8 Best AI Tools To Automate Your Business In 2023

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hi folks welcome back to the channel as I always like to say when you combine automation with AI you can build really powerful systems and today I'm going to talk about eight AI tools that you can start using today combine them with your current automations no I'm not talking about charge GPT today everyone else is talking about that today I'm going to share with you a different AI automation tools that maybe you haven't heard of so you can combine with your current automations so you can take them to the next level use AI with Automation and then you can see how powerful you can make your own systems let's get started so the first two that we're going to talk about today is eating AI so eating AI I talk about these two before on previous videos it's one of the best AI tools that you can use when you are building any automation okay because it has different AI models in just one place we kind of combine different AI models for different tasks in just one two in just one API okay so if you if you check here you can see that you can select from different tasks like text speech OCR which is basically reading documents images videos and each box here is a different AI model okay so this is a very powerful tool if you are building a system that you're you're gonna combine automation with AI so this is definitely my goal when building any automation when I have to combine with an AI model OKAY the second one is Placid Placid is an automation to combine buying you with AI that you can use to generate images and templates okay imagine that it's a canva powered by Ai and automation so you can create different images using different templates just by using the AI and automation platform so you can create any image or video from a template so let's say that you have a template that has your brain assets your colors your fonts and everything so you can use this animation to create a new image from that template using Ai and automation so definitely check it out the next one is dockline dockline is a very powerful ai2 that we can use to read documents especially PDFs okay so you can import a PDF I'm going to import one of the app here so I can show you and you can ask questions about that PDF so let me I'm going to import here an invoice and it just generated so I can show you how it works so the PDF the invoice is has been uploaded so I'm just gonna ask what's the amount okay it was so this tool is gonna read through that document and give me the answer of the value of that invoice which is 500 okay of course is just one example invoice that I use so you can really see like the quotation of a tool like that and of course you can combine this with a previous automation with any system that you have running so you can take your automation to the next level okay next one is levity levity is a an AI with automation 2 that you can use to train on your model okay specifically to classify documents and emails for example so you can create an Automation and you can use their AI for that when you receive a new email for example then it may will be automatically classified or would be automatically sent to the the right folder on your inbox because it contains certain attributes that you are training Bai to look for okay so this is a very powerful especially if you have to deal with a lot of emails documents so you can easily create your own model with your own documents and patterns and attributes so you can automatically classify and connect to your other tools that you are using so this is a very very powerful tool that you can you should streamline in automate a lot a lot of your tasks next is bit Scout bit Scout it's it's specifically to handle documents so you can use it to handle invoices contracts purchase others proposals any kind of documents that you can import into this this shoe and then you can get the right data so this is very very helpful to use with any automation especially if you're using zapier or make or any other like no code automation 2 or even even if you have to use it through an API so you can connect your document to their plugins and they they can identify all those fields in that document and then of course you can use that data on a on a previous tab or on the next step on your automation scenario okay so this is a very helpful automation platform I love it I use it a lot for all the animations that are almost all the animation that I have running for my clients that involves documents and but I've seen through that document okay this one is Runway Runway is a new tool that I'm starting to use um since the past couple of weeks so it it it's a two that you can use specifically to generate creative assets so images videos remove background images and all that kind of stuff that you have to do when you are adding any kind of creative asset you can use Runway to automate it okay so you can create images from a text you can create images from another image so it's very powerful and of course you can combine it with your automation using API so you can really scale this uh creative work that you're doing especially if you're an agency or if you are doing creative work for your own brand boner bear is a slightly similar to their Runway but butterbear is more friendly I would say so it's easier to connect with tools like sapier like make and and also the API documentation it's more user friendly okay so with blender bear you can also generate images you can generate PDFs videos using API or using any no code automation too okay so you can integrate it with your zapier automation or with your make scenario so you can create images videos at scale so you can really take your process to the to the next level and they are more again they are more user friendly so if you're just starting out to generate images through API you can start using Banner bear which is a very nice alternative for you to scale that process so we're talking about images videos now we are talking about voice generation okay this again works really well if you have to create a voiceover video for example then you need to generate voices so you can use Murphy AI to do that using their API okay so this is a very powerful tool to generate images from text using in and that's where the real power is with that so you can use real people's voice to do that so it's it's it's very powerful um if you want to do that for your videos for podcasts for clips for the short form uh videos that you use on Tick Tock Instagram in any other place so definitely take advantage of Murphy AI because this story is worth it and it's and it really it's really powerful and it's easy to use okay so it's pretty straightforward you can definitely start using it today to add it to your video assets and clips hope you like the tools that are talking about today hope you can start using them as soon as possible to really see the value that AI can bring to your systems into your automations and again as always if you need help building your systems building your automations and combining with different AI models click on the link down below so you can get on a call together and I can show you how you can take your processes to the next level combine the automation with AI thank you
Channel: Ed Axe | Automation
Views: 2,899
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ai tools, business automation, productivity, artificial intelligence, predictive algorithms, small business, entrepreneurship, workflow optimization, best ai tools for business, best ai for business, best ai tools, ai tools for business, artificial intelligence tools, ai tools 2023, top ai tools, best ai tools 2023, best business ai tools, automate your business in 2023, ai tools to automate your business
Id: y9zxsyy-2Vw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 43sec (583 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 17 2023
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