How To Edit Videos in Canva For Beginners (Step-by-Step)

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hey it's Aurelius happy doing well did you know with canva you can edit and create videos right inside its designer well in this video I want to teach you the ins and outs of it so that you can master the basics and know how to create all types of videos such as intro videos product demos video ads presentations or whatever it is you're wanting to record or edit let me show you how first of all if you don't have a camera account yet make sure you sign up so that you can log into your account link will be in the description box below for a free 30-day trial of canva pro however what I'll be showing you here won't require a canva pro account the first step is to create a new video canvas to create one make sure you click on videos on your home page and then click on a blank video right here we don't want any of these other options we simply want a blank canvas to start with if you don't see this click on create a design and then search for video the first result is the one you want now the reason why we want to create a video canvas as opposed to a regular canva canvas is because of this let me show you a demonstration now this right here is just a regular canvas that I created that's 1920 by 1080p while this one here is a video based canvas the difference is with the timeline so for some reason camera understands that this is a video and then they'll have this option to edit on the timeline whereas this one here there's no timeline right here but this is a video if you look at the top there's a little scissors icon and you can very well split your video here and do other things however it's a lot easier to have this timeline at the bottom to work with you also are given options such as splitting the page whereas this one you don't get that option where you can right click and then split the page so therefore start a new canvas from a video template now click on a blank one because we are just starting from scratch as you can see the timeline is now below the next step is to upload your video clips if you have any and you simply go to uploads once you've uploaded your videos it should be under the videos tab but for this demo what I'm going to do is head to the videos Tab and then I'm given all these stock video options to choose from I do have a canva pro card so therefore I'm allowed to use the pro footage that's indicated with the crown icon so I'm just going to choose this right here or you can search for a specific video clip in this demo I'm going to create a little promo ad promoting a destination a holiday destination that is so what I could search for is holiday a right here and see what Clips come out right here and I want that beach theme and that Island theme so I can go and search for or use some of those clips for the first clip I'm going to select this one right here you click once that will add it to the canvas and it will play automatically the first thing you're going to want to do is adjust it so simply drag it and then drag the corner to expand it and fill the entire canvas and now you see the actual clip in the timeline right here you'll also see the length of the actual clip 5.8 seconds now the first editing option I want to show you is cutting a clip so we can either cut from the very beginning right here so I'm going to zoom in a bit so showing you how to actually cut out the start of any clip I'm going to drag this and now you can see it's taking out about a second from the beginning and let's say from the at the end too we'll take out about that much and now the total is just four seconds but let's say you want to cut somewhere in the middle of a clip click on the clip and then wherever you want to split it let's say somewhere here we can right click and then split page but don't worry too much about splitting it at the right kind of second because now you can adjust it and they are separate clips that you can now edit we can expand it we can cut out or even expand that clip a bit more but let's go and reduce it but that's how you go about cutting a clip anywhere you want I'll just undo that cut because I like that four seconds and maybe reduce it down to about three because I want to add a couple more Clips but with this clip I want to add some text and say something like relax so let's go and click on text and that's the beauty of using canva you can utilize its design kind of options such as adding text adding pictures and overlaying it with different types of things I'm going to use this text template right here but deleting the bottom text there because I like this font it's uh it's called leg Spartan and now I'll just put in relax and we'll make sure this is simply cropped right there and centered it's not quite done yet we'll Center it somewhere there and expand it okay we want to make it a bit bigger you can either drag the corner or you can use the resize font sizes right here okay but I had it right before and I'll just use the little corner to drag it and increase the size like so so I'll put it somewhere in the middle and centered using the guides still a little bit big for my liking so I'll reduce it and now it's centered right there all right let's play it so that we can see how it looks like so far it's just the clip in the background and that text now what we can also do with the text that we just added is animate it so if you simply right click it there's this animate option click on animate and then you're given all these different types of animations if you hover over any of them you can preview and see how it looks like we've got rise pan fade pop wipe breathe so it depends how you want your text to appear what effect you want but in this case I think fade Works quite well with this now if you do have a cover Pro account you're given the option to increase or decrease the speed and writing style we can do a character word line element all right but we'll just leave it as that and we can increase the speed or we can decrease it we'll just decrease the speed so it's a little slower and let's play it now yeah that's all right I mean it fades a little bit but not too much well that's our first clip right there let's go ahead and add another clip so this all kind of makes sense I'll click on ADD page and we've got a blank canvas here I'll click on this one this one looks pretty cool now it's got that Splash I'll again increase the size or we could very well just right click and then set video as background and then that will fill the entire canvas all right so the next step is adding the text again I'm just going to copy this my keyboard just a little control C command C whichever operating system you're using so that I don't need to do it again so relax I'm going to put unwind all right increase this right here and put it somewhere in the middle another thing you can do with your videos is actually adding some effects so we can go and edit the video and then adjust the settings if we go down to something like vignette we can increase the amount of vignette and you can see the edges and the corners going darker all right so that's the vignette makes it a little more dramatic and cinematic so add the amount of vignette that you want we've got other things of course so brightness contrast highlights just the basic adjustments that you can do with video editing in canva but that looks pretty good and that way it's a little darker and that text stands out a bit more so now we've got this three second clip 10 second clip but I do want to decrease this size otherwise it'll be too long now let's just say three seconds each and making sure that this still has its animation so animate we've got fade we can even slow it down so because I do have a canva pro account I can take advantage of that um same with same with this one here let's just go and decrease the speed of the fade and let's go and play the video all right we'll start from the beginning play it so relax we can say unwind okay and uh let's add another clip for this demo we'll go back to videos so again click on ADD page even though it's not quite a page but it's more like a clip that we're adding and then we are going to go back to videos but in your case it may be in your uploads if you are uploading your own videos but I'm just using some of the stock footage inside canva all right so the next clip that I want to add that I search for in advance was this one right here all right Sydney is which is where I live and we'll uh do a set video as background once again this one's quite long I do not want it that long so I'll decrease it and kind of find the bit that I want um whoops let's just use a scrubber uh the scrub is right here right this is what we call a scrubber I can zoom in so you can see much clearer and then we can scrub and see the part that we want so if we want that fairy going across then yeah that's a good part but what I'm going to do is just cut so that we only have again about three seconds or let's say yeah three seconds and then copy this same text right here paste it in right so what I've put in is just 20 minutes away from the CBD or the city and we'll need to decrease the size of this because it's way too big I'll just go ahead and enter one of these options like so that looks pretty good but let's go increase a little more like that and that looks pretty good now I do want to make sure that it's readable so therefore we are going to use the spacing make sure we have some line spacing like so and it looks pretty good and should we add some vignette we'll add some vignette to the video footage so again once again we'll go edit video add some vignette uh like that so it's a little darker when too much is not too good depending on the clip but that looks good and again let's make sure we've got the animations which it should right there and now let's go ahead and play the clip again so I'll play it and let you watch it yeah so that looks pretty good let's go ahead and add one more and the final one will be a kind of call to action so we'll go ahead and add a page and again I'll add a new video this one looks pretty good so I'll go ahead and add that and I'll just go ahead and set videos background which is a quicker way and I'll go ahead and copy this text again paste it right here and I'll just say visit us today as a call to action it doesn't quite stand out so put it where you want you know it could be you know visit us on a particular website or call us whatever it is depending on where you're actually going to be posting or uploading this video to but I'll just keep it rather generic for this demo and this one will be a little longer let's keep it about five seconds yeah that looks pretty good and make a fight again but that's all good but let's just play it from this one because from the start of this one that is and I'll play it visit us today looks pretty good five seconds of that and yeah I'm pretty happy with that now the other thing that you can do with canvas video video editor is add music so let's say you want to add some music to the background of it then you're free to do that if you go to audio and by the way if you do not see things like videos audio things like that simply click on more and then it should be at the top here somewhere all right or otherwise search for it or if you want to add audio to the tabs here you can do so by searching for it so that's the way to use this all right but let's go ahead and click on audio and search for a relevant audio clip all right search for a relevant audio track you can either search of course through canvas audio library or I recommend going to epidemic sound a link will be in the description box below the audio and the music at epidemic sound is safe to use if you're passing on sites like YouTube Instagram or other social media sites or even for commercial purposes so that way you know 100 that you're good to go you're safe you're in the green lights because the audio from canvas audio library I'm not 100 sure if this can be used on you know for commercial purposes and stuff like that so yeah do your due diligence at the end of the day so what I've gone ahead and done is search for holiday so that any holiday audio tracks appear and now this one here I just let you listen to this just for a couple of seconds the past sounds pretty relaxing right what we're going to do is simply add this to the video all you need to do is just click once now that'll add a new layer underneath the video footage and you can actually select the part that you want but let's go and drag it all the way right here and we can see where it actually starts and what we can do is play it all together so at the very start click play [Music] so it sounds pretty good looks pretty good in my opinion just a very quick video ad if you want to choose a specific section of that audio clip you can simply double click it and now you can see the entire audio track and we can drag the audio track where we want let's say we want to start it somewhere here because that looks like there's a lot more going on there a few more things that you can do with your audio if you click on the little Ellipsis right here you can click that once and you can add some audio effects you can also turn down the volume or turn up the volume in this case it's really 100 but let's turn down the volume somewhere you know 50 especially if you have got like a voiceover going on then you don't want the audio or the music track to overpower your voice so that's where you can go ahead and adjust it let's go ahead and play it now so should be softer [Music] foreign back to editing your video what you can also do is add Clips in between clips that you've already added so if you look right here there's a plus in between each and every clip that you've added so let's say you forgot to add something you can very well just click on plus that'll add a new page like so that's if you need to do it anyway and while we're on the subject what you can also do is click the plus and there's an option to add a transition in between the clips so let's go ahead and do that as we'll do one example I'll click on ADD transition and now the types of transitions that appear we can do a dissolve we can do a slide a circle line wipe stack chop and this one here match and move all right but let's do a little simple dissolve in between and play it [Music] so it's subtle but that's what you can also do with canvas video editor at this point you can do other things let's say you want to add other elements and shapes things like little emojis and stickers feel free to add your own just to be a bit more creative but you're giving that flexibility at least using canvas video editor but once you are kind of done you've reviewed your video you can check how long or the length of the video by looking at the top and it's 13.7 seconds that gives you an indication of you know how long this video will be otherwise you can look down below and you can see the length right there but once you're happy with your video you can download it by clicking on share and click on download select MP4 video which is the recommended and select all pages so all the pages means all the Clips in this case there are four clips and we'll click on download it may take some time depending on the length of your video so give it some time and be patient with this all right now the video has downloaded you can see it right here in MP4 format [Music] all right so that is the clip and that's what we created in just a few minutes and that's how you use canvas video editor there's limitations of course with using its editor you can't add things like b-roll which means you can't add a clip over a clip if you take a look there's just one layer and if I try to add another video for example this one right here all right so it'll play that and pretty much overwrite the existing one you can't do things like that so it's quite simple as simple as it is there are a lot of limitations compared to other more advanced video editors as long as you're not trying to do anything too sophisticated or you're not trying to make a blockbuster hit canvas video editor will do but that's all from me hope this video was helpful and if it was by all means give this video a thumbs up be sure to stick around to watch this video here where I teach you how to use canva to create video ads I'll see you there
Channel: Aurelius Tjin
Views: 143,181
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to edit videos in canva, canva video editor tutorial, free video editor for beginners, step-by-step canva video editing tutorial, canva video editor tutorial for beginners, how to edit video in canva, how to create video in canva, how to make youtube intro in canva, how to make youtube endscreen on canva, how to make promo videos on canva, how to make videos for social media on canva, how to make a video commercial on canva, free canva video editor complete tutorial
Id: qovUddC2axA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 44sec (1124 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 05 2022
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