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all of these guys have very limited cooking skills and none of them have ever thrown a dinner party until now we're gonna see a side to the beta Squad that we've never seen before and the best part is they'll all be scoring each other behind closed doors welcome to the finale of beta Squad come dine with me with me the world's sexiest man ship of crimes as a hosts three AJ took the boys into his Hobbit enclosure impressing his guest with his wizardly entertainment an unique location his food however was a disaster serving tiny portions of underwhelming meals which puts AJ into second place with a score of 24.5 but today's episode we have London's fifth most popular mayoral candidate and the fifth most popular beta Squad member Nico welcome to the dojo and this is my house today please come and have a look [Music] thank you [Music] this right here is going to be our Battle Zone and right here is the table which you set up all nice and lovely for chunks AJ Sharkey and Kenny we've actually got sumo wrestlers coming today masseuses and a waiter but first I've got to cook because I'm not a very good Chef so uh yeah let's just get straight into this we need a lot of time well my starter's gonna be a chicken Yakitori my main is going to be a chicken katsu curry and my dessert is going to be a chocolate fondant because it's Japanese themed I've called it a chocolate bakuhatsu which means chocolate explosion in Japanese just so the guys think that it's very professional I've actually been getting cooking lessons in preparation for this because I am terrified I was taught by the KK kitchens not to be confused by the KKK kitchens and that would be a very different thing I made this in the competition I'm most worried about everyone because I've been a bit of a tough critic again once I gotta reach for him I may wash it on under attack first what is wrong with you Kelly you know this is the craziest one they're all going to have a little bit of an agenda against me so I really have to bring my a game well let's see if these cooking lessons actually taught him anything even with the simple stuff like um I don't know knowing where your ingredients are where's the bar well that's a good start we've lost the butter can I get the uh the the chef there's the chef who the production have got in to look after all of the stuff I've told them I don't want help with a crooked but it seems I need help with the equipment hello my friend um whereabouts is the buffer what's going on what's this do you speak English my friend all right uh let me just come on man you're violating now come on man I said I can see this is already going to be an issue I'll work it out myself thank you and with Nicole's assistant be more of a problem than a solution he's left to find the butter on his own so it seems I am an idiot and I failed to look in the fridge for the butter which actually makes a lot of sense that is the only mistake I'll make if I'm correct we need 125 grams of butter or as the Japanese call it butter to finish the mixture for that um fancy pudding nickel combines the butter with dark chocolate eggs and egg yolk egg yolk is a specific technique I've already ruined it rest in peace egg sorry let's go again egg yolk is a very specific technique you need to pour egg from one side to the other but I was taught by the very best never mind this is the final egg after all of those failures that's opened well get the egg yolk out guys come on now come on I mean pressure makes diamonds and after that recovery of the century Nicole starts to melt its chocolate however it looks like he needs his assistant to find yet another missing item I didn't actually get his name [Music] Yuki Yuki Yuki Nico whisk where's the Whisk I [Music] cold yeah yeah yeah you know what I think this guy speaks English and just wants me to make a fool out of myself oh dear Nichols found the Whisk there's only one way this can go what's this oh there we go okay I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry but I'm sorry finishing painting those walls with mixture Nicole forces Yuki to pour out the batter while he proceeds to butter up and cult the molds with Coco we're getting there now I gotta mix this if you've seen the way which I've cooked before I think it's meant to pop okay now where you cook ah it's dream to me it's streamed and now you see the transformation you think that Gordon Ramsay taught me now you're not actually meant to taste this because it's got egg yolk in it so don't look very good that's very nice disgusting and that ladies and gentlemen is the dessert thank you guys thank you so much all four right here what a start from nickel it really is looking like nothing can go wrong for him he's talking see I would have never left I was saying that for comedic effect Nicole awkwardly chops up some vegetables to throw into a pot where he mixes it with katsu curry cubes to hopefully make a good curry meanwhile it's time to start breading the chicken I need you to watch this process very very careful okay Nico yes that's me that sounds like a different word though beginning with that watch what I'm doing with my dry hand I'm spinning it around beautiful beautiful beautiful all right now pick it up with my dry hand and I put it in here with my wet hand and now I move it around like so pick it up let all the egg let all the egg fall off like that now I put it back in here and again my dry hand takes over and I cover it with breadcrumbs now it's covered up with bread crumbs it's done that is a bit of chicken cat soup made thank you very much let me let me check this oh my gosh I'm sorry about the mess but I think that potato is done that's not finished right onion's a bit crunchy now it's time for the starter which is chicken thighs with the chicken thighs I'm making a teriyaki sauce Nicole makes a Teriyaki by mixing mirin soy sauce brown sugar and rice vinegar please could you open this again and then we also need sugar do you say again did you just say English did you speak English no no you didn't speak English we got him we got him with the Teriyaki shimmering and Yuki's knowledgeable language expanding it was time to cut the chicken now we make the chicken they're not very nice to touch and they look like Yuki's balls so nickel chops the chicken into smaller chunks yeah I don't know either man Nicole then skewers all the pieces and puts the starters on the grill frequently rotating them and Topping them with teriyaki sauce they've all been seasoned put them back in I'm gonna keep on turning them over every two minutes or so but first I just need to speak to my team so let's go and what a team Nico has brought today former Seuss's I see you are the masseuse Master it's nice to meet you master Master masseuse no handshake nothing oh whenever these guys speak to you no speaking glass I want them to have the absolute best time he's also brought Jimmy the waiter to supply drinks and what Dojo is complete without its sumos and right here we have the cherry on top we have our sumo wrestlers we have Courtney Mandeep my old friend and all the way from America we have heroki who is literally in John Wick 4. now they all know who you are Mandeep as we've actually fought him before so I'm going to give you all these masks to wear so they don't recognize anyone's identity we all good oh small size that's fine you don't need to wear a Hiroki and just in time for mandeep's identity to be hidden it seems our first guest has entered the dojo oh finally coming hi you look great coming back what's going on listen first off please just take off your shoes I don't want you to take a step this is the experience you're gonna have today my come down with me experience so Heroku here he's gonna beautiful location a dojo I thought I was going to fight someone a black belt or something but there's a Sumo waiting at the door and lifted me to my chair I'm not sure about lifting there man I'm really sure I hate when guys you know put their head lay their hands on me and stuff now the guy carrying me my manhood as AJ has finished being manhandled by the sumo wrestler he then carefully selects his desired masseuse I'll take it thank you all right they don't speak English sorry well you look quite English so why are you laughing oh I think she's just laughing at a joke which the waiter just said Nico treats the first guest to one of his favorite drinks and Jimmy does the honors of serving it you want me to taste it first no no Jimmy I don't want to say sure what's Nicole presents us a lovely sight of his backside and plays with his meat the next guest has arrived welcome right here here please take your shoes off this is haroki I don't want you to pick a single step here so Hiroki will sort you out what's going on hey a grown man getting carried I have to be to be carried across the room Sharky then selects his masseuse of choice this is a this is wonderful yeah no I'm glad yeah I promise you right now bro I it seems AJ's rodent muscles needed a little more care so he opts for the more senior masseuse yeah the boss that's what I need is honey AJ was now getting a shoulder rig massage and speaking of rigging Kenny's arrived please take your shoes off duh he's a sumo wrestler his name is haroki please um Hiroki do your thing oh my God I feel like a bad bee arrived at the location and straight where there's a Sumo but then he ends up picking me up and which was a very interesting I actually kind of enjoyed being picked up I know you might freak out but I felt like I felt like a bad B in that moment he was picking me up now I know how it feels to be like on the other side you want to introduce yourself my friend I'm Jimmy hi Jimmy I could pour a great drink yeah yeah can I have a bottle of water please just be careful of what he puts in your drink all right so make sure you examine it oh thank you so much can I try it no you can't don't open it yeah don't open it Jimmy thank you so much and I think our last guest has finally arrived probably late because they were singing to Chris Brown in nightclubs there's someone else here wearing an amazing hoodie could I just say let's welcome chunks right here this is Hiroki how are you doing bro are you good yeah I understand that question [Music] [Applause] very uncomfortable um I did not allow that to happen but you know what for the [ __ ] and Giggles why not I didn't like it I'll be honest I felt less of a man almost no I mean I'm a heavy boy I don't know how he's just Lifting me up like that that's crazy um yes please oh no get started whilst I'm waiting for a month yeah 10 out of 10. thank you guys thank you thank you but this is just the beginning this right here is Jimmy if you need any drinks he will give them to you I have a taste of this with all the boys seated and massaged it's time for them to see the menu calm down all right so for stars we have chicken yakitorium I like chicken vegetarian I have never heard of that in my whole life he's basically doing wagamos so you've got to start a jacketory love it chicken Yakitori is Yakitori that's what it's doing what can I do what can I say yeah I don't know what that means yeah liquor loves katsu curry and so do I so hopefully he comes through with the cooking on this Castle Curry I like a lot you know well I got Wagga mamas I always order capsu Curry I think look how to do that Curry they sell that one uh nickels chocolate I'm gonna get cancer but if I pronounce this what the hell is that I don't know what the back chocolate bucket is so my prediction for the evening uh Nick always comes through with entertainment but I've never seen him quick in my whole life the most I've seen him quick was some microwave rice and he put on some sardines on top of it I don't trust that nickel could cook with this really well it's gonna definitely be entertaining but it's about the food Liquor's probably the worst Chef out of all of us so let's see if you think I can actually cook something that's decent food I think it's gonna be very average below average to be honest probably unedible but the entertainment I know he's going to come through I'm expecting a lot today I'm expecting Madness and it's the last episode so Nick has lots often prepared for sure I just hope it doesn't hurt me I'm really really concerned about the presentation I think that's really important ah nickel really is showing such care in his cogging if only he had this much care in selecting a good waiter okay the blue one not that one not that one we got these trucks on the edge on the left next to the Schiller no never that one brother the one on the left yeah there we go yeah perfect do you want anything in it never enough why anything in it is crazy nickel finally plays his starter and garnishes it with sesame seeds and leaves ready to be served sumos please already started foreign [Music] you have to check did I pronounce it yeah bro I'm just gonna cancel this video yeah katori yeah chicken Yakitori it was amazing um it was a portion for a toddler because uh there was one little stick with three little pieces of breast but I'm gonna I'm on a diet so I should chill out fair play was lovely AJ's just staring at it you don't like it what are you trying to do it I ate the top all right no I don't like it say this one I know you don't like it yeah I know you don't like it though so this is the only one we have that's why I will share I need I need guarantees for sharing listen I'll buy the first one so what are you guys will show yeah I'm gonna trust you with it all right [Music] yeah you take your stuff you gave it to you in front of a fighting over your food thank you thank you guys honestly I'm on it Nico seems to have actually done it surprisingly all four guests are enjoying the starters and are now about to be entertained what a good start to the night okay it's time for the first bit of entertainment yeah already yeah okay so first bit of entertainment can everyone give me a number between one to four I'll start with AJ one three three two wow okay so start things off consumo number one please step forward I'll take that wait what I'll take that okay consumer number three I'll please step forward what does that mean yeah what's going on so basically what's going on here is there's going to be a Sumo battle and each one of you have a champion the winner will get a VIP experience with a big celebrity well that's the reading where's the fourth one yeah [Laughter] the first battle is AJ B Sharkey just so you know it's the best out of three situation as the first fight is lined up both Sharkey and AJ speak to their Fighters and get them ready for fight number one the sumo wrestlers are now already and are awaiting one word to set them off as a wrestlers grapple one makes a move which causes the other wrestler to make a mistake which is then taken advantage of it must be a point for me last one that falls right AJ's fire was the first to make contact with the mat meaning that AJ celebrated for his own Fighter's loss first round number three won the battle with the first round going to Sharky round two shortly followed in which Sharky's wrestler took advantage of AJ's wrestlers Paul balance [Applause] believe it or not I truly love seeing two big grown sweaty men holding and grabbing each other Sharky's fighter has won the battle however because it is out of three a third round takes place come on man you know what use your weight is your advantage all right getting closer to me there we go number one now this was a very energetic and strong round but surprisingly AJ's fighter took home the victory [Applause] like always the short man has a little tantrum no no no no no it's getting warmed up three and I'm very sorry AJ but that is how it goes all right this is getting warmed up so I thought I'd at least get to the final because I had the second biggest guy and then he lost I'm gonna kill his whole family I do not lose I'm gonna find them that is very extreme AJ but anyway let's move on to Nico and see what he's up to now we're making rice with the way they're keeping them enforcements hi it's terrible what's Yuki doing Yuki UK you keep coming I see you laughing behind the camera hello so explain this Yuki huh [Music] oh what is your name well these they're not yours okay I don't know how I'm gonna make rice despite the pot being dirty nickel still proceeds with preparing the rice is that enough rice for five people as Nico worries intensely about the portion sizes one of the guests has found a way to entertain themselves angle one more time and don't get my head in okay he's doing it again that's it assaulting the cameraman are we AJ looks like a strong case of short man syndrome all right I'm proper cleaning the starch out you want this to be a clear clear liquid once we're done with it that is enough rice you put this on top you turn this off all right the things left to do is cook the rice heat up the sauce and then fry the chicken as the boys are starting to get bored of waiting they decide to host a tournament oh junks are so good he cut through the beta Squad ranks with such ease almost like the blade that contributed to Kenny's receding hairline you step into my ring I've come to avenge my friend with both challenges set on getting revenge for their fallen Gremlin AJ trunks makes quick work out of Sharky all right look at Sharky's left hand [Laughter] oh yeah you're well and after defeating the tick tock Merchant he moves on to the supposed boxer okay footwork oh I'm very tired right now one second cool there you go shooting them [Laughter] [Music] whilst Nico ignores his friends being slaughtered in the background he still prepares his chicken katsu nickel first starts off by heating up a pool of oil in a pan so that he's able to pan fry the chicken two minutes left on the rice and I think we're almost done all right yeah we just we just literally just gotta wait hopefully there enjoying themselves in there I was so happy right now with Sharky morning his way through his massage Nicole swiftly moves along and proceeds to test out his rights I can do listen listen it might not be the best we'll see what they say let's put this to the side that will do Nicole then gives the breath some good loving but notices that the Press aren't how he likes them there's something wrong here the very wrong to fix the problem Nico adds more oil in hopes that the batter will fry more to get it to the color he wants there we go that sounds better that sounds better yes let that be light throughout this episode Nico has showed a large amount of knowledge in the art of cooking if only he was able to apply that to love making come on man who was the Scatman camera you want it you don't want it whilst chunks terrorizes the crew and his own friends you're right in the head no no AJ notices a certain someone and decides to interrogate them are you a chef who is that who's this I'll bring him here AJ you're a chef the chef escaped he's called Yuki what does you could do so Yuki uh he's actually a man who's pretending that you can't speak English you don't really can't speak English what was his name you keep sucking his balls [Laughter] so can you give me your review on your assistance please why are you asking me about my assistant but you know he's an actor who you've told to speak fluent Japanese to me are you talking about listening listen here all right this is the first time they've seen you on camera all right why are you bringing people to mess with me what happened again okay promise please sorry sorry outrageous God I've been waiting for about two hours for this man you know Nichols had a great time so far great starter great entertainment and then now he's forgotten about us you know he's got someone called Yuki in the back and I don't know what's going on I think he's having fun there there's no food and I'm getting hungry again the chicken is Not Gonna Last Forever yes yes yes oh no oh it seems Nicole's confidence was absolutely ruined by Sharky's comments which led to this happening oh [Applause] riding down the house the suddenly close places [Music] that would have been useful yes yes look at this that's what I was doing I wasn't spreading the love enough yes that's better see it's like your brain wasn't built on a day Rome was not built in a day it takes time sometimes Nico seems to be very proud of the burnt chicken that he's cooked but let's see what the boys are up to I've got a new Quest since I'm bored right I promise you I can make my masseuse laughing yeah okay we are back with Nico and it seems he is just about to cook the last few chicken breasts and it looks to be going very well it's just about to crack smile on that face you're just about to crack enjoy yourselves guys yeah I'm enjoying this lovely massage I just thought I'd stay in the kitchen a little bit more and just let you guys enjoy yourselves the massages are getting old Jimmy's getting weird this stuff is very good I've been trying to make a crack they don't crack you won't make her crack she almost did is it possible she's the boss lady as Nico heads back into the kitchen chunks also joins in on the fun and works his magic a man was recently hospitalized with us with six plastic horses inside of him the doctor is describing this condition as stable [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] wow would you look at that one job from chunks and the masseuse breaks no wonder why he stopped the funniest man in the country even though he did steal the joke but anyway it seems as if Nico has finally finished his main course this Burns he cuts up the chicken breasts plates the rice we thought we thought we thought we thought we thought oh wow great hey sorry Kings I'm sure you'll be happy oh good song [Music] and then proceeds to pull the steaming hot curry onto the plate it's not like Curry like that you don't really like Curry like that so he pulls the mixture into a separate bowl for his man the presentation is all looking good and with that Nicole's main dish is finally ready to be served to the hungry guests serve their food and um God I need to sit down make oh my goodness guys back and this is empty-handed I'm I'm not the one who carries the food I apologize join you guys you're joining us yeah oh that presentation is 10 out of 10. I really tried my best anyhow this tastes I always guess it smells right as the boys received their food Kenny heavily inspects his meal and notices a problem I didn't touch it bro I did not touch the food you know what I'll let you off but I'm just letting you know there was hair in my food I said well but anyhow this tastes great thanks man I'll let you off this is absolutely my brother I'm ready to vote this is I'm waiting for you to bring a food in this is working moms I'm not gonna lie to you either nickels just gone down the road to wagamama's and bought some chicken capsu curry and served it to us or he just cooked one of the best katsu Currys I've had in my life there's no in between I'm leaning towards the wacky mamas because I've had wagons loads of times in my life and that tastes like wagons I didn't know he could do this same way he made it so you said well I have made it all myself [Applause] so I'm a bit worried now because Nick is doing too well I might lose this he's doing too I might have to sabotage try to reverses I'm already satisfied my food today there's one more one more course you gotta try this out I was chocolate chocolate bucket hat right Bookoo hat suit which basically means chocolate explosion oh the main seems to have done very well which I am over the moon with I wasn't expecting the rice to get such a great reception um I just think the weight was maybe a little bit too long so maybe I've got some deductions there um all right well it's time for the next fight let's just start with number four step forward sumo wrestler for the second fight [Applause] number two is me [Music] huh there's no way I'm winning that's that so I I don't know why Nico decided to compete with these big guys the moment he stood and was about to fight I realized that Nico is a very frail man next to them if he just sat on Nico he would have I swear he would have died that would have been his life over the most looking Sumo Sumo man I've seen in my life against Nico Nico's my friend I'll be honest um so I'm worried for him now I'm worried for him he is about to fight someone who is I think four times his weight he will lose right now [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] blood clot ribs you can clearly see the fair in the sumo's posture as he faces the Mad Titan Neko Nico is showcasing the well-known highly regarded Sumo technique which 99 of the time works and said this oh foreign fighter and I do think he is going easy on his opponent but it looks like the boys are enjoying every second with round one going to chunks round two shortly follows and Nico decisive speed to his Advantage soon called me come on run behind me but again this doesn't work leaving Nicole to use the Forbidden technique known as running why are you running maneuvering maneuver him yes he then attempts a new method which has never been seen before in sooner history [Applause] nope boy we almost lost nickel but as you can see in this round the boys were loving every single second of watching their friend almost be killed [Applause] but with that Kenny takes round two with round three beginning nickel decides to again run at the man which achieves nothing but Hiroki decides to end Nicholas humiliation and picks up the lanky man chunks and his fighter are through to the finale where Sharky versus chunks will commence okay I don't know why I set myself up in this way I don't know why I do this to myself but that Sumo he smoked me and yeah I did go a little bit easy on him but even then still at one point it looked like uh you know the Scooby-Doo scenes they're chasing each other through doors that's exactly what's going on I don't know why Nico has put himself in a position to fight this guy highlight of the night the best moment of the whole night was Nicole getting absolutely flung around I've enjoyed every second of it and you know what that's what I like about Nikon he goes above and beyond because he wants to make sure that we're happy and entertained [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] yeah so I was just preheated the oven I'm just going to get changed then I'll be back to put the desserts into the oven but I need to get out of this Carla he's getting top top tier points I'm picking up the account like I took two hours while I waited two hours mental health that one's already minus something but then if [Music] add one who's that eleven Jesus yeah actually idiot now the oven is preheated we need to get the desserts out so let's grab these here are the desserts Yuki could you help me is it possible for you to help me clean this doesn't know please clean said it must have worked because I've never seen a man Scrump before with such urgency now the dessert is in the oven I'm going to prepare the plates Yuki please this is our final dance together honestly it's been an honor for this final dance I know you can speak English yeah so we're gonna talk English okay yes you can you kill plates okay okay yes please while Nico and Yuki finished their Journey the rest of the beta Squad were left to entertain themselves all right guys let's uh let's say one word let's see where the story goes okay aliens are very real because they look like me there we go I'm glad they're having fun in the other room while I am here let me just double check this oh my gosh oh my gosh I think it's done oh my gosh it's done thank goodness I checked I don't know you know I don't know I don't know if they're done I feel like I should take them out but then when I grab the thing it wobbles and Cake shouldn't wobble so we're gonna wait here until it doesn't wobble nothing wrong with a bit of wobbly cake nickel I can assure you that now my son my that is a very good Beast he is the house hold and household he's the household one household [Laughter] he's the house the festival he's the house he was going to fall over here's the house owner house owner YouTube owner oh you keep flopping you keep flopping he said household sumos could we please clear the table for my wonderful friends here Nicole stayed out of the kitchen for a minute to let the sumos clear up but forgot about his desserts that we're still cooking I need to check the oven sorry thank you thank you so much all right all right yeah yeah you know what you know what I've done I overdid it oh my gosh I've ruined everything it was perfect you okay you okay okay you know what I'm sure it still tastes nice despite overdoing them Nico carefully plates up his desserts if there's one thing these guys love it's a game I'm gonna say the whole point of these in ancient Japanese tradition I'm just going to walk with these are chocolate fondants they're a UK thing but I'm gonna make up a Japanese tradition to make him think oh oh this is pretty cool all right sumos it's time so the desserts are coming yeah I'm gonna have to tell you guys a story of what chocolate Baku hatsu is so it's an ancient Japanese dessert which they styled off sandcastles what you have to do is you have to turn it upside down if it stays solid you're gonna have an eventful week or something like that and if it actually destroys it means love is coming your way you're gonna have a bad week let's find out [Applause] I'm so gassed that all of them ate up my lie about those desserts now I can just sit down in peace knowing that my cooking days are done I've retired I want to try though this looks very nice so what kind of weekend that looks amazing that's mushy though that's a mess no but that's what it's meant to be it's called a chocolate explosion and we're all having a terrible week if it comes out solid you're going to have struggles it does taste very nice thank you and if it comes out as a messy you're having you'll find it love be honest with me smashed it hard is bad soft is good that is apparently the the case I mean that's it's not what I was um experience you know mine was soft mine spilled so apparently I'm gonna find love so leave a comment below you know if you're looking for love too it was a good dessert could have done it could have been a bit better but you know it was very nice I can't complain it's still the final to go there is two sumo wrestlers who haven't fought so number three please come up here come on number three now there's one thing you guys don't know about number three we actually know him reveal yourself no we don't know [Applause] the UK Sumo Champion Mandy whoa obviously Mandeep won his final how do you think that went Mandy see that I like him just very very nice humble he's a humble guy well Hiroki has been talking smacks all day oh no behind the scenes and one thing you don't know about heroki is he's in John Wick 4. no whoa yeah no way Hollywood Superstar Heroku take the stage ladies and gentlemen we are about to watch the UK Sumo Champion go up against the four times World title sumo wrestler heroki this will be very interesting well as round one begins the boys prepare for a battle come on come on guys come on again like I said I really like watching two grown sweaty men holding and touching each other it's actually quite nice to the eyes oh they are getting really serious about this okay you know what they're okay with round one going to chunks round two shortly follows with one biter really taking this seriously um oh that means I'm breaking oh my gosh for the UK Mandy is for the world series why the hell is he slapped this is meant to be a nice Sumo battle oh we're all friends though in reality Hikari has now decided to kill Mandeep with a slap kikori has lost his mind but he's in John Wick 4. he can do what he wants well with round two going to chunks the third round is about to commence let's hope no holes I put into the wall and as soon as round 3 starts both Fighters charge at each other but halfway through both Fighters decide to take a break but suddenly they get back into it and with chunks winning and a new hole in the wall chunks and haroki win the tournament meaning that chunks wins the prize of meeting the celebrity we just lost our deposit because there's a whole new multiple holes in the walls because our guy right here decided to destroy the other sumo wrestler so after the final Sumo battle everyone thinks that this is going to be over but no I've actually got a big gas coming in you want to know who it is a Dell I've arranged to meet her in the bathroom so it's gonna be it's gonna be pretty sick and I'm gonna bring her out so wait on that in fact let's do it right now right here we have a very special guest who I'm going to bring out very soon Adele please please very nice to meet you down this is Adele and she's going to be performing someone like you to surprise the guys they think only one person is getting a singer front row experience but all of them will feel free to sit on the toilet while I just go and do my thing all right yeah whatever you need to do but I'll call you through I'll say Adele when it will come through okay great okay chunks please come here you've just won Round of Applause for chunks please guys he is one what do you win a VIP experience from a very famous singer front row we've got a singer performance and Amazon oh well almost everyone will be sitting at the front row because we're all winners today yeah [Applause] the whole process to the lighting at the end just wait to see who the singer is first before you bash me okay this Adele then that's what makes sense well I'm glad you said It Adele please come in I know hi Adele hello I'm a big fan she sounds exactly like a girl I heard you singing my song are you gonna join me or am I just going to sing it to you no you sing it to me go girl I heard that you're settled down that you found a girl and yours married now I heard that your dreams came true yes I hate to turn up out of the blue Uninvited but I couldn't stay away I couldn't fight it I hope you'd see my face Catch Me Breath Someone Like You foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] there's nothing like Adele to bring the beta Squad together someone like you is my favorite song in the world and my favorite is Jimmy is eating up have you have you heard of Adele in America uh yeah but I love it and that song is amazing amazing he fixed us a bell Rolling in the Deep that's another one only in the Deep you know oh yeah you like that one I love that Jimmy come here oh are you gonna sing the chorus with me [Applause] go ahead and sell me almost [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I've had to deal with seven years of singing with chunks and hearing him sing but finally I've got a real singer you know finally I mean that was proper good stuff there for a second when I looked sideways and I actually didn't look and I closed my ears I thought I heard Adele thank you so much to my dear friend Adele for coming through on short notice um honestly [Laughter] thank you to the sumos thank you to our lovely masseuses and thank you so much to Jimmy as well thank you thank you can we get pictures of Adele yeah we're gonna get pictures uh [Applause] Timmy now you're feeling yeah [Laughter] I love Jimmy Drew it's my favorite person ever even another was incredible uh generally probably the best night and that will reflect on my scoring waiting times was ridiculous that was mental how long you're waiting there and maybe Nicole actually be with us a bit more because he wasn't really with us which isn't so bad but he is my friend so I wanted to see him a bit more maybe I'm going to give Nicole a nine what do you need from a successful dinner you need good food good entertainment and just a good vibes right I think he's tickle him I give him a pen overall I'm gonna give in my an eight great entertainment great food one point was detected because I had hair on my food and the second point was detected because that was a bit of a wait if that didn't happen it would have been a 10 fair play to Echo he's really surprising I think maybe nickel could have done better with some of the wait times cooking and entertaining at the same time is hard but you know if I'm gonna be a perfectionist you know if I have to pick something I'm nitpicking it is the wait times or a bit long I'm gonna give nickel hold it right there Sharky as Nico is tonight's host it's his job to reveal the winner well it's been a great night very night um very nice very nice great night he said very nice it's been a long Series yeah but it's been great for all of us to really enjoy each other's food yeah or food that was made by others so now all of the votings have been done yeah all we need is the final scores come down with me the handle come down with let's have a look oh my God moment of truth fifth place oh this is a shock with nine points [Music] with nine points it's Sharky well done [Applause] that's mental I can't like [Laughter] nine nine points [Laughter] [Music] two points each average Allah who done you wait wait what would you give us two weeks I gave him a four wait then what happened then wait so I gave him a three wait wait wait two four three that equals nine you must have given him zero [Laughter] fish then do you like that one well the guy that races nuts good guys all right well the difference between fourth and third place is 1.5 points oh my God 1.5 please please please please please fourth place is Kenny with 23 points 23 points I'll give you a good score yeah yeah the food plot for me you did it flopped yeah the entertainment yeah the little yeah yeah this time was Bradley saying I remember he had no stuff what's the show called to be fair I don't know what's the show called hey I'll give you high rate and I'll give him something yeah what's the show called there you go come down with me come munch with me why are you why are you talking your Munch was non-existent and also Kenny there are huge questions on whether you cook the food yourself I cooked everything that you guys ate how are you still holding it bro I don't know all right third place 24.5 points this man I'll take that listen I got it never Cooks I'll take that well what'd you guys give him six I was nice number five I give him six I gave him 7.5 what with me I love effort and I love the hobbits Hobbits wizard I was insane and he tried to cook his food I should have just had a boring oh never mind well you should have some food that was nice there's only two people left myself and chunks so in first place with 36 points me [Applause] and in the same style as today we're all winners so let's all share the money together [Applause] [Music] that's right Sharkey gave nickel a score of nine making Nico the beta Squad come down with me Champion with 36 points I don't know how but somehow these guys enjoyed by food which I wasn't expecting but I'm very happy with it so shout out to um KK kitchens for teaching me not to be confused with KKK alright they're different things if you guys enjoyed this baseball Series please leave a like and comment down below what you thought of it I know what to do to win next time I'm actually cooking without further ado later Trina [Music] please please please please please are you all right oh it's enough it's enough oh
Channel: Beta Squad
Views: 7,367,759
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: come dine with me, come, dine, with, me, beta squad come dine with me, beta squad cooking, beta squad food challenge, beta squad food, youtuber cook off, aj shabeel, chunkz, niko omilana, sharky, kingkennytv
Id: saD70FuCeNg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 18sec (3258 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 26 2023
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