aligned with one another to make sure that the proper lie comes out at the proper time Psychopaths like control they don't want to be controlled they want to control others to them it just makes sense because it's what got them this far in life in sort of a successful method of surviving Please Mr Morgan I allow you to ask me any questions you want because I have nothing to hide but it's very important that you let me explain why I'm innocent see I have to decide Alex are you are you just a guy in prison now as an innocent man or am I looking at somebody who did do that in which case you're one of the worst people I've ever met in my life okay and I can understand that because anyone who would commit them atrocious crimes would have to be the worst person you can ever meet Owen do you think that Alex amriz planned these killings meticulously or were they spontaneous acts I'd say it could be a little of both some of both and the reason I say it is because um we may be much more to Alex than I ever knew about or thought about I may have thought about it but I couldn't put it together he seemed to deal with people that he knew were sort of beneath him or he could charm or he could conal Alejandro was the guy that killed her he was telling her stories that he had a horse in one of the horse stables in the Bronx and that's how he coarsed her to you know be interested in hanging out you know we teach our kids that you don't take things from strangers but he wasn't really a stranger to them because he saw them in the neighborhood he was friendly give them candy you know and little by little he gained their trust they said she was decomposed found in a black in a black garbage bag decomposed leaning on a tree 11 We buried on her 11 on her 11th birthday October 20th 1990 [Music] police had no hard evidence to connect Enriquez to Jessica's murder but during interrogation they say he made a vital mistake he told them a detail only the killer could have known with with Jessica with the evidence you gave about the particular Floral Design on her the floor the flower design on her under underwear the police didn't know that because they hadn't cleaned her underwear after you said that they went and cleaned the heavily decomposed and filthy dirty garment and they found that yes it was floral they didn't know that you had told them that um I don't know if that's true that is true oh that's what they said to you that's the truth so then how did they how do I know certain things and this is one of the reasons that well Alex it's obvious why I I only know the pictures Alex it's obvious why you would know how if you killed her you'd know okay if they showed me the pictures pictures the undergarment hadn't been cleaned they didn't show me picture of the other ongar they told me you just said they showed you pictures they showed me pictures Alex I showed you pictures or they didn't no no they showed me pict did they show you pictures or not they showed me pictures of the crime scene the bodies you gave them a particular piece of information they told me but they did not know how could they tell you something they didn't know that's what they tell they had cleaned the Garment so they're lying too do you really think they said the truth I'll tell you a little bit of what the police told me in the interrogation room you're an animal look what you did what did you have sex with this little baby girl with Little Flower panties and training bra would you ripped it off did you cut it off what' you do it with a knife what knife did you use did you use scissors they'll say anything to try to break you down and because I didn't do anything they couldn't break me well all I can recall in that is that when the panties were re-examined that's when it was noted the color and the description uh because at the time of the U when the body was found uh there was a lot of discolor ation from the elements Etc only a person involved could know such detail I never wanted the wrong person in jail I never wanted to bring a case into court that would crumble the fact that he kept going after these young girls is a clue that maybe his peer relationships his sexual activity with women around his own age weren't going quite the way he would have liked he quite frankly may not have been able to perform at times with them so what he would wind up doing is regressing H in his own psychosexual way to these younger women these children in a sense and uh and that's somehow how he would gain control over them and satisfy those needs of his this guy got in touch with us he said hey I was driving up the Bronx River Parkway that night I saw a car he says and there was a guy standing by the trunk I pulled over and I yelled to him in Spanish hey do you need help he says the guy was very rude he yell get out of here I don't need any help he says oh okay you know by this time we had a photo array up and we showed it to uh the guy and he picked Alex right out of the photo right he says that was the guy that was parked and he was parked 10 ft from where the body was discovered maybe let's go back to the evidence what does the evidence say you have a guy who said he seen me and spoke to me at the crime scene well let's come to that I never spoke to this guy this man says he saw you there in the early hours after the death of Jessica says he saw you there do you believe that have you seen you tell me were you there no I wasn't there Mr Morgan if I was a murderer a killer who killed three innocent a serial killer is what you're a serial killer whatever you want to call it and a man pulls up to me and I just finish killing somebody don't you think he would have been my next victim I want you to think about that for a second he can put me at the crime scene he can pinpoint me that I was there Mr Morgan I'm not trying to con you or anyone I understand that your job is to try to discredit me as much as you can no no let me finish let me finish I don't have it my only job is to interview you please and to try and ascertain in my mind whether I think you killed these girls or not well how could you ascertain that if you don't let me explain because I find that the way that you have trying to deflect on all every aspect of what links you to these killings and it's been masterful deflection but that's what it's been deflection so I'm masterful now I think you're a masterful liar yeah okay well but you were by your own I'm I'm a liar does that make me a murderer not only does Enriquez admit to being a liar but he's also been convicted before of another crime how will he react when I question him about this shocking incident that landed him in [Music] prison some people Alex when they've been in prison for a very long time they think so much about think so much about about why they're here oh did they start to believe their own story no I believed it from day one if you see the uh the court TV thing I was very adamant that I didn't do anything you were very plausible I didn't do anything I watched it I've watched that video and I didn't do anything now and there's nothing anyone can tell me what do you say to the families suffering so much from the death of their loved ones what do I say um look for the truth at trial the defense argued all the evidence was circumstantial he is an accused serial killer but Alejandro Enriquez remains composed as his murder trial enters its third week they only had one thing in common they all knew Alejandro andrias his attorney says the DA has a weak case based on circumstantial evidence people were so mad and so angry and the police had to do something the evidence in this case is weak and unreliable circumstantial evidence I did not commit any of these murders that I was found guilty of I feel that nothing here has been proven there's been a lot of lies a lot of deceptions I found it uh interesting that Enrique one of the most critical points points in his life being convicted of three separate homicides he has his moment to shine the the acting skills this person possessed would be you know worthy of an Academy Award he knew how to frame these story lines together to show a little bit of pity towards the family but he didn't mean that at all it was all about preserving himself and to save his own butt I have no anger for the families for what they're saying or what they think of me because they have been misled and they have been deceived and now he's on the stage for the first time in years exhibiting his best Psychopathic skill sets I keep calling him a gentleman I don't know why but that's the way I was brought up but this piece of garbage he's always there he's always around where things happened you know you say coincidence coincidence happens every once in a while everybody in that Jury Room knows that he did it and he knows that he did it there was no other person that could have done it but [Music] him Owen do you have any doubt that Alex Enriquez is guilty of the crimes he committed no doubt one I say they convicted him and I'm satisfied with that if he they hadn't convicted him that case still would have been in my [Music] CW when you see video footage of Enriquez from that courtroom he doesn't look like a serial killer capable of choking the life out of three young girls who knew him and trusted him but there is one shocking incident that happened before the murders that shows Beyond doubt he is capable of Cruelty to Children how do you explain the time that you were charged with these offenses you were convicted of scolding a young boy who was the son of your wife I severely scolding him so much you ended up with a quite lengthy prison sentence when you say that I scolded and that I was convicted um those are key words and but they're facts aren they no they're not you weren't convicted I plad guilty to leaving him alone in the bathroom and to a lesser charge because what was a lesser charge E felony um assault I don't want to just say something that's not true I didn't think he was going to get burnt though I wouldn't have left him in there I Was preparing him to take him to his father you think I would intentionally scold him put his clothes on and take him to his father that doesn't make too much sense yeah but Alex at the very best it's apping negligence by you because you were the adult in charge of him exactly that's the very best but that's not what you pleaded guilty to you didn't plead guilty to negligence you pleaded guilty to assault they their whole thing was this they needed to make me look bad to the public as much as they could when when a boy of that age gets that badly school that's bad going to make it look bad it's bad Mr Morgan this interview is not about me lying me cheating me uh fornicating it has nothing to do with this is about whether you killed these three women so let's stick to the evidence of these three women I'm asking you please this is what we're here for if you want to you called me a liar you say you think I'm guilty I know you're a li I want you know you're a li you you're a li but I'm not a murderer because I lie doesn't I've going to believe you and I don't believe you because why should anyone believe you to satisfy if you're right or wrong I mean I don't know if you do care get the crime scene video I care about get the crime scene video I'm the lives I never had and look at the picture and the families whose lives have been destroyed that's what I care about my life has been destroyed my family's Liv's been destroyed but yet I'm innocent and I'm in here it's 28 years and it's we tend to overlook in the evidence Alex we're going around in houses the viewers can make their own minds up whether they believe you or not we have to leave it there okay you've had a chance to put you'll say no I didn't have a chance you you spoke and when I tried to give you the evidence to show you otherwise you interrupted me and now we have to go okay thank you for your time we're good all right well what up all right it can be frustrating talking to anyone who is just locked into their lie locked into their story you'd be the rare guy that broke a psychopath after 28 to 30 years but Piers held his own stuck to his guns and that's what you got to do with these guys Enrique is the poster boy for a l psychopath who lacks remorse and [Music] empathy I'm enjoying the fact to know that I'm hoping you live to 99 cuz he was a player multiple personalities to this day I meet somebody that knows him you know that knew him he was only 29 years old right something around there young guy drove a Mercedes always is suited up he needs the reaction from other people in order to to feel successful to Feel Complete so for him to be in a box by himself it makes me feel better for a while I just thought I was a very bad judge of character but what I realized is that I was just fooled you know I just didn't see the real person thank you very good thank you thank when they read the verdict I just looked over at Jessica's mother and I was like I gave you what you [Music] needed I gave her what she needed to [Music] hear the court imposes an indeterminate sentence the maximum of which shall be for the term of your natural life and the court [Music] imposes [Music]
Channel: True Crime Central
Views: 1,287,541
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Crime Stories, Jeffrey Dahmer, Ted Bundy, True Crime, True Crime Central, asmr, cases, cold cases, community, crime, crime recaps, doco, documentary, full episodes, gangsters, murder, murder mystery, podcast, podcasts, recap, treu crime, true crime, true crime addict, true crime asmr, true crime podcast, true crime recaps, piers morgan, piers morgan serial killer, serial killer piers morgan, interview with a serial killer, piers morgan interviews alex henriquez, serial, serial killer
Id: UFgQs1HtjAE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 46sec (2686 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 06 2024
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