Picking A Date Based On Their Cooking (Italian Food)

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today on beta Squad we're going to be cooking for our blind date let's go let's get into the rules are simple all of the boys have to pick a workstation and on that workstation will be a recipe that's based on the nationality of the day they will then have 45 minutes to make the dish before serving them one by one to the mystery woman she will then pick a winning plate and the person that cook this dish gets to go on a date with her let's begin hi everyone find a workstation this this mine this is mine this is mine this is mine this is mine this is mine this is mine this is mine this is mine mine mine is this a work station already I see Roto rice Roto is probably the worst rice ever if you have any beef of me let let me know in the comments cuz I don't care I hate Roto well chunks it doesn't matter how much you hate risoto because today you need to impress your date with a nice tomato and maraon risoto G noi what is g noi all I'm going to I'm going to knock you one out later you disgust me you know today shark is making Ai and tomato bake it's noi not GOI the g is silent stupido first I need to figure out what my food [Music] is this is rigged it's Pizza what are the chances I get pizza when we have a random station so Ken you want to do that yeah you think you're funny what I got pizza pizza good joke you enjoy that I did say anyone can choose whatever workstation they want to J good joke good joke you're running what what what what that do what you going do you're not going to do going to do now going yeah thr your hands up thr your hands up okay you know what yeah get weapon stop stop stop stop well it's written in the stars the pizza face has to make the pizza God my brain can't handle all of this talking let's go this way I just needed some time to actually hear my thoughts uh let me just read this it seems like I'm making spaghetti have I made spaghetti before no but will I give it a try yes I will niik you're not just making spaghetti you're making one of the most famous spaghetti in Italy spaghetti putanesca a very popular dish with anchois all right so this looks like it could either be spaghetti bnes or spaghetti meatballs okay wait it says add meatballs right okay that's right Kenny you're making spaghetti with meatballs a very difficult Dish as an Italian I should know you know the problem with everybody yeah they do too much talking waffling I'm here to make sure I make the best food ever you know that I'm capable well let's see how capable these boys are as they begin getting the utensils ready for cooking I'm just going to grab a bunch of extra stuff lemons can't go wrong with that in a spaghetti step one heat Grill to high heat one tablespoon of olive oil into large frying pan all right frying pan but a frying pan isn't the only thing shy finds as he discovers niik acting suspicious in the back what are you doing what's going on here what are you doing what are you doing what you doing what you doing what are your problems that's what I want to ask what are you doing there huh why have you got lemons and spoons and is that part of your ingredients maybe I'm trying to add a little bit of SP you cheating are you adding ingredients to your ingredients are we not allowed to do that guys what's going on in here I don't know what he's doing what I don't know what he's doing down need any extra ingredients n you have everything that you need I just wanted a little bit of like a little extra flavor you want to take a lemon you can take thank you thank you so much let me grab one of those thank you I'm not trying to steal oh my gosh this the only nice thing I'm going to do [Music] very excited for what we're going to make today I cut myself you cut yourself think so let me see that's why you need a nonsharp knife that's that's literally that's you want to cry about that okay so I'll cut myself okay I'll be right back while chunks get stitched up the boys begin cooking 300 g red flour we don't know what 300 G is but we're going to take a we're going to we're going to Freestyle 300 G [Music] oh I remember that oh sorry I remember that no I don't want beef I don't want be no no no I remember that I be I don't want be I you clearly Want Beef cuz you threw away my beef I don't want be you touch my beef sorry sorry sorry come on me and let me show you guys why you should be very careful when you're using a knife I almost lost the finger as you can see I don't know if you can even show that on YouTube it's very gruesome uh but come along with me and let me just show you how you clean yourself up after a cut so he told me to hang out there one second and he doesn't know I can actually die from the amount of blood I'm losing right now I'm getting woozy help ow now we need some yeast one teaspoon calculations that's one teasp one tablespoon of olive oil where's this tablespoon now if there's one thing I know about pans is this I actually know nothing about pans but I'm presuming this is non-stick cuz my finger doesn't stick when I touch it as you can see understand what beon meant when she said I'm a Survivor I get it man there you have it guys let's go back to the kitchen let me teach you a tactic of about olive oil yeah what you want to do is you want to put your hand over it like that you want to do that [Music] professional shocky shocky why are you crying the onions okay onion Mak you cry but I don't make you make that noise I started cutting onions and then my eyes started tearing up and then I just started thinking about my dad I haven't seen him in like 10 years okay so I've got an idea how are we going to get 200 M across all [Music] right why this silly boy doesn't use a measuring cup meanwhile Nico is preparing the onions perfect and now it's a perfectly cut onion actually niiko this is perfectly cut onions as chunks puts his onion in the pan adds some salt and gives it a good mix meanwhile Sharky is doing the same with his peppers and onions and these two are off to a great start let's see how Kenny is getting on how do I get hot water what am I going to do with cream crackers and meatballs these onions are strong my eyes I can't see F I want to tell you a lot about my life before YouTube all right I used to whip it in the kitchen like it's nothing yeah uh but then obviously I thought to myself I need a better life so I started uh whipping it for YouTube videos now Chef AJ then continues to mix the dough prepares the flour on the board and begins to KN the dough of course of put this underneath onion I put at home I've got an inbuilt cooking oh yeah sorry we're not quite as high tech all right the water is boiling it's time to put the spaghetti inside the water K he puts in the spaghetti and adds a little bit of salap hey this is what I do to BN [Music] yeah just want to take your time you don't want to really Rush these things cuz at the end of the day I am making it to be the best out of the mandm well let's see which of the mandem come out on top shy puts in the sauce followed by The Noy and gives it a good stir cover with tea towel and set aside all right cool tea tow tea tow tea tow tea towel AJ then gets what he believes he's a tea towel to cover the dough and leaves aside for a few minutes what the hell why are some burnt and some are not because what you have to do you have to add flavor so you add onions progressively throughout so you have a different type of texture on each onion have you ever cooked before in your life have you ever eaten burnt onions huh have you ever eaten burnt onions yeah I love them on hot dogs yeah people like them on hot dogs don't they like this yes this thick as well yeah brother you don't know how to cook that's why you've never won a cooking challenge yeah give me that man no no no we're sharing we're sharing we're not sharing no no we're sharing if if you need something from me if you need something from me I'll give you some I won huh I won the I need that I need that yeah you need that no I need that that's that's the main ingredi I thought we sharing what happened to us sharing okay we and we just had a fight and I beat you all you can take it back you can take it back okay thank you and now you've been robbed entirely nice thanks brother while Nik and Kenny were having this battle shark noi is simmering nicely Shar no not I supposed to do that meanwhile AJ continues to play with his do what you sounded good out here yeah I heard some clapping I woo here's what an action is yeah get the this paper is telling me to make meatballs but that we're going to change it to bolise cuz meatballs I don't think we have enough time junks is on to the next step now as he adds his Roto to the pan okay we're going to stir for a couple minutes just make sure that the rice kind of marries the flavor with the onions and garlic and then what you going to do is just let that kind of just cook we are witnessing Prime Chef for chunks let's see what Nik is doing here's a little tip for you guys yeah when you add chili you just need to uh really stir it into the Munch just so it tastes good cuz otherwise it can be too hot and [Music] spicy okay um I see you know what let's just stir it in let's stir it in hope for the best what the hell is that huh what the hell is that onions have you ever seen people cook before how much chili did you put in kind kill person yeah you reckon that's a a risk of death it's overflowing oh sh I need help bro put W in spoon don't worry about that yeah so basically what you do when it's over boiling you have to put a wooden spoon to stop it from overflowing and as you can see it stopped just like that a little tip from Chef Kenny thank you man why shark is is a simmering he decides to go around and have a little bit of fun what do you want what do you want just looking I'm just looking I said I'm just looking you do I'm just looking he just lifted up my shirt try to look at my bum you want to get the drink yeah put that right there cut it open oh what you want to do you want put that in a pot yep there you go tomato paste done done done dusted all right once you get your tomato paste what you want to do is you want to get some basle okay open that Basel up grab it here like that slap it on the way the flow is grab the knife with this on it and you want to just cut your basil all right AJ proceeds to add the basil Crush some garlic and adds to the sauce how can I help oh this looks interesting what we got going on here put quite a lot of chili that might be a bit spicy do you like to keep things spicy I think it's best to keep things spicy but i' I'm worried I've put in a little bit too much yes I mean so how do I take it out um in this instance I think you may have to start again but there may be other ingredients you could use to like balance it out later on if you add some lemon that can balance out the flavors of don't add any more spice okay no no more spice no more spice but we'll add some lemon meanwhile geny adds the means add some salt and pepper and leav to cook for a while oh crazy crazy crazy eyes my eyes my eyes ah so what I'm doing is I'm just kind of marrying the risoto rice to the onions and the garlic are we doing a roto yeah and then we're going to put some tomato in there let it s up he's got the terminology know what he's talking about maybe a lucky lady a lucky lady maybe indeed as chunks adds his tomato to the Roto Sky man needs my help okay so you couldn't have made that more you couldn't have made that more obvious Kenny what you just did Kenny just robbed all of my chili so now no but I only took a bit a pinch I took a pinch that's fine no no no but that's fine I only took a pinch I I didn't take too much I didn't take too much well I didn't violate don't touch my I'm just stirring your food for you if you want some chili then have some listen get a hey you can't make it more hot than it already is Kenny all right yo yo you hey you just started something nuts now now okay cool you want to start that stuff yeah cool you want to start that c yeah I already had a whole lot of um hot food in my in my thing and it's made it even more hot it actually smells of pure spice so listen oh is that good food yet hold that you violated shut the up what do you think you're doing yeah what's he think he's doing what do it again hit again hit again shut up as man guy talking about bro how you look look what he's doing to my food bro I didn't startop once what what what you going to come you going to come more hold that smoke guy ruining I didn't come for no one now you're not want to start this yeah cool I'm ready who's on it who's on it who's on it who's on it who's on it I didn't do it it I told you from on it I told you from when I was you did that who's on it get the f I didn't do anything to you AJ oh my poor my poor food oh even my cook is Fu that's all I did I smoke now not smoke I don't give a anymore normal i c normal until they want to do this terrist all come on you already got me one of my full do look what he did like that's so easy to just cut off truce truce truce all right wait wait wait wait wait wait wait truce let me tell you the difference you see that one how easy closer how easy is it for that to come off now look at my min go who eing now's EJ what the hell am I supposed to do with this what you mean get away let this be a lesson Kenny get stealing from people you I remember he came to you're the one who started it you came to my desk first I and and to be fair you just went for me I for your food though you went for me though now now can see his flour all right let me let me just slap the back of your neck with FL neck back of my neck yeah cuz you just checked it in my face okay now even even even even oh my but my food my food is now covered in flour how am I even meant to sizzle this in the pan with with flour and stuff the good thing is I did that all for no reason I don't need this I don't need that that's all I needed looking struggling over there trying to get the flower out what idiot scatter with torn chunks of half scatter with torn chunks so they want me to te [Music] chunks what do I need T chunks I need I need to tear you up I don't get this like I'm so confused bro I remember what you did to my food that's all I'm going to say brother man you from me remember I remember I remember arguably you did that to yourself no did not do I didn't do nothing to myself Brothers Brothers we not Brothers man my whole thing is so all our years of friendship and you're ending it over this I'm sorry brother break my heart leave leave leave leave leave leave I guess we will never my whole food up you and AJ KY attempts to make the flower disappear Chef chunks is ready to simmer his Roto I want to simmer it put it on five just put the lid on top see what happens I guess it's a Italian a go-to romantic dish for you is that what you serve up why Noy huh do you get it yeah yeah exactly WHYY yeah see to write down smells really good someone left the tap running and doesn't care about the environment can we get a a check on that and literally everyone spam in the comments that whoever it was doesn't care if I had to guess I would say it was AJ why you saying me I didn't do nothing did you leave the tap running no no no that was not me if we check on the footage here we can see AJ walking away from the top shame on you and your breath rcks too Kenny then drains the water from the pasta checks up on his bologan sauce even though he was meant to make the meat ball meanwhile shy puts the basil in a pan Cuts up some mozzarella and adds this to his noi okay I put my own spin on it I changed it completely I stopped following the recipe I just mixed The Noy with the cheese and now it's very sticky as you can see meanwhile nik's ready to add the anchovies followed by some oil leaves while AJ begins to make the base he pinches the edges to make the crust adds the sauce and finishes with some cheese on top don't play with me so now we're going to have to put the cappers in these don't look very nice so I'm not going to put just put oil in oh that stinks just put a pinch of cappers in let me just I'm trying to find the love of my life with this food let's say you've actually done a really good day yeah thank you very much you've done this before yeah yeah I'm I used to do this in Italy myself 400 Grand that's basically 400 G honestly I have to do the spaghetti again because I feel like that one is overdone to the max while Kenny Falls a bit behind chunks comes over to try Sharky's noi it's edible it's edible that's not a joking though well I have not joking yeah it's not nice it's not nice at all that's how it's to taste though nope oh no there's garlic in and we're done Pizza in there oh we made a mess look at this place don't trust me in the kitchen 10 minutes 10 minutes can't save this dish I won't lie with only 10 minutes left junks is trying to soften his Roto as it's still too hard meanwhile AJ Cuts up some mozzarella takes out his pizza and adds the mozzarella on top as he forgot too earlier I'm trying my best with this impossible dish does anyone know what this is take a look has anyone heard of ancho V spaghetti before I'm telling you you haven't anov V spaghetti that is not a big time dish we got him making pizza he's making bolog I think and they gave me anov V spaghetti the chili is not even bad of anything that's added to it yo what's up brother can you not see I'm doing something huh you need help I'm cooking you need help at this point I'm done no no no no I don't need help should I take some of that off yeah yes please yes please Qui Qui quick we don't have much time left So the faster you do it the better this is good this is good for you thank you thank you in your nose your mouth around here your eyes take your eyes great great thank you thank you all yeah okay that okay that arguably made it worse okay seems oil all over his face the chili seems to have added some type of um it's not even that much of a kick so to be honest I think we can it's going to sound crazy right call me a just a a moment of Madness but I think we could have a bit more benefin it's made it taste nicer I think this is one of those chilies that's not even hot like that you know 5 minutes left okay the boys are given a 5 minute warning as Shari starts to Dish up his meal and Kenny comes up with a name for his dish chili spag I think that's how you say telling right with the time edging to the end AJ decides to add a personal touch and adds his hand print of sauce onto the label he names his pizza pza meanwhile chunks is also preparing the name of his dish and shy cleans up his plate for presentation my water isn't boiling how's the spice it's starting to bubble but it's taking 15 years and I've only got 3 minutes um I reckon just get your pastor in there I was about to St the result for 20 minutes and I've got 2 minutes so um this is going to be very very alente oh I'm screwed how are you even meant to put it in it doesn't the geographical doesn't make sense all inle just do what the Italians love they break break halfway okay you know what we're going to do what the Italians do and break it halfway and with the scissors well do you got scissors no but we got a knife yep Italians love it Italians are going to love you after this oh oh my God they hate that oh brother you're setting me up here well I they hate it completely I've got no choice come on guys what's going on man I've been waiting for ages you've been my brother my whole life yeah yeah at what you want what you want what you want what you want what you want some crackers you want some crackers please what is the crackers going to do for you huh is it to eat no no the crackers are going to be part of my dish well genuinely I I just want to apologize for everything I know uh I put chili in your F but I'm sure it made it taste nicer no I don't know how it tastes it's now time for the boys to make any final adjustments to their dish clean up for presentation and take their dish to the table before the time runs [Music] out putting it down putting it down coming through and there you have it all the dish is ready for the date to dive into hi my name is Li lishi and I'm 22 years old I come from Italy my favorite Italian Dish is Pizza very controversial I'm expecting spaghetti or some sort of pasta something typical Italian like pizza it would be great so I will judge what it looks like because the eye is the first thing that matters and then I will taste and if it tastes almost like my NAA then it's good but I don't have my expectations to be honest well they have to be nice and treat me well and cook well all right so this is the chili spag bolog had a few hiccups so had to adapt and change the name and uh it's going to taste as it sounds this is um spit on now this is um Noy knock cuz [Laughter] noock there Sharky Sharky who Sharky you're going to marry after tasting this yeah no no no no wa wait he's Che he can't put your name he's cheating can't put your nameific that's disqualification no no I'll just leave who's there no that's going to give her that's going to make her choose me yeah there you go this is Noy no who's there see yeah it's Noy with tomato sauce and some um yeah as you can see I have Rosato all first time making it Allah I'm not Italian just a little disclaimer so she's not disgusted by me as this is a bit on the hard side I wish I had three more minutes but I'm happy with it nonetheless looking at AJ's what's the name of yours AJ there pizza in it Pizza spell rock that's how you actually spell it in Italy yeah Italy that's how you spell it so mine is a a smiling bolog um I called it bolog spell like that just so it's seen as my own thing wait this the guy who we made win come down to me yeah yeah but that's the thing how do your quality of cooking go down that much well you know what it is I got lessons for the chicken catsu curry yeah cuz I was I was I was cooking for my brother get lessons in common sense yeah yeah no it's a good Awful all right time to find out who's going to win oo now it's time for the date to try all of the boys dishes meanwhile the boys will be watching her live reaction oh that first time making it and the chugs ah a li okay it's nice it looks pretty yeah smile wait why is she laughing oh I see the smile I worked hard on that smile but really knock knocky knock who's there I like the sense of humor crazy crazy crazy chili spag bologa yeah no sorry B BNA what that's how you say in Italian yeah um yeah the pasta And the sauce should be mixed you don't know about making bolog you don't know about the pizza pizza pizza it's it looks cute she can see me now that she has judged the appearance it's time for her to taste m one is flipping hard as hell oh she took a big bite of that let me try again oh seconds eat my food like the onion is raw first time she fot about her name why is she laughing before she even tries it we don't use these crackers there for decoration you ever heard of breadcrumbs good luck how much spice is in there wow I get what that's a lot of chili what's the problem I think I need the cracker yeah yeah oh now you you you you put the crack there that's how you put it there yeah I'll get some water you made it leave the whole set they YY they look good come on baby okay yeah I'm going to have another bite oh sharks well done well done well done well done the chili Spar bolog b b what don't forget the flour in there the pasta oh why is it so hot when you don't mix in the sauce because oh oh pass this hor show I mean it's not the best but oh no the chili why' you put chili why why you put chili in done you got done you know you know it feels like you put butter in the pasta or in the there's some butter I know I don't know it's that's the flour that's the flour that's what happens when you me I said that's the flow the pizza usually they eat different type of pizza there's a surprise great right I'll put that little piece of mozzarella mozzarella mozzarella come on man you not ready for this one Bravo there you go Bravo there you go there you go yes I'm going to finish it now well you want to finish me as well come I'm on it I'm on it now I'm on there now now that the judging is over it's time for her to reveal who the winner is so in last place me and Nia who could it be it's the smiling Bon well done I guess I'll have to take it guys was that the aim right to come last fourth place it's going to have to be Oh my days really the free Somali Chef not the che third place is not the Noy not the Noy not Noy knock okay third place is for the noock no she way she was moving for the first place pizza it's the [Applause] pizza yeah don't rap with me I'm going toiz okay and are you ready to meet the chef and your date yes fix fix fix up fix F fix up fix fix fix so AJ has won her vote with his pizza now it's time for them to meet I wanted to see how shocked she is when she SE it 5' five coming oh my gosh you're about to me mil hello how you doing come in bring it in bring it thank you so much appreciate you so you pick mine yes it's the best out of all this and also you had to make the dough yourself can you just tell me why you pick mine so the cheese I love cheese oh I love cheese too AJ this is a pancake look at this get that the hell out of here out of the stair St on top would you let AJ Cook on a day what was a pause why was there a PA why was there a pause I won this maybe oh no I'll make a new meal I've got a couple new meals I could like for example uh mes know that one no for my language okay like in Somalia so what you get is you get camel toes camel toes you know talk about a you don't need bugs bugs you can make better Pizza than me yeah I think she wasn't try this try it try take a a tomato a tomato by himself yeah just take it by yourself eat it okay yeah see tasty you see the flavor I put in there I put the cheese inside you not food you know do you not like that can't speak you put the cheese inside cheese inside yeah yeah did you not taste it no get out out get out get out and I can show you my um camel toe she like the camel toe made it made her laugh one thing I do want to clear up though they said say that I look like a pizza do you think my face is shaved like a pizza no yeah thank God okay he's beat the allegations he paid it off you paid her off yeah I've come first that's crazy come first that's Mentor crazy but I am the best chef now in the ba Squad so yeah any last words Miller play the trailer today on beta Squad we're here to find out who the best liar is Kenny Kenny I don't like Kenny lost his M waa even that's C so Elsa was clear of a drake clear Frozen let go
Channel: Beta Squad
Views: 5,944,863
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Picking A Date Based On Their Cooking (Italian Edition), Picking, Date, Cooking, Italian, Pasta, spaghetti, Italian Pizza, Italian Dish, Italian Food, Italian cooking, Picking A Date, Cooking Date, Food, Italian Edition, Italy, food cooking, beta squad, king kenny, sharky, chunkz, niko omilana, aj shabeel, beta squad cooking, beta squad food, blind date, blind date cooking, cooking challenge, food challenge
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 38sec (1898 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 22 2023
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