Why Does a Candle Make Water Rise?

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this is my petrol smell I see you have a jar of smoke it's a hat apparently in today's video we've got a few experiments to try lifting water with chemical and physical reactions oh he's escaping listen I love that that'll come into play a little bit later so we've got an experiment we want to try and partially this is inspired by a user who sent us a video of taking a piece of glass a glass sort of container with a cork in it and in the video there was a match inside the cork inside the container and they used a laser to light it and then when they lit it it was like sitting in watering it sucked water up through the court into the container but it reminds me of another experiment I've seen as well using steel wool related to the same thing so we're gonna try a bunch of these today and just explore what is happening trying to pull water up out of this tray into our glass containers mostly using fire the actual idea of this is pretty simple you light a candle and tea lights usually will float on the top of water so you put that you can see it's floating but barely so the idea is that we're gonna take this glass container we're going to cover the candle as the candle continues to burn hopefully it will draw water up into the container lifting the candle with it there we go right there at the end you watch it so it climbed a little bit and then right as the flame went out it climbed a good bit more and you can see we're eight millimeters or so above normal water level that's where the water climbs to so we got the water level to rise in this Cup I want to try it again using a smaller container this container just barely fits over these tea lights pretty close we've got three millimeters on either side so hopefully I can aim well tiny bit [Music] there you go so interestingly although proportionally it's much higher the total amount that it climbed is about the same which might make sense if we investigate what is causing it to rise up in the first place when you start talking about this often and we get thrown around the idea that what's happening is you are having a chemical reaction the oxygen inside the container is getting burned up the oxygen disappears and that creates low-pressure if you google that you're gonna start finding pages that say that that's not correct that you're gonna be getting all of the oxygen inside the container replaced by carbon dioxide in that it's gonna be about the same volume so it shouldn't explain that change this other website talks about how the chemical reaction happening is not just oxygen but it's oxygen combining with the paraffin in the candle wax and what you end up with as a result of the chemical reaction is not just carbon dioxide for oxygen but you're also getting water produced in the mix and you have to take into account everything that's being produced by the oxygen combining with the paraffin what they said the math works out to you is for every two oxygen molecules that disappear you get one molecule of carbon dioxide you also get atoms of water which coalesce together bringing down the density even further so we have multiple things that can be happening when the air inside that chamber starts heating up it will expand and when I'm just putting the lid down over the that expanding hotter air can actually escape bubbles might flip out of the bottom a little bit and then when it cools down all of that cooled air creates a lower pressure but it is also the oxygen getting used up turning into both water and carbon dioxide but in smaller volumes and densities in the original air inside the container the video that we saw online didn't have paraffin it'll give us a different organic compound with the wood and materials that make up the burning match head that will combine with the oxygen but will give us the same reaction as the paraffin will we have we have less let's find out so with this one's gonna be a little bit different all of these that we've had so far have been with the candles now the candles have a little bit of room we've seen in any of the vases that we're putting them in are the little jar containers so here's the idea with this one lightly sealed but it should technically still work so obviously we can't like that match because it's in glass however the video had a very cool solution for it we have a laser a burning laser very powerful laser I love an adventure like my mini light saver we're going to use the burning laser to ignite the top of the match yeah watch that absolutely pulled a lot of water in are we all confused right now so I barely have that cork saved on there you saw the water it's like rush up through the sides that was amazing [Music] beautiful I think we got that perfectly [Music] [Music] that was really cool I want to do it again but this time I want to put the cork on like firmly we watched that in high frame rate we were able to see that air did get pushed out we saw those bubbles coming out the physical reaction part that we were referring to before and then after bubbles got pushed out very quickly water got sucked in and like it got sucked in hard and passed it was a jet that went flying around the inside of the container filled up quite a bit with water so I want to see what happens if we have it plugged a lot more firmly and intensely oh boy we will never get that cork out that's unless it like pops out when this goes I think it pushed the cork out again that has a lot of pressure that it builds up inside there [Music] we had that cork pushed last flush with the glass right out and the expanding air inside there heated up enough that it pushed the cork out and then sucked water in the gap that is amazing I love it that's actually pretty cool just like a smoke barrier with water in it it honestly looks like you caught a ghost like a Poe from Zelda so we've tried tea lights we've tried matches blow fuse I don't actually know what's gonna happen here but I can only hope it's gonna be highly entertaining get it get it get it get it that was good we missed it on the RX because I just forgot and wasn't the reaction I was expecting it was like oh no we got to contain that and then I pried just me so the fuse itself is a little bit harder to light with these lazier than a match head is so we've actually taped in that Ted to the fuse to try and get the most exciting reaction we can let's go [Applause] [Music] yeah let it go like oh my gosh still going Gloria [Music] that was pretty great so I'm pretty happy with the results yep there's a couple things I do want to try to toy around with these we have done some experiments in the past with liquid oxygen and while we're not going to use liquid oxygen I do want to try using a high oxygen environment and see what kind of reaction we get so I'm going to set up the same thing with the match and the cork in the water but I'm going to just flood the container with pure oxygen gas right before I cork it up hopefully this won't lead to anything exploding I hope it does here goes something to light a match on fire in a high oxygen environment [Music] [Applause] ha that was fun so apparently the higher oxygen content I don't think the oxygen itself expands more but I think because it makes the flame burn more energetically it does heat up all of the gas more and obviously we got a much more exciting reaction where it's just right off the court I love that so 3 tea lights will fit under one of these jars very easily but the problem is they're floating around in the water so I've just taped three together so they can't escape so we can try a larger one this is almost entirely oxygen inside this glass cup I'm gonna set it down over the candle I expect that candle is going to burn very brightly for a second [Music] there's the bubbles getting ya pushed out still burning there's a very bright white burning candles don't normally burn that it is whiter yeah yeah look at the comparison the color is different running in an ear pure it's also lasting way longer so it's not like a bigger or more intense fire in fact it looks smaller if anything but it's lasting way more time and brighter so last time it was when the fire went out that suddenly the water rose up by a lot more this is raising up considerably more before the fire goes out Wow and I think we're out now and look how much faster it's going yep there it is it went out and we've got this sudden extra rush where's the smoke all of the air that was inside there is now cooling down a little bit condensing pulling more water that is I want to say alright now we're gonna get at least 3 times the volume of water and here's how we're gonna test work three candles watch the comparison and again a smaller jar even a little bit whiter it's a little difference there but check this out [Music] Wow okay there we go so that was three three candles makes a big difference oxygen-rich Cup three candles here goes [Music] yes look how bright they are it's so pretty definitely a brayer it looks like a tiny magnesium fire scepter white there we go and awesome so yeah I'd say the difference isn't as extreme but I'd say we have least an extra centimeter at least an extra centimeter of water in there this is working really cool there's one more thing that we want to try and that involves using steel wool steel can burn it's a rapid oxidization technically when steel rusts that's a type of burning a very very slow burns combination with oxygen and you get iron oxide out of it so what we want to do is encourage that reaction in glasses in the water and so we're talking about the paraffin or the wood when that combines with oxygen in a burning reaction you get a chemical reaction where you puts off carbon dioxide and water droplets we're going to get something different with steel wool it's going to turn into iron oxide by grabbing onto those oxygen molecules and we want to see what happens if we put that in water because I've been told that you can do that you put steel wool in a cup put it on water and as it uses up the oxygen so it grabs the oxygen out of the air and binds it to the steel it lowers the pressure in the side of the container and watch it pull water up but it's a much slower reaction so we're going to just gently squish this into the top of the cup you can see that it just holds itself in place there we go now to encourage the reaction we're also going to sprinkle a little bit of white vinegar on it this vinegar helps speed up the rusting reaction we're going to leave one cup with normal air in it and the other one we are going to flood with oxygen gas and we just want to see if having the difference between a high oxygen content and a regular oxygen content changes how much water it pulls up how fast we're gonna leave these overnight and see how they're looking for more we left these overnight this is a shocking this would so well so this container labeled air just had normal air and it had the steel wool I had dripped some vinegar down on to the steel wool to help the rusting happen and we got some lift we got it's about what one can yeah yeah three-quarters of an inch of water pulled in maybe this one was in a very high oxygen environment I filled the container with pretty much pure o2 and I didn't like hermetically sealed or anything I just put my hand over the bottom of the cup before I put it on the water but you can see look how much water that's pulled in this thing's almost half full oxygen being pulled out and bonded onto the steel to create iron oxide yeah the water level has changed visibly obviously but that is just so cool to see [Music] this is how you science it's a safe science not guys that's not all we've always got more for to see click that box up the top check out the most recent video and we'll see you the next one talk to you then [Music]
Channel: TKOR
Views: 1,363,129
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tea light water rising experiment, tea light vacuum experiment, candle pulling a vacuum, create a vacuum with a candle, water rising experiment, science magic trick with water and candles, light a match with a laser, light a match in a jar with a laser, random happens, thekingofrandom, tkor, grant thompson, nate, calli
Id: 5aOyxysY9DI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 53sec (833 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 27 2019
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