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yeah oh and welcome to draw with Jazza I'm Jezza and today I'm going to be reliving my art and YouTube career as a sim as myself in the sims as you can see this is I'm gonna give you a house tour of my old house this is the house I lived in when I started this YouTube channel look at this this is stunningly historically accurate so this is me make it in the shower as good an introduction as any the hell is this in my hat why is my neighbor in my you just let yourself in my husband I'm like hey get out of my house you strange people go away I'm a kid I don't know you get it max Tim don't make me rudely introduce myself that's it I'm doing it yeah mmm that's right leave me alone go away get out just leave get out thank you as I was saying this is Sims as a clear this guy is ready to conquer the world let me just introduce my personality traits to you so you can understand what we're gonna be trying to do today so you can see these are my traits down here I am I'm a geek I'm ambitious that's one of my core traits is got a conquer the world I'm creative and I'm a mute Musa I'm Musa I get better boosts to my skills when I'm inspired they're my traits so I'd have to find a job the first job I need to look for is a social media job I know I am an artist first and foremost but at the end of the day my full-time job is YouTube so let's find where there we go social media now hiring work assignment create a social media profile let's do it I should be productive and learn skills to progress my career ah look at me having fun with max little do you know jazz oh his is gonna die in a couple years so enjoy boy you can I have zero followers all right let's get posting this is now a career on YouTube is made just repeat this again and again to exclusion of all friends and happiness in general make sure your desperation for people's approval is utmost in your priorities and you'll make it well with a little bit like your social media status update has intrigued the world I've gained 25 I've 35 followers in total man this is Z Z is my chat upset always got no food final Fiji max G's I give you get back to work guys I got 100 followers already let's keep this going don't go to bed it's time for work wake up it's your first down oh you're never gonna conquer the world like this it's time for work he's heading out to work off you go Max is guarding the place for me while I'm gone achievement I'm an introvert congratulations ah this game knows me what I got promoted all I have to do is stab to 4:00 in the morning and not look after myself oh I have $350 it's time to paint people 350 dollars see you again this is this is gonna go back in my studio I don't have enough money to feed my cat max don't die too early let's ignore our problems and update our social media status I have 160 followers man this is addictive just keep going just keep going yeah give me that dopamine give me that dopamine from people's praise and satisfaction give me approval fake Sims I have a hundred and eighty followers our man this is this is the stuff oh I can work from my house it's cool I don't have to go to work I can just stay at home I don't know if I'm working I guess it's hard to tell with this sort of career case in point I just made 70 bucks from posting online above all else man this is what you're born for seeking people's approval it's level four charisma yeah I should probably practice my art it's not all about social media people it's about having a craft and providing value or something I only have $80 and it cost me $50 to make a small crappy painting sell to collector yeah I'm a professional let's buy another canvas it's a lot is that a llama that's all I think it's a llama cell I've like made like $8 or something I can't do mess I'm gonna work from home again because that's how I roll I have a thousand followers and this is it only took three days I don't know what you guys complain about this is obviously the easiest career and let's make a painting I'm in the bath dude you're supposed to be working you're not working from home you're just scrubbing in the bathtub you're lazy sod all right feed your bloody cat and get back to work yeah another llama you really really like your llamas all right Seles work from home assignments level up video gaming skill cook best job ever play The Sims that is what I do for work apparently boom you're you've leveled up your gaming cuz you're a real professional my job description is clickbait writer yep what am I supposed to do level up your video gaming skill alright let's play the sims best job ever what else are aptitude watch funny videos on Sims TV for two hours that sounds like porn are you watching porn come on dude this is your job take your job seriously I've done my tasks let's level up your mischief sir it's love day seems like a waste of time alright level up video gaming skill this is how to do [Music] I've come to talk no that's my career do I even have the money to fix it I'm just gonna repair it myself my cat is eating broken computer parts don't do that oh man my house is a mess I've a stink lines am i emanating stench all right straight back to work oh I little doubt my writing time to sell my art look at that I'm making money off my heart now - let's make more art wash rinse and repeat this game makes you realize how repetitive and kind of pointless life is which is nice to realize well hey look I can make 130 bucks how's max doing how you doing max Oh what's this what what is this mess is this vomit are you sick have I killed you what's wrong oh no he's in a puddle of his own tears he's drooling max don't die this is so sad it's because you hate the computer parts you dumb cat Oh No wake up wake him up don't go to sleep don't don't sleep on me man wake up oh I thought he died okay take to a vet who's much just gonna die again oh look you ever dying dog we have so much in common sign Maximus in for curing sickness where's max you're just leaving max out here with the stinky dog look after your cat man tell me it's gonna be okay dawg oh man can't afford expensive treatment but I'm gonna have to give you basic treatment I can do I can do at least that for you max all right cool he'll be fine let's head home I got work to do Oh terrible person I need to prioritize my career so I'm gonna I'm gonna hire someone to clean my house just one time is someone gonna clean up my house or not I'm not gonna do it let's get back to social media ring Oh select a branch internet personality yeah I've got promoted to a Sims - Graham searcher I'm gonna work from home you owe fourteen hundred and forty nine dollars you have 48 hours to pay before we shut your utilities off I can't afford to pay my bills this is so accurate sir when I started out after the sponsorship and jazzy glances at replies betrayed forsaken your sponsorship fell through you got thoroughly insulted and lost a hundred and sixteen phones okay pay no bills and I've $18 left I can't afford a canvas let's post on social media this cat poop max why do you keep pooping oh you need food I should probably give you food I'm such a bad pet owner in the Sims I had a joke ad went viral I got a hundred and 50 followers cuz I had a bet to hold a funny yep at least I can afford to start painting again that's because my aspiration by the way is to be a painter extraordinaire so while my career is social media I'm first and foremost an artist's do mischief on five different Sims how do I do that there's a sim wait I'm gonna do mischief on you cheerful introduction mischief there we go hand buzzer hahaha I did mischief wait wait wait come back you I need to do mischief on you hello stranger cheerful introduction mischief well yeah scare come on I'm prioritizing my career here it's the only reason I'm talking to you I'm causing mischief what about you already mischief great alright I'm just gonna do one more I gotta find someone to harass hey hey turn yet yeah it's great to meet you it's great to meet you I'm just gonna I'm just gonna scare you for a second now ready boo yeah okay 5 out of 5 not interested in talking to you anymore okay your head I gotta focus on my career see you may think ladies and gentlemen that this is some sort of game let's play thing no this is a tutorial I am showing you how to succeed as an artist at a social media personality this is all it takes who's ringing me Vivian Lewis has passed away I don't even know who Vivian Lewis is I probably scared it once I'm gonna paint a sad painting cuz down apparently sad about Vivian having died look at that sad painting sell to collector and let's post on social media I'm very sad why am i very sad probably cuz someone died and I'm just alone and posting media okay you should probably go to sleep buddy take a break cry it out hahaha okay poor Vivian I was mischievous with her that one time Maximus is running away he will make his way home eventually Oh No why is he running away he's right there wake up you're not running away don't run away yes a is fine watch I'll pet you okay well that stopped you wanting to run away no max max I'm sorry max it's dangerous out there don't go out into the storm I'll know I'm very sad come on where you going [Music] what I'm the worst luck this is fine everything's fine the only creature I've ever loved has left me and I was literally attacked by God but this is a mighty fine fish taco I'll for God's sake really this is not how I pictured my career I'm sad I'm gonna I'm gonna paint a sad painting sell to collector I posted on social media I got brilliant haha life is great I voted to a cat video creator but my cat left me where's my cat max evac yet be funny with five different sims man that involves interaction again come here stranger alright I need to be funny with you give funny gifts gotcha what was that sound it's max its max max is back and he's really dirty welcome back I'm so happy I can pick up my career again oh you're sick God's sake seriously how are you gonna distract me from the work I need to do I wouldn't be taking you to the vet if I didn't need you for my career that's not sure you I do love you you're just really inconvenient yeah sorry doc my cat ran away from home right when I got a promotion oh yeah my place is a dump I got really bad hygiene alright I need 10,000 followers oh I'm at 9,998 there we go I'm ready for a promotion now jezzer is the gesture of the internet sharing jokes across the world even if they are at his own expense this is exactly my career path except max never ran away he did tolerate me well there's some 11,000 followers I'm smashing it haha apparently puns are no longer in and Chester has been labeled a pun hit wonder that's not true I don't rely on puns I'm independent this is just like a mirror look at you your glory is busted I am gonna hire a scheduled Maeve from now on sorry I have a cleaner coming I don't need to worry about all this mess although I should probably feed my cat all right how are we doing oh I've got a maid look at this don't all the work for me thank you madam seems to Graham oh man I can use you for my career oh look at that right between my legs great I got promoted to a niche broadcaster I'm gonna start a funny meme whoa I just gained 17,000 followers because I started a meme I gained 10,000 I have 41,000 votes this is exponential growth people see what happens when you apply yourself yeah sure Joe always and my mates here she's got my laundry thank you maid why are you giving it to me here I can't you see I'm working can't say I'm terribly busy oh yeah I got 15,000 followers from my funny meme hahahaha well max is running away again oh it doesn't matter I'm not a cat meme poster anymore I mean max that's um max I'm gonna do an update about how sad am about my missing cat and then share a joke with my followers and then it's jazz again 125 followers for those comically arranged words he now has 66 thousand followers man this is so good it is all 500 dollars from advertising whoo why I said oh yeah cuz max ran away well I gained 10,000 followers ha yeah sadness pays off I must have posted a video with myself crying in the thumbnail awesome when's max can we come back what what is it what's this certainly no you appease the Nome King oh hey max is home hey max I've got a name check it out oh crap ah buddy you should have a piece in no max did you bring these no-good gnomes home with you where did they go what are you doing go away leave me alone strange creatures of the forest others run back here go away gnomes point is Max's back is fine and most importantly I have 85,000 followers on Instagram I'm sad still let's cheer ourselves up funny jokes share an image oh I gained 10,000 followers I'm at 96 thousand and then let's paint a painting my art and social media career are coming along nicely am i gaining weight am i just turning into a fatty I think I am you guys Sims chopping up a bit my sim is my sim is gaining away see you again 15,000 followers why go to the gym and better yourself physically when you can pretend to the world that you're worth loving anyway look at this what's not to love about this this is the most important work out of all come on jazz in two more reps push yourself up I'm gonna start a funny meme and then we need to remember from time to time that I'm supposed to be an artist so let's do that abstract paintings or something where's my mate and I supposed to have a made-up day Wow okay thank you there's a semester my office if he can get that Thanks I said that was missing my office social media frigging dopamine just pump it straight in one phrase Broadcasters yeah jokes funny meme sounding a little aroused that's cuz I am good I have 200,000 photos how do I get focused think I need to read a book am i focused yet no it's good I'd give up on focusing oh what the hell are you running away again I just filled your bowl is that not enough are you eating garbage no wonder you get sick you're eating trash outside I'm only gonna pay for the basic treatment get stupid cat many photos don't have 224 4000 good okay alright my social bars low you know what that means let's get social stop watching me I'm trying to work I know that I'm an internet celebrity but that doesn't give you the right to encroach in my personal space I'm an introvert okay I'll forgot Maximus is running away again max don't do that come back I'm really sad now I sound like so heartless I cared about max more than I am letting on on the plus side I have over 250,000 followers all right turn to paint a sad picture you're uh you really fill it out there jazz' looking rather cuddly but at least you're a talented artists and phenomenally popular all I need to do to get a promotion is to get focused it's the only thing left on my list however how do you get focused some trying to get focused that's it I'm gonna buy a chess set that'll focus me might as well put this in the bedroom that I've never even been into let's ponder some chess moves that will focus me surely just focus you can get that friggin promotion focus focus focus you're just sad just come on just for a kiss stop being sad max will come back you always does in the Sims you focused yet come on now you're just very sad that's the opposite of being focused why did max have to run away so freaking selfish oh I'm lonely and I'm sad cuz max left me Jesus why would I be lonely there's nothing to be lonely or sad about this is everything I've ever wanted Maximus has returned thank God dude seriously I couldn't focus with you go on oh I could be social by socializing with my cat forgot about that focus focus focus focus focus focus focus focus focus focus focus yes I got focused okay a promotion is around the corner now now that Max is back and I can focus I'll get straight back to work sharing funny memes there we go I have over 300,000 followers where the hell are you how rude introduction service what the freaky doing on my computer I don't care if you're Santa Claus gamer house i turnt care I don't care leave imply mother is a lie and go away you vote oh just make yourself right at home you oh my god maybe I can scare him away ready get out of my house where did it go did he go oh you went out the chimney I'm feeling inspired let's do an inspired painting smash it out Oh sell to art gallery for $1,000 yes Oh oh my god I'm turning you into a real artist that's my first proper painting being sold man I'm confident let's do another confident painting look at me go one after the other smash it out come on you got this let's do another one just keep painting Oh I'm aging great one step closer to death and I haven't even reached any of my dreams and ambitions and I'm like a fatty and I have still alone I'm wasting my life unless I can get more social media followers and make more money from my paintings all Maximus is getting older Oh Maximus is an elderly cat oh no oh and the sinks broken jeez this is miserable I need to get angry I'm gonna go outside in the snow and pick on people I need to get angry at men I'm really chubbing up I'm gonna fight you that'll get me angry this is gonna be great for my career come on promotion get me mad I need a rant on the internet why am i I'm just confident come back I'm gonna fight you again I'm declaring you as my enemy sir yeah that's right I trained by who you are but I'm gonna fight you again come on finally oh there we go I'm angry use your anger straight to your social media profile look cordial grant it didn't work I didn't make it to the computer in time now I'm angry I have one and only one objective today and that is to get angry and rant about it on social media you sir I don't know you I'm going to introduce myself to you rudely geez you're really poor tonight there Joseph I'm gonna be mean and yell at you while he's you could you put the plate down don't take the high road on me I'm trying to fight you come back I need this face official mania falling there I'm the social media celebrity damn it come on this is gonna be great for views and stuff come back and fight me I'm happy that's the opposite of picked the wrong time to walk in my neck of the woods I'm going to yell at you I'm inspired from speaking to a random stranger all right let's do an inspired painting Miko Celtic gallery 1,500 man I'm making good money on my side gig I'm dropping the ball on my social media I've been so distracted by trying to get angry and painting pictures but I need to focus on my numbers baby let's keep this going buddy this is your career you're gonna make it big I have 400,000 subscribers this isn't convenient come on man this is depressing nothing is changing in my life except my house is just dirtier and I'm fatter okay I'm gonna work from home give me some Tuscan hair got promoted to meme maker like a promoted to me maker I have the maker of memes perfect look at this I am a meme maker I am a meme maker look at me I mean it's a little depressing I still live in a pretty disgusting house I've gained a lot of weight the next goal was a million followers I feel like this is a good place to leave it off I feel like we've gained a pretty substantial audience we have 427,000 sim followers I am officially middle-aged and Max's old and probably gonna die soon this isn't where I want to be so here's what we're gonna do we're gonna sell everything in this room you're the Americans stay in there means something to look out to be disgusting to keep me motivated it's putting in a treadmill and a boxing bag and this is where the real adventure begins I'm gonna lose weight and become a fit girl tests of attractiveness so that when I hit a million followers everyone's gonna want to be me and I'm gonna change the world with my art stop eating the goddamn cake I just bought you all this gym equipment man fine this is it this is your last cake you look so happy yeah I know you really like UK things are gonna change around here we might even move into a mansion we might even get one of those one of those vlogger mansions all right you know yeah well there's my guest skyscraper penthouse high in a high-rise but for now mr. kamesh cinema should be office and create some funny memes in the meantime everyone thank you so much for watching I hope you have enjoyed this video let me know down in the comments what do you think I should do next time make sure to like this video if you enjoyed and subscribe to draw with jazz' for more fun with art and creativity and whatever art themed shenanigans I feel like doing at the time and so happens for this video it's this but that's it for now thank you so much for watching and until next time I'll see you later make sure to subscribe to my channel to see more of my videos and while you're at it check out my shop where I sell ebooks brushes photo references video courses and more there's another video you might enjoy from my channel over there and you can also check out my behind-the-scenes daily vlog channel daily Jazza that's it for now and until next time I'll see you later
Channel: undefined
Views: 1,048,981
Rating: 4.9591184 out of 5
Keywords: josiah, brooks, jazza, jazzastudios, animation, game design, media, newgrounds, armor games, flash, humor, drawing, how to draw, adobe, photoshop, cintiq, 24hd, Adobe Flash (Software), tutorial, Artist, Painting, Educational, Software Tutorial, CS6
Id: T1yUpW_MKW4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 32sec (1412 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 29 2018
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